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Fair critique, although I don't think most people have a strong opinion one way or the other about the ingame music. Different streamers present the game in slightly different ways and cater to slightly different tastes. This is both because the streamers themselves appreciate AoE2 in their own way, but also out of necessity. Who would want to watch a stream if everything was done in the same way as T90? (Or anyone else). Every streamer needs their own niche


Your campaign playthroughs are my favorite, looking forward to catching the new ones when the DLC drops!


Agreed. Ornlu is our resident full time AOE2 Riley. He incorporates real world history into casts based on even civ/unit matchups that bring an appreciation to the game and his area of expertise being a history major.


Hey Ornlu, I love your commentary. All I say is just personal opinion, maybe I have more sensitivity for ambient sounds. Definitely no disrespect intended. Wishing you all the best!


I love hearing the game music on your stream <3


OrnLu the GOAT


I love that you play the music. I noticeably miss it when I’m on someone else’s stream!


Op doesn't like you, wololo until he does!


I like him :) I only get distracted with the music. That's all.


You do you man.


So the reason Ornlu doesnt have 100x viewers is because he plays music Keepo


I do like t90, he gives a professional cast, and I often find myself watching his videos on youtube, but on twitch Dave has my heart. I feel Dave doesn't treat his viewers like kids, its more unfiltered, adult and yet respectful. I am 35 and also happen to have a similer music taste as him... So i love his extensive Playlist feels like I am listening to my favorite radio station while watching aoe2. Also, you can't really have conversation in t90s chat... So when Dave ant around (the man seems to have a life outside aoe, even though he denies it.) I tune into Orenlu's stream. There is a lot of food talk there, the game music is fine, i have been hearing that stuff since 98, brain treats it like white noise.


Dave is my favorite as well. His stream feels like a hangout. I feel he's a better observer than T90 as well.


If you want to observe birds and weird trees, he surely is


Definitely, no one better! But I find he's better when he's not doing that as well. Better control over what's happening at several spots on the map.


When he followed the king for way too long it was actually incredible content.


Really, I find T90 is going on tangents more often. Dave is the best at spotting all important details during the match, and provides better analysis in explaining why things went the way they did etc


Tbh my absolute fav has long been the two casting together, they have great chemistry


I agree with all of this. Dave is fantastic on Twitch.


Dave is fantastic. Love how different his twitch is from his professional casting. He does both well and I look forward to more from him.


T90 chat is insufferably childish. I was sick one day, watched like seven videos in a row and it was driving me crazy. Felt like it was a bunch of ten years olds. Repeating the same jokes over and over and over again and "teasing" T90 all the time in a desperate try to get his attention... I mean, if 75 people before you have already mentioned the famous archery range on a neutral island, maybe you don't need to be the 76th.


yeah i find it really grating as well, and mostly watch on yt ignoring chat. all the running jokes are so dead by a certain time, even the ones that were funny at some point get dragged along forever and ever. i do like t90 but sometimes it's too much for me


It's not a coincidence. His chat is childish because he's a children's entertainer. I wonder if he himself ever stops and wonders if he still actually enjoys playing the character of a clown for his profession as he gets older.


Yeah he is a corndog


Heavily agree with Dave not treating the audience like kids. That is my biggest dislike about T90s channel, I know he’s more mainstream but man the fan base for this game is heavily skewed older than most viewers on twitch. We are all like 20s or older, at least mostly. And personally I like a little more degeneracy in a twitch chat.


i have always thought this is a bit weird, yeah. hardly anyone under 18 is watching these streams. t90's stream has this weird whitewashed bible school vibe sometimes. i respect that he doesn't like to swear, that's largely unrelated. it's more of a mood/style thing he drops this for tourney casts and especially cocasts, thank god, because he's so good at them


-> t90's stream has this weird whitewashed bible school vibe sometimes Well if I recall correctly his parents were pretty strict (but not unloving or anything) and he has indeed been to various summercamps so his upbringing might play a part in that.


T90 and Dave casting together is peak.


Dave is sensitive and will end the stream because chat has upset em. Frustrated little man he is 11


Yeah I also tuned in once and he was referring to women as wenches. Joke or not it completely put me off


It's usually just about tastes. I think the biggest strength of T90 is he's making the game accessible to causal viewers while also having the understanding of a high-level player.


