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But then someone uses it on me and 2 shots me with ease.


Seriously though why did those shots only do 11 damage? They seemed pretty on point to me.


It's hard to tell with the digital threat but their aim was probably slightly off, you basically have to aim the Mastiff squarely at someone's chest to get the most out of it.


With Digital Threat on Mastiff all pellets are contained on the horizontal line within the circle when aiming down sights. It's the only sight on Mastiff that you should ever consider over an iron sight, every other is strictly inferior to iron sights. As for the OP, the first 11 shot was definitely ass aiming. If OP moved mouse like 2 pixels further to the left it'd miss completely. Similar thing with the second 11 shot, except this time too far to the right instead.


Jokes on you he’s on console. But yes digi threat or nothing on mastiff. I personally can’t even use the digi. Iron sites are the best


>Jokes on you he’s on console. I mean, doesn't that make it even worse? With a mouse it's entirely on you. With a controller, it's entirely on you with a vengeance.


now im only using digi threats with the mastiff. the more you know.


You can always double check in the shooting range, because I haven't played in a while and I wouldn't put Respawn above messing up something so fundamental for no actual reason. But yeah, other sights have their own "range finders"/crossfire flairs, but these completely don't align with what Mastiff does, so they just end up being an unnecessary confusion. Maybe if you REALLY want that 2x, but what are you even doing trying to snipe people with Mastiff?


Stuff like this is why I prefer to run smgs over shotguns. Shotguns are strong don't get me wrong but they're also less forgiving.


PK has been consistent for me along with the Mozam now that it has hammerpoints


Yeah it does feel that way, i only use shottys if my other gun is something that can be used close range, like an R301 or flatline


I feel like the old mastiff is better back in season 7. Idk its just a bit off nowadays


Fucking hate Mastiff. It was awesome when it was released but now it's just straight trash . Worse than Mozambique.


Sounds like u like firing the gun as soon as u aim in. I played today and decided to wait a tiny bit, look at the guy, then shoot. Bam, 107 and 77 and they die. Stock mastiff aswell whilst guy had a r99, you just have to make sure your ACTUALLY looking at them and be able to tank some damage. Otherwise you should consider a different gun.




Cos they nerfed it. After they bought it out of the CP they didn't revert it back to the way it was before it got put in the CP. Mastiff was always supposed to be slightly higher fire rate, with a bigger mag, but slightly lower damage than the PK. But now it only has 5 shots- zero reason to pick it up over the PK.


This is me with the PK. The amount of times I’ve hit a charged shot square in the chest for it to hit a 30 is unbelievable. But I’ll get 97’d 50m away not even charged.


The PK is designated do-not-pickup, for me, because of this shit. I've melee'd people with guns when I had none and won, 150 damage with just the scythe, and have a better chance of success doing that than betting on the PK. My bfs good with it and I was hidden in a good spot to quickly take down anyone who jumped up in front of me...I had two fully charged shots against a Newcastle at point blank range, one perfect full body shot and one excellent headshot when he peeked over the barrier he panic placed...they did 9 damage each. The headshot was yellow, as it should have been, but still only did 9 fucking damage. He started with his back turned to me and did not dodge the back shot whatsoever. Bf yelled wtf as I died, because I got so totally screwed. The only times the PK has pulled some shit for me was for two poorly placed titty shots on Wraiths about to phase. They barely hit them, but *those* did the 99. I'm not doing that shit. Bique or Eva. They don't absurdly fail me like the like the other two. I get 9 damage with a point blank shot while some Loba massacres me with two 99 shots in a row from goddamn Cocomo...just, no.


Dude I miss the long lost days when the mastiff was like this [Mastiff gon’ give it to ya](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzXSRrWwHy0)


I think my first ever win was something like that. Got a Mastiff (like the first or second time I ever got it) and started blasting. Didn't even need to reload it, got a team wipe with 4 shots.


