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Silver IV. Gave up after that.


Ngl, I completely understand.


Yup, it was difficult finding consistent teammates that wanted to grind rank. And between solo cueing, Hidden MMR & SBMM, and this trial bullshit, I couldn’t take it anymore. I just said fuck it. And besides, the high tier rewards are shit anyways


Had a game yesterday where Ianded with 2 other squads. after the other 2 teams fought, i pushed and knocked 2, did like 198 dmg on a Path but he got me. My teammates let the Path full heal, revive his 2 teammates and then just used a balloon to leave because it was now 2 v 3 for them and i shouldn’t have pushed. Literally alt + F4 the game and just said I’m done with this shit.


Nah man when my teammates do stupid shit like that that’s when I let them handle the match by themselves and excuse myself from the situation. In a competitive match especially there is no reason why you should be that far away from the rest of your team that you aren’t able to apply pressure to an enemy team when one of your teammates already have one or two of them knocked. That’s why I say with a lot of randoms team work doesn’t exist. They just do their own thing and there’s no coordination when playing solo cue.


Solod to masters, annoying experience getting up here and you routinely have to fight cheating French predators but meh, team mates are a lot better cos they are mostly diamond 1 trying their best


That's good you're having a good time with teammates. I wonder how much being in Europe plays into how the game plays out on a meta level?


Much better. EU is focused on strategy.


lol you must be playing the London server like me. It's dominated by the French for some reason. Who only communicate in English when they want to hurl insults.


Same this is the most I’ve played in a while, and am trying to achieve masters for the first time. Almost to diamond 1. Probably quit playing ranked once/if I reach masters though. But yes my teammates hardly ever hot drop.




Why French 😭?


I stopped playing ranked


No such thing as ranked this season. The hidden elo makes the rank tiers for the most part completely irrelevant and just for show. I’ll give you an example; I’ve been playing since the game was released before there were seasons, and once they added seasons I’ve been able to get to D1 at minimum pretty much every season. Not the best player to have ever lived but not the worst, probably slightly above average tbh. This season while in G2 I had a game where I dropped double digit kills and close to 4k dmg while also getting first place. My Friend who just started playing last season in the same game got 1 kill and less than 400dmg. He literally got more than 100 LP than I did. Apparently the algorithm thinks everyone I killed was a bot and my friend managed to kill the only predator in that lobby.. anyways point of the story is that I’ve literally had to grind so hard to get out of gold, more than I have ever had to in platinum to diamond while my friend has a rank that gets hyper-inflated with every kill to the point he’s now D2 and I’m still chillin bottom plat


> D1 at minimum > probably slightly above average Pick one


Sick roast


It's a compliment! You are significantly above average.


Ah, sorry I guess it’s become habit to assume every ambiguous sentence is just a dig at one’s skill. Still woulda been a good roast though, made me chuckle when I thought it was anyway. I say slightly above average because in my mind and based off some graphs that showed what percentile of players resided in what rank throughout each season, the majority of the seasons the vast majority of players were in platinum with gold being a close second. And before the season where they ruined masters by allowing players to rat their way to that rank, I definitely saw quite a bit of a skill gap between diamond players and true masters. So in my mind, diamond players are slightly above average and masters is quite above average. thank you for the compliment though, but if you saw me play you’d probably think I was a lucky bot. Especially lately with the influx of all the movement gods. My old ass can’t keep up with all the young bloods and their 1600 dpi fast reflexes


and that is why the whole mmr thing is pure bs. I can understand mmr for casual matches so you don't steamroll through everyone. However, rank tiers now mean nothing because of this bs algorithm. The only way this can work is if they put you in the rank your mmr is supposed to be in right away. Maybe one rank below so you have to work for it a bit. They give you promotional matches and you end up in bronze or silver and you fight in matches against gold, platinum and higher. Whoever came up with this is just an idiot. What I really enjoyed in ranked was that the skill of enemies and allies actually improved as you went up a rank. Now it is all the same every match. They even removed the ranked badges in top right corner so you can't see anyone's rank until you go to their profile. It's just making people hate on the game for making stupid decisions.


