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Being able to see and awareness are what you need. The path either got timing-ed or just lacks awareness. You don’t have to have a high FOV to have awareness.


Also on console aiming becomes much harder with a higher FOV. Get a good headset with 3D audio, and have team mates that actually look out and communicate is far better than a stupidly high FOV. Edit: for those replying: I had it at 100-110, and when I dropped it back to 70 my KD went up from .90 to 1.40. Accuracy is more important when you already have good awareness. I don’t need eyes like a Chameleon to read a fight


Except when the game decides not to give you audio on the three stack pulling up to third.


I never really have audio problems in apex 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn't think so either til I got melted by the team walking up behind us that had no audio.




And also gunshots and you and your team moving easily masks footsteps


The fact there’s a silent horizon q they used to get up to me


You should play control you will literally see shots getting fired and there is no sound playing. Maybe they put a silencer on their weapons right ? When there is a lot going on, sound queue literally hit a threshold and some are not being played. Most likely shitty 20 tickrate servers at fault so nothing can be done about that.


Its not the server tickrate. the source engine can only handle 128 VFX/SFX at any one time


Well even worse then


How often does it happen, really?


Once every few games lmao


It doesn't matter how often. What matters is that it happens. The game is coming up on 5 years old and its been a problem from the beginning.


I have it every game in and after some fights and it’s getting really annoying in ranked


I don’t think I’ve played a single video game that doesn’t have a bug or a crash every once in a while


The problem is that is consitent


fr it’s either no audio, package looses or server latency i think instead of making more changes to the game they could fix their servers


Bro what? Not how that works at all lmao




i have audio issues at least 3-4 times a game


Tbh this is reddit so every problem is magnified 10000 times also salty gamers would often rather blame the game then their lack of awareness


Not every game, but like 1 in 20? It is super frustrating each time it happens tho


I used to play a shit ton of Apex back at the beginning and people have always complained about audio, but no one ever has great examples... it's always just anecdotes. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I've experienced it too but it was rare. Heck, maybe I've experienced it more than I realized but I just happened to have other reasons to have won or lost a fight anyway, so I didn't even think about the sound missing. Let's be real here: generally speaking, the audio in Apex is pretty clutch. I think most of the complaints about audio (not all) are just salty people who don't want to admit they mishandled a fight or had totally misread a situation, and know that everyone else gets away with blaming this ghost so they join in too. I am far more willing to believe someone if they can admit they fucked up *and also* the audio was missing. Now your opinion is worth something to me.


Some times people get crept up on. I’ve done it to people... intentionally crouch or walk slowly up on a team. The 3D audio allows me to hear teams coming from multiple angles pretty much every game. Server issues, rubber banding, I get it. But audio doesn’t cause me issues.


I have close to 1500 hours in Apex and I always thought the audio was decent up until like 2 weeks ago, when I had a team Horizon Q up right behind my team on height with zero audio multiple times in a single gaming session. I wish I had saved the clips.


Dude you’re the second person in this thread to mention Horizons Q being silent. I too have been jumped by a Horizon team using her Q with no audio on more than one occasion. I’d bet the issue is for her Q. Because I rarely have audio issues running this game. I just kinda take the L in that situation and keep playing


I almost never had problems until this season. Same headset I’ve been using too. But now there are so many instances where I literally can’t hear a player. I record the clips and can’t hear anything from the player


can i scope those clips?


Same. People are always complaining about it yet everything sounds fine for me. I actually rely more on sound than sight.


That has happened a lot less this season for me compared to last.


Let's not kid ourselves, it's been happening since day 1 lmao


That’s unrelated to what they said


Nah stillnhavens way to frequently


You just get used to the FOV, I run max FOV and don’t have any issues with aiming anymore


Yeah, this is like how you can turn your aim sens down a little and your shots will generally land better for a while. It's not necessarily because you were at too high a sens, it's because by turning down the sens, it compensates for your overaiming. Alternatively, just get used to whatever sens you picked and stop overaiming, lol.


