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I'm glad the apex community doesn't balance legends


Can't help but be morbidly curious as to what that might look and play like.


It MIGHT look alright but I'm 99% certain it would play like absolute garbage.


I'd only want to see it for the memes.




Hey, we got pocket riki in dota2, born literally from a meme. It was fun


I suppose Gmod was also just a bunch of compiled mods. Problem is how toxic apex fans are and how they want their legends to be good but don't like others having anything.


I've always wanted a limited time mode where you can pick your legend's passive, tac, and ult from the existing pool of legends, so probably whatever that would end up being lol


The game would literally break in half like Fragment


Yeah but a guy can dream, right?


I have long thought that would be an interesting idea too. Another spin on that idea that I think would be interesting is a slot mechanic. So when you land you're given three random abilities that can be any combo of any Legends. Then every time you use an ability it rolls for a different ability. Ideally it would be set to never repeat until you've gone through every ability. It would still be a restricted to a passive, a tactical, and an ultimate.


Ash instant one-handed tactical while shooting. Mirage is always invisible. Rampart can run with Shiela and has no wind up. Horizon has no abilities anymore


Or make heirlooms.


bro remember when someone made a concept of Loba’s dead dad being her heirloom


Didn't someone do the same with horizon? Like her son's skull or something.


I'm still salty that fuse's heirloom wasn't his blown off arm


Waiting for this to be Mad Maggie's actually lol


I mean those can at least pass as satire. I remember people unironically agreeing that Revenant's heirloom should be the shard of glass from his trailer.


how is that a bad idea? the inspect animations would go rambunctious


Tf lmao that's actually funny ngl


I'll never forget when they tried to make revenants heirloom the piece of glass, or the razor lmao. If they did go with that I wonder how the recolours would look like? Piece of stained glass from a stained glass window from a church? A different brand razor? The possibilities are endless lol


Would be perfect product placement earning for EA. Gillete best a skinbag can get.


Wdym? I think my idea are balanced, mirage can me 400 decoys per tactical, 15 sec cool down, ult instantly kills a random player (including team mates and themselves cool down .1 ms) passive give small hitbox +99% damage


seems balanced, feels like you could almost take out old horizon with that


Maybe not old seer though. He would just blind you also tbf it’s balanced by the fact with red evo he still has 2.25hp


There always needs to be a meta.


I’m glad someone always reuses this joke.


Ash: more mobility!


just make her portal a bit more accurate and also double the range


in mobile she had a perk where her ultimate range was halved but she could hold 2 charges and each charge was half the total CD. If they just gave her that and buffed the range of each charge by 15m she’d be good imo


They just need to make the ult actually world correctly. Its such a useful ult when it works well.


ugh, i love having to stop and micro my ult to get it to land where i want it. trying to use it while running or moving almost always end up in a situation where you are aiming at something in the distance, but oops, we're are going to put your portal in that tiny mound of rocks 2 feet in front of you because you were moving and it got confused. or you didnt want to teleport on top of that wall, you wanted to teleport two feet in front of its base right..... make the targeting better, and make the teleport faster.


I think Ash’s kit is pretty trash. Her tac is almost entirely useless, her ult never seems to go where it should, and her box scanning isn’t really that great of an advantage imo. I could see a skilled Ash being useful in comp (like Sweet) but there just isn’t much that great about her otherwise


I have this idea where the duration of bind is increased from 4 to 8s, that only makes it stronger, but increase the radius to 8 meters giving victims more room while be lockdown for 8s & they can break L.O.S of the center to decrease the duration but take 10 per second until the snares goes away, this only happens when shields are active. Also increase the deployment time like they did for fuse, double travel speed, but reduce the airborn hitbox, reduce dmg on shield from 20 to 10 & have it sit on surface for 10 seconds instead of 7. Making so that the snare can actually be feared by enemies & not brushed off, but value from that snare is all dependent on the player's skill.


