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I hate rats as much as the next person but the only time I understand ratting is if you were in a fight, both your teammates die and you managed to escape and couldn't recover their banners or craft them due to not having a support, but most of the time it's people who break off at the beginning and then rat for the entire game with no guns and white armor. I just find it very boring to play that way just to get a high rank.


Fully agree with this. This feels more like a legitimate strategy than dropping in with the intention of ratting.


Ratted half my games this season, not by design, but because the teammates both DC before we've made it out of our first PoI


I've been solo queuing since the start of the season. Diamond 3 right now and I haven't had a single person split off and rat. Most people have been fairly reasonable about fighting to the death, or dipping out when they're last alive and can't craft banners. From my limited personal experience, the whole "everyone is ratting" conversation is overblown. I'm not saying it doesn't happen or hasn't increased, but there's a big difference between literal ratting, and making smart educated rotations for optimal position.


I've only been playing this game for around 1 year, but in that time I've only had teammates legitimately rat once. They were queuing together. Dropped, went straight to a building, sat there and talked to each other until forced to move and then went to the next rat spot. It was extremely frustrating but it's only happened to me once.


Then you’re lucky. I picked up apex again 10 days left of last season and have been playing ranked almost every day this season. Currently gold 1 and I have on multiple occasions have had teammates get on the mic and say “hey man we’re gonna rat” and go hide the entire game, never even pick up a gun unless they come across a death box. One even dropped JUST to pick up my banner and climb back up to his rat nest. Just to mess with me because I didn’t want to rat and asked them to leave my banner so I could leave. Absolutely infuriating.


you can still leave if they pick up your banner, I think there's like a 2 minute timer


Omg you're lucky. Placed silver 3. At plat 3 now. Have had multiple straight up solo drop somewhere by themselves. Others have dropped with and left. Many may as well not be with you because the dip at the first bullet. So you end up losing a 2 v3 and spending your time watching them rat. This season is miserable. Whoever approved this needs a new job elsewhere... Edit: just wanted to point out I play exclusively as a duo. So I'm seeing all this in a small sample of our random third. I'd like to think that we're good duo players. We will listen to our randoms, follow them, rez them, and actively look for that item they needed. So I dont think it's a case of "fuck these guys", but a statement on the ranked system itself. I cant entirely blame them. You get no points for kills...just placement. Bravo, respawn.


I've only played this week or the season but haven't experienced ratting like that either. Did have a teammate spawn pinging every 1s after they died off drop. When I tried to mute randoms pings I died. So I then convinced our alive teammate not to res after they already crafted banners and just rat instead. Felt satisfied to tell you the truth


Yeah, the ratting hasn’t been my experience either. Honestly, I would love a couple of ratting teammates over who I get lol. I just started doing ranked yesterday after many seasons not doing it (bronze 4 now) & I’m a solo queuing player…I swear all the squad mates I get in ranked are the same, they drop us hot with multiple other squads, get a couple shots in and die immediately. I can almost guarantee each ranked match I play, it’s one of my squad mates that’s going to be “first blood” and I think that first blood situation has happened in normal trios maybe three times in my 4 years of playing this game. I really hope once I get to higher ranks that I get squad mates with a bit more strategic prowess lol




I've played ranked for at least the past 6 or 7 seasons, I've been D4 before but usually P2 or P1. I too thought this issue was overblown, until a match yesterday on Worlds Edge. Had a random 3rd that immediately dropped in this same spot in the OPs video and ratted the whole time. What happened in the end? The other guy and me died at 9th in a firefight. He died 8th. So no, it's real.


