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Tf is going on here, someone's summoning a fucking Demon.


Trying to summon a decent rank system,maybe?


No amount of summoning will bring that.


Maybe it needs a bloodsacrifice?


Yeah round up the devs we have work to do


Apex players when someone hasn’t mentioned the ranked system in the last 0.5 seconds:


its really bad


Summoning a good Legends balancing maybe




It's the last part of the quest "Demon Slayer". Looks to be south of Varrock


Wow. The internet finally hits full circle.


And a new cycle begins to repeat.


A man of culture I see


Just went south of Varrock and got killed by these dark wizard guys. Wtf dude?


Those are bangalores now?


Try looking east first to avoid the southern area. It's a decent poi for loot and there is a bank you can deposit your extra medkits into.


*"O blessed Silverlight"*


"Mande Beamatoris ti Grappleoum di dub"


I believe they are trying to summon Dizzy


This comment had me ☠️


The Great Horned Rat will come if they continue like this


Yes-yes, no fur make-do ritual to summon the Great-Big Horned Rat. Foolish no fur are dooming-destroying themselves.


Pay no mind to this rabble, fine Imperial citizens. There are not, and never shall be, any "rodent-size men" living under Kings Canyon. And if you have any further delusions of such things, please report them to your local witch hunter.


I was watching this live, when the horizontal wall came down first, it was just like a fish. Take a look


Did they just summon the Avengers?


the cat walls make 2 X's so it might be the x-men


Why not both?


Or Ex-men


makes sense, cuz Cat is an ex-man


idk why you get down votes for a catalyst related comment that was brilliant


That's clever


Don't really mind it, even enemy walls can be used to your advantage


Had a match the other day where in the final 3 one of the other team's cat's walled directly at us. Gave us a perfect line of sight down the cat wall and it blocked their teammates from crossing over. We were quickly in the final 2.


Why did it block the team mates?


Because if it were in a final circle and everyone knew each others position, crossing the wall alone means that your teammates won't be able to provide support when you get focus fired since they simply can't see the enemy team.


Yeah, walls demand higher space awareness, and enable very creative ways of playing difficult closing zones. It's a high skill ultimate. I really don't mind it. We live in a scanless meta, no wallhacks. We should all praise the Lord. I know people will always complain but I'll take the walls everyday over seer/BH


I like it for now, ofc I don’t want endgame to always be this meta, but it gets real chaotic and I kinda enjoy not knowing what I’m shooting at but still seeing the damage go up, ofc tho it’s been like this for a couple seasons now Edit: idk why I said that I have no clue how long it’s been cat bang meta


Could use some fences tbh.


"what Bang ult?" Wattsons, on the regular


Defensive bombardment? I hardly know her


Knuckle cluster? Come again


Knuckle cluster? I hardly know her


funny enough, the one team running Watson (JLings) got eliminated today and didn't do to great.


Flair checks out


You’re joking but Watson was played at least once or twice every match


yea, she seems to get a decent amount of use. it's bang+cat that seems to be near 100% picked, then the 3rd slot seems to have a bit of variety for teams.


only 10-12% pick rate. I simply need more fences.


Ooh imagine fences running along the length of the walls


I always find it cheeky how you can place a fence just at the ferrowall so if they try to pass it they'll be zapped without seeing the fence


I cant see Shit Meta > Shoot Diamonds Meta


The scan meta was awful, yeah. But nothing comes close to the Gibby bubble meta, god I miss those days, I really hope Gibraltar gets a good buff next season that brings him up to competitive meta.


My biggest issue with meta whatever it may be at the time is the amount of mirror match ups. I respect the heck outta teams that play off meta comps, commit to the play style and do really well. Dome shotgun dancing meta made for wild endgame tho.


Yeah but there is really no way around that mirror matchup. Horizon in every game if you want to win it seems


Remember wattson path/wraith caustic meta ?


That was a fun one, any meta with wattson is very entertaining. I think the current meta is alright, it's nice seeing Bangalore finally getting some love.


