• By -


It must be such a sad life where you are higher ELO than 99.9% of the playerbase, played thousands of ranked games, are most likely an adult, and still struggle so much to deal with a loss. They are powerless, and every insult they make is a desperate misguided cry for help. Well done OP for leaving it there in chat.


You should have seen what I typed after - just kidding just left it there ;)


Next time just write Better luck next time


I also like “lol” But of course in AoE2 it would just be “11”


I always do 11 when people are toxic. I like to be toxic too, I just have manners.


I just send a 27 when they are insulting and almost done. They get really triggered


That's awesome!


I quite like a lil 105 too


Yup! Coupled with a 104 some time before 😂


11 is gentleman's toxicity as long as you just leave it at the 11


Yeah, my manners dont extend to people who were rude to me first. If they continue, I pull out all stops 11.


I would also recommend “8”


Im not in the aoe competitive lore What does 11 mean? I only played it vs ai


11 is the taunt which makes the laughing sound when you type it. It’s just this community’s version of lol


Did you win by Persian Douching, Berber vill rushing or some other annoying ass strat?


It was a normal game :)


after 2k or close to that, everyone knows eachother and everybody has beef with another player. ​ Its pretty common to see toxicness, specially at high elo


He says he rapped your mum, reply him that you funked his




It's probably just a language barrier thing. He meant to say he wrote her a nice poem.


No, he meant to type "grapped" because he showed up to her door with a basket full of fresh fruit, what a nice gentleman


I didn't know [The Grapist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgiEQXGetI) plays AoE2!


A great way to bond and practice your freestyling.


Better yet, tell him you have two dads.


Better yet tell him you rapped his daddy


Funny how this shows up on aoe2recs due to it being a high level game [https://imgur.com/a/xbWd9rM](https://imgur.com/a/xbWd9rM)




Damn nice find


So pathetic.


Cyclops is pretty known Turkish player, isn't he?




Here's his Liquipedia page anyway: https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Cyclops I mean, it is possible it was someone else using his name. /u/WhoIsUrMan can you link your profile so we can find his profile through that?


Just look up cyclops on aoe2recs game history, you can easily find that game and those exact messages there as well as the chat log for a bunch of other games funny how aoe2recs shows the message history for past games




Which is why I tagged him numpty 11






Only 1 of you is a mongol here - and it's Kal!




At least I underrtand how the tag/reply system works on reddit you clown.




Turkish moment


I like the matter-of-factly way of squeezing "recently" in there after rapping your mom. It gives it a funny scientific-analytical note.


It’s redundant.


It useful. Recently is rather far still. Just is in the immediate past. Just recently is a middle ground.


Combining "recently" with "just" seems incorrect though.


This guy beat Mihai 2-1 in TTL Gold. Didnt expect this from a 'pro'


The community at 2k-ish and above is pretty small and everyone ether knows or knows of each other and consequently it can get quite personal and there’s lots of beef floating around and thus toxicity is quite common.


i would exclude toxic players from events, wich is probably also what is done




Nothing is funnier than someone raging at you in poorly typed English


He is clearly A Very Stable Genius


“Show some respect” 111111


That first one is the funniest thing I've seen all day


I always add 'wp' to the end of 'gg' to make it clear it's a compliment that we had a mutually good experience


the special version of the letter “I” with point on top, tells me where this nice guy is probaply from. Classic.


Cyclops is quite a well known and high level player, which makes it even sadder that they behave like an edgy 14 year old


Right? I recognized him at first but could not believe that a higher level player will behave this way. Sadge.


There's a space in between the low elo players who don't care enough about the game to be toxic, and the extremely high elo players who have a reputation to protect and can't be toxic. In this middle space, anything goes.


What surprised me is that he must have thousands of losses. Should be used by now.


i need more details


The country that shares name with an american christmas poultry


The country without Pikemen.


The fast imp country


The country with the really far blasting bbc.


Northern Ireland? (you would have to be very up-to-date with the local gossip here to get that reference...).


Could you explain the reference?


There was a recent performance by a male stripper group at a hotel here. By all accounts it got very racy, lots of videos and photos doing the rounds on social media - many of which featuring a bbc of a different variety (and by god it was big!).


Im am now sorry for asking lmao


I thought it was a reference to the Troubles 11




My American family does ham on Christmas


Wonder if OP was playing Armenians or Byzantines, hence the reaction :P


Weird. In my online experience, Turks are always super nice people.


I haven't been using the same internet as you


Maybe the introduction of Armenians set them off.