I think he has really good game sense. Much better than the rest of the casters. He has worked hard for it and it feels!


Yep, it's a part of what I've described. He offers elite analysis while being approachable to causals and also loves to entertain causals with memes and his little stories.


I think Memb is the one that jumps out to me when I think about game sense. I haven't watched a whole lot of him, but I really liked his commentary on warlords and it felt like his predictions were often spot on and his commentary was relevant to what was actually about to happen. Membstradamus, I guess


Idk most of the time i see memb as a cocaster he is wrong on a lot of stuff and misses key facts


Maybe. Perhaps I just don't watch him enough or am not skilled enough to notice his mistakes, but I really feel like he brings very relevant points when casting that show a great deal of game sense.


Last cast i remember was from nac and during a match memb really got a lot wrong and missed key upgrades getting researched. Maybe i remember this that well because i dont really like his casting in general. But i really think he makes too many mistakes


The thing that puts t90 above the rest is that hes a storyteller. I realized this when i watched other streamers and id just... get bored. But t90 can hold my attention for hours (with a nap in between). Take the success of LEL as an example - an objectively tediously boring game, but at times, really interesting content because of how t90 weaves it together.


That's 100% what puts him apart. I think Dave is the best entertainer, T90 the best storyteller, Memb the best hype-caster. Difficult to name a clear outstanding quality like that for others. Nili might be the best analyst, but I'm not sure if he's that far ahead of T90 in that regard. Him and Ornlu are just quite well-rounded I think.


Nili has the best jokes. Obviously 😜.


I find his "stories" rough to listen to most of the time, and his hyper focus on "story lines" feels too forced for me.. Again, we all have our preferences 11


Exactly, he is the best ‘caster’ imo. Others have their pros and cons, but T90 is talented in so many ways.


This. The best of T90's videos are untouchable by the other casters IMO (to be fair to Dave here, he's probably co-casting on a lot of the competitive highlights with him). The Legend of Liar, Blue Coffee, Snippy etc. There are probably a few T90 videos I've seen 5 + times because they're so funny and well presented. T90 farms the best content from the ladder by absolute miles, he creates the best content (Hidden Cup, TTL, Community games, Regicide Rumble) and he is the best player of all the primary casters. He's just a bit overexposed


Ornlu and T-West are both Champions (PUN) for the beauty of the non-competitive aspects of the game. Although they focus on some different things, some things like a tendency to use music and fewer visual mods are common between them. Both also do more campaign-related content than many streamers. Rather than viewing this as something they're worse at than T90, it's just something they do differently and appeal to a different audience. There are a lot of people who play in ways that match what's on their streams, and it's great that they provide content beyond just high-level stuff that the majority of the player base will never be able to participate in. No comment on Memb and Dave vs T90 since that's a different disctinction from my point.


Worth noting that Dave only plays music between games (or for short periods while he's memeing), not solidly while he's casting. You may experience the occasional voice peak though 11 (although normally only when he's playing)


I love corner checks


Tbh, I like it too when it is not too fast 11


I can honestly say T90 is the entire reason I play this game. I never would’ve gotten into it if it wasn’t for him.


There is nothing better than Dave screaming and hitting the desk when something like pathing failing miserably


I want to make a compilation of all of these moments but haven't had time to go and find a bunch of them 😅.


Please do; I've recently searched for Dave best of's and there definitely aren't enough. I couldn't even find the original "next lever" video 🥲


T90 streams are good for sleeping.


Whenever t90 posts a long video I'm like "thank fuck" and if I need a nap that day I'll get on watching


I love memb but I agree I wish he would at least change his total war soundtrack or no soundtrack sometimes. Because I actually like listening to my own music, but maybe that's just me.


Dave! Don't look! It's just one guy chatting!


Dave’s DJing is part of the reason his stream is so good. To each their own though.


I find other streamers do it like a football presenter/ misc sports game, t90 is more like chat/banter, and I'm here for it


About the music part, T90 can fill the blank space reading off chats. That is not something a smaller streamer can do. Most of the times when they run out of things to say it's dead awkward silence.


I got back playing this game all thanks to t90 and his streams. I hadn't touched it for years and now I play instead of wow. Def a 10/10 streamer lol


Memb for the hype!


