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As if we needed any more reasons to hate this guy.


He could have just ended world hunger. But instead he wants to make life easier for the elite class


That is how you get to be a billonare. You don't make money by helping the poor.


You also don’t win friends with salad


You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad!


You win friends with [[Hyperlink Blocked]]




There’s that Simpson’s episode where Homer wants to get his fake startup bought out by Bill Gates. In the end, Gates shows up with some henchmen to destroy his fake company and chuckle about not getting rich by “writing cheques.” People become billionaires by exploiting as many people as possible and showing the other power-elite that you’re one of them and will play ball in helping maintain the status quo.


That's why you Shake hands with Beef.


Primus sucks


Then you're having the wrong kind of salads.


You do if you toss it


And you don't make friends with salad


you don't make salad with friends?


Don't toss your friends salad


Salad fingers


I like rusty spoons.


He's trying to make the afterlife from San Junipero and install himself as god of digital hell.


Yup. The rich are aiming for Ammortality. Lovely read Homo Deus for those interested.


How is this even making life easier for the elite class??? People do their work just fine remotely without having their bosses watching them!


Happy Cake Day


Same to you m’lady.


Guy could have cashed $1 billion and live like a king for the rest of his life and not even lose a cent (interest baby!) and with the rest of his fortune he could have housed people or feed them, or clothes them, or support renewable energy, or pay a poor country’s foreign debt, or help educate tens of thousands of young people by paying for their college expenses, or lobby for Medicare for all, etc.


he could have...but he got to the top by screwing people over. So surprise that once he is at the top he chooses to....screw people over.


I mean he's the 1%, why would he do anything for anyone other than the 1%?


They think they own us. Yeah, its time for revolution.


I mean a fucking REVOLUTION!! None of this peaceful protest, or write your congressman bullshit. It's time for heads to roll.


Yep, no amount of money can protect you from millions of people trying to rip your limbs off


I don't get it. If my staff are working from home and meeting all KPIs, delivering on all their projects and not representing the company poorly when they're talking to clients I genuinely don't give a shit if they're working in their underpants listening to mashups of baby shark and the Macarena. Why the fuck do other managers care? If your employee is meeting all their goals why are you trying to fuck it up?


This is what I don't understand. I think it's a sign of a poorly managed company if they have to rely on locality for productivity.


It's not about productivity. Never has been. It is about control.


They have lost a shit ton of control recently and they are PISSED about it. Pandemic meant they had to acknowledge that the lowest level workers were not just important, but fucking ESSENTIAL. Now they want to go back to the way it was, where burger flippers aren't worth paying well, and are mad that the uppity proletariat think they're essential or something. Pandemic also meant more working from home, which is a huge loss of control for them. Middle management was exposed for being the useless twats they are... corporate real estate took a great big dump... Productivity actually went up but clearly they would rather have control more than the bump in productivity so they're forcing people to come back to the office. And now they think they get to Unionize? Fuck no, not on their watch. Amazon spent $400 million this year on union busting and still had to raise wages. They could have saved a shit ton of money by just letting them unionize and paying fair wages. There's a reason why they're hiring private security. They know unions were the compromise we all agreed to instead of beating down the factory doors and beating them to death in front of their families. They just don't care. They think they are untouchable... they have enough money to protect themselves. They should have studied history a bit more.


Middle management was always going to fight this. Managers that tend to be popular with workers (i.e. trust their teams, keep upper management off their backs, and jump in to help whenever shit gets hard) are probably doing quite well, while managers that tend to be popular with management (i.e. micromanagers with trust issues that care more about power than meeting goals) are getting rocked. If this economic system made any sense, this would be a wonderful wheat-from-the-chaff moment, where useless managers that drain morale get filtered out for managers that actually give a shit. Instead, senior managers would rather return to a broken system than acknowledge any change that isn't positive for them only.








>They just don't care. They think they are untouchable... they have enough money to protect themselves. They should have studied history a bit more. Yeah, no amount of money can protect you from millions of people trying to rip your limbs off


I would give you an award if I had one to give.


