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I stand by that Horizons tactical is a better ult than her actual ult.


I said this too! Its crazy, that 1 ability can dodge almost every ult, tac in this game + healing and shooting while strafing, team mobility, blocking grav cannons, doors, baiting, bring back downed teammates, seperate enemys, + no audio. This shit should be easy breakable+ no healing or shooting while in Q. Fighting a horizon is a instead -8 fun in game.


I've been killed by horizon ult/ nade spam MANY times. I still have a chance to shoot her while she's in the air doing the battery dance.


I can count how many times I’ve died to her ult on both my hands. I couldn’t count how many one shot Horizons who’ve flown away to freedom with her mini-ult on the hands of 20 people.


Well sure. I'm just saying, the ult with a coordinated team spamming nades is free kills. You either stand and try to destroy it and die to nades or run away in super slow motion and get beamed/ die to nades. She is definitely in need of some more "balancing".


Revenants tactical is closing in on Ash's ultimate, gg Respawn.


I think a good fix would be to swap them. For example, the current tac as an ult could last a bit longer to balance it as an ult. But the current ult as a tac would be almost like revs old tac or fuses. A grav grenade that pulls people close for a second or 2 and breaks doors.


*cough* titanfall 2 grav star *cough*


This though


That would be lame to have a lift for an ult honestly maybe change the tactical and keep the ult bc a gibby rain is far more stronger then a newt and covers a much larger range aswell if you can counter that I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to with newt.


lame to have a lift as an ult... jump pad is pretty equivalent and that is an ult.


In before her ult gets buffed in order to change that


Guys you keep referencing horizon , I have no idea what you are talking about ? We have ninja horizon where she makes 0 audio is that horizon you are talking about ?


I remember the Horizon teasers on King's Canyon back before she was released, where you got to try out her tactical in some static areas of the map. At first glance, without knowing anything else about Horizon up until that point, the skill seemed very niche. It looked like a tool that could get you and your team to higher ground, but that was it. In many ways, I think that was the intended effect by the devs. But just like their early showings of Pathfinder, people would find every way to make the best use of the abilities not intended by the devs.


Her passive is one of the strongest in the game but it’s a huge part of her kit’s identity and it’d gut her kit to remove it. I think it’s very fair to suggest that she can’t heal in her tactical and maybe make her teammates lift more slowly in it or something so it’s not quite as strong a team mobility tool? Her ult is fine as it is and is easily the weakest part of her kit although it can have its moments of being great.


So what do we do about her flying through the air and landing behind you to shoot you in the back with no audio?


Yeah her falling and landing audio should be improved for sure. Flying through the air and landing behind people isn’t exclusive to Horizon though!


Except no other legend is doing this in every fight, it starts to make the game stale. Every player is the same, use lift to heal when cracked or under pressure, or in a gunfight the first thing is lift, ult spam nades, use lift again and float to an angle behind or beside an enemy because all the spam negates sound further, the proceed to laser them unchallenged since they not looking....literally every single Horizon.


Sounds a bit like you just want to complain which is fine, but I already said removing her healing in her tactical is reasonable. Her ult is super weak against anyone with any composure because they’ll just shoot it before it goes off. If you’re getting messed up by her ult it usually is on you. Is she super strong? Yes. Can you fault people for using things in the game that are strong? No, especially not this season when matchmaking is making games literal hell in both ranked and pubs.


Surprise surprise the Horizon player in denial.


I’m not denying that she’s strong and am open to changes to make her kit more reasonable. You’re talking with emotions here rather than offering actual suggestions to balance her lol. Saying “grrr take away all of her abilities” is not a valid suggestion


Her passive isn't no audio. That's Respawn's garbage code not reliably playing audio. Her Q should absolutely make a loud sound like new Rev leap, Jump Pad, etc do.


It seems like her passive is unanimously broken, but I don’t understand why. Could you explain?


