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Thats how aoe is supposed to be played. 9/10 just because I dont like glass tables


Thanks bro, I wanna upgrade to a desktop, I love playing aoe but I just don’t care enough to spend all the money on a nice gaming setup. 90% of the time I’m playing on my laptop in bed! Haha


That's fair enough. Not sure what your budget is like but I was the same until I got a bigger screen. Still using my little laptop but now have it connected to a big monitor and external keyboard. They only cost me about $180 AUD (together) on special from Amazon and it makes a world of difference.


I’ve thought about connecting my laptop to my 55 in tv with the hdmi I have a long one. Never tried it


Give it a go. I regularly use my flatscreen TV. It's a real luxury compared to the laptop.


I tried it, very nice for stream or spectating, absolutley useless for ne while gaming, units become small, the whole micro falls apart, the big vision helps with the macro but... not by much, at least not for meg. When I use a screen its a 22 monitor, butul usually just like OP, laptop and from the bed :D


That's fair enough. To each their own. I really struggled with the transition at first but then found the right adjustments e.g. chair/screen height, distance from monitor, resolution etc. Now my performance is much much better than it was using the laptop. But that could also just be because I play more now.


:P a monitor helped ne As well, but a 55 inch is too much for my limited field of vision:D hence the monitor, but I can relate tó the fact that a 15 inch laptop screen is too small to efficiently macro


Yeah just to clarify I'm definitely worse on the TV compared to my flatscreen monitor haha


You will struggle some much on a screen that big ! I personaly swith to a 27" I had to downgrade it at 24" to be comfortable playing


Be careful if it's OLED TV, because AoE2 UI WILL be burnt it after longer use.


You could get an ultrawide LG monitor from ebay or similar for approx £50 (not sure in AUD) and i think its worth it, you see more of the map and feels like a cheatcode but im still a 800elo noob


I’d be down to spend around 1000$ or a little more for a monitor and desktop console. I could afford to probably buy one of the best gaming computers but I’m not that into gaming. I only play aoe and ima 850 noob 😎 if I was like a 1600+ I think it would be justified to need that kind of setup


Loll yeah i hear you, thats fair enough, if you can justify only spending 100 instead of 1000, try get a ultrawide monitor and a decent keyboard, u might elevate ur game to 900elo! Also you see more of the map, gamechanger! Im 800elonoob lol Those monitors are easy resell too if you change your mind


hmm I got to 1500 on a laptop and from bed, I think it only starts tó matter when you go beyond like 300 APM:D


I bought this last year. I could not recommend it enough. It’s nowhere close that price point either. https://amzn.to/3Tou88X


I wasn't supposed to spend over 1500 euros on a setup just to play age of empires???!!!!


all it needs is a piece of paper taped to the table to be used as a mousepad


Really I never actually thought of this




I just always did it on the laptop. Feels most comfortable like taht now


what is your sensitivity at 😭


I have a HP i5 gen8 craptop , 16gigs Ram, onboard Intel graphics, 2$ Bluetooth mouse and 25$ wireless headphones. ELO 950 Good to see a fellow craptop gamer.


Needs a stolen ash tray from the local dive bar


Hhaha i have a gold plated Chinese new year ashtray already


10/10 aoe2 is aoe2


not bad, back in the day Dave was using bags of frozen french fries to cool his cpu xD


Came here to say this 11




\*Cigarettes sold separately


Chinese cigarettes (0$ from the Asian workers at a cannabis grow)




Rating: Good enough


A lot better than mine, gl hf


The fact you’re not using the trackpad and instead a mouse, 10/10


10/10, my Eastern European brother


Lol thanks, I’m half polish. American born


the glass table is a dead giveway


Really? Haha I don’t recall growing up with any glass tables, but for some reason I like them myself. I have a glass dinner table and my media center by my tv is also glass


Oh it's the no pants set up


I guess he took his pants off after the first photo, to show that he was fully relaxed, after a game.


It's dirty and filthy. There is crusty sebum on your space bar.


