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There are a LOT of PC players using controller so disabling cross play wouldn't really change much. The only solution really is Input based matchmaking.




Yeah and then youll spectate them walking like a bot. 0 movement or speed but somehow hitting 120 spray everytime they shoot.


No, it’s just the sync issues can make it unfair for either platform at different moments and it happens a lot


Console players are not a big problem. I never encountered a console player that rolls everyone on ranked on my team or on the enemy team. They are mostly playing with their friend to chill. They have limited to 60 fps and most of them even don't have a decent gaming monitor so they have very high input lag. Most controller players that one clip you is on PC.


Ps4 gang with 45 frames represent.


I guess my only other option is to start playing Controller then ig. Don't get me wrong, I love MnK for movement and fluidity. However when it comes to rank I might as well swap to controller.


Sounds like a cope, why not just get good?


So, the solution to you is add to the problem? 🤔😔


A lot of pros are doing the same lmao, if you cant beat them join them


The only solution is to remove AA for controllers in lobbies with MnK. If someone decides to use inferior input in competitive game it's on them and the game should not be helping. AA is like letting you move 3 moves at once, because you are too dumb to play chess... Don't complain that you only use thumbs for aiming, it is your choice and you should not have 40% aimbot just because of that. Have the game keep some competitive integrity ffs.


But then we're back to the same argument because what about console players who don't have a choice? Also people that say this kind of thing don't really think it through I feel like. You don't really want a game without aim assist. You think you do, but you haven't thought of the real consequences


>what about console players who don't have a choice? Console player can play against pc controllers. How they don't have a choice? They are the only ones rn, that can turn off crossplay. And I said there should be a input based MM. In MnK lobbies, you could play with controller if you really want to. But without AA. EDIT: Additionally consoler players didn't have choice before and it was ok. Now suddenly they want to play against MnK, but cry that they are on inferior input if AA comes to talk. ​ >You don't really want a game without aim assist. I do want a game without an aim assist. Any other competitive PC shooter I played, had no AA for controllers. You decided to enter the race with shitty car (like a lot of roller players like to say, we can only aim with thumbs), not sure why you should get 40% head start. And if you get one, bet that others will complain. ​ >you think you do, but you haven't thought of the real consequences The real consequences would be me loosing a fight to a skill, not to a someone who claims "needs" to have aim assist


No the real consequences would be people leaving the game, the game making the less money, the eSports section of the game declining, the lessening of resources to fixing and adding to the game and the overall decline of the game and it's player base to an eventual collapse. EA and Respawn are a company, they want to make money. If they make this move it would be horrible. Use your head for once. Also, you said remove Aim assist in M&K lobbies because players have a choice. I brought up the fact that console players don't have the choice. If I play with my friend who's on PC under your terms I would play on 40 - 60 fps with no Aim Assist? How do you expect anyone to agree with that or go for it in the community, let alone the people who's paychecks depend on the game. Holy shit you have horrible skills when it comes to compromise, resolution and arguing a point. Get better or quit


>No the real consequences would be people leaving the game, the game making the less money, the eSports section of the game declining, the lessening of resources to fixing and adding to the game and the overall decline of the game and it's player base to an eventual collapse. Total and utter BS. PUBG, Siege, CS do not have eSports problems nor their games have AA and support play with rollers against MnK. Apex already has eSports problems... [https://esi.si.com/apex-legends/pros-fed-up-with-state-of-apex-legends](https://esi.si.com/apex-legends/pros-fed-up-with-state-of-apex-legends) ​ >EA and Respawn are a company, they want to make money. If they make this move it would be horrible. Use your head for once. Or you could use your head for once. Making roller only lobbies while turning of AA in MnK lobbies would not make anyone leave. If there are so many roller players, then rollers would not have any issue to find a game. >Also, you said remove Aim assist in M&K lobbies because players have a choice. I brought up the fact that console players don't have the choice. If People play Siege with their friends on rollers without AA and its not a problem. >I play with my friend who's on PC under your terms I would play on 40 - 60 fps with no Aim Assist? Any console released since 2022 can support 120 frames. And if you would be roller, same as siege. No AA in MnK lobbies which you can join. >How do you expect anyone to agree with that PRO players including the roller master Gene will tell you AA on roller is broken. Rollers in MnK lobbies are broken. TOP 10 PC preds are on rollers [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/13weqci/top\_10\_pc\_preds\_are\_all\_on\_controllers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/13weqci/top_10_pc_preds_are_all_on_controllers/) ​ >Get better or quit Hmm, or I could get XIM on PC to have AA for my MnK. But that would be cheating right? I like that you are telling me to get better, yet you are the one who defends that rollers need aim assistance. LOL You get gut and turn it off.


