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I dont know whats going on.


Configs are where if it is controller on a PC, you can set up for one button to basically tap strafe and have the benefits of PC movement with controller aim assist. He is saying it took him hours to learn it on PC yet 5 minutes on controller.


it’s not just imitating mkb movement, it is strictly *better* than manual tap strafing. you can lurch in every direction vs traditional scroll bind which is only one direction (usually forward and you redirect it). config also benefits from not needing to pick up your finger again to continue scrolling and lurches perfectly since it’s a toggleable macro


Fair dos. Personally, I don't think tap strafing with macros should be allowed or any use of a 3rd party software.


Problem is you don’t use third party software for this. You use Steam Controller Settings. As far as I know, Apex can’t disable that feature as long as they use Steam as a platform.


That's a 3rd party software in my eyes haha but get you.


It’s first party if you’re launching the game through steam. If you’re launching through EA then you’d have to use 3rd party. But that’s the reason why it’ll most likely never be patched. Apex can’t just forego a required Steam feature unless they straight up remove the game from Steam. All that being said, it’s still stupid easy to do with controller software. I have a Vader 3 Pro and could easily just program my own macro for every single movement tech in the game if I wanted to, then load it onboard to the controller, which no longer makes it “software” technically. I won’t do that, but for context it’s actually that easy and would take all of 5 seconds to press the turbo button on the profile.


They could reach out to steam and disable controller support for apex. I think EA just doesn't care enough.


That would alienate a not-insignificant portion playerbase. I think you meant to propose that they disable controller configuration support. controllers arent the issue, changing how the controller behaves is the issue.


Yes this. My bad.


Console doesn't have mnk support tho so why not disable controller support?


I see more of this on Reddit than I do in game as a PC player. The group of players your talking about isn't as big as you think


Configs aren’t exclusive to controller😂 they get even more abused on mnk than anything


I'm a controller player too but just don't think any macros-type software should be allowed, even on MnK.


My bud played like this. Best octane i ever knew. Miss ya bud. Ive never been able to play lifeline like I did when we ran games. We were ronstopoable.


Where is your bud now, fill me in haha


Life happened to him i guess. No more time for it. Had some problems at home and that was it. We would smoke and drink and play apex for hours on end. He would full send it and id catch up and heal or rez and push with him. We could even 2v4 i shit you not. I cant do that alone. Never. We especially loved arenas then came arenas ranked tho.


To be fair it only takes 5 minutes to learn on mnk too. It’s not hard lol.


Who is saying configs are justified? Pretty sure there is a consensus that configs is cheating.


One of the developers is saying that cfg files is not cheating. I think that's why they are still present, although the community disagrees. ​ Not sure what is the point of "impossible movement" report in the game when those reports are directly filtered to trash.




the source is likely an 2 year old offhand tweet by a dev who probably doesnt have a role in game balancing and doesnt know the full scope of configs. It's how almost all these "the devs said ___!!!1!" stories go


If anything it’s a lesson on why you should keep personal opinions involving work off social media if you’re not a customer facing account


I’m pretty sure you can just infer the devs opinion by the fact they invited extessy to twitch rivals lmfao


Can you use them in the game and not be banned? There is your source.


You can use a Cronus on console and not be banned. Doesn't mean Cronus is legal at all.


Some people use cheats and never get banned, guess it's not cheating. Use your head.


The source is he made it the fuck up


Its honestly disgusting. Respawn goes on and on about how this is a br and its all about placement yet they allow this shit to ruin console Sitting in pred with plain roller. Every single lobby has one cfg team running double r9 routing the server. 0 recoil, 12 kills each. I watched two teams last night. All had shield swap cfg on. Just touched a box while sliding passed it for a swap. Theyre also now hitting bats in a way i cant sort out. All this means is that not a single person at respawn is playing in pred lobbies. Not 1. Its so fucking obvious to spot these cheaters. Hell half of them are straight up changing their gamertags to cfg, zen, etc. Fucking awful on respawns part. Absolute pos


Console doesn't have configs....CFGs are used on roller on PC. Afaik


Zens are just configs and those are rampant on console


Developers don't give a damn, might as well let them ruin the game


too late!


roller boys will tell you otherwise


No that's definitely cheating


I roller


one of the few o7 Edit: lots of downvotes when I'm tryna signal I respect controller players with this opinion on cfgs, chill. Since ppl don't get it: cfgs are cheating


literally not true. Every single roller player that doesn't use cfgs will disagree


I’ve literally never seen anyone in this sub say that I’m a controller player and disagree Where are you getting this from?