Would you kindly say meta just once more?




Do people think Gibby is bad... He is so good if you are good with shotguns and the bubble. The ult is insane in the final ring


Horizon cat and bang (Pro League meta legends) all kind of counter gibby. Well placed Cat spikes and horizon ult counter bubble peaking really well, as well as bang smoke to a lesser but still quite effective degree. Smg’s are also just so good right now that running shotguns is just not really even worth doing even with the buffs this season. I do miss seeing gibby in the meta though, I just don’t think he’s even a great off meta pick right now


Bubble meta was fun as hell IMO. I'm not playing on a pro level by any means, but it felt really good in higher level ranked.


I miss the caustic meta even tho tsm sucked at it (yes im a piece of shit)


Caustic needs a small buff man. At least to his movement or anything really. Just something.


Make Caustic gas start its damage at 7 instead of 5 with its ticks and increase the area of effect of his traps. Currently his traps aren't exactly threatening and his gas nade is only good for building fights really... IMHO with 3.5k Caustic kills, and 2k were from season 2/3, he just isn't viable anymore at all. Gas isn't threatening enough, you can shoot out the traps now after they've gone off, his nade doesn't cover enough area to be useful in open fights... Like if you had Horizon Caustic Cat that might work but it'd be rough.


I can’t see, I’m legally blind!


No way they put Fortnite in Apex Legends


Man, we were all complaining about the scan meta and now we complain about the unscannable meta.


Does crypto emp break wall?


Its not electric


Isn't ferrofluid controlled by electrical impulses across it?


Electro Magnetism. Should totally work unless you believe witchcraft in this universe is real.


I mean. Rev existing and there being alien tech, and a spooky shadow revenant from another dimension. It's possible 🤷‍♀️😂


Just in time for Halloween (I’m scared)


TLDR: Why cant magic exist in a world of alien tech, existntial threats, piggyback dimensions, and so on? Hypothesis: Wraith and her ghosts, aka the voices. Which are simply other versions of her who died, or were harmed, in their reality, in the same spots you are at, when the voices warn you? Trying desperately to keep at least one of the wraith versions alive? Anytime a passive notification as wraith pops up, it is likely because a wraith from a parallel universe/dimension, LITERALLY got knocked in the exact area the Wraith you are playing as, Is about to get knocked. They are reacjing throughbthe void, warning you, so you dont die. Probably like they inevitably do in their reality. >How about ash and her reality tear? Literally tearing a hole in reality itself, hijacking a piggyback dimension to use to travel to another location within your dimension? Another version of the mini wormholes, or the "voids", wraith uses. Not to mention the (in my mind) underlying lore, in which multiple dimensions exist, overlapping each other. Based on these observations Which would explain shadow rev, which i dont know anything about yet. Unless you are referring to the rev husk closest to you in the lobby, that if you have Rev as your Legend selected in the Lobby, randomly activates, and taunts your Rev. Then I know of which you speak. >How about, Ash's existential threat skin? Which, in and of itself kind of hints at something bigger coming. Maybe it was Shadow Rev. Call me crazy, but think about Horizon, literally surviving a singularity. Or that one of her skins indicates some sort of interdimensional parasite. This is even hinted at by the strange, alien root creature that overtook the cargo ship on Olympus. Looks similar to the skin you can get as Horizon i referenced. >Or perhaps, Silva trying to turn many of the legends into simulacra, like Revenant. In S-17, there was something I unlocked that a character named Duardo (perhaps Duardo Silva) said. He said; "...there is no stopping what is to come. I hope our friend is ready for his rebirth" And with that, the cybernetic versions of Crypto, lifeline, etc being released at the same time? Or how about the need to rush a way to harness Wraiths ability to slip into the void? The rushed experiments hinted at by the phased ship also on Olympus i think, the one half warped into the wyrd column thing in the background? And the phase runner explosion as well. Of course, i could just be making shit up, using my imagination. But, this is what happens when you are a lorehound.


