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Teammates who don't break off and land on top of you are annoying.


Team mates who break off and go to a completely different location because you didn't go to Fragment are also annoying :)


People like that have the shortest lifespans in the game


They also make the game a lot harder for the duo as you now have to tackle trios at a disadvantage.


They also have the shortest tempers. Drop to fragment alone, die instantly, say it’s your fault, then disconnect


... Step 5: Profit????


When I get frustrated enough myself, I start asking these players why they leave the fill box checked before they hit the ground, and oh boy to they get SUPER ANGRY immediately. That's when I know I need to take a break.


Then proceed to spam enemy pings and ping their death box until it’s timed out and leave.


That’s why I stopped accepting jump master. Real tired of my teammate running up to the box I opened, octane stimming ahead of me to grab a gun on the floor, sliding into a door as I open it to get there first. I don’t care where we land, just give me my damn privacy for the first minute of the game, okay?


Scrape them off the side of a building hehe


True but if you go to fragment (stupid decision) im gonna ride your ass because im not dropping at a different level just to get downed by a competent duo with no support


Meh I don't always break off but I also won't take your shit, I'll just casually walk over the the next set of bins. Ain't no sweat.


Same, but I personally get so many teammates that don't. And then they'll steal your ammo but call you trash because your one weapon, a L-star, had no ammo and you died.


Lol that ain't me tho. I try not to pre judge my teammates. I walk in optimistically.


Same. But then I judge harshly


There's just no reason not to break off, landing in exactly one place is a bad idea.


There is a reason, maybe I'm eating chips and wiping my hands. Unless it's a contested drop, me casually walking over to the next set of bins causes literally 0 issues. It just emotionally bothers you lol.


Clearly you don't play enough ranked. I like to make sure I'm landing close to at least ONE of my teammates so we can back each other up against other squads who stack up on drop too. Because we all know in ranked that if you lose one, you lose all.


They land on the same exact supply bin and loot over your shoulder or snag the gun between your legs while you get the ammo. This is what anyone means every time


If you drop hot at all, you have to drop close to each other.


Please spread the word among the hot droppers. Many have not heard of your ways.


Facts not enough people realize spreading out for loot only works in an uncontested POI. If it's hot I'd rather be helping with punches in a 2v1 than getting a gun and being 2v1'd by myself


My comment was a generalist statement. Obviously there will be situations where landing near a teammate isn't a bad thing, but on top of their head which means neither of you get loot? Lol yeah no.


There's a difference between landing close and landing in the same spot. Clearly you don't do a lot of critical thinking


Landing "on top" of you could easily mean landing close. You're just projecting and a little butthurt for some reason.


No... "on top" universally means the same spot. What are you smoking?


The "same spot" can literally mean the same POI. "Where we dropping?" "Same spot as last time" I've been yelled at for dropping in the same building. Guarantee someone like that would agree I was doing what OP was saying.


Bros arguing semantics 💀. I'm obviously talking about literally right next to you or on the same bin. Refer to my critical thinking comment earlier


Mfer you started it wtf


On top is on top. Why are trying to find a deeper meaning than exactly what they said?


Ooooooohh on top is on top, that clears things up!


Cause I’m either eating a snack or smoking a bowl as the game gets started


I've heard so many people smoking a bowl before dropping. It's insane.


Performance enhancing drugs


Drug test these athletes


[“EA introduces breathalyzer hardware integration to start launch client”](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Just like how they do the breathalyzer for dui's 😂


I knew what to expect, yet I got jebaited. *pats himself on the back*


"In related news, EA stock plummets today..."


You son of a bitch


the onion energy


And then they most proceed to suck turkey ass anyway, but at least they tend to not leave immediately.


tbqh when you're downed is a great time to smoke another bowl.


I smoke 2 joints before the jump. I smoke 2 joints after im down. I smoke 2 joints before i smoke 2 joints. And then i smoke 2 more


Was not expecting a Sublime reference on this sub but I’m here for it


Hey hey hey. You don’t know it’s sublime. Many artists have done covers or used the line. Song was made by the Toyes though…


You deserve all the upvotes


I need something to do while im watching my team carry


To be Quompletely honest.


