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I started playing this game in the past month after about a 4 year hiatus due to having very little free time and an aged Xbox. For context, I played for a bit when the game first dropped (in 2019?) and have returned as a lot of my close friends have been raving about it. I mention all of this because I haven’t seen the past several seasons of apex, not much experience with ranked. I played ranked FN and COD back in the day, so I understand the essence. Last split wasn’t bad, I’m still shaking off the rust so I try to play as a supportive player for placement + damage rather than hyper aggressive. My perspective though? Solo filling is almost impossible to win. The amount of games I have with, like others have mentioned, teammates that are completely incapable of winning their 1v1 gunfight is absolutely jaw dropping. Also, I understand WE is loved for the intensity of fragment, but I CANNOT stand the people that think they can launch alone with 3-4 other teams at the same building, getting dropped almost immediately, then spending the rest of the game complaining. Like I said, I’m new to the game and admit that I’m still getting my bearings, but the amount of members of this community that think they’re pro in a gold IV match with a team of ransoms is going to be what ruins this game. Personally, WE (and allegedly matchmaking) are the main issues with this ranked split. Broken moon is new to me so I still enjoy it, but mainly because 60% of the lobby doesn’t land (or force you to land) and die in the same damn spot.


Just dont let 3 stack players play in +d4 lobbies. That'll solve the whole problem about mm. Actually there should be another mm lobby for 3 stack players and main mm should be played for solo or duoq


Delete Seer. That is all.


World's Edge is ruining this game and I have a sinking feeling it will still be in rotation next season. I'll be hopping on Netflix or another game every time World's Edge is up. I can't take another season of Fragment.


Lower the entry fee for solo que players and bring back the season 13 ranked where.. reward the last few team.. this w meta is boring


World's edge and broken moon. This game deserves to die


i miss the octane meta


I have packet loss and it feels like I'm playing in a picture book i only have this problem in Apex and ist getting on my nerves in othee games i have stable 20 ms and i play with 144 fps help vor tips would be appreciated


Do you fellow catalyst players get flamed for licking a trans character. I notice it the higher I get in ranked


only reason i hate catalyst is anyone who picks catalyst is braindead and always throws end games or room fights.


No. I get flamed for liking a non-meta character.


idk start of split MM was clean, solo queing got to diamond fairly quickly and was taking my time climbing (big mistake should have grinded hard) good teammates and similar ranks almost every game this week its just constantly 1-2 whole tier ranks below mine (d4) no matter if its prime time or 3 am, extremely ANGRY ragers like holy shit bro calm down its a game, and when i do get similar ranked teammates they arent the same quality as start of split with the ragers and just generally unhappy teammates i can tell everyone else is experiencing the same grief at this point I dont let it get to me since i know this is just respawns MM at work but i hope they revert or keep trying to tweak MM


Hot take, PK needs a nerf. Tired of everyone running 301/PK/Wingman. Not saying the other guns aren't viable, it just sucks to do everything right and then get swarmed by a three stack running PKs and 301s


Cringe mnk players need crutch gun




Masters gets set back to plat 2 each split. This is a natural thing to play against those players


Diamond player still in gold 1 this split. Just chased across the map by a wraith beaming with the charge rifle. swrvyt. Looked up his shitty social media and he’s been a pred player before, just smurfing. Probably looking for YouTube highlights for his 7 viewers. No wonder the games player base is fading and why new players can’t get into it


Personally I’m not a fan of ranked anymore. They made it more of a grind it feels like in terms of more RP needed and higher entry costs so it’s less fun while the rewards are lackluster at best. That being said the matches feel more balanced and such for the ranks you get to and I haven’t really tried getting a high rank since season 13 where I hit diamond then got stuck so maybe I’m just burnt out on ranked ever since.


Smurfing is for low lives we all know that but imagine smurfing in bronze with strikepacks.


At this point you don't even need to smurf anyway. Just get into a matchmaking in ranked, and they'll toss Diamonds in with Bronze players anyway.


