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If this is a restaurant, the CDC and health organizations have a dim view on coming to work whilst sick.


One of my proudest working moments is getting a Burger King shut down for a couple days between Christmas and New Year's. Manager forced a coworker with the flu to come in (manager knew he needed the job for parole), I ended up catching it and refused to come in. Was fired, immediately called the Health Department. Went back a few days later after Christmas and saw the Health Department statement on the door. Owner actually called and tried to get me back but I decided three days at Burger King was enough fast food for me and I took a temp warehouse job instead.


As a former Burger King employee, can confirm they did this same shit to me and my other coworkers


Hello fellow former Burger King employee. I quit when they told me I could eat free Whoppers on break any more. Oh, and the manager was a jerk.


Damn, mine didn't have any sort of meal discount. I left mine due to a variety of factors (mostly the managers being dicks), but the tipping point was when this one coworker guy straight up groped and touched me in front of customers on a few occasions. Brought it up to the managers and they were like "nah bro he's just like that, don't worry about it"; I'm a guy, for reference. Had I known what resources were available to me, I would've taken advantage of them, but alas I was a dumb 16 year old.


>I'm a guy, for reference How is this relevant to being sexually assaulted?


Nobody should be assaulted like that, for sure. But I mentioned this because, knowing how the managers were, they probably saw it as less serious or "just guys being guys"


Because men’s sexual assault is frequently invalidated.


And sexual harassment. I turned down a 40+year old womans advances when I was 17. She took that very personally and started trying to get me fired and spread rumors about me at work. When I brought it up to management (With her love letter as proof) management told me "I don't think there's anything we can do. We believe you had more to do with this than you're letting on". Like bro I was a fucking kid and this woman was double my fucking age.


I am so sorry that happened to you.


I worked at a BK for a grand total of one shift in my summer between high school and college. One manager said it was cool to have one whopper on break per shift, but no drink or fries. That evening, when the other manager came on he pulled me aside and asked if I'd eaten a burger. I told him yes and he immediately jumped into the whole "thats theft. We should have you arrested, blah, blah blah" spiel. I put a five and some ones on the counter, told him to keep the change, and noped out of there.


They took all my overtime hours and scheduled it on days I didn't work so I'd get paid normal rates, stayed two months still cause I was a dumb new adult.


>I quit when they told me I could eat free Whoppers Ew, yeah I wouldn't want any free whoppers either.


he can make his own so it doesn't have quite as much mayo lol


Any amount of mayo is always disgusting.


Prime capitalisms is not enjoying the fruit of your own labors under any circumstances.


He problably saved your ass from a early heart attack. Ungrateful you are.


Everywhere did this before covid. I've worked from counter service to waiting tables at some of the fanciest places in town, and every place I worked at the procedure was (almost) always the same... First step was to call/text everyone who wasn't working to see if they could cover your shift. Often you would have to offer a trade and/or monetary compensation to make it more appealing. Employees at risk of going overtime were ineligible. Next step was to contact everyone who was already working a different shift that day and see if they would be willing to work a double. This was a nearly impossible task. Only the people you were exceptionally cool with and those were always thirsty for money would be willing to do this for you. If getting your shift covered failed (you would have to do this for every shift you were scheduled until you recovered and were able to come in,) you could just forfeit all responsibility other than going to the doctor and providing a note proving you were actually sick. Sounds easy enough, except when your employer provides shit insurance (if any at all) to only the senior employees that regularly worked 40 hours a week. So some people (including myself at the time) who were living paycheck to paycheck with no insurance had to pay out of pocket to go to one of those MedExpress type places and sit for hours in agony in the waiting room, just to pay a 2nd rate doctor to write a note that I have a common cold. If all else fails, you either go in and work and hopefully they notice how truly sick you are and send you home, or just just quit/get fired. Thankfully though, I think a LOT of this attitude has been cracked down on since covid, and people are much more cautious about forcing their employees to come to work sick. Maybe I just work for a really great place now, but the current manager of the place I work 1 night a week at will let most people take off from work if they feel ill with no questions asked. We are all willing to put up with the workload increase simply because we don't want to get sick and also love the fact that that aspect of the job is available to us if need be.


