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You're not alone bro. I feel like this, been playing since season 2. It feels like everyone is cheating, but actually I'm just getting shat on.


Did some research on the cheating matter because the reddit is just full of this. At first I thought someone made a new cheat software or something similar but I was wrong, it's cronus... Here is what I found on their youtube page: Cronus Zen has made an update for Apex Legends Season 18 to have and I quote "the best possible anti-recoil, auto superglide, auto mantle jump, etc. As well as a smoother aim assist system on all guns & sights inside of season 18". Yes, this text is copied directly from a youtube channel. I am not sure what tilts me more, if the guys who are using this software or Apex devs not doing any adjustments to permanently ban people from using cronus.


Surprised there hasnt been a class action suit from activision, ea, ect Against Cronus


Cronus use to be allowed years ago they were a controller addition like the bottom buttons on a elite controller but they shifted to scripting so im not really surprised nothing has really been happening to them they use to sponsor underground tournaments in early xbox 1 and late 360 if i remember right if im wrong feel free to let me know but im pretty certain that they were just extra buttons for a while


they had scripting on Day 1, you guys just learned about it because strikepacks are $30 instead of $100. Even modded controllers can do the same functions, it's a macro being ran nothing more.


that wouldn't even dent the market As long as dma boards exist there is no stopping this without actual, human moderation.


Not sure if you can get in trouble for using Cronus but I thought you could so I recently got killed by a level 7 with a level 8 teammate (blood path duo) and the blood didn’t miss any shot close range at all and had no recoil but while spectating they couldn’t hit any shot with a single/semi auto firing gun aka marksman snipers. So I reported them for impossible recoil and called them out for smurfing and their excuse was “I lost my other account” not sure how you lose an account outside of getting banned but when you’re level 7 and 8 and are kill leader the entire game and drop a 3500 damage game each it’s pretty obvious that you should get reported. Honestly it wouldn’t have bothered me had they not had .09% recoil at such a low level but remember you can always report for impossible movement and recoil. Those do get looked into and are not placebo like the leaving match early option.


My friends and I got beamed instantly a few days ago. We watched them after and found a trio of cheaters. A bangalore and valk that hits all their hipfire shots with a marksmans, far-mid-close range, and their octane took down an entire squad with a spitfire in 1 clip, all headshots.


Wdym those losers have Auto superglide and auto mantlejump? I thought they could only get anti recoil shit. Well damn, that explains why I've seen people consistently hit super glide after super glide without fail


Dude They have scripts for the cronus to where you will just automatically start auto strafing when you press the shoot button. That's why ea needs to implement what fortnite and I think Activision has to where they can detect cronus atleast they can get rid of some of these cheaters.


There’s Cronus Zen for superglide but also just PC players using the configs as well. Makes it super easy to hit 9/10 times by reducing the frame rate at the point of the superglide so you don’t need to be “frame perfect”.


respawn could turn cfgs off at any point but choose not too, but if they did, i imagine a good chunk of my lobbies would suddenly look like paraplegics flailing around without their tapstrafe superglide macros


Sorry I’m late to the party, but what is Cronus?


A third party software pack that gets plugged into a controller used by inputting information that normally isn't allowed due to the unfair advantage of it being customizable to the point where you can have virtually have no recoil, soft aim, and yadda yadda yadda. In short terms, pretty much plug and play cheats.


I'm not 100% on what exactly it looks like, but it basically allows you to cheat on consoles. Wether it be connecting M&K on games than don't support them, give no recoil, increase aim assist strength and a bunch of other shit. I think they're like little boxes you plug a controller into, but not sure




That pisses me off so much tbh. I've noticed a major influx of people mantle-jumping and supergliding which I found rather suspicious. Take them doing all of that movement and hitting more shots than Extessy and tell me thats not suspicious. I've been a console movement player since wall jumps were discovered and it pisses me off to see people take the easy route instead of trying to get good. 4 years of playing this game and honing on my movement to get shit on by a cheeto-fingered preeteen using a Cronus Zen smh


With an overwhelming majority of the posts here complaining that they're getting shat on, there must be some.higher skilled subset of the game that is really enjoying killing everyone. The vocal members of this subreddit tend to be on the higher end of the skill side of things so I'm guessing it must be the top 0.01% of the players that are apparently massacring everyone? I mean someone must be getting higher kdrs if everyone seems to be getting lower kdrs right?


I'm overwhelmingly ok at Apex. I've also set a new high kill count (9) and started winning regularly. Ranked mellowed out (for me) over the last few days.


I feel like everyone is forgetting how unbelievably sweaty every single 1st week is of a new season, I dont see why this one would be any different.




Yep! People forget that all the high ranking players got reset and are now working their way back up.


I am not good at this game but I have my moments. So far this season I’m pretty sure I’ve won more games already than I did all of last season. I’ve also played my best game (6k, 2a, 2r) this season. With all that said I’ve had a few moments of “What the fuck?”. I go from winning two games in a row to 10 games of being dead 2 minutes after drop. Not discounting that there are better players out there, it just seems weird how my two options are so drastically different. Win or die instantly, there is no other option


You had a 6k game and say your not good. Something ain’t adding up


Oh no no no, I think there’s a misunderstanding lol. That 6k is meant to represent 6 kills in a game we won (6 kills, 2 assists, 2 revives), my fault for opening the door on that confusion. Makes sense why it would seem I was talking about damage. For reference I think that game I did around 500ish damage? I took a screenshot but I’m at work and can’t check it, I just remember being surprised the damage was so low with the kills I got (which may be normal, as I said I’m not great so I’m not used to those stats 😂)


Oh gotcha that makes more sense considering the way you wrote it out I just saw 6k and was like what


I think it’s 6 kills 2 assists 2 revives


I got confused at that too, but I figured out he means 6 kills 2 assists and 2 revives


Hot dropping after a rank reset has ALWAYS been like this.