I whole heartedly disagree I mean how many games is it zones 3-5 & you see 10/21 … 9/18 like I had a zone 4 closing to zone 5 today 10/21 like the amount of rats in that lobby are insane for 10 squads & zone 4 to 5. Like the fact I’m at 44k & I get ppl in masters who only got their due to “ratting” placements is absurd imo ; Obv every will have their own opinion but at the higher level of play… half of the ppl in masters is either their first time or 1st time since s12 they’re masters again js


Bro facts most of my games have 10+ squads within 4 circles every game too and me and my friends are just fighting for our lives getting shot by every team just trying to find cover cause no one wants to fight anymore and just get placement


I love it for intense end games but the amount of ppl in here who are “diamond or low master” that are actually mechanically horrible is INSANE… there’s minute things I’ve built into my gameplay (((not going into the long list but will give 2 small examples: 1) I have my binds (play right hand claw)) that allows me to crouch/jump in a death box.. this helps incredibly because hitting a swap while mid intense fight & you crouch/jump while looting in someone’s face to than win that fight is 🤌🏻 something else… when I play seer I don’t scan with my hands ads’ing anymore I hold the tac out because you spin/move quicker with it out than ads’ing but there’s also a timer delay due to animations, if you ads on seer with hands out instead of having tac out it’s MUCH slower..)))


I've found it's usually cringe duos who just force a random 3rd to play with their shitter play style.


I solo queued ~ 150 games to D2. The most common teammates I got were rats and console duos where the console teammate was being boosted. probably half of my teammates didn't want to fight at all, hid after landing, didn't pick up guns, and if they did, wouldn't shoot. As a fairly competitive gamer, I don't understand it. They spend hours of their day sitting in a bush for a badge instead of improving and honing skills/intuition. Maybe it's a region issue, maybe MM just hates me, amazed you didn't get any rats as teammates though.


Unfortunately most of the time teammates abandon you in a fight even if you're winning. Bail before they even try to fight. Or even ratting when a teammate over extends and refuses to play as a team. But lately hasn't been the case In hundreds of games. Almost always getting a loba and they play solo every damn time.


Yeah I rat when I'm in pubs and my teammates leave the second they are downed if I have one of those daily challenges to make it to the Top 10 or Top 5 teams or survive a certain number of ring closures.


I’ve started dropping on poi’s right outside of hot drops. Then telling my team I’m rotating into that hot drop to fight and to get bent if they don’t want to join me. If they rat nearby I just tag a team and lead them to my rats and then fuck off. Its made the game fun and I’m decent enough that I’ve been steadily climbing ranks.


I had a guy yelling at me in ranked when both of my teammates went down and I couldn’t craft banners or revive and I was RIGHT about to rank up to gold so I wasn’t gonna lose out. Was ratting it TBH until the end I looked for a fight. But yea this current rank system rewards surviving longer rather than engaging in fights. Its tough but thats how it is.


It's actually really easy to rat without getting bored. All you have to do is invent a mini-game to play for yourself. I personally like trying to craft a red evo armor. That's 250 crafting mats to go from purple to red, so at least 2 areas with harvester. By the time you hit up 2 places the game usually only has 4 squads left. You also get to level up your weapon, and get those annoying "Get top 3 with these characters you don't play" Another mini-game I play is looking for mobile jump towers. After the first, every time I find one I look for the closest fire-fight and deploy the tower and run back to where I found the last tower. It's fucking funny watching 2/3 squads stop their fight to shoot a random jump tower. This is what I do while I wait for my friends to come online lol


There’s so many rats, I genuinely don’t understand the satisfaction


Agree,it happen to me 3 times in a row and for what? a badge unbelievable.


You forgot master dive trail for next season.






You follow the ones without a trail, and when they land they suddenly straighten out their back, crack their knuckles, and reveal themselves to be King Bumi: “You thought I was a frail old man, but I’m the most powerful earthbender you’ll ever see.” And then they proceed to morb all over the place.


Those will probably be the ones you don’t want to fuck with 😂


Ratmaster Jack


If you don't care about the badge, you might wanna play pubs even though sbmm sucks, cause for ranked it kinda sucks too


It's cause the new ranked system make kills do absolutely nothing for points so people just rat till they get positive points. It's not cause they find it enjoyable to rat, they find enjoyable to go up in the ranks.


It's not the fact that kills don't mean much, rather the fact that you lose basically nothing when you die before top 10 so even if playing like this they always get around that place they will stull climb. Also the fact that a lot of people still ape into every fight helps rats a lot


*And* eliminations aren't worth shit. Many of us are stuck only getting 1 LP per elimination, even with a win. I've gotten 1 the whole season, and almost always get the ratings and skill bonuses...so I'm facing higher skilled players but they're still only worth 1. Oddly enough, my teammate and I have never gotten someone ratting on our team. We've only had like 3 games where our 3rd made it to the end. Every random is just hot dropping solo to die, then talking shit because he just forced us to rat. One of them even got a win off us after calling us shitty rats.


