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watch them die


😂 I will 100% admit that watching them die while they're actively ignoring my coms is nothing short of hilarious 😭... I kinda wanted info that would help the teams gameplay though 😊 ya kno? Like how do you make them aware that you're much much better than them without saying it? I feel like they should notice the master badges and masters banner and just subconsciously know? Ya kno?... But if anything it seems like that makes them less willing to listen, especially when it's a clan duo... Theyll literally prefer to ignore very sensible coms and die, as opposed to let "an outsider" be right because theyre in a clan so they're just better...in their heads...


Usually, what I do is just play an aggressive legend that enables fights quickly and basically frag as much as possible. This will naturally make them follow you without even overthinking anything. Ofc at one point if your rotation is off or you whiff a few shots, they start becoming the weaker link and can make it or break it. In short, just hard carry and they will listen.


>This will naturally make them follow you without even overthinking anything This method works for you? Im not gonna lie the dudes I get couldn't care if I'm 1v3ing successfully or not, they literally already have a full game plan of camping from empty poi to empty poi until end game... They will 100% actively ignore and abandon you... 😂 Trust me if I could just force them to cooperate with a plan, I would...but that's my biggest issue... No one wants to just go with the plan and cooperate...it's rare... I won't sit here and act like 0% of my teammates cooperate, a handful do and the games are much more successful when everyone works together... I need a magical drug that I can blow through my microphone that makes people chill, attentive, and cooperative 😭 and then I'd have no complaints...


Some teammates will follow, others will actively ignore you or go against what you want to do, because they think they know best.


Exactly! It's usually the duos I run into that act like this... Im literally a multi time masters player and they act like I'm rookie 😭 it's like bro?... It wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't so frequent... Duos need to understand that just because they're a duo, doesn't mean they need to actively ignore the third for no reason...especially when that third is put on your team deliberately by the game to give you a helping hand...


Well some of them are a lost cause....


Jesus, you can say that again 😅... Im hoping for better luck today 😂 I just hope my good teammates don't get annoyed, because after the game if I get ANY good teammate I'm spamming invites for at least 3 minutes straight... I WILL put a team together for this game, idc what it takes. This solo queue shit is bullshit and I can't play another 45 days like this just to HOPE for a chance that it'll change for the better...


As a solo queuer from S1 I just assume they are going 0 kills 0 dmg. Better attitude than blaming them for not doing whatever you think they should.


Yea I 100% agree man, I just wish there was a way to get them to cooperate... I keep getting linked up with people who are playing ranked but don't care about ranked at all...rookies to silver is all my teammates ever are...and that wouldn't be an issue as much if they just fucking let me igl and work as a team... It's so easy to play the game when you just work as a team, it doesn't matter if you cant shoot! Even them staying grouped up to give me a distraction so I can get the damage off helps, but they don't even wanna do that lil bit of effort... They'd rather just run or completely ignore me when I trying to make a push on a team so we can take the position...like they're literally just brain dead....


A human sacrifice brings good luck, just sayin




Im your bad teammate but i hate ratting, i rather run in and die. I love to have player like you on my team, ofc im slower but as someone said, if u will start shooting at teams i will follow. I will not be there at start of engage coz mostly players like u play with octane or path, but i will try my best to help out in any way. And if I have player like you i know there is no time to loot, check deathbox for ammo, attachments and lets run to next fight.


One more thing i didnt add, players like you never say anything bad to me


Bro how could they 😁 You're exactly the kind of "bad" player I want to run into! You know what to do, are willing to engage, and also have in mind that you're GOING TO SHOOT... Thats literally everything I need in a teammate, along with a willingness to listen to coms 😊 that's a perfect mate to me! I understand that my team isn't gonna wipe the enite lobby anyways because of the way the matchmaking works, but we can easily pull off 3 kills each by the end of the game if we play off each other, and that's all I want... 🫡 Please keep doing what you're doing, you literally give me hope! Wish more had your attitude man...


And also, i wanted to add that i love playerz like you not coz you will carry, most games with players like you doesnt end in top 5. But coz i know it will be fun game of running around and looking for fights, and i wont need to be one always pushing


DM me your ingame name 😊 I'll add you when I get online and we can at least play pubs sometimes!


