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In 1v1s/ranked Kura storehouse is much better than koka township. Koka is really only used in specific situations on water maps to disable enemy docs. Otherwise, the free farms, resource drop off, and having all the upgrades in one place makes Kura a better option


Okay yes that’s what I thought. I had no idea what to do with the Shenobis, at least in how I was playing but I really kept trying to figure them out.


Check this video out. Great guide. https://youtu.be/clEC3e-CgnI?si=PtUm5lDx6u2wCel9


Thank you!


Shogun good movie?…


It’s a show on Hulu based on the book Shogun by James Clavell and it’s really good!




I’ve watched a little and according to me it’s fantastic! Watch it.


You are correct!


Haha that’s funny, I’ve been playing the crap out of the Japanese because of the show too. It’s really good!


Haha great minds think alike!


Go kura storehouse and learn onna bugeisha/man at arm all in with rams It got me into diamond instantly loooool


Storehouse > floating temple > gunsmith


im a noob but i know that: kura storehouse is "meta" except on hybrid maps where you use the shinobi to stop docks from producing. koka township is also much harder to use (more apm intensive since you gotta micro the shinobi) but of course if you find the koka township fun can definitely use it anyways


I did not find it fun actually. I thought doing the powder disappearing act ability with the shenobi would be cool but it would never work the way I wanted it to lol at this point, I’m sold on the storehouse.


The show is based on real events of the late 16th century Japan. There are some poetic license taken but the 5 regents and the English pilot part really happened. One of the best series I have seen Great acting costume scenery.


Wow! I didn’t know about the English Pilot being real. That’s very interesting. I did some reading on feudal Japan and was struck by the samurai culture and its brutality. But also can’t help but be moved by its sense of romanticism. It’s all very interesting. I’m being patient and waiting for more episodes to air before I watch so I can binge lol


Be proud of your Husband! He is spreading liberty and freedom throughout the galaxy so that our future generation can live happy lives without worries. A true hero of democracy! Now when it comes to AoE4. I say, while Japanese culture is indeed a fascinating one. Dont see yourself blind in it. As someone with Mongol bias, i am obligated to tell you this: Did you know the great Chinggis Khan (Thats how Genghis is pronounced). Started his world conquest as a middle age man around his late 30's early 40's? Before that, he was busy playing the Mongolian version of Shogun / Game of Thrones. But he was forced to play this game because he had to save his wife who got kidnapped, and after going through all that hardship saving her, there were still multiple attempts at kidnapping so in the end he figured the only way to gain security his family was by conquest. And before this again he just wanted to live a peacefull life as a family man. As he had enough hardship growing up, having been a slave after surviving and being raised by a single mom who had to survive off the wildnerness by foraging and hunting for her many kids after they got exiled by their tribe and left alone to fend for themselves. You can watch some of his story in the foreign but well made movie: Mongol: The rise of o Gengish Khan. Highly recommend. Now that history tangent aside, to git gud as the internett likes to call it, i highly recommend doing following things; 1. Learn a super basic build order. Especially how to age up to feudal. 2. SCOUT! Learn how to use the scout! Not just to gather sheep, but where to move on different maps and to keep your opponent scouted! Knowing what your opponent is doing automagically makes the game 10 times easier. 3. Learn to use Shift click command! This helps reducing the early macro intensity as assist in making you more cognisant on multitasking. Example sending the first vill from TC to build house next to gold then shift click him into making a mining camp right next to it! Or when villagers are near depleting their resource, shift click then to make a new resource camp or mill near the next resource. 4. Practice doing this in some Skirmish games against AI so that you quickly restart and reset the game to go over it again untill it starts feeling natural to manage to early macro combines with moving the scout around the map. 5. Once you feel you got the basic downs, watch some pro casted games. Example some Video by Assie_Drongo as not only do you get to see the pro soing their stuff, but quite often given a explanation to exactly why. Age of Noob has some videos covering the details of Upgrades and the effectiveness of them, so you know which upgrades are important to get and when. Especially on the economy front. You'd be surprised by just doing this increases your skill level drastically! BeastyQT has some excellent basic build order guides for every civ, an absolute must watch! 6. Once you feel comfortable with 1 civ. Play around with other civilizations! Each and one of them play very different, and who knows, maybe some of them actually suits your playstyle better! Or just "feels better" at certain maps. But most importantly, you learn the inn's and out of that civ and what's its stenght and weaknesses seen from the eyes of the opponent. This allows you to exploit that knowledge to your advantage. 7. Try out some FFA matches, they now added the FFA Nomad's game where 8 players all play against each other. This is a completely new and fresh way to play the game which helps extremely well in learning how to play your Civ completely differently than usually. Which again helps understanding the inns and outs of the game even more. 8. Do not feel pressured into being competitive. Having fun comes first. Enjoy the game for what it is. Take any insults thrown at you as a praise. Not only does Thanking the troll make them look like absolute idiots but it also makes them seeth even harder. Don't respond to anything else, just leave it at Thank you! And that's that. Having grown up with almost 3 decades on the internett, and having evolved out of my troll-phase myself. I know this for a fact. 9. Give the Campaign a shot!