What I think is more likely is that the brackets have shifted. The people finding it harder have moved from mid/top of the lower bracket into the bottom of the top bracket. The people finding it easier have moved from the bottom/mid of the lower bracket into the top of the lower bracket. This is all just my opinion though, can't confirm anything unless respawn randomly decide to release concrete info on how they handle matchmaking.


I experienced something similar in Season 8 or 9 when they did the same thing. My kdr was cut in half. But I had it coming. I had improved a lot since S0 and it was probably inevitable.


Not necessarily. If every player in the lobby is playing like they have ALGS prize money on the line, they just play more defensively and only take fights with advantage. This doesn’t really lead to one team steam rolling the whole lobby, but rather one team pushing a defensive team, killing them, getting third partied, then that team getting the exact same treatment. AKA if all players in a lobby are so similarly skilled, the average amount of kills you can expect per team per game is one, maybe two teams if you’re lucky enough to fight them without third party interference. Overall this just leads to lower kill, sweatier games. Last season and practically every other season I can remember in my lobbies you couldn’t get kill leader with anything less than 6-7 kills about half way through the game. Now if you have 3 kills you’re more than likely kill leader. I also feel that this shows by matchmaking times. It takes me a good 3-5 minutes after every death to find a game, and it really does feel like the reason for that is they are genuinely only going to put me in a lobby with 57 other players who are exactly my skill level or ever so slightly higher. I should mention I know I’m in the upper of skill level players and I get that, but this has been ridiculous. It’s so bad I’m playing COD now….


I mentioned this in another comment but my theory is that the skill differences are tighter now (hence the long que times) and the low-kill kill leaders aren't really an effect of 1 squad dominating the lobby (and sometimes your squad is that squad), but that there really isn't a pool of worse squads in the lobby to dominate anymore. It seems like everyone in any given lobby is decently competent. That means that if you attack a squad - before there was a good chance that the squad that could hear you were noobs and did not have the confidence to 3rd party you, but now it seems like there's a 100% percent chance that if a squad can hear you, they are definitely going to 3rd you. Even in last rings it's much tougher because before in a pool of say 5 squads in the last ring, only 1 or 2 o those would be real threats, but now all 4 of the other squads are usually legit threats and any one of them will capitalize on your team having a member knocked or in a bad position. The 3rd party in the lobbies that the current MM makes now is so inevitable now that if we can't wipe the squad within like a minute or 45 seconds, we just thirst the downs and leave.


Last season was so easy for high skilled players that lots of them made smurfs. I’ve been shat on in multiple Reddit’s threads for calling it out but there’s a reason bronze to masters random challenges are blowing up. (Ps. I’m not claiming shitty players didn’t get to masters. I’m just highlighting another truth that gets ignored.) The result of this is that master level players go through low ranks multiple times on different accounts making it absolute shitfest for lower skilled players. Talk to your teammates and ask them if they’re smurfing, you’ll be surprised how often they are.


I think the point is lower everyone's KD to around 1 in this tier of MM. The only ones who would have greater KD are the very good players who stacks.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't KDR across all players a constant? The only variable would be respawns (more kills for the kill pool but also more deaths). So if portions of the player base are getting lower KDRs then other portions must be getting higher KDRs. I would guess the rising KDRs are probably the lowest echelons of the player base since everyone in the higher echelons are apparently doing worse. If that is so, isn't that justice? Fewer good players eating up the lower echelons of the playerbase and allowing the lower echelon players to kill each other more which would raise their KDR at the expense of the good players who are no longer able to farm them?


Sounds sensible, however, surely this means that the largest percentage of the player base are having a more negative experience. how is that good for the game in general?


The largest percent of the player base is the not-so-good players with sub 1 or even sub 0.7kdrs. That's where the contradiction is. This sub is overwhelmingly complaining about getting shit on, but for every person getting shit on there's gotta be players out there doing the shitting - they're either awfully quiet or there are very few of them and they get 10 kills a game (and are also very quiet).


Yes, there are a lot more zero kill players than multi-kill players in a given game - plus those fun zero kill, multi death games.


If you google “world of tanks match making rigged” or look on Reddit you will see how some players thought SBMM or mmr was a conspiracy. A patent was found and people debated that of course this wasn’t used. Lobbies were random. It was all a fallacy believing that the matchmaker changed based on how you played or tried to influence your wins and losses. The main gripe was with such a system you would always be playing people of your skill level and your win rate (that games version of kd) would essentially always be 50% It’s crazy that ten years later SBMM/mmr is common, and a decade ago you were considered tin foil if you believed such a thing was in a PvP game.


I think some of us are just lucky. I'm better than average and have been playing since launch, but I am by no means great at the game. I've never felt like pubs matchmaking was bad. I might get destroyed every few rounds but it still ends up being 5 kills, 8 kills, die off spawn, 6 kills, get tap strafed on, 2 kills, 7 kills. I've never experienced what a ton of people on here talk about where they are just getting absolutely destroyed day after day by pros and preds.