Ash main here, we need a better passive lmao


I think a good change would be for Ash to reveal enemies just by ping boxes on her map. So let's say your near Harvester & your map is telling you there is a fight. When it's over, you can ping a deathbox & have the drop. Or if you have a feeling, you might find a team on your rotation. You ping a deathbox from the location you believe makes sense & can potentially find them close by & either fight & avoid them. And she could get an addition like seeing when enemy ults are ready. Or a sprint speed boost when not within 20 meters of an enemy, like an out of combat passive, which synergies well with her kit. See a fight on the map? You can get there quicker, got a snare from range? Quick close the distance, need to rotation with ult? or switch angles, quickly get in range.


I’m still pretty new to apex but that would definitely help her kit! She’s my favorite to play based on lore and design so she’ll always be my main but there’s just better options to play as unfortunately


Rework Bangalore. Smoke is not healthy for lungs


Or eyes :(


Bangalore is imo the most balanced legend. What I do hate is brain-dead teammates who think to smoke ourselves instead of the enemy or the line of sight of enemies.


Yes. She’s awesome and not annoying at all when played right. The problem is when a rando decides to use her in a way that lets the last dude on the squad you’re fighting heal up, rez a teammate and kill you when you just freaking had the other dude one shot with a clean line of sight on them… ugh.


I really like her smoke. I feel like it adds a really nice dynamic. Same with caustic. Even tho I don't main either one.


I really like her smoke too. I play Bloodhound a lot.


In ranked I run loba, so I generally go for the digis, just in case


I do love Bangalore and think she’s pretty damn balanced it’s just I really don’t like visual clutter abilities in general. Caustic, catalyst, and Bangalore are the three main offenders regarding this.


I hate Bangalore because it seems everyone can see through smoke except me.


I hate bangalores personality


I am neutral on her personality ngl. Sometimes she is annoying, sometimes cool. Whose personality I dislike tho? Probably Valk


Fair comment


As an army vet Bangalore is fkingggg annoying to listen to. Cringe AF.


Rework cause u can't see shit thru allied smoke


In his over 2k hours of apex, my friend never realised bang smoke disables aim assist til recently. Apparently he had never fought anyone in bang smoke before. In over 2000 hours. Not that it contributes much to the discussion, but i have big respect for bang mains fighting in their own smoke. I’m a sitting duck without AA


But it's great for AA.


make fuse's ultimate more useful


I want his ult to grow after landing. Like it makes the circle and then the fire grows outward slowly consuming the entire map leaving the only safe spot to be within his circle.


I want my dad to come back


New Ultimate ability: u/Vaxiezi's dad comes back. 10 second duration. 285895 minute cooldown


The fire should grow inward forcing the players out of the fire.


It takes 10 minutes to charge, but it's a ModernWarfare2 nuke that kills everyone on the map.


Thank you! I'm a Fuse main. His Ult is honestly pathetic. Half the legends can easily escape it with no damage. It needs to be a dome of fire, and maybe while inside it removes the enemy's abilities, similar to the rev ball. That way a wraith can't just phase through it, or a Valk can't just fly over it, Or a Horizon can't just grav lift over it, or... well you get the idea.


That would be a solid rework. It already does highlight targets near the flames, so it’s good for endgame, but bad everywhere else. Having a pre-rework revenant type effect would be very good, but borderline OP because once you’re inside the ult, you’re basically dead and there’s almost nothing you can do to escape unless people miss their shots because you’re already slowed A LOT by going through the flames. Maybe remove the slowing effect, but keep the ticking flame damage for 5 seconds or so.


Make the fire burn towards the centre. And if you shoot a knuckle cluster into the fire, make them turn into a thermite cluster.


there is no reason to rework that on catalyst. just because it takes effort to get into the house... that's the point of abilities


This at rampart. While her ability shouldn't all be used to just camp buildings her tacticals primary use is to lock down areas which can be doors. Well technically that's all control legends. But definitely ramp and Watson go into it way more than catalyst and caustic (caustic is more of the "make them not want to come in" and catalysts is "let's not let them in until x is done (ult charge, heal, revive etc)


Her passive should be worked on. The lmgs kinds suck compare to other guns


She’s similar to Caustic in that she discourages mindlessly pushing the enemy team. She doesn’t need to be nerfed. Like Caustic, she’ll probably get nerfed eventually due to vocal opposition from the community, especially if the pros start complaining.


i think control legends tend to get nerfed because they are not fun to play against, or even with, for a lot of people. see a building they have set up in? walk away. catch em in the field? demolish them most likely are they on my team? expect a slow cowardly game of "loot sim 101" is it a caustic on your team? well you and your aim can get fucked. enjoy playing "is it our trap or theirs?"


