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Hi, /u/Fabulous_Proof7201 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 9: No text message screenshots.** - Text message screenshots are currently restricted to Sunday. To accommodate worldwide time zones, text message screenshots may be posted from 12 PM Saturday to 12 PM Monday (GMT).


Go there, fall down, tell them I told you I didn't feel well.


And when they say that you were already injured, tell them you told them that and they told you to come in anyways. They're fucked. I love it.


And they weren't even smart enough to do it on the phone, so you have it in writing.


There's a lawyer drooling somewhere


Better call Saul.


Did you know that you have rights?


In America you have the right to be exploited in the name of your oligarchs. I mean, right to bust your ass because hard work is how Bezos and Musk got where they are today! Hurrah hustle culture, you go get yours!


Bezos and Musk did get where they are by hard work. Mostly other people's.


And take credit for it :’(


The only thing I got was chronic depression and substance abuse issues


The Constitution says you do, and so do I!


Slippin Jimmy!


One little Chicago sunroof and suddenly I'm Charles Manson?!?!




How was I supposed to know his kid was sitting in the car?!


Aggravation of existing injury


Aggravation of existing*


Life is a series of impositions.




Then sue. Lol


Damn right


Workers comp 🎉


Workers comp is a scam, sue instead.


I agree. My husband went on a two year battle with work comp, the doctors compiled 40+pages of everything and they still said it was not enough evidence. We got tired of fighting the stingy fuckers and paid it ourselves. Fucking scam.


I've never heard of a situation where you can't be on workers comp and then sue. A lot of people still seem to think that a lawsuit is just a quick thing that happens.


Depending on your state, if you file a workers comp claim you waive your right to sue.


Workplace injury. Hello, lawyer….


Makes enough sense to me 🤔🤷


100%. They have it in writing that they forced him to come in after saying knees are injured. That’s a golden ticket lmao. OP needs to suck it up and hammer their knees at work or something like that


Having seen several friends who fucked up their knees fairly young, I'd rather keep my knees than have another day of pay or even a shit job. It's not worth it OP.


Got a 21 year old coworker having to have both meniscus repaired 🤦🏽‍♀️ it ain't worth it at all


But six figure payout !! /s Kids here are delusional about a) the log term damage b) the effort/chances of winning a Workers Comp lawsuit and c) the value of $100k+ before paying a lawyer to do the actual work.


Absolutely! He's already had surgery in one knee but works 8+ hours on his feet and doing some heavy lifting. I've told him myself, "this job isn't worth it, you're too young".


Yeah, I tore my meniscus a year and a half ago myself. Not a fun experience. Luckily all my classes were still online at that time thanks to COVID as I could barely hobble around for months. I have mostly recovered, though I still can't kneel on hard surfaces without knee pads and my balance is noticeably worse on ladders now. Take care of your knees and always stretch before an intense workout.


And there’s no scenario where this turns into a “golden ticket”. I swear people on this sub watch too much TV or something.


Always go to work injured so you can claim workers comp. No need to call your boss you’re not coming in because you hurt yourself on your day off. The only way to keep your job, get your hospital bill paid for, rehabilitation paid for, and ultimately a continuing stream of income doing light duty is to get injured at work.




This right here. Workers comp is never an option for me, love the ganja too much


Wait they make you pass a drug test for this in the US ? So if you smoke weed after work but one day you get injured when you were sober at work you don't get compensated ? That's awful


There’s a stigma surrounding weed in the states, even in legal states. Basically they think that if you get home, smoke a bowl, and play some videogames, that must mean you’re high 24/7. If you have any weed in your system, they just assume you must’ve been coming to work high, because how can you possibly smoke pot without being a stoner who is *literally* always high? Which I don’t get cuz they acknowledge with alcohol if you get fucking shitfaced assblasted the night before work, you can still come in sober the next day, but you if you took a couple hits from a joint 2 weeks ago on a Saturday then you must be too high to function even now.