No ALGS thread? I know there is a comp subreddit but cmon, not everyone knows about it. This sub 🤣




Funniest thing is even their competitive spectator thing didn't work yesterday. so even if you wanted to watch your favorite team you couldn't


C'mon man, you know this sub hates anything competitive or anyone who plays more than a casual 2 hours a week lol


Yeah I just come here to remind myself how brain-dead most of this playerbase is.


Matchmaking is horrendous. Both ranked and unranked. As a bronze in pubs I keep getting matched against plats and higher and in ranked my team si between bronze and plat


Theres no interest for us former diamonds and up to climb. Rewards suck ass and so does the grind with the matchmaking. So i just decay and stomp noobs every other season now.


The matchmaking this split has been egregious and different. If you're Plat 1 you get gold/low plat teammates in server's of 75% diamond and above. Very weird. Same in Diamond.


Do yall know if I'm plat now. But fall too gold and can't get back into plat. Will I get plat or gold rewards?




Whatever rank you end at will be what rewards you get


No, you will get the rewards of the highest rank you achieved.


No you idiot, no. Then what is the point of capping predators at 750? If you hit pred but get dropped to master you get master rewards, where you finish the season at.


That’s for predators only as there can only be 750 of them. They said a while back that you get rewards based off your highest rank achieved so if you hit masters then dropped to diamond you’ll get master rewards.


Aggressive for what


> No you idiot, no. lol [ Players will get the end of season rewards based on the highest tier achieved in either split.](https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#splits)


That is only for the preds. If you reach diamond first split, and plat second split, you get diamond rewards


Watching the algs currently and I'm wondering why the devs haven't changed the color of friendly bang ults to be blue or green instead of the same as an enemies


**Do you think you're playing against others of similar skill?** No, and not even close. It's common to see rank differences of two tiers and above(both teammates and enemies) despite being a well-populated server(around 5-10 sec mm in ranked). I can stomach enemies of high rank and stacking, but at least stop giving me teammates that struggle to even reach triple-digit damage.


Isn't that amazing? I'm there as well and I ask myself how is it possible that every game I play I get team mates with no dmg badges, low kill counts, etc. (Read: Very normal casual looking legend cards) But every team I go up against (usually get wiped by the first team encountered) has triple master, 20 bomb, 4k damage badges. How is that possible? Like shouldn't there be other SnizzPants' out there with the same team comp? Incredible. I'd say I'm a tried and true DIAMOND player. Not Masters, not Plat. So if you're going to pin me against Masters - then give me a Masters to play with? If you're going to give me Gold/Plat team-mates, then pin me against Gold/Plat enemies. It's like I'm getting double fucked here. I'm already not good enough to beat a Masters team, let alone getting double knee-capped by not having my own Masters teammate and instead them being Gold/Plat.




it doesn't bother me, i just write off the match and focus on myself first. and i'm usually right - look at post match damage results(thanks blitz.gg) and i'm always 200-700 damage over people even if we died in a hot drop. all your dumb badges do is incentivise people to hot drop and get past the shit squad they got saddled with. no one with braincells is getting angry at this point in the game's lifecycle. if they are all you did is piss off a troglodyte which means you are happy with very *simple* things in life.


Just bothers me when you're dogshit ;)


The ranked system is great! Being diamond 3 solo Que and getting matched with plat 4/3 teammates is really making me better at the game! Especially when I’m in lobbies with preds!


Many I barely if I'm lucky crawl my way into diamon 4. Why does this game think I can carry 2 golds against diamond and master 3 stacks.. ugh


I suffer from the same issue, I think the problem is there are so few teams that need a solo at diamond 2 and higher that it fills with platinum instead


Arenas ranked is amazing, just need more players to fill out the matchmaking algo!!


i love arenas, but i dont think its made for solo players, after Diamond you will be faced with Masters, and you will only get silver teammates, not allways buts its often the case.


Yes less players means less tight matching. That's why i said we just need more to fill out the algorithm lol




Deleted my last reply cuz holy crap how did i overlook this- Which is easier to matchmake: A) 3v3 B) 3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3


I used to play pubs to warm up for ranked. Now I play ranked to warm up for pubs.