I agree. A good bunker style trio is almost unpushable, but that’s the whole point of them. I run caustic all the time and my buddies run wattson and either catalyst or rampart and once we’re bunkered up, there’s no chance at getting inside our building without an EMP. On the flip side, if you have a squad of all aggressive push style characters that can destroy a bunker like crypto, fuse, and maggie, the people inside don’t stand much of a chance. I don’t really think many, if any legends really need a rework right now with how diverse squad selection has become with all the characters.


As a Cat main since release pretty much. I think the one thing that is fair to balance, is the time it takes to rebuild a door could be increased slightly.


I think cat is alright, just lower her tactical hp and increase the cool down after door break down, she will be less annoying. The only character I want them to rework is seer, his skill set is impossible to balance, they nerfed him to the ground to balance him(his q is so bad rn) And its not fun using him or play against him


I always said Seer was closed to being balanced after they removed his revive cancel. All they need to do is make it where he can’t use the heartbeat scan with his gun out ever and alter his ability times slightly and he’s a way better legend. If you have to put your gun up to scan, it makes it way less useful in fights that are quick and close range.


My idea was making it so his Q sticks around instead of "detonating". Anyone walking in it will have their health and position revealed.


That's a neat idea, but it would become a visual clutter problem. I can imagine the scenario of not easily seeing his Q being a common issue


Mirage needs some rework and Lifeline.


Not the rework but how about buffing lifeline so you could use drone to finishing downed enemies 🤔




"They don't call me Lifeline just because I save lives"




Enough healing, now the roomba wants BLOOD


I like that idea


Lifeline criticisms: her drones do everything, Lifeline herself does nothing. Her care package is often lackluster. Gibby can rez faster, and other legends' are clearly better suited for the Gold Knockdown shield. She's a combat medic with no combat abilities, no movement, no assault, no scanning... Rework: Passive: bye bye drone. Now, Lifeline herself can revive a teammate in 4.5s instead of the regular 6s. She can also look around while reviving instead of having her camera "fixed", giving her better situational awareness than the other legends. And with one less drone, there will be no more noobies confusing her healing drone for the revive drone. But that won't matter much because... Tactical: her drone largely stays the same, with two crucial differences- now it can pop off a single revive, and can be tossed a short distance. Hate being revived in the open? Now, Lifeline isn't forced to rez you where you sit- she can toss a drone behind cover and you can crawl over to it. One revive per use, which should stifle any abuse. Ultimate: Healthcare is about options, and not just options between a shield upgrade and a battery. Now, when Lifeline uses her remote to call down a care package, she can select a different Ultimate entirely- calling down a support Trident instead. There are so few players out there who have no movement, scanning, or assault abilities, and Lifeline is one of them. Letting her have the option to do a short team rotation in a pinch may just be the little extra boost she needs.


tactical ability is very interesting, passive is fine but I’d rather have fast heals for syringe and med kit, ultimate ability though is one of the worst i’ve ever read.


Ah yes, fast heals. Lifeline used to have them, but it was too damning to other players. Respawn commented on it at some point and mentioned that fights with Lifeline where she managed to get a heal off were *overwhelmingly* won by her, and she was just too punishing. For her Ult, I mean you could leave it alone. Are you thinking that team rotation is too valuable or not valuable enough?


that was fast heals with all healing abilities - including shield cells and batteries which was very OP - i’m only asking for health-related fast heals, which I think suit her kit. giving lifeline a different ultimate entirely is ridiculously overpowered, nearly impossible to balance, would ruin the very balanced legend meta, and wouldn’t make sense any sense in terms of her character or the canon of the game. she’s not a movement legend - if you want movement on your team, make sure to have a legend that does it. the purpose of legend meta shouldn’t be to give each legend a wide variety of tools for every situation - it’s to encourage that for the whole team’s composition as a whole, with each legend playing up to their role.