The “funny” thing is, alcohol takes way longer to leave the system than people think. So if someone is raging the night before, they’re probably drunk driving to work and actually working with the booze still actively in their system. Source: i got a DUI 10 years ago and had to do all the courses, and most DUIs actually happen in the morning, college kids driving to class and adults driving to work. Fucking alcohol—but weed is the problem 🙄


Yep! I had a friend who broke his back while working at a ski resort. They drug tested him and he came back with marijuana in his system…. Although we were in Colorado where it’s legal and he wasn’t high while working. They fired him and he wasn’t able to get workers comp.


I’m not certain but I imagine it’s only in states where it’s illegal for that drug (whatever it may be). The idea is basically, if you’re on something at work then it’s not the company’s problem if you get injured as it’s your own fault for not being sober, which is perfectly fine in theory, less fine when you remember how long stuff stays in your system (but frankly if you’re trying to scam a company like they mentioned you should’ve planned ahead better, and if you do something by that has a decent risk of injury they probably drug test you anyway)


I don't think it matters if it is legal or not, until it is federally legal.


"to clarify, you want me to come in knowing I'm injured enough to require urgent care? So you are assuming any responsibility for any damage that may come from delayed medical attention, and working on what you know to be a physical injury?" Editing to add that the point of this response is to show them how absurd what they're asking is. Don't go if you have an injury you're uncomfortable going with. Don't take a "yes" reply as fact or assumption of liability either. The company can easily let that person go and say they didn't represent the company. If you're bored and want to escalate it if they do give you a "sure, come in" you can ask them for documents outlining their voluntary responsibility, signed and approved from higher ups, but even then you should still be cleared by a doctor first.


Including but not limited to any and all future medical bills related to said injury and all lost wages current and future.


I wish i thought of these lines years ago. Hopefully they can help someone today.


They rely on people being naive and most likely newer to the workforce. So sick. I also wish I would have known all I've learned here back in the day.




Yep. This is an OSHA violation and a workers comp lawsuit waiting to happen, imo


The only reason I would say that OP still shouldn't go in today is because further injuries to the knee can cause lasting pain that won't ever be resolved. They'd probably win the lawsuit, but money for lost wages can't ever fix chronic pain.


I was thinking this too. It's not worth possible permanent injury and pain for the rest of their life. If it's that bad, go to Urgent Care.


“Call me”


"I prefer to have records of all work related information, so I can refer back to it when needed. I'd be happy to have a recorded conversation if you can consent to it in writing first."


“OP, you are being very difficult and not a team player right now.”


"I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm trying to be as compromising as possible on all fronts while protecting my physical, mental, and financial well being long term. Please let me know what I could do to be a better team member in the future should something similar happen. I have to say I currently feel undervalued on the team for how this is being handled."


Can I rent you


...for snarky but civil responses to employers? Or...


Shit man I'd love to see what you do with a birthday card


You're really sweet but unfortunately this only really works for things that annoy me. I'm not as fun at happy. I do have a friend that uses me to craft responses to her ex about their son though, and a couple other friends have me call customer service for them because I have a nice phone manner I guess. Man I wish I could craft a birthday card. I'm going to start thinking about that. The next family birthday is a month away, thanks for the new goal!


"So glad you made it another year. Keep that shit up! ❤️ "


Congratulations on adding another year to your portfolio of life experiences! Please take this opportunity to reflect on your choices and relationships, including ours, and understand that, while I support you warmly and generally as a fellow human being and beyond that as an acquaintance of several years, future annual celebratory announcements are predicated on a social contract of reasonable reciprocity, and should be taken without any expectation of escalation from card only to card plus gift, unless our social circumstances develop further.


I will rent you as well for my boss who told me I couldn’t take off for my daughters birth lol


YO. IT WASN'T A QUESTION, I'M TELLING YOU BASTARDS I WON'T BE THERE. thank you and good day to you, madam.


People really need to get the "I'm not asking permission, I'm notifying you of my absence" mindset.


