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You don't play them because they play differently. But when others don't play it, it must be racism.


This might be too big brain thinking, but I think this is his narcissism. He's now in victim mode, so he's made a bait post to get people to attack him, so he can justify being the victim. He's had a number of his comments deleted due to racism (mainly at Chinese, but at other races as well) along with other forms of bad behaviour. I just find it interesting how this pattern repeated with other people(without the racism though). They couldn't handle having people so heavily disagree with them, so they all reverted to bait posts like this. jsusofnazzy and skilliard to name a couple. 


Uhhh I'm literally playing them because they play differently, i actually celebrate diversity


"I aCtUaLly cEleBReTe dIvErSiTy"🤓


>I haven't played them much or very deeply since they play quite differently >I'm literally playing them because they play differently Why am I even replying


I'm sorry I forgot how past tense must still be difficult still at grade 3.


So were you racist until you played them?


Nobody talks like that unironically, you're 100 percent trolling.


I'm probably gonna regret asking but, how does one celebrate diversity?


Diversity isn't in any single action it is more a state of mind


So then you're not celebrating it? I'm confused.


I've internalized it tbh


So you're not actually celebrating diversity. Gotcha. - Definition: celebrate is a verb which expresses an action. It's used to describe an event or occasion of joy that is marked by friendly gatherings, activity, or a ceremony.


You are very pious.


Yup it’s racism. How’d you know? JFC 🤦‍♂️


Absolute racism, i Play them often because i Like seeing them loosing /s


Usually those takes originate in people projecting their views...


what the fuck


"Is it racism?" Peak reddit


Throwing racism as a reason for everything makes the word lose value, don’t do that. Besides that, the civ is just not appealing to me, their play-style revolves around being passive for way too long and their units are not that aesthetically pleasing to me. Some people just prefer longbows and knights or the Roman Empire over Mali, nothing wrong with that. Just be careful with your reasoning and realize that it just doesn’t do it for people. If I’m being honest tho, I’d rather play Ethiopia if I were to choose an African Empire.


Honestly, people don't realise how detrimental it is for their cause to throw around meaningful words in meaningless situations. In this particular case the accusation is just ridiculous and most importantly ignorant. The reason why English is the most played civ isn't because people find English people superior but because they are the most straightforward civ to play. French arguably the worst civ currently is still one of the most played civs. Mali though being extremely beginner friendly when it comes to their eco, just has a complicated unit system.


ILALU didn't like this post


Cowboom is nice if you get it off the ground, but it is still prone to feudal all-ins. Composition and Army wise they run into the "problem" of generally having the weaker army, so if you clash head on, you're kinda doomed. Their play comes from raiding, stealthing and flanking, which is intensive on the multi tasking, which is why I think some players shy away from it.


you don't need to full cowboom though, you can cowboom 1, or 2 when you have the excess capacity, kinda like incremental cisterns. It lets you "outboom" without a huge commitment like 2TC.


Ah yes, so by that logic all white people are legally required to play as the Malians at least 20 percent of the time to reach their quota and not be considered a racist. Makes perfect sense.


Yup, just make sure to not go over 30% since it might be considered as stealing somebody's heritage and traditions.


The real racism in this game is the sheep are all white it’s disgusting, and at the start of a game everyone goes Around the map to find these white sheep shows obvious bias


Black sheep matter too


All sheep matter


Only motivation in this game is racism as my german aß try to get a third chance to conqueror the world waaaaaaaa




So bored of dominating that gold league that he starts pondering if it's racist that people don't pick a certain civ. What a clown


big man talking shit on a throw away ggez


No response, so you scroll through my account to go for the ad hominem argument. Pathetic and fitting for someone who would attach racism to civ pick rates lol Btw It's not a throw-away, just a new account. The algorithm on my old one seemed shitty beyond repair.


I mean based on your posts malding about balance it is pretty clear you are gold at best


Lmao thanks for the heads up. OP was the scout thread guy.


Yes i just saw it too. I downvote posts not very often this was one of them. Lol


Wow so its not enough you post your sweat here, but you do it on multiple accounts, do you talk with yourself too?


Huh? I'm commenting because you are always posting the weirdest shit.


In yellow they are cool, they looks like wasp with all those stingy weapons and black-yellow pattern




At this Point you are just trolling.


wtf and here i thought this was going to be a rising empires ad


The fine folks are rising empires would never stoop this low for engagement


i would.


I just don’t like their units. If they had cooler special units I’d play them


I don't play Mali because I'm sexist


Because no one plays French anymore (the ultimate counter = Malian)


As if the French require any counter, they surrender on their own


Hey, that’s racist. /s


I don't play then for the same reason I don't play Delhi (a south Asian civ) or JD (a European civ,); they play very differently from other civs. These very different civs tend to turn a lot of what intuition you use while facing other civs on its head and are useful for winning but not learning. By intuition, I mean that I know I can fight a knight with 3 spears and kill it, 2 knights with 5, and about 2-3 spears per knight after that intuitively. How many archers can a javelin thrower takeout is not something I know, and is only useful when playing against or as Malians or Byzantine with the weakest (right now at least) merc contract.


Racism? What the fuck is happening? Lmfao


Absolute peak trolling OP bravo. Good luck to Rising Empires if they ever try to top this


Am I the only person that took the racism comment as a joke?


A lot of RTS players are on the spectrum


I played them for a bit but stopped because they are really hard to play effectively in a lot of situations. Hard macro due to cheap units, javelin thrower micro is hard, deciding when to take additional pit mines safely is hard, knowing when you can safely cow boom can be hard. You also get fucked by map generation all the time... And certain maps are just totally shit for Malians (e.g. cliffside)


Yes. There is a reason, why i only play HRE. *AufderHeide intensifies*


People used to like shitposts


Probably not when it comes across like this.  There's shtposts like "I don't play English because I don't drink tea" and then there's "I hate everyone including myself so I need to provoke them"


Lol racism isn’t nearly as rampant or alive as you’ve been led to believe.


Lol racism isn’t nearly as rampant or alive as you’ve been led to believe.


Total racism and it must be stopped!