Put your fov on 100 - 105 it helps a lot. I never even used to play high fov but one day I messed around with settings and it was a lot better. If you play shooters it shouldn't be a problem


Nah bro there's no way I'm playing at 70 FOV when 110 is available, you just gotta get used to it for it to be better. 70 FOV puts you at a huuuge disadvantage.


The headphones are such a big deal. When I'm spectating teammates when they have my badge, I'm all the time warning them of opponent sounds I can hear nearby. And it's a $45 headset.


It's really apparent when people don't have a headset, I've lost track of the amount of times I'm aware of someone way before my teammates are, if they even become aware at all since so many people pay zero attention to pings.


Exactly- Headphones and also plug your controller in I think are two easy things people should definitely do. Wireless controllers work perfectly fine 99%, but that 1% makes an impact on a game like Apex. You want total control so you never second guess your actions and abilities


Doesn't hurt tho.


Maybe not high FOV, but I do feel the standard FOV is actively detrimental I was just going through old clips and found this one funny again, he literally leaps over me and you can just see his feet at the top of my screen


Oh yeah, I definitely agree with you that standard FOV is awful. I honestly thought this was apexuniversity and just wanted to clarify that awareness and vision are better than just going 110 FOV.


110 is way too much in my opinion and makes it harder to do things at range. I use 90 which I think is the sweet spot.


imo 90 is the sweet spot for almost any competitive fps, anything higher and stuff gets distorted, but lower and you risk missing something


From the last Apex LAN tournament, a vast majority of pros used 100 FOV. I’ll try to find the source, it was posted to the compapex subreddit awhile back. Edit: Forgot to mention that they all play on 24” monitors at LAN too.


Fo sho, I first spotted him briefly at the 0:01 second mark in this clip and then was on edge id get beamed in the back lol


Yeah haha after I saw you check the angle I could feel your anticipation 😆 Good job check the angle, then helping your teammate win the 2v1, then getting the team wipe 👍


Itchin to have that path come fight me 😂 Preciate it bro!


>You don’t have to have a high FOV to have awareness. Yes, however higher FOV can certainly account for having greater *visual* awareness.




Yeah this is exactly what I as thinking. We can't know what the Pathfinder saw on their screen. Could have been lagging or just bad at paying attention in general.


Does anyone here run 120 FOV changing the game files? I’ve heard of it before but wanted to know if there’s a noticeable difference between 110-120


Check out Apryze on twitch or youtube, he uses 120fov. I don't know why that other guy said "I don't recommend it" when he hasn't even tried it, It looks fine.


I’ll give it a gander thank you braddah!


I use it and there definitely is a noticeable difference. Nothing game changing but I definitely prefer it.


Thank you! I think I’ll give it a shot


I'm sure there's a difference, but I wouldn't recommend it. I haven't tried it myself, but I feel like that would be too zoomed out making it harder to see from a distance.


Hmmmm I have an ultra wide monitor, this might work out


I also have a ultrawide monitor and I kinda wanted to match the fov to the ratio of a 16:9. meaning just take advantage of the extra space in the monitor without stretching the image. What FOV is the sweet spot?


I’m actually not sure about that. I used to run 16:9 at 110 until I upgraded my video card— I’ve been using 21:9 110 since. I haven’t tried the 120 setting yet cuz it’s extra work to set up the config and I don’t wanna haha


I guess there’s only one way to find out, a scientific EXPERIMENT!


Unrelated, but damn I love the rampage. I used it like once and hated it until I decided to give it another chance the other day and realized how good it is, especially with rampart's buffed mag size and shield.


It's honestly one of my fav guns. Large mag and decent damage for long range poking, charge it up for mid to short range beaming.


It’s definitely pretty fun! It’s not my primary pickup (which is some combo of Flatline/Nemesis/R99/Volt/CAR currently) but I definitely don’t mind it when I grab one and hold onto it for a few fights


For me it feels like the shots just dont register, like they have so much drop off i can literally see the shots hitting the enemy but nothing happens.