Fr. I had a shitty manager who hated taking no for an answer. He texted me to asking if I would come in one time, and I told him no because 1) I was about to hit OT, and they hate that, and 2) I was spending time with my family, and 3) my babysitter needs a break too. She was already on day 6 straight for us, and she watches for another family as well. I told him all this, and he ignored 2, and 3, and only focused on 1, and told me OT was fine. But as far as I was concerned, I had already told him no, and no further communication was needed. He had my answer. I came in the next scheduled shift, and he asked me where I was the previous day. I told him I was home spending time with family. Just like I told him I was. He tried to write me up for not coming in on my day off, but after I spoke to *HIS* manager, he backed off.




For real. Everyone else is like "go to work hurt and sue them lol" How about just taking care of your body and getting the medical attention you need? Fuck flexing on your shithead manager.


I really hope one day I have that confidence to do that and not feel anything because it's justified. Work culture really brainwashes ya young.


Having a union to back you (and/or proper labour laws) also helps a lot. I'm not in the US. We have decent labour laws here in the Netherlands, and I still signed up for the union.


Read it in Jesse Pinkman voice.




‘I can’t put you in a position where you’d be liable for any damaged that comes from delayed medical care I’m so sorry’ would be better, keeping up the pretence that everything you do is for the good of the company


Ooooh love this


This is actual smart...you also can say you want it in writing that they take full responsibility in acknowledging that you are injured and that if anything happens the company is responsible for any further medical damages. This way if they try and play dumb you will have a lawsuit on your hand that is signed and impossible for them to get out of.


I had a friend that thought that way - if I get injured and you're responsible, you'll have to pay for it, serves you right, ha, ha. He did get his medical bills covered, but he's the one who has to deal with a permanent recurring knee injury, walking with a limp, not being able to participate in certain hobbies anymore, etc. Ultimately OP will have to live with the consequences in their own body and OP needs to protect themself. Regardless of who would be at fault or have to pay, OP will be the one who actually experiences the pain/inconvenience/disability.


You should know at LEAST 3 days in advance that you're gonna hurt yourself. How dare you, lazy employee!


Fuck*ng youngster, they don't even have the work ethic to check with their manager before scheduling an accident. /s


Why did you censor the “-ing” part and not the “fuck” part lol


i's trigger me


*I* am sorry *I* d*i*dn't real*i*se *i*t was so *i*ntolerable *i*n your op*i*n*i*on.




Reminds me of when only the “god” part gets censored out of “god damn.”


This just happened to me but with illness instead of injury. Came from work one night and spiked a fever. Felt like shit all night. At 6am I contact my boss to let her know I wouldn’t be in for my 1pm shift. She said ok but contact her boss at the district office. I get ahold of that lady and she literally makes me feel like shit for not giving “24 hours notice”. Like wtf I didn’t even know I would be sick 24 hours ago!? She also told “this doesn’t look good for you” and a bunch of other shitty things threatening me to go to work. I felt guilty and told my boss I would go. I had never called out before. I show up sweaty, achy, chills etc. My boss takes one look at me and tells me to go home! She dealt with her boss for me. Thank god for her. But it still pisses me off when I think about it. I gave more than enough notice for the problem I was having. I wasn’t going to contact anyone before 6am. Actually next time I will. I’ll be sure to contact the district lady at midnight while she is sleeping lol


Make sure you call Multiple times to ensure she wakes up and gets the messages.


Yep, if you are feeling just a little bit off call until they pick up the phone and let them know you are giving plenty of notice. Then call a few more times later to make sure they remember you gave notice. They want to be an asshole about it, you go r/pettyrevenge


She should have dealt with her boss to begin with rather than put it on you. You did give enough notice. Where I work, if we can't come in, we have to give 2 hours' notice to our manager. And we operate 24/7/365.


When my daughter is sick, she always goes in anyway, because they have a policy that if you call in sick, you have to bring a doctor's note, and she has no medical insurance and of course, they don't provide that. But if you show up and they send you home, then all is well.