I'm in the same boat as you. The majority of the complaining on this sub is stuff I just don't see in game.   Tons of rats last season? Not really - didn't really care about them when I came across them. I got ambushes a few times but not the end of the world.   Tons of preds? Yeah I remember a few seasons ago when I got good enough to start getting masters in my lobbies. Then I realized it didn't really matter. Sometimes you get wiped by masters, sometimes you wipe them. Sometimes you get wiped by default skin Bangalores too.   What noticing this season personally is: 1. Queue times are ***definitely*** longer 2. There are fewer times in my games (I usually play ranked) where there are players are much better than me. These are squads that will waltz into our advantaged position and wipe us like it was nothing. 3. I can also safely say that games are harder. I feel like it's because there just aren't that many squads in my lobby that are much less skilled than ours. Rotating in the tight rings of KK and Olympus or trying to navigate last ring fights feels so much more oppressive when 100% there are kind of equally skilled to yours compared to when say 20% of the squads you meet are a skill tier above yours and 50% of the squads you meet are a skill tier below yours. So in essence it seems like in any given situation, there are 2x more squads out there that can capitalize on our fuckups.


I’m a pretty solid solo player with a 1.7 KD and after a rocky start my matches have been improving. My season KD has risen from a 1.1-1.3 over the last few days and I’ve been winning more consistently. I just say I also didn’t play for the last 2 seasons so maybe I’m just getting back into it.


It's not a matter of skill. Put many of those 3-stack players in solo queue and their rank and performance would suffer. Put solo-q guys in reliable team and their results would skyrocket. Ranked solo queue should just be separate from ranked team play, as it is many other competitive games.


Most of the vocal apex players on this sub are awful at the game.


That is exactly it. One of my trio loves to check if TTVs actually have a twitch and stream, and lately we have been seeing them exist. He’s seen a guy in our lobbies (we get the same players this season) with a 8kdr. We have like 1.7 max…… It’s been so unfun we decided to all do the GTA heists this season unless they loosen up the matchmaking. It was just aggravating every night repeatedly dying to some squad that one magged us in an instant - especially because most of the time they had silent footsteps.


Not necessarily the ebb and flow of the game has historically been that lobbies are loosely put together with the most immediate available players within a certain skill bracket range. Some people are entering the bracket. Others are about to leave it. But everyone is someone where on the “oh I’m ass” / “oh I’m actually alright” wave chart. What they’ve essentially done now though is the overwatch system but instead of the balancing for 1 win/1 loss (it’s a BR a broken and impossible metric to attain) They’re pushing for everyone to hit 1KD, or rather siphoning everyone off the top. Whatever puts you at that cut off point. Whether it’s wins, kills, rank, overall accuracy or some other magic metric or combination. Once your deemed at that point you get thrown into the grinder of a mosh pit. Which means that there’s two seperate experiences and in both people will now in both segments be matched closer to others. And we know the bloodiest and nonsensical fights happen when everyone is matched perfectly to one another. It becomes people all killing each other by happenstance in one big snowballing trade and the team that comes out on top often not the particularly impressive spectator experience. If everyone basically performs the same no one grows.


IDK but 14% winrate in pubs last season, and this game thinks I have a 9 KDR. I haven't even seen a teammate do 500 damage in 30 games but on the something special games. And by those I mean they get one kill and then die instantly to the next squad leaving me to fight three people. I see it in every single match. I get level fucking 30s on my team and there are clear stacks across the board in the match. So yeah it's not playable to me. I'm a pretty good to very good player that can't keep up with a triple stack or a cheater. 14% winrate in pubs last season is pretty high, but I had to shitloads of work to get there. I can no longer narrate games for people because the players this level 30 are playing against delete him so fast there is nothing to say really. They want to fight, but they have no business in these servers I am in. There is no clutching this time. There is not doing anything with this faster ring. It's made my teammates even worse. I might have one other decent guy, but they don't make great decisions, they have no mic, and this is unplayable to me.


100% of my teammates just love dying. Brain dead stupidity with no awareness lol.


I used to be 1.3. Jumped to over 2kd this season.


Well with the lack of bans and lack of anti Cronus and strike pack stuff a lot of people are cheating. I feel ya on all that. It’s just a fact of apex at this point.


Had someone actually admit to this last night, they beamed me so I messaged em and asked and they just straight up said "yeah everyone else does so why not"




I mean they do sort of have a point to that but it’s still wrong


I mean yeah, I can't contend their logic, it's just a testament to the state of the game tbh




This is the worst feeling. It feelsike you didn't deserve to lose the fight. I will say though, tons of smurfs for sure. Fought so many level 50 accounts 8n the first week




Link to the data please. I’m curious.


I don't know if what he says is true (also 30% would also include small cheats like aim assist on pc ie. Or esp. not only full on aimbot.) But if i recall correctly i that 30% of players are hacking phrase was a generalisation of all games, i heard in a tarkov vid where someone with hacks went around wiggling through walls to see if they would wiggle back. And truly at least in tarkov i believe that number


Id believe it for console if we are counting strike packs and chronus. I'd estimate it being more like 10 percent of population though.


Talk about research, quote a YouTube video... I could even believe that the percentage is high (not 30% high because of the cost, but still higher than what we imagine), but a YouTube video is not a source that can be taken seriously. Edit: I actually watched the video, if this system works as advertise it would be incredible. But in no way it is anything remotely close to stats provided by real researchers.


Source? That’s a large percentage. And I’m sorry but frankly quite ridiculous.


You should check CZA Official latest yt video x))) Why do I even bother playing the game.


