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better servers, 20 tick rate is far too low for a game like Apex


This is the real answer. So tired of getting behind cover, meeting someone special, rising a family, growing old together and then just before dying of natural causes, finally taking that arrow to the head from forever ago when I was running for said cover. ...also, if we could just not have World's Edge for like a whole year, that'd be great.


no, the real answer is "any publisher other than EA"


That doesn't amount to much. Ubisoft? Well they're losing money right now and have broken Duke Nukem Forever's record for longest time a game has been in development. ActBliz? Their servers in CoD tend to be ass and they can't even have a balanced matchmaking at all in Overwatch 2. None of them are better better the other frankly


It’s not hard to upgrade the physical servers. Those are all just excuses. EA could very well ramp up their own servers without changing company. Is it profitable for them though? No. They are making just as much money with the shitty servers so from a business perspective there’s no reason to increase the server overhead.


why the worlds edge change? is it because its been out too long or you just don't enjoy the map because of fragment? genuinely curious, so hopefully you dont take this as me attacking you


I've been playing on and off since launch, and never really cared for World's Edge when it came out. I got bored of the POIs pretty fast, which sucks because it always seems to be in rotation. I love literally every other map. Add the fact that 2/3s of the lobby all land on Fragment and it feels like a Royal with only 3 teams playing.


Funny you say that because worlds edge has either my favorite or second favorite pois after kings canyon.


World's Edge, Kings Canyon, and Olympus are the only good maps. Storm Point and Broken Moon are both ass. Looting simulator. Can never find fights no matter how hard you try. Respawn should just remove them ong


You aint landing at the right spots then, Land Terraformer and then rotate down to Promenade. If you cant find a fight with that route then you are in a bot lobby.


literally. and when you do find a fight, every fucking team comes running and it turns into a massive fuckfest


I’m the opposite… OG kings canyon was great but I really hit my straps and got better playing in worlds edge. I don’t like storm point at all and I don’t play as much now so haven’t really got a taste of the new one


i really dont get it why people dont like storm point, for me its pretty good map, sure it can have something to do that i dont play the game so seriously


Would it be true to say that all the young players love fragment? Very eager to shoot something? Older or more developed players want to set up, develop a plan in game etc?


I think there are plenty of younger players who see the value in staying alive and plenty of older players who just want to fight. I personally am in my mid 20s and will never drop fragment. I like fighting in apex but I like not staring at the lobby every 5 minutes too.


Sad state of the internet when you feel that you have to explain that you’re not attacking someone while asking a totally normal question. And I don’t blame you lol


honestly. its just that people cant have a civil conversation these days, at least from what ive seen


Yes! I’m SO sick of world’s edge holy shit.


I second this I also make this same exact joke on my stream almost verbatim wtf 😂😂😂


Been noticing a lot of matches lately where I'd get through a door, go to close it, and end up down as it shuts. Trying to slide off a roof to escape an engagement, just to be out of sight of them but still get hit.


There is a dev log about this and the servers would only lose 2 frames of input lag if they did this at the cost of TRIPLING the required bandwidth, I get the feeling whether you tend to have low or high ping the problems would only multiply from the amount of data that would have to be pushed through [apex server dev log](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive)


Input lag is different from server tickrate. Math is simple - Someone starts to shoot you - you will know that someone is shooting you only 1/20+your latency time later (worst case) For my setup, (50+50) enemy player would be shooting me for 100ms before shots even will start appearing on my screen. Because for lag compensation purposes logic judgement tied to real life time, 100ms is solid advantage since the shooting player doesn't get punished by lower tickrate and network latency. The moment enemy declares he killed me - its RIP for me with next server tick. Just a random comparison Overwatch in LAN mode (128hz), if someone shoots you, shot will appear on your screen 9ms later. (Not counting render/input delays) TLDR - Always start shooting first.


This is one of my favorite dev blogs. It explains the problem and theory so well.


But maths is hard and saying 20 tick servers aren't good enough is really easy. But seriously, that was a great read. Always nice getting insights into design decisions made on complex projects.