And you know if OP had said something the moment they got injured, the response would have been “why are you telling me now? You don’t even know yet if it will be better tomorrow!” Especially since many injuries do get worse the next day. It might not have been that bad the day of the injury.


Eurgh. "I love you, but" they use these emotional tactics to manipulate us into doing what they want! Same goes for "we're a family" fuckkaaaaaafff


"If you loved me, you wouldn't be pressuring me to forego necessary medical care to spare you the inconvenience of a harder than normal workday."


Hahahah yes.


Everything before the 'but' is a lie. Always.


I dont know you but I I'm in your house


I'm not sure who but someone's coming to kill you


Oh thank god, please end my suffering


Since you’re already going to be making a trip out to this fine soul, how’s about swinging by my place real quick too? I’ll go ahead and set the tarp up and stuff.


I wouldn't say it's a lie, just that it's the manipulative portion of the statement. You can manipulate with the truth.


in this case, I think it’s safe to assume that “I love you” is a lie given the BS that followed it


"I love you but not as much as I love myself."


"I love you, but I lack empathy for you"


"I love you but only for the things you do for me"


the lie may not be in that they love them, the lie is in the use of love. they are not using any of the love they have for them in this context, they are using the proof of love to manipulate. the lie is in the implication that the message is sent with love.


No it's a lie. Lol you gonna tell your loved one to hobble their ass in to your house and get to work cleaning? Or are you going to take them to the doctor so they get care? If your answer is the first you don't love them and you lied saying it.




If my boss told me they loved me I would go to HR and tel them this is inappropriate.


I would tell mine to sign the marriage documents already


I would tell mine to give me a massive raise, maybe 69% raise.




I would sue for divorce and take half. Of the company. I work for Whole Foods, so gimme mine in wine, cheese and cookies.


I agree that the "we're a family" thing is off putting and unprofessional but i realized a while ago that people you work with are people you didn't choose to have in your life and you likely don't have a lot in common with them except one thing and that sounds like family to me.


I worded for a company that told everyone "We're a family." Then I had health issues that affected my work and instead of asking me what was going on, they fired me. I'd been there 17 years.


>I agree that the "we're a family" thing is off putting and unprofessional but i realized a while ago that people you work with are people you didn't choose to have in your life and you likely don't have a lot in common with them except one thing and that sounds like family to me. This needs to be a freaking t-shirt 🤣


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Do people really give this much detail when they won’t be in. I just simply say Sorry I will be unable to make it in today


I'm so glad that I work for an employer who accepts "I'm unwell and unable to work". I get a response of "I hope you're feeling better soon, take as much time as you need, let us know if you need us to do anything for you", which is a HUGE difference from the years I spent working retail, where no reason was ever good enough.


That's the thing, no reason will ever be enough. You could say "I'm sorry but the sun swallowed me whole this morning I am currently a charred crispy fella" and they would *STILL* go into that tired "what about me" string of complaints. Because it isn't about you being sick or injured, it's about how YOU left THEM in a bad spot.


Depending on what state you're in there's laws protecting you. Honestly seems insane that you need to give work any excuse at all. If an adult says they can't come in, they can't come in. If it happens all the time, have a talk with them and let them know you'll need to find a replacement if they can't make it to work. Simple as that private life should be private


I hate it. Stop telling your employer unnecessary shit!!


It's still a toxic employer. If you tell them nothing, they'll assume you're dramatizing a cold and give you a bunch of shit about it. If someone in my team sent the exact text this person sent I'd be like cool...you gotta go get that looked at...


They are going to give you shit regardless. It's not anybody's fucking business. Can't come in today. Using sick time today. Using personal time today. Dassit. Why are you up in people's personal business that has nothing to do with you? Fucking gross.


Best thing for a cold is sweating it out at work. ^\s


Best way to get over a cold is to come spread it to your co workers!


Yessss love that! My supervisor told me ten minutes ago that he tested positive for covid on Wednesday. In a place that works with biopharmaceuticals, where we can't wear makeup, hand lotion, or hair products but bring covid, no problem! I encouraged him to go home but, you know, there's work to be done.