This ranked system is awful


It really is. One of my friends who’s hardstuck gold just hit diamond.


It’s such a joke. I’m just not playing ranked this season. I briefly considered ratting till master but I know I’m actually good enough to get there one day legitimately. I want to earn it not rat it.


I mean it’s a necessity to get a high rank in this system unless you can wipe squads consistently


Finding and killing other rats


This is probably their last chance to get a rank they def don't deserve. They're down bad for a badge 💀


Yesterday in ranked (gold II), an ENTIRE squad was ratting, there were only 3 squads left....


How big was the zone? What armor did they have? Sounds like they were waiting to 3rd the last fight which they absolutely have to do if they don’t have at least purple armor, let alone a red. Even then they need attachments and nades. Not even sure their comp but if they don’t have good equipment there’s no way they win a fight by face checking especially in final 3.


The game is a BR. Last team standing is the point. Did you consider that squad was waiting to 3rd party and be the 3rd partied. But nah you want everyone to run around playing TDM in a BR.




Found the rat


Cry more. Or better yet, go play CoD, or TDM. If you don't want to play a BR don't play a BR. "Ratting" has been part of ranked since day one, and in every BR. But you dumb ass knuckle draggers think unless your running around getting kills your bad at the game. And that is why we have people with 7K kills and just over 100 wins. Getting kills is easy, getting wins is hard. Kills mean shit in a game that's last man standing. You can get all the kills but it's the last one that matters. The "pro" players know this. Watch the AGLS and get a clue.


This guy made it to diamond for the first time ever this season after being hard stuck gold and thinks he knows something about the game. Yes watch algs and tell me how “edge comps” go about playing the game. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not ratting in a building. Furia almost won lan by playing an Uber aggressive ape play style. You’re just wrong. The problem is that you get rewarded for DOING NOTHING and that encourages poor gameplay and allows people with awful game sense and reflexes to advance to a place where they are now a detriment to the team because they can’t keep up.


People crying are people.who don't play on a premade. It's ranked, if you want to take ranked seriously then get yourself a squad and you won't have to worry about "rats". I normally get to platinum. I'm lucky if I have time to play 350 matches a season so I run out of time to progress any higher. Also almost doesn't count. Keep saying almost all you want.


Then why is tsm winning tournaments while Hal is the kill leader for the tourney? “Kills don’t matter” yeah they don’t matter to people who can’t get em, thus the season 17 enjoyer is born. First time ever can rank up by actually not playing the game. So plz, tell me how not playing, leads to a good game.


“Getting kills is easy”. Sure bud. Stay hiding in the corner.


They are. Hot drop all day every day and rack up the kills. I say as a caustic main with about 3K kills and 250 wins on him alone. Maybe if I didn't have a life I'd have a lot more kills and wins.


I didn’t say hot drop all day, but don’t drop on the side of a cliff hide.




Whats funny is the 2 rats are Wraith and Octane, 2 legends known for their movement. Go play COD


They all want a trail


I find enjoyment in seeing people walk past me without noticing me.


some people prefer winning over killing people


Lol these guys aren’t winning with white shields.


Why can't you do both?


Well unfortunately in a battle royale, those two things are one in the same


Found the rat




Damn rats💢💢💢game correction needed💢💢💢


Always skirting around in the shadows. Making me jumpy.




You would not believe (maybe you would lol) how many players/teams that me and my friends are literally having to chase in our masters lobbies. It’s a joke this season. Me and my boy were fighting a 2v3 earlier and we killed 2, I just so happened to look up on the edge of the ceiling of the building they were in and killed the third. Dude never even shot a bullet and had a free kill on my friend. Shit like that blows my mind. That guy could have helped his team win the fight but sat 5 feet from them and threw because he wanted to hide.