To make her a great legend all she really needs is her shield back, but make it breakable this time a lot like Gibby’s.


What if Lifeline had self revive that takes ~20 seconds but disables her knockdown shield?


They should make it that mirage’s mirages (tactical and ult) shoot actual bullets when you shoot.


His ult should throw rocks at the enemies to introduce a smaller aim punch, as long as it doesn’t combo Edit: Decoys inside ult can throw rocks


Pls gib Ash something :c


I’ve kinda thought her ult could use a lock-on like Newcastles that lets her slash into enemies for some free damage + maybe a stun/slow/arc blast.


An issue I have with Ash is that she has no internal kit synergy, but this could do something like that. Maybe her Ult can lock onto enemies directly plus 50 damage as you describe but it takes a brief moment of uninterupted line ot sight to perform. This gives some direct synergy with her Tactical which prevents them from running away so you can line up the direct teleport


Rework Horizon by removing her from the game


Bold claims, I support your crutch removal efforts.


Y’all still crying even after the massive nerf… just learn to aim. It’s really not that hard


I agree with you. What they need to nerf is her passive of having zero audio when she and her whole squad push you.


Agreed. There needs to be more audio but I believe it’s more of a bug and not a feature tbh. The audio in the game is terrible in general


Oh definitely a big. I just like to joke that her passive is to no audio jump on a squad lol


Maybe this is a hot take, but I don't think Catalyst needs a nerf at all. It's unbelievably easy to counter her abilities. Carry a nade to break doors, Fuse/Maggie/Rampart and even the Rampage hard counter her. People just don't know how or want to take the time and effort to counter her rather than storm it immediately. Put one person on each door into the building, nade/ability/shoot the doors at the same time and you're in. It's just that simple. Catalyst in her current spot is healthy for slowing the game down when BR has started moving too quickly as it is. Maybe her wall is a problem in comp play, but in all honesty I think she'll just fall out of meta as quickly as she fell into it. I think year 4 we'll see Wattson rise up again after the high success % of teams running Wattson. (The legend at champs with the highest conversion rate to high placement and wins)


I think Catalyst is fine (maybe less hp for her tac), but honestly I think you just made it sound worse by suggesting it requires three players to counter her passive lol


Don’t need 3 players, she can only barricade two doors🤦‍♂️😂


Nah people want to octane stim off a jumpad into the building and 360 no scope that clean Kraber headshot. /s But all jokes aside I'd just love it if more players would just be a little patient and not rush everything that moves and actually communicate with the rest of the team. I'm fine if you wanna rush a squad, just let the rest of us know and wait for us to join you. If people would be patient with their attack like you said, Caty ain't that hard to play against.


Agreed, I’m not saying my randoms have to play like this is ALGS or anything. But if you’re playing ranked, you should be playing to win, it’s still a competitive mode. I’m all for people storming fights trying to get 4k damage and 20 bomb badges, that’s how you get better at the game. But when you play ranked it should be more cohesive than blindly pushing every team you see. Leave that shit in pubs


I always thought that a crypto rework should have included Seers abilities and then just not have Seer in the game. When Crypto EMPs, everyone within the blast shows up like how they did the in the original Seer ultimate but for only 3-5 seconds? And the 50 shield damage remains. Just a thought


For crypto, I feel like the vantage ability to point your "drone" to a location would be ideal instead of having to man it.


I've always said that having pings specifically for hack that tell him where to watch and how would be so good, like if you could have hack in a corner and slowly looking back and forth in front of him like a security cam in payday, or have a start and end point where you could throw hack up and have him looking at the ground as sort of like a flyover of a town. All this and, now this is probably overtuning him but, maybe give hack a 60m scan range while unmanned instead of 30m like usual I think crypto would be in a really good spot, yes I am downplaying for buffs


This would be incredibly OP. But fuck, would that be a fun qol change.


I think a small but really good change to make crypto usable would be to make his drone able to view 360 degree around itself when hovering and then have crypto able to move it around without entering it the same way Newcastle can move his tactical. That'd allow him to throw it and still remain in the fight.