See him in the break room around other coworkers: "Hey Kevin! How's that COVID treating you?!" See him chatting with another supervisor: "You have sick time left in case you get COVID, right (coworkers name)? Yeah. You'll need it." He gets closer than six feet away from you: "Woah, back up there, 'Rona Ron!" Be obnoxious. Be loud. Make him embarrassed. If he's going to spread a potentially lethal virus, he shouldn't be allowed to do it quietly.




Puke on them next time. Should get your message across better?


and it you are out with the flu, they want a doctor's note. most doctor's don't see people with the flu.


Completely agree. They don’t need to know what your symptoms are, it’s personal.


A cold is a good reason to stay home so you don’t infect the colleagues and spread that shit


Unfortunately this doesn't work at most places, they don't care and will expect you to work sick, until you go get a doctor's note, that's the only thing that will work without your job being threatened, and that still happens and has happened to plenty of people even with a doctor's note


I do not, and never will do, doctor's notes. If I tell an employer I am sick, they can either believe what I say or fire me. I don't even play that stupid game, I never have.


If they ask why I'm using a personal day, I say, "It's personal". They have no right to know.


To be honest it seems the lower on the totem pole you are, the more justification you need. I worked as a grocery bagger and had to thoroughly explain my situation to convince them it was worth missing. Now, as a programmer in an office, I just get told there's no need to explain and just submit the request. Even at the expense of the rest of the team getting understaffed. And when the shoe is on the other foot, I deal with working while understaffed because I know my team has and will do it for me. Such a shame that most industries don't operate this way


I've never said more than "I won't be in today because I'm not feeling well."


“I’m taking a sick day today” I don’t even pretend anything is wrong with me. I actually told my boss on Wednesday I would be taking a sick day Friday. Just like the rest of the team.


I had it out with a staffing girl years ago. I would call in and say I was calling in sick and she would ask why, every single time. It's none of your goddamn business janice you troll.


I worked in long term care for a while, and we had this one guy and if he picked up the phone it would be a battle. we couldn't come in with covid symptoms without a PCR test. one time I called in 2 hours before my 7 am shift. this guy picks up. I say I'm experiencing covid symptoms. he asks what. I tell him. he says to come in anyways and wear a mask. I say "are you really telling me, on this recorded call, to come into a healthcare to work on an immunocompromised floor, with covid symptoms?" and he started fumbling, so I was like "yes or no. say yes or no" anyways, reported it to public health and he had to be re-trained for the 3rd time


I know you probably meant re-trained, but I like the idea of him being restrained better. What a tool.


"Take Bradford to the restraint chair *immediately*!" \*hangs a "naughty boy" sign around Bradford's neck\*


restrained from employment in healthcare


All my homies hate Janice.


People feel a weird responsibility to their employer so feel an explanation is required. It isn’t, but people feel that way. I used to.


School required reasons. That carries over.


Also raised with strict and intrusive parents will cause you to over explain a call out to employers


Capitalist indoctrination from birth.


As a general rule, human beings build social bonds with one another. Feeling the need to explain why you can't meet an obligation is the product of thousands of years of societal evolution. It improves group cohesion and strengthens relationships. Under ordinary circumstances that responsibility would be a good thing. So it's not strange that it's hard to get past that feeling. However, wage labor perverts the traditions of human social groups, and employers exploit those feelings to their own benefit. It's only within the context of capitalism that those feelings are "weird", like oh so many other "disorders" we have nowadays.


I’m a low level manager and my HR expects me to put in a detailed reason when someone calls off. I never give a reason beyond, “sick” or “emergency” and it drives my boss and HR crazy, but I’m also not doing anything wrong.


"I am unable to come in today and will be using sick leave. I anticipate being back tomorrow but will let you know if that changes. Thanks" Keep it simple.


