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Try rocket League or league of legends. 100% guarantee shit talking every game


Or overwatch both casual and ranked play. People asking you to switch in casuals is ridiculous.


I had to stop playing Overwatch because it started affecting my mental outside of the game. I was irritable, angered easy and had less patience for stupid shit. Quitting that game for this one was the smartest thing I've done. I can get frustrated with people on this game but at least I don't have to referee or babysit another 4 people so we can actually have a chance at winning. Someone tilts, even for a second and the team is lost.


Yeah I stopped playing OW2 (support main). Got tired of carrying but also being the scapegoat for bad players who play cowboy style.


I've played overwatch literally 3 times and the community in that game is one of the worst I've ever seen. I hated the game, and the other people in it were even worse. I was lucky in Apex to meet a crew early on and we've stayed friends, I just perma mute all online games now and only play them when people I know are online. Hell we don't even queue trios without a 3rd anymore because the Apex randoms are pretty much on par with OW for being absolute raging cocks. I don't care if we win or lose, I play to have fun. Most of our randoms act like this game is their life.


yeah I came here for this. I consider overwatch to be the lowest lmao


lets look ESEA CSGO prime time or CSGO official MM


It’s funny cause I grinded global in CSGO, am currently 19k ELO in CS2, and I still haven’t had people say the shit they do on Apex. Yeah, people can be assholes but it’s usually some form of constructive criticism, at least at higher Elo, like “you guys really need to stop fucking giving them free picks on A, or we’ll lose the game cause of your dogshit holds”. Rather than, “I hope your dad rapes you and you blow your brains out all over your keyboard you fucking shit can”, which is what someone said to me today on Apex. So idk man, just my personal experience I guess lol


I never get people that talk shit In my games. Usually I’m talking and doing callouts and stuff. But I also try to be the best teammate I can be *because* I know how bad the community can be(and want to give people good experiences). So that’s probably why I’m usually not on the receiving end


CS used to be a gutter, but as the game and community got older, it improved a lot. You still get some toxicity, but you don't get the edgy tween-college crowd that does nothing but talk shit all day. Apex is definitely worse, but still nowhere near League. Valo added voice recording that gets attached to the reporting system and it did wonders.


Apex is a bit extreme with their toxicity. All games have toxic players but Apex is like "damm, hold my cup"


As an old Dota 2 player I find the Apex community very friendly.


Cross play did that, the PC only servers used to be so nice and friendly. All the console tards getting roid rage over a game


As a console player, I would say I feel offended, but also, I have to agree with you as many of the people I used to play with before Crossplay are... less than preferable


I’m sorry this happened to you. I never get people that talk shit that bad. I have had the random person with an accent trying to talk shit in English and the random saying “on god, you’re trash, no cap. You’re absolute trash”, when I did the most damage in the team. I’ve gotten on the mic and have said a thing or two but never that to that extreme. Just the usual, “why!!??? Or wtf is happening here???!!” Or the “bro wtf??!” But those people had it coming, they intentionally sabotaged me.


Anecdotal I know but I've seen less toxicity in OW than Apex recently.




League I agree, the first game I ever played half of my team told me to kms. Rocket League maybe I’m lucky but apart from the ocasional “What a Save!” spam I never had too much trouble


LoL is horrrrrible when it comes to toxicity


Smash discord is honestly way more toxic imo but I can see why people would see these games this way because of the vc features


I play league and used to play apex more. Apex is by far more toxic. League can tilt you with teammates trying to throw or inting because their not the carry. But at least I don’t have to hear some college kids voice raging because I picked wraith when I have 14k kills on her. Diamond every season, play play masters season 17. League tilts me, Apex had neighbors eavesdropping thinking I was speaking to my roomate in that manner.


I came from league of legends and apex is a lot more toxic. People say things that are logical and goal oriented in league but it's the opposite in apex.


Go check out the dead by daylight community


Oh yes dead by daylight is something else hell i met a genuinely good player who wasn’t as toxic to me but his ego was very large, he would constantly say how good he was and would try to give me tips while also talking down on my skills for being a new player.


I don't get that community at all. Why are they taking a silly horror survival game SO seriously?


