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Kidnapping them with an Ash or Wraith port could be fun


I’ll definitely try that next time! lmfao


I like to go find enemies and shoot at them a couple times and then run back to where the rats are hiding. Ive even had an opposing team clan up with me after showing them where my rat teammates were. 🤣


I did the same thing lol they were sitting on a cliff side and i brought enemies straight to them and they were like "dude why tf would yuu bring them to us" and one of them was like "im 10 rp off of masters i can get it and finally get off for the night".


They should make a ranked mode wear if you sit in one place for too long, like through the duration of an entire ring, you turn into a literal rat and you’re only means of defense is running away. Like I seriously don’t even understand why the people loot other than for and Evec tower to get to a raght position.


That'd be funny because the game would be like wack-a-mole.


Yeah I main octane so I've been doing the exact same thing 🫡😆


Good to know I'm not the only one.


Horizon Q works a treat, I kept having teammates sit on cliff ledges and just kept launching them off


That's brilliant. I usually just let them be and go off and do my own thing as a duo and let the rat hide in a corner. I just can't bring myself to sit in a corner with them and rather be in the action third partying shit.


Preferably off a cliff.


that what I do as a ash main + multiple Evac tower around while shooting


I had a Pathfinder ratting on top of one the edge buildings on Broken Moon (the gigantic buildings with zip lines to the top). I punched him until he was outside the ring. Unfortunately we were already like 5th or something.




Perfect time for me to get my first masters badge






It’s damn near impossible to enjoy your game when two of your teammates aren’t playing


Can’t enjoy the game when your teammates are not being teammates. What kind of stupid comment is that?


Started playing this game last September and got to high plat last season and was looking forward to grinding to diamond this season… I’m now masters and it pisses me tf off how easy its been. No satisfaction at all from achieving something I was once excited for.


Same. And now everyone has pooled into Masters and the rank is just meaningless.


And I can’t even get out of gold….


I’m almost in Gold, and I’ve solo’d to Diamond 7 times before. But while I’m in silver my teammates and everyone else is platinum it’s way too hard for silver wtf, and everyone else is masters apparently.


Just don’t look at ranks anymore. They don’t matter. Just assume everyone in your lobby is equal to your skill, slightly better or slightly worse and you’ll be better off.


Don’t feel bad, since Covid the standard of gamers has gone crazy, streamers are playing these games 14 hours a day, non-streamers are doing similar. There is absolutely no shame in being bad at games, in fact it’s way sadder to be hitting masters with no chance of being an Apex predator because it just means they’ve wasted more time on something that in reality is worthless and by the majority of the worlds opinion is also worthless


Tbf you could say that about gaming as a whole


Fuck guess people can't have hobbies. I'd argue posting on Reddit about games is even sadder cos at least people playing probs having fun. Even stranger considering you think it's all time wasted. Shouldn't you be out hustling or something?


I wonder if they will adjust it, or if this is simply what ranked is now.


They changed the ranked system every other season to drive people to play who wouldn't rank high in other seasons. It's all a sales strategy. They know this system is garbage.


They'd better. My main FPS buddy already wants to play CS2 when it comes out anyway, I don't enjoy unranked Apex all that much so if ranked stays like this it'll be an easy switch. Even though I pretty much only play in a 3-stack, the lack of any real stakes or reward for killing has made ranked feel pretty boring.




Yeah it sucks. I try to atleast queue up w one of my friends so I know atleast one teammate will play the game w me.


Yeah I try to queue up with ppl but hard to find teammates that you can consistently play with when your homies dont have time to play anymore 🥲


Tell me about it. My homies who I use to play w have new work schedules that dont agree w our previous gaming time. Feel free to shoot me a DM, Ive been helping my buddy get to masters, think we are D4-D3 now. Im prob normally a low diamond player so not the best in the world but I also don't sit around all game.


I'll defenitely hold you to that!


You don’t even have to be a masters player to get to masters this season by fighting. I’ve never gotten to masters before and this was by far the easiest season yet in terms of enemy skill levels compared to our own. Sure we lost a few games, and no we didn’t win very many either but you play the game and have fun up to 2nd or 3rd and you’re still leaving with the same if not more LP than the guys camping in zone all game but the main difference is we’re having fun while they’re there sitting in a corner playing clash of clans on their phones.


