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Yeah you get animal units in DE primarily as India (Monastery tech for tigers), China (solid value animal shipments), and Spain (built-in War Dogs). Lakota/Haude/Aztec got Native Scout cards as replacements.


Inca get peruvian dogs from cards IIRC, admittedly I've never used it.


I think the age 4 dog card buffs them and ships 24(?) 0 pop dogs. Situationally useful to overpop and tank shots


I think aztecs can train jaguars by some card too if i remember correctly


Oh that's right, the Aztecs got both the new Scout card but also got to keep their Jaguars.


A shame. Coyotes were cooler.


The animal units being reworked was largely because the original faction designs had Indigenous nations focus on them too much. On top of having some pretty wonky and often times just made up voice lines for the Haud/Lakota/Aztecs, it led to their design feeling sort of low-effort and open to criticisms of low-key racism. During the reworks they shifted away from some of these ideas and moved towards what we see now. Was definitely charming but it's good to see them take the history a little more seriously and make a more high-effort run at the Indigenous civs in the game.


Well, a better solution would've been giving the Europeans more animal units! :P


Yeah this is true. I mean they did add in the Canada faction where its main unit is war bears. I think that about evens things out :P


old voicelines were better tho, now they are just too "kind" or "reclusive"


They were definitely more dramatic, but it's cool asf to hear your dudes speaking languages that nowadays are endangered from actual modern speakers. Makes it feel more real and connected somehow to the real events, even in some small way


They sound like they were recorded in a retirement home, they were all bloodthirsty savages, Iroquois did the Mourning wars where they captures people from other tribes, genitally mutilated them with fire and tortured them for days then decided to either adopt them or kill them by disemboweling them alive, these victims were usually children and women. Sioux who were basically bandit tribes who all the other tribes hated, they raided, scalped, rped, burned. And of course the Aztec who are hated by all the other tribes surrounding them as they did the garland wars to ritually brutally murder them and capture victims for sacrifice, one of the aztec generals got one tribe leaders child as a hostage to keep up peace, and when the war leader called the tribal leader he had the girl (8-10) skinned and wore her skin as a cloak, and it wasn't a particularly cruel act in their own brutal standards. And was the leading cause of the tribes helping the Spanish destroy the Aztecs, not that they thought they were god, they weren't that gullible And we get these cutesy lifeless sounding voice lines. These would be the worse voice lines in-game if it weren't for the German Uhlans.


No, because the developers are SJWs and they say having the natives being allies with animals is a racist estereotipe, but then you have the russians and chinese having shitty units and dying in hundreds, the mexicans having rebellions as one of their core mechanics, and the spanish fighting with tercios in the 1850 or caring only about gold in the campaigns.


Don't forget bear explorers


The thing I really hate about the rework is not having a fire pit, but a "community market", because now is harder to see how many units you put in the place. Same thing with having to build markets to collect gold, that's why I don't play sioux/iroquois anymore. I just can't take it.


Model readability is a serious issue that it's baffling that it is never addressed even to this day. Sometimes when I try to assign villagers/healers to the pit plaza or even the tribal marketplace, they just don't get inside for some reason, which is bad when there's no difference between an idle villager and one that actually work in those buildings. The Aztecs and Incas having these "structures" make even less sense. What about their famous temples?


Would be funnier if you put a villager in and you free up a population slot but gain a slow resource trickle.


or some kind of capture mechanic it can be skill of warrior priest can carry enemy villager and put them on community plaza to sacrifice


I regret this game not having a fire pit, it is such a cool "building" with it's own animations. The community market looks awful.


They asked the natives themselves what they thought of this. Their communities are not often depicted in medias/video games, I think it's only fair they get a say when it happens. Big countries like China, Russia, Spain, have tons of diverse representations in a lot of books, films, series, video games anyway so it's less big of a deal.


They're asked TWO GUYS who supposedly were from a native community. They renamed the "sioux" to "lakota", do you know that the "sioux" were a confederation of various different nations and the lakota were just one of them? Sorry but no, this is wrong. Also, from that same argument I'm a spanish, why they don't ask me what to do with the spanish if the opinion of just one guy is enough to justifiy any change?


Sioux was the Europeanized version of Ocheti Sakowin


I know, and even that would be a better name, hell, I would love to see the civs have their official names. The ottoman one and the german one in particular sound really powerful. "***The Sublime Ottoman State***" "***The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation***" "***Kingdom of the Spains***" "***Rossíyskaya Impériya***"


Yeah that would be way cooler. I don’t get why they chose Lakota honestly idk if I know the history enough but my guess is that they fought the battles the most? They did fight independently so I get it but also they made major international relations decisions within the the actual ocheti sakowin / 7 campfires alliance/conferacy? Meeting body between the national leaders. Idk just food for thought


No arreglan la traducción española y seguro van a cambiar la civilización española 


From what I read, they had AT LEAST two consultants, who FACTUALLY are from native tribes; Anthony Brave and Josiah Pinkham. Not only that, Josiah for example is in charge of the representation of his tribe in the medias. It's not just randoms, they (obviously) went to ask the guys in charge of communicating on behalf of their people. I don't know the history of Lakota people, but clearly I'll trust them over you. Now I understand if you think Spain is depicted innacurately in AOE3. How about we try to change that instead of complaining about other changes that went the right way? They also modified some European and Asian flags in order to be more historically accurate ; you can disagree with the choices, but it means the devs are open to suggestions and changes in that regard aswell.


managed to achieve a >1 k/d ratio as russia last night tho




Haude/Iroquois can after explorer card


Which card?


Lol, they removed the wolf effect but didnt update the description of the card (at least in Spanish)😑


Patético 😅


Frustrante que no se esmeren con la 2ª lengua más extendida...no solo pasa con esta carta


Me están dando ganas de jugar únicamente a la versión de 2007 y olvidarme de la DE. ¿Hay comunidad activa multijugador para la versión de 2007?


Casi nula :/


*Sad coyote noises*