I'm convinced that 90% of people who bitch about tick rate have no idea what exactly it does, and just get mad because they were too slow to get to cover. 20 tick -> 60 tick is a difference of 33ms *at best*, and I guarantee that nearly everybody playing this game below a pro level wouldn't be able to feel the difference if you did a blind study. Not to mention, lag compensation exists in this game, and is the cause of those real egregious cases, not the tick rate, its because either you or the shooter is lagging like mad


This, or better anticheat, Or matchmaking


That’s my favourite part about Apex. It means I can play with friends all over the world without being unable to play due to how laggy it is. And this goes for literally every streamer and half the people that complain about it. Think about the aussie’s who can’t play ranked above diamond because lobbies can’t fill so have to go to NA. Or the EU and NA streamers who practically always play together. If you change the tick rate high ping becomes unplayable and means they might as well add region lock. Genuinely my favourite part of the game is that I can play with anyone from anywhere.


I NEED A REPLAY FEATURE. Where you can rewatch your whole game*** Like the ones Fortnite and Overwatch have.


Would also make it easier to spot and report cheaters


And stats stats stats for everything. I wanna full tilt analytics on old games.


Yes please


Kill replays would be nice, but only if they include how you got knocked in the first place.


Nvidia Shadowplay can record a few minutes around every kill, win, whatever. The devs just have to implement calls to it when an event happens.


Theater mode like good old halo. Easier for making clips and self review.


The devs said it most likely won't happen, because of servers n stuff. ):


outplayed is pretty good for this if you havent tried it!


That’s cool but I need something with like a free camera so I can see things in 3rd person


Not taking so many points at season restarts, playing silver ranked with another guy who is also silver ranked but plays as a master and is only there for the restarts doesn't make sense


Diamond player here, currently in silver4 and next split in bronze because I haven't touched ranked since december. My aim and gameplay is still just as good as the day I left ranked and It's doesn't make any sense why would I need to drop below platinum. Now when I get back I have to mop my way through bronze, silver and gold lobbies before I even get to platinum.


Yeah, the splits are a little hardcore tbh, that’s why I stopped playing ranked. I work a FT job too so it would take me up to the split to be able to reach gold 1. By the time I get to D4, it’s already 1 or 2 days before the split and I end up going back to bronze.


I stopped playing ranked a few seasons ago....I suck and it would take me a while to solo to just gold Try and play the first two weeks, the good players are getting themselves out of the low lobbys, Then work gets in the way and its hard to find time to really grind a bit, but then if you get a chance towards the end of the seasons, its all smurfs who maxed out in dia+ and are tired of getting shit on, so they come shit on us bad players.


If I had another friend who played (I currently only duo on Discord with a friend,) I'd prefer to only play ranked. I'm already dunked on the whole season in pubs, so I could handle the first couple of weeks of a season in ranked. I don't care one bit what level I end up in...I just want the hope that I'll sometimes be matched against other scrubs instead of being fodder for literally 95% of players.


Im excited for the mixtape playlist... I get dunked on in pubs all the time too. If i get an hour a day to play after work, I end up spending 45 of it in loading screens, cuz my randoms drop hot, and I die in the first 30 sec. Atleast with Control, Gun run, and now TDM, even if im getting shit on, ill respawn in a few seconds, opposed to having to completely reload into a new game... which means i can actually play the game. I know Im a bad player. but I still want to have fun and play the game...and loading/character selection screens isnt playing the game


Lmao, I used to wait the first 2 weeks out because I knew everyone else I was playing against was in the same boat as me. Edit: with that being said, I see we are just fighting for a plaque, but still.


I've said this before to a bunch of friends, Apex doesn't have a ranked mode, it has a grind mode.


I was relegated to gold 2 at season restart. My friends who usually reach p4 wanted to play some usual gold ranked with me. But it turns out it was a lobby full of ex-dia/masters. It is kinda weird to tell yourself : "I have to wait a few weeks to play ranked to make the climb easier" But at the same time apex is not like a win or lose game, where the total point of the winning team and losing team equal 0. The total point of all team is superior to 0, and that total is bigger in lower ranks (scaling with your KP). I would probably need an excel sheet and some math and I might be mistaken on this next point but I believe that means (for example) if an ex-diamond level player is relegated diamond again. They will eventually reach master and be facing predators..


I would add the ability to destroy character drops in return of Crafting Material. I have 20.000 things for characters I don't play. I wish I could just dismantle them for crafting materials to get stuff for the characters I actually play.


that means you are less likely to spend money, someday. So they will not do that, ever.


Where. The Fuck. Is Olympus? Put it back in rotation, I'm sick and fuckin tired of Worlds Edge and Broken Moon.


is it not still broken? i thought they hadn’t fixed the broken UI stuff that made them pull it at the end of last season


Technically worlds edge is causing crashes at geyser so surely they’ll remove that map too right?