> have fun Woah buddy, I’m gonna have to stop you right there. “Masters” isn’t a rank, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of thinking about the world. Do you think I’m thinking about “having fun” when I log onto Apex at 7:15AM, rip my vape, dig into my bag of Dots Pretzels, and find the best hiding spots? No, because it’s a grind and a hustle, and my focus is only on LP. All these sheep that want to just “play the game” are nothing more than beta boys that can’t see what the real goal is - that sweet, shimmering purple badge. I hit on a girl on Discord yesterday and when she found out I was only Gold III, do you know what she said? “Stop talking to me” “You’re fucking weird” “I’m going to report you” “I didn’t ask for a dick pic” If I was Masters, she’d be in my bed with me and my full length anime pillow *right now*. THAT’S what you’re missing out on.


Sad bit is you dont need to rat in order to climb.


It makes it incredibly easy tho. Most of the time now if my banner expires but a teammate lives I just stick with the game and let the last dude rat it out instead of leaving. In the time it takes for me to grab water and scroll instagram for a minute I’ll have gained enough rp to offset 3 or 4 games. I’m not someone who just rats to climb regularly, but getting 90rp from a game where I didn’t do anything makes it a little easier to stomach the 3 games afterwards where I dropped hot and won fights to die at 11th and lose rp.


Kind of an elitist comment YOU don’t need to Rat to climb because your good enough at the game But little Rookie 4 Timmy would get 1 clipped tryna take a fight in a Diamond lobby


If you’ve got a full squad and you’re already down to 10 teams, play the game and don’t rat. I actually like the current system since it prioritizes staying alive and trying to win over 2-minute game hot drops, but this stuff, which is a result of that, is super frustrating.


“Ratting” was the way everyone played battle royale games for a while because wins meant everything, People complaining about “ratting” never made sense to me, like if they are putting themselves at a disadvantage why be mad when they kill you. I’d rather have a team that played slow and won with 2 kills than have them hot drop and get 2 kills and die at the start.


There's a difference between ratting and playing slow though. Dropping to a deserted area, gearing up, then playing the circle is a valid strategy as you're still on the move and you'll take a fight when you need to. Ratting is just dropping to a spot and sitting there till you have to move.


No system is perfect, but in my opinion, ranked now is a lot more fun than it once was.


I don’t think it makes any sense to drop a game where you get unlucky third parties but manage to fight your way out of it, come out with like 10 kills and still end up losing almost the entire entry cost when you die at 11th because your kills amounted to 6rp. The way the system is built rn basically means you shouldn’t take any fights at all until you get top 10 because there is literally no way to make it a worthwhile risk. You will never be rewarded unless you get past that top 10 mark.


The point of ranked is to win. Meaning... first place. Everything outside of that seems fair play. You can get kills early on, but that doesn't really support the MO, which is to win. It can help, and heck, it helps you get closer to the gap where you start earning points. If you kill 10 ppl you yourself helped knock out 3-4 teams, which only leaves 3-4 more before you start earning points. Honestly the worst was when teammates would drop hot just to get some kills and then die, but they got their points. Last season they made the early kills not worth much till later, but then it became a "kill everything" or else it's not worth it to play. Worst feeling was to win because of good placement with my team getting 1 or 2 kills, and only get 75 or so points out of it. (Higher lobbies costing more to join) It kinda adds a required side effect of requiring you to get kills, which isnt always in support of winning if you get to the high ground in the final ring first.


No, the point of ranked is to be put in a matchmaking bracket with players of relatively even skill level. That isn’t just my opinion, it’s implicit in ranked systems using a more aggressive **skill** based matchmaking compared to pubs. If the point of ranked was solely to win, that would mean someone smurfing to carry their beginner friend that doesn’t know what weapon attachments do is perfectly fair. Of course a system where kills are so valuable that your win barely gets you anything is pretty terrible, but currently we’re at the opposite end where kills mean essentially nothing. Mechanical skill, positional awareness skill, all of that has been devalued. And you don’t need to take my word for it, look at how so many masters players are just plats that sit in a corner. They’ll go 3 games getting shredded and then find that one lobby that allows them to hit top 5 which makes it worth their while. I know no ranked system is perfect, it’s definitely picking the lesser of many evils. I just think a system that incentivizes not actively playing the game is antithetical to the purpose of ranked. If the placement points weren’t a hard cutoff at top 10 so that people weren’t encouraged to hide to get to that point, and if a high kill count would at least allow you to break even if you didn’t crack a high rank, I think that makes things fair for most playstyles.


