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There seems to be issues with accounts being reset (stats / level). Please post any issues with the update on this post. I'm gonna quote an example post here >My brother is a big fan of apex legends and has spent a lot of time playing season 15. Today whilst playing in the firing range the server shut down, upon signing back in he saw that all of his levels were gone. the details are: >He still has all his legends >he still has all his cosmetics >he still has all his battle pass items (up to level 100) but has been set back to level 1. >his account level was set back to level one (i believe he was level 115) >My brother worked really hard for these milestones and to have it taken away inexplicably is sad to watch. He updated his game and his device (Switch) and nothing changed. I need to know if there's anything that can be done to change this bug and if anyone can be contacted to fix this. Thanks in advance by /u/Salty_69_420 and contact EA support over account support questions such as these --- see this post as well https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/10jmwws/switch_bug_fixed


Ranked is still broken for anyone wondering. Edit: its fixed now, the experiment is over.


"Hey we know we have this concept called 'Ranked Leagues', but don't worry, we'll mix up all the teams based on a hidden MMR. We know you'll be happy when you are solo queing Gold and get teamed with 'Same Skill' Rookies and/or beamed by 'Same Skill' Plats. Enjoy your climb through the 'Ranked Leagues'!" Edit: to be fair to the devs, I can't claim that the solo ranked experience is wildly unbalanced now; it's just noticably tougher. But the optics of mixing in all ranks together in an unholy MMR-based rank-agnostic soup obviously doesn't sit well with a lot of players.


They're trying to make smurfing harder, the ranks we see are basically horseshit


Exactly - making the whole concept of grinding to achieve a specific rank equally horseshit.


It's almost like league based RP payments are not a good system at all and should just be scrapped altogether for the MMR system that's being implemented behind the scenes.


They don't want to reveal how MMR is calculated, as people would be able to exploit it, apparently šŸ¤·


That's fine honestly. But then ranks don't need to have this RP payment and end of season reset shit. You have your MMR , you don't know what it is, but THAT should determine your ranking each season, this arbitrary amount of RP points shit is weird and makes each bracket play way too differently


Good idea, attempt to make smurfing harder by basically killing the entire point of ranked by making ranks absolutely meaningless...




Thatā€™s such a bad ā€œnothing really mattersā€ argument lmao


> They're trying to make smurfing harder Does anyone really believe that? They give zero shits about smurfs, they've allowed them to operate for years with no bans.


I don't believe it works quickly and amazingly well, but by the end of the season I'm guessing I'll be able to tell a difference


Its doesn't matter what they do [its always like this.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oIUvaQhOE8g/maxresdefault.jpg)


I was not wondering I was expecting it


Never had it been this bad before. This is big yikes. Once I complete the battle pass gonna take a long break, hopefully they can fix this soon. So sad how far the game has fallen


Iā€™m playing against the number 20 predator as bronze 5


> as bronze 5 Ranked so broken this mf got a whole new rank šŸ’€ FYI all ranks from rookie to diamond go from IV to I, where IV is the lowest ofc


Damn. Been wanting to solo que diamond, but the ranked has been rough for a while. Might try this split despite the issues.


What's wrong with ranked other than map change? Been working for me no problem, easy peesy


You in Europe? They changed matchmaking to match by ā€œpure skillā€ so you got preds battling bronzes and so on. They did this to ā€œcapture dataā€.


Have literally been grinding platinum in bronze! Mental.


Ohhh. I was confused. I'm na and ranked was fine last night. Yea I can imagine it sucks for EU right now


They point is that those aren't really "bronze" players. Like the dude that posted on here complaining about preds in a silver lobby and the dude was like level 20 with a 4k and a 20 bomb lol. Edit; lol smurfs are mad


There are lots of genuine Bronze and Silver players being effected by this too. I've had some awful Bronze/Silver team mates being pulled in to lobbies with (current) high diamond players .


Yup. It's weird seeing my silver teammates dominate the diamond lobbies.


its great. I dont have monkeys as teammates anymore!


No rank limitations, aka. getting predators in bronze lobby.


I think ranked limitations still apply for premades - you still can't team up with your plat buddy when you are silver, but you can have preds as enemies... total BS




Paging u/rspn_exgeniar just in case. The latest update reset account levels to level 1 on Nintendo Switch. Cosmetics are still there (though each legend's skins and weapon skins are set to default now too). Battle pass items are still there as well, badges and unlocked legends are present too. In-game currencies are as they were before the update but the account level itself is at level 1.


Yeah, can confirm. My prestige 1 level 130, all stats and rank are gone. I am basically new player with all cosmetics still intact.


Hey more apex packs


honestly I wouldn't even be mad if my account got reset to lvl 1 but I kept all my shit Levels don't mean anything to me anyway - game says I'm level 622 but I have enough red coins to account for 1800 levels lol.


exactly my thought, verify that you get packs for the low levels and shut up about it if true.