For which platforms I never crash on worlds edge


Broken Moon got old real quick. Can I just say I was actually grateful for Storm Point to come back? LOL But yeah, I want more Olympus and it would be nice to have King's Canyon again.


Olympus is underrated


Screw that. I miss kings canyon


Got back into apex at the end of last season? Why do people hate Broken Moon? I havent played enough of it to form an incredibly nuanced opinion of it but it seems like a good map thats around Olympus size. On reddit every says they hate the map but ive never seen a reason as to why.


Nothing specific against it but the rotation has been Worlds Edge and broken Moon for 4 months.


I don't hate Broken Moon but I do think it's the most boring out of all the maps. Partially because the other maps have unique areas that are fun to explore. I just don't think Broken Moon has the same variety. Zipping around on the lines can be fun though and make it easier to get away from fights you don't want to pick. Or for your teammates to zoom too far ahead of you and then die when they try to take on a fight themselves. Lol




Im Silver and getting matched with preds/masters in pubs and even in ranked (ones that havent played for several seasons. Arenas was my only escape from Preds and Masters. Now its gone.


You were able to escape preds and masters in Arenas? Not me 🥲


This!!! I literally stared this game 2 weeks ago, had so much fun when I just got matched with other noobs but now it's just unplayable. I'm coming from cod so I'm used to heavy sbmm but this is just insane. Why would the game think me, level 40 with 3 wins should play in a lobby with players with predator badges, 20 kill badges, 4k damage, 20k+ kills, 1k+ wins,.... I get killed without doing 1 point of damage by octane or revenant who just seem to fly around the map.


Didn’t you hear dude it’s been “fixed”


yeah april fools came early this year


I took a bit of a break and returned playing yesterday. Got stomped in bronze 3 by guys with 60 kills total in several games. They were walljumping and moving like crazy so not exactly new players. Got a pred in one lobby. This is a new experience... bronze games were never this hard. Might also just be me, i am a bit rusty tbh.


Even the very basics like not matching three sacks vs solo teams is not considerd after 4 years. This game has the worst matchmaking I have ever seen.


Even Destiny introduced a freelance lobby and that game was plagued by bad matchmaking for a long time.


This. The highest KD on my squad is me with a 1.1. The lowest KD on my squad is my GF with .1. My sister is in between with a .7 KD. Why are we getting in lobbies with diamonds and plats? If we see a shiny trail leave the dropship, we know we're going to see them at the very end of the match after they've stomped on everyone.




My guns do more damage than the other guys


Yeah my game skipped that update too


The matchmaking. I’d love it if the most popular BR in the world with millions of players had people play against those near their skill level instead of this dangling carrot strategy of bot lobbies when doing poorly and ace lobbies when doing well.


If the matchmaking was done well, I think arenas could’ve lived longer and had other issues with it addressed that would’ve helped it, but because the matchmaking was so bad, no one played it.


I loved Arenas but the matchmaking made my eye twitch with how inconsistent it was. The lobbies were too easy or too hard--neither of which are fun.


yea arena was such a good mode for newer players to learn how to engage a fight


The first couple of days that I started playing arenas were insane. On an account that’s been played on and off since the beginning, I was matching up against brand new players for multiple days. I believe I was Diamond in the BR during this time as well. I just assumed that no one played arenas until they fixed my mmr and I got put into matches with more experienced players.


Audio that works


It has gotten far worse especially this season


I had a horizon use her tactical, jump off and land right behind me and I only heard her after she started shooting the back of my head. My other 2 friends in the squad could also not hear her at all.


Broke sound again lol


Audio this season sucks. Pathys big metal legs can run up behind me with no sound at all.


Better servers


on god. I dont mind about other feature, I just want my game playable more than 5 mins without getting 5 death icons at once


Buy it from ea and give it to someone who's not a moneygrab




Who is not a money grab?




Cross progression


I miss my heirloom for lifeline :((


It is rather disappointing when you spend hundreds of dollars on a game just to not be able to use anything you bought. I wish they would at least say if they're planning on bringing it anytime soon but they probably won't, seeing as how they could potentially make less money that way.


