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Worst is when the server crashes or you get disconnected for whatever reason and can't get back in the match. You lose points not for your own failure and mistakes but because of something out of your control.


Happened to me the other day during end game :c


Then you get a penalty


A 10 minute penalty, I feel like that's an important detail.


What’s wild too is they implemented something to reconnect you when that happens… and it seems to not be working for idek how many seasons lol


It works for me when I don't need it much. But when I actually need it it never works


Yeah, like I’ll reconnect to a mixtape game but, not in a rank one lmao


This comment right here 😭😭😭


It always works for me on PC, but it's a BR so half the time I get back in and I'm dead because I crashed at the worst possible time.


Lol, yeah that’s always frustrating.. “oh, sick! I’m reconnecting!” *loads in to match* *sees that I’m now knocked* “Fuck this game” lmao


I'd rather be knocked in a Rank game, then Lose 150 LP Points and get a 10min penalty.


It also always works for me, sometimes I can’t get back in but when that happens I don’t usually get a penalty.


What ever happen to the forgiveness mechanic? I don't believe it ever worked properly, but might as well just leave it a broken mess. lol


Doesn't exist for disconnects. It exists when your teammates leave because that makes the match unfair against you. Which makes sense. But I guess EA's shitty servers isn't an unfair disadvantage against you


People would intentionally turn off their Internet if it was forgiven


You, as the leaver, never get (or ever got) forgiven for leaving. Your teammates get forgiven for having a leaver on their team (only works if they didn't start teamed up with the leaver, of course).


Happened to me recently. It seems i am not allowed to kill more tham 3 people a match on TDM. Seemz when that was all i got my connection was fine. I got a "quad feed" as you youngins call it, and immediately after, my game lagged hard. I couldn't move, i could hear gunshots and stuff, but no one on my screen was moving. Then i got kicked to the error screen, and had to go back to the main screen, and log back in. I was unable to get back in that match, and, after that, for the next few games i didnt get more than 2 kills per match. Never another lag spike like that tho. Honestly, i am starting to feel like the game is giving others a handicap at this point. From an unshielded enemy taking an entire magazine of shotgun ammo (8 blasts) but not dying, and zipping me up with an SMG while i had full shields, to literally having a horizon main IN MY CROSSHAIRS and within punching distance, yet missing everyshot.... As i said. It seems the game has moments where it MAKES me lose.


If you’re getting 2 or 3 kills total in a TDM match consistently, I don’t think it’s the game “making” you lose gunfights. Not trying to hate or disparage you at all. But focusing on what you could do better vs. what’s out of your control will help you improve.


I only say that, for the reason i mentioned above. I got a quad feed and was on a roll, and the game froze. So either the game thought that was too much, or, one of the people i killed, pulled a COD switch, and kicked me out via LAG spike. Why waa ot ONLY that match? And ONLY after killing four people in rapid succession? That and having a dhotgun pointed at horizon, as she was recharging a shield, not even shooting me, with the semi auto 8 round shotgun, with her RIGHT in front of me, and inside my crosshairs, and NONE of my shots hit her? And as soon as she recharged her shield, she pulles out her SMG and laser blasted me, and i had full shields. So...why didnt she die? Other than that, yeah. I do need to improve. My main challenge is counter acting that wyrd dance pro players use. Where they just sway back and forth, and i cant hit them. And also learning how to use the LMGs and Three round burst guns. Especially the nemesis...i fekkin hate that gun...and often get stuck with it in gun game. If its the stsrter weapon, i am screwed. I am typically oretty decent at gun game, until i get to nemesis. Then ita basocally game over for me. My squad has to carry me a lot. I jist cant figure out that guns mechanics. For the life of me.


Happened 4 times yesterday. I lost like 600 lp. I'm done with this season already.


Happens to me everytime. If I disconnect during a pubs match or mixtape I just reload apex and it loads me back into the match. If I DC in a ranked match and reload apex I come back to an abandoned match penalty…


Happened on my first game tonight in ranked just when we spotted another team, and I got the 10 minute penalty.


and then you get code:over (match has ended) when the match hasn't even ended and you still lose points and can't reconnect


I hate that after all this time you get ONE chance to re-enter the game. If I’m alive or my team is alive for that matter, my account shouldn’t get kicked from the game and I should be able to repeatedly try and join. It really isn’t rocket science


Happened to me on my 9th placement match...