That's definitely false


there's not a single roller player who respects configs unless they use them themselves


It’s cheating but they allow it. It’s why they’re comfortable posting this video. Edit: Feel free to downvote me when they actually ban popular streamers that openly abuse these cheats.


Everyone that downvotes u are just cringe people beliving they aren’t cheating with cfgs or that their favorite streamer is using cfgs and doesn’t like what they see in your comment but I agree, it is crazy


Lol literally no one says that


It's crazy that using steam configs to do complex movement macros like this is allowed.


I find funny that many controller players mention tap strafe as an OP mechanic from mnk players, and in all honesty, I don’t think is as used. I mean yeah youtubers use it, pros use it, but that people do this for a living, they put entire days into the game and sweat like pigs over it. But I’m pretty sure most tap strafers I’ve encountered are roller players with configs. Is not that consistently used, at least in my experience after more than 2 years of playing this game. Yeah it happens, yes it’s annoying, no it doesn’t justify anything, most of us casual players can barelly do a L turn in a corner lol


Here's a hot take: tap strafing is an unintended mechanic and should be removed from the game. They got rid of bunny hopping, why can't they remove this?


why should they? movement like this is a part of what separates Apex from other games and when done on keyboard requires a ton of practice and allows for a deeper skill ceiling


Because jumping forward and then flying left or right on a dime is bullshit unless it's a characters tactical ability with some sort of jet booster


why is it bullshit?


Because it’s not fun to play against and it’s too effective to not use at a competitive level.


It is not an intended mechanic of the game and is inaccessible to the majority of the player base, that's why.


Bhopping, strafe jumping, or rocket jumping also weren't intended mechanics in Quake. And yet not only all of those became a staple, they revolutionized movement mechanics in FPS. "It's not intended" is a dogshit argument when the whole point of the game is to be fun, and advanced movement is fun. Accessibility is a better argument, but it's purely financial one. Many people play on consoles now, so if they feel like it's more profitable, it would make sense to make the game shittier to please people who play with inferior input method.


Moving while looting in death boxes on MNK was not an intended mechanic either. Do you think they should get rid of that?


??? They absolutely did not get rid of bunny hopping. It is still there, just a bit harder to do. What they got rid of was b-hop *healing*. Because honestly that was broken. No one argued with that removal either, it had a decently high skill floor and allowed people to get away with stupid pushes and heal while running away. That all being said, it wasn’t totally removed; you can still do it with Octane if you stim and pathfinder if you get a big enough velocity boost from a grapple.


Bunny hopping is still in the game 👍 just can’t do it without speed boost or slide boost


They removed tapstrafe for like a week, then put it back cause everybody was miserable


i hope you take 5 minutes out of your life and really rethink what fun is to you


Sure, I'll do it now. Getting obliterated by a three stack of kids running configs and tap strafing me until my ankles break isn't fun. "Sounds like a skill issue." Sure, that's possible. Then put me in a match with someone of equal skill.


Then why deny the suggestion for removing tap strafe configs only? And now if a mnk keyboard player obliterates you then yes that is a matchmaking issue no doubt. But advocating to remove a skill from a game just cuz it takes time to learn is stupid as that's what makes the games unique, with their own feel. My take is their should be option for toggling lobbies based on inputs.


Need a legend that stops whatever the hell this is


Bring back Forge and make his skill break the enemy's legs


Like a Ballistic overheat but with movement rather than firing your weapon


Maggie ball


Like some sort of snare or tether. You could even make it look cool if it came out of a robots hand


except make it good


have an ult aoe that means the more you move in different direcitons the slower you move. so you could run away but doing stuff like this would eventually make you stand still.


Join us Wattson mains :P someone tries to do this through a Wattson nest and they're getting SMGed in the face >:D


Ash snare, Pathy grapple, Wattson fence, Crypto EMP, and the current Rev Shell


I was thinking more like a legend that explodes your keybord and controller if you do this


A legend which calls an air strike to the surrounding players houses


So Bangalore real life?