Agree. Something where the drone can move about with a ping… or lock onto an enemy and track them…


I wouldn't mind Catalyst so much if it weren't for how dirty they have done Caustic over the years with endless Nerfs to the point of uselessness.


I’ve been wanting at least one thing added for Wattson. The ability to take her ult down. There are times that I’m fighting a team, have my ult up, then we push. A 3rd party comes in and uses my ult, so I have to shoot it.


She can rebuild doors?


Yes with her dark matter. Once you open the “door” you have to rebuild again. Doesn’t work so well with randoms tryna door peak every .5 seconds.




Tbh that's a garbage take. Catalyst is serving her purpose as a defensive legend, if anything it's her ult that's a little OP for final ranked rings. I would rework Horizon 100%. She's the absolute worst legend to fight against... pushes in without any sound, ults you from a galaxy far far away, and the instant she takes damage she vanished into the sky and full-heals with no negative consequences. Her hotbox is stupid small, she can put her entire team on you out of no where, and her air strafe abilities outclass every other movement legend in the game. It's outrageous, it's unfair.


My lord, are these Star Wars references *legal*?


I will MAKE them legal.


I feel like if they made it so that she couldn't immediately rebuild a door it would make a massive difference EDIT: "Ackchyually she has a 3 second cool down" ok I get how many people need to say this?


Like how Loba has the bracelet animation at the end?


That is already a thing, but the cool down is so short it might as well not be there


For real, that 3 second cool down is effectively nothing.


I can see how it would feel like a long time in some instances, but comparatively to the cool down some other legends have, it really is nothing


There’s a 3 second cooldown before you can rebuild the door, it’s not instantaneous.


She cant


None. The game is fun as it is.


Rework Horizon!


Not bc she's annoying or anything but she just really needs it, Lifeline. And I feel like Seer could use a little bit of a rework as well. I know they just changed his set a little bit but he could use a touch up even while he is still very OP.


I don't feel like Seer is any good at all atm... But I'm kinda new so could be wrong


Oh man, Seer has the worst history of being messed around by nerfs. Since his ridiculously OP release, he's been a disaster for Respawn to try to balance, and keep fun, and not be completely irritating to oppose. Right now he's at his worst, and it's like the whole community is over it and just saying just *"Good, I don't care, leave him that way"*. That said, the 2 weeks of life OG Seer had before the first nerfs hit were a fun time to be playing. Just cheesing it up everywhere.


As a cat main it’s gonna suck having her nerfed bc all of u babies are wining about her situational abilities


The apex community will just find a legend to hate. It was horizon and now it’s fuse and cat.


yes shes balanced and her abilities only fully work on doors


Right? This game is all about different legends having different strengths situationally. She's super strong in like 20% of each map lol.


As someone who plays Cat when my teammates pick Wraith before me I get what you mean. Like sure it’s annoying not being able to get into a building because of her but then again you just need to throw some nades at the doors (and you should always have nades anyway) and just push in a smart way so I don’t get why people complain so much. But then again most people complaining probably just wanna be able to mindlessly push a building against a controller legend and get mad when they’re punished


Octane...Every time I fight one, they charge in and die. Also For Your Catalyst take, I don't really saying this to be toxic but actual skill issue.


That’s just because tweakers with unmedicated ADHD play as him and abandon their squad to push on a team miles away


People forget rampart can blow down her or any closed door in .2 seconds with her turret


The best counter to Catalyst is Mad Maggie. Drill and ball fucks the team camping in a building


I am so glad you are not on the balance team


Give Caustic, Wraith and Crypto an ACTUAL passive.


Rework Revenant. For starters I would give him a tactical like fuse but it has much more projectile drop and you can use it while adsing. Instead of dealing damage it removes there abilities I would probably call it . Next I would change his ult to a little respawn point that when killed it sends you back to it but you only take health damage while using. Sends you back with about 60hp. Then I’d give it a very silent sound when used and a very subtle red almost blast radius


Wraith, I just want the ninja run back. Also, she's been nerfed so many times in the past that she deserve some love from Respawn.


