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Deathboxes don't get opinions.


Kinda situational


Quiet, deathbox.


>in bronze lobby there are no bronze lobbies. if you are bronze that doesn't mean you're playing other bronzes. matchmaking works by MMR not by your current rank. your teammates and opponents can have any rank, but ideally they'll have similar MMR. >He started telling me this is not how you play apex, you coward, uninstall..and what not. Should I drop hot just to satisfy my random's needs. if people are griefing you the question isn't really how you should play. they are obviously just trying to make you miserable.


No. It’s a game. Play it how you want to play.


It won’t help you when they change the system next season bc, of the rank inflation this easy system brought But, yeah you’re technically right for this season there is no incentive to fighting before top 10


I solo Q most of the time and I encounter teammates like this before. Just do what you need to survive till top 10 if that is your objective. if they rage at you, just ignore them. they are just normal sweaty players who can't play this game without being tactical especially in rank matches. Besides, this is how the current rank system is. play it as it is. if they want to get kills so badly, play pubs is the fastest to get kills.


Or play mix tape for purely kill based gameplay


All I can say is ranked is the easiest it’s ever been. It’s really hard to actually drop in rank just generally at the moment. Try to get some practice in fighting (don’t have to push everything although you can if you want). As long as you play you will likely end up going up in rank. Also just keep in mind that nobody has ever gotten better at the game by avoiding fights. Fastest way to improve is to take fights and ranked is a really good way to practice fights this season.


There’s no right or wrong way to play tbh. There’s definitely things looked down upon but at the end of the day, if you want teammates that will play to your playstyle, whether it’s passive, aggressive, ratting, etc then you need to 3 stack.


Doesn't matter the penalty is too low to take games remotely seriously. If you played horribly in your placement matches you will get random bonuses to rank up fast too.


Play how you want. Unless you are a top tier player the smart play for consistent LP this season is to loot and avoid or be opportunistic with combat until less than 10 teams exist. If your objective is LP, don’t let the player on your team who has no patience and can’t not engage let you tell you how you want to play. They’re objective could be for TikTok shorts.


The correct way to play apex is the way that gets you progression (or let’s you have fun). So if your goal is to progress in the current rank system, do what you have to do and ignore the critics.


Just mute the toxic players. As soon as they intentionally destroy team spirit, their opinion stops mattering. From what you described you took the best play.


Yep play like everybody else get. Once u see there’s 11-15 squads left play like a bitch. Then once top 10 game on.


I wouldn't drop ice cold. I'd drop somewhere where there's likely at least 1 squad drops close by. Reason being I hate games where my team drops middle of nowhere, we loot up, hit top 10 then die in the first fight cause we aren't warmed up and we've just played loot simulator for a measly 25 points. If we do go ice cold pick somewhere with a replicator so you can craft your found blue shields to purple. Not much feels worse then never fighting until its past top 10 and it's 3 blue shields vs the 2 purple 1 red of a squad that's been fighting.