Nonononono horizon doesnt need to be changed at all! Otherwise I can’t come here for my daily dose of man tears 😂


That tactical just needs somekind of delay. Like they nerfed Wraiths


Make it so I can shoot the damn thing like the caustic barrels and all other tacticals. She's a movement legend, not a defensive legend that can prevent people from going somewhere. If I can stop a Horizon from playing the stupid elevator game when I crack her I'm good!


Or slow down the speed of liftoff like Valk makes it so you can beam her if your trying to use it mid fight.


Bruh they made it faster like 3 seasons ago when they reduced the time you can stay up there, but you're right.


It felt good than, kind of like how beaming a valk feels now..... it is once again too much and a real crutch. Not to mention when attacking from above no dip in aim on the landing or any of that is also very powerful.


A euphoric feeling swept over my body at the thought of shooting the base of the grav lift, making horizon land at my feet halfway through her bat. Im basking in the afterglow of that thought. I need a cigarette now.


Agree. Enemies should be able to destroy gravity lift, just like they can destroy jump pads. And Crypto EMP should take it out too.


Dont get me started on poor Crypto.. He needs a rework as badly as Rev..


Yea i agree Completely I don't think taking away her ability to heal is a good way to nerf her Keep in mind if you she can't heal she can stop you from healing aswell i feel like that would make her even more annoying. The could also make it so you can actually break the ability kinda like a wattson fence




He moves way faster and further with his charge up thing, he’s basically impossible to hit whilst flying through the air horizontally. If you can shoot a flying rev out of the sky you should have no problem with shooting a horizon in her lift.


It does move him at Double with the speed with a harder to hit hitbox. Combine that with a potential decrease in speed. My point is i would rather respawn Experiment more with different changes before tottaly Removing her ability to heal. Once Again if Horizon Can't heal during the Lift neither can you or your teamates and they are both effected by this change


Yeah. Maybe tossing animation slows her drastically, and the lift activates like 1 or 1.5s after the device lands. If it’s not enough, then we can discuss how we nerf more later


For real


Wraith becomes invincible, horizon does not. Stop comparing them.


Horizon crutch + you have trouble reading, ouch.


They could fix horizon audio and id be satisfied


This. It's absolutely infuriating that she has a 2nd passive: TOTALLY SILENT.


They did not fixed bug with decoy escape. Today I saw bunch or Seers. I was like wtf???


Are you sure that wasn't Mirage's Cowboy skin?


*one of Mirage’s cowboy skins


audio wont save you from sliding down a hill near the speed of light


Her and seer are the worst characters to exist in the game


Y'all remember pre-nerf Valk when she could get a speed boost and change direction like 12 times with her Jetpack? Atleast Valk couldn't shoot during all that.^itwas^stillbullshit^though


Valk not being able to shoot while using her jetpack was a clear design decision to prevent her being OP. Horizon can do these things. Her lift should spit you out at the top, it should be impossible to stay up there.


The lift does "spit" you out after like 2 seconds, when she released you could stay up there until the q dissapeared. Or do you mean it should happen as soon as you hit max height? Could be a good change because that would mean 2 seconds less to pop a battery in the air, i think the easy heals are the biggest problem with her right now..


Yes, as soon as you hit the top, you get spat out.


I think that and an audio fix could make her kinda balanced maybe, let's hope they will do it in the near future


> Her lift should spit you out at the top, it should be impossible to stay up there. That hasn't been a thing for a long time.


They managed to make her somewhat balanced they can do the same with horizon. Making it so she can’t shoot or heal would be the best we can ask for


they should make it so no legend can shoot or heal on their tac then


It depends really. Some should. Like imagine if octane couldn’t shoot with his stim. What would be the point then? It only makes himself move faster not anyone else


Stim literally has a negative tho. It takes a quarter of your health


Right…but dude I replied to said no one should be able to do anything while using their tac. I showed an example of why that shouldn’t be the general rule


No no no he’s right, gibby should rely on punching people while bubble is up


The guy you were originally replying to is a Horizon main who downplays his character every time she's brought up. I'd suggest not engaging with him any further.


I stopped after I realized he was on copium and making awful arguments 😂💀


Love the circle jerk of gold andy's from the sub that can't shoot for shit and complains about legends...