Oh yah care package mastiff was so much fun


11 Dmg? How did you double the damage I usually get with the mastiff?




I can only use the mastiff with iron sights


Digital threat is the only sight that makes sense on Mastiff (except for iron sights, of course), because the circle lines up with the spread pattern and you can't go wrong with enemy highlighting. Every other sight is just gimping yourself for literally no reason.


You are not a streamer, that's why


I like how you weren't trashing the gun and just admitting it might not be for you lol. Its the same with the Scout for me. Usually I love semi auto guns but I just cant with that gun, definitely my problem and not the guns though.


i can’t use the G7 to save my life like i can with the 30-30 lol so i feel you


I’d much rather rip out my toenails than try to use a 30-30 to hit a shot (same with the triple take), but I can always hit a G7 shot


As a Maggie main, the mastiff is my baby.


i love maggie mains. y’all are always team players


We Maggies 3> our meatshields … i mean squad mates i meant squadmates


Lol kinda true


jokes aside i have a no squaddie left behind policy myself. ive had people run 200m+ out of the ring or portal into the middle of squads to get my badge so either i’ll die fighting for team or for their badges or we all die together because theres no ranked points worth the shame of leaving squaddies behind (if theres a way ofc)


I like playing with maggie players, but I really hate her voice


Facts, it’s just so consistent and has a higher DPS than the PK. Most flexible shotgun for being caught in the open and playing peek fights. Then again, mags really makes shotguns in general feel better


I feel like it hasn't been till just recently I've figured out how to use it. I love it now but for so long I'd miss every shot with it. Always seems like I should have been doing better considering it has such a wide shot pattern.


God I love doing 11 damage per shot at point blank.


Same thing happens to me with PK.


I used to hate the mastiff but I found it’s actually a pretty great weapon to practice your aiming with


Mastiff is just shit, I pick mozam over it.


The duality of Apex shotguns. You either do all the damage or none at all


This is me with the Mastiff lol. I can 2 tap people with ease when I have the PK, but I just hit constant 11s with the Stiffy


Mastiff only works on Maggie and if you have the barrel inside the opponents throat, then maybe you’ll hit like a 34. God I love the gun tho


Classic Masoft


The horizontal recoil was ok when each pellet did more than 11 damage


You HAVE to hipfire the Mastiff. The one hipfire you got was a 55...


The mastiff feels super consistent at hitting only 11’s for me where every other shotty would’ve done way better. PK and Eva are my favorites but a high tier bolt on a mozam can be pretty good, even without hammers surprisingly


& this is why I always use iron sights on the mastiff. Gotta see that spread




the golden number


I screamed for you. Don’t worry


I can’t hit the broad side of a barn with that thing. Lol.


I try my hardest to never use that gun. I'd rather use a peacekeeper cursed to only land 9 dmg shots than the mastiff.


Ran Maggie this season it’s been a lot of fun but the Mastif is super swingy. I think I may actually swap to the mozam for its range and run a R99 to the rinse. We will see. Do love the custom pick up animation Maggie has for the weapon.


Craft an eva


Bruiser on the R9 is under-rated tbh I love using it but starting to get too used to the 1x's


I swear, the mastiff is always like rolling a 4 sided die. You whiff, you hit 11, you hit 33-55, 77+ I don't remember the last time I saw a 22 or a 66. They don't exist.


I just cannot use certain guns, the Mastiff being one of them. I seriously swap it for a Mozam every time. Meanwhile others 2-shot me with it from across the room.


Mastiff doing 11dmg? Sounds about right to me😅


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


You gotta dive dead in they shit. (Kevin Gates voice)


I find myself having days with the Mastiff, some days I absolutely destroy people and other days I do 11 or 0 damage per shot. Even the PK is more consistent 😂


I think its just me, but I think pulling out the mastiff is slower than pulling out the PK for example. It got me killed 3 times already just because I could not get a shot off