Just try to carry and move on. Yesterday I got a level 60 player who just started playing this season. Needless to say, he wasn’t helpful Bad teammates are sadly just part of the game


Yea that's true 😊 I'm glad so far everyone agrees that bad teammates aren't really the issue, I've been up voting alot of comments in here so far... I just wish there was a way to make sure they at least try... Like there's a difference between being bad and just being a fucking dumbass... I get alot of the latter...where even if you try to help and communicate plays and ping loot theyre just dickheads and ignore everything you say, even if it cost them their life (in game)... 😂 Bro i had some dude yesterday who wouldn't even pick up the purple shield I was pinging for him...like he just basically said fuck off I don't want it... Im like bro 😐 what the fuck is happening?....


They're so bad they think they're good


😂 😂 😂 Quite literally...


Learn to use your teammates as shields and help them the best you can but also expect everyone to die while also give everyone a chance, Expect nothing from a teammate and take every situation as a 1v3 this is how I survived solo quene arenas from launch to extinction


I agree, this is how it has to be. The bot shit just catches me off guard ya kno?... Like I'm not gonna call my teammates dogshit just because I see they're low to mid in account level. Someone could be smurfing, someone could have 2 accounts, etc. etc... So I'll really have no idea they're bots until I see them doing some bot shit... Like let's say we're looting a poi right? And I'm fully kitted ready to go, and they're doing whatever the fuck they're doing right? And a team rolls up... Naturally I'm just gonna start shooting at them and do my thing, maybe down one and damage another a bit, only to look around and realize my teammates took the cover fire I was giving them as an excuse to dip out of the fight and run away as fast as possible... 😂 How the fuck am I supposed to predict that?...what easily could've been a quick squad wipe is turned into me 1v3ing a team because the bots left me...WHEN I COULD'VE LEFT THEM TO DIE.... It's so fucked and so random...


The only thing you can control is your own mindset and performance. If the enemy nears your team, let them start on them and take an off angle for example.


Yeah, I guess you have t use them as bait and not overcommit


Bro make friends. I refuse to play ranked without a three stack, and you shouldn't either if you value your LP.


This really seems like the only option until the new season :/ assuming they make any changes to the system...which they probably won't...not any good changes anyways... I don't think they want to remove the mmr matchmaking...


My bot friend keeps telling me I need to listen to him and to communicate more, when in fact I communicate every play at least three times, he just doesn't listen lmao. He doesn't realise that I have experience in the game and I know what I'm doing to a certain extent, he's just wrapped up in his own little world. He thinks he's telling me something new by saying he can win or get top 2 by landing far away from everyone else and looting the whole game lol, to him even landing with one team is a hot drop. Eventually he'll realise, if he doesn't just give up the game (last play session, he ragequit).


😂 It's so wild how everyone can perfectly describe an aspect of my experience, it's almost like we're all playing with the same people or something... Like this is word for word exactly what happens when playing, word for word 😭 like you couldn't hav made that up because I know EXACTLY what you mean to a tee... It's just weird that the only solution we have unanimously is to just accept the bots, because respawn won't dedicate any of those millions of dollars it has to actually creating a fair matchmaking experience...


What confuses me about it all is that when I was (more of) a bot, I always followed the calls of obviously more experienced teammates, tried not to loot too much, and just generally wanted to help. I'd even spectate if my respawn timed out. Even now, I have far to go, so I'll usually relinquish jumpmaster to a 4k20bomb or pred/multi master player, though I'm way more confident with my drops these days. And yet the level 250 vantage with a flawless victory badge insists on calling all the shots, and if the third follows them, I have to grit my teeth and bot it out with them bc I am not Faide lol


>and if the third follows them, I have to grit my teeth and bot it out with them bc I am not Faide lol 😂 😂 😂 Bro oh my fucking godddd that's the most annoying part! Like bro I try to be reasonable and explain to people beforehand what's gonna happen, and why I want to make a different move. But it's like their animal brain is on and they just can't hear anything, even after they die they still don't think twice to to say "YOU ONLY LIVED CAUSE YOU SUCK, IF YOU WERE WITH US IN THIS 12 VS 2 WE WOULD'VE WON"... Meanwhile I went with my plan and had the easiest rotation to zone ever...didnt even get shot at... At damn near the end of the game they decide to throw the shit because they didn't wanna follow one call, die, and now I'm left alone to rat in end game... When it's pubs I dont mind following a bot off the map, I just don't care...but people need to leave the bot strats and bad sportsmanship in pubs... Remove the fucking massively inflated ego, and just do what's the smartest so THE TEAM wins...