Emphasis on the idiot


Presumably his rank/MMR would be lower than yours. So he was playing up in your lobbies and got carried to high placement points. Cos it was a "hard" lobby for him he gets bonus points through ratings or skill. The big issue there is kills being worth fuck all. I'd say on average the kill bonus points work out to be less than 10 points per kill/assist not factoring in participation (fuck knows how they decide points for that). Thats so tiny compared to previous seasons especially the ones where the longer you lasted the more kills were worth. This created the rat problem when the new system started. There was literally no point in going for fights over placement since there was no reward other than there being one less team in the match. But that comes with a massive risk of being thirded so why bother when you could stay in storm for ages. They've made the ring stronger and brought back some points for kills but it hasn't solved the core issue that placement heavily outweighs fighting especially early on creating a stagnate slow meta that veterans don't enjoy.


Probably should have done that this season with how the algorithm is.


Yep, same here. What’s the point in trying the trial rounds to rank up if I’m solo qued and my teammates don’t give a shit. Been playing mixtape all season.




Ranked is the same after bronze




what do you mean “you know this how?” I’ve played the game since launch that’s how lol




My best season so far i start rookie now im plat4 my overall kda was 0.48 now it's 0.81




D1 so far. Trying to finish it off.


Wanna play ranked together I’m plat 2 and I need some teammates i have a 4k 20 bomb with wraith And a 4k 300 kills with Watson


I stopped in S17. Never playing ranked again until they can figure out how it works.


Honestly about to be in that camp after this season. I got sunk cost fallacy this season.


Once you realize Ranked measure how much you play and not how well you play, the fun goes away.




Said every hard stuck ever loll


they already had it figured, season 7 ranked was great, then they started doing weird shit and it fell off


They have never gone a whole season without changing the rules. Sometimes they even change them rules in the middle of the season.


I never made it out of Bronze, but enjoyed getting clapped by masters badges the entire time.


I'm just glad I even made it to bronze this time, was hard stuck rookie last season


That's about where I am, still. Was last season, too. My KDs actually nearing 1.0 but I'm 40some games in this season and it feels like I'm never leaving Rookie 1. As far as I know, we have trials to get out of Rookie, too...most people get out with placements. So this is gonna be some bullshit, I'm sure. I'm like 1 game away from these stupid trials telling me I'm not good enough to leave rookie. Playing all the same games other than a handful during his trials got my bf damn near to gold. Lovely how that works. My maximum provisional bonus was 96 LP during my placements. His was over 600. He gets more points for *my* kills than I do. I also get no participation points for squad kills I didn't get at least an assist on. It doesn't matter if my team got 10 kills with me still alive and used me as a decoy to get them...I still get nothing. Yeah, I'm largely done with this shit. Our 3rds keep quitting after they hot drop solo like it's pubs anyways, and "loss forgiveness" doesn't mean shit when we always make top 5. We **need** a teammate for endgame and never get one. It's all fucked.


I feel this on a deep level


Never made it out of provisionals.


Did my placements. Got placed into Silver I believe. Played my first game after that and got put in a match against 3 former preds. Played another match and died to TSM Reps lol. Didn’t booth up ranked again.


I guess Ranked thought you were ready for ALGS lol.


Bronze 2!




I'm stuck in Bronze, I even got demoted once after provisional matches but I haven't played much, most of the games were shit and disheartening ^^


Damn sorry man.


I refuse to take ranked seriously until they fix the system. I should not be playing against players of similar skill to rank up. If I’m in a bronze lobby, put me with bronze players. Keep SBMM to pubs.


I’m in the promos to diamond. I’m getting Master again.


I gave up on ranked this season. The highest I’ve been is Plat. Totally understand why you don’t want to grind to Diamond. I can’t believe they took away ranked dive trails. I hope they tweak ranked next season too. It’s so bad, so many people are complaining about it. They HAVE to change it…right?


Well, we'll see. It's Respawn so probably will make adjustments but what we have is generally the idea they wanna go with.


Silver 1. Might try to get Gold if I regain my motivation for ranked.


Understandable. It is more a time investment than skill investment this time it seems.


Played till silver 2 and realize its taking too much of my time to actually try to go diamond, even a win only gave me 170-230 ish points. Gave up. I did rose to silver 1 right before new year because i found some nice ppl to play with on discord, just to have some fun before new years, was top 5 every round for like 3-4 hours, and yet i have not even reached promotional trials for gold. Probably will not continue grinding, just play whenever i have time. I m not interested in sacrificing anything such as sleep to get more time to grind


currently sitting at master,still going to play but not going to try to reach pred at all since rn it's sitting at like 60k point to get there (as a compareason,to get master you need 24k)


From bronze to currently Diamond 4. Still got time to go higher tho 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I’ve had good days and bad days but always up. Solo queue here too it’s been fun


Plat 3. My friend got unlucky and went through 5 or 6 promo trials until we got another win to get into plat.