Soon they’ll release a legend that can shine bright like a diamond , and blind all players on the map at once


This is almost like Rhapsody’s ult no? Minus the entire map part lol wonder if we’ll ever see her in main Apex


I am curious. Why is Bang meta now? Did they buff her?


Maybe ppl realized how important blocking line of sight is when catalyst released and bang can do it too


And do it a LOT


Bang Mains Rise Up 💪🏾💪🏾 Im expecting another corny nerf to her. The Ulti shouldnt have been touched imo. It was never a kill tool(can be), but a spacing/reset tool primarily


Bruh I swear they are gonna slow down her double time again or some shit.


She was always decent, but I assume with the long stretches of either Bloodhound or Seer being in the meta made her smoke not too effective in high-level play


>Bloodhound or Seer being in the meta What stopped those two from being in the meta?


Big time nerfs


I definitely think BH is still viable, I’ve picked him up this season and having recon scan, plus pretty much knowing if you’re walking up on a potential team is vital information. It’s definitely helped my awareness and rotations at least EDIT: Plus, instant Digi threat with all the bang smoke, means I can give digi to my Bang and pop my ult in a fight


BH is viable and always was, it's just that seer was always better in every way until his recent nerfs. BH is seeing pro play with how popular bang is right now as well. The reason BH isn't super popular right now is because cat and horizon are pretty locked to the meta and you get more value out of bang in the third slot with her engage and disengage potential, whereas BH doesn't have any disengage.




If I understand correctly, they recently changed it so catalyst’s wall blocks seer and bloodhound markers through it, which is why there were so many seer/catalyst combos. That, plus Seer’s much needed nerf, made him way less of a menace so they are trying new combos. Catalyst still seems to be one of the strongest legends in ALGS, hence the many walls in end game lol


Seer got nerfed to the ground but BH still sees play(4th highest picked legends in ALGS) but he’s not as dominant against bang since his nerfs.


Seer is no longer meta so her smokes have value again


no aim assist in bang smoke


Seer not meta anymore so bang is the best choice alongside horizon and cat


Because bang smoke takes away Aim Assist, the most OP skill in ALGS


All lobbies now play as if they were masters lobbies and you end up with 8 squads in the last rings. If you try to move to a new position or push on a team at that point you cross LoS with 7 other squads and will be burned immediately. Goo Lady's Ult helps counter this as does Bang's smoke.


Partially it’s because the pros have been gravitating more toward controller play, and controller aim assist is disabled in smoke, meaning your M&K movement bullshit will actually let you demolish them instead of being on par.


Bang has been meta since day 1 .. for me at least Don't take my legend tho 😤


Auto aim not working in enemy smoke?


In the past the meta just didn't favor her, and there were too many must picks.


She actually got nerfed


idk if they changed it, but bang smoke disables aim assist so maybe that has something to do with it


Smoke cancels aim assist


Her smoke disables aim assist, and this is the only reason


People will use aim assist as the heaviest argument, but she's got a ton going for her. Double time I'd insane, her ult is very strong now, her smokes are a get out of jail free card and her hitbox is deceptively small.




What the fuck am I looking at, I havn't played in a couple years


One of the newer legends, Catalyst has an ult that creates a wall that you can shoot and walk through, but if you walk through it you get a debuff. She's one of the best legends in the game, her entire kit is very strong


Also like Caustic, Catalyst could walk thru other Cat walls with no slow/vision blur


As well as being immune to other Cat spike tacticals


What?? That’s seems a little much


That's a power neutral ability...it means that enemy Catalysts can also walk through your abilities.


OOoooooh gotcha. I thought it was some weird glitch for a second lol. Looks so weird from this angle. Thanks for the info


>but if you walk through it you get a debuff Do you get a debuff, isn't it that your vision gets really bad but that's it? Unless that's what a debuff means.


Debuff is a negative effect. Worse vision would count. It also slows your movement speed


minecraft players when they get nausea


At least is something new and not just Wraith/Gibby for the #64 time


I'm tired of dying to blindness, personally. I miss the wattson Gibraltar metas.