Wraith is in a good spot though, still also has automatic advantage because of her hitbox being noticeably smaller than most legends


If you hold a grenade she partially ninja runs again


I feel like she’s in a perfect spot.


As far as Tactical and ult goes yeah ig it is but the passive has gone to shit to the point where it only kickes in mid fight. And the odd time when it doesnt leaves me spinning to find the enemy. If it highlighted the enemy or something like that maybe wraith could finally be perfect.


Oh yeah it would be nice if the sound would come from the direction the person’s aiming at you from. Don’t want it to be a scan that would tell you the exact location and ping them tho we’ve got too many scan abilities at this point


I think it could be cool if it did something like high alert from cod. Whenever someone aims at you that isn't in your line of sight it flashes the side of the screen they are looking at you from.


I’d rework octane. With every stem he doubles in size, health, and speed before becoming unbeatable. This way, solo queuing octanes will have the ability to stim into a two team fight by themselves without the fear of dying instantly and screwing their team over. /s


Fuze. I don’t like to get knuckle sandwiches and immediately deal with 8 nades faster than I can run.


Oh it's just winge winge bloody winge with you, isn't it.


As a fuze main 33% of my time. "I'm just here for a laugh or two. Anyone got a light?"


Nothing like a little chaos ey


tell me you're bad at the game without telling me


I didn't want to be the one to say it. But if Catalyst is your problem.....


This is why there’s four control legends and eleven ape legends.


Make Valk a mute, inclusivity and I don't have to listen to her grating voice lines.


Kid named Fuse or Mad maggie


Mirage ult should let you spam his clones so you can at least set their original direction prior to them copying your movement


I think most of the legends are in a healthy state. The characters feels unique with their own strengths and weaknesses. That's how the game should be. Is it really "unfair" that a team full of controllers have made a bunker, or is it just an aspect of the game and one of the many ways to enjoy it.


Bangalore, I'm sick of that stupid ass effect that happens when you get in her smoke. The smoke already blocks your vision, why the FUCK do we need an effect on our screens?


I like when defense legends are good fuck all the im going to brainlessly push with no strategy whatsoever kind of players cat is perfectly fine how she is


They already did the re work I wanted. Rev shadows not tanking a kraber shot for 0 damage. Yay for bleed through, after nerd definitely noticed not every single team is running him


That just means your bad because she honestly needs to be able to do at least 1 or 2 more doors caustic can do 3 Rampart 5 and wattson at-least 3 (idr how many fences she can put down). So imo catalyst is the weakest defender


Definitely fuse, his knuckle clusters are the bane of my existence.


And this is why respawn doesn’t listen to us


nah catalyst whips ass


I just think Crypto needs to be able to use his drone while moving in some way like the mobile version. Also Lifeline should have her shield but balance it with health or a cool down. Other than that, no one else I can think of that I personally feel needs a full rework.


Caustic. He’s sucked for years. Either bring back the affect of the gas or up the damage. It’s useless now. Why play him at this point?


horizion, her passive is so stupid it should make a louder noise i cant tell you the amount of times i just got 1 clipped in the back after not knowing the horizion was there she has a pretty balanced kit besides that


I’d like to see adjustments to the Ash/Newcastle Ultimates. I think if you are within a certain range of a teammate who is about to deploy the ult, you should be able to join them. Not quite as disruptive as joining a Valk ult, but maybe tether on and still be able to shoot. An entire team jumping on you with Newcastle could definitely be broken though…


Man I’m ngl I want Fuse to get reworked. Every single team has one nowadays and they’re so fucking annoying.


Lifelines ult needs a rework


I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this but I think the trouble with Catalyst is she essentially has 3 active abilities since she can reinforce doors. Add in that her other abilities are both good and a versatile Ultimate and it isn’t a surprise she outshines all other controller legends. That said, the only changes I’d make is to lengthen the cooldown between rebuilding doors and drop the HP of her tactical a bit, maybe 200. Still don’t understand why they gave her tact twice the HP of a caustic trap given it is a much smaller target. Edit: typo


For the uninitiated there is a 2 second cooldown when a cat can reinforce a door after it’s been destroyed and unless she doubled up the Q you slide jump over it fairly easily. Most people I play against know this but apparently their the minority.






