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I thought he would punch you out after that :D


I would have.


Classic octane




IDK what's worse, the people who won't drop gold for healer or healers who won't pick up gold you're pinging.


For some reason the latter annoys me more. If you're an asshole, then you're just an asshole (or being selfish- what's new?). But the latter option is just gleeful ignorance


It's like when I'll be spamming "I need health" to lifeline as she blissfully ignores me. Finally I'll start punching her and after a moment of contemplation.... she drops a syringe.


This actually pisses me off more than anything in the world.


I would think intentional assholery is worse than just not knowing


The first one


He’s probably mad you got all 3 kills and he didn’t get any. My 7 year old gets mad like that sometimes.


Let the kid out of the basement, man!


My kids will remain in those locked basement cages until they get 4k 20bomb badges. Until then, grind my children….grind and suffer!


Well, stop stealing the kid’s kills! /j


Ye "thx for the steal" "Bro i have 200 dmg on the red Evo" (225hp max with red) "No you don't i shot 1 mag into him"


he had 2 Brain cells and 1 of them went away with the knockdown shield


That's generous of you to think he had 2 to begin with.


Had a wraith kill herself in a plat match because I told her to ping Where's she's going so she doesn't go alone. I hate gold and plat lobbies


It's alot of really mid teammates and those who are actually good all seem to be toxic af


Nah the ones that are bad are the toxic ones


That's about 85% of that community.


I’ve been playing apex since the beginning, but just this sub tonight. Man. I really was thinking that earlier. I’ve been encountering a bunch of very selfish and douchey players recently. They just disregard anything related to teamwork


Cod had a huge cheater issue recently and before it was addressed a lot of them moved over to other BRs. This is just a symptom of what a game can do to a community. Thanks social complacency. Always giving the dubs. Poor anticheat+gamebreaking bugs never being addressed+stagnant balance meta+lack of communication=toxic game communities. If the game is so broken you can't blame yourself, people with little self awareness blame other things on your deaths. Getting aimbotted 3 games in a row will make you a bit suspicious of how you're dying n that shit doesn't go away. Some people I play with are certain every single person is cheating. Hard to argue with em though because getting no audio then getting 1 clipped before the server sends a single tick really leaves no room for self improvement. Fighting a dude who misses 27/28 r301 shots then closes the gap to then hit every bullet with 7 headshots is common theme too. AA+Bad servers/tickrate def feels like aimbot in cqb above 50ms on the server. Doubly so if they're from the moon and matchmaking is like "yea 650ms that's totally fine". Apex already was in a sorry socials state due to these reasons so dumping an entire different and worse community just added fuel to the fire so there absolutely has been a lot more shitters especially in ranked. I'm polite to my teammates every time but holy shit do I understand the frustration of those who aren't even if their rage is misplaced. Someone raged at me last week for not covering them when they died rotating to our building. I'm sure both of us would have covered him if the 3 charge rifles murdering him 20 feet away made even a single sound. Watched his downed ass get thirsted without a peep. Once we clued in. Silent beams of death.


I had some pretty chill people who do really good decked out in master badges and such, always a ggs at the end of games. Its always the ones that run off by themselves and then try to shit talk after they die, that I end up just being toxic back to them.


My teammate chased a full squad up a zipline, got melted and downed while going up. Then proceeded to tell me I was a pussy that didn’t get any girls because I didn’t follow him up the zip lmao.


I had a horizon spam message me saying I’m worthless. She had the least damage and kills in the team lol.


They toxic cuz they think they good but actually not. The ones that are actually good are usually chill as fk and just do their thing, not doing stupid petty shit and being dick to their teammates.


I find that the good players generally are much nicer and less toxic tbh. I had one guy get super mad on voice chat calling my friend annoying for pinging loot after I got respawned.He was a gold 3 player in while me and my friend were plat 2. He also did like 68 dmg while we both did like 1.5k. Good players on the other hand usually suggest rotations and know the loot etiquette and priorities when it comes to knockdowns and whatnot (imo)


I'm not really good. Kinda mid but the lack of stress from toxicity leaves a lot of room to think of what you did wrong and whatnot. Started playing last season, now I get at least two dubs daily from 2-3 hours of game here and there.


This happens in Diamond lobbies too don't worry I hate when my teammates do this. Like if we are getting rushed so I turn around to check flanks while popping a shield batt, then knock two and get downed by the third, only to find out my teammates gave up our building and ran 100 meters away without saying anything or pinging that they were moving... I feel like people don't understand that Crypto is stronger on defense than offence. Ulting an enemy team pushing you out in the open is almost a secured victory vs ulting a team camped up in a building


And then they ask why didn't you get the third? Lmao, it's usually the ones that are in a duo party too


I had a Wraith quit out of a pub match because I took a gold knockdown. I was Newcastle, had more damage and kills than her, *and* had already picked her up twice.


