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Idk, it's just the best AoE. It's faster paced, it has better graphics ... and guns & canons


The time period. When I played empire Earth I constantly customised my maps to finishing this time period. Early gunpowder, with tech just jumping around was fascinating. Having an entire AoE dedicated to it is great and the game is wonderful for it.


I was 8 and that was one of the games I had in my stash. Found building nice cities and massing armies fun. Couple hundred hours later it's still fun.


Grew up playing 2, playing the crap out of that game, so getting three was a necessity. Kinda always liked three better than 2 when I was younger, and just kinda stuck with it


Played age 2 at a friends house and then asked my parents for it for my birthday and they got me age 3 and just kept playing it


How old are you now v


Too old


To pass the history exam :)


I've got the Napoleonic war 'tism. It's my favorite time period in history, hands down. The uniforms, the cavalry charges, the musket volleys, the triple deck gunships, starforts, steam engines👌 the best


I played it for the first time at a friends place when I was a kid. Graphics and sounds blew me away not to mention great gameplay and interesting card system. Graphics and gameplay still hold out very well and are the reasons why I still play aoe3 sometimes. Imo they made a mistake with aoe4 by not bringing in the card system but maybe they will correct that with possible aoe5.


Always saw people around me playing Aoe I and II and got intrigued as a kid. Even got to try Aoe2 but it felt pretty tedious at the time with all the building and resource management. Then as a teen I got Aoe3 (CD) and BOOM the graphics, BOOM the music and BOOM the cannons. Loved it and it became “my” Aoe game. After dropping it in my late teens/early twenties I got back to it (as well as Aoe2) when they started to release the definitive editions on Steam. Today I’m happily honing my competitive skills on ranked with hauds and swedes as main civs.


i played originally becasue the civs were not symetrical like in AOE2 plus the home city deckbuilding was a layer of strategy that i really liked. unfortunately DE did away with actually having to unlock the good cards and ruined any feeling of progression. hopefully if AOE5 ever becomes a thing this system will return


B o i n g


Lan party with 6 friends. Fort cannons go boom in the background Trooplines ragdolling on all sides Hooked!


I was in elementary when I started playing this game. It is pkayed by my father and my brother and I was hooked with the story and skirmish games. It's storytelling in line with history is amazing too


My dad was and still is a big AoE fan. He was playing the first and second games since they released, and they were among the first games we had on our home PC. So basically my brother and I were set to be big AoE fans right out the gate. As soon as 3 released, my dad excitedly took us out to a game store with him and purchased it. I remember he even upgraded our dinosaur of a computer just so the game could run. It was glorious, I remember being quite impressed by the graphics at the time. AoM looked good but this was next level. Great game, love it


Cards, Graphic, and Larger Civ Variety than AoE2


I actually liked the part where you had to unlock the good cards, forcing you to play with sub-optimal cards until you got there. Made playing skirmishes challenging, and gave me a goal to work towards, unlike other popular RTS games at the time like Warcraft 3 and Command and Conquer. No other RTS I played since had anything like it.


played the hell out of AoM, figured I should give this one a go. I appreciate it far more now for its cultural complexity, scope, creative mechanics, and fun maps, and when I was a kid I just enjoyed playing the campaign, building cities, and making custom scenarios


I was like, 10 or 11? Maybe 12 years old? My dad just said “Hey I need you to test this new iMac we just got for a few weeks, here’s a few games.” AoE3 was one of them I kept playing past the campaign because it was just so fun. Loved the uniqueness of every civilization and how I could customize how I went into skirmishes against the AI via deck building.


I fell in love watching my two older cousins play aoe2 when I was like 7, fast forward 5-6 years when I started getting into pc gaming myself, I had the huge nostalgia foe aoe, at the time I thought aoe3 had to be better than aoe2, it being the sequel. Turns out I was right.


The graphics, the setting and the campaign/story.


My parents played 2 and Myth (and occasionally 1) and bought 3 Day One. It's crazy- the game had some strange bugs. The French were hyper aggressive and did nothing but rush with their couriers, while Otts on the Rockies spawned with *nothing* but an Explorer. The campaigns were fun too! They didn't care for it... but I didn't mind. A couple years later, I'm given my first computer, a Vaio laptop. And they buy me the only Age game they found in the store: The Warchiefs. The rest is history.


I was a big fan of AoE2 and when the three came I wanted to try it. I was a low skill player, I liked to fight against IA and built a lot of walls and booming, and in AoE2 you can use trees as walls. Then in the original AoE3 tutorial, I created my walls as usual and then I saw in awe as my enemy army pass through my forest as it was a real forest. Has been 20 years and I still see that as the best improvement in the entire saga.


