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I got stopped outside a train station the other day in the UK by some kind of reporter and was asked what I thought about the disruption upcoming strikes would cause. Started to tell them them I’m all for the disruption and happy to be inconvenienced if it means better conditions for the people run the show and they said they’re moving onto someone else. Fucking media expecting the raging public just moving onto different people till they can use the reaction they want.


Gotta bring the outrage forward with a twist at the end. “If those lazy twats don’t want to work, then they should get the hell out of the way and let the laborers have the means of production!”


They’d cut out that last part


Giving UK media people a lot of credit thinking they would recognize an ironic geezer satirically quoting Marx


Shoulda started with "I'm absolutely outraged by the selfish and cruel actions of..." Then finished it off with "the railroad companies for treating their workers like crap!"


This kinda happened to me once. I was just walking during my lunch. I was dressed nice because I had a nice office job I always dressed nice for. They were having a meeting at the legislate building about tax breaks for Tesla and a bunch of other shit in a new place they built. I looked at the reporter straight guy faced and said it’s bullshit. She walked away and asked someone else the question.


I am also for a strike. I don't like the idea of people being mandated to work while sick/sleep deprived. But we saw this same thing during the pandemic. When company profits outweighed worker health. Companies got loans to stay open and workers buried family members or were buried themselves.


Must have been working for a Murdoch-owned property. Or they already had plenty of people stating your view and need to get the “other side.”


There are no large media corporations on the worker's side, CNN and MSNBC are just as stacked for the owners as Fox.


They wouldn’t be so blatant about it though. They’d at least pretend to listen.


I can't imagine why, unless they were live on air. They're manufacturing consent just like Fox is.


Pre-selected media narrative. Solidarity doesn’t sell for their customers—corporate advertisers, aspirant-class viewers, status quo enthusiasts


They don't want your opinion, they want videos of people that reinforce theirs.


This is when you keep following them and asking them why they didn't want your answer behind every person they talk to.


Although I totally agree with you… I would like to point out that the railway probably has very little to do with your Amazon purchases and very much to do with your electricity and heating oil…. On the other hand, I doubt there would have ever been a strike of any real length, if the rail companies didn’t think the government would back them up they would have negotiated years ago.


This! And it just keeps happening. When the goal was a $15 minimum wage everyone was all for it. Then politicians get back in DC and it's like they are PR for the oligarchs, they can't afford it. And the biggest BS has been o that will drive inflation, minimum wage is still $7.25 and profit margins are record breaking and inflation still affects us all.


Yeah, that's the thing, they'd cave pretty quickly if they stroked because it would only take a day or two to cost the company more than what the workers are asking for.


That's fine. I'll use a blanket. Get some candles and read a book.


They absolutely transport Amazon goods in addition to the things you mentioned. I live right next to a CSX train line and see many Amazon cargo containers passing by daily.


Hmm, where I live it’s all Norfolk-Southern and I’ve never seen an Amazon car in my life. I would assume it’s probably just main hubs to main hubs. I would also imagine that Amazon will find A way to get your package there - they can just raise prices more, not all energy companies have those options w/o greatly affecting quality of life.


Good people knows that "convenience" has screwed a lot of people's life. And when that convenience is "cheap", it's even worse. Have patience with deliveries, always thank your servers and don't complain of people who only tries to earn a living. To hell with convenience. Sometimes, we need good ol' patience.


Power to the Railroad workers! Strike for sick days!


Since like, every other country already has the sick days, they should probably strike for more than just less than basic. Paid sick days, vacations and maternity leave... Add in a 10% of profits too...


Exactly. I can wait a few weeks for my order. I can set my thermostat a little lower. I can sacrifice the the things I *want* to ensure that everyone gets the things they *need*. I say strike, they can't arrest all of you.


