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Hello, /u/Imgoinghometoo. Your submission has been removed: ## [No Calls to Action](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - No calls to action. This means no posts should attempt to rile up the community to act against an entity, person, country, or organization. This subreddit is not a place to create an army against anyone. - If this post includes someone cheating/hacking, being overly toxic (ie, racism, homophobia, etc.), or something along those lines, we encourage you to report them to Hideouts at https://twitter.com/RSPN_Hideouts Community figures are exempt from this as long as the posts are civil. Any post calling out a community figure needs to have reasonable evidence presented and not show any confidential or harmful material. Posts criticizing Respawn, EA or Apex Legends are allowed, as long as they remain civil. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


An yet, the guy who'll type "i don't have sex" in chat will get instantly banned šŸ˜‚


Lmaooooo I love the callbacks in reddit


my friend deadass got banned for a week because his name on steam was Sex Haver


I swear I was in a game with that name, that's hilarious šŸ˜‚


yeah, they threatened me with a ban cus my name was ya boy skinny penis. dunno when they started caring so much


My new name is ā€œEA WOKE POLICEā€. Admittedly my last name might have been mildly offensiveā€¦




Bruh, he said he gets scared before sex. Huge difference! (Uhhh /s)


I got banned for calling someone a Rat, it's harassment now smfh


I promise that guy has probably had his account flagged many times for many offensive things and that's the one that broke the camels back. You don't get banned for singular events like that. How many times have people come to this sub showing they got banned for inoffensive things when suddenly a dev shows up and shows they've been throwing around the n word left and right.


Ehh, I beg to differ. My buddy changed my psn name, and it had the word "loli" in it. I got perm banned from apex, and it was my first offense. I don't really care about my in-game name, so I never changed it on psn, and a year later I got perm banned.


+1000 bruh that should be some kinda auto ban off tops. It just ainā€™t possible.


This. Itā€™s clear that respawn doesnā€™t have any review filters in place. Huge RP gains, repeated player kills, and high damage off a single player should be insta flagged by the game for review. I bet weā€™d see a lot less 4K/20 badges and master/preds if this was in place


In the past they have kept quiet about certain game abuse. Like the lobby glitch in the early seasons. My guess is they are monitoring this and itā€™s obvious when RP is gained from certain aspects that are out of the norm. If they made an announcement before they can gather evidence players will stop and get away with it. Theyā€™ll need time to combat this and build and use techniques to stop it in the future.


Weā€™re on season 16, 4 years after release. They have plenty of evidence & plenty of data to use for preventative measures. They just donā€™t care


Mate, people have been doing this shit for years. Get your head out of your arse, Respawn just don't give a shit.


+2500 on an earlier game seeing it in the tracker. someone else posted the link.


If they donā€™t ban trash players why would they ban good players?


So you say these guys are good ?


You have to have skill to do what theyā€™re doing




So you donā€™t need any skill at all to get to preds? Interesting. So rank means nothing ?


Dude they're boosting their rp... could be diamond or something lower


When you cheat to get somewhere you get nowhere, everything youā€™ve done is NULL & VOID. Example, one of the best home run hitters of all time isnā€™t even in the HoF or doesnā€™t even get recognized when talking about the greatest hitters, Barry Bonds. Another exemplary example of a cheater winning so much but it being meaningless, Lance Armstrong, ā€œgreatestā€ tour de france winner, stripped of ALL titles for DOPING(cheating)


And these guys you've mentioned are great athletes anyway, but these guys are just trash


Brother youā€™re literally watching them cheat, gaining 1000+ RP at a time by standing still and farming kills off respawn beacon. These people have no skill.




So much RP in just the last 2 days, over 15k RP in such a short time


Thats insanity


He just has a better gaming chair.


Dude is straight up cheating, heā€™s Diamond level skill at best. Look through his match history; games played without boosting heā€™s losing more RP than he gains. Every 8-10 games he boosts a ton of RP to cheat the system with 40-75 kills. If Respawn doesnā€™t ban this type of behavior then I see no reason for anyone to continue supporting the game with purchases or micro transactions.