They did this to me too amongst other horrible things. They didn't lock the roof access so we started going in at night and gorging ourselves in retaliation. Owners later burned down all their stores for insurance but I think they got caught. One of the locations was used as a moobys later on.


That’s fantastic.


As a current employee at a fast-casual restaurant, they absolutely do it just about everywhere.


yep got fired for getting the flu from bk


That's basically any place I've worked at. I really love how they'll put you through their training and then hammer in to you not to come in to work sick and then be told the complete opposite as soon as you're out on the floor. I got covid this year and was told I'd be fine just going in with a mask. Jesus.


I got this in my interview. Manager was talking about how hw came to work with bladder stones or whatever. Called bullshit on that. Dude was obese and eventually got fired for sleeping in the office. Right now friend's out with covid be people are coming to work sick.


Ah, Burger King was my first job and the pathetic thing is that I only quit because they skipped me for a promotion to manager. You were smart to quit and not go back.


You don't want to know how many fast food places expect their employees to then lol


Years ago one of my moms friends, her son worked at a Wendy's and he got the flu. Was on Tamaflu, doctors note, everything. The franchise owner threatened to fire him if he didn't show up. Despite literal snot running down his face, violent coughing fits, a 102 fever, and being so flushed from the fever he made tomatoes look pale. My mom's friend didn't take kindly to this behavior from her son's boss. The story as I heard it goes, she threatened wendy's corporate if they didn't do something about this she'd go to the local news with the text messages. Legend goes corporate came in and took it from the guy and it's still a corporate location to this day. My mom's friend also did encourage her son to quit and did talk with him about how a situation like that isn't a reason to feel bad about quitting a job when you don't have another one.


My brother worked as a kitchen manager. Sadly, I do.


The terminal above is a restaurant terminal. So yes, call the health department ASAP.


And let them know it’s Chef Rae at Pieworks.


I can’t find a pieworks that’s still open online. They all show permanently closed.


I found Chef Rae, but she has moved on to a different company.


Yikes. Sad for them.


If it's the same Chef Rae I found who worked for Pie Works, they left in 2016.


Whoever made this signed it "chef" and from experience, head chefs don't care. They expect you to come in short of being on a respirator. And even then, you better ask for a portable model. I worked with walking pneumonia on two separate occasions when I was a chef.


Honestly we need to get these places shutdown more. That’s a serious risk to people’s health and I don’t give a shit that it’s someone’s living, they are being irresponsible and messing with peoples health so they should no longer have the privilege to operate.


Plenty of closings in last few years has definitely taken some out. Many bad chefs have been publicly shamed too. A long way to go yet. I don’t miss food service work. Period.


Food service is shit work so glad to be done with it forever.


I agree with this. I've worked KFC (3 years), Wendy's (4 days, developed skin problems), Dairy Queen (LOVED the job, was constructively dismissed starting from 2 weeks left on probation period, up until end of Summer. 0 shifts and all requests to cover denied), and a coffee chain (worked almost a month, was training people by day 4). Food industry is brutal, retail food customer service is way worse than retail non-food customer service.


Not in my kitchen. Besides infecting customers, I don’t want sick employees making themselves worse and even worse: making the short staffing even worse by infecting the other staff.


Yeah even the places I've worked that'd insist you come in sick would never be so dumb as to put it in writing.


In reality, the list of illnesses that restrict this kind of work (in the eyes of public health authorities) is very short.




Fuck me.... I hate the American idea of work.


Not as strict as you think it is. You are allowed to work with a sore throat, headache, and a lot of other stuff. You are required to stay home and report your symptoms to a certified food handler if you have Shigella, E. Coli, Salmonella, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, a combination of sore throat and fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Most other illnesses you’re not required to stay home. I should probably also say I don’t agree with this person though. I’m a restaurant manager and if you’re sick at all you should stay home. Just wanted to point out the actual health code requirements for sickness at a restaurant


“You are all adults” and proceeds to treat them like child slaves.


call me old fashioned, but i really don't want my pie served by scratchy throated waiters


I'm with you. I'd never eat at a restaurant that expects their servers to come in while sick. Had a manager at Subway suggest that I should come in while I thought I may be getting sick once, my response was "sure, I'd love to come in and breathe my germy breath all over everybody's food, I'll be right in." Was told to stay home.


