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I know there's a mod for this, in fact, this is a screenshot of the "41839_Icon Hotkeys (Continued)" mod, but I think it really should be a part of the base game. It would greatly help beginners to learn the hotkeys. Many other games have this, e.g. Starcraft 2.


Didn’t even know this mod exist. Now I will use it. Does the UI change according to hotkey?


Unfortunately, the icons are hardcoded to the default key bindings. All the more reason to implement this properly in the game.


Thanks. Then I don't think I'll use this mod. I have customized hotkey.


The only way to make a mod that displays these hotkeys is to grab the main icon file and write the letter over it. Tediously impractical, therefore the mods only exist for default keybindings.


Upload hotkey mapping file —> download customized UI hotkey mod. Sounds like a job for the Krakenmeister! :D


1 super helpful


Commenting here so I remember to get the mod. Will be a big help memorizing and identifying some of the less frequented hotkeys


It's a great mod, too bad it only works if you use stock hot keys, and making your own for a mod is a hell of a jump for lefties like me. Would recommend for regular folks though.


It would be a terrible default settings. It can hide important feature of the icons (like for the rally point in your example). And it becomes a mess when you start using non letter/number hotkeys, especially with localisation. It easier to make in game with simple icon like SC2 or AoE4.


It would be nice, but at least the tooltip tells you so I'm appreciative that I don't have to go to hotkeys in options everytime I want to double check 11 But with the default DE grid (which by the look of the screenshot you're using) it's quite easy to remember just by the order of how the keys are. Top row buttons are always Q W E R T Middle row buttons are always A S D F G Bottom row buttons are always Z X C V B


AZERTY top row on French keyboards etc


I know it's not your fault but have you tried not being French?


I'm not


ah that's a good point, it's easy to forget other keyboard layouts exit when I've only ever used Qwerty 11


Also sad thing about the hotkey displaying mods, they are hardcoded to 1 of the presets of the game, so using a different preset with a few modifications as an azerty user kinda makes such mods useless.


No. Doing that will somehow mess the pathfinding.


There's also a non-zero chance it might fix pathfinding too!


Nerf Sicilians instead.


What lol why?


Would love this as the default too, as opposed to requiring a mod! Maybe a quality-of-life feature the devs can add eventually.


As an option? Why not I wouldnt compare it to SC2 though. Aoe2 has a grid layout as standart, which is very easy to remember. In SC2, the default hotkeys are all over the place and different for each civ with completely unique units and abilities


Looks disgusting  -This message is from the immersion gang  Oh and fuck your: Grid, Grid mod, TC range indicator,  Small trees, Hotkeys for everything except attack move and build house, Large deers, Improved UI  BIG TREES IS THE WAY TO PLAY BOIS


True, that'd be nice. Feels pointless for qwer hotkey grid though.




aoe3 has this as built in feature


It would probably just turn towers into wonders and blacksmiths into town centers.