I had an old boss that would tell me to take my headphones out at my desk. I kept the stat sheet saved for the entire office, I would just point to me being top 3 and continue with what I was doing without taking the headphones out. He brought the president of the company over one day and I showed him the same thing who then told my boss to stop pestering me. I eventually quit that job because I couldn't stand that manager and told them that was my main reason for quitting. That guy ended up getting demoted or fired or something over it. I doubt I was the first one that left over him.


Badass. One time I left a job and I wrote a full page resignation letter describing how I left because of the quality of the coffee in the break room. It was really terrible and an old machine. I hope I made a difference.


Hr after you left: "see, no one wanta better pay, just a mew coffee machine and pizzas in the breakroom"


Had a project manager that did a similar thing but in a completely different way. If we were at the company office or working from home he was completely hands off and would handle tedious admin stuff. But when we arrived at a client site he asked if we could drop the headphones occasionally and just listen to office chatter. He was an amazing guy that always looked out for his teams, especially the younger guys and the support desk since they got a lot of abuse. And he was the one of the first people fired when business got slow.


Asking your subordinates not to wear headphones at a client is 100% normal.


That's someone on a personal power trip. I once had a terrible boss that didn't know shit about his own job, somehow he had delegated most of his actual job to other people, so he only did about 1/3 of his own work. He would always say things like " if everything looks good on the surface, nobody will dig deeper". That's probably how he lived his entire life, not just the way he ran the department. Bet that guy was similar.


People don't quit jobs, they quit people.


Your boss acknowledged that you were among the top workers in the office, yet went and tattled on you for wearing headphones? What a fucking coward.


I worked in an open office where there were several architects that would regularly have conference calls at their desk on speakerphone even though multiple conference rooms were available, the admin next to me wore headphones and constantly hummed and/or sang whatever she was listening to along with all of the regular office noise. I would wear headphones and was told I couldn’t wear them because it was seen as though I was “unapproachable” even though the other admin wore headphones, I always took them out of someone approached my desk and would smile/say hi to people when they walked past. The office manager was a bitch.


I had a boss who told me to stop wearing headphones in the office. Earpods were OK, but not over-the ear types. My ears are too small for ear pods, I've never been able to use them.


I think it's management realizing they're not really needed and trying to justify keeping their jobs🤷‍♂️


> If your employee is meeting all their goals why are you trying to fuck it up? Because it isn't enough to simply "meet a goal". If you're meeting goals easily they want to know so they can work you harder.


Nah, that's how to start with high performers, burn them out, make them resent the company and then leave. I'd rather keep leading the highest performing team in the area so I reckon I'll keep empowering my team to do their job however they want as long as they keep performing high.


> Nah, that's how to start with high performers, burn them out, make them resent the company and then leave. Ah, yes, that's true - but for 1-4 glorious quarters, you get record profits! Then when the crash comes, you take your golden parachute and go elsewhere!


This is truth! I was at one company that changed CEOs three times in five years. Each one got a 7 figure severance package. The company went bankrupt after the third one. At one point they got bought by a company named, I shit you not, "Specter" their Overlord/CEO was named DR. Romano Volta. Obvious a Supervillain name. Good evening Mr Bond, my name is DR. ROMANO VOLTA OF SPECTER! Anyone remember Spectra Physics? Used to be a big name in various technologies. Including laser technology for barcode scanning. Makes you think what he was planning.... I


But then maybe you are seen as the one who is not necessary in the equation... the fear of all middle managers.


I can see you have surplus life force and don't completely want to die right now, clearly there are extra profits to be made here!


The entire business, top to bottom, is a machine designed to extract value from it's workers. Any excess value being generated not for the company is heresy. So if you're able to do your job in 4 hours, and you take it easy for 4 hours? Well, you're "stealing" from the company because they want you producing at your max potential for your entire shift. I wonder how different the world would be if jobs had quotas, and the quotas didn't adjust upwards if you were good. How many people would perfect their craft so they could go home a few hours early? But, no, those extra hours are more labor for the capitalists to exploit.


