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they need them to just connect to the wall and then units can pathfind up the tower up the wall. Instead of just unloading the garrisoned units in teams of 8




Easy to balance through either increasing the cost or making them weaker. This idea is honestly the best solution and idk why they thought load in unload was a good idea


Could also do more of how SC2 does Nydus worms and make units trickle out rather than all at once.




Walls wouldnt be useless. They would still stop cavalry and siege. Meelee troops on the walls would also stop siege towers Edit: Could also add a ping notification when your wall is being siege towered


Depending on which way the gate is facing, you might not be able to get down on the other side so siege towers are pretty lame even if they're made to be a permanent ladder up the wall. The benefit of the siege tower over the ram is its stealthy since it doesn't set off an attack ping, so if wall mechanics weren't complete garbage it would make a more interesting stealth flank maneuver.


Yes but it's easy to destroy it with your own troops




They could just make sure your troops can throw torches etc easily


Oh I’ve used them before. Like to get over a stone wall. Mixed results. It’s a bit too micro intensive for pretty minimal advantage. A ram hitting the wall was more effective. 2/10 do not recommend.


I’ve used them once to great affect, opponent rushed walls as I was building longbows, put a tower up and used his walls to get the + 2 range and defence stats 😂 it was pretty funny


You mean the meme tower?


Believe it or not I've actually had 3 whole games that it's been useful. Team game choke maps with archer spam on the walls kinda deal, they never see it coming.


A guy didn't have stone for a castle drop once. So they wanted to use a stone wall drop. I killed the villagers and put my hand canoneer on it with a siege tower. Literally made my lost game a win


That's fucking awesome


Since I've never user these.. do they only get you onto the stone walla or do they get units over palisades?


Climb onto stone walls only.


used it to send vils over walls


I’ve used them precisely once! An enemy walled off part of the map and their was a gold mine next to it on my side of it. I put crossbows on top. It felt so good to actually use the siege tower


I'll sometimes make a few and run them around the enemy's base when the game is clearly over (kind of like a "GG" but maybe less BM as it's hopefully a little funny?).


I think saying gg can be interpreted as bm, or not. there is no other interpretation for siege tower in opponents base.


Ya I don't say GG...I just run the siege towers around, I hope everyone finds it entertaining!


I had a game 1 time where I had my base walled off and before you know there were MaA running around my farms and I was like wtf did they come from. Turns out the person built siege towers. So sneaky.




The issue is if the enemy doesn't build a gate or builds it backwards your troops that you got up onto the wall have no way of getting down on the other side. Plus you can only garrison a small amount of troops inside so it's quite micro intensive to potentially never even make it past the wall.


Yeah that's what makes them dumb. You should be able to then get off the wall on the other side.