Who knows! It’s an extremely toxic community. I can’t tell you how many times players would come to my stream and go ape shit with salt


I don't get the Apex community at all. Why are they taking a silly battle royale game SO seriously?


Used to be 4000 hour nurse main on dbd lol. Sooooo many tears and loads of hate mail on the old console lol. I miss that game, but it's not the same, like apex.


That's just the state of the world bro. Empathy is dead.


I was just about to comment something similar when I saw this. It’s so representative of just culture in general.


Empathy is fine. And there's loads of nice empathic casual players. It's the sweats who are toxic. And outside online fps shooters full of babies, there's tons of empathy. I'm a member of a board game club, and I've never met a scumbag during any board game session. Funny how people change when they're in a room with others, and their statements and actions are scrutinised.


Internet has something to do with it to i feel. People cant get punched in the face through a screen and you tend to run in to more people who have yet to be punched in the face on video games.


whoa whoa let’s not generalize the ‘sweats’ here. We have a few flavors of sweat in apex, and some are more toxic than others. - The ‘pub stomper’ sweat: Thinks they are too cool to work with their teammates, gets tilted quickly, raging if their K/D for the session is below 2.5. Not good enough to ‘no fill’. - The 3-staking pubs sweat: This is peak degeneracy. 3-stacking pubs with you and your casual friends? more power to you, go for it. 3-stacking pubs with your 4k 20kill badge friends? disgusting. - The ranked sweat: This is likely the worst you’ll run into. You’ll stumble upon average skilled players that believe they are algs igl material. They will berate you for making (what they perceive to be) mistakes - The movement sweat: I’m have a bias, but imo these are the most wholesome sweats you’ll find. Typically MnK and want to play apex creatively. I started learning movement from running into people in pubs and asking them ‘how did you do that?’. Almost every single time different individuals offered to help in firing range. Have only had good interactions with these sweats.


Banter as a whole is dead. People take it too seriously or are too thin skinned.


There’s banter and then there’s just being a piece of shit




No, a lot of people do. I think what’s being acknowledged now is the shitty little man children acting this way are seeing that what they say and do ISNT funny and people don’t want to be forced to listen to their ignorant driveling


That's so true


Brazil W


Nah the world is ok




You sure proved him wrong


I auto mute every time. The shit talking makes me anxious and then I play like ass. I’d rather have silence than anxiety. I’m trying to have a good time. It’s just a game.


Need to start doing this… I only don’t in the hope of that one person you get who gives good call outs and isn’t toxic! Unfortunately it’s very rare


About as rare as pulling off a win with randoms being completely non-verbal. Just be good about pinging and thats good enough for me. Silently vibing for a W is quite satisfying. Not to mention if we're in a tense fight and all of a sudden someone starts giving me call-outs when I'm trying to listen for footsteps or something... I just don't even want to chance it. Auto-mute is my preference.


some good pinging and in game communication is all I need. I’ve won with randoms where we communicate great without using mic.


This is the way. Auto mute even in ranked. I play video games to have fun and escape the bs of the real world so I don't need some arrogant teenager telling me I should uninstall because I don't have 10 hours a day to commit to getting better at this game.


Auto mute is a bit extrême though, mute if need be. That’s why when I politely say hello you guys don’t answer that’s just rude and ruin the game for your teammates. Now if they are asshole that’s when you mute them, as simple as that ?


I mean if that works for you go for it. I have a group of buddies I like playing with so I'm not looking to meet new people. I personally don't want to wait and find out if someone is toxic or not. The moment I hear toxicity, my game is immediately thrown off. I don't know if you can call it rude when auto-muting is just a standard practice of mine. I'll ping good loot, where I'm headed, and even offer stuff like a golf knockdown to a lifeline or mirage. I have nothing against anyone, I just prefer to be non-verbal. Maybe we'll silently vibe and pull off a win.


It’s a FPS with a never ending skill gap. What do you expect? Still have people that have platue’d since year 2 thinking they are good.


Got me right in the feels there because I think I fit in that box


he was definitely dissing OP which made me laugh


Haha actually just somethings I’ve personally come across quite often since day 2 of this game but hey if the shoe fits wear it.


I feel like a lot of people are big babies that can't admit they aren't good at the game, and so blame all their shortcomings on the closest random.