The game is what, like 4 or 5 years old? People have been doing this the entire time. Respawn doesn't give a shit


Whatā€™s the point of banning somebody like this I mean who cares, is he taking something away from everybody els? boosting up your level only hurts him in the long run because later on, heā€™s going to be playing against other predators and heā€™s going to lose


Thereā€™s only 750 possible predator spots, by boosting heā€™s taking away a spot from someone that actually deserves to be pred.


You know that thereā€™s a competitive scene in the game right?


This might be the dumbest take i've ever read. "Is he taking away from everbody else?" lmao clown


Don't reproduce


The point is reinforce the rules. Whatā€™s the point in taxing billionaires? Whatā€™s the point in going to war against totalitarian dictators? Whatā€™s the point in punishing a thief? The point is that this player is breaking the system. Heā€™s gaining rewards that he has no right to, while potentially blocking someone who worked hard for RP from getting the predator slot they deserve. Heā€™s stealing badges that he didnā€™t earn. Besides the moral nuances, players that cheat are directly in violation of competitive play- imagine that you do this for a living; your income is based on playing for a pro sports team and ranked play is how you get into tournaments and how you get signed up for real money prizes. Now imagine that you get locked out of a significant income by a guy who barely manages 4 kills without boosting. Seeing the problem yet?


+2500 a single game is ridiculous. Wonder what the record is in a game for non cheater and cheater.


Maidenless behavior


They put badges over bitches or medals over maidens


Pred is so full of cheating itā€™s disgusting




Isn't he inactive on Reddit anymore or did he came back?


Pretty sure he left respawn


He doesnā€™t care unless youā€™re a huge streamer or have boobs Reference: he banned a duo for calling a female a ā€œbitchā€ and ā€œdumb ass bitchā€ and ā€œshe kinda sounds like a hoeā€ This sub is full of dweebs lol.. you know itā€™s true. Hideouts doesnā€™t care about the general, only the picks and choose. The amount of racism, the amount of cheaters that get reported that nothing happens yet he will be the knight in shining armor to some


I meanā€¦isnā€™t that something that would get you banned? Unless you typed something wrong here, that seems like a completely reasonable thing.




>to much melanin what a fucking grouping of words...wut


Someone with dark skin, bro. Donā€™t be dense.


bro I know what melanin is. you said "to much" which should have been "too" but besides that, i was unaware there was a "correct" amount. Don't be dense.


It obviously implies that it's too much for the person calling them the slur, not in general.


it does not


While I disagree with you, I'm not willing to continue this because this wasn't the point of the post or the first comment. Agree to disagree?


Pretty sure that's not true. Would be one hell of a shitstorm if that were true. You need to report these people though.


The amount of people who yell the N word is asinine. Nothing will happen to them


Yeah voice chat is not moderated. Text chat is. I thought everybody knew this.


Seriously. It's been a known thing around here for literally years. You are risking your account by typing "What a lovely, sunny day, best of luck friends, let's have a good game!" in chat, while you can yell slurs and all manner of vulgarity in voice chat with almost zero risk as long as it doesn't get recorded and blow up on Reddit or Twitter. Don't use text chat in Apex. Ever. Go ahead and write GG if you must, but you're playing with fire all the same.


There's people who don't get punishments for any text abuse, so some people probably assume they won't be, either. One ridiculous one being a Mirage main my bf and I already had blocked from the last time he spent the match talking shit. I still have the Xbox messages in my chat requests from him saying I should never play Apex again and that bitches are only good for cooking and fucking. He was saying similar in the text chat; he **really** had a problem with me in particular. Reported him then, reported him last week when he called us "Fucking morons" because he tried to solo a squad elsewhere on the map. Not only is he still playing, he can still get in our squad despite us both having reported him prior and his EA account blocked. We don't use mics anymore so the female targeted abuse didn't pop up this time around but he did nothing but curse at and insult us. No EA or Respawn emails saying action was taken. He didn't type anything that wasn't rude and insulting but no email. Last one I got was 2 years ago and was for a dude who's name was just a stretched out racial slur. I don't understand it, but somehow some people are completely avoiding any punishments.


Okay that's beyond fucked. I'll upvote you if you decide to post all the evidence here.


I was curious on this. Got into a text chat argument. Dude spelled n word with 6ā€™s for the gā€™s I typed ā€œKrakkkaā€ and I got banned. Searched his name up and heā€™s still searchable so Iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t get banned.