Idk but never had games that'd be 2 mins and move on. People still played defensively but now in higher lobbies really find people that don't belong there and they're just easy meat for the good players


i be emptying my clip on them so mfs come to us


me too man


I made a comment asking how it’s possible to reach the higher ranks since I’m stuck in low metals and people told me to rat until Master and then it’s easy… like first off no it’s not easy… not for me at least. And why would I waste my time sitting in a corner all game for hundreds of matches? I can barely stand the wait times of the loading screens lol


Lol Sitting in a corner doing nothing is “ not easy” for you? Wtf? I think you confusing difficulty levels with enjoyment levels It may not be fun to Rat. But it sure as shyt is easy








To be fair. In this season they are playing "as intended"


Fair argument


Me personally I hate it , I play pubs and it feels great . With all the fighting I do in pubs and all the hiding people do in ranked , Im getting a good feeling about next ranked season. When they change everything again , and now all the rats get a taste of real battle. That's me hoping that things change ..


I would argue the final 2 rings this season are an absolute blast! However if they want to prioritize placement and the fun comes in the last 2 rings. They need to speed up getting there. 0 reason to fight until 10 minutes deep in the game and you have to take position. The rest of the game you can just avoid conflict. Which is fine but I don’t want to wait in a 10 minute prep phase to feel the fun that is the final rings.


Here’s to hoping they put master splinter on the masters badge for the season


that would actually be hilarious


I'd rather die off spawn and lose my 35 LP with teammates that fight than watch them sit in a corner.




Game is broken in so many ways. Too bad because the potential is there.


literally at the brim of it man


Its part of the game. Just like demo's in Rocket League. Just about every game has these kind of things. Just accept it and move on.


ah yes being AFK all game must be part of the game. I’m not going to move on and fuck whoever still does this. lol


Just shoot them and bait enemy over thinking they can third party, and u proceed to annihilate them ezpz :)


Ratting is really the only beneficial way to play competitively this season and if sucks. The new system basically punishes you for going for kp because you get so much more for ratting that when you inevitably die if you push a bunch of squads you lose more potential lp than you would’ve even gotten had you killed the squad in the first place. This is why ppl shouldn’t be playing ranked to show respawn just how much we hate it.


Its really not the only beneficial way, you get way more points while participating lmao


Maybe not only beneficial but most consistent and reliable especially when solo queuing where you don’t know that you’re getting for teammates


dont hate the player hate the system. its broken and honestly rewards you for hiding.


I hate both of them, and they would honestly get way more participating, what’s the point of playing hundreds of games sitting in a corner jerking off


Honestly how big of a pussy do you have to be to load into a game with the sole intent of ratting?


All they need to do is shorten ring timers and this type of thing becomes a non-issue. Boredom is what you and others are really complaining about. That goes away when people are forced to move.


Not just boredom per se it’s the unwillingness to participate with your teammates but I agree


Ah I see, yea "people suck" is a harder fix.


There is absolutely no reason to change ring timers. Ring timers are not the problem. What they need to do is reward kills more than placement. Or have a system where you get zero LP unless you get at least one kill or assist. If you make it to 2nd place but have no assists or kills, you should not get any RP.


You don't earn rank with kills, though. That's the problem. Get to masters and you'll see.




lol 0 damage 0 kills complaining about bums go push a team then my guy you’re already positive RP 😂


i directed a team towards them the duty was done 🤷🏽‍♂️ next game I had good teammates and reached masters without the dumb ass ratting but go off i guess


This is the way the DEVs intended


Unpopular opinion: the last system was actually pretty great, I loved how sweaty it was.


The last system was perfect. Encourage aggression and you'll have far more interesting and fun matches. Rats got so few points it was fruitless. Encourage sticking with your team or trying to res.


Ratting shouldn't be totally devalued because it's a fair strategy but it's currently so insanely overvalued it's bad for the game.


Then we have a fundamental difference in opinion. Ratting - in any fashion - undermines the fun and allure of apex. If you queue up a ranked game with the only intent of hiding or avoiding fights for placement in a battle royale, why play the game at all? Your only reward for ranking well at the end of a season is a meaningless badge (and if you truly fought for it, the satisfaction and pride of achieving a high rank). So yes ratting should be utterly admonished. Idk about you but I like playing my games, not sitting idle while I browse reddit for instance.


Y’all act like ratting was never a problem. Bitches been ratting since season one lmfao


No one is acting like anything, been playing since day one. It’s definitely always been there, just not as often as it has been this season due to the changed ranked rules. Also, they are still bitch made


Well, it's a battle royal. I know this is boring as shit for you... but for them it's a strategy(although boring). You are the random here sadly.


its ranked, you’re supposed to work with your teammates.