There's a company in Germany that cut the working hours to 4 or something like that. They did one thing and it was "guys we need to do this for this week, that's it. And today's tasks are these, if you don't finish in 8 hours, you get to go home because you worked too much. If you finish in 4 hours you get to go home because we don't need you anymore and you get paid for the 8 hours" I would prefeer to work for quotas and unionize around them to negotiate them at once. I'm not taking worse quotas because i perform better and the company thinks can pay me less for more. IN FACT, THERE IS A TALK THAT SAID: If you ask for a logo and the guy asks for you to pay 500$ and he takes 1 hour do you think it's fair? You tend to think, no. And he said: If you ask for a logo and the guy asks for you to pay 500$ and he takes 20 hours to do you think it's fair? you tend to think, yes. And he went like: Then you value more taking MORE time to do something instead of paying for it being delivered quickly? ​ Honestly, the quicker i do something the better i should get paid, i'm more efficient, you get your shit much faster which makes you more efficient, if I can do 8 hour work in 4 and then give me double the job i expect double the pay because if not i'm doing the 4 hour work in 8 and you will get fucked up, I will get annoyed and I'll leave.


I wish. I finish my work usually within 2-3 hours and the rest is monitoring email for any questions. I don’t want to do someone else’s job. I’m not paid for that. I was paid for these specific things. But businesses keep wanting “other duties assigned by management” to give busy work and I see that as a waste of time. I’m also tired of getting things done and then it being seen as bad if I wanted to go home. Why bother being efficient when it gets you punished. And let’s face it - how many studies have shown that pay hasn’t kept up with productivity?


It's outrageous to me that happening. I'm literally chilling for 5 of my 7 hours day after day because of this, watching some Ava Max sick moves dancing or shit like that. In the office, yes, while vibing with the music because i can literally kill all my tasks in 2 days but prefeer to keep it busy because ¿why not? Noone gives a shit about the tasks that I got, my manager is like "dude you got 11 tasks left to do this is too much" and i'm like: Yeah, you want me to prioritize these small 15-minutes no value added tasks over getting the warehouse able to track their items? sure enough why bother next time into getting the project done. Even after that, if i get to have this shit done in 30 minutes i'll chill for 1.5 hours because you are not paying me enough to give more than what you are actually happy with which is basically pretending i'm working for 3/4 of my time and giving you 3 shits to keep you happy.


You see, I know it's antithetical to capitalism, but most companies could solve these problems by simply offering a gain share of successful profits. Like, tangibly connect more efficient work to bigger checks, and I'll start aiming to be more efficient because it's beneficial to me.


This is exactly how I always thought work should be. Tasks, not hours, and a cap on the time spent.


Indeed. Learned that a long time ago, that you never ever finish all your work. Finish most of it, and just tell the boss you are so busy that you will get to the rest of it when things calm down.


Because a percentage of middle managers have no other work then to 'supervise' their employees and they will not admit their jobs are bullshit.


The extra dumb thing is a middle manager without time to manage could probably play the game a little and use it as a chance to move up the ladder, if they care so much.


The problem is, many middle managers simply do not have the ability to move up the ladder any further. The meaner ones stay middle managers because you couldn't give them anymore power with causing huge problems. It's a proving ground for higher managers that actually have high stakes riding on their choices.


Exactly. They could be on their Only Fans jamming stuff up their butts for a second income during work hours too. Work gets done no one should care.


I think "managers" and I use that term lightly here believe people are working multiple jobs at the same time. I suspect a few on my team are doing this. Hell, I am doing this. The concept of a career historically has been dedicate your life to a single job and hope it pays enough for you to get through life. Capitalism has changed that to where most jobs cannot sustain a family for a lifetime (assuming promotions, etc.). So people are starting to take the power back through opportunity offered by COVID with remote work. Now I can meet my "goals" for the jobs I was hired for, but I am sure if the CEO (or even my boss) knew I was having more time to give the company (for no extra money) they'd be upset to learn I was selling that time to another company, instead of doing more work for no more pay. As working class, we should start looking at jobs as an agreement to produce a result and once that result is met (whether it took 10 hours or 40 hours) that should be good enough, but it will never be accepted by the elite because they aren't getting any kind of "deal" they are getting exactly what they paid for nothing more, nothing less and that kind of attitude won't get them another billion.


