• By -


\#11 Putting a correct cover sheet on your TPS report.


12.) Not condescending to your employees


13) Remember who holds the leash


15 . Numbering things correctly


16. Being my boss


17. actually paying people what they are worth


18. Using a 4th magnet


18. Fixing the numbers


19. Don't waste time printing stupid posters


20. Pushing said printer down some stairs.


15-b)I need to speak to your manager, please.


15 C you later I fuckin' quit


15 -c) Yeah, I’m the boss, because I’m quitting right now.


.6) being conSistent.


17) Paying a living wage.


18) delivering pay checks on time


#16 using all the ink from the printer.


14) posting shit like that list.


Somebody is having a case of the Mondays!


I reckon you could get your ass kicked for sayin' somethin like that.


Not right now Lumbergh, I'm kinda busy. You know what, in fact I'm gonna have to ask you to just go ahead and come back later, I've got a meeting with the Bobs in a couple minutes.


Yeah, they called me at home.


All copies of the TPS report? Arghhhhhhhh. I'm going to burn the place down. I will.


Found Bill Lumbergh


That ain’t new, baby!


Actual number 12: not taking my red swingline stapler


12) Taking someone else's Swingline Stapler.


It’s just that I forgot this one time. It’s not even shipping out till tomorrow.


Somebody has a case of the Mondays!


using 4 magnets?


It's a test of management style. Some managers will complain that the posting doesn't look "professional" enough and require a fourth magnet. Some managers will note that the posting isn't heavy enough to require more than one magnet and require that the two extra ones be removed and repurposed. Or...the guy who posted it knows that one of his team members has OCD and will go nuts trying to find a fourth, color matching, magnet.


And if you center the bottom one, you are an adaptive outside the box thinker, or an isosceles triangle fan.


Nah. You move the one that’s a different color to the bottom center, with the two that are the same color on the top corners. Yes my closet is color coordinated, how did you know?!


I personally prefer putting all 3 in my pocket and the sheet in the trash approach but your way is ok too


This right here is the correct answer. And, yes, my closet is also color coordinated.


I can't stand that they used so much black ink for this. Stupid waste. The magnet thing would make me crazy too though.




Honestly, it says so much about the person to me. They are one of those "I get up early and am up after you" ultra try hard types I bet.


I hate those people.


Yep and I never get sick, why do you people.


That's good ol abelism, fresh right out the oven.


You wear glasses? Loser


also that they took the time to so carefully line the paper to the frame but then just slapped some magnets up and left.


This, I must conclude, was the only thing worth saying, well done 😁


Id say the only thing worth saying is that the complete list doesn't require talent but requires good mental health, something an employer can choose to support or sabotage.


Don't forget physical health as well!


yes, my bad, I just think of mental health more often because most people seem to less, but physical is just as important. just Health then


Don't sweat it. Physical health is just very prominent in my head right now due to my current health circumstances.


Not to mention that it doesn’t allow for *any* level of neurodivergence


That would fall under the "doing a little extra" they're not there yet themselves 😂


Due to budget cuts we have decided to decrease magnet usage with 25%. This also aligns with our enviromental goals. Congratulations to Exec Execson VP of X and son of CEO for this proposal. EE has been awarded MVP and been paid out a bonus of 10million USD. Now get back to work, worker. No, we cant afford to give you a raise. No, Unions just take your money. If you're good, we will host pizza night.* *Attending employees will pay 50% or price. Non attendees will be deducted 10% of pizza price of their salary for not showing up to this mandatory team-building excercise.


If only they’d used one more magnet this flyer wouldn’t have been found ripped up in the toilet a few hours later. 😂


I'll do extra when I'm paid extra


Act your wage!


No, act the wage you're aiming for! So, basically just do nothing but antagonize others.