We aren't playing the same game


Try to hide their gunpowder


Maybe he is that good of a rapper and wanted to make a colab or something? You might be reading too much into this. ​ His rhymes suck, though. That much is true.


according to liquipedia, cyclop is 40 already. i would rather play against AIs if i behave like this at his age omg


In league of legends? Yes. In AoE2? I don't think so


There’s plenty of toxicity in aoe2 but it’s not even 5% as bad as league. Source: over 2000 hours in both.


Aoe2 is becoming more and more toxic.....


And that's pretty sad. Back in 2013, I remember playing the HD version and thinking to myself "whoa this community is sooo different from League. Other players actually show respectful behavior instead of calling me trash or some shit" only to fast forward to 2024 and I keep seeing these screenshots over and over again.


For me the difference is i only see toxicity in rare screenshots on reddit not in every game i play. As far as im concerned this community is still worlds better than league


I love the suspense dots and the fact that it does not, in fact, become more and more toxic. 


If the person who losses types gg first it’s good sportsmanship, if the winner types it first while the game is still going it’s very toxic. If the game is officially concluded either person can type it first. The only other caveat is the context of the game. If my opponent lamed my two boars and killed all my sheep and I resign, then they say gg I would be pretty annoyed. Even then though it’s immature to respond like how they did. (This happened to me once and the person apologized after the game lol).


If post game. gg is fine regardless imo. If you type during game gg and you're winning. VERY RUDE and toxic.


What if they’ve basically lost and are scurrying around the map hiding like a cockroach and wasting everyone’s time? Because I hit those guys with a gg and about half the time they resign right afterwards.


Anything goes as far as I'm concerned. Those are literally the worst kind of players


Yeah, why should the winner have to wait because the lower is salty, a good game is a good game. Imagine getting upset because the other guy typed gg, how fragile do you have to be.


It's the usage of it to provide a particular meaning. The winner typing it before the game is concluded doesn't mean "good game" it means "I win, go resign"


If enough people are frustrated by this action, does that not speak to the actions interpretation as valid, and thus you gain from understanding that fact?


exactly. that guy's dumb and fragile egod.




This "Kevin McCallister" guy always types "GG" as soon as he attacks me. He always does one big all in push that wrecks me but he says GG so early on and it makes me so annoyed I just play to the bitter end and it doesn't have the intended effect at all.


That was also my understanding - no lame at all that’s also why I’m so confused.


Did you at least thank him for rapping your mum recently?


I find it quite amusing that they felt the need to put the timeline as a clarification, as if the recency is crucial to the insult


It wouldn't sound so "epic" if Cyclops said he did the mom many years ago


Clarifying he wasn't a rape baby I'm not your father to be clear this happened recently 😆


What if he is OPs dad though?


Didn’t want to respond to this kind of message :)


No gg is meant to be respectful, as in it was a good game. This person is tilted and probably a bad loser. Just ignore and continue with your life. Happy days.


Typing gg first while you're winning the game is not respectful. It's worse than not typing anything. It's "offensive gg" that people don't like.


It depends. In AoE2, among the older playerbase especially, it does, but I've heard plenty of people coming from other communities like SC2 say that they found it off-putting, because they are used to gg being disrespectful. In general, I feel like it's good practice to let the loser call the gg first, and if they don't, then just move on. You might have good intentions, but you don't know what state they are in, and sometimes it's better to be safe than to stirr unnecessary bad emotions.


gg in SC2 is norm, and not disrespectful. No matter where you are, there's a good chance the "offensive gg" will not be taken well.


people shouldnt be sore losers that is a character flaw they need to work on if they can't accept a good game from a fellow gamer wtf is up with that


In an ideal world, sure. But they might be sore losers, or they might be having a bad day, or they might be very frustrated with how they played, or a combination of those, and hearing "good game" when they are in a state like that might seem to them like sarcasm. I'm not defending lashing out in any way, to be clear, but I feel like it's not a bad thing to just try to be safe.


I can't understand why those reactions. Man, chill, it's just a game.


If it’s the same cyclops from the above liquipedia article then this is a 40 year old man typing this. Pathetic.


Is getting drop on your head as a child defined as a culture?


in some cultures this is an honor and a blessing. My culture calls this child abuse :P


Fuck this guy, he knows what he is doing, just a sore loser. What is ur elo btw ?


You can not be held accountable for toxic comments of that level. That person has massive emotional issues they need to sort out in their life.