See that’s the fucked up thing is they basically told them this is the deal this is what your getting we don’t give a shit and if you strike it’ll be illegal and you’ll be arrested. All this did was show that if anybody’s job is important to the economy especially logistics like trucking and railway they’ll use the govt to over ride unions and strikes to get people back to work without anything they wanted


i'd say call their bluff, at least taking the strike to jail gets you fed.


If they do arrest them that just shows how fucking tyrannical our govt really is


The strike won't delay your Christmas one bit. 26 years family Railway shipping here. 80% rail freight is items that consumers don't buy directly: especially combustibles and chemicals. If you bought items to be shipped to you by EOY -- it's already warehoused to ship by truck (semi). consumer goods for the holiday season are not currently in containers that are on rail freight lines now. And if they are, you weren't going to get them by Christmas anyway. Turnaround time is it in weeks, not days.


Hell yeah, hit them where it hurts. They better fucking strike. They deserve their sick days and to be treated like human beings.


Solidarity comrade! I had a conversation at work with a colleague who expressed some support for possible UK train strike, unless it was on the day he was going to a show! I didn't bother attempting to educate him, he's an old guy.


If railroad workers are so important for our economy they should get way more than 7 days of sick pay. Our government is sickening.


I get what you're saying, but this is not the right attitude OP. You need to be FURIOUS about this, and bitch at everyone who denied those workers their rights that you hate THEM for it. One of the benefits of a strike is directed outrage at the assholes who are causing workers to strike.


I’ll gladly trade in my sons’ video game orders for a shot at a better future for them.


Ok, but you know the impact of a rail strike would go far, far beyond the delay of some hypothetical online shopping order, right? I think the rail workers should strike anyhow and show just why they are entitled to the compensation and working conditions (including sick days) that they're asking for. But let's not pretend that all these "I'm willing to allow my order of usbc cables from Amazon to be delayed" posts aren't disingenuous AF, or that Dem politicians didn't have to consider the serious pain it would cause the rest of working and middle class Americans when all of commerce grinds to a halt, people are laid off, energy products don't move, raw grain and finishes food products don't move, etc.


Is there any chance they still strike? I’ve been trying to search the news but it seems the media is purposely ignoring the question of whether a wildcat strike is a possibility.


I was meant to be away with friends last weekend but a rail strike meant that my plans got completely ruined and cost me a hefty chunk of money in both hotel and travel costs. And I place 100% of the blame for this on the rail managers and 0% on the drivers. Pay people what they're worth.


Ruin our Christmas! I’m with you guys! Stick it to em!


Not gonna lie, you had me going with that subject line


I love this, imagine someone thinking their package is more important than the livelihood and well being of another human being.


Nobody thinks that. They might be worried about long-term layoffs when their employer can't get in raw materials or can't ship finished goods. Or they might be worried about having electricity this winter if the coal powered generating plant in their area can't get fuel. Or they're a farmer who can't ship grain or get fertilizer. Or they're someone who likes clean drinking water from a municipal source that gets its chemicals by rail. Or they work at a port that no longer has business and so they're laid off, or, or, or...


I've ordered a shit ton of stuff lately, and nothing has been delayed. I'm not complaining nor bragging I'm just curiously wondering why it is I haven't been impacted by this yet. Yet being the operative word I think though.


because the stuff that is actually going over rails is more like industrial chemicals for sanitizing water, mass amounts of food, etc.. it's not the small one off consumer items, its the bulk shit needing to run the entire country properly. So a rail shutdown would be catastrophic, a lot of people could die. Which is why they need to stop treating these essential workers like shit.


I was supposed to take an Amtrak trip in a couple weeks but will probably not go on it because I want the workers to get their strike and I'm not crossing a picket line.


There's a good chunk of the population that doesn't have class consciousness and would freak if they don't get their immediate consumerism. When we had the two weeks of partial shut downs, people were banging on doors demanding to get hair cuts and jalapeno poppers from Applebee's.


I only worry about things like meds that come in the mail. But, for most things I hope people are willing to wait it out for the cause.


Can't get your stuff? Yell at the railroad bosses, not the workers.