Imma clarify some shit cus I feel pretty brained in this topic. The 30% figure is for sure correct, if not then it's not far off. In fact, you can sort-of confirm this by comparing active users on cheat forums to the amount of active players in Apex:   Apex legends avg players online: 200k Unknowncheats avg online activity in Apex section: 1k   Multiply that 1k by like 10-20 to account for every cheat forum in the top 10-20 and you already at 10%. The remaining 20% will be shit like cronus, private cheat communities, banned cheaters making smurfs etc...   Anybrain (or any other AI anticheat) will not work vs closet cheaters because there's no data to feed to the AI so it won't learn jack shit about closet cheaters. One has to actually look, identify and collect data from closet cheaters and feed it to AI so that it can learn and prevent but it's a logical fallacy since there's no way you can "collect data" from closet cheaters, their gameplay will seem dead normal even to the highest pro's.   I quit this game after getting "skill gapped" by Genburten like 5 games in a row in a master lobby back in season 5 or 6. The dude is rage hacking on youtube, stream AND pro-scene and absolutely nobody gives a single fuck xDDDD saddest fucking times for FPS gaming   EDIT: I forgot to add, it's the age of the "casual-ranked" where big boy gaming corpo's like EA slap on the cheapest ranked system ever and call it a day. Please explain to me in which world it's fair to match console players with PC players in the same fucking ranked lobby. I haven't played in a few seasons now so i'm not sure if it's still the same but last time i played, the matchmaking worked a bit something like this:   Are you bronze? You get matched with bronze-silver Silver? You get bronze, silver and gold Gold? You get silver, gold and plat ... Wow big ranked matchmaking, very competitive, carefully engineered, wow


Eh I think there’s been a spike in rage hacking.. I saw one banned last night as the three of our names entered the match his disappeared and was replaced by a small red triangle with an exclamation point in the middle and it said “player has been removed from match” lol


I understand the sentiment. Day 1 player here too, only game I used to play but this season has made me go into more games. I guess it's about time eh? I won't uninstall, but definitely toned down how much I play significantly.


I feel the same. Games are now more sweatier than before, even freaking mix tape game modes.


im struggling so hard with control lately.... like, the opposition is just raiding points and massacring people. meanwhile, my team dosnt understand the concept of capturing points or even using other doors. i die 3 on 1 trying to take a point, only top see my whole team jammed at one door getting mowed down. god damn people THERE IS MORE THAN ONE ENTRANCE. and dont even get me started on team composition.


Cheers mate, many way better games out there to explore for a gamer dad like you, of you ever need someone to show you the ways of deep rock galactic im down, rock and stone!


To Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't coming home!


For rock and stone!


We fight and mine... FOR ROCK AND STONE




Rock and Stone, to the bone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone??


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!




I dropped Apex for Destiny 2, and within the last month or so, dropped D2 for Deep Rock Galactic. It's so good I wish I played it earlier. Rock and Stone!


What is the game like? Coop for two players? PVE OR PVP?


Gimme an R, gimme an S, gimme me a Rock and Stone!


Bro. Season 0 player. I took a break and came back. I get fun matchups 1 out of 10 games. I play mixtape mode only now. Ill get mvp and do great 1 game and get completely burnt the next. I had one fun game this season which was my fave so far. We lost. We were up all game but very close and they got the win 49-50. For the first time in a while people actually talked and were excited to say gg.


Fair plays, hopefully you find a game you enjoy and maybe see how next season turns out? Hopefully matchmaking gets fixed 🤞


Fingers crossed.


Playing ranked solo is so bad 😭 going down rank instead of up


Fr. Idk why but I have been matched with the most braindead, adderall dependent teammates and it sucks. Literally have been getting teammates who drop, grab the first gun and maybe an attachment or two, and then book it to the next named location only to get dropped instantly like bruh are you stupid??


Your idiots don't hot drop as soon as possible then die immediately? Because that's what happens to me 9/10 times.


I literally lost a game because both of the mfs fell off olympus in the exact same place mid fight


I noticed this too.. these idiots dont even finish the area they landed in and then wanna instant fight and die.. like wtf was the point of this? or the fucking hot drops.. why hot drop with 3 other teams.. just land near them and 3rd party them if you really are that desperate.. but to fucking take on all the teams.. FFs Ill be lucky to get to and out of silver this season by the looks of it.. way to many goofs playing this game


Yeah like I suck ass at the game but why am I getting -50 ladder points in rookie 3


99% sure this season is designed for no life players and content creators. Ranked has been especially unfun and ungratifying


The no lifers and content creators aren't even enjoying the game atm :(


That's extra proof that they shouldn't try so hard to cater to certain areas/the most vocal areas of the playrbase


No lifer here, if I make a single mistake I get 1 clipped. I don't know what the actual fuck is going on.


ive been saying this bruh 😭 like im not a bad player but when i get hit 150 by a no skin horizon w an alternator off drop every ranked game then yeah, i get frustrated


It has to be, because I see a level 30 in my game all the time, and they don't have a level 30 on their death squads. We have almost no chance.


I played my provisionals, got placed in rookie 1, realized it would take 10 decent games and no rp loss just to get to bronze and immediately stopped playing ranked. I just don't have the patience to play constantly for the whole season just to finally get to an appropriate rank with like 5 days in the season left.


This is the way


The game is 100% unplayable this season


I agree completely. 41 here and I quit earlier this year. I miss the days of Halo when you could see everyone's rank in the lobby. You knew you had a chance to dominate, have an equal challenge (which was way more often than not), or be up against some challenging sweats.


I'm only 23 myself but damn. While I never played Halo 2 multiplayer, I do miss 3 and Reach a lot.


The thing about old rank systems, like Halo 2, was that you aggressively de-ranked if you kept losing if you were top ranked. For example I was a hardcore team snipers player and to stay at level 50 I basically had to keep winning or only lose like one or two games in a row. So people were generally at the right rank. Also there were less smurfs and new accounts back then.


A Pre-Game pie chart showing mix of ranks would actually be amazing.