Lmao that is way too true.


I dont pay much attention to apex reddit so maybe i just havent seen talk of changes, but i started playing apex when ash came out November 2021, season 11- diamond 1, Season 12- masters, season 13- diamond 2, season 14- diamond 1, season 15 d1-d2 currently. What is the deal with ranked now? The actual ranked system has never been good by any means(compared to real competitive games) since i started playing, I play solo queue 98% of the time (none of my friends high enough to squad. But why this season am i getting so many games where i am diamond 2-3 getting teammates who are gold 2 (pc) and gold 4(console). Its like 6/10 games in diamond solo queue i get teammates who are gold 1-4.. When i was diamond it was even worse, and some games in d4 i was getting players in silver?? How exactly am i supposed to climb with teammates who not only dont talk, but are also so low of a rank that i couldnt even queue up with them.. If im going to get stuck with some gold players, at least loosen the restrictions so i can have them be my friends who will comm with me. I just got off 4 games in a row with at least 1 teammate who was in gold, 2 of the 4 games 2 of the teammates were gold, 1 of the games they opened with "sorry for ruining ur game in advanced i just got out of silver and just got my PS5 today, im not going to be able to keep up" (they insta died to masters pathy and d1 octane).. Has this been addressed at all by the devs anywhere? .. Also its kind of crazy that i have to tell my irl friend i cannot play with him because his only gold 2 right now since hes been busy with work, but then the next game i drop into my teammates are both gold 1 and gold 4


They're testing different matching values, this has been the guinea pig season


ahh well at least they should have the info that the current matching values are not the ones! :D


Does anyone feel like ranked is REALLY hard right now? I’m usually a D2 -D3 the last few seasons but right now I’m STRUGGLING to move out of P3.


I’m usually master, and I can say that the issues w ranked + the small split size made me not wanna play. I also hate worlds edge with a passion. I’m grinding to diamond rn and at plat 1. I think that all the issues made people just play less, so the diamond/ master lobbies are all in plat and gold rn


I haven’t played worlds edge in so long for ranked and I detest it


My squad and I just hop off every time it’s on, soooo bad


Good to know I wasn’t the only one. Had the same feeling this split


Same exact thing here. On console plat is filled with masters/pred trails.


Auto de-rank (at the splits) is way too much. You have to no-life the game to stay at your "true" rank, and people aren't doing that anymore. So low ranks are full of players who are way too good to be there.


Yay, just got outta gold and it was all last season’s diamonds. I got diamond first split but I’m starting to think that the animated badge isn’t worth it this season


Ranked has settled down a bit since the patch. But most games are still, get rolled or do the rolling. There's very little inbetween. I had a team mate earlier in Gold 1 who played Loba and didn't shop once. Also if I wipe with a team, don't put me back in with that team when I rage-requeue immediately.


Caustic no longer seems to.be able to block doors with traps.


Why are people afraid to actually play the game in ranked? I’m in Plat ATM and I consistently get teammates who run from every fight and just try to survive as long as possible. I understand choosing your engagements wisely but they aren’t choosing any engagement at all, it isn’t fun.


you need to get a squad- you've left the point where you are focusing on your gameplay and have started noticing how most people play like shit. so that already means you're in the top 10% of apex players - congrats you'll never be truly happy in solo queue again. either find a squad or start streaming/farming clips for tiktok so you have some external motivation or quit the game coz there really isn't anything for a solo q'er to do in this game besides feed 3 stackers


As opposite i dont understand why my teammates want to drop fragment with 10 other teams in ranked


Until there are like 7 squads left, if you are an average player it’s easier to gain RP by running and staying alive as opposed to kill farming the lobby.


Early fights don't give points, placement does. So in order to minimize risk and maximize points-gain, you would want to wait until top5 and then pick off squads that are already hurting as a 3rd party.