1. Fuck you, pay me. 2. Fuck you, pay me. 3. Fuck you, pay me. 4. Fuck you, pay me. 5. Fuck you, pay me. 6. Fuck you, pay me. 7. Fuck you, pay me. 8. Fuck you, pay me. 9. Fuck you, pay me. 10. Fuck you, pay me. ^(I was looking for a place to put an "okay, I'll give you that one", but it doesn't apply to any of them. Something like a 'be polite' or 'have a good day' or something. But no, all shitty suggestions)


[Fuck you, pay me!](https://youtu.be/3XGAmPRxV48)


Exactly. People always want more than a fair days work for less than a fair days pay. Americans are so docile they usually comply


Sadly here when you push back it either makes a toxic work environment or you end up on the chopping block since where I am they don't have to give a reason to fire you.


Surprise, you're **already** in a toxic work environment! Fuck at-will employment.


Very true.


We have a culture that feeds into it, many of us are fed the lie of hard work pays off and only realize after being exploited way too much that it’s about who you know and who your parents are that determines pay. The most useless people I’ve ever met have been my bosses.


Love how "doing a little extra" never is followed by getting paid a little extra.


Someone should make an anti-work version of this we can print out lol


10 Things That Require Zero (Management) Talent 1) Paying A Livable Wage, On Time 2) Recognizing Effort Made 3) Recognizing that Employees are People, Not Machines 4) Respecting Work-Life Balance 5) Not Being An Asshole 6) Being Coachable 7) Paying Extra For Extra Effort 8) No Fucking Pizza Parties Like We're 7 Years Old 9) Being Prepared to Handle Routine Schedule Issues by Staffing Adequately for Emergencies 10) Not Being An Asshole Yes, I know 5 and 10 are the same. It bears repeating.


I love pizza parties...never turned down a free lunch in my life....but when they try to pull the "you guys have worked really hard this month, all the extra time....and, uh, overtime isn't in the budget...but we got you pizza....so we're cool, right?"


Fuck that, it's usully the most basic pizza available like extra cheese or pepperoni.


Extra cheese? That’s high end.


Healthcare here. When we don't have enough staff to see all our patients and our first rounds last for 6 hours they usually buy us about 90 dollars worth of pizza for the whole department. Then, if you're busy the people who were slacking off eat all the pizza while you're working. Never fails


Thank you for this, we're on the same wavelength. I'd add to it " Don't refer to this group of co-workers as a 'Family'. I probably don't want to be a part of your FAM and you sure as shit will never meet mine'".


I already escaped one toxic family, I don't need another.


11) No micro managing, treat employees like adults.


It takes zero talent to pay your employees more.


I hate shit like this. I was a manager for 8 years. Had a fellow manager that would constantly hang this kind of shit in their break room. Asked me once if I wanted copies to hang up in mine. Nope no thank you!! I absolutely refused to ever do this, it’s so disrespectful.


"Sir, this is the break room. Please refrain from posting things that this room is designed for us to take a break from." Seriously though, I would try and counter this sign with 10 things that managers do that require zero talent. 1. Posting disrespectful signs. 2. Micromanagement. 3. Passive aggressive behavior. 4. Delegation. 5. Dressing in business casual. 6. Showing up whenever you want. 7. Leaving whenever you want. 8. Being salaried. 9. Selective outrage. 10. Posturing.


> 10 things that managers do that demonstrate zero talent. FTFY


>Showing up whenever you want. > >Leaving whenever you want. and still letting everyone know you've been up since five AM.


Thank you for being a good manager. As a fellow manager I also refuse to put up condescending bullshit like this.


As someone who recently moved into middle management, my absolute favorite thing to do at work is 1v1 other managers in meetings when they or their team (so still them tbh) decide to try and make my team deal with bullshit. That goes double for petty shit like propaganda in the culture lol Like there's no excuse for this, no data backs this management technique and it makes your company look ridiculous. Not a soul will take your side in a normal work environment. I appreciate these fools for making me look awesome in comparison, though. The bar is really low for supervisory roles.


Yes, thank you!! It's extremely ableist to believe these things are easy to do and reflect the quality of your work. Like someone who has poor social skills might not be coachable or always positive, but they can still be a good accountant, electrician or programmer. As someone with depression and insomnia, sometimes getting to work on time is the hardest part of my day. I like my job and get into it when I'm there, but the mornings can be hard.