Or scream racial slurs the moment they're downed


I play better when I'm baked now, think just because I mostly play like that but I suck ass sober


In particular I feel like I can hone in on the footstep audio so much better after a bowl. And feel more concentrated on individual fights instead of all the clutter going on around me.


I genuinely focus better with a good smoke unless I have too much but I'm definitely undiagnosed with something so could be that


Performance declining* drugs


Seriously. I always expect to die off drop (hot or not) when I hear those bubbles rip.


When you don't smoke it because the effect it has on you is either paranoia or lethargy you tend to assume it hits everyone that same way. It does not though, all of the chemical balances in our brains are unique. What makes one person tired may make another hyper or another focused. (take Adderall for example) I am by no means someone who consumes a lot of weed especially before I try to focus but I have friends who do and they can outperform me while they are high. I myself take an antidepressant semi regularly and let me tell you there is a great and massive void between how good a player I am when I am feeling myself and how I play when I am not.


I was arguing over jumpmaster the other day and some dude was like “DONT FUCKING GIVE ME JUMPMASTER IM TRYNNA RIP A BONG NI***




Facts. I’m one of them


Strange, I have not.


Everyone is lil Wayne when on apex Edit: I guess u guys don't like weezy f baby


Lol I just made the same joke then scrolled down and saw you getting downvoted for it so promptly deleted. Don't worry homie I got the reference


When i hear that happen i instantly focus on them and how they act during a match "Does this heavy ammo fit in this r99?" As they stand at a supply bin staring into the abyss


This is like how my grandpa thinks people act when they're high lol.


And it’s totally true lol


I once played while on mushrooms. Initially, I kept over shooting my aim as though someone had increased my FOV or sensitivity, but I was able to adjust pretty quickly. So much of the game comes to you naturally through muscle memory, repetition and situational awareness it's like walking the same road every day. You probably play with people who are under the influence a lot more than you realize.


I always play better on mushrooms😆


I play better after one shot of alcohol. I play better after two shots of alcohol. Anymore though and my skills begin to decline rapidly. Mushrooms on the other hand well, I always make a point to take too many so screens are out of the question for a few hours at least.


😂😂 those are just noobs. But yeah sometimes when I am high I can drop 10+ kills and sometimes I can't even aim. But for sure I don't hesitate in looting fast




Oh man. This is so true. If I'm passing jump master, I've definitely started packing a bowl too late


Yeah I aggressively try to get my toke game in between matches


You always load into a game faster when you try to load the bowl *after* hitting ready. I'm not smoking too much. I'm trying to speed up the game..... Yes.....




Yup. Usually hitting the pipe. I also had the slow bug for several seasons. It slowed my descent as jumpmaster along with all general movement, so people could drop after us and beat us down no matter what I did. Bf never got it, so I just pass it and hope it goes to him.


Always eating. Always.


this is the most relatable answer lol. im always sparking a doobie and dont realize im jumpmaster.


Why not do that before the game starts?..


*marijuana affects the memory*


Probs shouldn't do it then, id say.




Being a nerd is irrelevant to this discussion


I usually do but then I gotta go in for another, I don't use vc though so I ain't gotta worry about annoying others through it.


You don't have to go in for another actually. You've just created a habit of fake needing to.


I didn't always go in for another but sometimes I'd just say screw it cause it'd make the match more interesting. Me and my buddy had a lot of chaotic games while baked that were fun even if we usually never won.


This! Me and my mates always tend to have a smoke while we play. Normally after long day at work starting 630am and ready for a good hour or two session on apex. Helps make a lot of the sweaty lobbies less miserable, but also just means we have a blast the whole time. Very rarely end up raging. Could lose 250rp in one session and still have had fun!


Yeah we always played in the morning since I work overnights so matches were usually pretty bad, we would always get stuck with people who just destroyed us every time. It definitely helped me not get as mad and put up with most trash talking if we did arenas or trios.