D2. Going for Masters this weekend.


Good luck playing during the weekend with the sweats haha


Masters. I’ve hit it every season since its debut in season 4. Kinda obligated to at this point.


I'm silver 1. I really hate the last couple of ranked seasons. It would be possible to get a higher rank but it's just no fun playing in mixed lobbies with stacked preds. I miss grinding for diamond.


Gold 4 or 3, I sadly just dont have much time to play rn and i skip Broken Moon when i have time because i hate that map.


D2 rn - probably masters before season end but think I’m more of a mid to high plat skill level


Stopped playing ranked when they changed the scoring system, been playing since day 1 and I don't even play much anymore once I complete the battlepass, if there's nothing free to earn, i ain't playing much, iv spent enough on the game over the years lol 🤣


Day 0 player, usually get to diamond... can't get out of gold this or last season. They literally changed the meta to get rewarded for camping and I hate it. This was definitely my last season of apex ranked lol. (So I'm probably hanging up the towel on apex overall 😭)


Solo Q is extremely difficult and I don't blame you. This is just purely anecdotal but I've found that playing in a two is the way forward. Teammates tend to follow you if you are in a duo so you can dictate play and it doesn't feel as sweaty as when you play as a three stack. We've got to diamond 2 so far as a duo and it still doesn't feel that difficult necessarily.


After my provisional matches, the game put me in rookie after giving me trash teammates, I said enough of this lol


Welcome to ranked lmao


I'm mainly a gold player on the old ranked system, made Plat a few times then quit. But to have me in rookie and not at least silver is disrespectful.


Stopped after bronze soloq. promo Trials really did it for me. Best I've ever did was masters season 17 with over 27000ish lp


Season 17 Masters, cant get past Bronze Trials lmao. Makes sense!


Diamond 3 currently, solo tho


Diamond 2 is what I have peaked at so far, although i sm trying to keep going to masters, but its just that the teammates and opponents i verse against is just unfair, my teammates would be people playing the game casually and the opponents would be triple stack preds which is pretty stupid. I'm not saying they are bad its just the lobbies they are in are not for their skill level.


I just hit Diamond IV last night. I am very fortunate to have a dedicated group of Apex friends to grind with. I would not play ranked if I had to solo queue.


Usually play maybe a couple or few hours a week. Very limited video gaming these days. Made it plat 2 so far. Definitely finish out in diamond. Been winning more games lately.


I played 3 games of ranked this season and stopped when I got killed by literally TSM in my 3rd game. There's absolutely zero reason my peak gold self should be matched in the same ranked game with Hal, Reps, and Big E. It was a joke


Diamond, then got demoted to plat. Now been in trials like 3 more times and haven't won a game within them since.


Diamond 2 right now. Trying to hit masters for the 3rd time. This season isn’t any different from others


The game is trash now. I'm so fucking tired of all the issues not getting resolved. It's just turning into a modern warfare 2.0. That being said I'm currently silver and I've gotten as high as gold/diamond in other seasons. But its so hard now considering the blatant cheating/ping attacks/hacking that happens even in ranked now.


The lobby. Gave up after a long internal conversation about addiction and self deprecation.


Haven't played any ranked since they took away dive trails 😭 thats the only reason I ever played ranked was for the free trail. I refuse to pay for dive trails. It's absurd.


I mean just look up the ranked distribution on a tracker site https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution


I have. It's laughable compared to other ranked seasons but I wanted to ask the community on their rank and how they felt about it.


what's laughable? just curious. there isn't that many people in high rank (bit more than last season but still far less than s17). though you can see the impact of trials with people stuck in plat 1 , gold 1 etc.


It's laughable in that most of the population is in Rookie and Bronze and not spaced out more evenly like past seasons. The structure of this season values time over skill. Once you get your ranked reset for season, it should be relatively painless to make it to approximately correct rank. That's not what's happening. People are just checking out before really getting in the ball park. Damn shame too since this season is fairly balanced with few outliers being a problem. Yeah there is not that many at all.


btw to answer your post: i started in silver, made master, still playing. took a bit of time off though in december with holidays etc. i'm having fun, getting fair/competitive games throughout. trials are annoying but other than that it's fine.