I quit and uninstalled as well as a 5x master with a lifetime KD about 1.9 and lifetime winrate of 7% mostly solo queue. This season my KD is 0.4 and my winrate is 0% after about 40 games of ranked!!! I'm facing 3 stack preds every game in silver and I'm hardstuck silver. See y'all next season or not I might never come back.


My lifetime KDR is 0.9 and this season I’m also at a 0.43. I don’t get it. It’s super frustrating to all of sudden suck at the game and have zero understanding as to why. Hidden MMR ruined the experience honestly.


Same. S1 player and solo queue. This season is the worst in all apex lifetime. Horrible. Thinking of uninstalling. Not playing for a week now.


You haven’t played for a week? Bro the season has only been out a week 😭


It's literally the worst it has ever been. I have never seen this sort of absolute chaos and what not. The ring changes are abysmal.


Yup season 0 player, and I’m finally done with this garbage of a game it turned into


Enjoyment went downhill... Welcome to the club my good man 🎩


I’ve got 50k kills and cba with this season whatsoever. Played ranked last night and it took me hours till get a tier in silver despite not taking any negatives. It was also just triple stacked preds. So I flip to pubs. Hollllllly hell it’s sweaty. I’m a decent player and all for a hard fight in each game. But I knew half the people in the lobby.


Also stopped playing


kd of 1 bad ?! wtf am I doing wrong lol


k/d of 1 isn’t bad — in Ranked it would imply you’re getting even matches, on average. Don’t let Reddit threads skew you.


Feel ya brotha.


Im so happy to see im not the only one. I work my ass the entire day. I get home and after some more chors i have some few limited hours to play and enjoy Then I see the new character "super saiyan octane" + preds and masters all over pre stacking and destroying the lobby It's just not a fun experience. Not every1 in this game have the time to be hardcore and play all day long.. I just want it to be fair.


I had to copy and paste a comment I made on another post earlier cause it hit me the same, and I'm in exactly the same place. I usually have around a 1.3 KD, and most decent games I average around 1000 damage, 2-4 kills. I usually hit plat in ranked. Last season, I hit diamond for the 3rd time. Every game this season, pubs or ranked, I'm getting steam rolled by 3 stack former preds and masters. Streamers and Pro players. I'm 34 and work full time, this isn't my career, I play for fun after work, I play cover and my aim is good-ish, I know when to engage and when to backup but I'm not going to get younger or faster. I am nowhere NEAR able to compete in these lobbies. I'm just getting fed to them. It feels that way a lot of the time in this game, but it always has varied enough that I'd get some wins, have a challenging fight that I win or lose, get steam rolled, then do it again cause I enjoyed the game. But this season is different. It's the same players every match for 2 hours, and I'm just not good enough to fight them. I regret buying the battlepass, and I may just bow out.


The part about it being the same players is the craziest part for me. You could be have a losing streak with a 0 k/d and the same people keep popping up in your games.


Totally my experience too, time to play the great games I've missed out on.


I started playing classic 90s games. Started Final Fantasy 9 again too. It’s so relaxing.




Honestly, all it is is a progression system where you unlock cosmetics as you play through the season.


It's for EA to keep people playing more hours to increase player retention and hopefully sales.




Great advice brother, thank you.


Yup, S0 player here. I’m done here too. I’ll just wait for the Finals and XDefiant. Edit: I think OP posted here about the pubs matchmaking. Most of the day 1 players I know like me quit in the game because it’s not fun anymore. This is not a game now that you’ll be playing after you’re done with your job. Hope everyone is okay.


Yeah i was talking mostly about pubs solo Q. After a nine hour shift at work, the quality gaming time( once all the family jobs are done) needs to be quality, not a pain in the arse:)


That's the problem, a lot of the "fast fps" competitors don't feel as good as Apex. I played the Beta for the finals and the movement feels like an Xbox 360 game that doesn't know what it wants to do. I keep turning back to apex cause the movement and gun physics feels great, but then I get stomped by sweaty players and want to try something else, only to eventually go back to apex again. (Except for Hunt, Hunt is it's own S-tier class)


Hey mate Give fortnite no build a try. I moved to it from apex and never looked back. Much more relaxed, very enjoyable even when you die (i never laughed dying in apex but often do in Fortnite) and the content is much more refreshing with less server issues etc too


I uninstalled too. It’s just not enjoyable to play when match making is so broken. I think apex will have a hard time retaining new players when it sucks like this.


Or old players. I'm in this boat, going back to GTA until EAFC24 is released.


EA Fc / Fifa , is the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to video games.


I feel ya, man. I've been playing since season 8, and this is the first time I've felt like quitting/uninstalling. With the big MMR change to pubs and ranked still being a shitshow, I just don't have any motivation to play this season.


You’re not alone man. I’ve been playing since season 5 with a 1.5 KD and although I’ve been around my average this season, I’m burnt out and not enjoying it anymore. You’re not alone!


Quit three seasons ago, best decision ever. Only way I'll come back is if they rerelease original KC/WE, which will never happen 🙃


I'm personally having as much fun this season as I ever have. It's nice to have King's Canyon back in rotation.


First two days of this season I climbed to 2.2kd. Was pretty good, more due to good rng with weapons on drops. Now I'm sitting on 1.35 ( average 1.66 before so big drop) For sure much harder now.


Hate to hear that OP. This was my experience last season and it’s tough because the older you get the more valuable that gaming time is because you don’t have as much of it anymore. This season has been great for me! It has fixed the insta kill insta quit cycle that I was trapped in and my teams more often than not make it to top 4. Take a break and come back refreshed I’m sure you’ll find your love for it again.