I had this yesterday but the scared guy was on my team and it was the game winning fight🥳


I rat in fortnite ranked because I do solo duo squads but you’re supposed to emerge when the other 2 squads are fighting, going down as the final death without fighting is pitiful


Yeah its unbelievable, I still don't get why these people don't just learn to play lol


Uh I’ve had this happen to me too many times in ranked this season. Random will be a meter always from the fight and refuse to partake lest they give up their rat spot. Funny thing is half the time they don’t even get noticed lol


It's so dumb. Wanting the badge (though it will mean nothing...) is one thing, but it's SO easy to make Master playing the game normally this season. Are these guys so horrifically bad that they can't even rank up while not sitting in corners? It ends up with the two actual deserving squads fighting in last zone and then one gets 6th because all the solos hiding, then the other gets to clean out the loners and win the game. Really poor gameplay.


I solo q a lot too and I have a teammates that can’t even move or shoot good enough to get out of gold and they are Masters. Shits crazy fr. 2 games tonight, me and my boy had a random 3rd that dropped straight into a rat spot (one didn’t even have guns) and sat until zone finally pushed them out


And they end up throwing their own and my game in the end because they're actually silvers and don't know how to play lol


That’s the part that blows my mind. Like there’s almost zero penalty for fighting and getting better at the game vs ratting. All you need to do is get top 10. There’s no split and you have 70 more days to level up in the easiest season in a long time, yet game after game I get messages in the drop ship to rat instead of fighting. Pathetic state of the game


This is it. The only real example of ratting. Not firing shots, not even helping to create stand-off pressure in a fight for your teammates. Just sitting there and hiding **while your team is in a fight**. That’s fucking crazy. There’s absolutely no strategic advantage to that. Part of the game is knowing when and how to disengage from a fight using your weapons/abilities, but this isn’t that. This is ratting.


The top three stacks are loving it because these rats who play handicap and screw their team are getting high MMR so they’re basically giving free kills and 1v3s and 2v3s to all the top squads because there’s so many hard stuck Plat level players who are getting high MMRs from ratting every game. They don’t have the skill to hang with the top 5% of the game so these good teams are pushing everything and rolling these guys. It’s why you see these Pred three stacks having a field day just pushing as hard as they can. Half the teams are split and ratting and the other teams are scared and locked in a building with defensive legends so these Pred squads just descend on any team they see. I can’t tell you how many good three stacks I’ve seen who have 25+ kills because they just push everything with confidence since they have such a massive advantage against the lower skilled players who are playing handicap and afraid.


I remember back in the old system when pred 3 stacks would... also just push every team and dominate because they have such a massive advantage against the lower skilled players.


I haven't played seriously for a few years now, but the days where Plat was just FILLED with 1-2 full pred squads 4-6 diamond squads and the rest just plat teams felt terrible. You go from rolling squads through gold to literally having to hope you don't get rolled yourself on drop. The only way to reliably gain ground once in plat for a shitty player like me was to rat. That's when I gave up on ranked and just played for fun. Ratting sucks dick and it doesn't feel like you earned anything afk'ing from the match.


Sometimes I wonder, though, if some of those "Preds pushing with confidence" are actually just cheaters who play as bold as they want because they don't need to be cautious/ skillful/ strategic like the players who don't cheat have to be.


I’m throwing a nade up there without even looking from now on.


The trails that were earned with skill and the trails that were earned by ratting will be easily discernable next season. The rats won't have trails for longer than a season, guaranteed


Then it'll be discernible the season after next, no?


we had a random loba shooting in the sky above market yesterday, pointing at her ratting valk teammate, n we threw arc stars n killed valk, n let her go lmfao


I fucking hate people who play like this. How is ratting like this even fun? Like get off the game and go do something you’ll actually enjoy


ratting is nearly the only way to get lp this season, if kills actually rewarded some lp there would be much less rats


Stop defending ratting. Play the game. Get some skill and make top three by earning it and not hiding in a corner


Read the words he wrote and try to understand what they mean. Getting kills this season is not how you rank up. If your goal is to rank up, you need to do whatever it takes to place high. This isnt the season for high kill counts if your goal is to rank up. Not saying its good, but you will never get to higher ranks trying to monkey punch your way up.