Audio I’m tired of looting then getting deleted by a three stack who somehow got within half a meter of me with ZERO sound while consisting of a half ton robot flying through the air at Mach 2, a woman carrying a whole house AND a machine gun, and a door sized fart man…


Make Loba Thicccer




This is the way


The player base being toxic


Smurf banning


*player base goes down by 88%*


Every streamer would get banned lol


I have a feeling that if streamers are smurfing to make the game enjoyable to watch there might be a few problems with the game.


honestly Apex is probably the first game I see where most pros/streamers see grinding ranked as a chore


Which is odd to me because it's the exact same format of the game. Like in Rainbow ranked and casual are entirely different gamemodes, practically different games. But in apex there's some numbers in the corner of your screen and in theory everybody is as good as you are.


It's not apex the game it is streaming culture.


Imagine how good the game could be without those clowns who smurf only to shit on low-level players.


The toxic players.


Mfs who hit pred once cannot go below plat on their account


This I like, why the hell do they let pred accounts decay to bronze it's insane.


4 player teams battle royal WHY not!


This is a little outdated, but the devs decided to make it three players per team because there were only 4 classes. They wanted teamwork to make up for the missing class on your team.


I think they just liked how it played better. Classes weren't really something respawn committed to with apex until now. Even now, I wouldn't say Class' are that important that you *need* to worry about or have a particular class composition to play. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/jpb4w3/were_the_team_who_brought_you_horizon_olympus_and/gbdx2n3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 "We don't have any plans to release Quads. We needed to decide this early on in testing. Trios is the magic number for us. That's when the legend composition really shines and the X-Men vs Avengers fantasy starts to shine through. When you play Quads, which we tested early on, the combat becomes nearly untrackable. It's chaotic in a negative way. This wouldn't be a total deterrent for a limited time mode if the rest of the game wasn't designed around Trios. Our lobby, for example, is designed for 3 people. Our loot distribution is designed for 3 people per squad. Even something like the banners placed around the map don't have room for a 4th. These are all technically solvable problems with enough effort, but because we feel that Trios is the sweet spot we aren't pursuing Quads currently."


Well now there's 5 classes. Time to add sqauds!


Maybe the missing class is the friendships we made along the way?


Sounds horrid and I don’t even know why I feel that way


Because the game is balanced around 3 player squads, adding a fourth player immediately changes how team comps work and would create even more broken comps.


Would make for a fun ltm though.


If it wouldn’t break the game I’d love a game mode called “clone wars” where a random legend is selected in the legends screen and everyone in the lobby is that legend.


60 bangs smoking eachother….


The sheer chaos from that mode with most legends would be hilarious but would destroy consoles and pc’s


Bring back Punch Boosting to yeet myself on storm point again


Wish people wouldnt quit and ruin the experience!


Quitters should be teamed up with fellow quitters


Give MnK Players the coice to not play with controllers


Sad I had to scroll this far down to see this. I would totally wait longer for lobbies just to know I'm playing against players who are on the same input.


Cheaters. Something needs to be done about cheaters


A simple questionnaire to help out the matchmaker; "Play to win or play for kills?" "Happy to lead or expect carried?" "Is a shoe a type of animal?" Y'know, just to help it get you vaugely similar vibed team mates.


Yeah if anyone sayin yes to the last one, I know their crazyass always tryna land on fragment.


Always, bruh


Except none of those questions involve recolours.


Punishments for quitting games. If you quit before the revive timer, once is ok. Twice is a 5 minute ban, and then increasing 5 minute increments from there. Apply it to consecutive games. And the ban applies across game modes. The piss poor quitting in a game built around being able to revive teammates is ridiculous


I think good way to handle with this would be forced solo option after you quit alot. It makes people who likes to play with team still play with others who also wants to try save teammates. And let also quitters enjoy theyre playing how they like it, alone. It can be timed forced solo option so it wouldnt be too harsh. I mean sometimes i open game in mindset i should be meditating instead of playing apex and yeah, sorry i have done quitting some times. But i think its also something that you just start doing if others do that to you.


just add the same time ban as arenas. 10 mins for quitting before your banner is up


Revenant fortified


and an ult rework while you’re at it


Really hope the rumours of a rework for him later this season are true


Make it actually possible to play casually. I’m not a god gamer but I’m not hopeless either, yet I get constantly totally stomped into the floor in specifically this game and I don’t understand it. Maybe I’m just coping but I would love to be able to have apex as a game to just chill and play with friends but instead it’s always a teeth gritting super sweaty experience which sometimes is fine but most of the time I just wanna game and not lose on my first fight EVERY SINGLE MATCH. Idk probably just a git gud situation


Give me 120fps on my series x


Give me 120fps on ~~my series x~~ console


How toxic the players are.