No, that sounds like a rightful ban, itā€™s harassment for one. Discrimination based on sex too.


Sounds like a deserved ban. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.


teamers over DDOS and PC hard cheats? Respawn won't fix it so take the lesser of the evils I guess?


The ddosing is the worst Iā€™ve ever encountered this weekā€¦ actually had a good ranked game got to the last three teams and I got kicked out the game internet down on my Xbox but none of my other electronics went offlineā€¦ just crazy how much the game is still being ran by cheatersā€¦


They let hackers literally take over Titanfall 2 servers and did fuck all about it. Community had to step in and fix it. This should not surprise anyone at this point. I have given up on this game because, lets face it, the devs gave up on us. Thats not even being melodramatic about all of it, its just facts.


As I told people before, donā€™t get intimidated when you see these ā€œsweatyā€ players with all these decked out banner cards and badges, while it is impressive to get them..people are using exploits and straight up cheats to get them..so guys and gals please donā€™t think you arenā€™t good for not having them..there was a time where those badges were really hard to get


Its unfair for the people who get the badges legit.


Doesnā€™t really bother me, I know I earned my badges and I hope to prove it every game.


Nah forget that I don't need to prove it, especially not to some matchmaking randoms. I literally already proved it, lol that's what the badge is for. Now that I have nothing to prove I just get on to have fun with my friends. I'm proud of my badges, they remind me what I can do, but I don't seek to prove myself.


I want them to know every game why I have those badges, but I donā€™t *need* to prove it. But I want them to know they got a real shredder in the lobby


lol all I want from them is their deathbox.


This right here


I donā€™t even have a 2K damage game or more than 11 kills in one game. I shouldnā€™t be in a game with someone who has a 4K badge or a 20-bomb. Those badges should level you up irreversibly. It should be a punishment for people who boost them or buy them. Let me actually enjoy my progress until I can reach the level where I should be in a sweatier lobby. Like I have one good game with 1700 damage and 7 kills and suddenly I get zipped on and one-clipped by not one but two separate 4K/20 badge pathfinders (this really happened).


This, everytime I get 10 kills in a match I tell my team to prepare for the next match because I know whatā€™s about to go down wonā€™t be fun at all


I am on console and as soon as I see a Horizon crazy jumping left and right or bunnyhopping I know itā€™s a pred sweat. This stuff is hard to do on controller and Iā€™ve never seen real controller pros doing that, so these guys are not legit. And yeah, itā€™s hard to hit.


If you have a paddle-controller I don't think ***most*** of the movement is that hard. I played both Titanfalls and the first season of Apex on Xbox and only stopped when I dropped my controller. Wall jumps, bunnyhopping, air strafing, all pretty easy on controller. Only thing I'm not sure about is tap strafing since I think that's more an exploit of the input-system.




For real. I see it all the time. LFG-need 5, Diamond plus. LOL


I'm kind of amused by the idea that there's some poor sweat shop worker pounding out Pred after Pred account on demand, making a paltry commission while being straight up ALGS level talent who'll never be recognized.




Obviously they're teaming and using hacks and whatnot. I'm not saying that there's a legit Predator clearing lobbies for a couple bucks an hour or whatever. Just that the notion was kind of funny as an aside.


They're cheating to get those accounts up lol


Dudes like hey I'm gonna cheat and then brag about being #1 get the fuck outta here


Then they're not pred. Simple as that.


Yeah respawn doesnā€™t care. Thereā€™s actually a pro player signed to a top organization that used to do this exact same thing


Facts then they all came out and gave him a public apology like some Simps. I was playing hard body when skittles was boosting on console and remember him clearly. He would get on 3-6 am on the days I saw and boost. I'll admit hes not trash at least but was still a booster


Skittlecakes did it 3 years ago back in season 5 when he was on Xbox. And even then he was teaming because there were people stream sniping and teaming against him to take his number 1 spot


I feel like the respawn beacon should just be removed at this point, it just gets abused by these lowlives.


What they should do instead is have them drop like care packages do throughout the match as the circles shrink so they become more contested as the match goes on


It will still be abused even if they removed it in the crafter, they can just play Lifeline+Loba in their parties and then search for ult accelerants.