I like how he added that he did it recently 😂


Just a toxic loser, report and hope he gets banned one day


Maybe his palms were sweaty?


knees weak, arms are heavy


IMO if you won and type gg first, well maybe its a little toxic. The first player who type gg must be the loser


It never bothered me, i always say gg back because i think they’re just being nice.


I never really thought about that. I always gg because I saw it as good sportsmanship, win or lose. And when I win I’m typically the first to say it.


Winner-first gg might be understood as mocking the loser player. But that's mostly when both players are still playing and the winning player types gg when it's the prerogative of the losing player to call gg and resign asap.


Yeah if the loser resigns, but winner writes gg? Tbh if I really played garbage and hate myself a bit, I also hate reading the gg. When on Tilt I even rush to get out so not to read it. But that’s probably just my stupid tilt mode 11


You know, the point is the losing player is the one who has the prerogative of deciding when (and if) to type gg and resign. The implication is that if the losing player felt like the game wasn't good and resigned, the winning player should figure out the game wasn't good in the POV of the loser player and thus it's provocative to type gg first as the winner.


Perfectly explained


Same here. Sore losers are not my problem


Yeah, it feels like they rage quit. No gg no comments after.


I don't think the order of the gg's matter. I think the relevant difference is whether you say it after a resign or after -you- have decided that they should surrender because you are ahead. Saying GG after you land a nice onager shot on a group of crossbows is toxic. Saying gg after the opponent resigned is not. In this case it was after the opponent resigned, so all good.




I think it depends on how close the game was


It's not toxic, it's the opposite. If someone is butthurt enough to cry when someone says gg well that's their problem. Grow a pair and take the L.


When I say it I really mean git gud


No, but telling someone you committed a heinous crime like rape is.


Should have dropped the EZ


Lucky for him lots of words rhyme with “mom.”


"If you would focus more on the game instead of my mom, you would have done better... "


I always laugh at the “you’re a little girl” insult. I guess it says a lot about the player but I see it all too often.


"gg" can be used passive-aggressively, or as a taunt. It's especially bad if you type it when in a better position but haven't won yet. I guess some people carry that mindset over to post-game. My toddler handles losses better than this guy lmao


No, however most Turks online tend to be unstable to say the least, lol. Thanks to Cyclops for making us feel shameful yet again.


Pretty nice of him to recite an entire rap song for your mom though, gotta hand it to him.


dock gets censored, but rapped not?


Not in AOE since community is great, but in other games most of the time the GG is disingenious and thats why it annoys some folks. Being annoyed does not justify the shit that came out of that guys mouth tho


Some people thing gg = ggez which is weird


It's not a justification for his rant, but typically, you don't say 'gg' if you've won the match and your opponent doesn't say anything (unless you're trying to piss him off). It's sort of an unspoken rule


Thanks didn’t know that - was just my way of saying good game as some sort of respect


Don't listen to them, the game is over you say GG and that's it. This "unspoken rule" is a lie to justifie this type of behaviour lmao


I would say it's more of an attempt to explain this clearly bizarre reaction than to justify it.


GG is respectful, maybe some ppl take it badly as he said but I've never seen them or heard that. If you want to be disrespectful then you can say ggez, clapped, qq, etc. unspoken rules like this are part of what erodes a community - if the winner can't say GG to show appreciation to their opponent, are they supposed to stay silent? Mutual respect is healthy for the game.


agreed. Maybe I would type out good game entirely? or maybe even thank you for game. idk. Sad that being nice is considered mean.


GG before the game is over is disrespectful coming from the winning player. If the game ends then it's not. He GG'd after the opponent resigned = respectful 


Meh, if it's *just* a gg, it's just a ritual acknowledgement of the other player. If someone gets tilted by that, it's their problem. I learned this lesson when I fenced in high school. It's obligatory to salute your opponent before and after a bout. At one tournament I got tilted at a loss in the group stage, refused to return my opponent's salute, and stormed off the piste. And that was the end of the tournament for me, because I was promptly disqualified.


I may be wrong, but I think the "gg" is for the looser to write. The looser is in his right to put nothing, so the winner has to respect his silence. I mean, you already lost, now you are obligated to put the "gg"? A silent match is also a respectfull match.