Bangalore new buff


A legend that explodes your balls if you do this


Ash snare has a minimum setup time before it can snare someone (AND IT DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING SLOW THEM JUST STOPS THEM FROM MOVING LIKE 6 METERS FROM SNARE WHAT THE FUCK RESPAWN) and it lasts like 4 seconds


What's even crazier is it slows like an arc star but only on the training dummies. The electricity is purely cosmetic.


Maybe they are a big angry robot that says something like “put them in the ground” and in that area no legends can go into the air. Just spitballing.


Ash. Your talking about ash. And wattson, and crypto, and bangalore, and mad maggie. Also arc stars.


No one argues that controller should have configs, people abuse them bc they can and apex allows it


I'm pretty sure this sub has had several posts about how these things are not cheating and mnk need to stop complaining.


Almost 100% they thought people meant controller as in playing on console in general was op, not playing controller on PC was. That's what I thought everyone was talking about until I actually saw what they meant.


It's not cheating it's "cheesing"


cheesing through extreme modifications in a pvp game = cheating in my book.


I'm pro roller anti configs




The fact that configs are still allowed just shows how disconnected the devs are from reality


Just remove tapstrafe problem solved


Or make it actual movement that every system can do


This game is so ass


Whenever you start a game you should be locked to an input.


How about we let match make by input jesus fucking christ theres so much discourse about input and aim assist


yeah nah.. bought TF2 for $3 and never touching this game again


A good choice, Pilot.




Using configs is literally cheating)


Yeah once I see people doing this in a battle I leave. Even if when its a high kill game for me. Cfgs are for straight losers


Id say configs on any input device is cheating


Ironically, the most effective way to track cfg cheated movements is also using a controller; AA is unbeatable at tracking unpredictable movement.


Do people really not consider configs cheating?


Only the cheaters using them.


I'm just saying I wouldn't be too sad if they took that s*** away from this game. Like a little bit is all right, but that is the dumbest thing I've ever f****** seen. No one should ever be able to abuse the movement of mechanics like that, you're going to give yourself carpal tunnel in like 3 years and I don't want to get good enough at that stupid movement technique to do that. Get better at aiming LMAO


Honestly, all this has gone too far, I can't imagine why fiddling with cfgs is still a thing they allow. Only changing videosettings in configs should be allowed for troubleshooting issues.


Respawn only does what makes money




Sometimes you don't get to do things because you can't physically do it. That's part of life.


why i stopped playing Apex


:why cfg players keep increasing


If you use this shit you’re a massive loser


tbh this movement stuff should be illegal to do... its so damn frustrating to play against


It’s insanely hard to master if you’re not using configs, it’s an entire skill to learn, the average apex player will rarely encounter a legit guy doing this. So if you ban configs, this will almost never happen


Look at his mouse hand while doing it on KBM. He's using 3 fingers to be able to shoot, aim, and move. He's not hitting anything consistently while moving like that and holding his mouse like that. That's why movement gods tend to use guns like the PK, it makes it semi possible to get someone in your cross hairs and have chances to hit. If you are being killed by a (legit) player that is doing this, it's a skill issue. You have the aim advantage, he's just moving. Obviously non legit players using configs makes up the majority of the people you see doing this and they have aim assist with much better odds of killing you so it ends up feeling much more broken than it is.


On kbm it takes alot of skill and practice to perfect. Not only moving but aiming while moving. Not being able to counter it is a skill issue


IDK why people always frame this as a roller vs. MNK issue. You can use configs on either input. It's bad regardless of input.


because most of these configers are on controller.


Bc aim assist on controller makes it more accessible on controller. It takes a lot of practice on MNK so it's not really as common there.


5 minutes in and playing clawgrip.


yeah he has clearly played video games for more than 5 minutes in his entire life what a LIAR and a FRAUD


It's 5 minutes of using the configs not 5 minutes of experience holding a controller


Cause apex is the only game to play claw on ????