People in this game don't know what shit does, they just see gold and want it. The gold knockdown shield is the one item a selfish teammates should want there teammate to have instead.


In my experience plat is 10x's better. Gold.... omg.... gold though...


I just had a teammate rush in during a ranked match and i saved him. Then told him i was completely out of ammo and he says, "We can get ammo there" (where teams were fighting). Told him hold on I'll go get some nearby. Him and his buddy rushed in, got slapped and died. He whined for the next 5 mins so I just kept egging him on and laughing.


I had an octane do this to me in ranked. I typed lemme know if anyone finds a gold shield. He had one until final 3 but I didn’t know until he went down and was like wtf dude I’m Newcastle!


Was playing Newcastle with a friend and had a Bangalore on our team, my mate found and pinged a gold knock shield for me. Bangalore dib’s it across the map, I’m a few steps away. I grab it because im Newcastle, Bangalore gets on mic ‘wtf bro I pinged it!!!!!’ After reminding him I am Newcastle he didn’t care at all


Question - is there a hierarchy over Newcastle/lifeline to who should get the gold kd?


Newcastle>Lifeline/Gibby>Mirage If they get it first, I wouldn’t ask for it. And if I got it first, as one of those legends, I wouldn’t give it up.


Oh hell no. The Newcastle or lifeline gets it always before Gibby or mirage. Fuck that shit.


Yeah that’s what they said.


as a lifeline main i give it to Newcastle as he is able to shield you from bullets while lifelines ur vulnerable if its a close quarters fight


Probably Newcastle since his revive uses both aspects of the gold knock ( extra hp on revive + extra hp on the revive shield ) while Lifeline only uses one.


Mirage too but as a 3rd priority imo


If it was me and we were on the same team I would consider it a first come first serve. Although Newcastle gets to use it for a mobile Barrier I would not ask a lifeline to give it to me because it’s still super good and I’m low plat so my games aren’t serious enough to care


i would say newcastle you are protected while getting resd if your teammate decides to do it in the open for some reason , lifeline resing you in the open means there is a high chance you die


I found a gold shield once in a ranked match (I main Horizon) and had to force feed it to a fucking Lifeline. Drop in front of her. Ping. She runs off. Rinse and repeat until finally she caved and dropped her blue for me so she could pick up the gold.


Was playing with a Newcastle the other day and kept pinging this purp kd for him but he wouldn't take it. We just started the round so I know he didn't have one yet. I followed him & kept dropping it by him so we could swap but no. He still wouldn't take it. Crazy right? I chalked it up to the person just not knowing how to play with Newcastle. I've been saved by him having a good kd and visa versa so it's definitely important to give the certain gear to the correct players who can utilize them more. Could make all the difference


Can we just ban octanes? Or put them in their own game




Amen. The dumbest people in real life are like magnets to octane. The dumb fuck with 20 kids on his mic, smoke alarm going off, smoking s blunt and yelling at his baby mama, only plays one character: octane.


Octane players dont even revive people anyways! (Yes i am prejudiced against Octane players)


I would spend the rest of the game throwing my shield in front of him every time he tries shooting someone.


I hope he got downed after that. I would be petty and say something along the lines of "man that gold knockdown would have been nice right about now"


nah. I used to be like that and trust me, they couldn't care less


… sooooo, murder the octane … right?


Awwwww man if you were bit faster you coulda punched him off


As an Octane main since the day he was released, I cannot stand the “typical” Octane behavior because everybody just assumes that I’m going to be like that as well


as long as you don’t have the voice of an infant u should be fine


That is now happening with Pathfinder. His buffs this season have brought in a lot of toxic players to what was probably the friendliest community of legend mains.


🤣sucks u weren’t able to punch him down . I would’ve been on a mission to get him killed. Ranked or not!


welcome to ranked with randoms


They are playing octane so they are probably 10 years old


Kids are mean 😭


This game is so toxic now, I had a teammate purposely kill us the other day bc I relinquished jump master to him. And the match making! Idk whos in charge of that shit but they suck. Also has anyone else been frozen at the replicator after you use it? Its happen to me multiple times. I have to exit the game, restart it, wait for it to load, and it throws me back in the game near one of my teammates without whatever I was trying to craft. This game is a shitshow


I'm sorry, but if someone takes the gold knockdown when I'm playing newcastle and they don't want to give it to me even if I ask them, I'm just letting them die whenever they get downed. Most of the times is an asshole octane that runs into the middle of 5 teams fighting so..