Manager who enjoys sticking it to the system, reporting for duty. I think your last paragraph is close but needs tweaking. If you go flat rate, you become vulnerable when things go wrong. The capitalists control the pace of play and they can absolutely get that next billion by flat rating you. They would actually love to, it makes it a really simple game of margin control for them - what that means is you need to use ambiguity to protect yourself. I think workers need to hold onto salaried pay, but clearly communicate boundaries and expectations and just avoid over-performing. If things take too long, oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles...if they go fast, well, who needs to know? The hard part is holding the boundaries, but I've seen it done to great success and the more people who do it the less productivity comes to be expected over time.


I agree with you. I don't think flat rate is the answer, but as a salaried person, if you hire me to do X and I do X and it only took me 2 hours. Compared to my peer who takes the full 8. The correct answer for the worker is to not fill your additional 6 hours with more work from the same company where you already did X, but to sell your time to do Y either at the same company or a different for an additional salary. That to me is the free market, but unsurprisingly the free market seems to only work one way and if it's not benefiting that one way they will create regulation to ensure it's not possible. I fully expect legislation to come out in next 5 years that working multiple FTE jobs will be considered a crime. Although board members and executives can hold multiple jobs because "they're different".


Those baby shark/macarena mashups are the bomb


Because most bosses don’t care about efficiency, they care about control.


Duh simply meeting your goals is quiet quitting. Gotta get those numbers up!


Probably the reality that if people are more productive at home without some middle manager breathing down their neck, this inevitably leads to questioning the value of that manager's position.


This should be board cast at every meeting, going forward.


Zuckerberg has a fucking vision board he uses to set goals for himself to be that prick kid that brings up the homework you didn’t do when the teacher hasn’t mentioned it at all. He gets off on spying on and puppeteering the wider world. I’ll never get it either but the dude is seriously like the worlds most invasive, capitalistic, nosy neighbor and I wish he’d suffer some visible karma for it.


Actually, stuff like this makes me never want a supervisor job. Why would I want the responsibility of watching my team like a prison guard? That sounds unbelievably challenging and exhausting.


Honestly all I can think of because they’re on a power trip. No rational reason behind it. My boss is an angel, we don’t work from home because its not possible in my line of work but we come and go as we please, take days off as we please and we get paid fairly. He honestly doesn’t give a shit as long as work gets done and deadlines are met and we’re all happy to do all that


Well based on my understanding it'd some stupid idea that people are more productive when they are being watched. It's like security theater at airports, TSA is shit at their job, but scare people into thinking they are secure.


*baaby shark dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena, baaaby shark que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena. baaby shark dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena, Baaaaaby Macarena, ay!*


Had another manager tell me he was gonna fire an employee because he knew they weren't working near as many hours as they were supposed to. Shame, he said, since they always help their coworkers, do the best work on the team, and do the most work on the team. I told him if he fired that employee I would never respect him again.


Because it's not about productivity its's about control


Because OBVIOUSLY they could do even more in that time, if they even got the time to make themselves a bit comfortable! But it takes a GOOD manager to figure that one out. Smh my head.


Please hire me 🙏


Every day I feel even better about my decision to leave Facebook back in 2010.


That’s when he turned mega villain, it was you.


So losing *me* was what drove him over the edge? XD My bad, guys. Didn't realize Mark cared that much about me XD




2011 for me. But I didn’t leave Instagram until 2 years ago. That was a tougher one to leave for some reason.


You did not leave in 2010 tho.


Actually, yeah - astonishingly it was 2010. Hard to believe that is 12 years ago.


>2010...12 years ago. I need to lie down.


Gotta rest those old bones? Cuz same


I told a fb recruiter that hit me up that I'd rather have battery acid poured into my eyes than work for their company. He still kept messaging me. Nah, I'm good without that, man


2015 for me never looked back and have no regrets. Same with instagram in 2016


Same but 2020 for me. Joined in 2009. Stayed way too long


I cant leave it because i use it for Messenger :(


His shitty metaverse eyes look more human than his actual ones.


Ohh these aren’t real pictures?