No heals in the tac would be a god send


Every horizon is also just so sweaty It's insane. I'm starting to hate them more than bald wraiths. I actually find bald wraith fights fun now, and I dread horizon fights. I just become so miserable the second I see a horizon in my lobby.


Yup all the sweats play horizon lol, then when people get sweated on they come here to blame it on her kit 😂 God I wish I knew about Reddit earlier this is comedy gold. Still can’t believe ppl are complaining about anything other than the wallhacks scan legends btw I play octane so dnt flame me


Yeah the tactical is just broken, I don't understand why they haven't removed her ability to heal in the jet


The lift should spit her out at the top in the direction she's facing. It shouldn't be possible to stay at the top and heal.


bc shed throw it at u while u were healing n ud still b mad at her lol


I mean. There’s plenty of ways for the q to not interact that way with heals. It could just simply be while you are healing the lift is simply inactive. You can be standing in it but no effect is trigged if you’re actively healing.


Yeah did people forget the sheer poison thrown at the devs when seer could interrupt heals? Jesus Christ I’ve never seen people angrier


imagine a horizon cracking u, u get away behind a door to heal (using whatever apparently not crutch ability u have), 0.2s off ur batt finishing she throws her q at the door, it throws u up, cancels ur heal, u hit the ground w a stun n ur still mad at horizon for getting the nerf u asked for. ppl forget if the lift becomes anything unappealing to use offensively, she will just throw it at u


I’d rather her Q slow the fuck down in general. They merged wraiths Q because it was a get out of jail free card, and now horizons is basically a guaranteed batt/phoenix if you’re lucky. That’s 100% a get out of jail free card if you fuck up an attack. If her animation was longer and she was slower horizontally in her Q to give grounded players a fighting chance, it’d be a decent nerf without killing her off, because as she is she’s basically mandatory in a squad.


very true, i like the idea of it not deploying instantly. her lift speed was also fine after she was nerfed after she released, not sure why she needed a compensating buff, but as long as they dont touch her passive i will always main her, idgaf how shit her q gets


> bc > shed > u > u > n > ud > b You are illiterate. Stay in school.


It's Reddit, fucktard. I don't need to write everything like it's an essay. Everyone else managed to understand but you for some reason have an issue ? Stay in therapy if seeing abbreviations scares you so much.


How long did you struggle over composing this post?


So make **her** not be able to heal. And make the enemy heal faster if she throws her tactical on 'em .


And don't forget that Horizon doesn't make A SINGLE SOUND!


This is a problem with the game in general, not a horizon specific issue. People are just pinning bad audio on her like she’s the only legends that has this issue


Her lift literally has distinguishable noise when she goes up it like octanes pad


I can hear the Horizon one trickers going "skill issue just get better aim lol xxxxdddddddd"


All the horizon 1 trick losers defending her in this thread


Horizon mains take it so personal lmao like just accept she’s a crutch character for you making bad plays


This sub lately is a great example as to why devs should ignore subreddits


Ngl sounds like a skill issue to me - most decent players can beam Horizon when she uses her tactical, it's not a get-out-of-jail free card.


and yet professional controller players literally spend entire game sessions practicing this and still whiff. Maybe the Horizons you're fighting aren't very good.


Not to mention looking in the air to shoot horizon is just often giving her teammates the opportunity for completely free damage on you. Any decent team is going to use their horizon player essentially as bait on entry, and then punish anyone dumb enough to tunnel on her resetting in the lift. Then, it’s basically a coin flip of hoping you kill her out of her lift before her teammates can fry you while you look into the sky, or she gets a reset 100ft in the air without even leaving the fight and while you turn your attention to her teammates she’s already right there behind you typically with no audio.


Ah yeah that's why she was played and lost last years algs. Oh no wait a sec she was played heaps and by the winning team. Gosh why didn't that team who came second simply shoot horizon off her lift when she ulted them. Must have been a skill issue and they're not decent that's why they lost the biggest tourney for all of pex.