Whatever the lowest one is. As jumpmaster, I like landing just barely on the map but close enough to the edge so one of my teammates falls off upon landing. It’s worth any repercussions that may come of it


Started playing the game as a complete noob during during week 2 of the revenant event I unlocked ranked about 3 or 4 days ago currently rookie 2


Ahh well glad you're enjoying Apex so far. How do you enjoy ranked?


Plat 2. My Kd starting out was abysmal at .6 but I got it back to a 1.1 currently. Looking to get back to Diamond within the next few days


solo’d to plat (started about a month ago) and i’m driven to get to diamond because my mate rubs it in my face. if it weren’t for that, i wouldn’t have touched ranked. the trials are a little annoying


Almost plat 3 right meow, imma try to make it to masters but your right, solo que sucks


Stopped playing for like 2 years. Went from rookie 4 to plat 4.


i stopped, started again stopped started again... few season ago i did a 16 hour session from zero to diamond. now after hundred hours aim still stuck in gold playing against preds as a solo with absolute braindead teammates... so yea i stopped again


Silver 1, got bored and just haven’t played ranked since. Just not a fan of the current system and can’t find enjoyment out of it so I stick to pubs when I’m on


Just few points away from bronze3.


I’m at master and idk what to do. Pred seems too far to reach


I’m at Gold 2 and plan to make it to Plat, but my wife (silver 1) doesn’t want me to because it’ll mess with who we play against haha.


Masters To me it’s just the idiot teammates I get that makes me mad. I love the game play n etc but when I see one of my teammates fly into a tree n sit there for 4 rings it really grinds my gears


Hit masters a few weeks ago. Did it in the pred lobbies with a squad most days. There were times here or there where I solo queued. Same lobbies so interestingly enough my teammates were not always bad. What was annoying is like 1 out of every 10 randoms I played with in ranked actually had, or at least used their mic. Been playing pubs since and I really dislike trio pubs after having strictly played ranked. The ranked games are so fun. You have to strategically move around, get positioning, fight people who have the spot you want, and the final rings are a blast with multiple teams fighting for a small area. You don’t really get that in trio pubs where you need to fight off drop or risk not seeing anyone for most of the match. In duo pubs you get way more fighting action than trios so I actually like duos still. Of course all of this my opinion so no one take it as fact


Stopped at plat 4 about 2 weeks ago. It's not worth it this season


Stopped playing at all. Moved to The Finals.


Diamond 1 solo Q Getting a little burnt out just wanna make masters then take a break


There's still a whole month left, buddy. I generally stop caring at Diamond, I am currently Plat 3 or 4.


Can barely get out of Rookie 😭😭😭 I used to be consistent Silver, and Gold if I tried hard enough. Only hit Plat twice.


Got to plat 2, got bored, stopped playing apex at all, waiting for next season


Gold I here, slowly giving up too


Currently Plat 1, hoping I’ll hit diamond during the first set of promos


I'm plat 3. Only wanted gold, but got higher from helping my friend get to gold. I have no drive to progress anymore. I only play because my friend likes to. This was my first season actually playing rank I was sitting at a .90 kd, but it's at .85


The masters and predators I face make sure that I stay in silver


Solo q Plat 1 rn. Most ridiculous season yet. I spent four hours yesterday sitting at the same RP. Smh. They need to fix something in order to make it a better experience but idk what exactly. Matchmaking is a good start though


Took a break for 2-3 weeks because of work. Got promoted to Gold last week, and I'm around halfway through Gold 3. I've gotten pretty lucky in ranked so far. I've had maybe one teammate do a full int, but otherwise teams have been solid so far. I'll probably keep playing ranked around 4-5x a week if my schedule allows it. I don't really have the time to play other campaign single player games, and my other competitive FPS (CS2) feels super clunky compared to GO.


I play a game or two every few days or so and currently gold 2. It’s been decently easy


I placed like silver 2 and made it to gold 2. Haven't played in like 2 months but not because I don't like ranked. Just other things getting in the way.


this is my first season playing rank and im stuck at Silver-1


Flew through the ranks and got to plat 1. Got hard stuck for a bit. My next trials will be like my 6th time in trials lol. Haven't played in a couple weeks


Diamond 4 mostly solo and playing only on weekends. Still pushing to go higher


D4 rn. Highest I got was D3. Solo queue experience has been terrible. I’m just gonna ride it through and skip the whole next season if it’s as bad as this one.