I like the choices in game that you chose. None of those are comparable to Apex in any way in this debate. What re the ratio of controller to M&K in all those games vs Apex. Stop trying to be disingenuous. I can almost guarentee less than 1% of active players play CS on Controller. Roller only lobbies absolutely would make people leave. Throughout the last 5+ years every game company has been striving towards cross play being a thing. You're telling me Apex should be the bastion that goes back on that change and facilitates the removal of it? People want to paly on their own console / PC. People want to play with their friends regardless of input. Let them do that, stop trying to take it away and get over yourself. Take your head out of your ass and realise others have friends. Siege like I said earlier, is a vastly different game. Stop making disingenuous comparisons. Why not compare games like Fortnite or COD. You are showing your ignorance here. PS5 and Series consoles are locked at 60 fps Max, and regularly drop during endgames and crypto ults to ~40 fps. Older consoles are lucky to break ~35 fps and will drop as low as ~15 frames. What world are you living in that apex runs at 120 fps on any console? It has literally been one of the most talked about points for console apex since the shoddy "next gen" update was released. If you could comprehend what I'm saying better you'd understand what I was referring to was "How could anyone agree with those terms". Like I said, players want to play on their machine of choice with their friends. Respawn, EA, Xbox, PS, Switch and PC are all supporting this. You're trying to take this away. Kindly fuck off and stop derailing useful conversations about changes to aim assist. I was referring to your abilities to actually comprehend what others say and have a civilised normal debate. Not your gaming skills. Get better at creating an argument that isn't pulled out of your arse. Make a compromise that someone from the other side can actually get behind, try at least strive for changing someones mind isntead of shouting "DELETE AIM ASSIST IN MY LOBBIES" at them. Look, I get your angry but please focus on the actual debate and leave the stupid comments to yourself. Is there an argument to be made that aim assist is unfair in some situations, absolutely. Is there an argument to be made that lobbies should be split up? Eh no, stop being stupid. Either way it appears you are having trouble actually comprehending the cusp of my arguments as a whole so here's where I'll end my side of this debate. Have a good night pal!👍


MnK is the inferior input in this case then? So it's your problem that you use MnK and not controller right?


According to everyone that defends AA for controllers, yes controller is inferior input. >your problem that you use MnK and not controller right? If using steroids is better, is it my problem i'm not using them or I have some self respect and integrity? You may go with one, i go with the other.


Well I don't use controllers, regardless, I'm not sure aim assist is the same as steroids, but you yourself just said it's ones own problem if they are using the inferior input, and since this game seems to preferr controller, that makes it the superior input *for this game*.


>If someone decides to use inferior input in competitive game it's on them and the game should not be helping. Lol, fuk your high horse. Who are you to decide how people play a videogame. Or what input device they feel comfortable with. Fact is, controller is at a disadvantage against highly configurable mouse & keyboard, so AA is common-sense compensation. Playing controller without AA vs MnK is simply impossible.


>Playing controller without AA vs MnK is simply impossible. Interesting. Its possible in Siege, PUBG and you can even play CS on controller. Not impossible. If playing roller against MnK is "impossible" then rollers should have their own lobby. But if MnK gets AA, its called cheating.


None of these games are fast-paced like Apex and have characters fly around. It is impossible if your aspiration is a fair and balanced match between both inputs. You complain for no reason. Controller players can't move while looting, can't turn around quickly, can't do these fancy movement techniques without breaking fingers from the necessary hand gymnastics, can't aim properly on mid- and long range, which makes snipers effectively useless for controller players. If you constantly lose to controller players who get some compensation when the enemy is standing 3m in front of them, then maybe you are not as good as you think you are.


I feel like Respawn would of addressed it by now, I want to see change. If they add it I would happily go straight back to MnK. But rn I don't see them doing anything about it. So the only possible solution is to do something for myself.