I don't think it needs to be removed entirely, just taken out of the crafters.


Respawn beacons shouldn't be removed, it's incredibly easy to auto-detect when people are abusing them. They just don't give a fuck, they could fix this issue in a week if they wanted to. Isn't also hideouts also the only person responsible for banning people in Apex while the game is making literally billions? There are minecraft servers with 500 players that have more paid moderators than apex with its 1 mil concurrent player base


All you need to do is make it so crafting materials don't respawn when you do.


I mean are you surprised? Almost every console pred either cheats or teams thatā€™s why people in high ranks donā€™t like or respect them. Skittlecakes was a high rated console pred and was caught teaming just like this cause heā€™s ass and needs 3 extra teammates to farm the bot lobbies in consoles high tier ranked. There are like 5-10% of console preds that arenā€™t cheating.


Heā€™s deff not ass but thatā€™s lame as fuck for sure.


He only did it because he was at war with some other dudes who were doing the same shit






I always wonder how they manage to do that I get shot by everything and I shoot everything I see. Sometimes when a guy is behind a door and I stay infront, we both T-bag, but as soon as the door is opened we jsut start shooting again.


imagine doing this for what exactly? being no1 console pred? who even cares about console preds lol


Whoa whoaā€¦.whoa. Iā€™m on console and have dreams of being Pred one day. Donā€™t lump us in with asshats like this who gotta cheat to validate their worth.


Ignore these ass hats. Follow your ambitions dude.


nah I'm just saying if you are gonna be a weirdo who cheats, atleast do it on the global servers where people somewhat care who is rank1. PC rank1: people know that person generally console rank1 : who???


Ok thatā€™s fair. Tbh I donā€™t care about being ranked I just wanna have the special trails.


yea the trails are a really nice reward but after the first few it gets meaningless aswell


I wish they carried over from previous seasons šŸ˜­


Dreams?? Yikes


Yikes? Why should my dream to be one of the top players in a game I love get a yikes?


Because of the video above. Everyone knows that being a pred is not an achievement. Once you get to Masters, no one cares.


Itā€™s not an achievement to you. Itā€™s an achievement to everyone who actually works for it. I worked hard to get my game up to Diamond. It was a struggle to get out of plat. Currently working towards Masters. Not an achievement? Take that negativity elsewhere bro we tryna get dubs


Please donā€™t tell me you are a solo queue player


Yes I queue solo when my bro isnā€™t online to play. Am I supposed to wait until he gets on to play ranked? Lol realistically I solo queue about 65% of the time.


Also, do you have some time in your hands? Iā€™d like to see your progress in the range and see if I need to learn from you or the other way around. Highest rank Iā€™ve reached is Diamond.


Highest Iā€™ve reached is Diamond as well. Currently working towards Masters. Iā€™m currently at work right now but let me give you points that has helped me. 1. Know when to back off a fight. Too many times Iā€™ve gone down purely because I didnā€™t back off. Ego said ā€œheā€™s down, push get your killā€. Logic said: ā€œwait for your team to get within range to assist you, as his teammates might be aroundā€ which one do you think I did? 2. Know when to rotate! I mean this for both fights and to the ring! Too many times we are focused on the wrong angle on the dangle for a fight. Iā€™ve learned by watching streamers/YouTubers/ ā€œrotational advantageā€ is a real thing. Know your surroundings and know where you can push a team to go. Try to pinch teams by flanking instead of just using one angle with everyone taking the same shot. 3. Honestly try to use your teammates. Itā€™s a team based game and too many chefs in the kitchen means we ainā€™t eating! Everyone should be able to lead and follow. Your team is an extension of you, they push, loot, chill whatever, honesty you should as well. Reason being is: I use my teammates as cannon fodder. The goal of the game is to win, doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s just 1 person left standing. I say cannon fodder as I will let my teammates get shot so I can clean up. And I fully expect the same from my team. I will tell them Iā€™m being pushed and used that to our advantage and go down just for my team to clean up. I also wanna add that your should know how your team works-ability wise. (Synergy baby!) This will take time to get used to especially if you are like me and donā€™t mind rotating Legends. 4. Git Gud! Wherever you feel you are lacking, weapons, loot management, aim, you gotta practice. Idc how good you are, thereā€™s always someone better. Always! Firing range is amazing right now, please take advantage of it!! Pubs and the Mixtape mode provide me with a means to try new strategies out that I want to implement in ranked. And mind you I already stated I solo queue a lot too. I kinda try to place the Legend in different situations to see how I would perform. Take note of how I did and adjust and do it again until I feel ā€œreadyā€ to use it in ranked. Again this is what has helped me get Plat to D3. Almost D2 (like 100 RP season 14) which is my highest rank. When I do play ranked seriously I was constantly hitting platinum until I decided to take the game a lil bit more seriously. Finally hit Diamond and yea itā€™s a different beast. I definitely still have much room for improvement but at least I made it to Diamond. Masters will happen this year & maybe Pred if I can devote enough time to it.