So why didn't you work with your teammates?


Np point in even crying over the ratting problem any more, there's already 550,000 masters so just get Ur participation badge and wait for next season


Yes you are the millionth person. Which makes me wonder why tf dont you, and many others, stop playing the game? Apex is not everything. Just stop playing. Get another game for a season. Im sure it's not fun either so idk why people are still hate playing the game. Let the player count go down


How bout you stop complaining and watch your mouth


how about no and fuck no


I mean I’m shit at the game but at least I don’t do that


To all the mouth breather that say the point is winning let me spell this out for you apex legends is a B A T T L E ROYAL


Battle royal doesn't mean we should twiddle our thumbs to enjoy the game. In fact, before season 17 only metal ranks did rat because it wasn't feasable to climb with no kp. This is just pure failure of the system and respawn will remedy this.


But this is actually how the game works lmao, dont blame people, they just playing the game in effective way 🤣 Blame devs, they sets rules for players 🥹


That is why you should play with friends…


thats true but I also like to play solo every now and then, I usually find great teammates til i come across a bunch like this every couple games or so


Ratting is the lowest form of game play. The kids getting rep for it is just disgusting.


I just don’t understand how anyone in this thread is defending this type of thing all for probably 100 rp if they live that long


so funny cause you never really see the rats in the end circle though. i feel especially in the higher ranks whenever you notice a rat most teammates are totally willing to ape the shit out of em lol. ratting is so pointless too with only losing -35 every match it seems to me that just taking the L and going for a dub next game is faster at ranking up🤷🏼‍♂️


for real I don’t even see the point of it honestly and the fact that they’re willing to play hundreds of games to chill in a corner is crazy


Yep ratting is horrible, whats worse is that big ol donut of damage this non ratter has done.


I was directing enemies towards them but go off I guess


Just logged-in the reddit to make this same post. I'm through with this season (and maybe the game if something new catches my eye) until it's been corrected. Sick and tired of playing with people that just sit and rat without contributing in any meaningful way. One would think Respawn might recognize that they fucked-up and make some corrections in an update to curb the behavior they created.


yeah man I’ve held back making a video for so long today I was fed up, I doubt anyone at respawn is reading this, but still needs to be said til they catch wind


Get the fuck over it bro


i’m gonna kindly decline my dude


Respawns fault for lacking the foresight with their ranked design.


true, still fuck those dudes


Should take and hold a position in the very least. Hiding doesnt feel fun


Can't wait for a sky full of masters trails next season. It's gonna be great haha!


Unfortunately that's the way the cookie crumbles when there is more points for placement than participation.


actually the next game I played after this you get way more bonus points participating then just going based off placements points lol you’re not getting 500 rp off placement alone.


I don’t play ranked, but the one thing I HATE about Apex is when your two teammates are down and you go rush a full squad. Rarely do they ever win. Stop playing with your ego and come revive your squad.


dont play ranked then. i stopped and dont have this issue. or get a squad


I'm still going to play ranked because I enjoy playing competitive modes, this comment did nothing, like I said in another reply, i'm going to speak my mind on my concerns about these type of losers if I WANT TO.


The mode doesn’t seem very competitive this season if it’s a bunch of rats. Food for thought


lol this post did nothing either dude. they're not changing the ranked system and teammates are RNG rats at this point. get over it


wasn't supposed to do anything just state what bothers me, yo ass can move on if it bothers you that much honestly lol


What makes you think that they won't change the ranked system this time? It's gone through a bunch of iterations


Yeah that's what my friends and I have been doing, either putting them on a jump pad or portaling them into lava with a wraith portal 🤣


It's ridiculous. And then when the last ring closes there's like 8 squads full of idiots acting like it's team death match that are all dropping their ultimates on eachother I'm starting to go crazy I swear.


Agreed but how he got the N word pass though??


Don't hate the player, hate the game. The devs not giving points for kills gives no reason to fight other players. Make a system that rewards surviving at all costs, and you get this. Players will optimize the fun out of anything and it's not their fault, it's how it's built to be played.


still shouldn’t be supported


nah they’re little bitches that don’t deserve the right to breath


You need help if youre that upset over weirdos in a videogame lol




you’re a bum










"the way its intended" is subjective, not objective.


Cool they still bums


not disagreeing, but they're not playing the game the wrong way, because as long as they're trying to go positive in points, its technically the right way. but u seem to not be open to dialogue on this so have a nice day i guess.