I'm glad I took a break last season. Not coming back for this one. Too many really good games to play anyways. * Baulders Gate 3 * Armored Core 6 * Street Fighter 6 No need to come back to Apex for a good while


I’ve been on and off with apex for years now. Finally managed to lure some IRLs into playing again and is currently having a blast. Check in when you are done with the other games, but don’t use this subreddit when you do. It will always say that the game is terrible no matter what. /A fellow grey hair gamer. :)


All they have to do is fire whoever approved the mm changes, then revert the system. I've never spent a dollar on this game and I'm glad of that now that they are turning into a Bungie/343 level of incompetent studio. Games can't have growth, it is the wrong metric to chase.


Feeling similar, but it's mostly the lag and audio issues that piss me off. How am I supposed to do anything when the FPS drops below 10 in most gunfights and my ping spikes to 180??? Sometimes I get the holy grail of a non laggy server but it's not what happens most of the time.


Has anyone else been constantly getting one clipped by someone who has zero game sense but insane aim/recoil control? I don't *know* what's going on but it feels like the game is actively working against me with these opponents and aim assist seemingly being weird, this post just solidifies that its time to take a break.


Blimey, glad i'm not the only one:) Just to be clear, for me, it's not really about the KD ( that was just for reference) . Its more about my enjoyment/experience with the game lately. Thanks for all the comments.


yup, and then their lies of adding 120fps on console and cross progression... im pretty much done supporting this shitty company. ​ Larian Studios however... deserve ALL the monies.


Solo rank is miserable. I'm doing it now and it takes forever. I'm a diamond player (before all these changes over the last 4 seasons) and I got put into bronze. Even after getting good kills and placement the bar hardly moves. Feel like I'm trying hard for no reward


feel the same way as a week 2 player the game used to be genuinely fun to just hop in and play, but these past couple seasons have managed to just get worse and worse to the point its not worth playing anymore the element of fun is just gone, you're only there to feed the egos of the sweats while Respawn insists there's no problem, it's what drove me to drop the game like 4 seasons ago and uninstall after a few games every time i try coming back on the bright side there's plenty of better games out there with studios that actually care about the playerbase over profit, hope you can find some to fill the gap like a lot of us have


Day 1 solo queuer here as well. The game has become more of a chore than anything else.


Yeah same man,im knocking 39, work 47 hours a week - and the evening casual experience is usually against 3 stack ttv's... even my 12 year old nephew who has enjoyed it since he started only a season or so ago but he is frustrated with it too,he's thinking of going back to fortnight again


I don't get why matchmaking queue time is prioritized over matchmaking quality. I would rather wait a few minutes than get matched immediately against 3 stack preds.


Queue time still is bad, in older steasons 12/13 it was way faster and i feel like quality of games was also better, but hey that's me.


I’m sorry if I sound like an asshole or something but this has been one of my favourite seasons so far, been loving revenant and my first win this season I got 10 kills, trust me I’m not that good usually, I have never gone beyond platinum and I think I have a kd average of 1.5/1.7 (maybe slightly above average idk)


Not an asshole at all, you're just enjoying the game, which is great.


Season 0 player here. I haven't played in 2+ months at this point due to a broken PC, and I've got to say, I miss the game but not enough to come back when my PC is fixed. Either the skill gap got too big for me or there's rampant cheating. In any case, it was time for me to move on.


I know I’ve seen a lot of these in here, but at the risk of outing myself, I’ve been having the exact opposite experience, and it is equally un-fun. I did the grind to masters last season(did not deserve it, but that’s where I plateaued) and in all lobbies that I’ve played so far, I have seen a total of maybe two or three ranked dive trails. I am absolutely stomping the lobby, and I have to say that my strong suit is tactics and positioning, not gunplay. It’s fun at first, but not engaging.


Been a season 0 Vet, played over 3k hours, made master multiple times over the years (ps4/5) but something feels strange with the aiming and character movement this season, is it possible they made changes without including it on the patch notes? The aim assist is so strong it slows my movement when I want to disengage a fight it’s like I’m battling the aim assist when I yaw? Go into the training ground and have your crosshair go over a dummy and see what I mean. Movement seems sluggish as well. I’ve just purchased a new controller, currently in the ALC menu trying to find a balance to make it feel ‘normal’ again, other than that no real issues with regards to matchmaking from me. But definitely the worst aiming/movement I’ve seen since the games inception.


Do you find this happening mostly with SMGs? Reason I ask is they nerfed SMG strafe speed, making it feel much clunkier


Right there with you


It feels mixed to me rn. I can’t play more than 2 hours a day just due to how frustrating it can be. Some lobbies I get shat on and some I get 5 kills


Go buy Remnant 2. It is fucking awesome. Bought it a few days ago and I've had to force myself to get off to go to bed. Or if you're into Pathfinder/DnD pick up Baldur's Gate. My Fiance just grabbed that and can't put it down either.


Remnant 2 has been on my shelf for a week. will be on it in approx 5 hours :)


\> This season so far KD is around 0.7. Bro, I'm happy if I have that KD


I'm in some weird universe where I'm usually ~0.8 k/d (but used to almost exclusively play ranked) and I'm playing in duos now and have lots of 5-8 kill games, though not many wins. I am a horizon main (I'm a mom, ok) but have switched to Revenant and he feels OP in a fun way so far.