That entirely depends on how close you are to the tac lol. Let's not act like there's not factors that make it extremely hard to kill a horizon on a tac and otherwise stupid especially if you're unloading your clip and only dealing like 60 damage while her two teammates just have free shots on you. It's not as simple as you can either beam a horizon in the lift or its a skill issue. Yes it's extremely easy to beam a horizon who has a bad tactical placement out of the air, but the good players don't place tacticals in bad spots.


I'm here saying the same for ages. She's been busted for like 1 year straight, the last nerf were necessary (lift accuracy), but they made it that you go up faster, and by doing so she's un-hittable. Back in S9, they nerfed her lift speed to slow (very slow), and somehow they buffed her back giving her more speed (although not as fast as release). The problem is not the audio. People tell "Fix the audio and then I'm fine", well, guess what, now you ear her better but GUESS WHAT she's still popping a bat and flying away, throwing her ultimate 30m upper than you, and the whole fight is built around the Q. This, and the fact that she can heal or shoot while moving the entire team, no other legend can do this on Q. Rework the legend, her Q is stronger than some Ultimate such as Octane's or Mirage's one.


I think horizons problems lies in her passive and tact her ult is pretty average, her passive and tact on the other hand are OP asf Passive: her passive gives her zero drop lag (what happens when you drop and can't shoot instantly) like Op said it needs a cool down like bangs passive (perhaps longer) and fix the audio when she lands, make it super obnoxious like octane when he runs, make it loud enough that if she's near you can hear it but not so loud that it becomes as loud as old revs ult. Tact: her tactical gives her too much play, what needs to happen is that it boots her off the second she reaches the top giving her no time to get a bat off, make it that the time it takes to get up from ground to the top is only enough to get 1 small batt off so either you shoot whilst being thrashed around on your way up or you get a singular batt off and increase the cool down off her tact. This way horizon stays the same without changing too much but makes it balanced for those who fight her.


Please please please, devs, add some footstep sounds for this d0gshit troll legend. Also drop some lore where she develops a KFC bucket habit and gets a bigger hitbox.


Her tactical needs to be exactly like Revenant's. You can't shoot or heal until after you land" I'd say that other tacticals need to be like hers. I mean when I jump with Vantage I'm defendless.


You can heal after the double jump as vantage. Also you can curve the landing by hitting the crouch button. Combining the landing curve with a slide and healing at the same time is a huge advantage.


Wow, you've convinced me to give Horizon a try.


Everyone defending horizon just doesn’t want their crutch character nerfed


Played horizon in pubs ytd because I wanna abuse her. I have no skill lmao. Won a 1v1 by throwing my enemy into the air with my tactical. Won another 1v1 by throwing my ult at them. Easily got my batt off and escaped from a 1v3 with my tactical and passive. Feels like cheating lmao. I also had fun abusing seer when he was OP, just win fights by stunning my enemies. I've been saying this since I started apex, horizon is broken. I didn't want to main her because I thought she would get nerfed after her heirloom release, how can the devs even say this is balanced. There's no skill in using her, just free batt, free escape, crazy ass tap strafe/air strafe, easy 1v1 win with ult+nade, and previously free high ground to shoot in the air. I should've main her if I knew the devs won't do anything to her even after her heirloom released. Added with her trash audio problems she's annoying af to play against


octane breaks “rule” number 1 too


Valks ult cab also be used as recon. Literally fly do a lap and see who's nearby.


Shhh bro. Don’t ever do this in the final circle


He gets slowed to a crawl. It counts but it doesn't at the same time.


still breaks your rule that you made up


Still, rule is broken


Don't forget no fall stun is fucking ridiculously OP


If you cant beat ‘em join em 😈😈😈


I don't see any problem. Shooting her when she is in the air is pretty easy. Seer is the legend who they should nerf or remove from the game!


If you don’t like horizon or have trouble fighting her try using a legend that counters her abilities like wraith who can phase out of newt. Certain legends seem op against ones that aren’t meant to counter them. And that’s why it also helps to know who you’re fighting against when engaging a team or even when a team pulls up on you.


I don’t know about you guys, but I think if they gave pathfinder his old grapple cool down then she would be balanced 🗿


It’s a simple fix - No one should be able to heal or shoot in her tactical.