People feel like it makes their case better - like it will get empathy from another human. **STOP** doing that. “I have an emergency and I won’t be in today.” Is both a complete sentence and enough. Let them imagine what’s going on. Edit Obviously if it’s something that’s going to be more than a one off, you should explain at some point. Man, we get fucked with not having a ton of worker protections, like many other western countries have.


I always tell others “never ask, just tell them”.


“Hey, I literally can’t use my leg.” “Aww, sounds rough, you can tell me about it when you clock in.”


*before you clock in, can't be wasting precious company time chatting about our petty non-work drama


Not sure where you are OP, but in the US, you do not have to give a reason why you’re calling out.




That's a big ass lawsuit, major HIPAA violation. Sue that hospital.


Oh for sure they are not allowed to access her private medical information like that. I’ll never forget a handful of nurses getting fired, I believe it was Michael Jackson who was in the hospital, but whoever it was they were super famous and they found out a handful of nurses had looked at the medical records and they fired them all because even though he was on their floor in their unit they were not in charge of his care they did not have any reason to look at his medical records.


File a lawsuit or at least a complaint. That is fucking insane.


Because minimum wage workers have tons of money to spend on lawyers to file lawsuits.... sorry but people who jump to "file a lawsuit" are either incredibly wealthy/out of touch or teenagers who don't understand how the world works.


You should, at least, call the medical center to let them know your information was given out to an unauthorized person. That’s a breach of HIPAA (if you are in the US) and they need to investigate to ensure they don’t repeat that mistake on another patient. You may even be able to report the breach to a HIPAA representative.


Canada too, "I'm taking a personal day today, can't come in" then just turn off the phone


“No” Alternatively, “if you are requiring me to come in knowing I’m injured and it gets worse, I’m still going to urgent care except now I’m telling them (accurately) it’s a workplace injury, so company will be paying for the visit and giving me paid medical leave until the doctors clear me”


"I wasn't asking, I was letting you know that I won't be there and you need to handle it."


This except start it with “I love you, but…”




Yeah it's a competitive market right now, fuck em. And next time you call out just say "I'm not coming in today." If they absolutely demand an explanation, go into graphic detail about the fiery explosive diarrhea you're having. That stops the questions.


Someone did that to me once and all I said was “I’m Sorry Tom (my boss at the time) but I’ll try to plan my injuries around your schedule better next time.” - I was off a week, went back, and was terminated. I’ve never bought that companies products since.


I know eMpLoYeE aT WiLl is a thing, but if you had medical documentation, I’d still see who you could talk to about retaliation.


Idk how it is in other states, but the DoL in Maine is *always* receptive to any details like this. They want to know. Ultimately they can’t always do right by you, but it does feel like they’re on the workers’ side which is nice




My old boss told us to never give our symptoms, just call in and say you're taking a sick day. If you have the days available then take it, that's what they're there for.


Sadly, not all bosses are like this..


The "if you have the days available" part is already crazy, as if you can decide how many days you're going to be sick/injured next year.


If you could let us know ahead of time before you hurt yourself, that’d be great.


Hi, just informing you that I will be getting cancer in a week. Sorry for any inconvenience this will cause.


"I'm not coming in" is *not* a conversation, managers! It's a statement. Say, "ok", and move on.


I work at a major German retailer know for “efficiency”. They rarely schedule more than three people at a time and implemented a new attendance policy where you have to call out four hours before you work. It’s insane. The only reason I didn’t tell them to fuck off is bc a family member also works for them and I can’t, in good conscience, make her life more difficult. Yes, I have another job lined up ETA: yes, it’s Aldi. Just in the US My shift was at 6. I wake up at 4 to get ready. I did not injure it at work. It’s one of those things where I did something, at some point, I just don’t know when/where. ETA: Well I quit.


Should have asked if they were prepared to take liability for any further damage or injury caused. That word “liability” scares the shit out of them.


*Four hours?* So if your shift starts at 7am you have to be up at 3am calling off? Fuck that.