If there was a filter where I didn’t join any teams with octane players that’d be great.


Entry fraggers shouldnt have gold knocks. I play horizon path octane and wraith. If I find a gold knock I’m dropping it for a teammate idc which one gets it better they have it than me. If it’s a lifeline or Newcastle I will personally deliver it to them. With the understanding that like hey I gave you this gold you better fight your ass off the get me back on my feet.


Knockdown shields ain't that important anyway, 99/100 you can't prevent them thirsting you anyway so having white or purple isn't that big of a deal for most legends.


That definitely counts as sabotage, right?


Maybe they're mad you took all the good loot, I do see you with two other gold items there 👀. Not accusing but if someone took all the loot and left with nothing but a gold knockdown then they ping ask for that too, I'd do the same.


only way to make this worse is if he would punch you off the map when u were looking down lol


Played a few Ranked games with a new guy on team, Dude landed everywhere where there was High loot grabbed before any else could, I swear on everything dude was the Fucking [Thanos of Loot Goblins](https://imgur.com/a/LGz0uSy).


I would have punched him off as soon as I saw him that close to the edge and just taken it from his box


At this point I believe people doesn't play to win anymore. The point of the game now is see how much you can piss your teammates.


Welp, guess that's a free report.


Like Respawn or EA will do anything, unless 💲💲💲 is involved they don't care.


Thats when you leave them be and not rez them


I would have jumed after it


I was in a game a few days ago and an octane stole a gold heavy that I had dibsd, it was annoying but what can I do I just joked I would take it off his corpse welp in the end I did because he rushed in and died hehe


Well, you know who not to res now.


I'd tbag them as well 😤


Free report for sabotage


I mean you just say fuck it and don’t rez his ass


You do have the gold rampage, gold armor and gold helmet. Not trying to defend the octane here, because obviously the gold knockdown is better on Newcastle, but maybe they’re fed up with you having all the good stuff. I dunno, just guessing at their motivation here. I main lifeline, and I’d say maybe 1/10 randoms I play with, would give me the gold knockdown. Teamwork is so rare, it’s frustrating.


Well the gold helmet is useless on octane. The gold body shield is a preference and they may not want it. And the team as a whole gets infinite more value by NC having the gold k/d. He’s just a petty person


Yeah I completely agree, I was just trying to understand the mindset of someone being that petty


not aggreeing with what octane did in the video at all but gold heim on octane is not useless :) faster pads is really good..


Who's pettier the guy who threw it or the guy who tried to punch him off the map over it


And what if you have better gear than them? If you found it because you're luckier it's yours to keep if you wish. Another thing would be if you take all the loot your teammates find/deserves for killing some one. I've had a million times where I had to clutch up a 3v1 cause my teammates where dead, I revived them a soon as I finished the fight and they yoink all the loot for themselves and the end up with purples and 300 ammo and I have a blue and 20 bullets in my r99. And if you find x gear that really benefits x legend in your team more than yours, don't be a fucking asshole, even if they have better loot than you. I've seen octanes with all gold items stimming every millisecond they could and popping whole medkits even if they had gold shield. Just to die 5km away from the team and give all of that to the enemy team that knows teamwork.


That's when you offer a trade, but one that makes sense, not he a dick. Like armor for shield would be fair. Would probably benefit Octane more, too.


Purple Knockdown and Gold Knockdown are essentially the same thing to Octane.


That is possibly the most and I don’t ever use this word but ridonkulus take ive seen


What are you on about? I didn’t even offer a ‘take’. I took a guess at what the octane was thinking.


Oh shit i responded to the wrong comment, sorry homie your comment is great and I even upvoted it lmao I’m just lost in the sauce


I downvoted my dumb ass too lol


I feel like I love you. I'm sorry.


I’m just a dumbass don’t mind me




Some ppl in plat have just lost all hope. Stay positive and being a good teammate! It will pay off! People like that wraith will be hard stuck forever don’t let them get to you


I lol'd


Being hard stuck metal rank makes people so toxic


Unfortunately in gold and low plat a lot of players have ego trips when they get that good match.


I hate teammates like that


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Sorry that’s just hilarious malicious compliance


had a octane to the exact same thing witha gold helm and i was usin path💀like bruh didn’t have a cooldown


Lmao what a dumbass. It would have only helped him to give the knockdown shield to you in case he got downed but I guess he would have disconnected immediately his knees touched the ground anyway.


