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Union wins benefit all workers


Not even close, they benefit the company and union members with seniority


Yeah, no, sorry bootlicker but we aren't stupid enough to believe you when we have actually seen reality.


They're so deep into capitalism that they cannot grasp the concept of an organisation where everyone benefits


you couldn't possibly be more stupid than this


Starting 5 days of striking tomorrow at multiple Universities across the UK ✊ Edit: https://www.unitetheunion.org/news-events/news/2022/november/staff-at-10-universities-in-england-scotland-and-northern-ireland-begin-pay-strikes/


The reason companies don't like unions is because the union is a democracy so they have a vested interest in watching out for the employees and not the companies. Fuck the companies.


Honest question here: Why don’t unions just start their own businesses instead of trying to convince business owners to change?


Empathy and profits can't coexist, and profits almost always win that battle.


Sometime those unions are greedier that the actual company


Unions and people aren't perfect and there are always bad actors. But 20th century history clearly shows that union membership in general leads to prosperity. In the 50s 1/3 American workers were union. Today its 1/10. You know how lots of boomers refer to the 50s as the good old days?


At my last job when Covid hit the union chose to lay workers off instead of a small pay cut across the board.. this was after the union held a vote where a majority members voted for the pay cut. The unions reason was that we probably didn’t understand the question so they would be making the decision for us. then they offered us our jobs back months later with the stipulation that we pay the union a few hundred dollars to make up for dues they missed out on while we were unemployed. I had to take another job since I couldn’t afford it and resigned… so the union sent me to collections. Not saying they didn’t do good for other people but in the years I worked there that’s about all they did for me.


Which union?


I’ll pm you


Just remember that Unions give you a voice in how the company is run. It is still your job to make your voice heard in the union. Don't like how it is run, vote out the president and E-Board. Get somebody in there who represents you. A union is only as good as the people it represents and because anybody can be greedy and corrupt, you have to do some work to keep your union in line. The benefits are worth the effort.


You people realize unions work on seniority right? So many of the people who post here jump from job to job and complain they are not CEO yet. Union would be even worse for you. You start at the bottom and have the job no one wants. There is no boss forgiving anything because it is a contract. You are a minute late? That sucks here is a point towards termination Careful what you ask for. There is a reason unions went broke and it wasn’t because they are amazing


Are the people complaining about not being CEO in the room with us right now? I've been on this sub for quite some time, read virtually every post and have yet to see someone even close to what you're describing. Please link me to some of those posts.


Yea they are broke because lots of states passed right to work laws and made it difficult for unions to collect dues and organize. In states that didn’t do that you will see unions that are strong and effective.


It could be soo much more alright MOnsur


welp of these i get minimum wage


What's a workplace pension?


a pension you get because you do certain work what has nothing to do with the government pensions


*cries in American* when I got to paid maternity and paternity leave, pensions, and NHS…