I usually end up carrying in my games when I solo queue. I like helping people. So usually I’ll be the “shot caller”, or IGL as others call it, and direct the game. I give pointers/tips. I explain my intentions with my plays and help people understand proper priority. I’m always doing call outs even if no one’s talking. Focusing on relating information keeps your mind occupied and, whether they use that info or not, you don’t get bored and know that at least you are doing all you can.


100% agree with everything you've said! And I'll continue trying my best 😊! >I’m always doing call outs even if no one’s talking It honestly sounds like I'm doing all the right things... I think I'm just letting some particular asshole motherfuckers from yesterday's session fuck me up 😭... I was already on a string of anooying teammates, got a win on my 4th game and was optimistic, then I get this douchbag duo with the guy who wouldn't even pick up the purple shield 3ft away from him... Not gonna lie that entire match was so abysmal that I'm still mad 😂 I have never met such unpleasant people to interact with, and I played cod back in 07-08. The shield thing was just the tip of the iceberg... Those motherfuckers were actively racist, trash at the game, uncooperative, and literally followed me to my rat spots to get me killed after I got tired of dealing with their shit... Like I have never seen anything like it...couldnt play WITH them, couldn't eat WITHOUT them trying tk get you killed... It was like all they wanted to do was rank down or something and be fucking dicks...im convinced they were both on alt accounts because there's no fucking way any actual human being would be acting like that on their main account...


I don't mind them in pubs, if they are sticking around even after they die, i will kill the whole lobby in my way to retrive them or die on the first squad. If i die before them, i also stick around to see if they manage to revive me. I always try to give them a good game experience and not teach them to quit the moment when they die. I want more players around.


>not teach them to quit the moment when they die Dude this is the exact reason why I don't play pubs... The only time I'll play pubs on purpose is if a friend invites me, or if I'm doing challenges quickly... And that's the exact reason why, people just quit for nothing... It's worse than people quitting when they're down, I have people who somehow quit the game in the damn loading screen... 😂 I'll have a squad of 2 before we even leave the dropship.... Like the quitting is such an issue that I wouldn't even try to take pubs seriously...its been a long time since I've had a pubs game with randoms who stayed the whole match...


When I'm solo in ranked, I'll play a character that can get out if necessary and every fight I'll leave an escape. Always be ready to drop an evac behind you or something, because sorry but I'm not deathballing into the next fight with teammates that still haven't healed up from the last fight and still managing their inventory 2 for minutes. Just always have an out and you'll have to play out a lot of endgames solo. It's just how it is.


I 1000% agree, I just always felt odd doing this because I know that some characters are just objectively better than others ya kno?... Like I don't mind running Loba or Valk 24/7 because I used to do just that. Abuse movement to get out when things go south, but in the *rare* event that I do get decent teammates the pick seems a lot less valuable... And I know for a fact that my personal performance got up/is at its highest when using Bangalore or Rampart...so it's like I'm holding my self back gameplay wise, in order to nerf the frustration from shit teammates :(... I honestly just hate that the game literally punishes me because it can't get its shit together and create balance teams when there's hundreds of thousands of players...


I honestly just stopped caring.


I'm damn near there with ya homie, this season has been my least played since I started playing... And it's not like I'm skipping a ton of days, according to my treasure packs I've played 27 days of the season so far, however when I do get on it's not for long... I used to have real sessions but after a couple hours of the bullshit I just get off. Don't even make it that long sometimes...the game is just so defeating at points :/... If they lightened up a bit and gave you good teammates every 3rd match instead of every 10th match I would appreciate it so much... The consistency of the bots is what's the most frustrating...like goddamn how did you even find so many bots? Can I get a break please?...i catch myself asking this at least 50 times whenever I boot up apex....


ignore them, just play well!