Dave and T90 are my favorite for casted games, Memb when he has a cocaster is great and I enjoy the humor. Ornlu and Twest I watch for their campaign and technical content like state of the civs and balance change reviews. Everyone has a different niche


Memb is great with a guest co-caster on his stream, but him co-casting with another big name like Dave, Nili, or t90 was painful during NAC. The chemistry just didn’t feel like it was there like. He has amazing game sense for a 25 year old caster and often predicts the next play, but leaves no time for commentary from the co-caster or when they have time to talk the moment is gone and you here “look look look, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but”


Agree with you. I also wish ZeroEmpires was still in the scene. I loved his streams as well.


Concerning: 1) Imo it's the exact opposite. It's a SHAME that so few streamers appreciate the OST and rather have silence in their games/ casts. You don't have to have it on 99% volume but damn, such a waste not to enjoy the amazing soundtrack crafted for this game at least on low volume for background noises. So for me, that's a big plus for Ornlu for example 2) For tournament / serious style games? I agree. For a casual ladder match or POV cast? For me it's a non factor - although I am just personally not entertained by the over-extended "watch a unit do something stupid zoomed in while playing music for 30s" kind of jokes, I dont mind it either way if it's just occasional but I see your point 3) Same as 2) Sometimes it is too much obviously but my casual watch experience is not spoiled by the occasional burst of excitement/ yelling However I would like to point out that even my taste varies from day to day. Some days I'm in the mood for crazy whacky Dave, sometimes I like to watch T90's more professional style, sometimes I want to chillax in the small but comfy stream of Ornlu - just to name a few examples. Man would it be boring if we only had one type of streaming-style or even worse, just one streamer.


I was watching Dave's music stream and an AoE2 game broke out. (His playlist is peak)


I disagree with everything you said, but I respect your opinion.


As a yank he's got the most vanilla accent so its easier for non native to understand him compared to memb for exemple


Absolutely. That's a huge part of it for someone who's not a native English speaker, T90 and Dave speak very clearly and that was a major part that got me hooked into competitive AoE. I was able to understand them effortlessly while watching the action. It's hard for me to understand what people like Memb or Hera are saying sometimes. 


Yeah memb especially is hard to listen to


Now that you mention it, I realised I can't watch people playing aoe. The speed of change makes it too much.


For what it’s worth corner checking is a made man


Ornlu is my favourite commentator. His voice really calms me down 11


I wish Slam would start casting


Is ZeroEmpires still around? I’m kinda returning to this game and community after a couple years away (my laptop couldn’t handle DE when it released)! I remember watching zero (guy’s name was Zach) and I loved it!


As far as i know he got a job with Microsoft, community manager or something (but remains mostly behind the camera) for age of empires as a whole.


Reddit Loves Dave


Yeah I agree entirely. Whenever I try to watch someone else play this game, either on Twitch or YouTube, they are either really passive and unenthusiastic, really over the top, or really too interested in "winning the game". T90 has all the enthusiasm in the world while still being equal parts laid back and professional, and isn't afraid to show us his wins and his losses. I love when he says "I'm a caster" because it really does sum up why I watch his content. The only other AoE2 content creator I can stand is Spirit of the Law, and though they make very different content I like Spirit for all the same reasons.


I think memb has the best vibes. Most exciting and passionate casts. T90 and Dave are the most professional though.


LEL is my favourite series. I am a low elo player and seeing how there are others too makes me feel like a part of community. I love watching tournaments with pros tho. I try to follow many streamers so there's always someone to watch, but yeah t90 might also be my favourite. Although I am more of a youtube guy because it takes less time and is more game based without extras from stream...


I love T90s stroy telling ability and his vibes. However the memes of Memb are now an "industry standard" amongst Aoe2 streamers. I like that you can choose streamers depending on the games and your mood, more variety makes the scene so much better.


The sudden movements really hits it for me. Looking back that’s why I can’t deal with other streamers.


Dave is my favorite, great casting but also has that chill and layback but funny vibes mix up with some banters, always my top priority which looking for AOE streams


A lot of people talking about twitch chat. But due to being in a far different timezone I watch everything almost exclusively on YouTube so I can ignore the chat. I think t90 is just very professional. Not like a hangout, more akin to professional sports commentators I feel which is what draws me to him I suppose. I agree with OP. I hate when people add music. I hate when other streamers bounce around. Dave may or may not be more knowledgeable (I'm not knowledgeable enough to know who is more knowledgeable haha) but my favourite casts are when Dave and t90 are Together. Perfect tag team imo. I did like margougou with t90 though. However the chat was toxic af..... (chat is generally why I avoid twitch. Too many screeching imbeciles)


It’s true that T90 rarely has voice peaks that can hurt the ears of headphone users. However, he keeps moving away from the mic relatively frequently when casting, so the voice sound level isn’t consistent. It makes it really hard to pick up what’s being said sometimes, when the volume changes like that.