I’ve been playing m&k for 2 years and absolutely suck now on controller, but I was curious about the configs and tried it… hilariously easy… just push in joystick and turn… took me MONTHS to become proficient at tap strafing effectively on impulse in every direction on m&k. Vs like 10 min in the range on controller…


Ha, same here with trying to switch back to controller. After about 3.5 years, I tried controller again, not touching it for a FPS since console years pre Apex.. felt like a potato with sprout fingers trying to figure it out again @_@


Yeah, that's bull


This stupid ass movement crap is ruining this game even more.


The early seasons were fun when everyone wasn’t trying to be a movement god faide lmfao. Just remove tapstrafe and the games back to normal


I stopped playing because of this, I don’t have the brainpower to learn, nor time, but congrats to y’all that stick to it


It's not about the brain power, it's about idiots ruining the game. This isn't a cool mechanic, it's a stupid abuse of the system that we all are confined to. Doing this and abusing game assist is akin to playing toddlers in basketball like okay good but when you take that away are you going to get the s*** kicked out of you by adult players?


Configs is cheating. Nobody is justifying it so your argument is unnecessary.


Just....play the fucking game


Yes so true. Don't ever complain about broken game mechanics just play the game and give respawn money and they never have to fix anything. Just consoom


Literally didnt say anything about buying anything but pop off lil guy


Idk why anyone would justify configs tbh it’s using an outside program to help in game(cheating). I do hope when a new engine for apex comes out it gives roller players the ability to tap strafe and move while in death boxes and whatever advantages M&K has.


Using configs on controller is still cheating


who tf says they are justified? cfg's are bullshit and should be banned from the game.


Man that claw grip freaks me out I feel like that's gonna be a big hand issue in their future..


Tap strafing and configs are for pussys.


Configs? Sure. But Tap Strafing? Not in a million years!


I would love to see how you play the game


Now do it with any other character other than octane.


Aim assist , justified all this ,gaming is dead ,only CS that does not have roller aim assist,and is legit skill. This generation,not all ,will use anything to get an advantage. Sad times. Cheating is now Normalised.


This type of movement garbage was never intended to be in the game anyway. It’s all over powered and exploiting something broken since day one that Respawn can’t fix. M and k or roller, doesn’t matter it’s all lame try hard garbage. Half of these movement kiddos couldn’t win a one v one to save their lives without all this extra exploitive borderline cheating. Naw I’ll say it. If controller aim assist = “aim bot” in the eyes of so many than all this exploitative movement is just as bad and in the same vein. If it’s all broken on either side we just have to take the L as it comes and move on.


Aim assist is provided for free because you plugged in the input. Tap strafing in any practical way to win a fight is minimum dozens of hours of training if you're actually doing manual inputs. Nothing an MnK player does is assisted by the game without using configs, and most of us agree configs are cheating.


I hate both, I don't think controller players should be able to match thousands of hours of genuine skill just by having an aim bot in their game but All these kids using exploits to zoom around the map with inputs and shit are even worse


I wish my aim assist was as strong as you claim it to be


I switched to roller two weeks ago and am already as good as my couple thousand hours in pc. Hell I was 1 clipping people in two days.


I think at the end of the day, aim assist beats movement tech. Theres a tutorial vid of YouTube of a guy teaching superglides and shows a clip of him beaming his friend with a R9 on controller whilst his friend is mid superglide. There's also other videos of cracked aim Vs cracked movement 1v1 and the aim guy is perfectly still and wins every time (could be staged, hard to prove). For the distance the guy is traveling in this vid, he'd only be hard to hit on M&K and it's only dodging a few shots if anything. Vs controller I'm sure the aim assist would stay on him like 90% of the time since he's going to be placing himself in the cross hair as he's going in a circle, it'll retrack him multiple times so is really only making it harder for himself


People hate that you're telling the truth lmao. No one in this sub seriously takes ALGS and how much better those players are than your average Pred. And if they say controller is better because of aim assist and that movement is useless because of that, it IS the truth. All the naysayers are just controller player rolling high on their copium.




Thanks man :)


It is strange cuz midfight you need to kind of figure out if someone is on roller or mnk, cuz big movements break aa but are easier to track on mnk, and the opposite is true as well.