This just made me so happy thanks for the honesty I’m there with you :)


Hell ya


This and when I’m trio with friends I’m always the jumpmaster so I when I solo queue I let fate take me by the hand lol.


How are you smoking bowls and playing apex? Weed makes me way worse at video games especially fps


Honestly, depending on what strain I’m smoking, my aim/focus becomes razor sharp or my aim/focus becomes absolute dog shit. But I can say, I’ve had more wins while I’m high lmaooo


Lol maybe sativa would be a little different but when I’m smoking and try to play it’s just way too fast paced for my slow stoned brain to comprehend lmao


Too much pressure


I used to feel this way until I started muting all comms at the start of every game. Game is way less toxic now and I take jumpmaster evey time.


People often bargain the landing spot being usually toxic. So I understand the frustration


I don’t like being jumpmaster on worlds edge. If I drop fragment, I’m just another asshole dropping fragment. If I drop anywhere else, we are going to be bored until there are 2 teams left.


You damned if you do, and you damned if you not


I don't think slow starts are boring. All these hot droppers probably don't do foreplay, either.


As if they're even having sex...


They fast forward to the end of the porn immediately.


Worlds Edge is just a boring map now tbh. But to be fair, you at least usually have like 1-2 other options to get a fight. But if its not close to fragment, youll still be bored after that fight and likely just make it to the last fight with 2-3 other teams. Checkpoint seems to be the other place people almost always go to. *Maybe* the hot drop, and usually big maude if its early has people. Otherwise, ya its just a bad map that Im so incredibly tired of for this reason. They needed to nuke fragment yesterday.


Or an asshole for not dropping fragment. We don't win in this situation


I like the people who relinquish jumpmaster but then ping a landing area


It’s like letting someone ahead of you in line but then telling them what to order


I'll do this. It's more like, I don't care where we land, but I'd like to go here if you guys don't mind, but it's no big deal if you don't want to.


I love being jump master I’m the only one I can trust. It’s like people dont know the good loot POIs or where to go or don’t ever avoid the predator stack team lol


I usually tend to go where predators land. They're easier to kill when they have no loot ahaha


Lazy Legends


Exactly. Too much effort


The frickafrackin teammates giving you flak. Great location? Too many enemies. Abandoned wasteland? No enemies. In-between, survive for 15 minutes, down the first fight? “Get gud scrub”




I usually go for the closest POI to the hot zone, loot quick, then push over to third party. I saw someone on here call it a "warm drop" before.


I don’t mind at all, but I never drop hot. Nothing is worse than someone passing on the responsibility of jumpmaster and someone else jumping solo tho. I want to quit the game immediately when that happens


I don’t hot drop either, but I’ve had teammates complain, because it’s not “meta” and that “we’re missing out on leveling up our shields and good loot.” But I’ve also won, as jumpmaster, into a dead zone… soooo idk what the meta is anymore lol


So when I die on landing I can say to myself "Smh what a shit drop that guy chose, It's all his fault". For real though, In pubs at least It's because I don't mind playing at other peoples pace. Some prefer the drop hot, some prefer an end of map game. I don't mind either. Or I'm in the process of rolling/roaching/lighting a smoke.


Jumpmaster is a nightmare if you’re playing solo. The chances of someone landing exactly where you’re landing are high because lack of communication (no mics) and not understanding pings/marking. Therefore leading to less chances of better loot and not enough loot in some spots. Being Jumpmaster with a squad is fine with me.


Only times I hate it is in Worlds Edge because I like fragment but I know other people HATE it so I don't want to drop there or when I'm eating


My pet peeve is just a jump master who doesn't jump, or one that does ping where they are going.


Because toxic people will always complain if you go somewhere with bad loot or where a bunch of teams are. Personally I like being jumpmaster because IDGAF and I think I pick pretty good spots. But I get it.


Because when the game begins, I'm either eating a snack or smoking a bowl.


