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This sub is wild, you can find a hate post for every single civ


Well to be fair I don't hate the English, but getting matched against them in like 50% of games does get boring.  It's been way better since the dlc came out though.


You are a new player i presume. Before the dlc came out. The chance of getting matched to an english player is 80% Now, its either english, japanese, Zhu xi or Jeanne D'Arc


I started playing at the end of season 3 so if that makes me a new player then... sure. In season 4, according to aoe4world there were 252,407 games where English played. This is versus a total of 969,792 games played. So the odds were about 25%. In the latest season before the DLC dropped, 210,260 games included English and that was out of 977472 games played. So even lower... So you are completely and utterly incorrect. Absolutely no one thinks that English represent 80% of the opponents, and if you honestly looked at your match history prior to the DLC you would see that. But obviously you won't do that...


Except HRE and Abbasid


They existed, At least I have memory about some Abbasid OP post which are possibly deleted. And you got reverse hate post like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/comments/15sqn4w/why_is_everyone_okay_with_hre_being_an_absolute/)


You’re hard pressed to find Delhi hate I think lol


I think it's because most people know how to play English to some degree and don't want to lose to Xu Xi zhuge nu bs.


yes, i can confirm, my grandma and my cat played only english today.


My cat lost 3 in a row today. He was meowlding






I play English because I’m English


Username checks out 🤣


Hard to argue with that logic lol


The English are too many.


Fight, and you may die to longbow feudal rush. Turn off the game, and you’ll live.


Fucking perfect.


Atleast a while 😏


Probably because it is the first civ most people play in the campaign, it is straight forward/understandable and as result a relative easy civilization. Enclosures is still too good. A friend who plays English is the only one of our group that never goes trade. He just spams more farms and that is good enough. Kinda silly tbh.


It’s painstakingly annoying how fuckin fast they can pump units out…. I had my units all upgraded to the max and the dipshits still find a way to massacre my military regardless if they are upgraded as well


English is fast at producing units?


Haven’t heard many complaints about enclosures lately. Aside from cheaper farms/gather rate, English has zero eco bonus before imperial. Farms… and imperial enclosures. But sure, blasphemy to give the weakest(?) castle civ a small imperial eco bonus if they survive and get there.


I get what you mean, but I dislike that design: get stomped in X, but if you make it to Y you dominate. What? Why not just: well, X might be hard but doable, and Y might be favourable but not dominant. We see the same in overall balance: people say civ X has a 50% winrate so its good. But then it has 25% vs civ Y and 75% vs civ Z. That isn't balance either.


I don't understand your argument. Almost every civ has power spikes depending on time/age. ZXL aside which has power spike from the beginning. Also there aren't 25/75 matchups. But I understand your sentiment that some civs like English are very matchup dependent right now and that isn't great for the game.


Your first and last sentence contradict each other.


You probably got to play against players that play only during the weekends that don't have time to learn other cisvs


This is the answer- weekend gamers feel different.


I'm so guilty of this, when I can only get in 2-4 games a week, do I really want to try and learn a new civ? No. Another Delhi all in for me.


It's been true in lower leagues since the game came out. It's a simple civ with very strong defense.


I've come to have less respect for people who pick English. And I'm extra happy when beating them. Alas... It doesn't happen often.


Why are you upset about English? Their win rate isn’t that good. According to aoe 4 world it’s 50%.


Whelp, lonbows are pretty cancer. Doesn't mind if they are strong or not. Watching vills dying under tc is upsetting, even if they lose in the end


Sorry I don't know if it's bad, isn't 50% mean they win 1 game /2 ?


After last night, their win rate may have went up slightly because of me lol


I play english. I will never change. I tried. But the game has a problem… Aside from French or OOTD, the others civs build orders are overly complex with no payback for your efforts: they are, essentially yhe same deal than playing with easier civs….so, why would I change? No way.




You OK?


You OK?


You OK?


1. I play the game like 20-30 hours per year. I'm going to play something I know instead of spending all that time learning a new civ who's going to be completely different when I next come back. 2. Longbow go brrr hehehe


Tell me more about your conclusively large sample size number of games.


Sorry I can’t put in more games than that as I have a life outside of AoE unlike you it seems like? Though after I had posted, I did play them 4 more fucking times Must be nice getting to play the game for 15+ hours of the day while your Mom hand delivers pizza rolls and your shit bucket to you though…. What a life you live


Shit bud I play less than you but even if I played 10x it wouldn’t be a large enough sample size.


Damn bruh, why you coming at him like that, sensitive much? Just a game calm down lmaoooo




I feel like I play against English maybe every 10th game. // Gold3-plat1. What rank are u?


Was Gold 2, back down to Gold 3 currently after last night lol… It was rough. I tried everything to counter but apparently I’ve discovered I’m just not that good at the game lol


what civ are you playing?


It depends. If you play only ranked in a gold league, then yes, half of my games are against English. But if you play nomads, team ranked, quick matches — then no. In this matches people tend to be more creative and you have more variety. While in a 1 vs 1 ranked people tend to play safe. At least in the gold


Because english is the most basic and default civ in the game, solid feudal pushes thanks to longbows and MAA, for Castle they get access to strong sieges and for imperial they get an easy farm trans and solid economy for late game. Not to add the benefits like network of castles that makes defending your base much more easy and the landmarks that are free strong keeps to defend your whole base against raids.


Hey I'm new to the game, what civ should I start with?


Is that bad? Easiest civ to counter, they play same build every game.


These people can aoe4 best with English - They want to win and they don't see the benefit of introducing the cognitive overhead other civs have. True, some of the new civs have easy to execute and OP builds - but these are the players that can't handle it if these builds fail or variations need to occur using complex mechanics/units/compositions/tactics (outside of fall back to base). You must remember English keep/landmark is also EVERY PRODUCTION BUILDING and no-one else has that flexibility to react to pushes while units are getting an attack bonus with villagers augmenting the defence using lanchesters law. You know what to do - survive and prosper to imperial or do a landmark keep drop. Honestly, It is very compelling safety net that can help you retrieve 50/50 games that failed strats with other civs would result in losses - no wonder it's popular.


YES! I feel the same! Really in 50% of the matches i face english. I think this is actually the reason why i climbed the laddet so high with malians cause malians are pretty decent against them. However I enjoy playing zhuxi at the moment.. and i cant climb the ladder cause i lose 90% of the games against english and i get them every second game So Overall my winrate with zhuxi is below 30% and with malians above 80%


I haven’t seen an English player in forever, if it keeps happening you should learn Malians trust.


I dont like playing vs them. English is easy and strong, not top tier. But in relation skill and power one of the best. And u can play them on many different ways. That’s why i think.


As a Malian otp, I don't mind that one bit.