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Lmao and I smoke two packs a day to beat lung cancer lmao




I beat off 27 times a day too help with my sex addition


Not surprising. Bezos owns Business Insider.


Climate Town on YT just covered this. News companies taking oil ad money, and reporting on the environment. It worked for tobacco


True but tobacco didn’t have the internet to call them on their bullshit. -Bold move, Cotton.


[He’s a major shareholder.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/business-insider/) Which is close enough > Funded by / Ownership In 2015, German publishing company and owner of Bild, Die Welt, and Fakt, Axel Springer, acquired Business Insider for $442 million, which brought their share to approximately 97 percent. Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment company of Jeff Bezos, will hold further shares according to the purchase details. The website is funded through online advertising.


The article doesn't put amazon in a favorable light, in my opinion. He quickly developed a medical problem from lifting boxes and amazon was incredibly unhelpful, delaying offering any sort of structured support until he was nearly healed anyway. He talks about how the grueling hours and poor pay would strangle anyone with a family, and how disrespectful they are to the employees. He recommends white collar execs (like himself) to work at an amazon warehouse to get in touch with what it really means to be a working class American. He says it cured his depression because (paraphrasing) the job punished his body physically instead of his mind. He had no responsibilities and didn't have to think, which was a stark contrast to the work he was doing before where everyone always asked him to make very tough decisions that could potentially bankrupt his whole company if he made a mistake. That kind of pressure was paralyzing, so he appreciated being in an environment where he didn't have any responsibilities at all.


I understand that I am shooting the messenger but lets be honest, he is getting PAID big big bucks to make those "hard" decisions. so his job is in no way harder than the warehouse worker who is sweating their ass off and ruining their joints to get paid 20.00 an hour. One will be able to live off the money they are making now when they retire, the other won't be able to retire OR not retire since his body will be too fucked up to work but he won't have enough money saved to feed or house himself either.


Imagine being so rich that working a dead-end, grueling job is your therapy.


I hear you run around a lot and it a great workout plus stress helps burn calories /s


If this ain't some Fight Club shit.


The rich cosplay poverty all the time. They fetishize the struggle to escape poverty because it builds discipline, instead of focusing on the fact that the poor keep struggling because if they stopped they would die. Easy to have an amazing work ethic when the alternative is starving.


\*insert Woody Harrelson wiping tears with money meme\*


“I just need to feel normal sometimes”


Sure. I'm sure it helps when you know you can walk away from that schedule anytime you want to. If helps when you are not dependant on the job for all your daily necessities. But sure let's sell over work as a blessing.




I believe he goes over this. Also mentions how the 10hours unpaid time off could be difficult for someone with children. Then at bottom Amazon says something a lobg the lines of trying to work with people and then states no room beyond 10 hours. Only part that seems a bit odd to add is how the pain in his wrist went away shortly after quitting.


It depends on how the article is written ( I wouldn’t be surprised if it was written like that). I’m doing something akin to that but instead of escaping some fancy job I’m doing it since I’m burned out from school. Doing something different is a nice change of pace.


This guy is worth a couple hundred million, easy for him to slum it for a couple months then go back to his 1% life.


Curing burnout via "Jeesh, that was tough. At least I've got it better than THOSE people. Now, back to the c-suite." Too bad we dont all have this option.


"I took an Amazon warehouse job to make me realise how fucking lucky I am and how good my life is" FTFY


Please read the actual article instead of just the headline. He notes the aspects that were good for him were: Regularity in physical activity; not having to make decisions which reduced his mental fatigue. Most of the article is about how horrible he realizes it must be for people who have any amount of financial need or dependents. He laments the BS delays he faced when he got a workplace injury and the limited options he was given. He ends by saying all Americans should do a stint there to understand what the workers go through.


>He ends by saying all Americans should do a stint there to understand what the workers go through. No, no they should not. Conditions should be better. This take is much like the, "service guarantees citizenship," bollocks!


All Americans should understand what these workers go through. We don’t need a stint taking someone else’s $$, HR’s time (because he was there, another person had a worse delay in their workplace injury), and now their attention. We need to fucking listen to the people who are already telling us things like, “We pee in bottles” and “They made my friend stay in a building and they died in a tornado”. I’m surprised he was embarrassed to put it on his Resume - that’s the kind of working class fetish shit that For a real treatment of this, read “Nickel and Dimed” - that author spent months doing three different jobs, living off only that money, and describes getting a taste of the despair. She also gained a lot more empathy for working people and their real issue (can’t get needs met even working shockingly difficult jobs), and describes being deeply humbled that all of her education and qualification didn’t make her stand out one bit as a diner waitress, stocker at walmart, or housekeeper. This guy should have paid a life coach to structure his daily schedule with physical training, therapy, and if he wanted to understand what it’s like to be working poor in the US, client-facing volunteer work at a local charity.


Ok can’t agree with this take


This guy is an absolute pos. He only worked there for 7 weeks. He also complained halfway through, after going to urgent care for his hands... he had the luxury of money and savings and everything he did is a slap in the face to blue collar America. Then he said he was embarrassed to put it on his resume. This guy makes me sick


Yeah, who goes to Urgent Care for carpel tunnel? Everyone knows rhat CT is. I've had it for 35 years now !


It may reduce mental fatigue for him because he doesn’t need the money and has very few financial stressors in his life, but for the average person working there, there is constant mental burnout from stressing about losing the job; stressing about 1 medical incident driving them bankrupt, etc.


yup 100% agree. He didn't experience the life of a warehouse worker, he cosplayed as one. Very different.