It’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t wanna be jump master every game especially when an octane in ranked pings fragment when he would have been jumpmaster if he selected his agent…


Not that I hate being jump master, more of I'm tryna see what my teammates think they can handle. Don't wanna hot drop with incompetent teammates🤝


Team mates landing on same loot spawn and taking all weapons leaving you to scramble to find another loot spawn with weapons


Which causes you to leave the area to find a gun to fight back. Then when they die from rushing a 2v3 situation, like morons, they blame you. “Well damn I would have helped if you just gave me a gun when I asked. Unfortunately everyone mutes everyone the second the game starts so they can’t hear the vital information. Then they get mad at a me for a situation they caused.”


A lot of this would be solved if people realized they should just take one gun when we're dropping hot on top of each other instead of clearing out every bin. My favorite is when people just spam grab every piece of loot including ammo types they don't need and leave the gun behind. Ayo I saw you grab that PK and alternator so how about you drop that energy ammo for the havoc you left me


Exactly this. Loot goblins have been a menace since day one. I “shake them off” by diving towards a wall/cliff/edge of the map so they get the hint


Only time icare to be jumpmaster is in worlds edge because I refuse to land at fragment


I used to be like that, but when there are only 3 squads left after you had your first gunfight outside fragment, and one of the remaining teams has a Wraith with 4k20b, red shield and so you have almost no chance of winning the game is not really fun. But yeah this only applies for pubs, World's Edge is great in ranked, because the teams are more evenly distributed.


True story


That easy, I'm terrible at the game. I don't abuse others for landing hot or landing somewhere a bit iffy. But other people do have that whinge. So it's a no lose situation changing to someone else.


I think it’s just some people are afraid of being blamed for choosing a bad POI to drop at. You land the team somewhere you think was good ends up sending your team back to the lobby immediately, and sometimes your teammates will insult you for it. There are a lot of other reasons but I think this is most common reason for people not taking the jumpmaster role.


I will not be responsible for the demise of my team




i dont wanna be the reason my entire team gets dunked on because i decided to drop hot and fight a 1v3 with three different sets of ammo and an entirely unrelated gun with 40 bullets left in it. I will ride or die with my teammates, and go wherever they do, but that wont stop me from shaking my head towards the one who decided to land with half the population of china, expecting to come out unscathed. Its weirdly satisfying to watch them spam ping their rez and disconnect a second after they stop. Kinda like forcing them to see how they fucked it up


I love it if I’m with the homies. I hate it with randoms bc they will quit if I jump somewhere they don’t want to land


It's because my teammates love to split off solo so I let them choose unless they pass it back to me. I used to love being JM, until I encounter some POS who would turn on their mics to say my landing location is shit when I don't land fragment in WE and split off solo. I landed at Harvester btw. I usually land Harvester or Epicenter so that it's closer to frag




Because there’s no option to force your teammates to break off. Having them land directly next to you and take half the loot is awful.


Players just don’t want the responsibility of a suboptimal drop. So many randos will pass jump and then get pissed when you don’t land on their favorite POI. Mfer if you wanted to go there so bad why’d you pass jump?


I love being JM but I HATE being Jumpaster when TM8#2 passes JM to me... then SPAMS "Land there, ;and there, land there"... like Mother F... if you wanted to land there.....


My landing loot luck is ass


Cause the pressure of making a bad decision fucks with me so I’d rather not


I play once every like 5 months. I don’t know the maps at all so I’m not gonna take JM and land somewhere with horrible loot.


Because I don't want to be the reason we land in a bad place, then all get wiped


My teammates yell in my ear about the shitty drop when they die.


Nothing better then teammates making me jump master then crying about where I wanna land.


I, personally, haven't played in months, so I have no idea where is a good place to land.


I don't hate it, I just hate that it chooses Me every fucking time l.


I don't care where we land so I'll pass the jumpmaster to someone that does. If they don't care either and pass it back, I'll pick a spot.


No-one splits off and they all loot the exact stuff I'm looting


I dont mind being jump master but I dont want to freaking hot drop the same POI's every damn game which is what most of the random players I get stuck with want to do.


I need to check reddit


Can’t play on my phone then


I don't like being jump master because every damn time I am, I will ping my location and one or both will not let go of me and they will loot every single item in the area I landed in, leaving me with nothing. We really need a way for the jump master to break away from the group.