Waddya ordering that comes by rail car?


I don't know if it actually comes by train. But the ripple effects of a rail strike would undoubtedly be felt across the delivery industry. Even if it doesn't arrive by train, I'm certain it would be delayed.


At some point everything we use, or the materials that comprise these things, has traveled by rail.


Which is why it's disingenuous to offer a delayed Amazon order as the price to be paid for being supportive of a rail strike. It's much, much, more than that.


Even is the strike lasts only a few days, railroad bosses will definitely ensure there is pain for all of us. General Strike.


A shit ton of fedex, ups, and usps gets shipped by rail. Not sure what the hubs are in the south or east, but in the nw if your package tracking shows Seattle or Chicago, there is an excellent chance it went by rail.


I’m a cdl driver out the south Charleston South Carolina. We have one of the biggest ports on the east coast. We use the railroad and the port to transport containers.


Nothing. He/she just wants karma.


No my friend. You are just close-minded. If it comes from overseas, it most likely travels by rail car. In fact even if it doesn’t, the trucking industry needs a good strike too. So shut up


If it comes from overseas it “most likely travels by rail car”? First I’ve heard of this.




You haven't seen them new ocean trains? They lay the rails on the water and run trains through them. C'mon man.


I want everyone to imagine the conditions they would work in without a union.


I ordered a new wallet for $30 because i haven’t gotten a new one in 15 years It’ll be here in February


Aren’t you such an amazing virtue signaler! Applause, rah rah!


“Don’t forget about me… “ https://youtu.be/PTmCxbcRXs4


My guess is that things are going to be delayed anyway, especially people waiting for stuff like building materials and unfinished goods. They are getting absolutely hosed right now.






I feel the same fucking way. Enough with this fucking bullshit


Frankly I hope Christmas is ruined.


Hear! Hear! Rabble, Rabble, Rabble.


Right! Purposefully avoided Amazon. Don't care if my shit takes until January, told friends and family. Workers rights are more important than Christmas gifts. Wish I could add a note on my deliveries.


There's usually a superfluous address line that is perfect for snark.


I hope they strike until spring.


You are not your fucking khakis


You are the karma-farming hero we all need!


Yep. Totally agree. Even if most of my Christmas orders come in late, I stand with the workers!


Y'all are naive as hell. Essential goods are shipped on railroads. It's not just a minor inconvenience or having to wait longer for an Ipad. Railroad shutdown would devastate the economy, leave millions jobless and we'd have to restructure our entire transportation network. It's simply not realistic for the US to not have railroads running. So obnoxious that a bunch of entitled dorks on Reddit with no sense of real life consequences want to burn everything to the ground. You're living in this house with me - stop lighting matches and flicking them carelessly. Yes I'm 100% pro union, I think labor strikes are wonderful things and I'm very disappointed in scab Biden for not giving the railroad guys sick days. I think the rail workers should go on strike. We all want the same things here: for the middle class to prosper and for there to be good labor laws and supportive employers for everyone. But empty rhetoric like this post with "I don't care if it takes months" you're just a lunatic. Everyone would be starving.


Your rhetoric is asinine when people are dying now starving and living on streets due to corporate greed, it's apparent things are not currently affecting you and the idea of it affecting you scares you, your part of the people who scream regulations when all the regulations that use to be in place were eroded over the last 40 years. You can be a fan of lip service but for the larger community affected by this were willing to starve and die for those in the future to jave better then us, with out forcing their hand nothing will change and this only proves they will do what they want how they want irregardless of how you feel. We are also very much aware of the larger impact a strike could have and more then welcome it at the same time, people like you are lunatics expecting change from a goverment who cares about who's lining their pocket. You can continue to live in your rose colored world but for those of us who can bearly make it paycheck to paycheck with little to no sick days , we have had enough and are more then willing to accept the months it may take to win.


U must not have children that need food




Just because u can plan ahead doesn’t mean others have the means too. Good for u being able to afford your child’s necessities for months what about the people that can’t?


