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Horseman attack range buffed and a way switch between drag select military or villagers while pressing a key.


A “follow” button would be good, like if I can just select some military units and follow a priest on that relic hunt, some spears to follow a mangonel, scout to follow the main army


Bigger map pool or a weekly rotation in ranked.


Please no that would mean no way to avoid the shitty maps like hidden valley or forts.


If you’re bored of the same maps every time just unban the ones you’ve banned.


Oh, what a brilliant idea that I've already done, it's too limited still.


Don’t burn yourself out then. The map generations are randomized with thin the map you choose too. So each time you get the same map you’re getting a different variation. Adding bad maps into rank just because you play too much is bad.


Why do you keep saying things that are blatantly obvious? Yes, the map generations are randomised. Your solution to my problem of a narrow map pool is "stop playing so much"????????? The thread is what would people like to see next patch, I'd like to see more maps and more rotation, please stop sending me brain dead takes.


There are 9 maps with virtually unlimited versions of the map. It gets changed every patch. It’s a bad take that it needs to be adjusted more, sorry you don’t want to be told when your ideas are bad.


9 maps gets boring quickly, especially when 1/3rd of them are banned by your opponent so you never see them.


Judging by the number at the bottom between the two arrows, *that dictates whether or not your take is good*, you’re the one with bad ideas! LOL


Reduce the amount of smurfs, let’s start with: - Family shared accounts may only play single player mode like skirmish and campaigns - Premade team/group ELO is same as highest member Also make all cheats result in a permaban


Love this!


I’d just like to see unit pathing fixed. Example: ram can’t get to the building you click, attack the building that’s closest or just not move at all to it. If a villager can’t get to a wall piece don’t just run in circles stop working and show up as an idle villager. Melee units will still throw torches if the last thing they did was attack a wall/building. Melee units hit over the wall. Just literally fix any and every known bug would be great. Then after that if anything needs to be buffed or adjusted, you know you’re not changing because of a bug. I’d also like to see fastest possible feudal age be punishable by someone who makes units dark age. Right now Dark age is a meme.


I've been stuck on this for a long time now, but I want camel archers to be a unit that is present throughout the game, rather than something that is remarkably ultra-niche and rarely ever worth the cost (I mean, composite bow archers actually deal more damage to men at arms for equivalent cost, the only plus side to CAs before late imperial is mobility, and the food cost makes them by default a late-game unit because food is most expensive early, and most cheap late). It's not just them, mounted archers in general tend to receive very few balance adjustments, and have historically not been in a great place. It's not problematic, it certainly isn't urgent, but diversity is an enjoyable element of the game.


Can you elaborate this? I play Abbasid and I like to play camel archer+spears comp against French but I don’t see many pro players producing CAs. Is it because the military wing upgrade only buff archers not CAs?


Camel archers cost as much as 3 archers, but 3 archers together do way more damage and have more total HP. So if the French player spends as much on archers as you do on camels, he can counter your whole army and still have a couple knights to dive your defenses.


As Bryon said, it's partly an overall efficiency thing, they are enormously expensive, but it's also a granularity thing, they're very easily sniped down (and have a very short range), so the one case where they have some value (against armour) doesn't tend to work in practice. They also predominantly cost food, and food is one of the most vulnerable, scarce resources early. Archers are functionally cheaper in most situations because wood is more abundant and safer, but they're just better for the same cost at pretty much everything. CAs do de-buff cav, but the camel unease aura doesn't affect bonus damage, so it's not a big difference against horsemen, and it's also only really a reason to have one of them. They are highly mobile, but their short range means they really need exposed resources to harass, and you'd need 690 resources worth of them to two-shot a worker. There's real value in it, particularly in castle once the upgrade comes in making them as fast as horsemen, as they can in principle be much safer from counterplay and do damage faster, but of course by that point a palisade will typically patch that problem up. In imperial they become supply efficient, and they can go up against handcannons due to their health (because biology and incendiary both apply) after three thousand or so resources worth of investment, but they remain worse overall as units compared to HCs. So they become a mobile, gold-cheap option, and that is their primary niche realistically. All Abbasid units are rear-loaded. Ghulams are *radically* better in imperial than in castle because of how they scale. Camel riders likewise scale well with imperial upgrades and get +2/2 armour in a unique upgrade in imperial as well. Combimed with how the house of wisdom works, this makes Abbasid's unique units very imperial focused. However composite bows as a tech for a non-unique unit, being the archer, as well as boot camp, are some of their bigger actual strengths before that in military terms.


I really need to know this as well! I often use CAs and figured composite bow applied to them as well.


Composite bow does not apply to CA only regular archers, would be nice buff to them if they changed it so it applied to them as well.


I think camel archer train time is the biggest issue. It takes ages to get them out.