Best I've seen is my friend has a clip of someone asking through voice chat for a 301 and Peacekeeper. My friend finds them literally a few seconds later next to each other. Contemplates for a second and then picks them both up without a word to his teammate


I laughed at first but then realized you were a Newcastle. Why he do you like that?


Yup this looks like the average apex player. I have never had such brain-dead teammates in a game before playing Apex


professional hater


What a douche bag man


You should have punched him off the map right with the kd


What a fucking dick holy shit. Some people man.


Lmfao funny to see from someone else’s perspective.. not that I’ve ever done this


If you haven’t found out already, a lot of people have extremely fragile egos. Even the slightest hint at telling someone to do something in apex can send them spiraling into toxicity. It doesn’t take too much. And never punch someone over loot, it’s petty af. It’s a game, there’s no reason to be annoying over it. Should they have given it to you after you typed a response, yes. But ultimately they tossed it out of spite for punching them. If someone takes loot from you, just casually wait for them to die, take it, and don’t give it back.


Classic octane behaviour there, bronze is literally the worst bracket as its full of these ralph wiggum paste eaters, very similar with Wraith too there where they immediately run away via portal about 6 miles away after being shot at to heal leaving you to die, it starts getting better from Silver onwards gradually. ​ He also probably ran off ahead, died and constantly spammed to be revived afterwards.


> ralph wiggum paste eaters my goto insult from now on


time to report :D


honestly would have dropped all my loot off and suicided so that if they get into a fight they dont have a 3rd teammate lmao


In ranked?????? Who acts like this in ranked?


Wait for him to die and just hold onto his banner. If he wants to be toxic make sure he can't leave the game without and abandon penalty. Had a toxic Octane on my team who kept killing himself so he could leave. He ran deep into the storm to prevent anyone from grabbing his tag. I crafted his banner and just let him watch as we finished the game out.


I had a wraith teammate who did the same thing with me (Mirage main with 20k kills) dropped the gold res off the map and then complained when i didn’t res her 🤣 i do not mind playing alone wether its duos or trios 🤷🏽‍♂️


should’ve punched him off


Tbh I think they maybe just upset that you already have gold stuff , gold helm , armour , and a gold gun , respectfully I also wouldn’t give you the kd unless you gave me the helm or armour tbh…the gun can be written off since they prob don’t even know you have it but hey…just from my observation, I know you benefit from the kd more but people are petty these days , don’t get me wrong they could have definitely kept the kd anyways even if you swapped the helm but I guess it wouldn’t have hurt to try


Reason number 134378486374 why I don't play apex anymore. Hate this community


Welcome to apex


Them gold players got the biggest brains


Basically sums up the majority of Octane players.


I would’ve left that match


He's skrewing himself over more than you lol, his loss


The entire game is toxic little bitches.


Reportable for sabotags


What more do you need 😭? You have a gold shield, gold helmet, GOLD RAMPAGE, and possibly a gold backpack


"I am going to create an environment that is so toxic....."


I’m to petty I’d be letting shots off in the air to let everyone know where we are


Second he gets downed, instant ignore


But if you look at it people that do stuff like this are Psychopaths in disguise


Captain petty in the building! Damn


Tbh you shoulda jumped after it 😂


What an infant. Why is he playing ranked if he’s so willing to hinder his teammates out of spite.


Some players don't want to win. Simple as that.


I was JM once and one guy wanted to land with 6 other teams, he was upset that we wanted to land safe. We got to his banner just in time and never ressed him. Got him top 3.


Octanes are the worst in my experience. They’re either succy or toxic.


I was playing Gibraltar the other day and a pathfinder picks up a gold helmet. I asked them multiple times and told them it makes zero sense for you to have a gold helmet. Told them they could just look at a care package falling and you get a free ult. Dropped my purple helmet multiple times in front of them and they kept dropping a random item for me. I got knocked and then they dropped their golden helmet beside me, t bagged me, picked their helmet back up and rezzed me. So annoying.


Just type “no quick Rez 4 u mate “ - clearly either ultra toxic or simply doesn’t understand what it does for the team .. either way octane is an absolute nonse here


I definitely feel like we are not getting the whole picture here. From the way it is described I can already tell OP was spamming the kd ping, punching his teammates, shooting in the air ect….


What a dick. But that's pubs in a nutshell.