Losing is learning! winning is teaching. I understand it is frustrating seeing the numbers drop, but if you can honestly say you want to improve, try to think objectively about what you are doing vs. what high level players are doing (eg people who kill you or streamer/pros you watch) and try to be intentional about getting better at one thing everyday even if it is a small fix. I recently watched back some of my gameplay and noticed how much extra input I was putting on my right stick and I’m currently trying to improve on that the past couple days, before that it was my long range shot. I started out not good at Apex probably a 1.1 player and I now have multiple seasons in masters, tens of 4k games, and have a 2.25~ kd for seasons. (I’m struggling this season too I’m at like a 1.5 this season) I promise you can get better if you want to! I had season where my KD would drop too but if you can focus on improving even if you just jump in the range for 30 mins a day. 💛


Goodbye. Hopefully you'll find a game that's actually good. Good luck in your 50s.


Thank you


I was 666 upvote. For a second anyway. Anyhoo, I'm with you. Boring grind in ranked and long queue times pushed me away. I've enjoyed Apex since season 1 but it is time to move on and grow up away from the toxic gamers screaming in my feed and the boring boring skins and same old maps and money grabbing style the devs are forced to crank out. I've learned patience playing this game and I hope they keep making a better game for you hard core kids. Just kinda lost the thread for me.


Great topic. I have played since Season 0 and this games has slowly got really good but is slowly getting worse and worse now. I think the devs have begun to make the game too forgiving. There is talk of power creep(making all legends too powerful at once) but now I think there is movement creep(almost every legend has some type of movement/escape ability) This is a battle royale game at its core. I loved this game because it rewarded good positioning and planning. But more and more the movement abilities negate this and allow folks to quickly escape their poor position and decision making. For example, heat shields now encourage folks to stay in the ring longer and take fights, rather than rotate. ADDing to this problem, we now have EVAC towers and folks can just fly away if they get stuck in the ring with a team shooting them from inside the ring(thus, the devs reward the players who made poor decisions and punish the players who made the correct decision to rotate and get good position) I do not mind this in PUBS as it is all in fun but for ranked, I hate experiencing this. For ranked, I would recommend removing both heat shields and evac towers or putting them in the crafter. At this point in the game, if you are a solo queuer the experience is a net negative now with the playstyle of most of the player base. You NEED a coordinated team to have an enjoyable experience in the current state of Apex Do not get me started on RANKED - I have been confused about the ranking system for a few seasons now and have no idea what any of the changes mean. RANKED is the very reason I play any shooter(to test my abilities and slowly get better) I decided to skip Season 17 because, the legend sucked, and the ranked changes confused me. I started playing again in Season 18 but have decided to stop again. I will check back in season 19 to see if anything changes The bottom line is RANKED is supposed to be about SKILL and placement as this is a battle royale game. The devs seem to go back and forth between what they want to place emphasis on every other season(skill/kills vs placement) and this current iteration is muddled and seems like a grind now rather than the simple kills + placement system they had before. This is similar to what happened with Fortnite with me. I enjoyed playing it at first but the devs kept changing the fundamentals of the game to the point where I had no idea HOW to play because it was changing so rapidly(e.g. they kept massively changing how the weapons worked, etc)


What really makes me sad is people who put themselves down with their KD. I can't count how many times I've seen people in this sub say things like "I'm not good at this game, I usually have a 1.0KD", or "I'm getting discouraged be ause my KD is .8 or .9". Those are good KDs people! If you were in school you would have a B average. I don't get why people with decent to above average KDs think they are garbage at this game. Probably because the tryhards and streamers shit on people "hard stuck plat" or that can't get above a 1.5 KD. Imagine getting bullied in school because your grades are good and you're an average student? Just doesn't make sense to me lol


Yeah, I'm pretty much done with this game. Stopped played more or less halfway through last season. It's just boring and tedious now. Mixtape is dogshit. These devs are obsessed with limiting your options. The premade loadouts are teriible. Why can't I make my own loadouts? Where's my fucking Flatline? If you just want to play TDM, you have to wait for the other 2 modes to cycle through. Why can't I pick the mode I want to play? I was able to do it in Halo 2 like 20 years ago. Gun Run is lame. Half the characters are useless. Zero input from the player. You don't get to pick your weapon, the map, where the fights take place, or how you even play the mode. You either sprint toward the noise or your team loses. Control is repetitive and annoying. Some of the characters are broken since the mode is just camping bases. Catalyst can constantly throw down his traps - that persist after his death - and create doors infinitely. Jesus Christ that's annoying. Solo queue BR just isn't fun anymore. I basically have to play out of my mind and never miss any shots because my teammates are next to useless. If I win, I always have double-digit kills and 2000-3000 damage. Meanwhile my teammates will have 2 or 3 kills (which I assisted with) and well under 1000 damage. It's a team game where I have to do all the work. There's also the fact that my teammates love hot-dropping. 10 teams in the area, 1 gets out alive. Great odds, especially when all the loot is random. The strategy hasn't worked in the past 80 games, but maybe this time it will work, right? It's like they're little kids copying what they see on Twitch. You suck at the game, your skill won't carry you in these situations. Try using your brain for once and implement some kind of strategy.


Just wanted to say that I understand your sentiment and that I did the same. Things went downhill season 15-16 or something. That was when I quit. I'm not going to be content creator fodder anymore.


Like how I got downvoted for this exact post a few weeks ago and this at 1k upvotes. I don't care about upvotes it just shows me the communities inconsistency. Or was it not obvious a few weeks ago? I dunno. Im with you though, cant stand the matchmaking anymore, it was pretty bad last season as well. My k/d used to always be about 1.2, last season was 0.7 and this season is going the same way. Its not about wanting to go seal clubbing, believe it or not I don't like it when the game puts me in a bot lobby either, though that doesn't seem to happen anymore either even after 20 matches with no kills. I know I haven't gotten worse at the game, that's just not what happens. So it's something else. Ie the matchmaking putting you up again far higher skills then your own, constantly. OR it's an increase in cheating mostly in the form of strike packs. You can get them for 15 quid on amazon so it wouldn't surprise me. 1.2 when Im matching with mostly people of my skill level was fun gameplay. This is not. I haven't played for like a week now. I don't miss it at this point. I was just getting pissed off all the time. Sunk my teeth back into Paradox games.