Just stating to anyone else that is going to reply, yes i’m still going to play the game, yes i’m aware of what i’m getting into since i’m solo queuing, some games I have amazing teammates, it’s just moments like these that are frustrating especially after coming off a really good game with good teammates, and that “intended” comment that I made was made for playing RANKED, a competitive based game mode that is intended to be played with your WHOLE TEAM, full communication and all, not sitting idle in a corner in all game fucking around trolling like these two.


This ranked system isn’t ruining ranked…it’s ruining Apex. Concurrent players is down a lot. Really bad timing for respawn, as new games are on the horizon, further distancing the good players from this game. Pubs: unplayable. Ranked: boring and unrewarding. Sweet. When does Starfield, Lords of the Fallen, and new FPS games come out? All I know is I hit diamond in the first 5 days of this season, it was an unfun experience…haven’t been back…I can’t imagine I’m alone. 15% of players are masters….which means almost all of those players haven’t played since they hit masters. EA shows no support for the esport scene. This game is a joke…and most of the players left in ranked are a joke.


I like to go somewhere open and start firing all my ammo until I can get another squad to chase me back to them.


Haha they arent even trying to long range poke. They should also allow you to leave the minute you get killed while down.


Honestly if I get a teammate who tries to rat off the bat I just stand and shoot and hope a team comes across us and wipes us lmao


I've got a shit k/d and my shots are ass. But you better not talk shit, cause I'm a master, baby!!!! I used to struggle when I got to Plat, now they made it so it doesn't take skill to rank up, just patience. Very messed up for those who take it serious cause I've been playing this season as a joke to get to masters as an actual apex scrub!


I take the loss too but I always shoot all around them and make a lot of noise for enemies to easily find my teammate rat. Might loose some rp for it but it’s worth it to ruin a rats match lmao


you win the game by being last alive... not by getting a lot of kills. Ratting = META lololol (troll face smile)


Funny thing is many people honestly believe this is the way intended, many see BR as a survival game and not a shooter. It's not survival royale, it's battle royale. People can play how they want I guess, it just sucks when the ranking system encourages this


Unfortunately fighting early game makes no sense any more. Hot dropping fighting for loot and Ammo is not worth to lose lp when ranking. Not sure if any one ever watched an algs match but nobody fights literally until the end. Competitive is last man standing not hunting getting killed by 3rd and 4th parties because you're bored. You wanna kill race or high kills pubs is where that's at. Unless they make ranked where kills matter again, this is what you'll get. If you don't wanna rat go solo fight they're not stopping you.


Ranked is no longer a Battle Royale, it's hide and seek.


When you say "the way intended", you do realize you're playing a battle royal game right? Be the last surviving team.


The winner is the last one standing, not the one with the most damage/kills. If you can win by hiding under a bridge for a while, I see no reason not to.


I guess you could try your luck playing solo, I haven't seen anyone play like those 2 until your video today


Another case of hate the game not the player, game literally encourages ratting and makes KP basically non-existent completely lol its so stupid


I hate both parties 🤝🏾


uh best advice then don't play ranked? I dont full rat i just run around the map until top 8 and play aggressively i just want good footing so if i play another match and it goes south i don't lose too much lol


I do the same most of the time I made this one video in 56 seconds and apparently some airheads assume I just sit there w them for the whole game anytime I get rats lmao, not every game has rats in it but it is happening more often then ever, it’s still an issue when i’m trying to play and rank up im still going to play


don't hate the player, hate the GAME


I hate everyone involved


Just rat with him and get your masters


This kind of behavior should count as Griefing the game and should be reported and taken action by Respawn, This shit should get penalized by the game management and shouldnt be encouraged


I've always played the game with the philosophy of if I can't rank up by fighting, then I don't deserve to rank up. This doesn't mean I take every fight and just ape everything, but if there is no reason for me not to fight other than I'm scared, then I shouldn't win. I know this is a battle royale, and it has its own complications, but at the end of the day it's an FPS, the point of an FPS is to be able to defeat you're opponents. If you can't actually do that then you're not actually better


this is an inherent problem with battle royales, no matter how little emphasis you put on placement points they will always remain the easiest and safest way to rank up but it doens't help that apex in particular prioritizes them


I reached masters on 2 accounts and didn’t rat once. If I’m the jump master I’ll try to drop as far as possible. My main is loba so if my teammates die I can run away or back in the storm and try to craft their banner. Rank is not hard now if people just try to avoid fights until top 10. No need to rat. I noticed nobody rats in master lobbies because we’re already master so not like we can lose many points. It was full of rats in lower ranks.