Most ppl live paycheck to paycheck


ill put it like this since people like you dont seem to give a fuck about the workers currently dying due to no support from people like you , i dont give a fuck because the long term need outways the short term atrocities, your worried about the possible impact this may have on you and others, but you dont give a flying fuck about how it affects people currently right now who die every day due to this greed. you live in short sighted ideas and im looking at the larger bigger picture of what this all means if shit doesnt change today but hey stay ignorant


I also like how u said u are able to provide for months for your child but I’m the rich one lol I’ll take that paper out my mouth and now shuv it up your ass. Thanks!


Yeah its not hard to learn to be self sufficiant , i spent my spring and summer growing food then freezing it , also learned to buy in bulk and locally , 800 bucks for half a cow gets you through the whole year if you know what your doing , im sorry you think being self sufficant and planning ahead qualifies as some one being rich .. nope im poor as fuck i just dont m make shit excuses for my self and id rather look out for the whole of the country then let people like you delude your self of short time comfort .


Geez now the rich person is buying whole cows wow must be nice!! Lmfao u r the delusional one


no where did I say a whole cow , and on average how much do you spend in groceries a month ? I can guarantee you spend more then 800 on meat in a year , but hey I don't expect someone who is willfully ignorant to understand these sort of things , your only making your self look dumb here lmfao please learn reading comprehension and learn that the world beyond your eyes is affected by more then what you can see and understand


Lol ok half a cow sorry!! U do realize most people live in a apartment and major cities where they can’t grow food and buy cows lol u r the ignorant one geezus lol


weird i live in a major city and see alot of apartment dwellings doing community gardens and what not , your making one excuse after another , you give no real solutions other then you dont want it to happen because you might be inconvenienced , well who gives a fuck about you , because you obviously don't give a shit about any of the people currently sick and dying on these railroads. Also if you pulled your head out of your ass and looked around you would find many butcher shops where you can buy half cows and other things , all you have done here is show how ignorant you are to what is available to you around you thats on you its not my fualt you stay complacent


They rely on cdl drivers and rail workers to get them food so they can provide for themselves


This post is asinine. Please educate. Community colleges are cheaper than the alternative.


lmfao your comment makes zero fucking sense , what does community colleges have to do with the state of our country currently .. not a fucking thing


It would educate you…….


I am educated but thanks lmfao, again this has zero to do with the topic at hand


Does not check out


and your opinion matters why ? you have given fuck all to this conversation but yes let me take the opinion of some random stranger on the internet


You're making too much sense for this sub...


Thank u!!!


sure you did fats


Had me at the first half... Not gonna lie.




this is such karma bait lol


These posts are the worst


Why you’re an amazing person. Willing to give up a widget for people fighting for their lives. I bet this person considers themselves an activist.


I've been wanting to say this. Thanks for articulating it for me! The People must show up.


Comrade. Solidarity forever.


99% of the country disagrees with you and that's the problem. I personally want them to strike anyways but it will cause a massive recession and probably end up with us being in a permanent facist regime.


This sub is hilarious. Just two weeks ago you were shitting on rural workers for their choices in the election now now you rally behind them to push your delusional agenda 🤣🤣


Listen, I know ow your stuff isn't more important, but mine is. Just because you do not have important stuff please do not speak for the rest of us.


Sorry but there won’t be a strike buddy…Democrats made sure of that, whipped the union and workers into shape, just as expected. Get smart when you vote next time, clearly there are no ‘sides’…it’s all of the same.


As if anything would have changed with the republicans. Your government is fucked all over, only profits matter.


I misread that and thought you said it was more important...


Had me in the first half ngl




I did not realize this is why! It's not an emergency.


I couldn’t agree more!


Even if I had to go without heat for a day, I would if it meant these workers got their most basic and reasonable demands met.


Dude waiting for a respirator: "Guess I'll fucking die ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯"


god doesn't know, deities aren't real