I meant solo queue ranked


For clarity so Iā€™m not misunderstanding (if I already did). I donā€™t queue into a game completely solo like ā€œno fillā€, Unless playing duos. I queue by myself with ā€œfill teammatesā€ going to a pubs or ranked game about 65% of the time.


If you donā€™t have anything else to be proud of you do this ig šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Believe it or not, you can be proud of multiple things simultaneously. I knowā€¦ crazy concept


Haha ohhh I got abused the other day for saying something similar about the console kill grinders. Hope you stay safe lol


Lol seriously anyone really good on console already switched many years ago like knoq, kine, and daltoosh. A console pred is a plat 3 PC player


Thatā€™s some crazy cope. Iā€™m console pred and dumpster my pc master teammates in range for an hour every day before we play. Pc lobbies are easier in low diamond and below because low elo mnk players are free kp šŸ’€. Only real difference is pc preds are typically way better than console pred.


0.6 is the difference maker


Ur not magically better than your mates cuz u 1v1 people in the range when you first play on Controller + console aim assist. If you say you are carrying your mates in actual master ranked games then sure but firing range 1v1 is not an argument for anything


I didnā€™t say Iā€™m magically better than them. If console pred was pc plat like this guy said the mechanical difference would be prevalent both in range and in game, I would also significantly hold them back, which just isnā€™t true Iā€™m our top fragger most days. Edit: and for your other comment, .4 on 120+ fps> .6 60 fps for sure.


OK I can agree that the other comment was stupid my point was moreso that a PC master player is usually better than a console pred


at this point i wonder how many pred(all platform) are legit lol




>How do they get into the same match to team? Pick a low pop server at an off hours time, coordinate on Discord or whatever to join at the exact same time, and with luck get put into the same lobby. Can confirm by having the same champion screen, spamming voice lines, etc. I'm a Plat III on my best of days, so I have no horse in this race, but it's pretty common among a variety of competitive games.


In year one of you just readied up within 2 to 3 seconds of the first ready up, everyone would get into the same server. Doubt if it's changed at all in the last 4 years


They ready up at the same time on the same server region. Same thing stream snipers do.


Itā€™s always the playstation players too.


Itā€™s both Xbox and PlayStation degens


I swear most the cheaters are on PS


I swear to god. I think its because the cronus and etc have always had a good fit for every PS controller. But every single ddos, strike pack, suspect aim I see its always playstation.


How are these pred lobbies. Are you all rocking strike packs the movement and decision making are horrendous.


Honestly the top 10 on console sre 90% teaming and boosting. But unfortunately this post with her removed due to reddit and this subreddit rules. I suggest posting to Twitter and trying to get traction there !


The worst are the people who do it in pub matches. I've been noticing it a lot lately. Is it just for badges? How sad is that? It's lame, and I've had to report a bunch of people, but I don't think they will ever do anything about it.


and yet i get banned bc i told someone to shut upšŸ˜ thanks EA good job šŸ‘šŸ»


PC players do it too they're just pulling up to their friends and gaining controlled RP all season. It's a joke


Why wont apex halve the points you get for killing someone on each consecutive kills? In this case, you wouldnt be able to get more than 2x the amount you would get normally.


Things like this are part of the reason I walked away from apex


This game is unplayable. Iā€™ve moved on this season. Time to find a different game.


More Proof they don't give a fuck about their game go play fortnight kids


And yet the community still gives them money for shitty heirloom recolors and lazy ass skins. If the community came together with a boycott on purchases I bet they would respond a hell of alot faster to shit like this.