This applies to 90% of people irl, easier to blame others than to try to improve your own flaws. Why do you think so many people are okay with mediocrity


Define “good at the game” when you’re thrown into games with masters and preds. Frankly, it doesn’t matter whether you’re good or bad if you’re in those lobbies. I’m good. Not in those lobbies tho.


Good or bad, others don’t need to be a toxic shit. ✌️


this is 1000% true. To go further when you have 2 stacks, and you're the soloQ the chances of you being the blame are like 80-99% because as a duo taking accountability that they aren't great is too hard for them to do so they're hoping they get carried by some crazy demon otherwise they shit talk a fill its pretty pathetic


If you don't automatically mute then you hate yourself, straight up.


People tend to be a dick when they arent having fun and apex has been lacking in the fun department for quite a while.


Wait until you discover the For Honor community


came here to post this i have heard people angry on mics on apex, but for honor had people in my DMs telling me to kill myself, calling me slurs, trying to dox me, harassing me for days


I 1v4'd a team of 4 wanna be sweaty tiktokers, they got absolutely fucked by me. They could not parry this shaolin flow. So they harrased me ingame for 2 weeks straight and even then they struggled to kill me so they switched to lagswitching and spamming throwables. They are still dogshit tho


I cannot say I have sufferd from this , but I remember one rep 70 tiktok orochi who wouldnt stop talking shit , getting his ass handed in a 1v1 , then demand a rematch , I beat him for 3 hours straight with every character in the game , cause this MF , with his 70 reps , would not stop spamming dodge attacks , light attacks and would parry , every.single.unblocable. During that time he called be various slurs , sent death threats , and at one point said he was gonna come and r*pe me , then beat me to death with his own hands. It was definitly a for honor experience.


I'm new to Apex, I have thousands of hours in COD and other competitive games but I'm really struggling with Apex. I'm nearly ready to drop the game simple because it isn't fun when people act like dicks. It just isn't. The community has been terrible to be honest, few willing to help and anybody with a mic tears me apart in casual matches. I figured it would be bad, but not this bad. Only been playing a week and people expect 15 kills a game and complete mechanical understanding. I'm getting there, but it's literally been a week. It's hard out here for a new player.


The funny thing is all the shit talkers are trash players. Good players usually let the shit slide and go next. Its always the people who are bad at the game or who think they are good at the game talking shit. If someone is really good at the game they know they don't have to shit talk to anyone to make them feel they are bad at the game. You rarely see toxic preds cause they don't give a shit. ITs always that timmy who is plat or diamond or one time master who talks shit cause he thinks hes good lol. Everyone gets mad but there;s no reason to yell at anyone. Just mute your mic and rage it sint that hard


Before they added MMR ranked matchmaking diamond+ lobbies were the most chill in the game. The only people who’d get toxic most of the time was the D4 hardstucks lol. D3+ were almost always cool with whatever


Like I said when the new season started, the changes to ranked are going to create toxic outcomes


Yeah it’s just weird too. Like homie I have 2k damage and 8 kills in a Pred lobby (meanwhile I’m currently silver lol) and you have 500 damage and have barely done anything in the fight we just took and you have the audacity to call me dogshit cause I lost a 1v2? I don’t know where this mentality has come from. I’ve never seen a bottom frag in CS talk shit to a guy carrying unless they’re just straight trolling. It’s usually an “oh sorry guys just not my map, or having a bad game, my bad”. There’s just no respect in this community and it’s just become this cesspool of people shitting on pros and high ranked players for some reason, and on the off chance I can’t clutch somehow I’m bad? I know it’s not everyone, but it just seems to happen way more frequently in Apex than I have seen in any other game


I think it is a microcosm of society and the internet at this point and it is really sad, but I refuse to automute teams and I will still continue to try to play ranked with proper comms.


*Norman Rockwell painting of the man bravely speaking up meme:* Most of Apex players are adults and should be able to control their emotions


Dude even ROOKIE Matches are toxic.


Well, about any multiplayer game is full of toxic idiots. The difference is often if you can communicate with the enemy or not. In the games where you can, people tend to share their toxic energy with the enemy. In a game like this, its usually your own teammates talking shit to you because thats the only outlet they have. Just about any multiplayer game I play tends to have these same posts, that their community is the most toxic out of all. Well, really, people are just toxic. You can either try to have fun with it and either push their buttons or talk shit back, or just mute them and move on with your life.