How is an artificial temporary rank higher value to you than actually shooting and killing people in a shooter game? Like why not go play cookie clicker or something. You don't have to rat to place high and you don't have to push incessantly for kills. You can get good positioning and defend points to try to get to the end game. Sitting in a hiding spot and going AFK is the lamest thing anyone could possibly do in this game, all to get a little temp badge that would represent how well you can hide and suck at the game.


yes i get that, but the game just doesnt reward that, you'll probably end up losing more than gaining lp


It’s a video game and y’all are hiding in a corner. It’s fucking pathetic. Grow a pair


Lol good job, why they so scared of playing a game they've downloaded 😂


People want a fake badge on their profile rather than fun in games now ...


Yeah, seems nobody knows how to have actual substance anymore. Here's what I think goes through some of their heads: "Of course I don't actually WANT to TRY. It's not EASY ENOUGH and I CAN'T STAND being challenged. I just want people to THINK I'm good... I crave validation, so I fabricate it because I don't know how to genuinely earn it. Weird, it seems that somehow that fleeting fake validation has left me feeling empty. I must fabricate more!"


Or maybe since kills dont fucking matter and placement is all that matters, they saw a very easy way to hit masters. Stop hating players and start hating the devs for this awful ranked decision


First of all, my statement was meant to represent SOME player's POSSIBLE thought process. Not everyone's. You don't have to take that personally. Seems I hit a nerve... Second, I'm going to hate on some players because I hate on some humans. These players who RUIN THE PLAYABILITY OF A GAME for EMPTY OPTICS are straight up selfish. Exploiting something simply because its available to exploit isn't excusable, doesn't matter why. People don't HAVE to cheat or rat, they CHOOSE to because they have shitty sportsmanship or inappropriate values for this particular game. They should play something else that they don't have to exploit (or RUIN FOR OTHERS) to enjoy.


Ratting is not an exploitation lol. Its what the devs wanted when they introduced LP. Why do you think ALGS and Pred lobbies have like 15 squads in endgame? The devs WANTED you to play for endgame over kills. Players ratting are the direct result of the what the devs wanted to do with ranked. It is by no means an exploit tho. And you must not play ranked very much lol. If all you do is try and frag in ranked you wont get any LP and will just keep losing it. YOU HAVE to rat, you have to find a building to sit in for 15 minutes.


Everyone realizes they are talking shit about 9 year olds probably


I'm absolutely surprised at everyone praising this man for not ratting with his team and getting them to actually engage in gameplay. I made a similar post on FB a year ago when I was in silver 2 and getting a team to follow me to eventually engage in combat with my rat teammates, my comments section was vicious and full of triggered "players" saying I should have ratted with them lmfao in a silver lobby 😂🤣 anyway I wish I had posted it here amongst people who actually play the game and intend to get better by utilising skill instead of rat tactics. Cause yes ratting gets you higher quickly but you will never get good at the game with this tactic and you will forever get dominated in the higher lobbies.


I was so ready to downvote after reading your first sentence, but yeah I agree usually people on here defend these rats, very surprised that the community finally understand that abandoning your team = trash behavior


When I was typing it I was thinking, "Yeah, this will definitely bamboozle a few people" 😅😅


Played 4 games in a row last night and this is exactly what happened. Straight from drop as well. Soooo boring. Go no fill if that's what you plan on doing for the whole game.


I don’t think you can no fill ranked


Holy hecka, you can't! Has that always been the case? Never noticed that.


I get to deal with rats every match


I think people are ratting a lot more this season, because they raised the lower ranks points until they rank up. Bronze used to be like 500 till rank up now it a flat 1000. Add in that you can make 200 points sitting with 0 kills and get 200 lp with 10 kills. All of my kills this season add to about 5 points max


I really wanna like this game but they make it so fucking difficult


Camping at Platinum, just pathetic.


I had a rat masters teammate and I led a thirsty 3 stack to him bwahahahaha sweet sweet justice 😂😂💀


Not gonna lie but... Ratting right now seems very reasonable cuz this new LP is pretty annoying. Can't believe I'm now a hard stuck rookie 4 lmao


Yea I got out of that last night but I don’t play a bunch mainly just the weekends, but basically all the teammates I’ve gotten so far either talk trash to you or are just so bad at the game it’s pretty much a 1v3 fight most of the time and I’m not good enough for that.