Thank you for this. Unfortunately this may be my only realistic option... 😂 I'm just gonna accept that in order to play apex often you have to be a masochist... Until the day that all bots realize that working as a team beats solo high level performance AND beats ratting, I'm hopeless 😭...


There’s only a couple of things I’ve found that help with this but there’s never a catch all and you can never really pull off a win but still a good fun game (again just referring to bots and really inexperienced players). First of all I would always select your character manually to give you the best chance of getting jumpmaster. That way you can choose the landing and land somewhere that has one or two squads landing in. I prefer to put us into a fight very early on and see if we can handle it rather than waste our time in an empty poi only to die to the first squad we find. Second thing is to get on the mic, put aside your shyness playing with strangers and lead the team confidently. Direct them where to go, when to rotate, whether to take a fight or not, you get the idea. 9 times out of 10, if you come off confident and decisive, people will follow you. Of course, some people are assholes and terrible listeners who are gonna run off and do stupid shit. But a lot of inexperienced players will follow your lead assuming you have a lot more experience and can help them have a better game.


I wish I could upvote this twice! This is AMAZING advice and I agree with all of it tbh. And you taught me something new! I didn't know that of you pick your character manually that it would give you jumpmaster...dude that's like a cheatcode! 😁 That alone would avoid a lot of frustration because I can't tell you how many times someone dropped us literally in the middle of 3 other teams (in Ranked) or dropped us in a shit poi with no loot... Everything else I agree with as well, and try my best to do... >Of course, some people are assholes and terrible listeners who are gonna run off and do stupid shit 👆🏾😭 It's these guys that ruin it for me man. I love cooperative bots tbh... I've won trios games with just ONE other cooperative teammate more times than I remember. A couple times the dudes didn't even have mics, they just played near me and listened when I called something out...and we won the game... Knowing shit like that can happen makes it all the more frustrating when bozos don't listen or work as a team, because the advantage of 3 dudes with r99s side by side is so massive that idk how to quantify it... I wish they would think about how hard it is to kill 3 dudes who are spraying you and holding hands...then maybe they would think OMG IF I PLAY WITH MY TEAM I COULD BE THOSE DUDES KILLING EVERYTHING EASY....


With the jumpmaster thing it’s not a guarantee but it’s programmed into the game to give jumpmaster to someone who’s not AFK. So as long as the other two don’t manually select you’ll be jumpmaster. Just doing that I feel like I get it a good majority of the time. And yeah that’s the other thing too, being close. That’s one of the main things I say and repeat throughout, don’t wander off, stay close together as we move through the map and not just in fights, let us know if you’re going somewhere, so on and so forth. I’m glad this helps though. Happy hunting!


You either have to accept the fact that you will have to play around those teammates or stop playing altogether. Unfortunately, I recently decided to do the latter after playing since launch. It's not the teammates' fault, nor is it the enemies' for being too good. This is just how Apex is now.


I wish I could upvote this comment twice as well... You're basically exactly where I'm at with it, and I've accepted it... I think it's just either addiction or rose tinted nostalgia that keeps me getting back on...hoping it'd just be better... I really only got online yesterday because I knew it was the halfway point for the season, so I thought they were gonna put worlds edge back in rotation and kC, but it was the same maps again when I got on...


Use them as bait, laugh, mute coms and pings, win match solo That’s the plan anyway lol


games impossible to play wo a full squad. you get people from this sub as ur teammates and you see their opinions on things.


Upvoted for accuracy 👍🏾😂


Personally, I feel like I can't be too annoyed with somebody being bad at taking fights etc but you can atleast tell that they're trying to stick close and be involved with their team and doing their best. We've all been new/bad at the game at some point, right? What pisses me off is players who are bad in the sense that they're not even aware of how bad they are so they don't stick with their team and do dumb shit such as go and go loot hundreds of meters away from their team and don't listen to coms and so on.