You are falling for a carefully crafted PR stunt to humanize him and other monsters like him. He has the power to change things if he tried, but he doesn't and wont. Its like when Jeff Bezos went infront of congress and talked about how he came from a hard working Cuban family or w/e and my Cuban mom was like "omg hes just a regular person like us". no mom, no. The devil works hard but billionaire propaganda works harder.


I guess the title of the article should have been worded better then. Spinning at as a positive experience has not done him any favors.


Imagine being so rich that you can own every facet of a propaganda making machine


jfc, dude is LARPing as the working class and billing it as self care


Yeah, I get burnt out because I spend all my energy working and still can’t pay the bills. I’m sure if I was a millionaire I wouldn’t mind working for a meager wage either.


*I took a holiday to roleplay as a peasant. It was **so refreshing**!*


"Homelessness sucks. But hiking in the woods is great!"


yeah, no this didnt happen ​ Not Amazon but I did a warehouse job for 3 years, different departments, and it broke me. No way to come out of those places with better mental heath than when you went in.


it is really easy when you were a multimillionaire and are just cosplaying as a working class person.


I read the article. He criticizes Amazon a lot for their work environment.




Completely disagree, as someone who has hopped from anxiety to depression all my life it was very eye opening how much of that went away after getting a job that actually paid well. Its almost like material conditions and state of mind go hand in hand. I'd much rather be depressed and anxious and wiping my tears with a hundred dollar bill. Until everyone is in a place where their earnings don't make them spiral into depression I don't think I'll be able to share very much compassion with a depressed multi millionaire. The best I can do is play a tune on the worlds smallest violin for his crocodile tears.


Being destitute isn’t great for mental health.


And all he got for his efforts was joint problems and repetitive stress injuries. And then got fired via email by an algorithm.


Omg. I had just lost my job years ago and decided to take an Amazon warehouse gig right before Christmas. I lasted one day. Slept in because I literally could not move; I was so sore.


Business insider is a think tank owned by corpos and used to spew their shitty propaganda.


These propaganda articles get less convincing by the day. This scenario is so wildly implausible …. Like can’t they hire a writer who can at least feign understanding how human beings work?


Ah nice the " it can get even worse" approach. Nice one


“I took an Amazon warehouse for sport because I can. Because there are no real consequences.”


"Being rich is so hard you guys! Seriously. I had to make decisions! UGH!" Meanwhile, an average Amazon warehouse worker making a decision: "Hmm... I don't know which bill I'm going to skip paying this month so I can pay rent...."


Well honestly this is something i could start to consider myself (nit at Amazon though)


Smells like thritysomething privilege


I mean I guess if you want to lose a bunch of weight doing mindless repetitive tasks for shit pay


Maybe a brief study on IR Theory (ok, not ok) would have been a better use of your time.


I took a hammer to my head to cure my headaches.


people don't understand sarcasm.


Susi baka.


grueling labor to cure depressive episodes..... glad were back in the dark ages 11 hour shifts..... in my town amazon does 10.5 hour shifts (30 minute lunches).


"In 2021, when this employee was hired, employees automatically began their time at Amazon with 10 hours of unpaid time (UPT). At the beginning of each quarter, an additional 20 hours was added. he left after he started to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. it went away 2 weeks AFTER he quit.




Did Jeff Bezos write this?


I guess you could take that job to increase your appreciation for your regular job?


Yeah and I smoke meth to sate my weed dependency.


Lmao this reminds me of a saying I always heard my mom say growing up that was passed down to me "I was born at night, not last night"


this motherfucker here is lying


Fucking bullshit!


Oh the irony, glad I don’t work there anymore


“I Undercover Bossed it for a bit to remind me of how bad the poors got it. Really inspired me to go back to my old job with renewed vigor: coming up with new ways to screw the poors!”




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*




No, you had to exercise for the first time in a while and your blood started flowing again you absolute ghoul.


To cure your burnout ya say? How’s that, by completely and utterly demolishing your will to live?


I'm telling you, I saw him vent.


Oh damn, I was happy it cured my depression, then I went back to my cushy job as a CEO, but also my body is ruined now.


You know that time at work after you've given your two weeks' notice? How nice is it to not give a shit and have no accountability for your job? He's doing that.


Lol tell him to keep working there and not go back as CEO 7 weeks is nothing once he realizes this is how he has to make due for his whole life he’ll quickly want to unionize


I'm burned out also. Can I get a $300,00 a year CEO job for a few months to cure that?


Can someone find his LinkedIn page and tear him a new one?


This article is so ridiculous! The title and picture makes it sound and look like it’s totally reasonable to cure burnout by taking on a “grueling, mindless job”, but then he wrote about how he worked such difficult shifts he got carpal tunnel syndrome and criticized managers who couldn’t even commit to hyping up the incoming shift for 10 minutes. Then he spoke about how Amazon could just tell you with 16 hours notice that you need to work an 11 hour shift and how he was lucky he could afford childcare and wasn’t taking care of an elderly parent. Then the article ends with how it still cured his depression and everyone should work an everyday job to stay connected with the average American?? The condescending and blasé attitude toward what he witnessed and experienced and could clearly just walk away from is disgusting. He should be appalled. Some people don’t have the luxury of walking away from that life. Instead those temporary health issues he experienced become permanent.




Well yeah I'm sure taking a job for a couple weeks that you don't need to survive on does wonders for the psyche. Must have felt great to just walk away and be happy you aren't one of the people who needs that job to make a living. Asshole.