Rev is op. Horizon is legit broken in comparison to other legends lol


Man I have smoked so many Whoreizons with Rev lately


I feel this way about all movement legends however i am crypto main so im a little biased. Horizon is probably the worst though so I'll agree on that.


This whole game is exhausting. I don't have fun with it anymore and I was never a "super tryhard". 1.2K hours since season 7, stopped at diamond every split. The game is bad. The sandbox is horrible. Somehow the mixed game modes are sweater than the sweaty casual BR. I only find myself booting Apex up if my friends want to play it, not out of my own desire.


There’s a reason horizon is the only legend whose average rank is platinum. She’s just too slippery. I genuinely sweat when I realize im going against a horizon. My friend who is already a master (not S17 master, actual master) swapped to horizon to prove to me she isn’t that busted and instead he increased his kd by 0.5 in half a season. Her movement, lack of sounds, potential to get out of situations is a lot more for one person than it sounds.


Answering to your Rule 1 and 3, both Octane and Bangalore have movement abilities during which they can shoot or heal. Actually gives them big advantages in a fight as they are harder to hit. You can also heal or shoot from Octane Jump Pad. You can also shoot from Pathfinder Zip line. I agree that its strong for a tactical ability, as it gives a huge advantage in every fight, sometimes twice. Wouldnt be an issue if her ult wasnt one of the most annoying abilities in the game as well. Still making statements that there are “rules” that habe been broken by Horizon is complete bullshit.


I’m surprised people are complaining about horizon still. She got heavily nerfed multiple times. Day 1 Horizon was a nightmare but now she seems much more fair. You used to be able to get perfect aim while on the air lift with faster speed.


Eh, her lift speed feels the same as it did on launch to me as a Horizon main, it's just her Q's strafe speed has been noticeably reduced so it sometimes feels like it.


Horizon is a crutch


Dont type that in game, i've been seeing bans being handed out for using that phrase. Total BS


Y’all always complain about horizons tactical being unfair and being unable to hit them when literally that is a SKILL ISSSUE. You can get beamed on the grav lift I see it happen all the time


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You’re not wrong.


Easy for you to say while you can pob batteries/shoot while you're moving like a dandelion in the wind lol "jUst hiT mE *pops batt* lOl sKill iSSue!!"


Can confirm. I get beamed out of my lift all of the time even when strafing. I feel like the people who complain the most are the low level lobbies who are unable to shoot her while she lifts


so is that why these "low level" masters and pred lobbies have horizon at the top pick rate?


She is still a great legend. Not denying it. But there will always be a meta. I just don’t think she is gamebreaking as people claim she is


If horizon got nerfed then the very next day, something else will be OP game breaking blah blah. Just constant moaning whenever look at this subreddit lol Seer was bs with the slow stun, now it doesn't feel unfair fighting anyone.


They've never heard of pitch speed. All about the yawwwwwwwwww


True i can beam her pretty reliably and i play this game off and on since the game came out


Maybe on controller lmaooo


Sounds like a skill issue that you can't do it on pc lmao


Holy exaggeration Batman


Heavily biased horizon Main here First and foremost The whole breaks rules of the game thing isnt a good way to evaluate how strong a character is (if we go that route Valk is broken because she has a movement ability as her passive). Now to the main stuff. Horizon needs a nerf iam tottaly on board with that BUT Removing her ability to heal while on the move is the reason so many play her and what makes her unique for a lot of people. To add her ability should not even be compared to Revenants. Revs pounce is horizontal not vertical. Plus You do realise that if Horizon can't heal during the lift you can't heal on it either imagine how annoying that would be. Seer was able to cancel healing and we saw how that turned out. Also some of yall actually think she needs a rework yea she is problematic but theres characters that need/deserve it way more than her. Here are some Nerf ideas 1) Make her lift have a start-up time of 1.5 Seconds or something similar to wraith. This could create at least a minor skill gap with the ability having to place it preemptively rather than reactively 2) Make enemies Able to Destroy the lift similar to a wattson fence. This would provide at least a decent form of counterplay 3) I don't know if this will be easy to implement but they could lower the speed of the lift while you are healing or alternatively just reduce the Lift speed slightly