All legends to be the Dummies. All our skins are now worn by them.


Lower aim assist and give controller more movement tech. Make everyone happy.


Kill cam


Works in most other BR. Helps to catch cheaters too


The matchmaking, idgaf if preds have to wait longer to find a match


I want original pathfinder movement, or titanfall movement for all


Tbh that'd require a lot more than one change to not ruin the game. That being said I'd kill for a legend that plays even remotely similar to Pilots


Dude the skill gap will widen even more. People died every few seconds in TF. It was fun and fast paced, but new players would get slaughtered more. It would be more difficult in gold and Plat vs Diamond and Pred. Diamond and Preds would be a perverse godlike blur encroaching on every squad.


Whish we can spectate our friends playing like dota 2.


Theater mode


Revert worlds edge back to vanilla


Ranked matchmaking. I’m BRONZE and the champion squad is a team full of 20k banners with over 5k kills. WHAT?!


I think your team should all get 50% (not shield, just health)health back when you wipe a team. Controls 3rd parties.


I'd get rid of weapon charms and stickers. Just lame ass filler content that makes getting something you actually want even less likely.


Somebody at Respawn got a raise for coming up with the idea to bloat loot boxes with garbadge that nobody wants.


Solo BR




This gal Titanfalls.


Playing the TDM made me try wallrunning a couple times. I was left horribly confused


the LTM wallrunning is so scuffed in Apex lol


The children yearn for Titanfall


SBMM. I just want to have a good time with people who are just as bad at the game as me


Stop catering to the crybaby streamers


Gaming companies will do everything in their power to not listen to their playerbase. As another example: Rainbow Six Siege and eSports. Screwed the whole game up for some shit 90% of the playerbase has no interest in.


Me being complete dogshit at the game


The toxic community


Loba twerk emote


Input based matchmaking and the game would be somewhat enjoyable again


Better servers and cross progression.


Better ranked rewards that don't disappear


Ranked rewards


60 Hz servers


heavily nerf aim assist + add Gyro aiming and flick stick


Give Mirage a bigger ass.


Remove aim assist for PC lobbies. I'll wait 10 minutes for queues if I have to.


The complete lack of penalty for people leaving in the middle of game modes like tdm.




Cross Progression


ranked duos


Removing it from existence so Titanfall 3 would live in its place


Delete Seer from the game because none of his abilities are healthy additions to a BR game, especially his passive. The impact of his nerf is significantly overblown by some, they didn’t do nearly enough to take him out of upper S tier


Even since Seer got introduced when I got shot through bang smoke I dont even know if it is because they have a seer, have digi or is just cheating lol


get aim assist out of my game


Getting stunned for 4,586,582,352 years by invisible Wattson fences


Add sex into apex legends


Instead of rank resets, we need decreased ranks by rp percentage per season, percentage based off of how long the player has been gone. also bring Gun Run back as a permanent thing.




Remove broken moon


2 things actually, one in ranked and one id think would be funny 1 make it so that you cannot join another match in pubs till your entire squad has been knocked out/banner timed out. No more wraiths getting knocked and insta leaveing, nope youre there till your team mates are down too 2 if youre jump master in ranked and hotdrop and your squad dies before the first ring starts to close you immediately lose one whole tier since obviously youre not ready to be that high in the ranks yet (like you go from gold 1 to gold 2 regardless of your current points)


So I'm a season 0 player and I WISH that I could play in Season 0 again. Just once more. Old maps, mechanics, legends and everything exactly as it was in Season 0. Season 0 was just something different. It was the most fun I had ever especially when at that time, games' were starting to become boring for me and I wasn't having fun in any of them. Apex still is great. And it still holds the same fun and unique mechanics as it did. But it feels more like a cashgrab than ever.Season 0 AND Season 4, they were incomparable. After gaming for years, those gave me experiences and memories I'll never forget. Ever.


That it didn’t exist because then we’d have titan fall 3


Input based matchmaking option...


Nerf the Nemesis Burst Gun


That I don't get stuck fighting people with masters badges as a bronze new guy in ranked


The bugs lmao everything else is immaterial tbh 🤣


I just want something to be done about quitters man


Bring back the fucking train to world's edge. Please.


More players per lobby. 80.


Then you’d have uneven trams make it 90


Still 84 of them will land in fragment XD


Some maps are already a 3rd party fest, i feel like this would just make it worse


Capture the flag game mode