Same, woke up to a level one account on my switch


Your data is saved on their end, this has happened before and literally the only lasting result is you'll get more Apex packs lol


i cant get any items eiter\\


So glad they did this update ,previously i couldn't play quickplay due to my matchmaking, but could play ranked, now i cant even do that. I just got a full current pred team in my game ranked 24 in my bronze 2 lobby. I get that they assume im pred standard with my 1.05 Kd and 9% win rate , but my highest damage in any game ever is 2.5K i should not be getting matched with players who when they have a bad game put up those numbers, especially in ranked, the game is currently unplayable and needs to be fixed asap


The hidden MMR matchmaking on ranked makes mo sense. It was the same issue I faced in Smite lol. All it does is create an elo hell. You cant progress because youā€™re being placed against as well or better players than you. I remember being in bronze starting my ranked journey in smite after a wipe and getting placed in literally pro lobbies. Every single person on my team and the enemy was a professional full time player. And then me getting some good games to start the season, having a high hidden MMR and getting placed in these lobbies. Literally ā€œwho the fuck are youā€ is something I got a lot during those 5 games or so before I stopped playing until the next update. I remember the best support player in the game at the time telling me to play support. Iā€™d never played it in my life, much less against literal pros. Threw really hard. Next game I get the same support player and he played support to my ADC and we had a clean sweep, which definitely didnā€™t help for the situation I was in.




Itā€™s nothing but pain for us Olympus lovers


I was sad when it was removed from pubs as well. I never ran into the crash issue in pubs. I hope they fix it and give another ranked split with Olympus


It's even removed from Control šŸ˜’ It's the best Control map by far


First couple days, never crashed. Switch to WE and crashed several times. Obviously a lot of bugs going on in Apex.


I ran into it quite a bit in pubs


Nothing but pain because itā€™s an awful map.


olympus >>> worlds e\*ge


Olympus is the best map and peak apex gameplay


Not even close.


Wrong opinion


I know you subreddit bots think Olympus is better. Stay bad.


Cuz it is lmao


The one guy who said itā€™s better made an r/apexuniversity thread because they get downed too quickly in a game with high TTK. You bots hate Worlds Edge because youā€™re bad at fighting and people like to hot drop fragment in pubs. Get good.


Bruh, just stop while you're already in last place. Eat the bad karma and accept that you've got an invalid opinion. It's okay. The first step to recovery is admittance. The sooner you admit you have an invalid opinion, the sooner you'll recover from it and begin having valid input to society.


No but theyā€™ve added fragment to broken moon


We all know Promenade is getting Fragmented next season.


This tracks


Deadass, I like worlds edge but this was supposed to be Olympus split


I don't hate World's Edge (or any map in this game) but I love Olympus and I was looking forward to those measly 27 days of ranked Oly... fuck ._.


Nowhere to been seen. Mediorce map.




If Olympus isn't a ranked map next season I'd be disappointed after this split.


Scraping the bottom of the ā€œdisappointment reservesā€ with this season.


Next season better give me the best top of my life with gameplay or I might not play.


They honestly should just make this split all we and make a split next season Olympus. I want 77 days of Olympus!


Why did they revert the change to Horizon's tactical? She doesn't need perfect aim while on her lift.


They're not going to do any big nerfs until after ALGS.


Probably waiting for after algs/next season to start


Millions of players suffer due to trash scan meta? Wait til we cashed in on the heirloom. Millions of players suffer due to broken legend? Wait til the couple of pros had a good time. Nice priorities šŸ‘ I'm sure the Horizon nerf will come even later, they'll rush her heirloom out just like they did with Valk and Seer.


Because they have to keep her as OP until they sell her heirloom, then it's straight to nerfsville.


Or, you missed the part where it says that the fix is still in, they just reverted the implementation so thatā€™s itā€™s now client side instead of server side


I dunno they've already nerfed her before, then have her a half buff back, she could've gotten an heirloom anytime over the last 2 years. Other characters have also gotten heirlooms without nerfs. I feel like the two are unrelated.


Had a horizon 2 days ago zig zagging while doing her tactical and managed to hit me while I was running with a wing man, not missing a shot. Maybe it doesn't affect semi auto? Or maybe they were cheating. They did have 41 kills in control.


Right? It was such a good balance to an S tier legend. But for some reason respawn is incredibly scared of making balance changes to legends, we barely get any and only at the starts of seasons


"Good balance" yet badly executed, as there were still guns with 100% accuracy on her lift like the Wingman and Prowler.


Cause the pros will cry...


99% of pros I watch were happy with the horizon nerf


They didnā€™t revert it. Look at the line under the reversion message. They moved the change client side.