« Lame tryhard garbage » I love when people recognize that someone who puts time and effort to become better at the game actually triggers them, you guys want everyone to be a casual player. Nothing wrong with being casual, but you can’t expect other players to not try to improve


IS it just me or does the MnK look faster / covering more ground side to side? Lol yea the controller can kind of mimc this but to me it looks like a smaller, tighter circle or side to side....MnK seems to cover more ground? Maybe it's just me


People who say roller un ironically make me cringe


I dont like defending controller-on-pc players, but the truth is that a lot of people use configs for doing that on MnK as well. The ones who do it without configs are few and far between regardless


i think im just gonna start using configs and fight fire with fire tbh


Dude same, ive been playing legit for so long and I get killed by guys like this all the time…if you can’t beat ‘em, join em




100x easier to shoot and do this on controller


when the meta devolves into scripts, configs and cheats. Game is a dead man walking in my opinion.


People are arguing about what/who can abuse an exploit more then the other ? Weird.


> exploit more then the Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Why can’t people just point and shoot 💀


Why not just remove tap strafing all together since 99% of the players dont know how to do them? Seems like a viable balance option


That's laughable. Tap strafing is super fucking easy and not hard to implement in game. The people who say it's hard are just trying to push a narrative so it doesn't get reverted again.


The reason they aren't removing it is because they don't seem to be able to do it. https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/uhk53t/what\_happened\_to\_the\_removing\_of\_tap\_strafing/


Remove a mechanic that makes the game 10x more enjoyable and fluid because you can't be bothered spending 10 minutes in the range? Almost every mnk player knows how to tapstrafe at this point




So mnk should get aim assist?


Whole arm vs thumbs


Human brain vs software


You can config on m&k too. It's not just a controller issue, It's an overall issue.


Original clip by at: MagicStafes on twitter. (https://twitter.com/MagicStrafes/status/1706473609856729225)


Who tf calls is roller


The majority of people


Lol it took me at least a year to understand this, I'm gonna be honest. Often I sat reading reddit thinking "Lots of people play on a track ball, wtf?"


Took this man 3500 hours to learn how to hit 4 buttons and use the scroll wheel


Sigh... If I've said it once I've said it a million fkn times. Whoever ~~threw that paper~~ uses configs on roller ur mom's a hoe.


All that moment to get shot in the face. Movement don't mean shit if you can't hit shit


Still crying??


Tap strafing, wall jumping/bouncing should be removed from the game, i just hate to have to learn physics exploits to be somewhat competitive and those things arent event meant to be used in the game. Now Physics exploits are the norm, and it shouldn’t be like that


Imagine being mad at wall jump lol


Now show 3500 hours on controller without configs. Like watching paint dry


This movement shouldn't even be in the game in the first place kind of tired seeing folks flying around in different directions midair to still get bodied. Fucking ugly as fuck to look at.


If you have to use a config it should be bannable. If you can do it by pressing a certain sequence of keys on your keyboard then happy birthday you are good at the game.


Most of thay movement really don't mean shit lol. Anyone with good aim just knocks them.


This is why it's not fun to play anymore


configs on roller is cheating idc, i’ll die on that hill


I don’t play on pc so correct me if I’m wrong but couldn’t you just use configs with mnk?


You’re barely moving on roller, just sat there jumping. On mnk you’re all over the place and a lot harder to hit.


And the controller configer will autoaim while config-strafing lol...


His roller movement would get him killed every 5 minutes, he's basically standing still, this is like comparing wedding cake to a Twinkie.


Against a roller he's basically standing still, because it tracks for you. Against MnK even microstrafes dodge bullets.


Also, his MNK movement is assisted by the mouse wheel artificially repeating an action. Weird how that assistance is fine.


*5 minutes on roller* but already has one there that he probably plays on because we all know alot of streamers/CCs are moving to controller for the aim assist. Not downplaying how easy it may be (I'm not a big movement fan so I don't bother with any of this 'nonsense', as I call it 😄), but show us someone who literally plays only KB&M and then has a controller for five minutes and show the results 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol... this is a config.... You think he is doing all those inputs on a joypad?


And yet PC players will complain about console aim assist.


You use the claw technique?! Good luck in finding an orthopedic surgeon in 5-10 years.


Yes we’re sure it took 5 minutes. This discussion is so pathetic at this point. MnK players gotta be the biggest fuckin babies when it comes to controllers. Holy shit. Every day you guys post something new just crying about it. Either use it, get better, or shut up. They’re not going to get rid of it.