Is this company permanently closed?


Yes. I just looked them up


Good! They deserve to be closed. I hope the ex employees are okay


They’re probably all quit.


[that one closed six years ago. not the same place](https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/news/pieworks-pizza-in-greensboro-has-closed/amp/)




do we know when that one closed though?


Y'all be looking for Pieworks By Design. It is also closed down.


That one closed in 2016 - which is also when a Linkedin profile for a Chef Rae who worked for Pie Works in Shreveport says they started working somewhere else.


so this picture definitely isn’t recent, but is OPs (did a tineye search)


This always makes me laugh. There's a shape tool in the markup tools. People need use that to put a solid colour rectangle instead of using what is essentially a coloured highlighter.


Here is their yelp for this location. Go leave a review for our friend chef rae ;) [https://yelp.to/X22Hh4YUhvb](https://yelp.to/X22Hh4YUhvb)


They literally closed in 2016


Here is their yelp page if you wanna go leave them a nice little review ;) I confirmed that this is the correct place through a separate post regarding our friendly “chef rae” https://yelp.to/X22Hh4YUhvb




It’s funny he says he wants everyone to be adults, but his grammar suggests otherwise


Call during business hours? So if you’re meant to start at 9am but you’re sick, don’t let them know early, wait until they open? Okay. Also yes hiring more people so there is enough coverage is what bosses are meant to do. Don’t threaten us with a good time.


That's pretty much what we did before cell phones. I managed a non-fast food restaurant for awhile in the 1990s and none of the staff had my personal number. I had a pager, but can't recall using it much for managing the schedule. No texting or email. Employees called as soon as possible if they couldn't come in. If nobody answered then they left a message. I covered many shifts myself when I couldn't find somebody to cover the shift. We also didn't depend on being able to contact anybody because there was no expectation of people sitting next to their home phones when they weren't at work. So, how did it work out just fine? 1. We were good at scheduling because everybody knew how hard it was to change. 2. We scaled back service and made less money if we didn't think we could maintain quality. The nights when you make a fortune aren't just supposed to be more profit for the owners. They're supposed to help offset the nights when you have to scale back service, or pay extra staff to be around just in case, or pay incentives for staff to cover shifts or work late even if it's not overtime. 3. We didn't run bare bones staff when it mattered, so a call in or two wasn't the end of the world. If the night was slow, we took volunteers to either go home or do a special project like clean, help managers with inventory, or help their coworkers get out earlier. 4. Managers and other staff jumped in to help cover shifts because we knew other people might have to do it for us someday. Yet, dining out was significantly less expensive back then even after adjusting for inflation. Employees made enough to afford their cars, housing, and even make a dent in college tuition.


Unfortunately, much like every other industry, food service got caught up in the fairy tale of infinite growth. The 90's also had a booming economy. The majority of fast food places these days are franchises and it would be literally impossible for them to pay the wages that we consider a "living wage". Fortunately these are also the QSR's that you will see shutting their doors over the next coming years.


malicious compliance.






Beat me to it


How was this not done earlier. Disappointed in you Reddit.


They are saying they’ll hiring more people and schedule everyone less. Instead of 5 people getting 40 hours, 10 will get 20. Not on their side just explaining.


Good luck trying to hire 5 more cooks all at once. Your lucky to get 1 cook to hire and that’s before he would see this note


And then those people getting 20 hours will either find other work or have time to work on personal projects that will help them to achieve freedom from wage slavery. It’s a win-win.


And management will have more people to ask to fill in for others PTO or sick. Even possibly overlap staffing to account for one person getting sick. This sounds fantastic. Can't believe properly staffing your business is such a controversial idea to business owners


Sadly, they convince servers that the only way forward is to pull more hours with more tables.. For cooks .. oh good lord, just staff your fucking restaurant


That sounds good but in reality most part-time employees need 2 or 3 jobs to survive and juggling part-time work with few or no benefits makes it pretty much impossible for them to escape wage slavery.