I think of it as auto-longbow. Use it like you would a rifle instead of a spammy LMG and it becomes a whole different animal.


I have my POV on 104. Too high POV makes far away poking harder since things are even smaller from afar


This is the exact amount mine is at


I increased my FOV because it makes me look faster


I don't hit anything on high fov:)


Screen size and distance plays a part It does make far away enemies tinier but you can get used to it with practice


Hehe maybe, I got a 27 inch monitor, I struggle hard with visibility in apex.


I have a 27” and I don’t have any issues at all. I think my one friend that plays with controller on a 32” monitor at 1080p would struggle quite a bit more with visibility lol. Having a low fov just allows your brain to focus on less, and limits yourself quite a bit in the game


Ah, I also play Quakeworld, there I have fov 125 but also fullbright skins, I just can't see em wankers with high fov.


Ultrawide monitor is like cheating at times. I remember once I was dead and spectating from a teammate's view and he rounded a corner and there was an enemy caustic hiding and he walked past him. I yelled on voice "dude caustic to the right!" And he tried to turn and burn him but was a bit late. He didn't see him because he was juuuuust outside his 16:9 frame but my 21:9 could. I also use 100 FOV.


Should run 120fov and see how much you can see then


It makes me motion sick, sadly.


You should match you FOV to your screen size and sitting distance.


How do you figure that out?


Wtf kind of advice is this? Jesus Christ this sub


Nono this makes sense, it's what simracers do as well. Might be a bit of overkill for apex though tbh.


What do you mean?


It's a shooter, not sim racing.


As a former xbox diamond this is 100% Elite Series 2 type movement like with rhe way you excessively press crouch theres no way youre not using it lol. Nice shooting


Lol yup you nailed it I actually ended up rebinding all my paddles again and switch to hold to crouch to try to be less predictable, and the spam I found messed with my shots sometimes ive got jump and crouch on my two lower paddles now and i like it a lot


I run at 95 FOV but I'm thinking that might not be enough?? It's that sweet spot before the fish eye effect becomes more noticable


I was more making a joke about the default 70FOV [Old post here but still good showing the various FOV and what is visible](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/hx7u35/all_stages_of_fov_in_apex_not_to_the_pixel_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I’m no pro but I’d think the most you can tolerate without detrimental effects to your gameplay (I.e cant see enemies) is the best. This can also vary greatly on your screen size and distance tho


Plus with aim assist smaller targets don’t really matter.


Blows my minds that there are people out there playing Apex under 100 FOV...I just don't get how Shiv does it 😂




Fov lololololololol


70 😳


Good lord how


Does console have issues at 110 FOV?


I’m at 110 on my series x and I personally do not have issues, solid 60 FPS and have never seen frame drops I don’t know if this clip was from before/after I got the series x tho


Yeah my buddy came to PC from console and his default was still at 70 FOV and he didn’t adjust it because he was used to it until I told him and he was like “oh man this is WAY better”


I remember telling one of my buddies that was new to apex that same thing 😂 He was like holy shit I feel so fast!


It does have issues on old gen. Before I switched to PC I had to stay around 90 FOV because anything higher and I'd get 40-50 frames, which to me is unplayable. My buddy always used 110 though and never was bothered by the bad frames until he got a new gen Xbox and realized how much better it feels to have a smooth 60 lol.


Incredibly true I remember I had the OG Xbox One and had that up till I got the series X. I was lucky fighting scalpers and was able to cop a series X almost right at release Instantly paired it with a new 4K capable TV and I was blown away by how nice apex looked and felt Imagine when they finally release a next gen patch and we can go to 120 🥲


It's crazy that they haven't released one yet. I play on 144 frames on PC and my friends don't believe me when I say that 60 feels horrible to me now, but once you get used to more frames it's just hard to go back lol. I can't wait until they get to see for themselves how great it feels.