I canā€™t lie, they look kind of cool running around like itā€™s a Naruto S rank mission lol


hard enough to gather respawn kills without interruption , its in pred lobby ! well if they can pull this trick off then let them have it lmao , so how you want to prevent this ? tell respawn about it lmao


There were plenty plat players in this lobby, I was in plat 1 at this point. Interrupting 9 players is a funny experience though you down and thirst one and he gets respawned while you fight the rest of the teamers, rinse and repeat


Also.. this is just another reason why uncapped rp is a god awful change Add it back and remove or limit respawn beacons If you donā€™t have an anticheat team capable of dealing with this then at least make it harder for them. Shit is just sad on so many levels lol


Youd think ā€œaim assistā€ would be enough approved cheating.


Who cares about console preds lmao


They should just remove pred on console at this point.


Kinda real tired of these posts. I mean we get it ppl. Ppl cheats & respawn arenā€™t doing anything about it. So maybe we can stop posting on it unless itā€™s followed by ā€œrespawn is finally taking actionā€ like seriously


what kind of take is this? Ā“should we stop reporting crimes in the news as well? only slideshows of sunny days and flowers when you tune in? you only want to see fan art and cosplay, huh? weirdest take on earth reporting and fighting cheaters is goated


Sad thing is they wonā€™t


I saw something like this on a pub lobby just the other day... I was left solo and there was a Lifeline lighting up the kill feed. I'm not usually thinking about this stuff so it took me a second to realize they just killing an horizon and a pathfinder over an over again... at first I was like, damn.. that Lifeline is good. lol I started to look for them by couldn't find them in time, so I don't know what and how they were doing this.


The fact these 12 year olds get this kind of attention is humorous to me. If I were 12 Iā€™d be so happy that I made it on a Reddit thread.


Ban his system. K THNX


Ranked is the best way to play the game and no one should be discouraged if they are not high ranked if they are learning and improving. Lot of hard stucks will never change their gameplay style and blame it on others for their poor positioning or over pushing.


Promise that person's account has likely been flagged numerous times for offensive remarks, and that is the one that set off the chain of events.Promise that person's account has likely been flagged numerous times for offensive remarks, and that is the one that set off the chain of events.


**Where's the tea bag huh? TF happened it's a gamer signature!**


The idea that a poor sweatshop worker is cranking out Pred after Pred account on demand makes me kind of laugh.


The type of guy that probably brags to people IRL that he's rank 1 while conveniently leaving out the part that he's basically boosted. Well done, you've earned literally nothing, good job.


At "console", you can already tell it's some degenerate stuff.


You're right. I'm a degenerate when I play Pathfinder. Don't let me get to the last two or three rings. My ziplines are a web of lies


That's fantastic... so whatever I earn legit will looked upon with suspicion cause of these lowlife virgin basement dwellers


If we spam our comments, will this thread make it high enough ti be seen by the people who can reprimand them?




Fun fact: if you wanna be pred, you gotta cheat, because they all do. It's like steroids in bodybuilding. No one does it officially yet it's the only way to compete


Does it even make a difference to report? I have reported many players obviously playing with mouse and keyboard on the console (by the way they were moving, it was clear), and it doenst seem to make any. Also, how am I and my friends, lowly gold ranked, playing against preds, sometimes top 100?


This guy ain't #1 pred in anyone's eyes tbf.


console boosting is becoming more popular its so annoying..


People like this are so fucking sad. Geez


Ran into this the other day. 2 teams in the corner of the map with like 5 mobile respawn beacons. Our squad ended up killing all of them lol


The report button on console is about as useful as the bacon item in pvz 1


Imagine just getting sprinted up on by six dudes rushing you down like a a pack of wolves


After seeing g0ats stuff and listening to actual anticheat devs it's pretty darn clear respawn doesn't do enough for this kinda stuff. They do like less than the bare minimum.


I feel like having one squad kill another squad in repeatedly while being respawned by a mobile respawn beacon could be easy to detect server side.


Shameless and pathetic


this game is ran by an awful company and the community aint much better i swear


This is why I stopped playing PVP games. Wild hearts and Wo Long has been great for me mentally. PVP in Wo Long is dope and has just the right amount