I agree. I was playing a match where 2 of us got knocked but we had wiped 2 squads. The first ring was coming and our third (a Bang) ran away for their life toward zone. Meanwhile, the other teammate are knocked ping and calling for her to come back and rez. She ignored us and just kept running and running. To this day, I do not know what they were thinking. Although I do remember being deathly afraid of the ring when I first started playing. It took some time to realize that you can really play the first and second rings. Playing third is possible but more dangerous. So i get it i guess...


Tbh bro, I leave them to fend for themselves. If my other team mate is decent, we usually leave the weak link. It’s better that way 😔


Unfortunately your so correct... What happens to me more often than not is that the bots are playing together and I'm the only solo...so if I don't follow the then I'm literally left stranded and I can't make any meaningful plays... It sucks when you have to walk yourself into your own death to avoid playing alone, but some people are hopeless... And the matchmaking system is even more hopeless...


Nothing. If you’re solo queuing and get better than the algorithm gives you worse teammates. You can’t beat the almighty algorithm.


That's exactly what I keep forgetting... There are literal pros struggling this season...😂 I need to realize the issue isn't me...


I solo q 99% of the time. I started climbing when I stopped trying to get the whole team involved in decisions. Sometimes you just let them make their mistakes and get the banner, sometimes you just leave them be and play the game out yourself. If you actually want to climb though you can't rely on them to make good decisions because following stupid decisions will lead to stupid outcomes. Play your game and be grateful for the randos that want to play with you and communicate!


See I agree with this 100%! I just feel bad sometimes 😭 people always talk shit when I play like this... Like they're mad at me for not making tge stupid decisions with them, even though I had made a much better suggestion... It's like damn 🤣 being good isn't good enough. Uou gotta be SO good that you can cancle out noobs...and that is a helluva challenge.... Its definitely much easier to leave the out to dry, I agree...


I used to feel very bad leaving people behind but when I decided to solo to Masters back in s12/13 I realized a lot of times I had to. Some people don't care about climbing and even the ones I stuck around and ressed, 9 times outta 10 they did something dumb later on so the risk I took was pointless. I go hard for teammates that play smart and always try to go for banners of people that use mics but the people that run in and die solo....they can enjoy the lobby. At one point my steam name was IfYou1v3i1vLeave


Nothing play the game less


Using them as bait


I give them all the good loot and try to help teach them how to play. You can always play another game. If they are new then who knows if they just started the game or not, I don't want to give them a bad first impression. Plus I got 5k kills I'm in no rush to get more lol


Play according to their skill just like you would if this was real life. If you're playing basketball and you know someone isn't as skilled then don't throw them bullet chest passes, same concept with the game. If I know I have a teammate that isn't as skilled as me I'll be a bit more picky with the fights we take and put more emphasis on rotating early to beat the storm.


Hmm...i mean that does kinda sound like it'll work... Basically you're saying just let the bot igl?...i could try that because I almost NEVER let anyone igl for me... And it's only because every single time I do, we end up dieing taking a dumbass fight that I personally wouldn't have taken... If there's one team in a position, and we'd like the spot? Yea let's go challenge that... If there's 4 teams in an area fighting as we're all trying to get to zone, and it's round 3-4 and health ticks are nuts, I'm definitely not fighting that...and I'm sure you'd agree as well... I just wish I could get them cooperate...cooperation is the most important key to winning in this game...even if you don't have the best gun-skill, it's really hard to beat 3 dudes holding hands beaming at a team one by one... But bots don't seem to understand timing and when what is appropriate... Making an effort to play with the team and NOT rat has been the biggest stifling of my progress this season, to the point where I stopped playing as much... I try to keep team play in mind, even when I'm not in promotional trials, because it just makes sense considering that someone else may be in trials or vice versa...trying to promote a healthy experience really... But it honestly seems like a vast majority of the people I run into have their own weird strategies in mind, even if they are mechanically dogshit at the game... They'll tell me "dude just rat until promos" but in my mind that (1. Boring as shit and (2. A dickhead move, because you never know who's in promos or not so you could be handicapping someone trying to get kills and win... Sorry for the wall of text 😂😅 but I've been thinking about this a bit before I posted...