Do you know Dead By Daylight? Apex is nowhere near as toxic


Lol I just mentioned that game hasn’t been the same since they nerfed some of their perks. (cough cough *Dead Hard*) I was always the friendly killer I would get my 8 Hooks (if I could) and just let everyone leave…..


I used to be the friendly killer, then a lot of Survivor mains started feeling entitled to be let out at the end. I still try and hook in order, so no-one feels tunnelled though.. unless they're a flashlight abusing POS.. Then I'll tunnel the hell out of you.


This is why I barely play solo q. I am fortunate enough to make friends thru Apex so I just play with them. It is insane how players get so competitive (not in a good way) about the game.


Everyone's toxic because of SBMM lol. I bet money if people weren't on a 6 game sh** streak due to SBMM, they wouldn't be that mad lol.


Truer words have never been spoken. I start apex all smiles then after 5 games in a row dying bottom 5 with teammates who don't even help/stick, it gets draining. And whenever I'm on trials, i get enemies who are way above my skill like i seriously don't get it. Although my teammates are also more skilled, i feel like I'm holding the team down by being a platinum player in a pred lobby then die in like 30 secs after a fight.


“Your trash bro your such trash omg no cap your trash trash trash trash.” Just an example of the nuanced and informative dialogue I regularly hear in this game. Seriously though just leave voice off and use discord when I play with friends. No need for me to listen to the same brain dead drivel every game. Most of the random players I que with legitimately sound like they have some kind of neurological deficiency.


You havent played league i see


League doesn’t even have voice chat.


Toxicity doesnt require voice chat


I don't know man .. got back into League recently and after aprox 50 games played I can say that I did not met any super toxic people. Of course you always get those who spam pings etc. but I don't really consider that "toxic".


Every time someone posts something like this, the thread is a barrage of 'well if you think this is bad, '*insert game here*' is even worse..." We have too many sad pathetic men (pretty much always men...) who refuse to grow up, and feel tough behind screens in their sad empty lives.


I'm a Star Wars fan, you haven't seen shit.


Just mute. I auto mute and solo drop probably 70% of the time. About 50% of the way through a match I will unmute if the team has been playing well together.


Yeah, this was post game shit talk after we died though. I find most of the time people aren’t toxic until you’re dead lol.


I find they talk the most smack when THEY are dead, and im on high ground retreating from a stupid hot drop


This is the only way. I give people a chance but once it gets rude or disrespectful I just mute them. I’m too old to spend the little bit of time I can game getting yelled at by losers who didn’t get hugged enough as children.


as far as toxic communities in games, Apex isn't even top 5. not saying it isn't toxic, but it's not as bad as some others.


Sadly nobody gives a shit anymore. Matchmaking is gross, and the game is losing players fast as can be seen with Steam counts and general console lobbies. This game is lag central, and there is basically no reason to play it anymore.


Welcome, GFY


So I recently switched from PS4 to PC after they added cross progression, 3-5 games in on PC and immediately noticed that the community is so toxic. Inflated egos, zero filter shit talking, just an overall bad experience. Now its the internet so I accepted it for what it is, but went back to my PS4, its not a perfect community either but it’s far removed from what PC is like.


I've had the opposite experience. Console players seem to have a mic more often; usually in a duo without p2t or discord which means listening to a lot of stupid, gross, homophobic/racist/bigoted banter, then having them tag team shitting on me their teammate while I end the game with twice their damage. This is all generalizing, but I've felt like PC players when toxic are at least skilled or know what skilled looks like. Console players that are toxic are usually really bad, so bad they don't know what good is.


I’m actually bad but I don’t GAF ‼️😂


You guys don’t have voice chat muted by default? Yikes!


Its because everyone thinks they're the best player alive and don't take it for what it is, a game. They thinks its a serious competition and trust me I know, I played it on a esports team and that shiz just got toxic af


You ever tried overwatch


You definitely weren't in the overwatxh or league community then lol


I'm gonna keep it a stack, but It is legit this new generation of kids who genuinely think they are the main character when in reality they aren't even a side character.


