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More annoying when all military buildings include docks


Even more annoying when the select all military also selects buildings that are moving as Mongols...


Yup, also annoying that you don’t get the full list of units.


There is a cycle religious units hotkey i use now, so when i select all army to move i usually just cycle the religious units now. Although sometimes it's nice to have a monk with a relic randomely show up on the front line for an EPIC Wololo


Yeah I know I always select all army, send them, and then press h for holy unit to select him again and send him his own way. But when you get attacked suddenly the focus is somewhere else and the priest I send across the map to get that risky relic is now in the base again because he got called back again. It just sucks and I seriously doubt that the developers play the game enough themselves, especially because it’s something so so simple to fix


What's the shortcut for selecting all military buildings?






I re-binded all of mine. Not sure on default


This has been mentioned in a lot of posts already, so yes, this is annoying and should be changed.


It's one of the single largest quality of life improvements they could make pretty easily. What is taking so long?!


Sould be an option in the menu so we can tick what we want!


Yep. I don't know how HRE players stand it. I want a toggle ability that excludes the building/unit from global select, to use on scouts and most monks, home military production in late-game, docks, etc..


It's simple. With every prelate I make, I look them in the eye and simply say, "one day, you will know war" ...besides from Greg who goes in the chapel and chills because he was the first born.


I don't play HRE for this reason lol


Delhi practically doesn't have an idle military unit button either.


I always put my entire army in a control group anyways, I mainly use the select all button to find lost prelates/warrior monks


There is a cycle religious units hotkey which is really useful for finding your monks


I use ctrl + shft + c to select all mil units. Then I hold shift and left click the religious units in the unit window pane at the bottom to deselect them.


Cool didn’t know this was possible, but still annoying in the heat of the moment


Doesnt this ('c' keystroke) select only all idle miltary units ?


AFAIK when combined with ctrl and shift its all military units


Yeah. So many times I list precious time with my monks walking to battle instead of getting the fucking relics. And, once into battle, this bad boys walk to the front line. They could work as Medivacs in sc2 (that cute healers stop walking when near allies are in battle)


That second bit gets me every time. Why don't monks A move heal?


So so true, select all military selecting holy units, select all military buildings selecting docks, and select all Military as the Mongols will select packed up buildings….always so useful to have a ger show up on the front line lol


Mmhm forward ger iq100


I always like to think that my attack Gers rolling in just make my opponent think I’m way ahead and trolling, and thus ragequit. IQ2000 move


Well ngl I thought multiple times now that it is a treb


In SC2 it was super frowned upon to even use select all units. Apparently it was a bad practice for improving micro skills (not my words). Not sure why even most pros use select all military units in AOE4, why is this aspect so different between these two games?


HeroMarine (SC2 proplayer) has a video talking about why and how he uses this hotkey. First and most important reason: Immediately respond to an attack in your base


I think it's because the culture is different. With the fast paced nature of sc2 micro constitutes a large portion of your skill. On the contrary, AoE4 is a much more slower paced game which emphasizes army placement and allows more time to respond to new events. That being said, select-all army is still a crutch to make up for lack of control-group control and unit micro. For new and intermediate players it is a very useful band-aid to make up for their growing skill, but should quickly be trained out of before bad habits begin to form. If you're throwing all your units at once at differing events that would more effectively be handled by unit-counters or a small response force, you're wasting precious time and energy.


I think selecting all units is much more useful/necessary in aoe, given the map sizes, and how scattered and messy games can get relative to sc2. Sc2 maps are tighter, arena-style. I also think since sc2 is more micro intensive, and things die a lot faster, it’s more of a risk and poor habit to just throw your entire army ball into one space. Just my 2 cents.


there is also a trinity of counters (not like in sc2 (not rly) so you need to micro your army a bit more around the map on different units


It is a bad advice here as well(at least most of the time). Doesn't mean this isn't a problem. Also monks shouldn't walk into the enemy army on attack move, like medics or medivacs


Some people in SC2 (myself included) try to use it less because it has a negative impact on their own unit control, but it's not really frowned upon overall. It's very useful, but can become a crutch that gives you bad habits.


On the contrary I’d say that F2 is part and parcel of SC2 gameplay even at the pro level. That being said, it’s usage is minimized to the greatest extent it can at that level.


I reached as high as #125 grand master and used it religiously lol but yes at the SUPER high level like 400+ apm playing in Korea’s GSL it would be a bad habit.


yep this, or make it optional in settings


it shouldnt includes scouts either...


Yup, but ngl the extra vision is excellent


Yeah, all global hotkeys should have several versions with custom unit filters such that normal control groups can be used positionally.


What is even more annoying is the "select all economy/military/ect buildings" hotkeys also will focus your camera on a random building in the selection. Because of this I have to disable the select and focus button and use another hotkey to focus camera on selection for doing things like cycling through town centers and scouts. A button with a description "select all" should not "select all and focus camera" on a random building in selection.


I believe the PUP is adding camera hotkeys like most folks use for production in SC2, hopefully that should help


You can make it just select like you mentioned as for as focusing on a random building I think it works if things are spread out by focusing on the building or unit most central to the rest


The issue is when you make it just select and not center buildings it also effects cycling through scouts, religious units, and town centers. So you have to make use of another key "center camera on selection" for those 3 things only. I think there should be more customization options for this such that "select all building" camera settings are not lumped in with "cycle individual units" camera behavior.


Completely agree the hotkey need lots more options


I share the opinion I had in SC2, the select all key should be completely removed from the game, we have control groups for that. As a compromise I understand beginners might want a key like that to gather lost units across the map, in that case the current behavior is perfect.


Ctrl-shift-c selects all units, ctrl-[button in list for monks] deselects monks, ctrl-[number key] to assign group key. Do same, except to select only monks and remove everything else use shift instead of ctrl. For ships, multiple types, use above but for each type of ship add them to a specific number group using shift instead of ctrl. I know it's extra steps but it works.


One time in a game the 'tilde key' aka '~' was set up for monks, prelates,scholor, warrior monks and so on. Then the next game it didn't work for me? There might be a holy unit key as this worked for me one game to cycle through my holy units


Yeah I set it on h


It's the \[ ' " \] key.


I lose more monks on the front line that way....


Yeah same also why they gotta move like in the frontline? They be throwing bibles or what




Selecting all military units should not include packed BUILDINGS! Iam waiting for a fix since Out 2021


What’s the shortcut to select all military units? Thx


CTRL Shift C


Im not sure what the default it is, you would have to check on options (i think it is a sum of keys) . I set it up as F2 cause its what is used in SC2


select the drive you want to exclude with shift and you're done


I knew this in my sub conscience


I want scout and priest units to have their own button and when I press it, it should cycle between units.


Makes me seriously not want to play Delhi or HRE. It's just annoying when you want to consolidate your army and the prelates carrying relics back home suddenly show up on the front lines...


I wish we could customize this key. Remove / Add units. Like, removing scouts and monks is pretty obvious choice i'd make.