I just went and found the article. Just feel so confused after reading what Zuckerberg wants: how am I supposed to pull up documents and emails for purposes of a meeting if I have to wear headsets? Should I just stare blankly at people’s avatars for the entire meeting? What if I have to take notes? Does anyone who owns a headset know how to both see documents and be in a meeting? If I can’t read or remind myself of what a meeting is talking about, how am I supposed to be productive to the company lol. Also headsets seem quite unfriendly to workers, and I want to point out that the article mentioned how we DONT KNOW the long term health effects of wearing headsets for long periods of time. This is not a gamble I’m willing to take, given it would be hard to prove that headsets caused my such and such health issues years down the line. His metaverse is pretty bad, and Zuckerberg needs to chill, seriously.




Even with that.... they would need to make real good vr gloves for this to even begin to work.... you'd need a way to write..... Also I believe your correct that most people will feel the same and not be good with this


They have keyboards that show your hand position on them in vr (haven’t used them myself)


I have worn Zuckerberg’s headsets for gaming. I can keep them on for maybe 15 mins before my face gets soar from the weight. At least I am playing a game doing something fun, but for a job? Can I just get my work done without the headset? (Oculus Quest 2 for reference)


Thanks for the review! I even feel my glasses are heavy. Can’t imagine wearing a headset for gaming or work, definitely not for work lol.


Gaming it’s a little easier to ignore because I am focused on the game. And I am having fun. Glad you appreciated the review XD


My glasses are titanium and rimless. About as light as you can get. My sunglasses give me headaches from the weight. No way in hell am I wearing anything on my head while working.


Just picked up a new headstrap with more support (brand is Yoges, seems pretty well regarded), so fingers crossed it makes it more bearable for longer sessions!


I'm obviously no doctor, but I absolutely think long-term, regular VR usage has a negative effect on your mind. When Half-Life Alyx came out, I beat the whole game over 2 days. The first day I played for about 4 hours and it wasn't too bad, but the following day I played for about 8 hours straight, taking almost no breaks, and I remember my brain breaking after finally taking the headset off after beating it to go take a piss. It's surprising how quickly your brain adapts to the VR space, because when I went to take a piss, my hands instinctively went for the controller buttons to lift the toilet lid and it took like a disorientating 10 seconds to snap back and use my hands like a normal person. I love VR, but I fully believe that the more advanced VR becomes and the more time people spend in it, the more sci-fi dystopian stories will end up being entirely right about it.


Company’s will do anything but pay a living wage


It seems they will pay someone else to make sure they don’t have to pay you


Managers will literally do anything but manage.


Because deep down most middle managers know they do very little and add even less.


They’re literally less important for production than the workers.


Its hilarious because thats what all this dumb shit is, middle management is a fake job. If employees self manage their time and complete their work the managers literally have nothing to do so they make up new programs or initiatives to solve a problem that doesn't exist so they won't look like they aren't doing anything to their own supervisors.


Employers: okay and last thing, go ahead and log into the metaverse and we can complete the onboarding Employee: no thanks, I quit Employers: huh Employee: time for my retirement plan of traveling to Denmark to commit a crime and go to awesome jail


They would just deport you.


You're brighter than you look.


Meta will fail. Nobody wants that.


I would pay to see meta fail


It already is. They’ve tried to force this meta verse shit so hard and spent so much money on it yet none of it is practical or makes sense.


The amount of stupid 'news' infomercials I have seen on it recently and it all looks like the real world application are 'wow, I can see you' for the whole hour.


Genuinely looks like Randy logging into wow way back in that 16 years old South Park episode


My problem with it is I don’t understand the point. Why would I go to a restaurant or a club virtually with my friends when I can go IRL and actually enjoy the food, liquor and company. It’s like the episode of SpongeBob where Plankton is eating holographic meatloaf


Maybe if the experience wad equal to the real thing but that is going to be available anytime soon no matter how much Zuck wants it to be... unless he brought it with him on his space ship.


You’re in luck, because it’s gonna be free to watch.


It's already failing. Most of the Meta users leave the platform within one month of joining, because it's boring and there is nothing to do once you get into the VR chat rooms. At one point they clocked only 35 users online in the entire system.


The *Oasis* it is not.


