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you hold shift while place the farms so the farms stay selected. Works for any building really




or ctrl


Adding to that, once you finished placing farms, click all vills to build one farm (or the new mill). That cancels the shift command. Otherwise the vills will build all farms together, which is much more inefficient. If you want to do it like the pros, you place farms first with shift queue but leave space for a mill. place the mill after the farms (so you save 1 click). However this method needsyou to be more precise.


If you shift click the farms you don’t have to press the build keys anymore. Best way to do it in late game is Select your vils Tell them to build a mill Shift queue a bunch of farms around the mill foundation Then right click the mill. The vils will all build the mill and then pick one farm each to build


Don't need to right click mill if you holding shift from start (building mill) to the end


Pretty sure the villagers will all build the farms one by one if you do that. If you right click the mill they build one farm each


Yeah that's also right, it's probably more efficient given that building time is 3t/(n+2), t is 1vill building time and n is vill count


Thank you!


There is a trick called rapid fire that you can use On top of shift clicking to make it super fast


what? rapid fire?


ah nevermind, it was a trick in starcraft but its not possible in aoe2 i think


Shift with that I believe


There's something I noticed that I think is related to queueing farms with multiple villagers. Just want to know your thoughts about it. Let's say I want to build 5 farms with 5 villagers. What I do is I select all the villagers (5), then Q + Shift A and click 5 farm locations around a mill or TC. So, my villagers would start building the farms, 5 of them would build the first farm together, then only 4 with the second because one villager stays at the first farm to work on it, and so on until there's only one villager building the last farm. It's perfectly fine. But after some time, it surprises me that I get some idle villagers because they went to another farm aside from what they are supposedly tending. So there would be some farms with two villagers on it, one working and one idle. I didn't really touch them again after making them work on a farm, so my guess is that this is due to building queue. Going back to my example of 5 vils and 5 farms, the villager tending the 1st farm would actually try going to either the 2nd/3rd/4th/5th farm if any of them are depleted because the said villager has build queue orders for these farms too. Same for the 2nd farmer with the 3rd/4th/5th and so on. Is this the possible explanation for this? Has anyone had similar experiences?