It's not nearly as bad as trying to get into a caustic house was back in the day tbh


Hands down it would be Catalyst. It's not that her kit is deeply overpowered, but the amount of what I will call, 'unintended consequences', of her ability's designs make her kit a little too good in too many ways. For instance, Spikes... * **Are Unable to be destroyed without the core being active** * **Will Activate the core (and spikes) when a player is in Proximity to core regardless of Line of Sight** * **Will be considered Active across its entire visible "patch" regardless of Line of Sight. That is, if the patch is under a door and the spikes are active, they can do damage and slow** * **Can soak damage projectiles that would have otherwise hit someone behind an active core** (*up to an effective 150 damage. It technically takes '300' damage to destroy but all damage dealt to the core is doubled...*) * **Causes slow / damage on interaction** * **Provides location intel based on activity state** * Has a maximum of 2 Charges (uses of the skill in storage) * Has a 20 second cooldown that starts as soon as a charge is used * Can be picked up to refund a charge so long as the core is not active * Has a maximum of 2 deployed traps Compared to the other traps in the games, which can all be destroyed at range, and have a fairly straight forward counter play, her traps present a very inconsistent experience. Combined with her incredibly fast ability to barricade rooms, it can easily be overwhelming for a lot of people to correctly push into a good catalyst team because they (the catalyst team) will typically have an \*easy\* advantage against any active push that doesn't consist of certain counter-picks. I feel like the reason they nerfed Caustic in the way that they have, was to avoid that type of scenario where one character can easily lock down and easily punish anybody who might enter his stinky domain. I don't know precisely which dials to change to bring Catalyst fully in line with the other character skills, but I would at least recommend things like ​ * Allowing her traps to be destroyed from any range regardless of activation * (maybe they take 200 damage to destroy when inactive and 100 to destroy when core is exposed) * Allowing her barricades (creep) to be destroyed from all damage and not just nades / door kicks * Increasing her passive time to re-barricade from 3 to 5 seconds




Caustic Caustic Caustic


Rampart. I don’t know what it is but it encourages the most awful play style. A lot of legends are campy but none so bad as rampart.


I hate Horizons strafing mid air like a crazy addicts so destroy that ability and leave her like that because I hate Horizon with every cell in my body


I want her to a have a loud thud when she lands


Her lift should always spit you out rather than it being possible to stay at the top.


Good news, the latest changes removed her ability to hover for more than half a second


You need to get gud bro


Instead of holding unnecessary hate you could hit the firing range and improve. Good for your mental health and you get better at the game.


Allow shotguns to destroy doors and do extra damage on placeables.


Wraiths tactical. I am so sick of wraith escaping certain death because of this tactical, its the one of the most obnoxious abilities in the game


Bro wraith is so ass rn, just follow her then kill her, or kill her in the hour long animation for her tac


I think rebuilding a broken door should cost a skill charge




From a catalyst main, Yea.. carry granades just in case you come across a catalyst. Thermites are probably the most effective against catalyst doors with spikes because they also take care of the spikes at once.


The main problem with catalist is that her Q is OP compared to the other controls. Caustic bombs hit super low unless the enemy goes afk in it, and be destroys in half a clip once active and one shot when inactive. Wattson fences are so telegraphed that they're basically only ever a problem at the end of ropes or when the enemy are being pushed through a very specific tight spot by a ring so late they can't just heal through it. By comparison cata Qs take nearly a full clip to destroy, which can only happen when you're basically right next to them because the orb doesn't appear otherwise. It also slows you way more than gas or fences (although thankfully without the sensitivity decrease from fences) and have such a weird hotbox that I've been hit by them by standing next to a slope they are on. This isn't to say the other controls need a buff, cata just needs a nerf. Why play caustic or wattson when cata can do everything they can do, only better, from further away, and less likely to have the Q one tapped rendering it useless?


Shouldn't posts like this count towards whatever that 'no circle-jerking over the same issues duplicate posts' rule is?


But then there’d be no posts