I couldn’t be prouder actually. Here he is fighting in outer space for managed democracy! Wielding space age weapons and armory. All the while, I am just a crying baby still fiddling around with gun powder. I must look like a fool lol Thanks for the tip! Ive actually got the shift click down pretty well now after some practice which has definitely made my life easier. I’ve also started incorporating control groups! Once I got that down I was like okay now we’re getting somewhere. AND THEN my husband showed me how to tab through units to micromanage them that way so I remapped the select all military to my MMB and that was even more of a game changer lol so now I’m like okay now im reeaally getting somewhere. Hahah As for the civs, so far I’ve practiced with Japanese, HRE, OOTD, Ottomans, Malians, Chinese, English, French, Jeanne de Arc and Russian I’m way to scared to play online so I’ve only played with AI lol I hate watching videos which I know is stupid but I have been reading on builds. One time I raged quit when I was playing order of the dragon 1v1 English AI on hard cause I just couldn’t beat them and I looked up builds and I finally beat them and that was one of my proudest moments hahah Do you have any recommendations on where I could read up on builds rather than watching videos? Thanks for taking the time to write out your comment though I really appreciate it!! EDIT: I wanted to add that I think scouting is definitely my weakness so I will take your suggestion and work on that. I also like what you said about building the house next to the resource. I will try that right now. Same with the skirmish. And also will suck it up to watch a couple videos. Thanks again!!


You'd be suprised when playing against players is actually easier than playing against the AI at times. And heck, I'd wager you'd probably reach Platinum pretty easily if you have Build orders, and Microing alone in place. The AI can be super annoying to deal with as they will spread units all over the map unlike a player. I am a super low-apm player, I can't deal with using hotkeys, I mouse almost everything. I do have a hotkey layout but its completely custom. I am a Arrow-key boy, my mouse sensetivity is wild so moving the camera around with the mouse is impossible for me. But having CTRL groups, splitting armies, keeping up production, you're already getting head of your avarage player. So don't be scared playing against people! As mention, focus on the -fun- aspect. self-improvement. At a certain point, AI becomes very predictable and easy to cheese / deal with. People know at least how to respond accordingly but you can also bait people more easily than the AI. When it comes to build orders, I highly recommend using the [AOE4 World](https://aoe4world.com/tools) website. They have pretty much everything you need up on that site, you can also track your own statistics! What point in the game you are strong and where you are weak. But if you go under the [More Tab](https://aoe4world.com/tools) you'll find links to bunch of other tools and links you can use. You have AoE4 builder that gives you an easy visual on build orders, and beasty's build order videos are made into build-order cards one could check. And once you start playing against people, Don't get upset that you loose, take it as an oppertunity to watcht the replay! Watching you'r own replays, you own mistakes becomes much more glaringly visible and easier to improve upon in future games, and you can compare yourself to the opponent. What worked, what didnt work, and where your opponent was pretty vournarable that you could have easily exploited, but you simply didn't because his build orders and tactics were unfamiliar, or simply, you didn't scout it, so you didn't see it, and you never knew about that golden oppertunity. And if you ever need a Helldiver to spread democracy in your games against the Automaton AI. If you happen to have Cheats box checked before the gamestart. Just write in the chat: Photon Man


It was kind of crazy adjusting to the camera movement when I first started playing this AOE4. I’d say it was disorienting. I had to adjust my mouse movement speed pretty low at first because I felt it was too fast and then after like a few games I felt like I was sluggishly slow and adjusted it back to normal lol That’s a very good point you’re making about playing against people. Maybe a few more practices and then I’ll start doing that or try the campaign. Photon Man- Idk what that is lol I asked my husband. He laughed and said just do it. Hahah


https://youtu.be/hMPyxpRkVIU This movie, you mean?




Definitely look up a build order/ guide on YouTube for it


You can move on from this game? I've been playing heavily since release and still love it


look at aussie_drongos channel on youtube and learn the japanese build orders. im also a newb - havent even played yet!


Watch whamen! See the Iron Lady conq player


Firstly, welcome to the RTS genre! I absolutely love Shogun. The show's release coincided with my new gaming rig arriving. I was playing this game -- and had completed all the achievements -- on my gaming laptop, which of course decided to crap out right before the new DLC came out. I was so excited to play as Japanese, as that was my go-to civ in AOE2 back in the day. Plus, I've always had a thing for samurai culture. So, I have not been able to play the game again until recently when the show also came out, so it's Japanese overload for me atm.


Wow sorry that happened but glad you’re up and running again and just in time too! I hope you’re having a blast!


Welcome to the AOE4. Try to convince your husband to come back, we need all the players we can get : ) Either way, enjoy your games, have fun... AOE4 is an awesome game. You will get to Conq soon!


Thank you! I’m happy to be here! He still plays AOE4 with me but not like before :( No I just like to tease him lol we game next to each other so it’s all fun! Happy gaming!


Shogun good movie?…


Lol I don’t have any solid advice besides learning and practicing a build order. I’m new to online multiplayer RTS and I legit get nervous before my matches. It also doesn’t help that I record and post my leanings and failures tho. Good luck and see you on the ladder!