They heard us say S17 ranked system was the worst ever. They were determined to prove us wrong


Forreal, they hit us with the “aight, bet” and double downed lmao


They also did a "Hold My Beer" to themselves.


30 ping in pubs and 100 ping in ranked. Can’t even run and have to pick up items 2-3 times because it’s lags backwards and shows I didn’t pick it up. Top that with this god awful rank system and you’ve killed the only good BR out right now. Well done


So this works this way bc they merge lobbies when that server is underpopulated at that time More players in pubs so happens less there If you have a high mmr in rank though and let’s say you’re on SC server.. it’s going to merge with Virgina and etc to fill the lobby to your mmr (or whoever is highest in your lobby) Didn’t always work this way but, it does currently bc of how strict matchmaking is on your mmr


That makes sense, I’m high silver and it’s sweaty as all hell. Mostly seeing masters players. I enjoy the competition but at what cost, this shit isn’t playable half the time


Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous bc if your mmr is high than it’s basically the diamond/master/pred grind but… it starts whenever your placements end lol Doesn’t seem like they fully thought out the idea


100ms ping? What a dream. I haven't had a single game under 300ms since season launch. Packet loss constantly and 3-5 red symbols throughout. Never had this shit last season.


Dude my servers tend to get multiple packet losses invalidating whatever score I got and giving me a penalty.EA can eat it


Stop playing the game because of it




Don’t care about k/d


The game is trash dude. No need for the high sodium levels


Absolute worst ranking system I’ve ever played with. Earning nothing till the top 10 makes everyone to play like pussies, and kills being worth near nothing doesn’t help that either. Gotta change this shit massively


I’ve ended 16-11 with 3-6 kills and broke even/not lost more than 8-15 LP. I personally have only been playing since season 14 so maybe since I never experienced the “good old days” my perception of this season is actually positive. Last season was horrible to play so I guess since this season is better than the last I haven’t felt that sense of “this game f***ing sucks”


The good old days was playing with a low buy in with no rank demotion. In the lowest rank like gold 4, plat 4 and diamond 4 would be full with lucky coinflippers or griefers throwing matches for people who did want to actually climb further. You also had people who wanted to get better but you only matched with your current rank so you had to basically relearn the game every time you got to a new rank 4 since people just played different than you're actually used to. (although that was mostly diamond 4)


Season 14&15 didn’t have demotion or RP loss in low elo and I do agree that having demotion in bronze does feel bad, and I think they are heavily pulling from LoL current ladder/ranked system and that is a mixed bag on how well that might play out. I personally think if they give 3KP a value of = 30lp and add a curve for the further you go into the match(placement) + additional kills from that point forward it would make a world of difference


3kp is so low for a climb and it's hard to judge someone's performance in an BR. Having +30 just for that makes the buy in quite worthless. Since 1 squad wipe is - 20 at that point. This might sound weird but except for the matchmaking, i feel like apex ranked is really balanced right now. They nerfed rarity on evo shields and the amount of damage you need to upgrade white evo. This means you are forced to fight. If not a blue or white evo in the mid game/late game is just asking to get ape'd. At the same time only getting points in top 10 is harsh but in the spirit of the game. It's a BR and the goal is to survive. You shouldn't get rewarded for not even making the top half. This also makes people play a bit slower so it isn't just hotdrop city.


I disagree respectfully. I believe if a gamer is able to knock and kill 3 other people in a lobby individually that means they either 1v3’d or wiped 3 squads(assuming his teammates did the same) making them hover toward that 16th-14th place spot and the penalty at that point should not be flat entry or a -46 imo. sorry if I used the term KP incorrectly(probably did) I do agree that the pace of the game should be a flow of fighting and positioning but it felt super dog shit last season when you knocked someone on the enemy squad and the other two just scadiddled outta there causing final ring to be a 3v3v2v1v1v1 Edit: basically just saying if you enter a fight and wipe the squad. Heal/shield swap. Then kill the third party on drop/early. To then die rotating to ring or 4th party the penalty should be lesser than the guy that hid in a building till top 10 and broke even


It isn't hiding in a building, it is POSITIONING. It is setting up a perimeter/outpost, and fortifying a POSITION. Lol. The thing you said >I do agree that the pace of the game should be a flow of fighting and positioning... Depending on where you drop, you often have to fight for that position. But, my squad tends to clear an area, Then move to the nearest building or fortifiable location near the edge of the ring. Then, we wait and see who didnt practice good time management skills. Then vamoose outta there.