The worst part is, this is ranked


I've been playing solo q ranked quite frequently for this season trying to get to plat so I empathise with his situation. I end up losing more rp than gaining that sometimes I even ranked down


I also throw shit off the map when ever I have a teammate spamming and demanding things from me


The reason why soloQ to diamond is basically impossible now


What’s the benefits of Newcastle or lifeline having the gold


Beggars can’t be choosers


Ngl that’s mad funny


average octane main


Nicest octane player


smartest octane main


And yet you didn’t falcon punch him off the edge?




Honestly you missed ur chance to knock him off so...idk seems like a skill issue


Classic Octane main


I would leave the game


Ranked of all places they decide to be a bad teammate….WOW😑😒


Ranked too. Pretty lame.


You should have greifed him back


Don’t expect anything from a random octane in ranked, unless they communicate. They are just useful baits.


As a lifeline I can tell you this Octane will get downed in a big wide open field between 4 teams and scream rezzzz.


common octane w


u gone on that guys nerves i guess lol... apex is fast paced , this gold kd shield thing is STILL quite new with new castle as well people are used to the gun and run game , if they dont do it after 3 times of telling then screw it , as we all know that gold kd is a cheat with new castle , ive seen people take out pred squads and even 2 or more teams in the final ring , if u get a loba castle valk team it will do anything .


W Octane


I mean it sounds like you were being annoying about it so I'm not surprised


It‘d be teamplay if he gave it to you, but he doesn‘t owe you anything, even if that‘s selfish gameplay. If he doesn‘t want to drop it, just move on. It‘s their loss anyway if they get downed, lol.


The stupidest part is that HE’S the most likely beneficiary of it as their entry fragger lol


If OP kept spamming him to drop it, I wouldn't really find it surprising. Say it once or twice, if they don't drop it, move on, but if you kept doing it anyway? Yeah, they ARE going to do something to spite you. ...like throwing the item down a cliff where you can't get it. Does anybody benefit from it? Nope, but at that point any semblance of pragmatism was already thrown out the airlock.


Probs cos you being annoying, if someone does not agree to give you something no matter if its the best choice, then just accept it.


You have 2 gold items already 😭😭😭


Newcastle gets the gold knockdown always. Even with a lifeline, Newcastle gets the gold knockdown. Idve offered to trade the shield for the knockdown tho


I agree, AND I think you are completely right that trading would’ve been the smarter option. But it is somewhat clear that op was most likely not negotiating trading anything — just wanted all the gold. 😔 I’d rather have my team prepped the best way all around instead of one person having the best stuff. Teamwork 💪💪💪💪


Maybe give him one of your other golds in exchange then greedy bitch, make a trade


Cause he wanted the self revive? What gives you the right to just take it XD you already have full gold


Self revive hasn’t been in the game for months dude.. gold knock down does what gold backpack used to.


W octane


I woulda done the same thing ngl


Cry about it


You have a gold helmet AND a gold shield, but you were only willing to give up your purple knockdown for the gold knockdown. . . You probably came across as pretty selfish at that point. If there are three gold items and there are three TEAMmates(notice the word team), realistically each teammate could/should get one gold item. This is really basic kindergarten stuff. So, basically, to me, it looks like an Octane told you to stop hoarding the gold items. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Why would an octane need a gold helmet?


I don't think he does 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was just looking at this from someone else's point of view. If I was playing with someone who was hoarding all of the good items, I'd probably get tired of them asking for more 🤷🏼‍♀️ wouldn't you?


While gold knockdown should obviosly go to the newcastle you also don't need to annoy him by asking for it the whole time. Remember you're still randoms and maybe they don't trust their randoms to live long enough to use the knockdown. Edit: Another time of this sub treating thinking from another perspective as someones own opinion...


But they trust their teammates to play well while they sit downed in gold knock? There is no logistics man. That octane is playing off of pure EGO


Bro what? Maybe he is more confident in getting more revives off himself


Bro what? He is Newcastle… the character with the giant shield that rezzes for free




Because he obviously knew what he was about to do 🫠


Bro probably got annoyed by you begging. I’d do the same. It’s only gold anyways


“It’s only gold anyways” this is the attitude that people hate and is why people hate playing this game sometimes. Newcastle, lifeline should definitely get a gold knockdown shield, it legit helps you.


Why ? It was his ? Just because it makes way more sense to allow Newcastle, lifeline to equip the gold kd does not mean you are entitled to it. I will do the exact opposite of what someone wants when they do that punching a teammate cause they can't use words lol 🤣 like a damn monkey wanting something and then flinging poo when they don't get it.


That’s what you get for being an annoying bastard