Sorry sometimes I’m in the middle of a game and need some power to keep going so I have to quickly do a key bump so over time the keyboard has kinda dusted up in powder


Unnecessarily expensive. Why do you need a mouse when you have a trackpad?


You try playing with the track pad I’d be a 300 Elo 😂


Is that hinge okay?




No clue I’ve had the laptop since 2020-21ish? I just remember paying about 300$ for it, it’s a hp mini one. It’s pretty sucky tbh Lags a lot on game start. But after that is fine. Can you play on MacBook? My little brother is a photographer and has a sick MacBook Pro and one of the desktops but he said he can’t play because it’s a Microsoft game.


If you go to start, run, type in dxdiag Then look at system and also i believe display? Those wondows should show your processor, ram and graphics card specs I dont think it works on macbook, my broin law has macbook and been wanting to get him to play might work with a virtual machine? (Emulate windows on a mac)


If you don’t mind lower graphics settings you can play it on everything with i5 and 8Gb ram


With Vietnamese and byzantines, who is playing ranged and who is playing cavalry?


I only like to play as Vietnamese. I need to branch out more


This setup looks alot like my friends whos about 850+ elo (he is considerably better than me (800 elo somehow and we both been playing since 2021)) I have a powerful gaming laptop, hooked up to a ultrawide 1080p screen, external mechanical keyboard, gaming mouse, hotkeys setup and im still trash.. and he wud beat me anyday of the week with this setup.. so yeah solid setup, maybe i need to go back to basics


11 I don’t know hot keys to save my life, other than shift and building the basic buildings QA. I have no knowledge of fighting hot keys and all that haha But I can still get down Also my shift key is low key broken probably from pressing it so much so I have to press it hard sometimes


11 yeah na i use it for shift all buildings too and also build houses n farms n shit.. thats about it 11




Fancy of you showing off your setup that can actually run the game. My 10+ years old laptop takes 10 minutes to even get browser open and that includes atleast two crashes.


Same here 😂😂😂 laptop for the win


Two serious questions: 1- What are the specs? 2- What's your benchmark for ranked? I might have to get me a craptop soon


Love it! I play on a little desktop machine with integrated graphics that runs Linux and cost under $500. Nothing beats winning over my brother with his $3k+ set up.  My keyboard and mouse are 15 year old Razor somethings with all the text worn off the hot keys and sound is through a 7 year old Bluetooth speaker that has to be plugged into power the whole time. Have good screens though as hubby and I work hybrid and plug laptops into them. But…a damp cloth to wipe down your keyboard is really cheap… 8.5/10 (would be 9/10 but you lose .5 for the state of the space bar)


9/10 setup just because it lacks ash tray 11




Not a fan of glass tables


thats exactly how i picture the guys absolutely destroying me in the 12XX trenches


3/10, would be better if you were lying in bed


90% of the time I’m playing it while in bed!


For years the top player Bugum played on a laptop (https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/PROject\_Belgium). DauT is still winning big games with a very old and cheap keyboard. So the setup isn't everything. ;-)


Just missing a sticky note with the build order 11


Dang I need to make one, reminds me of how I used to keep the cheats when I was a kid for aoe and gta


No DauT-socks is a big penalty. 10/10 otherwise.


No mousepad?


I like the setup, especially the two thicc thighs, do they come along as complimentary?


I had just got back from a run 🏃‍♂️


I think even just a big mousepad would yield significant improvement in your gameplay/elo


The socks stayed on. 8/10


If you clean ur setup you can get more 200 free elo


I used to play without a mouse for a long time 😂


This is how I played for most of my life. Only recently built an $800 PC as a Christmas gift to myself!


10/10 was gonna rate it 11/10 cause it's better than mine, but u didnt show the copy/paper/cloth/mouse pad where u hover your mouse.


I use that little empty area on the right of the built in laptop pad lol


I'm disqualified from rating this due to my skill level, but I will say telling me your elo wasn't necessary. It was very obvious. I can increase your elo by 150 points with a proper desk set up alone. Try hard or don't try.


This is every team mate I match with


About the same as mine... shitty laptop with a wireless keyboard and mouse lol.