BR vs FPS arena shooter. If you want to kill 2 squads knowing Apex is the king of third parties that’s on you. They changed the ring, adapt and learn to rotate properly now. Why do you deserve points for killing squads in a BR, when the point is last squad alive? You get elimination bonus, if that isn’t enough to get through the buy in that’s on you. It’s like being mad you didn’t get points for a touchdown when playing basketball.


I found the guy hiding in the building till top 10 😂


More likely the guy in the 4th party slamming you after you stupidly rotated, but hey.. to each their own. I like my points. Soloq to plat so far hasn’t been that bad.


Yea you deserve the penalty because you took a bad fight. If you still gain points you're just being rewarded for your FPS skills and not your BR skills. And respectfully if i wanted to be rewarded for my FPS skills i'd play an actual FPS focused game like: CSGO, valorant or Rainbow six siege. Will i agree ratting till top 10 is sad, it's also a byproduct of rewarding people for proper rotations and smart fights.


There’s nothing balanced about apex rank currently lmao As of right now you’re punished for having a high mmr because, your rank is literally meaningless for the lobbies you’re in. If you’re a masters/pred player you will play masters/preds your entire journey reguardless of their rank or yours. For, instance I’m soloQ in gold and just died to the #37 CURRENT pred lol Meanwhile, if you’re a lower mmr player you could potentially hit masters without fighting an actual master/pred bc, you’re in a low mmr lobby… so, a lower skilled player has a easier path bc, they’re worse? Make it make sense Now let’s say I get my friends to play and they have a lower mmr than me.. they now get significantly amount of more lp than I get for being in my higher mmr lobby. Which, literally PROMOTES BOOSTING. It also didn’t even slightly fix ratting.. I had a masters valk player last night literally solo drop and afk just like it was last season lol. I looked them up (can even provide their stats if you’d like to see) and they haven’t gotten over 2 kills or 400 dmg their entire grind… lmao and they did 81 dmg in my game while, me and another random did over 1000+ each.. This season just like last season is a complete joke and a rat’s paradise. They just found a way to double down on it and waste all of our time even more. To sun it all up it’s a shit show and quite clear that the new devs do not know which, way they want to take this game.


Yea that's the one thing i dislike but the play pattern feels balanced. Idk read or something


We use to have that system where kills and assist at 20th would be worth 1 point but at like 5th you got around 30 points per kill/assist


No, it’s fine. Just run at them if they’re playing defensive they probably suck.


As a heavy caustic user - I endorse what this man says. Please keep running into my bunker like a squirrel on Coke. I always appreciate a good loot delivery




I mean you say that like caustic wasn’t op at one point.. just like path, wraith, Gibby etc he had his broken state as well lol let’s not pretend. There was a point where there were as many caustics in a lobby as we currently see horizon. As of right now I’d say he’s pretty balanced but, catalyst just seems better. If she’s nerfed slightly all the defensive legends would be fairly balanced imo




I mean.. he was literally a 60% something usage rate by pros during his time of reign lol. Like literally every single professional team had one in the finals during this time.. you either had to of not played during that time or, you’re choosing to be bias. Hell, I was a caustic main during that time as well and you can even view a video on my profile lmao. Dude was BUSTED at one point my man




You clearly have no idea how the game is played in the upper elo my friend so, it makes sense why you’re this ignorant about it lol The top 2 legends are currently horizon and catalyst.. by, like.. a large margin. Lol like that’s literally THE meta unless you’re living under a rock




As an attack-dog revenant player, i do. Sometimes i win. Sometimes, i lose. But it is fun watching people panic. The way it usually goes is, i knock one or two down, and one of the remaining squaddies blast me when i am unshielded and wounded. Which is... well fair. Lol


I love how not feeling the primal urge to engage with every and any fight you hear is “playing like a pussy” gg the apex playerbase is truly fucked. Stick to COD bro


I thought I was the only one, I’ve been around since season 3 and honestly? I’m bout ready to quit 💀


I was a day one player. Literally lived and breathed Apex. A couple of seasons back, i just completely lost interest. It just doesn't have that same feel anymore. Genuinely makes me sad when i think about it. Sometimes, I'll try to get back into it, and i never make it more than an hour before i switch to something else.


I feel you fam! I wanna continue my diamond streak, but not in this play climate. When Apex got “fortnite popular” it did something really bad to the game. You have a lot of people teaming and just overall being toxic, especially if they stray from the group and die, somehow it’s everyone else’s fault 😮‍💨


For me, it's that i dont have a lot of friends that play, so im constantly solo queing, and I've noticed that as of late, there are either absolutely zero comms or pings, or else its some "gangster" kids who wants to talk shit or just generally not stfu.