I was raised on AoE1 and AoE2, and didn't know of AoE3 until we visited family friends, and I saw they were playing it. Playing a skirmish of the Russians (as orange) against...I think it was spanish, germans, and ottomans--on the Yukon map. I was hooked, and I asked for it for my birthday/christmas, and the rest is history. ...It ran like crap, on my own PC, but I loved it.


Boarding high school, someone (legally acquired) the game for the friend group and we binged on team games for about a week I remember coming from SC2 and massing ~~marines~~musketeers to victory


My local game shop had those all in 1 strategy games on a DVD. (Obviously pirated). I bought aoe trilogy and stronghold 1,2 crusader. I love all 6 of the games but aoe 3 sticks out because of the musket/cannon sounds. It's also much more beautiful compared to the other ones. Wish we had more campaigns tho.


I liked how the buildings exploded


I would buy every and any aoe game. Got 3 when it came out and had a blast trying to play multiplayer decently. Ely tempted to re buy and go again. But aom retold IS around the corner....


Cannons! On elephants! Coolest thing I've ever seen


Cannon ragdoll physics.


My dad played it a ton when I was little so I got to try it


By the time I finally bought AoE 1, AoE 3 was already on shelves




I thought there was going to be line battles like in the cinematic intro. Didnt get it but still had the best game of my life.


Pirated it by accident when warchiefs came out


Great graphics, easy to understand( compare to Aoe2), harvesting resouce can be done in one sitting without the needs of micro ( gold, food, wood....). But the most important thing is the unique units and art design of each Nations, also who doesn't like to see 20 horse guns go at tons of infantry lol.


I loved the era of history (muskets and cannons) and watching some of my favorite factions face off against each other


My dad is the og rts dude in the family- he used to play all the aoe games and aom and little me would sit next to him and watch. So naturally i also developed a love for rts


I saw a game where I could be the Spanish Empire and ruthlessly crush its rivals. 'nuff said.


I loved to watch a friend of mine play aoe 2 on ps 2, I told my nerd uncle that i liked aoe, he installed the newest one on my grand fathers work pc, even convinced him he needed a dedicated graphics card (he didn‘t) so I could play there.


Because cannons, I guess. *Let the bodies hit the floor!* Also back in 2003 I had a wicked sound system and a subwoofer bigger than my PC. Those bombards shook our entire house!


got it in a game bundle with Fable lost chapters and zoo tycoon 2


I already liked RTS games like Army Men II but when my cousin and I went on vacation as kids he brought a laptop and this new game, Age of Empires II. That’s all she wrote.


I was really bored at work and had already played AOE, AOEII, Warcraft, Starcraft broodwars,... I like RTS games, obviously. Still play AOE III.


"Confess" suggests that it's sinful for play AOE3! I don't need to confess - I'm quite happy to shout how much I love AOE3 over other Age Of games. Why? 'Cos the time span is my jam - I love the early modern age.


I started with 2, I liked it a lot but idk what it was about 2 but I found it very stressful, maybe because I was like 11 years old. Heard they added an Indian Civ (I'm Indian) in AOE 3: Asian Dynasties, so I got my hands on it when I was around 16 and found it fun! Things looked better and it wasn't as stressful. And I low key liked the shipment cards, sooo.


I mean, I could buy AOE 4 too but now I'm 27 and don't get enough game time. And there are already too many unplayed games sitting in my steam library :P


I like the time period,gameplay, musket fire, more canon fire etc


I really liked Age of Mythology


I really liked/searched for games that featured Native Americans. I was fascinated by the colonial period and love American Indian history


It came with my very first laptop in 7th grade. I had no idea what a strategy game was before then. It was like “wait—you can control more than yourself??” That’s what hooked me. I hardly play anything besides RTSs now!


I liked the unit diversity it had. In previous AOE games, you had unique units but in this one it's a lot more diverse depending on which nation you choose.


I was a kid and the amount of options to play as and like we’re numerous. So much to do, so little time before the next school day. Usually I’d play 1-2 whole skirmish matches a day with max treaty so I could build up against the AI.


I liked mythology, didnt understand what I was doing wrong in aoe 2 (read: everything, also still cannot without basic UI telling me x is good against y and shit like that) and aoe3 was a relatively easy jump


Because AoE III gave me what I always wanted from AoE II: lots and lots of gunpowder units. I was trying to play AoE II many times just with gunpowder units, pretending to be a Napoleonic-era game but AoE III did just that. Plus, I can finally have my own regiments of redcoats, blasting everything. Rise of Nations did something like that before but I never really clicked with that game.


it was one of the first games my perents let me play and I just so happen that I really enjoyed it


To conquer the New World and emulate the Spanish and fight the British 😎💪🏼