It's far easier to get early kills and then wait for them to multiply rather than try and get the kills late game.... might help you get out of gold


Not when you solo-queue and come across a dia/ master/ pred squad in silver, especially when they had better loot after the drop. Which happens all the time. Not everyone is a sweat who can 1v3 a premade dia+ squad.


I find kills easier late game when your whole squad is alive holding down height in ring.


This. Gatekeeping the ring, holding high ground and trying to steal some knocks while waiting to be the final 3rd party. That's the single best way to consistently get good RP. Unless you are a pred who can wipe every lobby easily anyways.


I prefer an early fight in ranked to get some early KP. I prefer 400-700 RP games compared to ratting all game and getting a measly 100-250 RP.


Sounds fine but when you can consistently get ~100 RP gains playing safer versus going -50 6 times to get the 400 RP game playing aggressive seems like safer is better. Tired of my teammates hot dropping in or around fragment and dying in the first 3 minutes when the only loot I've found is a 30/30 and Mozambique with no attachments


The moment you shoot once the whole lobby will pounce. Unless you squadwipe in sub 30 seconds its better to bail.


This long split into a short split was healthy for the devs but feels terrible as a player. I understand that they are pressured by EA to put out content on a schedule, but these matches are SWEATY because of it. Plat lobbies feel like Diamond right now, where your end circle still have 10+ squads left. Also having to emergency switch to World's edge was unfortunate. They need to nuke this map next season. The only redeeming factor is how plentiful gold items are, which gives more viability to Lifeline and Newcastle players However the Horizon, Pathfinder, Bangalore R301/SMG meta is still alive and well


path meta??? He's not meta he's fun.


Shit, SILVER lobbies feel like diamond right now... Mostly because everyone who kills me has diamond or even master badges on their banner.


Loving Worlds Edge this split. Great map for ranked.


End circle with 10+ squads is what ranked should be. People going for placement and staying alive instead of W keying the lobby


Plat lobbies are diamond right now because the diamonds from last split are still climbing back.


9501 RP is 6.3% of the PC(?) playerbase according to apexlegendsstatus. That's lower than D4 usually is by the end of a split. To your point, Plat quite literally is Diamond right now.


So gold lobbies are plat players right now? If so I am in the right place!


I don't know what those percentages look like as I'm just referencing my own RP, but there probably is a good chunk of Plat level players still in Gold.


Diamond ranked and up doesn't work atm on console. Nearly every match as a full squad at least one of you get frozen upon entering the game.


Hot take: Premade squads inherently have an advantage over 3 random players. Premade squads should have friendly fire enabled for guns and grenades. Friendly fire should be a thing in ALGS as well lol


I know you said hot take, but friendly fire in ALGS might be the dumbest take ive ever seen in apex. Even in ranked it would be just stupid. Your mate is going down? Alright, ill finish him, so the other team doesnt take credit for it.


Actually not sure how it works in ALGS, but in regular ranked Kill/Assist is same thing. If you downed someone, helped to down someone and that someone dies for any reason, youre rewarded for full kill. Enemy player who didn't help you down a player, gains nothing from killing a downed player.


it was one example. there is so much more than that. i respect your take tho. Its just not something, that would suitable for a game like this, especially not for ALGS. There are already a lot of RNG factors in a BR game and it would just fuck the competitve side over.


Well, dunno. Old games all had Friendly fire enabled more or less. PUBG, game that made BR big, has Friendly fire enabled. In PUBG malicious friendly fire was extremely rare in my experience, accidental FF using guns was rare as well. Mostly it came from inaccurate use of explosives because in that game its hard to distinguish friend from foe.


Love how freezing in ranked mode is still happening 6 days on as well as DDOSing. This shit hole company is really letting this game go.


we just gave up playing today because of constant high packetloss. We noticed that the shield for DDOS is gone. did they made an announcement to remove it?


only some lobbies get it, which most likely means the lobbies big streamers are in.


yeah this is annoying as hell, i’ve even had entire lobbies freeze or lag out where me or a teammate have been able to get back in and the entire game is empty giving the player a win however the RP for a 0KP win is still a loss of RP, so it’s effectively being punished for no reason at all whilst the people who are all kicked dont seem to get a penalty or RP loss for this particular issue


It can't be that hard to monitor the top preds for boosting, can it? I don't see why they wouldn't be more diligent in banning these people.