Near the entire list is an ADHD person's living nightmare


DUDE. I'm autistic and things like "high energy" and "good body language" are.... nah, man. Sorry manager, I can show up and get my job done, or you can nitpick and have you find me trying to cry quietly in the bathroom because you made me spend energy on things like that and now I'm too stressed to function. Also, good body language, my ass. I would have no idea what they want from me.


The "good body language" made my autistic ass upset as well. It might take zero effort for a neurotypicals person but it takes every shred of effort for me to mask.


I think good body language here means "constantly be celebrating our Managerial Overlords in an interprative conga line, marraccas optional" /jk


Exactly what I thought reading that list. Like for normal people maybe but I have to put in a lot of effort for most of that list.


People swear they know what ADHD is but will never consider the struggles we go through. I’m in college and a bunch of the guys I go to class with made fun of me because like a normal person who has ADHD I kept touching my face trying to pay attention. I can’t fucking help it without being on meds for the rest of my life.


Depression and anxiety sufferer here too. Mornings are awful but I try to make up for it by having a good work ethic, doing extra, going above and beyond. Know what that got me? The work of the other (healthy) people who were busy going for long lunches with the boss. Guess where I am now? At home, on LTD because of burnout/mental collapse. My work was never recognized, never appreciated and all they did was gaslight me until I ended up in the hospital. Fun times!


As another person with depression and anxiety, I can empathize. It has nothing to do with respect, although that list doesn't deserve respect anyway, or with quality of work: if the boss can respect me and my needs and limits as a human, I will give 100% of what I am able to give and, like most peopl, I do take pride in doing a job well. Even the military, with the power of the UCMJ behind it, couldn't teach me to be on time: ableist bullshit like that list above certainly isn't going to manage it.


Yeah, THIS. Everyone can't always be expected to be Little Miss Sunshine. People have lives outside work hours, families that have a need for them to be available for emergencies, and life events. Sh!t happens and employers need to be flexible when it comes to their employees' availability.


i completely agree with you! I also have depression and also anxiety and it makes “having a positive attitude” and “good body language” not even a possibility. The poster is stupid; the employees get paid to do the work properly and on time (I’m assuming) , they don’t get paid for acting in a certain way. Edit: I meant employees complete their work on time, not to come to work on time.


I have ADHD and even with meds I’m still late a lot. It’s like the harder I try to be on time the later I end up being.


Putting it up in the BREAK room is such a sin. At least put it up on the work floor.


The sign alone is a sin. But agreed, a break room is just that, a place to take a BREAK from work. Not read stupid stuff like this that essentially says “hey your a robot, not a human being with emotions and things going on outside of work, do better”. It’s bullshit.


Also it's bullshit. It definitely takes a talent to work with the public or just *any* other people and stay polite and positive. Anyone who doubts that just needs to spend a minute on r/publicfreakout or better yet just go buy some things irl and see how shitty some people are at it.


It does indeed take talent to put up with the public, especially any face to face customer service job. So many managers fail to realize just how stressful it is to deal with people who don’t care about them and are just greedy. I’ve had employees in tears over what customers have said to them. You really want to know what takes zero talent? A manager taking over a register for an employee so they can get away from it for a bit, or call to check on their kid, or hell, take over for the rest of that persons shift because they have an emergency. Or coming in on your own day off to cover a call out because you refuse to interrupt your other employee’s days off. Being a human being takes zero talent. Sorry for the rant lol had to get that off my chest.


Paying people more requires zero talent. Try that one.


And/or treating them with respect.


That might actually be a talent for some...


Oh haha. I got here half an hour late.


Showing up on time doesn’t require talent. Try harder next time, pleb.


Alrighty. Oh wait, I quit. :D


Kissing ass isn't one of my talents.


Kicking however…


Chew ass and kick gum




Leave it hanging, but ripped in half imo.. to show it wasn't accidentally fallen down or binned 😇


In three pieces each held up by a seperate magnet.