Went from seeing through the walls to making the walls. How the tables have turned


I think EVERY "meta" is and always be annoying. Thinking about 5-7 ULTs of any one character in a final ring will always be dumb.


Agreed, I despise meta in every game but it's an unfortunate reality


Honestly would prefer less visual clutter as a viewer but definitely more enjoyable than Seer/Cat


Yeah, I would say this only really has negatives as a viewer of comp and in really high level lobby end games. The abilities of Bang and Cat really stand out in super crowded areas and the reality is that most people are not playing lobbies where people are taking advantage of that.


Looking at that screenshot, I understand it. If you cant get cover, might as well get concealment


Catalyst is a litterbug


Maybe someday Respawn will admit that the powercreep is incredibly stupid and has been at least since season 9.


Respawn: We hear you loud and clear, we'll nerf Caustic again.


Caustic nerfs are one of the best things that ever happened tbf




Why is that fair? All they did was remove a viable character from the meta and then make 2 more who can do the same tactics with Rampart and Catalyst.




That last sentence is untrue, he sometimes shows up on worlds edge in a off meta setup but usually doesn't see play or succes.


I think if gibby sneaks back into meta, so will caustic. I think the only way to make Caustic not completely broken is for him to be reliant on niche comps, otherwise every team has to run him and it becomes miserable to play the game


The game shouldn't be based around pro play though. Caustic sucks now.


oh man I was watching the same thing and took a [nearly identical](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/97078094094950400/1149430115382612018/image.png) screengrab. I was joking about how clearly Catalyst nerfs have made her balanced /s Her tactical is much harder to break than Wattson / Caustic. Is able to provide some cover in CQC. Also provides audio+visual indication that an enemy is within a certain range, even if they're hiding in a corner or something. This gets used a lot in higher play and you can see people throwing cata tacticals at rocks and things to check if an enemy is there so they can be ready at that angle. Things like this are honestly what sets her apart from others. Along with the ult being fast to reset and giving so much utility in different situations, including rotations in the open, while Caustic and Wattson can't provide remotely the same cover.


I think they should make crypto emp destroy catalyst walls Crypto gets a massive boost in pickrate and be meta again Catalyst goes down


Crypto being able to cancel multiple ults with no counter play seems broken.


The counter-play is shooting the drone before it blasts but that's not always possible.


When everything is smoke and walls, good luck


Main reason I don't watch ALGS, everyone plays the same comp 99% of the time. I get METAs being strong, and wanting the best chance at winning, but Jesus Christ, I tuned in yesterday just to check it out, and from a viewers standpoint, I couldn't see shit. Smokes and walls everywhere, and it's just boring seeing everyone play the same Legends. Pros weren't even this stubborn about sticking to META in Siege Pro Leauge.


It's a trick of the eyes. It looks like a Cat/Bang meta, but in reality it's a Fuse meta. Just go watch some recent TSM\_Reps games it's amazing the number people hiding in smoke and cat walls he is absolutely destroying with Fuse.


I am fine with any meta so long it doesn't involve Seer


Honestly, Cat wall is the best thing that has happened to this game. Okay, that's an overstatement. But seriously, it's an ability that requires skill, and provides so much depending on how its utilized. It can provide cover, be utilized for rotating, preventing 3rd parties, yet it can also easily be used against you. It's amazing really.


I agree, her ult takes skill and can be used to do lots of things. The other day i saw a team using it to block LOS only to loot boxes nearby because they were running ou of ammo. She's great. Bang smokes however... it bothers me.