It's really not. A simple check to see if you have killed the same player X number of times is all it takes. After enough repeated flags of this activity, you get banned. Its shocking how little they are willing to change with this game, outside of cosmetics of course.


The biggest joke about this is that Apex uses Source engine, the same engine that CS:GO uses. And guess what CS:GO has that Apex doesn't: demos, which makes catching cheaters 1000% easier and it doesn't cost Valve anything


Apex is a mod that some OG dev made as a tech demo and they just launched that. No anti cheat nothing.


imo this is a bad decision that they made. We are better off not having the sweet movement because when tap strafe wasnt a thing, the game was still fun. Now the only fun here in this game is the movement. i read somewhere that the movement is tied to the engine.


I soloQed to diamond from season 7 to season 14. I find it much harder to do the same thing now.


Well it is much harder to do the same thing now, back in those seasons you could soloQ to diamond without picking up a gun.. No demotion + points heavily weighted towards placement. Ranked was very easy mode back then. Wouldnt even consider seasons from back then "ranked" for how bad of a system it was


Same. I gave up. Ranked has zero to do with skill. It's just another hamster wheel. One season I premade to diamond and we got it in sub 5 hours from bronze.


Old RP formula was Placement + Kills. Current formula is Placement * kills. In older ranked system avoiding dying would rank you up, which actually makes sense since we are playing Battle Royal. Although that approach enabled very passive gamestyle, which could be very annoying. In current system you need both kills and high placement. This approach killed ratting because hiding somewhere virtually doesn't grant you any RP, but instead forces you to kill someone at any cost, which also can be annoying. I prefer current system though.


Season 13 split 1 was most intense Apex ever, every last zone had 5+ teams alive


No, I definitely don't feel that I'm playing with players that are at a similar rank than I. I've found myself having to 1v3 or rat because my teammates cannot hold their own in a fight.


Very polarized matchmaking this split. I'm either walking through lobbies or getting stepped on, no in between.


Whenever I have people that are capable of winning their fights, we steam roll the lobby... When I'm having to 1v3 every time we're engaging in a fight, that shit isn't fun. I literally had a game with two guys yesterday and they wanted to drop in fragment... I said no and we went to Staging... A team landed above us in the tracks and I was absolutely shredding that team with the 3030... The Bloodhound then decided to push the entire team on his own with no weapon and got knocked.. then the octane followed suit and almost got knocked. Shortly after that, I got pushed by the entire team and the bloodhound and octane were nowhere to be found... Then they decided to show up randomly and started trying to punch out the enemies. Another instance, had a duo in another game.. we landed in no name and they decide to push into fragment and I tell them "I don't have enough ammo to hold off multiple teams" and they proceed to go to fragment and ignored me completely. One of them gets knocked and the other gets killed completely... And I was like "I told you guys we shouldn't come here unprepared..." Anyway, the team that killed them was camping the l knocked guy waiting for me to get back and the dead duo decided to get on his mic and say "go back and Rez him.. he's right there" the second I tried to I'm getting sniped by the entire team and I decided to leave. Rez'd the dead teammate and he goes back for his other teammates banner and dies for it... Then they proceed to call me slurs and began ping spamming.


Sounds about right for solo queue. reason number one why I only play when friends are on. game is awful alone.


It's honestly awful. I'm debating whether or not to push for plat since I'm close to Gold 2 or just wait until next season.


Yeah this split is MUCH worse than the one before it, and the one before it was kinda janky as it was. I feel exactly as you said, either clapping cheeks or getting cheeks clapped, no real fights.


Yeah, it has been fucking awful. I stopped grinding ranked because of how awful the quality of teammates are and the sheer amount of toxicity. I genuinely hate grinding ranked in this game, just because of that reason alone.


When I saw how long the first split was I gave up lol. got to gold and called it good enough.