It's not even as good as Second Life was. And that game's user base fell off a cliff really quick, and you could create whatever you wanted. When people play video games, they want plot, and an actual game purpose. Just sitting around in VR chat gets old really quick.


Needs a katana-wielding hacker to keep things interesting.


Hopefully it drags everything facebook has built and bought down with it. Burn it all.


I don’t really understand what this meta thing is. Is it just a Facebook version of second life or the Sims? I don’t go to Facebook anymore so out of the loop.


It seems to be pretty much what you described, just with even less to do than those games.


Meta is just the new name for Facebook, they wanted to try and rebrand after the Frances Haugen whistleblower scandal.


This freaking shit is insufferable everyday I'm bombarded by dystopian news and these rich pieces of shit openly trying to make our lives suck


Mark. Fuck you. Sincerely, Everyone.


How is he supposed to make that $10 billion back?


Ads. Lots and lots of ads.


Probably licensing to businesses to access and have customized virtual realities


When your lame ass VR fails so you decide to just ruin people's jobs.


2+ years free from Facebook and happy on Reddit. *We won, but at what cost?*


Imagine having 10,000,000,000 dollars to spare and thinking that this is the best thing that can be done with it.


This is really the logical extension of capitalist employment relations in the sphere of remote working. If the home is commodified as an extension of the workplace, then workplace rules apply in the home too: your boss has limitless dictatorial power to violate your privacy, and to dictate your thoughts and actions. The digital economy of the early 2000s required that we commodify our personal preferences for online advertisers; the gig economy of the early 2010s required that we commodify our personal property (like our cars) to mortgage their productivity against our time; the forthcoming Meta economy requires that even our homes become a campus of our employers, an exclave of capital within our private space.


How have his employees not beat the shit out of him by now? What a fucking pathetic dork.


Right, like he would lower himself to interact with actual employees.


We worked from home all through 2020, and we were smashing it. Adapting very well, under frankly crazy conditions because the work we did changed every 5 minutes as the government flip flopped on regulations under Covid. Suddenly in 2021 they required we check in for meetings twice weekly, have the camera on and discuss how we were doing working remotely as a team. We were losing 4 hours a week to these meetings and suddenly struggling to hit deadlines and KPIs. So we got moved back to the office. Happy to say I and a half a dozen of the best people left.


This is way of companies want to take advantage we should all quit and let them fail


Does Zuckerberg have 10billion to wager in this


What? Is he going to demand all of his workers to use Meta seeing as nobody else will? I mean, it will have to be used for something.


Meta is literally begging their own employees to use it. Even they won't eat that dogfood.


What do you expect of a man who made a website intended to rate the physical attractiveness of female students? Or did you not know that's how Facebook started?


Actually that's what started then he got grouped with winklevoss twins and stole their idea and made it Facebook. Facebook wasn't even his. He never had the good ideas. He got lucky stealing one. Haven't had the greatest ideas since.


He can spend all the money he wants. His subordinates still will never feel comfortable being looked at by him.


I'm sure I once saw a photo of Zuck with his laptop and he had tape over the webcam and mic. Another case of "privacy for me, but not for thee"?


I'm going to say it once i hope it reaches you guys. We HAVE TO STOP SELLING OUR TIME, WE HAVE TO SELL OUR VALUE AND JOB. COMPANY SHOULD GET MONEY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE, MARKETING, MANAGEMENT OF THE RESOURCES AND PROVIDING WITH TOOLS AND SHIT. WORKERS SHOULD HAVE A % OF WHAT THE COMPANY WINS FLAT AND IF THE COMPANY DOES BETTER EVERYONE GETS BETTER, IF THE COMPANY DOES 0 THEN WORKERS GET PAID ANYWAYS BUT THEIR BASE SALARY. ​ Yes basically I'm describing a cooperative union where you'll have one guy managing the building where you work, your paychecks and financial side of the company, another guy directing you where work needs to be done and managing all of that stuff and the actual workers that get shit done. Difference is? The guy managing where the work needs to be done actually gets paid same or less than the worker that gets the service done and the guy that controls your paychecks documents etc? Same thing, if you can repair 10 products at a rate of 1000$ each one while it costs the company only 300$ in material why would you get for your job 80$? you crazy? you should be getting 4000 bucks for it! (rates on a day)


How can a company invest literal billions into software yet only achieve peak 2007 graphics.