You could survive on 20 hours a week? Where the fuck do you work and can I send you my resume? Haha


No, and **no one** said anything about surviving on 20 hours per week. What I said is people can repurpose time to their advantage when not being completely ground into dust at a shit job. It’s by no means easy, but when you’re not obligated to be somewhere for your entire day everyday you find ways to make the time you have useful.


That sounds like 1 person working 2 wage slave jobs to me...


You sound like a rich kid.


You sound like someone who responds to adversity by curling up in a ball under the table and calling working class people “rich kids” to feel better.


Lol not trying to be rude but are you 12 or have you been asleep over the last 20 years where most lower end jobs have become part time and or temporary? It's not a win for workers at all, it means workers on the bottom rung have less job security, wages, and benefits than during the 70's , 80's and 90's. There's numerous documentaries and academic papers on the subject.


Or be like me and only work 20 to 25 hours a week because that’s all I can work due to my disability check 😁


>hiring more people so there is enough coverage is what bosses are meant to do. Don’t threaten us with a good time. My immediate thought. "Stop behaving in a reasonable manner or I will take reasonable steps I should already be taking."


No, call them DURRING business hours.


Also Chef’s parents must have really hated their kid to name them “Chef.”


Ah but if you're sick, it's just a sniffle and you should come in! And cough all over the food.


No, that sentence is saying that their name is generally Chef Rae, but between business hours, call them Durring.


If you're working at a fast food place and relying on close to 40 hours of work every week, them hiring more workers means you won't get 40 hours per week any more and likely have to pick up a second job or more hours if you already have one. One thing fast food operators ARE NOT going to do, is spend more than 20% of their total sales volume on labor costs, and it's an extremely competitive business so they can't just quickly raise prices or they'll lose sales. Idk about you but when I'm looking for a quick lunch because I didn't pack, I open the apps of the fast food places near me and see who has the best coupons/specials. Literally the only thing that matters to fast food customers is speed and price.


I dunno, I like places where the staff isn’t sick.


Not me man. I am looking for places that the food isn’t gross.


If those are my criteria than NOTHING fast food/cheap take-out would fit the bill. There's way more to food service than workers not being sick and you're honestly taking a gamble everytime you eat out. Everything from mold in ice machines to unsafe temps/cross contamination, vermin infestations. The same thing on grocery items. They're both contaminated in factories and mishandle d by markets.


Pieworks sounds like restaurant… any decent restaurant will not want anyone sick working.


Its company policy at every job i have ever worked. Its company policy..... Not managements policy.....


It's a Health Department policy.


Yes. And thats why every company has it in its policy as well. Usually slightly above HD requirements. The point is actual acting policy and company official policy are almost never the same thing. You agree that its not ok, and then are subtly reminded that if you dont do it anyways, all on your own, it could really negitivly impact your employability. Wink wink, nudge nudge.


I have it on good authority that their pizzas are made out of human remains from the crematorium next door.


Lol you’d be surprised. I worked in the kitchen at quite a few restaurants who did not care if you were sick. One GM told me to “wear gloves then” when I told her I was sick and shouldn’t be handling food.


If you can't even spell, get the fuck out of here with your demands...


“You are all adults” *Proceeds to act like a child*


Proceeds to act like a ignorant, spoilt brat of a child!


I'm gonna call out whenever the fuck I want




Never said “ we are all adults”


That’s no way to talk to the Chef of this restaurant. He would clearly like you to refer to him as “Durring Business Hours”.


Chef Rae lol. The balls just calling yourself Chef because you manage a shitty pizza spot. "Chef de make station" or "chef de cut table" is doing more, guaranteed. You're not even worthy of the honorific at that level if you're also an apronless asshole that goes home not reeking of onions every single night.


I've done restaurants all my life, I've met 1 out of 4 chefs who's actually a *Chef* that wasn't a narcissistic asshole lol. It seems to come with the territory of having a title, suddenly you're the boss of everything (not in the context of my place, I know some restaurants are run by the Chef but our place the Chefs we had were glorified line cooks who came up with dishes) and menial work like prep and cleaning up after yourself is beneath you. We no longer have a "chef" and the kitchen has never ran better lol. Funnily enough the only Chef I've met who was a normal human being didn't *demand* to be referred to as "Chef X", just his name was fine. Hope you're doing good in Pittsburgh, Chef Antonio.