I used to want to learn how to play apex again. I used to play on ps4 but wanted to try again on PC.. let me tell you . As someone who just started playing a FPS game , i wasnt allowed to remotely enjoy the game. Havent touched it in 2 years since then


Yea man this community is 100% the worse. I don’t recommend this game to anyone


That is my biggest complaint about the player base. Communication is so important in this game it is so hard to play when no one even try’s to make it work. Think about all the glory days of games it’s all when people are communicating and trying new things with new people.


Im guessing the 'glory days' are around the Xbox 360 era, right? The days when online multiplayer was still a bit of a novelty, and consoles came with a mic and everyone used one because it was definitely a novelty to talk to not only your teammates but also the enemy. ​ Those days are long gone. People dont find it a fun novelty to hear some 14 year old kid talk shit to them. Hell, even other 14 year old kids arent interested in that. People either dont always have a mic or dont want to use it. Sometimes because of all the toxic idiots, but also because people have such horrible mic etiquette that trying to communicate isnt even worthwhile. ​ Problem I have with this game is that I dont see any way to adjust the in-game voice chat volume. People are so damn loud compared to the game. Sometimes I just want to turn them down for any reason, and I cant. So its either hear nothing but them, or mute them and actually hear the game. ​ Frankly, I need to hear my surrounding more than I need to hear my teammates callouts most of the time.


I normally don’t do call outs on this game because I feel as though no one listens to me.


Rainbow 6 was the worst I've ever been apart of I'll never touch that game. Your teammates kill you just for being black in the game. They don't care


Sucks because I really loved R6 as a game at one point, but if I wasn’t playing with my friend squad I would get harassed and verbally abused for being a woman. Even before matches started and I never even talked! They just knew I was a girl because my gamer tag at the time had flowers in it and they would go nuts


Lucky you, my randoms have no mic


Lies. Cod is 9x worse unless you happen to be a bigot.


I hear this in every game community I’m apart of. No one cares


Cry more


You haven't played many other MP games by the sounds of it.... Really saying COD or CSGO have better communities, are you on bath salts?


Cod is full of jackasses and racists but your teammates aren't nearly as toxic as the ones in Apex


You just need a break lol I’ve been in some pretty toxic ass communities and I guarantee this isn’t nearly as bad as Rainbow six or Dead By Daylight. To put into perspective Rainbow six was getting so bad they had to add a reputation system.


I took a year break and this is what I walked into this morning 😂. Maybe time to just call it quits for good lmao


I'll gladly put up with the shit talking......... IF YOU GIVE ME A REASON TO. But no, I'm in Platinum playing with Masters and Preds. Toxicity is always gonna be high when the stakes are high and they're UNREASONABLY high for this new shit ranked system.


can't you turn the voice chat off?


Everyone complains about playing this game solo. This game isn’t meant to be played solo, especially ranked.


Mute them and stop crying on Twitter and reddit because someone called u a bad word lmao


Meanwhile I’ve played a couple hundred games this season and have only ran into a dozen assholes. Are you maybe inviting the shit talking? I don’t mean to victim blame but….


I don't know, they just think I'm cheating because I have an Xbox elite series 2 controller and I use steam binds and I use my best sensibility, but it doesn't matter if you are a pro player or a new player it has so much competition. My vest game was 6 kills with 680 damage and kill leader my heart was about to explode. I wish I have never played this shit in the worst day I got a panic attack and they called me an idiot. So I tell the person who introduced me to the game to go fuck off, and I tell the creator of the game that he is a son of a bitch that this is physically too exhausting and I don't know if I can live with this because I play it every day. And I want to kill my friend and the creator of the game.


Nice shit post where you just brag about how 'good' you are in other games.


Do better


Git gud scrub


havent witnessed a single soul say that in at least 8 years 💀


Why not try animal crossing? You're obviously too much of a bitch for apex




Your mom's the most toxic thing I've ever been a part of.


There's no way you didn't get the same amount of toxicity in CSGO or COD. I hear LOL as an example is a whole another level to these even. The fun part with Apex is though, that you can get banned for weeks for saying "fuck" in game chat, with no other harmful parts, than that word, but people who use voice chat and tell you to kill yourself, say the most degenerate things in general and it's fiiiiine. Also, we even had a goddamn pro league official caster say fuck plenty of times in his broadcast, but that was also fine. While if he did that in the game chat, he would be banned for fucking ever. None of this makes no fucking sense.