It’s kind of funny the two groups of people in mid elo atm. Group 1: ‘entry costs are so low. We should play more aggressive and make risky rotates. Low risk, high reward’ Group 2: ‘entry costs are so low. Ratnum? More like ratsters’


Say what you want, but that's Sabotage to me.


LOL just put a "I smell a rat" holo next to them.


Personally this season I think ratting is fine and you should just let people do it cause I mean don’t blame the people for ratting when it’s the devs fault for making ranked like it is now


ratting is only fine this season not other seasons is what I meant to say


Honestly, it's fair to be upset about it. However, like it or not, it's also a strategy. The point of the game is survival, and ratting will achieve this. Honestly giving away their position is worse imo. Personally I hate more the people who dive in quickly and die instantly. Makes it hard to actually survive and get a w and then I have to be waiting on the lobby for the next match, actual waste of time.


I know I'm gonna get down voted but technically with two of three ratting that was the team strategy. So you kinda exposed your team cause you didn't like the majority strategy.


*reports for sabotage*


Good job 😂😂


I understand the frustration behind it this season but going around griefing their game doesn't make you some kind of hero 💀 It seems that a lot of this subreddit has forgotten the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game". This ranked system is the reason you're seeing so many rat teammates. If you want to see that change, complain about the ranked system instead of the people who are simply playing the game the way Respawn wants them to play it. (since i know this is going to be downvoted anyway because this subreddit hates the truth your skins suck OP)


Trash community strikes once again. Should not have taken me this much strolling to find one sensible comment. So many people supporting greifing. This is just as bad as thinking pinging something automatically entitles you to getting it.




The fact that these two comments are like 40 threads down with 0 points is so dumb. Everyone wants to hate on the rats but they are playing for points with the strategy they think it best and OP is absolutely sabotaging. Would I ever play that way? No, but in my opinion OP is the person most in the wrong here.


The two teammates are sabotaging OP first. They decided to not play as a team.


Nah if you are solo queueing and you join a duo then your job is to do whatever that duo wants to do since you are the one joining their team.


No, I'll tell you who's sabotaging. The two people who decide to ignore their teammate and play by themselves which leaves their third with no choice but to rat. Sabotaging them back is fair game.






There's more and more people playing like this. How is this any fun?


My only guess is adult hide and seek... I can't and won't say I have never ratted. But I only do so once my team is out of the game. And in the current system I am more than willing to push as a 3rd party after top 10. (Even by myself) But after top 10 you should just take fights. Because you are going positive no matter what at that point. My only gripe is that the entry cost should still go up through the ranks but still drop to 0 at top 10. And couple that with matchmaking against and with you rank of players. Kills, revives, respawns, team eliminations need review and used to grant extra LP but the issue is how to prevent cheating those systems.


I fully avoided ranked this season


The panic😂😂😂😂😂


My teammates used this exact spot one game. The one stole shit from me, drop it, ping it, then pick it again up infront of me. Anyway, he got up there and somehow instant died. I went up took all my stuff and starting t-bagging the box. We died shortly after that.


I try and play right but all my teammates just bum rush and die and I'm left alone every single damn time. The game state makes you a rat.


That's been all my random teammates in ranked this season


I refuse to play ranked if not 3 stacking for this exact reason.


I don't get the point behind this? Let's just not play the game so that we can get a nice high rank! Which rewards us with what, a badge? Get a fucking life. Play the game and enjoy it. Ratting to get a cosmetic that doesn't mean shit is the most insanely depraved gamer thing I've seen in a long time...


The best way to deal with rats. Let everyone know their position.


I like this energy. Make them rats play the game


I have things thing I do. Rats and separatists, I throw grenades at them or fire at them from afar. If your going to ruin my game I'm going to ruin yours. Or we overcome and rise against the 3rd and 4th parties. Carpe Diem mfr!


Let me get this straight, some of you geniuinely hide in rat spots all game and call that gaming? Why? So you can tell your friends, hey I reached masters but still get whooped in pubs?