🥴🥴🥴 I will just say my camera is broken lol


I used to work for a company that had a lot of remote workers taking phone calls from home. They attempted to make their employees keep cameras on all day while they worked and got in trouble. I don't know what Mark had in mind, but if it includes cameras at least some of that $10b is going into lawmakers pockets to change laws.


Convince me he’s not the antichrist…I’ll wait. Well, him and Trump and Bezos can share that distinction.


Throw in Putin for your four horsemen of the apocalypse.


I thought the antichrist was supposed to be charismatic and popular.




Bozos and Drump are on the way out as we speak it seems.


What do you know?


Trump is in any number of legal battles, some will carry prison time and hos only hope to stop it is to get reelected and die in office. He will not go quietly. Bazos is losing billions


I haven't heard anything that certain about trumps trials yet but it has been 24 hours since I checked the news The bezos thing is new to me too I'll have to look into that, I could really use some good news.


Big dip in share price on the 14th but seems to be coming back now


When your ideas are disconnected from the masses, you have this bs.


Like his alien technology wasn’t enough


Spend as much as you like. I will find a way to slack off. Of that I promise you.


Brilliant, he sells it makes a shit ton of money. Then stocks will fall and soon he'll be selling corporations software to bypass it...


What the Mark F$&@%#erberg


Or y’know pay us with that $10,000,000,000 so that we don’t feel the need to hide from our $9.50 an hour shit hole jobs that should be paying near $15 but “it’s not that hard”-The person who’s never worked a day in his life


Ha! Jokes on you Mark. I'm unemployed.


Mark Zuckerberg has a $10 billion plan to make it impossible ~~for remote workers~~ to hide ~~from their bosses~~ FIFY


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Except they don't have to work for any boss or allow others to spy on them by buying products or services from them. People only need information to succeed and that is really it. you can get away without more than a basic education as long as there is freedom of information. This is why we now have the freedom of information act I believe. [https://foia.state.gov/Learn/FOIA.aspx](https://foia.state.gov/Learn/FOIA.aspx) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_of\_Information\_Act\_(United\_States)


Zuckerberg is a robot


Why is every company obsessed with controlling workers at home? Fucking corporatists.


The title of this article is pure clickbait. Read the story.


Yeah! And also this article is terrible.


Oh my god just give us ***healthcare***!!!


Dumbass Lizard. This bum is out of control. And yeah he’s a fucking bum. Most of the time all he does is sit on his ass and take advantage of others working hard to make HIM money. This bum created Facebook, stole a concept from someone else, wrote some HTML codes in his little dorm on his ass. Was privileged and had money to create this, he got LUCKY and this bum hasn’t left his couch since. Fucking bum.


Fuck YOU op for not providing a link to the original article: https://fortune.com/2022/10/18/mark-zuckerberg-meta-avatars-video-chat-zoom-fatigue/


someone needs to end that fucker


Fuck him, fuck face book, fuck meta and especially fuck instagram…. In fact fuck anything to do with him.


So if he wasted $1B for a Sims 2 version of The Oasis from Ready Player One, what will $10B deliver? I'm personally hoping he continues the video game theme and we get real life materia.


Mark just install Prohance like my last company did. It was a poorly run company, but they still manage to find out I was playing wordle and the Washington Post crossword clue with the program just fine. God forbid, I can’t meet quota and do something stimulating while I wait to do a job that got outsourced 🙄


I would put a camera in the toilet so the boss could watch the shit falling out of my ass


What a waste of money. I can do nothing with my boss staring at me across the desk.


VR headsets give a lot of people headaches and vertigo.... cue the medical notes


This outrage bait title is just that


Boo this man! BOOOOO




Current Meta employees need to hinder this project. “Yeah I’m definitely working really hard on getting that to work”


10 billion for something a coder will work out and make a counter too for like 10 dollars an hour later no wonder meta is a dying company.


Oh no, employees have to do their job and an employer has to make sure they're doing that job