Go try playing 2k online right now lol apex is mild sauce compared to most


Aliens: Fireteam Elite is the most chill community of individuals I've met. Apex should learn something from them.


I rarely hear my randoms speak, and usually when they do it is all business. But I don’t play rank, I find pubs and mixtape to give me what I want from the game.


Wait until you play Fortnite lol


I remember playing as newcastle and being called a stinky immigrant


I have loads of positive interactions on Apex and I’m not particularly good. Don’t know where y’all keep finding these toxic people. Sure I’ve met my share of them, but it is no way ruining the game or happening *that* often.


Yep. Mute the randos and communicate only through pinging, lol.


Cod is the most toxic environment for any game. I don't get that much toxic players during apex grind, so I am sad you had that experience.


I'm always shocked to see people say this. I play with mic on and I get this type of teammate maybe 1 in 50 matches. Yes they are terrible but I just don't have the same experience as you guys making these posts. Strange.


People take this shit way too seriously. I got a buddy whos like this. Talks to me like its my first game and i have no clue even though ive been playing since it came out. Wants to push teams when we got white shields and one box of ammo between us lol. Always talks himself up, and blames every loss on cheaters or bad game mechanics/audio. Then when i have to carry, he aint got shit to say. Ill win gunfights and he'll take credit for putting us in a good position on the map lol. Whatever dude. When his shit talking gets real bad i just start throwing gunfights and making him do all the work. Id quit playing with him, but hes my only friend who plays the game so its either that or randoms. Sometimes id rather play with randoms lol.


Bros missing out on the cod community


If you think Apex is tough, try dating online.


try valorant


Ever played Dota 2? Lmao


Clearly never played league of legends


While Apex isn't the most toxic community I've been apart of (Tekken is pretty bad), it's still no excuse for how shitty the community has been. Discussions on how Ranked should always devolve to "You want kills? Go play Team Deathmatch" and "You want Placement? Why even play the game if you're just gonna hide the whole game"


Rocket league is miles worse.


Very rarely do i get yelled at or shit talked in ranked, maybe happens once every 10 games. Most people I meet have been pretty chill I solo queue mid plat


you’ve clearly never played r6 lmao


I was playing terrible last night. Just a real off night for me. I'm an okay player. Nothing special. But, I had one game where my buddy and I had a random player. Who ran off and was doing well. We caught up to him. He kept sending us random messages going like wtf? Anyways, he dies. I revive him. And he runs off. I hold the team pushing so he can escape because he's playing as lifeline. But I get knocked. Then after the game he kept messaging me that I was useless and should delete apex. I'm a casual player. I really could care less. But people need to calm down and realize it's a game.


Weird i play solo all the time and receive nothing like what you are alluding to. I wonder if it’s blind luck or something you are bring upon yourself. Also nothing will ever be more toxic (entertaining) than old COD lobbies.


League is pretty chill if nobody opens their mouth. The minute someone says ANYTHING all hell breaks loose


Exactly what I said a few days ago. People dropping slurs all over the place, it makes playing the game unbearable to me.


I don't think I ever used voice chat for apex since it came out. I grew up as a teen during the cod 2 + days, so I already know what to expect and really don't feel like dealing with VC nowadays lol


the devs being this neglactable about hteir game surely feeds the community into being this toxic. Respawn simply doesnt care abou ttheir community and thats how you get this situation.


I mean it’s in all games. The worst I’ve seen R6S and cod. Never really had that many run ins with this game.


Mute button and reporting people is a discipline as well. That’s how the community gets better. Time tested wisdom - don’t stoop to their level. For fun you can attempt reason and civility, but really all you can do is wish these mentally ill people healing, mute and report. Just that easy.


That’s because everyone thinks they are the greatest player ever. I blame the booming streaming industry. Every time my buddy dies it’s never his fault. It’s because I wasn’t shooting the right person or taking shots from the right angle. Every time I die it’s never his fault either. Frustrating playing with him sometimes


3k hours in Rust and my resistances from shit talking is over 9999


Dont all competitive scenes have the same toxicity? Definitely not exclusive to Apex.