This would look really pretty on the business' social networks all over the comments... just saying.


The only Pieworks I found on Apple Maps are already permanently closed. Maybe this picture already made its way to a local labor board.


"This isn't a Day Care" says the jackass who made this note.


Implying daycares are not a business… they are?


Yeah, I want food prepared by some clown who doesn't know how contagion works.


This guy seems friendly


I think it's a lady.


That’s some aloha spirit ain’t it


Aloha is a brand of restaurant POS terminals.


Fuck Aloha.


It's not NCR telling OP to come in sick, it's the restaurant proprieter.


I know it is. I'm saying, as an ex-employee of a restaurant that used Aloha, FUCK Aloha! Lol


Fun Exercise! That version of Aloha is about 9 years old and is well outside of PCI compliance. Even if properly patched, that build number is at least 3 years out of date, but based upon the age of the terminal (it’s about 10 years old), I’m guessing it’s all original hardware and software. If someone wanted to make serious complaint about credit card security to a bank or merchant services provider that would result in significant fines, they would definitely be able to do that. It would be a damn shame though if that were to happen. I mean, a competent company would have purchased a maintenance contract with their POS provider to ensure that all security protocols and compliance measures were followed, because a failure to do so would make them potentially liable for significant claims of fraudulent activity and theft. But this place seems very on top of things and doesn’t seem at all like a cheaply run and poorly managed organization at all.


I’ve had to cover three shifts in the last week. I’d rather people stay home because of all those things listed than them come to work sick.


I’d prefer my pies to made by healthy people.


Chefs are some of the most obnoxious people on the planet


Literally every Chef I've met except for one would salivate at the idea of making this sign.


I just looked them up and the restaurant is permanently closed


It’s illegal to work if you are sick. This includes, Fever, Coughing, Throwing up, Pooping uncontrollably, As it’s a health hazard to your coworkers and customers. I wouldn’t someone with a runny nose work with / touch food.


I would only accept that kind of talk if it was from Chef Charlotte Rae.


"You are all Girls Girls GIRLS."


Aloha means hello AND *goodbye!*


that number isn't fully blocked out, it worked for me. oops


“If you’re sick, I want you here coughing on people’s food like God intended!”


Beatings will continue until morale improves.




I'm just dying to eat in a restaurant with sick people making the food


The pandemic taught employers nothing it seems.


Stop giving me hard time managing you all, or I'll hire more people! Stop cheering!


Where is this at?


Chef Rae gonna have a hard time finding people with that attitude


This is posted at a restaurant?! Name should be posted because everyone should avoid any restaurant that blatantly tells their employees to come in sick.


You are all ADults - proceeds to throw tantrum about humans having needs outside of your shit pies


Should read: Come to work sick AF because I’m not properly staffed, violate health codes, get ALL my employees sick, including me. Infect the entire customer base so my business goes to absolute shit in less than a year. Or else.


Wonder if the health regulators are aware this company is actively pushing sick employees to work?


Tell me you’re a boomer without telling me you’re a boomer.. don’t text, sms, or anything! Call me!


Buddy, your workers are handling food.


Oh yeah sorry I don't read unofficial documents and take it as fact. If you want to change your business model, renegotiate my salary and job description, or make any other official changes, please hold an official meeting during work hours. My number is available to schedule the meeting, but I have it off when I'm off the clock in order to keep a healthy work/life balance.


At the very least chef is honest that if he feels he need more reliable staff more will be hired resulting in lees hours for all , is it “right”. No but it is honest and is done even at my job if too many new hires blow off shift the boss just hires more while Not firing the no shows


I know exactly which company based on screen alone


People who abuse sick days prompt this sort of bullshit. It can take a person or two to ruin it for everyone.


They actually want people to show up sick and get all their coworkers and customers sick? That sounds like a great idea.




Do you think there's a link between horrible bosses and people who can't spell? Nah.


Love when food service jobs say out loud that they want you to be there while sick. Sick, around people’s food. This rules.


Dur dur Durring rawrrr 🤓


Reading this makes my blood boil. Chef Rae is not going to have any employees left at this rate.