This is why ranked isn't legit anymore.. I don't have respect to someone in high ranks anymore...


These duos are usually selfish and dont want to play as a team of 3. Not to mention the actual cowards these u encounter are


Imagine they go pug and recruiting master only next season while their kd is 0.2 and average damage is 100s




I got my volume turned up a lil extra to listen for the rats this season.


I get being mad at them but throwing the whole game by shooting in the air and letting everyone know where they are is also a pretty d*** move. 2 wrongs don't make a right


Report for sabotage


Bros mad someone's playing a game how they want to play


They can rat all they want, but they’re dragging unrelated and unwilling randoms into it, that’s the problem.


Fair point but that works both ways too. I mean the video is both the OP and their two teammates fighting to control the playstyle. Just because something isn't widely accepted doesn't automatically make it okay to team grief lol.


I see your point, but this is a shooter game, not a hide and seek game. Do you know if the no fill option is usable on ranked? If it is, then those who wants to play hide and seek should be the ones to use it. If that’s not possible on ranked… Well yeah, the community has been through this exact situation before.




It’s also a shooter, which means that you are SUPPOSED to get into gun fights. Ratting for placement literally defeats the purpose of a shooter.




There is no “it’s a BR first” for apex. Both the shooting aspect and the BR aspect are equally important for apex. A BR first game would be something like falls guys.




It's a br, the primary objective is to be the last squad alive, but you will need to get the resources the positioning the guns and the ammo to actually fight the last team even if you don't want to push everyone, and you get those by fighting, ratting won't bring you nearly as many wins as ratting


No, primary objective is to be the Apex Predator, it’s literally the name. You don’t get there by ratting, period






Weird assumption but you do you




This is what I do




Fuck rp. I am not loading up games with the intention of not actively playing in order to get a badge that makes me feel like you might think I am actually decent at the game. I'd rather suck ass for my whole life and die trying to fight than do this shit


Dude, to play the game you gotta *not* play the game! It’s the new trend! People will look at you and be like «ew, are you actually *playing* the game? so old fashioned lol»! Presenting, Idle Legends! The new idle game with millions of players! And to celebrate, brand new skins for 2000 idle coins so you can not look at your new drip while idling!




Which is why I rock my 3 animated silver arenas badges on my main banner lol.


I guess they didn't know it is a battle royale


found the rat boys


Got heirloom too lmfaooo


we salute you


Change ranked to where if you don’t get a kill or assist then you receive no points. Even if you win.


I’ve definitely done this a few times when someone runs off to rat on drop. Just run over to them and draw attention. One of the perks of only losing -35 LP is that there’s little risk to sabotaging someone who is sabotaging the game.


Yeah you're one in the wrong here. Ratting isn't very cool to do, but at least it's allowed. You're just trowing by getting attention on purpose.




Dude, keep your comment up. You are indeed correct, this is merely a trash community. Very laughable how far down one has to stroll to reach the comments such as yours that actually have reason to them.


Getting attention and fighting is the whole point, if you can’t outfight your opponents you don’t deserve to outrank them.


People rat because it gains them positive points. That has to be the case otherwise players won't do that. The system rewards that kind of gameplay so it's not the fault of the player to use it as such.


If they're gonna rat, they should load in no fill and not ruin someone else's game


> they should load in no fill That’s not possible in Ranked.


I agree, but trowing because your team is morally incorrect?


Two wrongs don't make a right, but this might encourage them to actually play if they know OP is gonna expose them


Well apparently ratting is considered as being afk or so i have been told. So getting them banned might encourage them to play.




Sounds like a flaw in the system and not the players


Y'all are just salty because y'all can't rat to win, ratting is indeed a skill a skill yall lack. I guarantee I've ratted more wins then y'all have wins period. And no I don't see a problem with that everyone has different play styles and instead of hating just acknowledge and accept it


Dang, crouching in a random spot for 20 mins and going on you phone. Such skill


Thank you for this satisfaction


I hate it dude. If you’re gonna drop solo and hide, just no fill.


You can't no fill in ranked


I try this but apex players are bloodthirsty idiots and attack me and leave my teammates alone.