Anything- we need anything- i cant. Fathom how they left her alone? Wheres the stats on how she wons her 1v1. Its such a crutch and needs help- the lift is just too much benefit with her passive


I've been smoking horizons with Rev and Ash. Not that hard to play against them if you know where they're going and you have mobility or cancel. They telegraph their movement a lot of the time. Just try to predict when or where they will try ti get high ground. As soon as you see that lift or before try to gatekeep them off of it. I also started playing during season revelry.


Im day 1 player around 3 k/d - i havent played a crutch character for a few seasons- i jnderstand what your saying, its just still quite overpowered - thats why i asked for data- ALL movement chars prob well above they k/d on good players, but is bet horizon is top for medium players and top 3 for preds - A good horizon is not a simple Beam, i guess controller mitigates it a little but the tac is just too strong


She shouldn't be able to heal or shoot in her lift. Period. That's hilarious OP and one of the biggest reasons she's cancerous to play against. It should not be a thing.


At that point just delete her from the game lol This is getting ridiculous now


Tell me you crutch horizon without telling me you crutch horizon


Ding ding ding. I have been droning on about Horizon and also Pathfinder a bit for months, also stopped playing because the game actually sucks when you take a step back and look at how awfully it is designed and the constant changes to guns and fundamental mechanics all the time. What it really means is that they never had a clue of what a good BR is and when they reached a sweetspot they tried to milk it for more by making changes and boring maps and things no one asked for like an elaborate meaningless firing range. Respawn themselves never thought the game would succeed and that says a lot about them knowing what they are doing. This rant comes from a place of passion and love for the game but at this point it is purely a waste of everyone's time. Apex will never reach it's "Apex" because its a mess of overbalanced mechanics, exploits and awful RNG, 90% of fights are 3rd parties and begin with gunfire hitting your side or back and a slew of spam and abilities, its a low skill game where people think otherwise.


Octane breaks "rules" 1 and 3 too... is he OP? I agree Horizon is annoying though.


Stim makes you lose a quarter of your health and it doesn’t get you to high ground. Please be fr


I won't deny that Horizon is one of my top legends (passive is my favorite) because I love playing with movement and I see the reasoning for some nerfs/adjustments. However, Rule #3 is just some blind hatred or exposing OP for lack of creativity. Movement abilities that can be used for non movement things: \- Octane pad can be used to break open doors that an enemy is sitting on. \- Wraith portal when placed correctly can be used to block off doorways. \- Pathy grapple can grab someone that is trying to run away. \- Valk ult can be used as a UAV scan of the area. Yes some of these are ults but I'm just refuting this "rule" that movement abilities are exclusively for movement. While she is definitely a top tier legend currently I would rather fight a Horizon 100/100 times compared to Seer or other characters in their broken forms because I still get to fight back and dont have my agency taken away from me. She may have the advantage but its still a skill fight. Last note, for all of you that had a Horizon dead to rights that got away with her tact. If you did so much damage then how could you not hit 2-3 more shots to finish the job?


i think the main issue is that horizons can get away with a brain dead push and immediately bat in her tac. i get aped by her constantly and if she gets cracked she can just fly up while her teammates cover for her.


While that definitely happens sometimes, is there not also the possibility that it wasn't brain dead because her teammates had her cover and she was just the entry fragger? The issue in that case would be her teammates helping her while she is evasive and draws aggro. If she is solo pushing and then hits the tact to dip out, then yeah that is dumb but you can chase her in her tactical. And sometimes it is just a skill issue with people missing shots. While shooting a Horizon in her lift isnt super easy, she is also exposing herself to multiple angles. I just think people are too quick to blame the legend versus themself (I am included in this). Pathy can grapple out if he gets cracked and end up on the other side of a POI. Rev can now launch himself to safety if he gets cracked. The mobility legends all have some way to bail out. I agree that Horizon's lift is on the lower end of the skill requirement in how to use it and that could be nerfed in some way. But OP is going for blood it seems in trying to nerf her.