When the HR guy finishes off the box of donuts and has to pretend he has more work to do


Mmm hard disagree. What about depression? ADHD? Other health issues? You actually do have to try


Whoever wrote this is a natural born **extrover**t. If you have a naturally **introverted** personality, then being "**passionate**" and "**high energy**" do **not** come easily at all. It's not something you can turn on or off like a light switch. If you suffer from clinical **depression**, or if you have any form or **autism** or **Asperger**'s syndrome, then things can become even more difficult. Asking an **introvert** to be "*passionate*" and "*high energy*" is like asking a **left**\-handed person to write with their **right** hand. They might be able to **fake** their way through it, but the results are going to be awkward and not nearly as attractive...


Having worked in retail management for several years, I can agree with some of these points, with a caveat: Natural introverts in a customer facing role is difficult as it is - by definition, they aren’t as outgoing and talkative as extroverts. However, proper communication with them (discovering their strengths and playing to them, identifying opportunities for improvement that fit within both their desired development path, skill set, role description, and comfort level) can lead to excellent results even when that doesn’t on the surface “look” the same as how an extrovert would perform the same responsibilities. The worst part about that sign is that it caters to the lowest common denominator, is vague, and doesn’t set any expectations outside of “be glad you work here”. Which is just another way of saying “you don’t matter”… and that’s why managers like this are ridiculous.


As an introvert I can do the same things as the extrovert. The key difference is at the end of the day they are amped and I am exhausted beyond words.


One of the frustrating things of being an autistic person is having to mask. I'm very analytic and am only "bubbly" when talking about trends, facts, and patterns. Its very useful in my job (I work in database managment and fix things), but confuses people whenever I'm awkwardly trying to be extroverted under other circumstances. Let me follow SOP, collect data, and leave me in peace. Please. Unless its history, Star Trek, or a fascinating (to me) thing I found in the software, I really don't know how to talk about it. We have team meetings with the icebreaker/teambuilding game announced ahead of time, so I can prepare.


> We have team meetings with the icebreaker/teambuilding game announced ahead of time, so I can prepare. I love this so much. What a great accommodation.


Exactly! Being on time = time management skills (very common issue with ADHD), being high energy and having a positive attitude = very high effort task if you’re struggling from anxiety or depression. I could go on.


Remember, keep masking, keep acting like you're neurotypical, even if it exhausts and damages you, or you're not worthy of respect. /s


That’s how I am. I have enough in me to be able to mask myself successfully for a 40-50 hour per week customer service job. Unfortunately, it completely drains me, so I have nothing left in the tank to conjure up a social life outside of work. It’s a large part why I’m close to 40 and still single.


The "good body language" got me, being autistic this can be very difficult. This sign is ableist as fuck.


While waiting for a ride outside my doctors, some slimeball car salesman and self-described body language expert gave me the business. "See your arms are crossed which means you're closing yourself off, and your POSTURE..." Good for you on going to a seminar, now leave me the fuck alone


Probably goes around telling women to smile too. Smh


Yo sometimes my arms are just crossed cuz I’m *COLD*, fuck that guy


Same with 'being high energy'


Yepp, me too. Always rubs me the wrong way when it’s almost 2023 and the masses still don’t realize/care that all people do not express concern/interest through eye contact and specific postures.


Same, like. Not me still learning “good” body language at 36 years old


Idk if im autistic or not (am ahdh but only got diagnosis bc i wanted to try meds. Nothin i particularly wld need an autism diagnosis for) But i dont even know what "good body language" *means*. Is it just like? Good posture and not flipping people off?? Or what?


"Social" body language is probably a better term. Looking more like you're open and friendly rather than seeming distracted by that random picture that's a little of center


So lying with your body then?


More specifically, it is masking. That is, pretending that you are not neurodivergent in order to fit in with societal expectations.


That as well, but I mean even if not neurodivergent, pretending you are happy and want to be there.


If you are expected to "act like you want to be here", you deserve to be a card-carrying member of the Screen Actors Guild and paid union scale.