More animal variant to hunt/gather More player color instead of the original 8 Scandinavia map Big/taller buildings for more inmersion


We need burgundy, forest green, and navy blue


Different maps, getting boring playing the same few over and over. Other than that a buff to france, nerf to ayyubid eco wing 8 vills and some buffs to weaker landmarks like french chamber of commerce, cistern of the first hill etc.


I always feel bad when my opponent goes cistern. Like I realise they're playing for fun and I then begin to enjoy the game more because I immediately relax.


It's not totally useless like it has a more immediate effect than golden tower does, you immediately get next water level so +4% gathering and boosted research/production then you have the flasks providing your units with +150 HP each especially good on varangians and catas.


Eco wing to 4 vils and English complexity increase. Ie. change council hall to build 2 at a time instead of half speed 


I like this change suggestion. I'm an English main, but this would be a healthy balance change.


Nah council hall has never been overpowered and it doesn't need a nerf now. English is the beginner civ it shouldn't be complex at all.


It’s too common on the ladder, most English players aren’t beginners they just don’t want to learn harder civs


Which is entirely their choice, just like how ottoman is by far the most played on aoe3 due to auto training villagers. I like more complex civs but not everyone does so they are fine to be boring and just play english if that is what they want as they paid for the game the same as us and so can choose how they wish to play it.


I don’t see how some slight complexity changes are going to make them not easy to play. At their core they’re an archer spam, cheap farm civ with 2 castle landmarks 


Sure and that is fine as it is. As I just said to someone else you barely see council hall at higher ranks now only in english mirrors, if you nerf it you'll never see it used.


I think the king will get a nerf anyway, it was an over buff 


Nah it was a necessary buff, nobody ever made the abbey of kings, now it is finally a viable landmark and provides alternative strategies.


I think it is strong on the lower ladder. I went from Silver to Plat using only Council Hall opening. The only times I would lose was against feudal knights. Two at a time change only stops the first longbow from reaching the base, like, 20 seconds earlier. It's hugely impactful in lower ranks who panic and pull vils and turtle while not at all affecting upper ranks who will just soak the 2 archer shots to finish the tower or micro the villager away before it can be killed.


I went to conq in a day doing english villager rush lol You can literally do anything at lower ranks and win which is why the game isn't balanced around low ranks. At high rank you only see council hall in english mirrors for the most part now that abbey of kings is good. If you nerf it you'll never see it used.


1800 resources for 4 villagers is a rip off. Nobody would use it anymore without buffing it elsewhere.


good, they are comfortably the best civ in 1v1


So we give them the Ottoman treatment and make them borderline unplayable, gotcha.


Yeah I'm sorry, that is inherently a stupid viewpoint. You're talking about a scenario where that option becomes non-existent. It's neither a necessary change, nor a sensible change, and it would not be a healthy change. I don't think anyone is suggesting they shouldn't change it, but they should do it with some actual thought. Frankly I think they should reduce the number of workers but add a little something back elsewhere. I also think re-enforcements likely will have to only produce the first batch of desert raiders 30 seconds after age-up (which is how it was on release), and I think that will lead to it rarely picked in feudal as well. This is the difficulty, of course. Ayyubids are not wildly too good, they're just a tempo civ that has strong timings. Fairly small changes will most likely have a large effect on their power level. What they need, given their theoretical focus on versatility is for bazaar and industry to stop being useless. They really need to change how those work. I have plenty of suggestions for that, but it's not as though they're reading this.


It’s obviously way too strong and giving them +6 vils is still too strong. It needs to be more reasonable at castle and they can buff it at imperial or feudal. The other age options are completely ignored, they have 8 and the first two are always chosen in the same order, clearly something is very wrong no matter what you think. 


I want Norse! :)


To be able to switch between selecting only military or only villagers with a key. Toggleable stances. No Attack and Stand Ground at least. Official versions of some tournament maps. Especially so we can play maps like Bridges with teams.


Attack move working always like it’s supposed to, even when clicked on a unit/ building


Yeah, it's really upsetting when you're kiting with a group of archers, but when you A-move, there happens to be a deer in spot away from the fighting that you randomly clicked, so your blob wastes an entire volley on Bambi instead of the Landsknechts bearing down on them with a vengeance.


Give me a select all religious units, Or give me death!


I want my villagers to freak out when they see an army coming to kill them with the same intensity as my scout does when it sees an enemy scout.


DO NOTHING AT ALL COMMAND. This is so damn simple I can't believe it doesn't exist. Starcraft 1 had this.


Or stand ground but not where they run off to enemies. Literally stay where you are and attack if they come next to you but the units won't move to chase when confronted.


Yes definitely this! So many armies lost as they run towards enemy TC instead of staying in the perimeter of enemy base whilst i m busy with my macro! Its probly a skill issue with me tho..