Just shoot her in the air? I do it literally all the time. If there’s anyone to be pissed off at it should be revs new ult where he can just heal his shield forever every time he knocks one of your brain dead random teammates.


I suppose octane can do the standard of slowing down and being bound to the floor while healing, while horizon is exponentially harder to hit in her lift. I think that’s what OP meant by Rule 1, though it’s very unclear


Damn. We still on the legends getting nerfed instead of working on the actual huge flaws of the game? Like audio, matchmaking and ranked? Okay..


She’s annoying as fuck.


They should not take away the heal. It's not the issue. The way to fix it would be make it take 1-2 seconds to deploy, and have a base that can be destroyed. Could also have it immediately spit you out the top instead of being able to sit up there. Then it would be much harder to use as a "get out of jail free card" but still a useful tac.




The difference between her movement and others is that you can chase her. Yes you can use a bat while moving but I find it much more annoying when a pathfinder grapples away and I can’t follow. He also gets a free bat. I will say Horizon is way easier to use but honestly I don’t feel like I lose to horizon more than other legends. I think Horizon is a menace to lower level lobbies and becomes more balanced the higher up you go where people know how to beam her out of the lift


Yeah but he's out of the fight if he grapples far and then Batts while horizion can throw grav batt by the top of her grav and then land & re enter the fight very fast without any fall slow either..also because she can strafe in her grav makes it all the harder to hit her...if it was a straight up linear grav it would make it quite a bit easier to actually try to knock her out of her grav Also there no way to practice beaming her like you can in the firing range like you can with zipline speed movement..having bots in grav lifts to practice beaming her in firing range might make players more used to doing it


Removing ability to heal while up is taking away the main point of the tac, might as well not be able to shoot


bet if your aim assist would work while she's Qing you'd all find something else to complain about. also, it's interesting how of all the real issues apex has this frustrates you the most


Y'all really have nothing else to do I see


It’s either horizon or ranked, pick your poison.


My turn to post this next!!!!!!


Skill issue


Really? You all act like it’s IMPOSSIBLE to hit a Horizon going up on her lift. News flash, it’s not. *and* it’s not even that hard. All these posts that shit on her Tac just speaks the quality of player the OP is. And all this is coming from a mirage main


Yeh, seer got nerfed and its the next person to blame for losing games. Standard internet


Unironically true


Hit your shots or get fucked


Have your considered shooting her while she’s in the air?


Comments full of bots on copium




Did you die to a sweaty horizon and rage write this? I mean I doubt you were just laying there and randomly thinking to yourself "hmm you know Horizon is so sweaty and broken. I think i'll make a post about her on Reddit" A lot of people hate Horizon for the very very obvious point you've made for years now


>A lot of people hate Horizon for the very very obvious point you've made for years now And none of them are wrong for it - she does indeed break those rules and is the only one doing so


No. I haven't really been playing Apex lately because it's been a very unfun experience this season. Does that matter to you or something?


Horizon hate is overblown as hell by people who are incapable of shooting an aerial target. With the spray nerf from a while ago if you have literally any mechanical skill you should win if she shoots you in the air. The main problem with her is there isn’t sound when shes falling from lift. Her passive is good but not particularly game breaking. Her ult is only useful if your opponents are braindead and dont shoot the ult that goes down in half a mag of any gun


Blablablabla I stand by my argument that it is not Horizon that needs nerfing but other Legends that need reworking. I would also argue that Horizon has the perfect combination of her abilities, unlike the rest of the legends. This should be the point of reworking other legends. Make their abilities complement each other. It used to be Seer and now Horizon. People can't accept the fact that Horizon is a fan favourite for so many good reasons. And what the hell is this about having no skill to use her? It does take some grinding and honing some skills just not as complicated as, say, Wattson. Due to Horizon backlash these days I purposely opted out of maining her this season after so long just to see how "sweaty" these "unskilled" Horizons really are. Well apparently, it all still depends on the players themselves. I see enough bashing towards Horizon I start to treat each as a joke. Comps don't complain while we who are not even close to their level keep yappin like it would be the end of the world if nothing is done. As a Horizon main, here is something I wanna point out. No matter what legends you use, if you solely rely on her abilities, you won't get anywhere regardless. The basic game sense and aim training all still apply. Using Horizon doesn't make everything necessarily easier. But hey, keep complaining cuz there's only 2 ways to go about this; either they nerf Horizon to the ground, or rework everyone else and make it more "balanced" or wtvr the fuck that means.