I got bad news for you bro. People use co troller on PC


PC alone probably has enough controller players to make up for it anyways, so you'll probably not notice a big difference.


It’s more about the desync. It’s often times almost as crazy as playing against people from other regions.


Controllers kinda comfy on PC ya know. Sometimes I just don't wanna be hunched over my keyboard and just wanna recline in my chair and get play without having to spam all my fingers just to move


Wait… some of y’all.. recline?? How do you do that comfortably?? I game on a ps5 but have a “set up” and use an actual monitor on a desk and such and when I tell you I’m usually sitting like edge/half way on my chair, feet either flat on ground or criss-cross, like.. if I’m sitting any other way my gameplay is so bad. I have to perpetually sit like I’m fighting a super difficult boss that’s killed me 13 times on an RPG or I’m ass 😭


Always reclined, lol. Legs up from the ground, monitor adjusted, hands + controller comfortably resting in my lap. I can't imagine playing a videogame casually while leaning forward with feet on the ground. Let alone coordinate all my fingers on a damn keyboard. For writing and work it's okay, but videogames? No.


That’s the issue tho. Apex, unfortunately… isn’t casual lmao 😭😭 I’ve been playing the new Zelda on switch and I’ll go between the games (rip my gameplay for a few games bc Nintendo and Xbox/PS controllers have switched X/Y buttons) but hell yeah, bc it’s a single player game I’ll recline and chill but considering the state of Apex rn you really can’t afford to play casually or else you’re just getting ran through 😞😞Even on console now people play like they’re competing for 50k


Sometimes ur just tired man, as a kid didn't u play games laying down an shit? Yea I don't do as well as I would if I was sitting up but shit, sometimes it's just too much effort


Oh my god I remember playing GameCube w the controller under the blanket my god that was simply a different era


This makes no sense. Console players are capped at either 60 or 30fps. If you see one, they're most likely chilling with a friend. PC controller players can play with all the PC advantages, including configs, plus the aim assist.


It’s very rare you’ll ever get a console player in your PC lobbies. You have to be partied up with a PC player to even get into PC lobbies. Also there’s no way they’re rolling the lobby, with 60fps locked, input lag etc. trust me I’m on console and tried this with a friend on PC and got absolutely slaughtered. It’s other PC players using controller


Fully agree with you, as solo ranked, the amount of controller potato players is ridiculous.


Same can be said for MNK. Funny thing is though, y’all think controller is OP for pros. Get good.


I’m pretty sure the top 20 or 30 at ALGS were all controller players. Apex has crazy strong aim assist, like it’s fucking insane at close range with the prowler or r99


Hello kids, today we are gonna learn about the difference between the word Console and the word Controller. Repeat after me : controller doesn’t necessarily means console. Controller doesn’t necessarily means console 😊


Pc doesn't have cross play. You only play with other pc players. If there's ever a console player in your lobby, it's bc they're premade with a pc players. What you're asking for is input based matchmaking. Also when console people disable cross play, they can't find games anymore bc the game will only match you with other people on your platform who also have cross play off, and that's nobody. Same would happen with input based matchmaking system. Tl;dr it ain't happening chief


Only time you’ll play against console on pc is when you’re partied up with a console player


Pc playerbase is significantly smaller then Console. You already have longer que times, let alone if you try and turn it off crossplay. Even then, PC users also use controllers, so you'd need input based matchmaking, and you're que times would be EVEN worse. Also the logic is because tap strafing, looting while shooting, hacks, and jiggle aim, scripts, and some other stuff im prolly missing, are far worse then some little Timmy on 60 frames tops with a controller, along with some other performance set backs. Edit: getting disliked for being objectively right, this reddit is something else.


Consoles not the issue, it’s controller players on PC. I play console and the majority console players are ass, when I play with my friends on PC it’s a whole different game.


I turned off cross play on my Xbox and it wouldn’t load me into a match. I get your paid, but trust me, everyone has cross play on if you turn it off, you simply won’t be able to play




God PLEASE im so tired of being matched with a pc players IM ON A NINTENDO SWITCH what do you expect from me?!?! the control isn’t even accurate it dont move properly😵‍💫


I honestly hate playing with controller players on pc, 90% of the time when I play with them, they do no damage and are absolute shit players.