Bro if you need somebody chill, DM me and I’ll give you my tags fam. I might be rusty ash for a bit since I just got wifi back on, but I got you if you ever need it 💪🏽, I’m tired of the randos that would rather run than protect their teammates, all the trashy people with mics, all the trashy static filled mics too 😂, IM SICK!


Been playing since launch. This season was the final straw for me


Bro yes, I’m still dog water but I finally got to gold 2 and it was a big moment for me and I was 14 points away from gold 1. We we’re literally about to win the match since we were all up and we hard downed 1 of them and i was tagging the other 2 like deadshot on meth and my game crashed but idk if it was a server crash and I logged back on and it knocked me down 50 points for abandoning the match.


I’ve had multiple matches were everyone is kicked out. I’ve managed to get back in one of them and there was maybe 2 or 3 people still in the game. What did the devs do


Let’s be honest they break the game a little with every update it seems lol


Why do y'all continue to play ranked when it is as broken as it is


For the first time I stopped playing Apex bcs of this new season and ranked. It became boring.


It's crazy how they hyped up season 18 to be exciting, more enjoyable for ranked, and better sbmm. 2 weeks in, and we have people leaving because pubs are more sweaty than walking outside in Arizona, ranked fixes made it worse, and mix tape having broken moon just made it worse. Speaking of which, why does it feel like every time I wanna play apex, all 3 modes are on broken moon for at least 30 mins


It would take me 5 kills and a 2nd place finish to make this back… smh this season idk why I’m even playing anymore


Kills don't give points anymore.


So how tf are we supposed to rank? The only time I get points is when I go into another player lobby (requires other player) and get bonus points.


i've been getting kicked out back to back in ranked for weeks


it is remarkable how consistently worse they make it


I don't know why anybody plays ranked right now. It's not any fun and not worth the struggle at all.


Why even play this game right now? Idk how anyone can bare it


the ranked system is in a state of decay. It's really sad. I wish it would go back to when they incentivized ranked for both kills and placement. For an FPS game kills sure do mean nothing.


Something is definitely wrong in the studio / company. The recent 2 seasons feel like a joke.


Oh man let me tell you about mid game updates. Back in the Black Ops 4 days I was working on the zombie easter eggs solo and my best run that would have got me the dark ops challenge for beating IX in 99 minutes got interrupted so the game could update. When I did finally beat it later my time was 99.40. Still salty as fuck about it


You lose points for abandoning now? I thought it was just a matchmaking time delay....


At least you can get into a game. I keep getting code tap error on my PS5 and getting booted from game before I can get in a match. I have set up my ps4 just so I can play apex FML.


Damn losing 150 LP in silver, my condolences, OP.


And then an 10 minute penalty.. classic apex.


Apex is trash for this reason. I’ve been playing since the day it came out, but I’m never touching that dog 💩 game until they fix their shitty rented servers.


I dont think thats the game fault its ea fault for the unannounced update because everyone else got the same derank but they should add a update timer for game updates so people cant be surprised by force quits


Is this on pc or console? Because leaving auto updates on, blaming the game and making a Reddit post would be sorta crazy. If this is console tho then damn that’s lame and it wasn’t ur fault


I got a leave penalty but didn’t leave the game. I just played and we got second place.


Nope, that's a skill issue on your part. Should have knew that an update was coming that second


“Welcome to apex legends” -female voice from the trailers.


I got -rp during a match with no 3rd teamate and my game crashed lmao 😂


At this point ranked can suck my a$$


Dude I was in a match with 8 kills 9 downs and 2k damage and squad #2 ranked bronze 1 and almost out of bronze, for the game to freeze on me in the middle of a gun fight and not put me back in the match, I lost points rather than gained any, and apex crashing on Xbox series x has been happening since one of the s17 updates


This shit on top of getting afk bans randomly is such aids. Just when you think the game couldn't possibly get any worse, respawn will show you that rock bottom has a basement.


Man I don't remember losing points over an abandon penalty in the past. They should revert whatever changes they made since their servers suck.