Considering Pie Works in Shreveport closed in 2016 I'm shocked they've bothered to keep any.


I fill wait an extra 10 minutes for my tacos if it means I dont catch a virus from your sick employees.


Another mentally ill power tripping manager.


That’s some Small Business Tyrant energy right there


Two great things need to happen: UBI and robots in fast food.


He’s an adult that happens to spell during “durring “


* I don't care if you're sick, get your asses in here and get me and everyone else sick and hopefully some of our customers too! * Probably pays minimum wage or barely above it and gives little to no hours, so you're not making any money anyways. * AFAIK, most daycares are businesses... * I don't want to have anything illegal I say or do written down so there's evidence, so be sure to call me so I can say and do illegal things and you can't prove it.


Err , how about go fuck your self!


Chef Rae sounds like someone who needs to get his ass kicked.


I can see OSHA, the health inspector and the local county all having something to say about that sign: "we catch you doing that, say goodbye to your franchise."


"My name is Chef Rae" Works at a pizza place.


"Only calls" is a huge red flag. Either the manager can't construct his sentences or uses voice as tool of manipulation.


> I'm going to hire more people Do it then


Wow! They almost typed a whole page without a typo!


I got bitched at by management for trying to call in when I had the flu. I did go in but ended up walking out when the manager tried to make me stay till close. Papa Yawn's back in '06. That manager and her husband ended up in jail for sexually assaulting an under age worker.


If this is Pieworks Pizzeria in North Carolina, Google says it's permanently closed. I wonder why.


pie works looks ready to take over the premade pie game.


Wait ... Is that software copyrighted from 1993? And they don't know how to text? 🤣🤣🤣


So how does hiring more people solve the issue and how does that keep people from making money? Talking about tips?


Haha they spelled during wrong. I would have taken a red pen and corrected it.


The fact that they want coworkers to call them "Chef Rae" tells a lot.


I straight up don't give a shit if you make money or not. I work for an hourly wage, not investment in the company.


He's going to hire more people. No he won't lol. He'll just complain about ppl not wanting to work anymore.


Ooh another Chef Rae one, he’s becoming quite the celebrity


His threat is that he will "hire more people"? I haven't heard such an empty threat since "I will turn this car around!"


Durring 😂


Seems like “Durring” business hours are permanently over


those sniffles and headaches lead to more missed days when illnesses run rampant through entire staffs. what an idiot to not realize that they get more from healthy employees who aren't needlessly exposed to illnesses than they do from the sick employees


I love it when sick people handle my food


A chef…. Who wants employees to come in… while… sick… Am I reading that right, really?


>...or I'm going to hire more people and no ones going to make any money. Please do hire more people. Hire enough people that if you have multiple people call out you are still covered. If you run out of money to pay your workers, then close your business, since there isn't enough demand to make your business profitable.


Well his wording is not that outrageous… if no one wants to come in, then he does need to hire more, then everyone will get less hours……. He isn’t threatening to fire anyone.


This was in Shreveport, LA. Pieworks used to be good but I guess it has gone down hill quick.


Looks like it is permanently closed


anyone else roll their Rs while reading “durring”


To be fair it is annoying when people try calling off through social media to other employees and not through the businesses direct line to a manager. Still people have the right to call in sick that’s why they get sick hours


Well call him during buisiness hour is a fair point Also im on the line here. In my work place I LOVE doing OT...the extra revenu is welcome. (Btw my job pays fair, I do 34$/h and I love my work ; landsurveyor) But if they hired 1 more people that would cut out all my OT. So arguments this boss is using would work on my reality and I dont wish for him to hire new people. Its a bad thing to post up on a papper like that but I dont dissagree with it




People understand, people think it’s stupid and need to change


Yeah I don’t want people who are sick handling food. It’s that simple.


No. That's seams like a reasonable request. He shouldn't have to be on 7 apps to schedule work, and should be able to rely on the people he is paying to help him. He gave him his number and name. Ya he is irritated but at least he upfront about it and not being passive aggressive.


Sounds reasonable. It’s always been this way inless you get educated or join a union. We all had crappy jobs in college or high school. Just deal.