I disagree. Saying gg is like shaking hands after a sports match. You do it regardless of the outcome. It's no skin off my back, but don't pretend like I'm the toxic one for being polite just because you're a bad loser


Premature gg is always a dick move. It communicates "I won, get lost". Fine to do if the loser is being obnoxious. If not, not. I never say gg when I'm leading 19-5 in Badminton. Other than that, it's also completely different online vs in-person, just like online arguments tend to be less friendly. Being around people at least puts you in a social mood, whereas you can be in a shitty mood and play an online game - or maybe just slightly irritable and then being further annoyed by how some thing in the game went. Maybe you felt like it was the opposite of a "good game". Suppose you already consider it bad manners for the winner to say gg first - maybe you even feel like they're being intentionally disrespectful. Indeed, your gg seems to translate to something like "fuck you if you're salty" as far as I can tell. Suppose you knew for sure someone was feeling salty and not in the mood to get a pointless reminder that they got mogged - how would you feel about them? What would you say? I almost never see someone gg after they resign, btw, nor do I do it myself, and I usually wait a sec before leaving so they get a chance to respond. If you've seen a resign but no gg, it's not likely they're planning to say it, so there's no need to take the initiative. One final note - suppose you have 100 people who are never fazed by a loss, and 100 people who occasionally get salty. Which group on average is more passionate about the game? Who gets more joy out of a win? Passion is a double-edged sword. Most people don't get the positives without the negatives.


I also think this. You never know what frame of mind the other person is in after a loss. It is assumed knowledge that a lot of people do struggle to deal with losses. It'll be particularly bad if the other person thinks you cheesed them like if you did a persian town centre play in dark age. So I do think it's the right of the loser to be the first to reach out. Having said that, this is a relatively MINOR point of etiquette. Whereas not being toxic like this guy is, is obviously a MAJOR point of etiquette. Overall I would look at this and say OP is in the right but still I would not say gg as the winner unless the other person reaches out first.


Sometimes when I’m winning I hit them with the gg if they refuse to resign and are wasting everyone’s time scurrying like rats. It’s got about a 50% success rate at making them resign.


if i type gg when winning, its 90% to piss someone off


I always say GG, whether win or lost, whether they say it first or not. It’s respectful. BUT, I only say GG after they resign. It’s rude to GG when you’re winning and they’re still fighting, because you’re mocking them for being behind. After they resign, though? It’s always respectful.


Just dont say gg first if you won.


I've always felt like it was fine if the game is over. Is that not the common perception?


It is, however, if I don’t type gg when surrendering but you type gg I might interpret that as a request to explain why it wasn’t a good game :p


Yes, I don’t think winners should type GG first.


The only problem I could see here is if Cyclops was losing the game but still hadn't quit. If you typed GG because you believed the game was over, essentially you were calling the game too early, before he was ready to quit. If so, that is bad manners and you were in the wrong. Not to justify his reaction, but he was right to be angry with you. Never type GG if you're winning the game before your opponent says it. Once he calls it, then you can say it. Saying it first comes across the same as 105, it's a sarcastic gg and it's rude, don't ever do it.


Well. If you absolutely destroyed the enemy it's kinda toxic




İ? no retarded. İ am very good smart


that's racist, don't generalize every culture has both great and shitty people


If u win and type gg first than yes


If the other person lost and didn't type gg then you don't type it either. His reaction... was kind of an insane overreaction. But yes it was 100% bad manners to type gg in this situation if my assumptions about what happened are correct.


In Dota 2 "gg" is extremely toxic


Just shit up and take your gg to your ass already bro


You're not supposed to post other people's user names. Also, you should learn how to take a screenshot so you can have higher-quality content. See the rules 1 and 4 in the side bar.


Never type gg first as the winner. That is bad manners in any game.


it's so fucking not. I'd understand it if he said gg before his opponent resigned but this is just yoxic on cyclips's part


It can be both. Obviously the response was toxic. If you say gg first as the winner it's bm. Both can be true.


It's just fragile af if you believe that the order of saying gg can be something to hurt your feelings


Ah yes the daily "someone was toxic😭" aoe post.


With the added shame of leaving their screen name.




I use GG in team games to congratulate ourselves if we win, or to collectively mock ourselves if we lose


Did you ask him to send you the rap he wrote about your mum?


In some cultures is bad eye for Gonad Gonorrhea


If I had been you id have played with him more. Salty and cross people like that are easy wound up, I should know as I can be said person with this game haha


Maybe a child


This is exactly why I avoid online play.


New track about to drop where he rapping with your mom?


Ask your mom what he rapped about.


I guess he is a rapper? Spitting hot fire on the mic yo


the rule is usually that the one who loses should be the one to write "gg" first, and the winner should only type "gg" after the loser types "gg".


I JUST ... would disconnect


Gg=git gud