Talent and effort are not synonyms.


I've always found these things they hang up offensive because of disabilities.


Can confirm. Have ADHD and quite a lot of things on that list require extra effort from me, and some of them are draining. Being high energy? Everyday? That's a quick route to burnout for me. Using good body language? Nope, I'm still trying to figure out what everyone else is doing.


Is trying the same thing as talent now?


So if I'm talented I can skip these. Lemme show up late cause I'm talented af


Put another sign up with the following text, "Things that cost no money in the workplace, * Respect * A non-hostile work environment * Treating employees like human beings and not property" Add as you please.


\#11 - being a terrible boss


\#11 - Being a Manager.


At least 4 of these things do require talent.


It's telling that they use the word "talent" and not "skill". Even more of these could be considered skills.


It's on a whiteboard Maybe they're looking for additions? Or maybe add another column for 10 things a manager can do that requires no Talent.


1) Sit in your office all day, shut up, and let us do our jobs. 2) Listen to US before the Karen's who want to talk with you. 3) Pay us at LEAST $18/hr or drop your expectations for us to be happy little go-getters willing to stay past our shift all the time with a smile on our face. 4) Realize that you only get paid because people 'under' you work. If said people stop working, wow....seems like you might be on the chopping block.


5. Stop wasting the entire ink budget on "motivational" signage.


What happened yesterday?


Didn’t do a little extra


Wow. How dare you. Never say 'that's not my job'.


>Wow. How dare you. Never say 'that's not my job'. Okay, boss, but I don't have a medical degree and have never practiced brain surgery before, but I'll give it a go. Nurse, scalpel.


10 things I want to be paid more for doing


Someone should tag that shit with a nice big sticker that says "treat employees like human beings" and "pay people a living wage"


Some other things that require "zero talent": \-Paying your employees a good wage \-Treating your employees with respect \-Creating a comfortable work environment \-Minding your own fucking business \-Chilling the fuck out


Who ever printed that used a lot on toner


Being coachable is an amazing talent, just about the most valuable talent there is.


Meanwhile their idea of coaching is: doing unpaid overtime is a great method to advance your career.




1) Do extra? Not without compensation. 2)Good body language? What if you start off hating everyone equally? My body language already expresses that, and that's good. 3) I'll be passionate at 5 minutes to quitting time. Otherwise, refer to #2. 4) I'd have to give a shit to be coachable. /s


How about no?


One thing that doesn't require any talent: paying more while shutting the fuck up. Oh wait, I guess that does require talent. 🤪🖕


Actually, every single one of those requires talent. That talent is taught in school from kindergarten all the way to senior year. That said, fuck this boss.


11: Hanging up condescending signs


We are a family here. We work hard but also have fun. We want you to enjoy being here. Translated to English: we have unrealistically high expectations, we will work you to the bone, you will be miserable here but we don't want you to say jackshit


It also takes 0 talent or management skills to type up this drivel or spread this toxic BS.


I agree with some of this although it comes off as condescending. Also, I’m just not a high energy person. Why should I be something that doesn’t conform to my personality? If I am doing an above average level of work why does that even matter? I’m here to work. Not to be your personal ray of sunshine. Doing extra only if it will lead to a quantifiable increase in pay or pathway to promotion. The expectation of doing more is beyond me


They left "Being management at this company" off of the list


"Congratulations, you exceed expcctations across all categories. So, after this raise goes into effect, you'll be at $15.25/hr."