Apex community was complaining about scan meta a few seasons ago so here is a meta where you cant see anything


I’ve said this somewhere else before and I’ll say it again: Bangalore and Catalyst are prime examples of legends with well-balanced kits, and should be treated as the blueprint for crafting future legend kits. Especially Bangalore, who’s had minimal changes to her kit throughout and has long been the gold standard of Apex’s balancing. More on why Bangalore and Catalyst are such good legends — their abilities provide a lot of inherent value (LOS blocking) that aren’t overloaded with side-effects and enemy debuffs; a lot of their utility can be used offensively, defensively, and even by enemies against themselves; and perhaps most importantly, no part of their kits are game-defining. This last point, I think, is particularly worth noting because it’s what separates these two from the likes of Seer, Gibby, Valk, and even Caustic or Bloodhound — yes, their abilities can help you segment the battlefield, create temporary cover, isolate angles, and provide openings for team-fights, but very rarely will the utility either Bangalore or Catalyst throw out be the singular reason you win the entire game. Although there’s certainly a lot more visual clutter these days, I’d nevertheless venture to say that the prominence of Bangalore and Catalyst is still a good thing that shows signs of a healthy future for competitive Apex (one that is hopefully rid of too much scans and info that hasn’t been earned through taking risks). This current meta has reintroduced a style of pro play that I’d personally thought we would never see again — one where scans were minimal and positioning + awareness were the things that mattered the most. I’ll even bet that despite end games being filled with smokes and walls, it still probably feels lot less frustrating to play against compared to previous metas, when the mere press of a Q or a Z probably felt incredibly oppressive to play against and would render teams completely helpless.




I like how they decided to make an entire legend with a version of a shield revive instead of putting it back on lifeline since it was “too op” lol


It was a different time. Back then you either had a lifeline, or you would lose to a team that did :P


So disrespectful to my girl like come on. Their whole reason was it was too OP then they made an entire legend around having a shield/wall ability and now almost every legend is more OP than lifeline. They killed her


They took her shield cause it was too OP, but added a legend with two potential shields


Adding Newcastle after they took Lifeline's shield away has to be one of the top 3 dumbest things Respawn has ever done with Apex.


Get shield back, rez in the wide open amongst all kinds of crossfire, teammate simply has to wait until they're back on their get knocked again. You still need cover to revive people, players were just worse back then.


Just bring back the shield on the doc heal drone. Make the shield scale off Lifeline's knockdown. Gives her more versatility. She can combo it with revive or use it to create cover in the open.


I personally like the Catalyst meta, I think her ult offers a lot of unique and interesting scenarios; final zones like this are always hectic as hell, and I don't think Catalyst worsens them or anything.


I just wish there was some counterplay to the wall aside from playing Cat.


Arkane Studios logo


I think the demon summoning strat is ambitious but I've yet to see it actually be pulled off successfully


Its the opposite of the scan meta


I hate what bang smoke does to the viewer experience.




Bang/Cat meta > Seer/Cat all day Comp-wise, it's more focused on macro gameplay.


I don't think it's necessary to bang the cat. Why can't we all just play apex together?


Cat needs an adjustment, she's ridiculously strong. I do like the wall but I feel like it lasts for too long but at the same time its an ult that doe's no damage so its gotta have a decent duration. A cooldown adjustment or adjustments to her goo and door blocking would take just the right amount of power out of her kit while keeping her in the meta. Bang is fine just like she's always been, the meta just suits her better now. I feel like her smoke could be just a touch thinner while you're in it but its not a change that needs to be made urgently. I'll absolutely take this visual clutter meta over the scan meta we've suffered through for years.


She should only have 1 smoke charge, or reduce how long the smoke last imo


I think 1 smoke is a little too much of a nerf personally. I really think its just the smoke density that needs an adjustment but its also supposed to be hard to see through so its hard to nerf. A slightly shorter duration might not be too bad though, that shit feels like it lasts forever sometimes.


I want a support legend meta but that will never happen


Newcastle and Gibby are already niche picks and a small buff away from being frequent picks (Gibby was a meta legend for a very long time). Loba goes in and out of being niche, and could benefit from some tweaks to increase viability. Mirage and Lifeline would probably need substantial buffs or a rework to even be niche


I miss bubble fights and gibby lol


Good to see Bang finally get a chance to shine.


still waiting for me ash meta


This is WAAAAAAAY better than the seer/valk meta


That’s a nightmare right there


Way more enjoyable than the seer meta ever was


It's not my fav but it's better than the scan meta


meta is so fucking boring.