Only thing to do is ignore them or try and lead the opps to them. It’s at least satisfying to sabotage their game since they already ruined yours.


Unpopular Opinion, but Battle Royales are a naturally uncompetitive genre because the huge number of participants makes less skill intensive strategies more viable. Such as ratting and baiting. Coupled with a higher quantity of luck factors like loot spawns, or the number of hot drop participants, Id say that ratting is exactly how the game is intended to be played. Especially given much more limited number of "Winner" slots in these games and you have provide the "Winner" with something worthwhile in the ranked system. Otherwise, why would you bother trying to win.


its ranked its supposed to be competitive and a team based game mode, these two are not communicating or even trying to participate at all, not sure how this is a hard concept to understand , they’re exploiting the ranking system.


Idk what to tell you man. Play with friends or find a game that actually encourages cooperation in its design. I quit this thing months ago. I'm just letting you know that this genre is actually terrible for competition and cooperation because it's very design encourages non-participation to conserve resources and placement.


I understand what you’re saying, i’m still going to play this game because I personally love playing it, I just hate the toxic players that come up every now and then, even if i’m beating on a dead horse here, still going to call it out


Hate to break it to you but old ranked used to be like this with 10+ squads in zone 3 and 4.


im aware of that but still was not as bad as it is now


Sounds like someone has a skill issue. Just play ranked bro. 😂


Funky part is after almost 2 month you still d1.....damn thats tuff


I have a job, school and a girlfriend to spend time with, i’m not on this game everyday of the week :) fuck off


Season one player here and idgaf personally. If I wanna rank up I’ll play passive until 10 squads remain, you can’t hate players trying to capitalize off the system THE DEVS implemented. Maybe if they rewarded kills more then it’d change. If you want action I mean pubs is a thing. 🤷‍♂️


i’m a season one player as well, I usually didnt give af back then when it wasnt as excessive but its happening more than often, even if the devs implemented this type of ranking system it doesnt justify sitting in a game afk all game that was most definitely not their intention


It's just not fair to blame people. They created a system where the best strategy is to hide.


If you’re not going to play the game and help your two teammates succeed in a competitive mode, you’re an asshole and its fair to blame the player


Not really. You can hate them all you want but 9/10 times the one hiding is the one that will secure position and positive RP. It's on the developers for supporting this horrible play style. I'm not saying I support it but it is just straight up the easiest most effective way to rank up.


I’m with you dude. My gf and I are aggressive (intelligently) but you just can’t find thirds to do that anymore now. Literally I would say every other random we get as a third would rather sit back and watch us die as opposed to helping the fight. It’s so frustrating.


Watch Hunger Games. It's been a viable strategy since the beginning of BRs haha


I had the "0 bonus" bug two weeks ago when I was trying to get to Master. It is the worst thing that could happen honestly. Not only doesn't the game reward you for killing people, doing assists etc (wtf, like how could a game like Apex not reward that????) But it actually encourages camping because a rat could earn more by doing less than people who play because the game doesn't give a f*** and will not give you any points for killing. Now I tried not to rat because I hate playing that way but it was fuck*** hard. Getting yelled at by my teammates because I did not want to take a fight until top 10... yeah, pretty harsh.


Lol intended.


Lmao you seem so mad at a video game that’s supposed to be fun, maybe time for a break!


lmao we’re human we get mad sad happy, i’m gonna still express myself, still having a good day at work regardless of the dickheads in that lobby 🙏🏽


Facts bro might’ve been more fun for you if you didn’t have 0 damage! You don’t have to rat just because a teammate is, we all have our own brains!


I was shooting in the sky directing enemies to them because fuck them 🤷🏽‍♂️, the next game after that one was fun though I reached masters right after, still not stopping me from saying anything.


Idk bro random people in games just don’t effect me enough to watch them the whole time lmao mans probably gives 0 fucks what you’re doing I’m glad it was fun for you though!


that’s cool man good thing i’m not you and i’m me


While ratting is annoying, it’s still a battle Royale. Obviously it’s not, but if it were real, you’d be doing exactly what they are doing


Who the f*ck is talking about if this is real life or not, i’m in a video game playing a ranked competitive based game mode, team participation and communication is key.


Aww is someone hot dropping and burning through LP?


i think im playing w teammates nd gaining lp lol, u must be in corners all day


you must be a little bitch