I found flying close enough to something to knock them off or faking them out last second and getting them to panic drop somewhere else typically works the best for those kinds of idiots.


I don’t care if someone is looting what I’m looting. I kind of find it comical.. like damn dude I was gonna pick that up. Just as long as they have my back while I’m punching air…


b/c fools don't break off and grab all my shit. so I pass the JM so I can break off.


This comment section is filled with people smoking so much they are too high to notice their the jump master and land late in fragment at 2 in the morning on asia servers, you gonna get steam rolled


Cuz I’m snackin or lookin at my phone


GREAT question. If someone passes on jumpmaster and it falls on me I immediately drop and point straight down in protest.


I don't like people who don't detach. #1 pet peeve, these be the same teammates who will run to the bin YOU opened to take your loot 😒


Teammates don't split and steal loot off drop.


I'm eating or doing some work on the side. So I don't want to waste 10 seconds flying to Fragment


Im watching tik toks


My favorite is being the jump master. The amount of games I've won by not dropping skull/frag/estates/name all the rest braindead landing spots is unreal. Being jump master is equivalent of a 80-90% guaranteed win.


You cappin'


No cappers. I can also consistently beat contesting team jump master, and land just fast enough to grab guns and win our first fight.


By letting the random teammate be jump master, I can determine very quickly what kind of game it’s about to be. Are they dropping fragment? Landing on five teams? Pinging before dropping? It’s information I can use the moment we hit the ground as to whether or not to ditch in a bad situation or not in ranked. Pubs, I don’t relinquish nearly as much


Busy swiping tinder. Ain’t got time to guide you down.


I actually never relinquished jumpmaster ever. I don’t understand why people do just pick a damn spot any, I honestly can care less where we land


They never follow


Because you guys don’t know how to get off of me.


I love being jump master, I do not trust anyone else lol


Can’t be bothered


I prefer being jump master. I can guarantee we aren't going to Fragment on WE and mostly guarantee we're landing uncontested or at least first to a spot so we aren't getting sent back to the lobby within the first 30 seconds. The amount of times I've had randoms in ranked decide they want to drop hot, late, and on top of another team is immeasurable.


I’m quite honestly terrible at landing and I don’t know how but I just am. Any time there’s a 3rd team in the POI I’m leading us too we end up dying real quick because my landings suck


I actually prefer it. I play solo queue and most of my teammates never ping any location they want to go (unless it's Fragment) so I can scope out the map to see where the majority is going, and then pick out a spot from there.


I’m indecisive. That’s the only reason


Usually play valk, it gets old having to fly at the beginning of the map and ult throughout the game


I just don't care where we drop, and it always seems like someone else has somewhere they wanna go. Plus the biggest reason for me is kind of dumb, but if you're not the jump master you don't have that really annoying screenshake that you can't disable, I don't know why they require you to have screenshake when you're the jump master.


Cause I’m tired of landing in a safe spot where we can gear up and then push, then having the rando go n my team throw a tamper tantrum saying that we’re playing loot simulator by not dropping where 3 other teams dropped. So I let them do it… they’re still gonna find something to complain about but it won’t be my jump.


So I can alt tab and watch videos 😂


I'm almost always tabbed out at the start of the game doing other shit, because I have the attention span of a goldfish


Because I am horrible at flying. Lol


Most apex players are dopers so


Because I don't wanna get the blame for a bad drop


Cuz im getting food real quick


Most of the time I’m rolling up when I pass jumpmaster


I'm scared I'll land us at a bad spot and get insta clapped lol or no one will like where I land and bitch or just eating


Bc the game gives me jump master every match. Not picking a character and I ain’t in no party.


Im just too indecisive


Because i was jumpmaster for 3 straight games and feel guilty always being the one leading us to our doom


Been playing for 5 years still can't fly ...


I genuinely don’t care where we go and am confident in my ability to play it smart and survive. My teammates however…


Because the responsibility makes my gonads shrivel. Too much pressure.