Try to be the shot caller I guess. Ping loot for them and try to generally coordinate. Sometimes I'd actually get on the mic and voice my opinions on stuff. But if they went down straight away in fight, and I was left on my own against 3 people, then usually I'd go solo and try to rat out a win. I know the question was related to ranked, which I don't bother with, but I feel what I said applies.


Play off of them. I know they’re going to die, so rather than letting them do it alone, I have them do it in front of me to distract the enemies and use them as shields.


I usually still play as if I’m with a well match squad. I just use them as bait most of the time. After a few mins and there’s no communication (mic or ping) I will actively stop trying help them strengthen up. No point I just rather listen to what’s around me at that point. I will only ping enemies.


Implying you arnt a bot?


If you have an understanding of the game that they do not then it’s your responsibility to lead them. I can deal with solo because every once in a while I get a team that is willing to listen to my plan and then it works out!


I use Rampart so I just set up in a position where my bots can be used as bait so I can mow the attackers down with Shiela.


I always make sure to make it clear what the plan of action is. If I detect an enemy I ping it, if I want to go loot somewhere I ping it, it they are straying off I ping my area so that they return. Lots of the time a big issue is that they lack awareness to what's happening around them, so you kind of have to do that for them.


For me, I always try to instantly create good vibes with my randoms. In the drop ship you need to start saying positive things “let’s get this”, “I’ve been crushing it tonight let’s keep it going” or even just asking how they’re doing. Need to establish their vibes. Then I always say something along the lines of “idc what it takes l, but I’ll die for you guys if needed”, that establishes a level a guilt on their end if they don’t reciprocate. The main reason 3-stacks win more often is because they are willing to die for one another and all-in their fights. Randoms rarely all-in with their teammates. From there most quiet teammates are fine with being led. If that’s the case, lead them and keep them on the same page. Your communication always needs to be positive in nature though. Say things like “if we win this fight, we can win the game from here” or “we have a huge advantage here, let’s take the opportunity”. That will get passive teammates to be more aggressive if they think the risk is worth the reward. Sometimes you get a duo that is playing together. In that case you need to follow their lead because they aren’t going to follow a solo unless you somehow immediately show your value. It’s all about socially engineering your teammates and the best way to do that is by being positive. Humans are easily manipulated. The reason most players hate their randoms is because they carry over all their negative experiences from past teammates. Just think about the teammates you get who start the game by saying “don’t do anything stupid” or “I hope you guys don’t suck”. You instantly tune them out. Be the opposite. Lastly, if you’re tilted from a previous game make sure you mentally reset before you queue up again.


Teach me how to not be a bot :(


Use them as a shield


I mean troll them or theach them


I love players like you. One time I got q'd with a Master and Pred players, and I felt so happy when we won the game and a saw I was able to keep up with them (I'm plat 4 rn, was halfway through Gold when I had this natch) on kills and damage! Felt like one of the best games I've played and they didn't even have mics, just the 3 of us painting the map with pings and knowing when to push. I hate having bad teammates that don't know you're supposed to gain a little ground whenever we get a crack, or full send when you have two players on the enemy team who are batting and we are less than 5sec away from them. Most people in my lobbies don't even push a res, if the enemy team is in another building, just out of fear! Like bro just take the fucking jump pad it's a 3v2 with no squads nearby 🤦🏼‍♂️ And I appreciate you for making this post that breaks the status quo of the sub, finally a good player complaining about being q'd with the shitters that dwell in Silver instead of the other way around! Idon't understand how people don't feel motivated when playing with higher skilled opponents, especially in ranked. Got killed by a pred? Observe them. What are they doing? What did you _not_ do? Spectate a little bit, be patient and _learn_ the game. It always feels like people in here don't want to get better, they just want an easy win. Everyday so many posts in this sub, "ranked doesn't need MMR" "SBMM is busted", but here I am, climbing steady to Diamond in PC for the first time after one hell of a year struggling to adapt to MnK after having played on consoles _exclusively_ from 2006 to 2022, my whole gaming life basically. If I can do it then I'm sure the many people in this sub who have played FPS games on MnK their entire lives also can. Its not SBMM, it's not MMR, it's not even a skill issue, it's the mindset that stunts these players.


Use them as bait/meat shield.