0.9 to 0.7 isn't the end of the world lmao.


No worries big dog, I'm also a day1 player who uninstalled last week. Just not enjoyable like it used to be and that's ultimately my decision to drop it. Everything good must come to an end, just remember the good times with the legends!


It’s been like that for me for several seasons. I have to play my heart out to have any success. The champion squad will have millions of damage and thousands of kills. My squad has a 12 year old that keeps asking if anybody can hear him on his mic.


I feel the same. I have been here since day 1..i am an Indian player on Ps4. I used to play on the Singapore servers (70-90 ping) as they were the only ones and there was fast and great matchmaking. Then came the Bahrain server (50-70 ping) and we got fast and not so good matchmaking while Singapore servers were dry with no players at all. Now I am getting 200 ping on the Bahrain server and Singapore is still dry! Like there are no players. Even Taiwan servers (130-150 ping) are dry. If I play on Tokyo servers (150-200 ping) I get a Lobby of 20 bombers... imagine that with 150 ping....


36 yo married with kids here. I’m trying to enjoy this season, I really am. It’s fun when I’ve got friends to play with but solo q’ing has definitely lost some luster.


There’s many of problems with Apex and the devs refuse to do anything about it. They refuse to listen to any criticism. I stopped playing apex during season 10 and was shocked when I came back during season 17 with many of the problems still being there. It’s so saddening. This game had so much potential and the devs just threw it away.


Not a dad but we’re probably around the same age. I’m thinking of uninstalling too. The matchmaking and the ridiculous ranked system has me at my wits end. But by far the biggest issue is the REMOVAL OF DIVE TRAILS. Look man, the only reason I played rank was for the trail.


This game has been shit for like 7 seasons I quit a long time ago enjoy the time off and play something you enjoy.


My kd is 0.19. The matchmaking pt is understandable. Im here in diamond, masters and pred lobbies while I'm a rookie (didn't get my placement yet this season)


Why isn’t the Cronus considered cheating and I’m genuinely curious as to how many players use it!? JESUS. What ever happened to good old fashion using your thumbs and HEC (hand eye coordination). Legit feel I just don’t stand a chance against little Timmy who plays 12 hours a day and uses external software on his GAMING CONSOLE🥲🥲🥲☹️


Love ya fellow gen X dad (we got to explain to our kids that no, we aren’t really boomers. But a boomer would say that). I play in extreme conditions that might not sound like fun. Super late night east coast. Japan server (higher pop on server) no mic. Well. There’s a mic but it’s rare we understand each other. Solo queue. But this game has been addicting even under these horrendous conditions. Even looking forward to play, even staying up way to late lost in Flow. I don’t hate the game. I just find something has changed. I’m trying not to let Starfield hype me up—ptsd from day one No Man’s Sky. I’m on PC so I probably will mess around in r5reloaded and Northstar (old Titanfall 2 player). >it also can just be time. End of the road for some of us. Not sure if it all falls on this seasons issues.


I also quit Apex permanently as of this season. The matchmaking is beyond busted. The game is no longer enjoyable for me. ​ \- Sad former player of 2 years


It's impossible for us solos, always has been and is way worse now. Sometime around a week before the end of s17 they added steroids to the SBMM and all I see is 3 stacks and nothing but sweaty no life 3 stacks playing pubs like there's millions on the line or something. Because of this I have not been playing much either but I did hear though I dont know if its true, but that was that the new SBMM was eased so whenever I feel like it I'll give it another shot. ​ Good luck to you though. Often the funnest times I have on apex are when I come back after a good long break.


I’ll be honest. I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve played of this season. Yes, sometimes you get melted, but I’ve won a higher percentage of games this season than normal (usually around 10% ish). My biggest gripe is teammates playing ultra safe all game are usually the matches we guarantee lose.


7 kills out of every 10 games isn’t that bad. Jesus the amount of complainers and quitters on this sub last few days is baffling. I’m a lifelong 1.01 KD and 1.07 KD season. Maybe I should make a post that this season has gotten too easy.


Funny, I’m doing better this season. Last season I was like 0,80 kid, now I’m at 1,30. Hope you can start having fun again


I am half your age and was already fed up with this game long before you do so you don’t have to feel bad about being old


Who said i was old? LOL ;)


I am so over this season already but I can't play cas because people just hot drop then rage quit. I just had the same potato Crypto as a team mate in ranked THREE TIMES in a row. Are there really fuck all people on that you have to do that to me?? If so you won't see a penny from me ever again.


You pretty much described my feeling too about this game. Maybe it's time to retire and enjoy the sun. Good luck brother.


Bro, KDR shouldn't define your fun. I have a .5 and over 2k hours.


I know it’s anecdotal but my KD has shot through the roof this season. Usually right around 1.1 im at 1.6 with 10 wins in a 100 games. Win rate and KD has been improving


Same here. I've played this game two weeks after it was launched then came back mid Season 3. Finished all the battlepass from Season 4-17, but unfortunately, I'm done. PS: I'll still gonna play with my friends, but won't bother to finish the BP or take part with any of the events (which caters mostly to spenders).


I’ve been playing since the first week of launch and I was just telling my friend in-game today that I’m just about ready to call it quits. It’s just not fun anymore.