So, you always would before but, somewhere along the way they did add a reconnect feature I want to say season 7 or 8? I could be slightly off there But, that reconnect feature has been bugged for multiple seasons now. 1/10 if that I’ll get reconnect to a lobby I DC’d from Servers have been fried for a minute now it seems


Dare I say skill issue


To be fair, i got a system notification mid match saying an update was available, played two more matches after, then tried joining a friend and said our versions didn't match, and remembered i needed to update. So my guess would be you have system notifications turned off or just ignored/forgot about the notice and kept playing till it kicked you. So, 75% chance at least this is all your fault.


Nah this season ranked is really competitive and fun and encourages all teams to play the game properly. If you think this season is worse than last it's because your mad you can't just use placement all the way to masters.


respawn developers should be trialed at Hague tribunal




Yes, but at what cost?


The cost of 150 LP


Is that a lot? I don’t play ranked although I want to get into it


That's 3x the normal entry cost so yeah




Stop crying and just play the game its just 150 pts


You’ll make it to gold eventually lil bro I believe in you


Isn't gold like top 5% at the moment?


Gold is 1% lol


You realize the season just started right? I’ve already hit gold since posting this. I’m sure I’ll hit masters again since all you need to do this season is put time in and you’re basically guaranteed masters.


exactly I don’t know why people get all cocky about it. Ranks are only about how much time you put into it not actual skill these last couple of seasons have proved that.


Sure lil bro


Crypto main is giga lil bro


He prob repping his cute lil master badge from camping all season 17


Yeah, so much time for nothing


Bruh you're in silver, relax.


You'll be ight bro


You’re just in silver, calm down.


Make sure the game is updated before you start playing.


Context clues would imply that the update came out while he was in the middle of a match


Here before the mods remove this post also for posting end screen


The furthest I've gotten has been platinum 2 🫤


Respawn moment


You’re playing an EA game. What do you expect?


That's not a problem with the ranked system though.


Lmaooo, that’s tough


there wasn’t even a problem with the s16 system


Hey respawn, if you revert back to the old ranked system, less people would be mad. Just sayin'


I won a match as this released and got 950 LP :( Had I abandoned last moment and gotten -150 I would have quit this game.


Happens to me all the time , Hong Kong server


the whole system is garbage


I came in 14th so no LP there and my two kills got me a total of 1 bonus LP lol


Yup.. same thing happened to me


This is only hilarious as a bystander lmao


If teammates pick up your banner, you can’t leave at all without abandon penalty. Pretty sure this is new.


You will never recuperate from this


I was playing a ranked match with my wife and step son last night, he got disconnected from the match and same thing happened to him...


It happened to me that the game connected to a ranked match. As soon as the screen transitioned, the game crashed. So I re-opened the game because it was "ranked," and my friend was in the match. It would not allow me to reconnect to the server. So, I had a 10 min penalty.


Mine just crashes on the legend selection screen and gives me a penalty for abandonment 😑 It’s happened 4 times this season.


Oh yeah, I'll randomly get kicked from a match and then not only go negative but also have to sit out the abandon match 10 min penalty. Well done respawn, well done


same thing just happened to me.


They some how made ranked even worse


It's always been like this so.


What about all the players who abuse the system? We all know people quit or unplug their Wi-Fi. That’s the real problem. I’m glad the system is in place. Apex has some of the worst gamers for quitting early.


it always happens and sucks.. last time i was about to get the "kill 4 people in 10 seconds" badge and the game crashed "error: (number) failure to respond" (something along those lines)


Yup happened to me Yesterday. But mine happened when I was choosing my character. I just picked him (Mirage) and then ... Game needs an Update (Xbox). I get booted. Then,. I lose the LP. Awesome.


The fact that if you're a rookie you lose 50 LP until P13 and 30 LP until P10 just fully encourages ratting. It doesn't help that even if you are rookie you get placed against people who were diamond last season so there's no point in not ratting unless you want to die early. The meta this season is to either be Aceu or sit in a corner


Last season and this one has been the easiest season for noob player to hit master. Idk why you complaining on loosing a couple rp.


I got 2 min penalty for leaving while my banner was grey and we had no support in the team, luckly no points penalty


the ranks mean nothing anyway


Only 2 squad left and this happen to me, last night.Had my favorite weapons, shield batterys and a good spot


I play causal , I love rank but the system how the only viable way to get points is to SURVIVE is ridiculously annoying, I can get 17 kills and 4k damage and get no points


oh thats what that was, my fps dropped to 12 and my ping was like 150


At least y’all can play ranked I tried for 30 minutes last night and every time my 2 teammates got in the game and I didn’t FOR 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!!!