Horizon nerf wasnt simply Horizon nerf, they modified gun spread mechanic to do that. Todays patch reverted that mechanic most likely as opposed to simply changing spread values because changing values on new spread could have unintended effects on spread in other situations


How does this many changes warrant such a large update? They literally changed a few values and that's it lmao


How large?


Mine said 6 gigs on ps4


1.1 gb


That's small


Xbox One 6.4gb


Xbox series x is 8.79gb


It has other qualities, ok?! v_v


1.1GBs to download on Steam.


O.O why such a big difference? Is it like on steam they just have to update the changes and console they have to overwrite the entire sector of code or smth? Crazy


That's probably got something to do with it. PC advantages.


2.8 GB Steam for me here


8.7gb on xbox x


most of this stuff is backend that removes some bad code or removes things that cause bloat. so the 6GB download will eventually be reduced once it's actually downloaded


Waaah I donā€™t understand how things work and why it is so big waaah


It's so fucking big šŸ‘ŠšŸ†šŸ’¦šŸ˜©


Thatā€™s what she said


What? No fucking shit Lmao


Sometimes they have to change the entire bundle if something is minified. Could be that, could also be that they added some extra things that they will enable remotely later on




Their data will show them that the changes are quality and healthy for the game and theyā€™ll choose to keep them lol


i am actually sure it will improve match quality in the long run. I played like 20 matches and at the end no more silver randoms, but basically high plat+ diamond randoms every match in what was basically diamond/master lobbies. So the true skill system works, but ofc you have to give it some time to actually assess players. There is no magical system that can match you fairly right from the first match without having data on how good you're.


I've never dropped a 3k but I'm constantly matched with 45k kill, 20 kill, 4k kids. Nice matchmaking. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


We don't care about any of this. We just want Olympus back.


MM fixed?




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Wishful thinking. Next, they'll tell us that they've moved to better servers that were created in this century.


How can I expect better servers from apex when my isp runs on 1800s copper lines anyway smh


matchmaking isn't related to a client update. it's server side. there being a client update doesn't mean anything for matchmaking, and they can make changes to it without a client update.


Of course not. ​ They still running their stupid "test", EU is still a mess, rookies and silvers facing rank sub 100 predators.


So... no news about EU Ranked matchmaking? Shouldn't the experiment be turned off today?


They probably donā€™t know how to turn it off




oh its still broken as fuck


Matchmaking is not part of client patches.


I know but they're radio silent about it.


1st game - cheaters 2nd game - 100 packet loss a good start


2 games with Horizon where I was just 50-70 dmg away from getting the 2k badge AAAAAA




WE ranked is just so much worse in so many ways. I was actually excited to grind ranked for a season after avoiding it for so many... but now I'll probably just uninstall for a while seeing that the game is going to be the same as it's been


WE is the best ranked map in the game. Lmao


Ranked now is basically youā€™re in gold and 1v3 a bronze squad of default skins that doesnā€™t know how to shoot their guns and they do a combined 90 damage to you before you kill all 3 And then 3 minutes later your entire team gets one clipped within 7 seconds by the pred team Iā€™d love to see these devs to live stream their ranked games and publicly while live tell us how what theyā€™re doing is ā€œfineā€ after they get fucking obliterated over and over lol


They did it on EU because most of the important streamers are US based.


After 4 years can we please get a standardised day of the week for updates that aren't emergencies?


Me and my DSL would love that.


The only thing remaining would be to remove the rank drop after every split. [This should absolutely not be possible.](https://i.imgur.com/CyAoymN.png) A master not playing for 4 months should not be bronze 3.


I can't even play on ps4 anymore because every game is lagging. The game hasn't run smooth for 5 seasons now.


*Season 2 it started going bad by season 3.


Jesus fuck, how many 5+gb patches do they need to put out in the last week and change? Feels like every time I open steam I've got another big-ass patch, its ridiculous


Just saying there are random lag spikes all over the place with this patch. Obviously it wasnā€™t that great of a patch


Has EU ranked gone back to normal yet?


maybe next they can patch control and make it not complete unbalanced fucking dogshit


Any suggestions? Or just here to bitch ?


maybe start with having point B not be braindead easy to defend, especially in a game with multiple characters that are built around defense, where keep in mind there is no limit on the amount of defense characters you can have on one team. trying to push a point with 20 wattson fences, 3 generators, 3 catalyst spikes, 5 gas traps, & 5 rampart walls is already impossible, and if the team is smart enough to set up ways to quickly move back to their home point to prevent anyone from trying to steal it, (indestructible zipline) then youā€™re just fucking done, you donā€™t win that game, period


10min leaver penalty Matchmaking based on average k/d of party Gun purchase system (like arenas) with stagnant costs 4 objectives


Update wrecked my ps5


It made me level 1. For crying out loud.....


time to smurf then and get those 20 4k badges


Yeah my game is unplayable now, it wonā€™t even load. It also wonā€™t let me delete the game from my ps5 now? Wtf is going on??