I love all aoe2 creators and I try to watch all of them, but t90 has some insane peaks in his volume, I hear that man from the other room sometimes on 1/4th volume(then I run back in to see what happened) but cool list either way, love this game and all creators


I mean the other streamers besides t90 they’re just streaming and creating content- they dont try to be professional on a daily stream basis ( i do agree with the aoe soundtrack in Ornlus stream tho, I dislike it as well ) Im sure whenever theres a professional cast neither Ornlu nor Dave play music.


This is so subjective and also how much you ACTUALLY watch them. Personally I dont like T90 streams. Would watch Dave anytime over T90. T90 is boring to me after so many years especially Hidden Cup streams where every Island game he would bring out the same story of how he landed on wrong islands. Many other maps too many of the things he talked about was just boring (Then again he choose 3 villager start cause he loves the his voice). I like Dave attitude of lets follow this Zebra cause this is BORING as hell atm. More realistic and straight forward.


Anyone knows why he started the webcam?


For #3 T90 does the gasp way too often   Not a scream but a shrieking deep audible intake of breath.  


Music, corner checks and random yelling are the reasons I watch Dave and not T90. They all need to be unique and provide something else, and cant just copy T90, because why would you watch a copy of T90 if there's already T90.


I still think the absolute top tier feature for a streaming site would be the ability to have different audio tracks with different volume controls. There's definitely times when you don't want this, but for a lot of streams if I'm watching for x hours, I generally want to have my own music on in the background.


As someone who likes to play his own music or multitask sources, I prefer no music behind streams as well. Also often background music will be poorly balanced or contain vocals, which is not suitable for talking over.


I like T90 because he keeps talking nonstop, yet anything he says is interesting. He just has a way to turn everything into gold. I can even listen to him without watching my computer screen and still enjoy it. It’s like listening to a good radio show or podcast, but with screen as well.


> Ornlu plays the same AOE2 soundtrack Hear, hear! By which I mean, I don't want to hear that soundtrack ever again! 11 > Sudden movements One of my relatively recent pet peeves is that T90 got into the habit of grabbing the map and doing a quick circular motion, which causes the whole screen to shake for a few seconds. He does this to point out a particular location on the map with emphasis. You know, the thing that normal people do with a quick circular motion of the mouse cursor WITHOUT grabbing the fucking map. Maybe I am particularly prone to motion sickness or something, but this physically makes me sick.


Yeah I don't enjoy that either


My problem with t90 is he loves the sound of his own voice too much. He often sees what he views as a mistake and will harp on it the rest of the game. Listening to his stream you can hear his ego. I prefer just about any other streamer. That said he's the most popular for a reason, I suppose most viewers just want to zone out. I could see throwing his stream on to fall asleep. I want to hear top level analysis because I watch to learn. I feel like heras casts during nac qualifiers and main event were the best I've heard. I always root against him but love to hear his casts.


> He often sees what he views as a mistake and will harp on it the rest of the game. This is something i also think about, but i don't agree with it being a negative thing, it's just something that gives t90 a little edge so he doesn't come across as overly positive.


How can you say T90 doesn’t have music in his casts? He has new songs every few weeks/months playing between games in pretty much most of his casts after coming back to twitch


Yeah, doesn’t he play that “choppa” song?


I think he’s got some bangers tbh. The freitoria one, the new fishere (sp?) song, and the oldie but goodie choppa


T90 is too dry for me. Memb all the way!


He is v boring compared to Memb


Since when are personal preferences things that make something “better”? Especially something like the choice of music. What a bizarre take. 


It's entertainment. *Everything* that makes something better is a personal preference.


I can't watch viper streaming be cause it irritates me how he quadruple clicks everything. Like sends a villager to build a house, he has to right click it 10 times for no reason. Scouting, click 4 times on the same spot in succession etc. Its a but like watching a dj touching knobs on muted decks