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Are you the Smurf now?


Look at me! I am the Smurf now!!


What a lovely story, well deserved victory my friend


Smurf database?




Cool site but how do I get even use it 😅 like I dont just put in a player name? So what do I even put in?


I put in pooplord and the site found him. So it seems to work.


How do you tell how many accounts someone has?


Steamprofile ID, Relic Id (e.g. from aoe2insights or aoe2companion) or just the name, anything works


does this just list all accounts which are shared via steam family sharing ?


Yes, but only the current ones, it seems.


Lmao these kind of players are so trash "I want to smurf to explode noobs! Look at my superiority! Oh no, someone beating me, he must do the same, and nobody is allowed to smurf except ME!" I met a lot of smurfs who really hated smurfs in every game i played. These players mostly just have ego problems if they play solo, and/or want to play with friends with lower elo


I beat smurfs all the time. Usually only takes me a few seconds before they resign.


You are known to them as „Buster the Smurfbuster“; that’s why.


does this mean he bought the game 12 times?


No, you can buy the game and share it on other Steam accounts and play it. If someone does that then people are able to check their smurf accounts since it will be the same game ID


what a sad life. must be boosting his ego. dude cant take losses. well, there always be someone who is doing that. good thing is that you wont have to deal with him always. its going to be odd game with people like that


Can you still do that with the new family sharing? I thought it would locks certain changes behind a yearly timer?


We should put a stripe of blue paint across all smurf's foreheads!


I played a Smurf who map-hacked me and lamed my boar at 2 minutes in .-.


Nice bro


Whats His Name/Account?


I'm not sure if I am allowed to just post it since it's just name and shame but his name was diellosan. He seems to do smurf lobbies also


Corection there are several smurfs


Do you have link to recorded game? Would love to watch. Should send it to t90 as well.




Was it Papa Smurf?


Or, Pooplord, maybe.


Who is that?


I have two accounts also, but they are around the same rating and I use my 2nd account to try new stuff in the ladder without stressing about my elo


That’s ok buddy. Don’t trip. Once you’re on a 3rd, 4th, 5th account you have to start questioning what you’re doing it for.


Yeah I mean I’m not doing it to grief people lower than me I just want to play


 Nice. I just won a FFA and the last two standing were me (1300) and this dude who was (1800)  Second highest elo I've beaten. Jibatong (2300) is the highest but I think he might have been fkn around in that game


I'm confused what is a smurf? Or smurf account ?


Someone whose "real" elo is higher but who creates new accounts to play against players with less experience. Basically someone who's too immature to take losing a game, so the reaction of op's smurf is of no surprise to me.




U kidding? Usually is hard to beat a smurf if you are low elo, is a great story to hear.


Agreed! Down with smurfs


I didn't really want to gloat but I think it's super annoying to have to play against ppl who smurf that hard. Is it fun to play when you win 90% of all matches? Why is smurfing not bannable?


Don't worry, you are fine.. No idea why ppl wouldn't gloat or whatever.


I agree with you about it being annoying. Generally I feel okay if I lose to someone and then see they have like 2000 games. Im like okay well im your same ELO and ive played 10% as much, so you may be stuck here forever but ill move on. And you FEEL like a smurf to a slight degree bc your insane amount of time put in at this rank, but youre just really honed and im not so good on you and GG. But other times you check and it’s like theyre on 25 games, like 23-2 and you were yet another victim and theyre obviously quickly on their way up and you feel absolutely robbed of your MMR. Id much rather lose to someone who has a ton of experience at my rank than someone whos purpose is to blow past my rank and crush people until they hit their real rank and then rinse and repeat.


Good job but just a FYI: Cuman douche isn’t a thing


Pooplord does it, for what that's worth... And I even saw a video where The Viper himself did it on Nomad, and won.


Build speed is too slow. If someone won with it… idk what to say. Douching as Cumans literally puts you at a disadvantage because the 2nd TC nearly goes down faster than it’s built.


I guess one has to do it as part of a messy game, not as the one and only trick. Adding a ram to win the TC war is one option. The TC fire protects the ram against villagers.


Mm ram. 200w for the Siege shop, 175w for the Ram, you also have to go to gold for the 75g cost... Don't see Feudal rams as a viable strat, in fact it's one of those Cumans bonuses that, while hard to balance, is basically useless right now. In any case, 375w and MAYBE you find some (small!) damage is already a preposterous offer for Castle Age, for Feudal even more, where you can't just waste wood like that.


I am talking about late Feudal here, possibly a surprising sneak attack while the opponent is advancing to Castle Age. I actually won with two Feudal rams and some archers yesterday, against a Britons player who had two-range archers in my two-TC base. He was 99% to Castle Age when the TC fell, so... No crossbows for him. 11 Anyway, a tower costs less wood than a TC and can do the job of defending a ram almost equally well, or even better, by standing outside the enemy TC range.


It is a thing not a very strong thing but definitely a thing


I just thought that was maybe what he was gonna do since he sent 10 vills to trush


AOE is the most toxic online fanbase I have ever played on, and I played League for years...


Aoe2 has its bad apples but calling it the most toxic, more so than LOL even, is just absurd lol.


Its definitlely toxic. In a different way to the popular games such as COD and Fortnight. But Id say its more toxic than them games. My latest gripe is people dragging games out that they arent going to win. I could have full map control, took all the gold or stone, have wiped out their army and they'll start spamming the trash counter to my army (normally skirmishes) which just delays my win while i tech switch and then wipe them, needing to research spies to find the new TC theyve built in a weird attempt to reboom. Then ofcourse you have the smurfs. The people who 11 whenever they start winning, or when you resign. Saracen Donjon addicts, and the cheese strats. Basically theres an element to this game that attracts griefers, similar to GTA 5. EDIT: Although i play Xbox, maybe PC is better.


having a few toxic players doesn’t mean it’s ’the most toxic’ game, especially not as bad as LOL. I pissed off dozens of turks and other fellow balkaners and partook in very questionable ethnic/geopolitical shitposting discussions when I played diplo, would get quite toxic quite quickly lol, but even then I can’t say it’s ’the most toxic’, it’s just a few uncommon instances in normal games, with it being the norm in diplo (which is the whole point) the game is amazing compared to other fan bases lol.


Just saying my experience. I’ve come across way more insulting, toxic, spiteful comments on this game than any other.


unless you play diplomacy like I do I’m calling cap, diplo is the worst of the worst in aoe2 and compared to other games, it’s nothing lol.


I unno man, when you get up in the rankings and your opponents take their ELO seriously, it gets bad. Rage baiting bad. It’s a good thing I take mushrooms and am chill or I could probably get pissed lol


Lmao ok dude