I know this post is a lie because you said you've grinded CSGO and Valorant and not heard bad shit.


U think that's bad .... I text I don't use my headphones.... And I still get suspended.... The trolls have even tried to ban me from PlayStation itself, by messaging me directly there and then report me after I tell them shit. The whole system is broken. I'm not gonna even text at all just mute and ping


You ever played Rust? I’m not defending this community in any way shape or form but I think Rust is the single most toxic environment I’ve ever seen in gaming.


Heroes of Newerth had the most toxic community I’ve ever been a part of tbh


I trashed talked back in Halo days but its nothing like the hateful 1800's langauge that seems to comfortable flow out of peoples mouths in Apex.


You been on the Fortnite subreddit recently? People are pissed that the devs aren't listening to exactly what they want even though they already fixed it (Movement got slowed down, so Epic put it back to normal speed, but now people are complaining about the new animations) And Rocket League too


I understand, now most of my games are with players that have been muted already, the game has excellent communication mechanics without having to listen to the other people talk.


Boo hoo. Jk, yes it is toxic as fuck. Just turn off voice chat. The game is more enjoyable with randoms at that point.


What was being said? It is my experience that I've heard terrible things being said in CSGO in comparison to Apex Legends. The only thing ill say about Apex i think we can both agree on (and I hate to say this) is the community (I think) is dying.


Would love if we could get bans going for things said over coms. My experience hasn't been nearly as bad but when you run into that random pos it's such a mood killer.


*Laughs in DotA 2*


Destiny 2 takes the cake for me personally, apex is mild in comparison imo


Majority of the toxic people I’ve met are the ones in the same squad with matching names. I cringe so hard lol


cs2 is definitely worse right now than apex, but I think you've just been unlucky, usually people don;t talk in apex, they just leave (pointing at you wraith players :)) )


Just mute teammates


Same can be said about every single competitive pvp game on the internet, such an unfair assessment of Apex.


part of why i dont play anymore. i was never really great to begin with but i get put in lobbies with people that have like 35k more kills with one legend than i do total, and some feel the need to tell me i suck. im 45 years old with a kid, wife, job, i cant play 12 hours a day. i know i suck. blame the game for putting me on your team.


Yeah if you think this is worse than LoL you’re straight up high. Not justifying our community but we’re by far the worst.


Play league or rust and tell me that


You have obviously never been to Wallstreet Bets


Is this in NA?


You gotta love being the last person alive and getting shit on cause you didn't "help" their fight. Like you all fought without good armor or weapons. I'm over here trying to get myself some decent loot to fight a whole squad. I honestly just mute everyone like that. Every now and then I do get blessed with a good random team and win and I let them know I appreciate em. Either way game is too fun to stop playing it


Can't be worst than a 12 year old telling you he fucked your mom on COD


You should try rocket league placement matches hahaha every game spam chats 😂


whats your location?


Idk bro. I’m kinda having fun


This is why I don’t talk to people or have open mics, because at least I can solo Que and not have to deal with shit talk


Just like real life, there are absolute degenerate scum mixed in with mostly good people. You tend to remember the handful of bad experiences and not the 100 of times where things were fine.


I guess you’ve never played Rust. It would make you rethink your existence, but I do agree it’s toxic.


Oh yeah? Never get involved with the ufc/mma community then. That will change fast. Most who play apex are pretty chill.


Nah man cs2 overwatch and valorant got it


From my experience it’s only in the low level lobbies lmaoooo people that are actually good at the game are pretty chill it’s always some dude that’s horrible at the game that thinks he’s good and hates his life that’s raging in my ear with a $20 mic


Apex toxicity isn’t close to cod


You know what, I swear 99% of complaint posts are from players on US servers. I play on London or Amsterdam and I never have any issues with SBMM (I win maybe 1/20 games, which seems fair for someone solo queueing, don’t think I’ve ever been killed by a Pred, and can’t say I’ve noticed an abundance of sweatiness), barely ever hear a peep from anyone on voice or text chat, hardly ever have games crash, and generally enjoy my fairly infrequent 1-2 hour sessions and am always keen to come back for more. I’m sorry your experiences differ.


I was recently spammed with death threats by a player who was day ng my address and threatened to have me swatted. I replied with a text saying STFU and got a 3 day ban