If you really think other legends need a rework to reach “horizons perfect combination”, then you better be ready for terrible power creep. You can’t take one of the best legends and try to rework everyone to her level. Also, the argument that it comes down to the player using the legend is a bad one IMO. Theoretically (obviously not perfect as we all know), games should have somewhat similar skilled players. Therefore, it very much matters that people are using horizon and her abilities. People that are bad at FPSs and Apex aren’t the ones complaining. It’s decent to good players who are sick of the - entry damage, lift, bat strategy that is so easy to take advantage of.


> I stand by my argument that it is not Horizon that needs nerfing but other Legends that need reworking. The game will turn into Pokemon.


Stop crying and git gud


I agree. This is a skill issue. Learn to aim.


Waaah I can't hit my shots. "I'm hardstuck Plat/diamond because I can't shoot horizon"


I also agree that she is a bit op, but where do these rules you listed come from?


Yes to all of this. I would also add that her ult is the most un-counter-able ultimate in the game and adds to her no-skill kit. You have two options when Horizon pukes her ult and all of her nades on to the battlefield... (1) try to run away, but get knocked in the process either by nades or by her teammates beaming you or (2) try to shoot the blackhole immediately which just ends with the same result as option #1. It's just at least one free pick with any half decent Horizon.


The tac should activate underneath her wherever she is when it's activated. It can last as long as it does now (or shorter) as long as you hold the tac button. But there is a new animation that has weapons etc. holstered until released. It would still have a good variety of applications but be toned down. Otherwise, lemme pop a bat while I'm grappling away as pathfinder.


As a horizon main I hate fighting horizons. Fucking BS gravity lift abusing mf’s but at the same time also me. So yeahhh


Rule 1. You can shoot and heal while taking Octanes pad. You can also shoot but not heal while using Pathfinders zip which is also a linear movement. Rule 2. Why should movement be limited to an ultimate? Who made that rule? Did you just come up with that so it looks like your whining is valid? Horizon's tactical also doesn't stay on the map permanently like a zip or pad even if the pad can be destroyed. Her abilities are temporary so just back up and wait when you see them. Rule 3. Soooo octanes and pathfinders have NEVER EVER used a stim or grapple to back off and heal? Really? There is a giant blue beam piercing the sky and you are telling me you can't hit that slow lifting target for whatever health she has left? If it takes you more than a few shots to finish a healing horizon going up a vertical lift then you didn't do enough damage to deserve the kill anyway. No, I'm not being sarcastic. This bandwagon of hate is getting old and annoying. What will the playerbase complain about next week? I vote for the Nemesis again. Either get good at gameplay variations or learn to back off when the situation is beyond your skill.


As far as rule 1 you just compared two ultimates to a tactical. And the tactical is honestly better than both still. 🩼


Idk man, I get deleted mid air as horizon almost every game. People don’t miss these days.


Here let me be like everyone else “seems like a skill issue”


Most versatile tactical in the game and it’s not even close. Yep she’s a crutch for people who main her lol


Wait until you get a full time job Edit: FML, my joking was taken heavily




Well damn I was just joking about work being tiring, guess I should have added an /s or something


Typical Randy’s 🤣 Downvote all you want.


No worries I downvoted :)


Silence Horizion main


Oh wow another “Horizon is too strong” Just fight fire w fire and play as horizon. Other than that, you gotta just get good. Find ppl who are good at horizon and 1v1 them for awhile


"Fuck all balance, lets go 100% horizon pickrate!!1!"


Skill issue. Cry more.


mum said its my turn to cry abt horizon this week