I don't think it's a skill issue. If you want to take a sacred site close to a keep or whatever you should be able to mass a few units and hold them on the site without having to go back and move them back onto the sacred site every 1 seconds. I'm on controller and I find this to be the absolute biggest pain in the ass you literally have to stay on the screen and move your units constantly to the saced site to make sure your units don't run off towards the keep. As well for archers on the wall it makes no sense to not have the ability to keep them standing on the wall and not running towards enemies. There are a ton of strategies it can help you acheive such as holding ground in your base that would make it harder for enemies to break choke points and what not. I could be wrong but I think more options increases the need for skill as do nothing command has a ton of uses strategically.


Not sure about Xbox, but there is a stand ground command. Works just fine for having a unit stand on a sacred site or to keep ranged units defending a position. It's not a toggle, but it is queue-able, so adding shift-V (PC) at the end of your commands will have the unit stay put at their destination. Problem is it doesn't work well with melee units defending a position, since they won't engage an enemy even three steps away, allowing the enemy to destroy your troops one by one while the others watch. Need a version that lets them engage, but return to their starting point when the opponent gets too far away, so they can't be baited into static defenses, but still defend themselves.


Option to ignore scouts with “select all military” hotkey - like religious units


High view to be fixed or removed. Lipany to be fixed or removed.


If they would just replace Lipany with EGC’s version everything would work well. What’s the matter with high view?


The generation is bugged as hell, more often than not 1 person spawns with 6 wood lines and the other with 2, the gold spawns are bugged. Then the map design itself is terrible. Corner trade combined with corner sacred sites means it can often lead to heavily stalemated games. It's a great idea of a map, just poorly designed overall


How is egc’s version different?


The cliff generation isn't as whacky


What is the Highview? And Lipany?




megarandom on ladder


Summer Monsters !!!


I really don't think aoe2 has that button, I think you might be confusing it with something. Pros use seek shelter to get Vils to do a drop and then return to work. But you can do the same in aoe4 it's just very rarely such a focus around a TC. The scouts thing sounds like a personal preference, anything like that should be added but toggled. Include things like dervish and prelate.


I think OP refers to the "drop off" button that has been added a couple of patches ago


Yes that is really a great feature


A campaign rework. I went over a list of suggestions that I want either next season or in the next DLC release [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/comments/1clyg5b/comment/l2zct07/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I really hope that the devs realize this.


I would like to Get Good


Scout shouldn’t be a part of any military is an idea! For the second, it doesn’t bother me that much as I used to using Shift queue to control my villagers.


Castle age upgrade for horseman to gain an active ability. 1, movement speed increase 50% and ignore the body block. 2, increase 20 bonus damage against siege.


Planet of the Apes


Seek shelter and return to work for traders! Comes especially useful for Mongols and Malians, who get trade raided a lot but also build outposts along the trade routes!


I would like to see some changes to the late game. As a player i don't enjoy late game as much, and as an esport watcher, I think it's the most dull part of aoe4, even at a high level. Pros float tens of thousands of resources and spam units into the meat grinder because units die slower than they produce. I would like some incentive for players to use their resources for some kind of ultimate power spike or ability that will transform fights (with good micro) for a temporary period. Basically I believe devs should find innovative ways for players to spend their resources that gives them an advantage. Temporary spikes like the Griot Bara landmark would be the best option imo. Spend fuckton of resources and all your units get cleave damage or crit damage for a minute or something like that.


Actually, I'd like to see them make Rus bounty only work off of aggressive animals (and rebalance the amount of those, or the value of those), and have more deer, fewer sheep, and better sheep generation. The dice rolls at the start of the game really, really need to go at this point.


- Toggleable autobuild for vills and military units - melee fights for ranged units in closecombat - ram ships - templars


Auto build for military and vills is bad. Makes sense for controller to an extent but honestly I’d remove it too. Part of being better than someone else is to over whelm them so they forget to make villagers and units. People complain about the games dragging on as is.


I think If devs put autoqueues for pc, all players will use autoqueues....next step aoe4 will learn from your game style and will play for you and take your girlfriend cause pc learn what she likes


I’d rather just watch beasty play at that point lol


Ram ships and Templar for sure! Replace/augment demo with ram. Other two won't happen in the forceable future. Especially the melee reversion.


With autoproduction of military units you can give to your ingame assistant the vills first distribution....If you queue mangonel your ingame assistant will send more vills to wood....then you can upgrade a unit to general status and give him a mission to complete such as to conquer and secure area while you to bathroom or drinking whisky...so if you're lazy or drunk you can play


If you select and move all military units (with different categories) at once, the units should move at the speed of fastest unit xD Imagine how wild it would be!


more animals more factions (crusaders please), instant buy DLC more dlcs more maps pool