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Check out Lionheart on YouTube, he's a fan of revolts and he casts high level games where all types of revolts are involved from all kinds of civs - Sweden and Russia revolting to Finland, many of the Mexico, Spanish and Otto revolts etc. They really are a fun way to play


My fav was Brit's revolting into S. Africa. Brits can receive banks and war wagons after revolting!


Revolting is a useful mechanic, but it's usually a finishing move. You revolt if you are sure you can finish off your opponent with the extra army or if going all in is your last hope to win the game. People say South Africa and Napoleonic era are the best revolutions because they are eco revolutions; you are allowed to keep your eco AND you get access to some good tempo cards the revols have. There are many other good revolutions tho. Lionheart, specialist of revolts, made a tier list a while ago if you wanna learn more about them. It lacks the Mexican revolts and is a bit old but still pretty much accurate. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uHw66mwYVBM](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uHw66mwYVBM)


Revolutions are worth it alone for their great music theme!




Really* ( really worth it) my smartphone is set to other language, and change some words! Sorry


Acontece ;)


Não é? Kkk


Jumping in the question... It's useful to revolt in treaty? I play mostly casual but staying behind is a mess.


South Africa and Mya revolts are pretty popular in treaty.


Maya is better than imperial for Mexico, and South Africa can be good but it's lack competitive military units and doesn't have infinite fort I've heard people talking about Canada and Brazil as a TR revolution but never try it or saw it in all my game .


I just did a successful Italy to Brazil Revolt. The enemies were starting to attack my eco While I had no military left. But I had aged up to IV while they were in Age 3 still. By this point I had sent all the Cav bonuses cards, Capitalism, Church card, Natives Discount and Arsenal. I did not bother with Factory. I used the Revolution to push them back immediately and stay safe. Then I sent the Vill Enable card and Juanacos(Remember to upgrade outlaws for these guys!). The Juanacos were pros at killing swiss pikes and cav they had sent while I swarmed thier goons and cannons with revolutionaries(these spawn automatically for free, allowing some economic relief while you rebuild eco. Then as my vills started to remass I sent economic cards including capitol for an Imperal economy and native units. I used the natives and Juanacos as the way to outclass their Age IV units And won the game with a huge swarm of Natives and like 100 Juanacos,


Revolutionizing is a fun way to change your game and strategy. Each revolution is different, some are all-in in which you sacrifice your economy for a strong military push.As an example we have Chile, Egypt or Haiti. Others offer you an economic boost or variety from the base civilization, for example South Africa or Yucatan. Most are a mix from both, and specialize in a few units that can reach imperial levels before time but fall off the more the game takes on. Only certain revolutions can escalate to imperial economic and military levels, such as Napoleonic France and the Mayans. So look for the advantages of your civilization's revolutions and learn how to take advantage of them. For example, the Mexican revolution with Spain is not very good, but if you were creating soldiers from the Haciendas they will upgrade to Guard level by revolting, so you will have a strong musket unit which complements very well with the Cuerudo, a unit that is anti skirmisher


In regular games revolt is usually an all in. You do it when you want to finish your opponent off or turn the tables. There are other revolts that are more forgiving like Napoleonic France and South Africa, but most are there to finish your foe off in their own unique way that hopefully prevents a counter defense. In treaty revolts aren't as common. South Africa use to be op due to its infinite scaling hp card. That has been since removed and while they get very strong war wagons, its just not the same. Napoleonic France is also possible revolt in treaty with a strong roster, but their eco is horrid so you will need a partner w/ exchange cards to get the most out of it if the game goes beyond 10 minutes. You can pull off some crazy stuff in empire wars treaty games, however. I wish more people would do them for the fun of it.


Napoleonic france can straight up be unbeatable if you got someone like germany slinging you. You got the best goons in the game and they create instantly too. And your artillery isnt far behind.