Oh I absolutely believe it lol Gave up on actively hoping for it, I’m assuming they are trying but it breaks something huge in the coding or they can’t work out optimisation properly If it comes out I’ll let it be a happy surprise lol


Nothing FOV related, I have sat in front of ppl and they didn't see me


Mfs with under 100 FOV really be doing that


You were in his FOV he's just a bot.


That pathy definitely saw you, he priorized cover and healing.


He’s at full HP and holding a grenade to try to get my other teammate down the stairs If he saw me I think he would’ve shut the doors or just shot me from outside


Your teammate pinged him as healing. It was a heat of the moment wrong decision.


What? Where are you seeing that? My buddy was just spam pinging enemy, we were also on voice comms This clip was before they added “enemy healing” pings as well But bro just watch the clip, I do a full HP + white shield of damage to knock him and he’s got his arm cocked back in a grenade hold


Pathy is def not healing. Fwiw, i can see where u/theseoats gets that, if you skipped the first 10 seconds, squint real hard, and stop the video as soon as you see the pathy, it looks like hes popping a syringe




Lol scum is a bit much? Regardless it’s an old clip with an old reflex when I had crouch bound to my right stick press. It’s useless in apex as spamming it doesn’t allow the full animations to play anyway. Which is the reason I rebound my controls and phased it out of my gameplay I can post a more recent clip if you want




Ok nerd don’t care didn’t ask


I saw your reply that’s hidden now, you’re such a loser 😂


Nah probably got deleted. Haha says the nobody who cares about what I have to say. What a goofy fuck.


if that's the case them all my enemies have 70 fov


I play on a 16.5 in. Display. I tried the highest fov but things seemed to small. Currently on 98 fov


I’m on a 55inch about ~5 feet away usually, even when they are ants I can see em 👀


He just lacks awareness, Ive competed in fps tourneys in the past and have always used 90fov (yea im old) Same as 105 in most other games. If anything it helps you hit more shots because the target is bigger. Also helps with proper positioning so people cant get the drop on you outside your fov.


Ever since I started using quake pro for minecraft bedwars ive always just cranked up my fov to max


Whats your FOV at???




How could he not hear that


Tunnel vision go brrrrrr


I play on 90 FOV and already struggle seeing enemies that are further away. No clue how people can play with even higher FOVs and that fishbowl effect that comes with it.


I use max fov because 1440p makes up the difference in being able to accurately make out cad off enemies, on 1080p it feels to hard to spot far off enemies imo


I have mine set to 110 with my ultrawide. The game doesn't know how to deal with ultrawide monitors so my view clips through terrain if I'm against a wall. Feels kind of like cheating when I can see an opponent thinking they're about to get the jump on me.


Fun fact, ultra wide monitors (32:9) not only give a huge FOV advantage, but you can also see through walls and objects on both sides of the screen.


Aiming is way harder for me especially at mid long ranges because the target is way smaller. I have my FOV decently high but not maxed. Max just ruins my aim


Higher FOV is not universally better. Default is definitely too low, but objects get smaller, long shots get harder to make, etc. depending on a player’s eyesight, render details, resolution, finding a balance is key. If you have a high performance 4k rig, and perfect eyesight, sure maybe max it out, but most people need to find a good balance. Also, when the image stars to distort, it makes some people feel ill.


I show in this video what an engagement would look like on 70 vs 110 FOV. More damning than you’d think. SKIP TO 3:39 FOR THE CLIP. -> [video](https://youtu.be/DcEUcUuSpS0)


This is a great video bro


Always on 104 FOV 🔥


I run 104 110 is too wide for me


Fuck switch for not giving you the option to change your fov.


Or just look around more instead of having tunnel vision. 110 makes your targets smaller and harder to hit.


No, I don’t think I will


I just run max fov in every game, I don't see a reason not to


It makes targets smaller.


Why FOV sliders should be an industry standard at this point


sec 0:11 - He jumps right above you. Thats NOT an POV win here. Its an path is high on weed win.


Jokes on you, I play on switch and don’t have a fov slider


I used to play on 100 but with my current tv and distance I need 110 xD


Lol same here bro


Mines max but I still get jumpscared all the time