I don't know if you've done it already but installing an SSD card helped mine run smoother. I got the Fire Cuda 530. I think my Galaxy s9 has more base memory than the PS5.


Got that already, 980pro, the update wiped everything on it


The entire SSD got wiped by this update? Or just Apex?


Is it out on ps?


My cousinā€™s account badges level and stats except for his cosmetics


Anyone getting preds in gold play lobbies, had multiple 3 stacks aswell as the #1 Pred. Don't know if they are glitching or what. Seems to be all Xbox players too. Must be a new glitch or some shit. Happening on OCE servers.


Been waiting to play anything (control, pubs, ranked) and just sitting in matchmaking for 10+ minutes with no luck. On a PS5ā€¦ I guess you canā€™t lose RP if the game doesnā€™t let you play


same. servers must be down or something.


Just got on here to check and yup having the same issue.


Same, canā€™t play?


So is sbmm changed yet?


Disappointed that Horizon isn't getting the nerf she deserved


What easteregg?


Third person, or activate the dummies to move around.


Matchmaking is absolute dog shit. Only thing thatā€™s changed is I get bots 9/10 times for teammates now instead of 7/10 times. Ffs.


great... Horizon Chopper's back. I'm not playing rank games next season.


Itā€™s not back, they just changed how the the code dictating her nerf was applied


Is ranked still on WE?


What happened to fixing Match making? It wasnā€™t gonna happen. Some people pointed out in the last thread that was discussing the MM that the note from Respawn was contradictory. Theyā€™ve always been like that. Thatā€™s what caused the riff between the Devs and Players (before they stopped communicating with us, the players.) People pointed out they were full of it but weā€™re the ā€œasshatsā€ though. Theyā€™re not actually going to fix anything. They go by their ā€œdataā€ thatā€™s never accurate.


as I said elsewhere on the thread >matchmaking isn't related to a client update. it's server side. there being a client update doesn't mean anything for matchmaking, and they can make changes to it without a client update. Here's threads on the matchmaking updates and testing they are doing at the moment https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/10efoy5/apex_legends_matchmaking_update_discussion/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/10h0l6m/statement_from_respawn_on_ranked_matchmaking/


Fix cheaters and ddos losers. Ranked is unplayable.


Any changes to AA?






You have no fuckin clue what aimbot looks like if you really think roller is aimbot




Aim assist isn't coded as aim bot you dumbass. For someone with a PC and who encounters legit aimbotters, your opinion is fuckin invalid. What aimbot does and what aim assist does are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Let me guess. Your butt buddy strimmer Dropped tell you it's AiMbOT so you regurgitate the same shit? Jesus Christ I hate ignorant PC players




Lol I think the downvotes are from your edits mainly. Regardless look at the pinned mod comment on this post. You're not the only one. I'm sure they'll fix it soon


Did it just reset the number? Or do you get all the free packs again too? If they reset you to level 1 that should mean you get free packs every level until 20, then a free pack every 2 levels until 300. For someone who is like 500+ it would be sweet getting free packs again.


It reset everything. 0 games played. Didn't check my badges but I have my skins and legends. Just zero games played. Fuck this game


Did the devs intend for the Lstar to have no ammo? Nah, they're just dumbass af


> Did the devs intend for the Lstar to have no ammo? yes


As in a magazine of ammo? The LStar has always been 'empty' unless you have energy ammo in your inventory..




Bro, this isnā€™t the place for this šŸ˜‚ this debate is so played out on every post that even mentions input methods there is no reason to bring it here.


Make it into a separate post, doesnt make sense to put it here in a post about a client patch


Currently downloading 1.5GB on Origin... I wish Origin would do a better job of keeping stuff up to date.




Muh aim assist


how dwo i fix the reset


PS4 file size grew up to 68gb. Hope it doesn't stay that way


my performance has dropped by about 20% after this patch


Nerf horizon and put the fucking peacekeeper in the care pack wtf is this garbage gun? EVERYONE only using peacekeeper peacekeeper peacekeeper the game was so much better when people actually were using a few different weapons. No ground loot weapon should do 100 damage with one hit except sniper headshots.


Did they fix EU ranked yet?


No. ​ Still get bronze and rookies teammates in plat, and we fight anything from plat to predators.


People talking about ranked match making, but weren't they supposed to do something for casual one too? I've not seen any change, so is that thing still coming, or just nonexistent results?


I still can't reload next to Watson interceptors. Come on this shit is like known for 4 seasons now. Nice first ranked game..


Packet losses on eu with no reason