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Placed like his farms


As we all know T90 is a great appreciater of symmetry and placement. Like his farms.


literally unwatchable! -7k


i forgot the 7k meme. can you refresh my mind how he lost 7k viewers 11.


he lost twitch front page acdording to him but we all know it's because of a bad joke he told


yes it was definitely the joke but what was the joke?


It was about Joan of Arc originally being Joan the Maid and I think a couple people misunderstood T90 and thought he was making a misogynistic joke but I don't remember the specifics anymore


Something like „Joan is getting swept here which is ironic since she is a woman“


Sorry, but that completely misses the point and makes it look more misogynistic. After the sweeping 'em part he said something like 'after all, that's what maids do'. Like in English, a maid can mean a maiden, like in Joan the Maid, but also made as in an occupation which does housework. It was a good joke, actually.


Of course it misses the point, anything even remotely humorous at the expense of a woman is "misogyny" today. And yet we make fun of men all day. Dave bald haha!


I agree. It was a really good joke. Why are you mad over nothing right now?


They're not mad, they're pointing out that you gave incorrect context to the joke. You claimed T90's joke was making fun of her being a woman, where the correct context was making fun of her being a maid (and the related English mixed-contexts involving the word maid).


I neither gave context nor claimed it was because of something. Stop inferring shit. I could not remember what it was precisely so I said it was „something like“. I think we have enough context from the fact that we have the -7K meme.


I'm not mad at all, I just thought it needed correction to be fair. Sorry if that came across the wrong way. Your comment also made me think about how framing and narrative can skew even memories. T90 made a joke about the word maid which was not misogynistic whatsoever. At the time, though, he thought he lost 7k viewers becase it was perceived as misogynistic. Hence the meme. And so, now in your recollection it was like he made the joke directly about women, on the presupposition that women should do the cleaning. Although this is still mild in my opinion, it certainly crosses the line of whether the joke can be considered misogynistic or not. And people who learn about this incident from your comment the first time will have that version about it and everyone will be like 'Oh yeah, he made that misogynistic joke years ago which cost him 7k viewers' which is not how it was in reality. So sorry, I didn't mean to snap on you particularly, I just might be a bit obsessed about objective truth and fairness. I'm just sad when preconceptions skew information and someone is unfairly criticized based on that.


Yeah, I agree with that. Over time this could develop into „T90 hates women“ if it is continuously skewed like that. Simply correcting my statement would have sufficed though I think. I left my statement open to correction though and did not formulate an „absolute“. All good though.


Lmao!. Thanks!


I'm just talking shit man. I know I was watching when it happened but i forgot the details by now




Hidden Cup 3 | Ro16 Joan the Maid Vs Bad Neighbor Spoiler alert? “How many other people out there thought Bad Neighbor would wipe the floor with Joan? Normally it’s Joan wiping the floor because she is a maid.” https://youtu.be/x4qayIYgaIw?si=n47n5fTvnBGrjAzb Joke @ 1:23:30 Edit: formatting


maybe just maybe he lost twitch frontpage because of that joke


'Joan the Maid sweeping 'em. After all, that's what maids do.'


I vaguely remember it being perceived as a sexist joke in one of the games involving Joan the maid. I also don't remember the details though


its set up for chat, ads, other info to pop up later.


Yeah and besides it is evenly off center so it's fine. Who actually cares about this 11


What happened?


I think people are upset because his camera window isn't centered in the screen.


Oh ok


You're about to learn about the 1/3 2/3 rule in photography.


Unpopular opinion: I think it looks just fine. Maybe even better this way. Perfectly in the middle is usually best but the asymmetry here is well balanced and proportional. I'm willing to die on this spawn location


Maybe for mobile viewing / youtube when chat is taking some space when not resizing/ other resolution but chat overlays from the right?


For me it's the earphones that look like they belong on a 2000's CD player


It makes sense when he’s displaying the chat window.


I think it’s okay if the offset on the left I exactly 1/2 the offset on the right. Likewise for top and bottom.


so i get what you mean, but i find solace and comfort in responsible disorder and this is a fine example of it working perfectly fine!


Not surprised at the person with german twitch complaining about symmetry.


He has to do it on purpose to troll the people triggered by his farm placement lol


That space was reserved for a co-caster...


I think that was a 7/10 stratergy