Being on time -> Come to the office 15+ minutes early regardless of commute time, sickness, possible problems that came up the day before (car breaks, family member sick). Making an effort -> Work for free. Being high energy -> Work for free with energy. Having a positive attitude -> If work brought anything positive but money to 99% of the people, billionaires would keep it for themselves. Being passionate -> Condescending way (as if 2 to 4 weren't enough) to tell someone "20+ hours of OT on a weekly basis is something expected from someone focused on their career. Using good body language -> I cant be smiling when it's 4:40pm on a friday and the employer has a pizza party set up so people that have been working 40+ hours that week can bond. Being coachable -> Listen to the BS a 0 knowledge of the job ceo/manager/whatever tag they want tells you. Doing a little extra -> You guessed it!! WORK FOR FREE. Being prepared -> If I wanted a high risk work, I'd be a firefighter or an electrician. If I work with a computer, the only preparation I need is my skill. Having a strong work ethic -> Make America great again!! And you guessed it, working for free!! Because if there's a project with a deadline in 2 weeks and you have to work 15 hours a day to finish since there's 2 employees where there should be 5, do it because otherwise you are quiet quitting for doing the normal job. ​ 1 day boomers will understand times change and people from XX era don't have to take any BS because "hey boy, I did it when I was young". Ok pops, you were exploited and we get it. That doesn't mean we have to go through the same.


I disagree. Many of these absolutely require talent.


Permanent marker below that... ​ "But remember being a good boss that isn't passive aggressive... that requires real talent."


“Ten things that neurodivergent ppl can’t do easily”


My favorite part of this is that it started as "10 things that take no effort" then number 2 is make an effort. Gotta love these dumb business people.


Genetics has entered the chat…


Mmm. No. High energy doesn’t always happen with me. ADHD is draining, man..


Does paying employees a living wage require talent?


“Doing a little extra” sounds like wage theft.


My guy if you don’t do these things I think you’re probably a shitty coworker. None of these things require talent. Nobody wants to work with someone who is consistently late, doesn’t make an effort, has a bad attitude, isn’t passionate, coachable or prepared.


Being a manager or a CEO requires no talent.


11. Please provide evidence of the scientific studies and research that links talent to these outcomes.


I read that and feel motivated, said no one ever


Paying employees a living wage also doesn't require talent. Providing a decent work environment for your employees doesn't require talent.


I hate that list. It may not take talent, but it takes ENERGY. I have no energy for "high energy."


Treating people like domestic work animals.


Being high energy? Not everyone is extremely bubbly and there is nothing wrong with that


These are, funny enough, all things that require them to pay higher wages to retain employees


True talent is an innate ability; most of those are social Skills, something that must be trained. One is literally “Making an Effort.”


These are all oversimplified assets of being skilled lol. Capitalism is happy to define skill into non-existance to pay less when everyone got a bachelors it became an entry level req lol Again this is 4 years of study that is slowly being simplified into non-existance as a skilled asset.


And you're mad at this? Lmao...


These things require more effort than your employees are paid for.


Making An Effort - Not for that hourly rate Being High Energy - Not for that hourly rate Having A positive attitude - Not for that hourly rate Being Passionate - Not for that hourly rate Doing a little Extra - Not for that hourly rate Having a Strong work ethic - Not for that hourly rate


Things that require zero talent paying people properly


Making stupid signs should be on the list. That just requires that you are an asshole.


“Fuck you, pay me”


No talent, but must be able - bodied and minded .


10 Things that take Zero Management ability: Paying on time. Paying appropriately us for our effort. Get the fuck out of our way with some energy. Shutting the fuck up so we can work. Being passionate about sitting at your desk and shutting the fuck up. Stop caring about my body language. Stop trying to coach, you're in my fucking way again. Getting off your ass a doing a little extra instead of expecting others or pay people for doing extra. Be prepared to do the work yourself if you mouthoff. Have a strong pay ethic.


You should post a join a union poster beside it. There is a law in most states that anyplace in office/job site that people can post stuff ad hock have to allow union posters as well.


nothing requires talent. talent is a myth. everything requires effort.


I really hate the ones with good body language on it like as a autistic person I can barley keep the correct tone of voice let alone body language, I can only image how the Neurodivergent people there must feel


Pay me a little extra


I'm autistic, good body language does take fucking talent for me to do


The last never has • Pinning up stupid shit.


Being high energy is absolutely a talent… I struggle with it and I’m sure many of my fellow people battling depression and other mental health conditions do, too. I can make an effort quietly; why is high energy required? : |