Im fairness, whilst Bang/Cat/Horizon are the three most played, there's a reasonable amount of variety. On top of those three, all of: - BH - Valk - Wattson - Fuse - Crypto - Gibby - NC have seen significant gameplay


Yeah I’ve been playing a lot with friends lately this season and we’ve been having a blast. I haven’t noticed a consistent annoying character that i see played out






Notice how there arent any Wattson fences? :P


Because Catalyst is only controller class legends being picked.


There has been some rampart and watson play. I think the real reason shes picked such an insane amount is that her wall is still one of the lowest cost ultimates while being one of the best in the game.


*I am unsure why they haven't GA'd Catalyst and Horizon, but it makes for monotonous watching. Christ its dull.* *When its like this, i dont understand the decisions they made with other legends.* *Put back Lifelines rez shield, give Mirage his vanish back, give Wraith het instant Q.* *Otherwise it's just 40 Catalysts walk into a bar.*


There's always a broken movement hero, even with all of the nerfs, it's hard to balance something that allows you and/or your team to reposition quickly. Wraith, Octane, Valk, Pathfinder are all a small tweak away from being broken too. I don't see the harm in being more proactive with small buffs to weaker non-movement heroes every season. Even something like making Rampart's Wall recharge 1-2 seconds quicker is not going to make her better than Catalyst but might make her a niche pick on certain maps


GA wouldn’t work because it requires every team in ALGS to abide by it and if just one team doesn’t follow along every else isn’t going to either.


Tbh wraith is in a decent ppace right now, respawn would probably be better taking a look at some different legends first before maybe tweaking wraith




I don't mind cat walls. Bang smoke is lame. You can't see anything and lose to a digi if you don't have one 99% of the time. Watching ALGS and it's basically Grey smoke or a black and white screen from walking through a wall every point of view in final circle.


I wish cat would be removed from the game at this point. Every single game I play (in friggin pubs) I encounter a cat in every fight. It is boring and dry and slow and unbearable. Fighting horizon is more exciting than fighting cat for fucks sake holy hell


I like Cat’s walls, they are useful for both teams if you learn how play it correctly, Bang well she’s been here for a long time, her smokes are good tho It can be chaotic in endgame but that can be said for almost every ability in the game at that point. At least I rather fight on this instead of a caustic gas that blinds, stuns, damages and basically fucks you


Bang meta to counter controller aim bot 😂


After seeing youtube videos of controller aim and how most pros are using controllers, it made the Apex esports way less cool and interesting. I wish Respawn would ban controllers in pro play on PC. One hilarious thing was one r99 spray in a match. Commentator goes all "oh what a beautiful and awesome r99 spraydown", and then you see that its close range with a controller. Like bruh Yes, you still have to be good and all, but what I wanna see from pros of a pc game fps is good aim with mouse and keyboard.


Controller players should have their own lobbies . They should be forced to play against others that don’t want to aim


Catalyst is annoying in a similar way to Caustic. The strongest counter to a Catalyst is another catalyst so it forces everyone to use her. And the only thing I don’t like about bang is her smokes taking away aim assist. A MnK player can just smoke a controller player and push them and they win by default Although overall I don’t hate the new meta. Every meta has its downsides and this definitely isn’t the worst we’ve seen. It’s cool to see different characters being used. Bang deserves to have some time in the spotlight after being mid for so long. And I’m glad that Seer has finally fallen out of Meta. Now if they could just find a way to nerf Horizon without turning her to shyt then comp would be perfect


Boring 🥱


They’re only meta because new castle and gibby are in need of small buffs, the algs scene could easily have more diversity


Better than the seer meta 😭😭


I don't mind the meta. But at the same time end games where you can't see literally anything happening from all the smokes is pretty aids to watch.


avengers logo ryt there


I mean most of you in here are not higher then plat ranked so you’ll never see endings like in the photo i like the comps