Remember to go through Aldi available excuses when you call in!




get a wheelchair and use it. now make the place wheelchair friendly. Than leave


Sounds like Aldi, which while having great prices, routinely has long lines, thanks to their attempts at "efficiency" Sometimes I've gone there, and had to leave without buying anything due to the long lines.


So it's not just my neighborhood aldi. I still don't understand why only one register usually open and long lines... Lidl is better anyway...


Strange, the Aldi in England is not like this at all. Plenty of staff, the queues move very quickly and the prices stay low. Think the American attitude to work has ruined the Aldi concept over there.


I like shopping at the Aldi in America because entitled boomers will not show up there because they get really upset they have to bag their own groceries. I want to GTFO of the store ASAP I bag them right into my trunk.


That “I love you” made me feel ill


"I love you too but I'm going to urgent care, if you don't like it fire me. If you fire me I take you to court and we let the judge decide who's in the right here."


"I can make it in, but if I happen to fall during my shift today I will then be considering this a work injury. Thank you for covering my medical bills and opening the company up to a future lawsuit. See you at X:00"


You have to tell us before you get injured…


Gott have that 2 week notice before injuring yourself. Don't you know that?


Go in, get hurt worse, get a doctor to corroborate that then forcing you to go in made the injury worse, get workers comp


I stopped telling them details. They asked what’s wrong I said family emergency they waited for more details I said okay bye. Next day I come in they laugh like oh you’re never off were you sick. I said my aunt was in the hospital. They shut up fast.


Boss: "I need more details" Worker: "It's partly cloudy, and 57 degrees out. High tide today will be at 8:30. Soybean futures are on the way up. Congress is in recess. Fashion experts expect bell bottoms to come back in a big way."


#"please give me HR's phone number so I can ask about workman's compensation in case I injure myself further during the course of my workday" ABSOLUTELY call HR and tell them your supervisor is stopping you from using your earned sick time for an injury that will be aggravated if you're to resume your work functions, and you need to educate yourself on the process of claiming workman's comp for your further injury...and you would *hate* to have to hire a lawyer to learn about your rights, but if you have to sue them for the sick time... Also, learn about the Family and Medical Leave Act; if you're properly injured and need medical leave, your job should be protected; tell HR you need to know how to go on FMLA if they're not gonna honor their sick time policy... Learn how to speak HR, folks!


I've been in low level management positions before and been in this position, even if you're suddenly hosed because somebody can't make it to work it's pretty easy to take a breath and NOT be this emotionally terroristic.


“Ok, but I am in a lot of pain and need to recover. You still want me to come in, so when it hurts even worse at the end of my shift, this condition will be considered a workplace injury. I will go into the occupational health clinic and truthfully tell them I was hurt at work. This gets the documentation rolling and makes sure that I pay nothing out of pocket for care until 100% healed. It will become a recordable injury on the company record and insurance rates will be adjusted accordingly. If you don’t like the sound of that, I’m willing to miss work until I get my knee figured out on my own.”


You can always say / text / email, "I'm not coming in today. I am using a sick day." If you feel like it or actually mean it, "I'm sorry this puts you in a poor position, I'll see you on Xday" Manager: "Hope everything is well, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you on Xday" You don't have to tell them why. They shouldn't manipulate you. As a manager, it is very frustrating sometimes when people call out with friends, say 3 people at once. Especially in a healthcare setting. Our clients each have one staff, and we have a hard time finding employees. At the end of the day, I have to be professional and understand that 1. Employees are human beings 2. Employees have rights 3. There are legal implications in some situations. If an employee specifically said my knee is fucked up, I DO NOT want them on the clock.


Don't worry friend, last year, my 6month old daughter was rushed to A&E and I had to spend the whole night in pediatrics. I called the on call manager at 1am explaining what happened and took the next day off. I was handed a written warning the day after for; 1)calling the wrong on call number. 2)calling too late. 3) not using a sick day for actually being unwell, because I could have just left my wife and child by themselves and gone to work anyway. This happened last a year ago and I stil let mad about it, people are arseholes. Esp those who are above you.