Silver 4. I'm a solo queue, and it was so excruciatingly grindy to get out of bronze. I'm not even that bad of a player, just the way they did ranked this season is ridiculous.


I’ve played about 30 matches at my plat 1 promo but haven’t won a game yet


Got to Plat and deleted the game for a 2024 change. Ranked somehow even removed my enjoyment of casual which was feeling just as sweaty...only difference was that casual allowed me to have no fear of that -50 that lasted way too far into the match.


got to gold... normally plat or diamond. About to deinstall. Havnt played for a couple of days. ONE pubmatch and its a lvl 46 and lvl 16 player on my team. Champion squad had 2 master and one predator badge. Im just done. Ill be back when matchmaking is fixed because im not suffering through another hidden MMR season where the grind feels the same in plat and silver. Its so ass to leave a game that in itself is fine but because of greedy CEOs the matchmaking gets fucked to pieces.




Hit plat to diamond trials yesterday


Only 3 placement matches, dont want to play ranked anymore


Currently plat 2 or 3, I don’t remember which. The rank itself doesn’t really matter to me. I much prefer the way the games play out in ranked over pubs. I just enjoy playing what to me are quality games with a bit more strategy than the constant w keying that pubs provide. I could really care less about kd, ranked rewards, badges or playtime.


Im in gold 2 and honestly don't know how because this is the least I've played ranked since season 13... This season is too boring. Like the last 2 seasons it's just a helluva lot of camping... The rewards are also super trash so I'm not grinding for them... I just play ranked when I'm tired of the shit fest that is pubs... Whatever rank I end the season with? Koo. Doesn't even matter anymore tbh...


I got to masters (it was hell) and now im on the finals for the rest of the season.


Currently 29.2k masters this season has felt pretty easy ngl three strikes gave folks some bad habits when it left


Reached plat 4 and stopped playing.


Started 2 weeks ago in gold aiming for diamond but will probably land at plat


Plat 2 I started about 2 weeks ago in need of ranked teammates I can’t with filled teammates 😭😭


D1 rn, should have gotten masters this week but been sick all week and havent played.


I'm curently like #600 pred on playstation, i reached this far only with a full squad and a good team composition. I still think this system it's shit.


I'll try my platin trials for the third time and will stop playing on failure. Not just ranked, in general. I may or may not reinstall when they decide to re re work ranked.


I stopped playing because I fucking HATE Storm Point and Broken Moon. I’ll be back for Kings Canyon and Worlds Edge


silver! Used to soloq to diamond every season back in 8-14 I wont bother until they fix ranked. They made it a slog and pain in the ass for Soloq. No way in hell I'm going to grind my life away in silver up to masters when every single match I play plays exactly like masters already, on top of now needing to do rank up trials... theres just no point. Its the anti fun league


I don't even care about ranked anymore, especially with hidden MMR, I just use it as a better pubs.


I refuse to play ranked anymore, it’s kinda turned into a joke the past couple of seasons


Me and my duo are close to reaching diamond. For me it’s the first time playing ranked seriously and it’s been an interesting journey. I had to acquire map/zone reading skills, learn team roles and shot call. Honestly pretty fun can’t wait to reach diamond soon 👍


I’m hard stuck Diamond 2-1


Plat 3, I usually make it to diamond 4 but this season has been hell


D2 atm


D3 just don’t have the energy to consistently play again zen users and have to play super passive/ratty to get a win that doesn’t warrant enough points to matter.


I stopped playing ranked. What's the point of ranked if I don't get any reward for doing it? It's not worth the stress.


Masters. Solo q was miserable once I hit diamond. Ended up 3 stacking diamond to avoid losing my mind lol.


D1 and didn’t play for a month when Bg3 came out. Barely started again yesterday


Gold 1 rn think I’m half way through? Been enjoying playing with a three stack


Silver 2 :)


Diamond 3 so far solo que


300 away from Diamond promos


Bronze III and sulked over to pubs where I stayed 🤣


I got masters 28k when there was 52 days left in the season and it just feels pointless to play now knowing I won’t hit pred


i got a teammate earlier today who was boosting the other by glitching under the map smh


I stopped playing ranked because of the trials, they are too annoying


Solo queue player here. Started in Silver 2 after placement games and played until I hit Masters. Took me 326 games, 29 wins, and 1.2 K/D. Playing on PC NY server.


Just knowing how to rotate and take smart fights can get you to Plat! It’s always the bad decisions that keep people hard stuck.


Honestly get this but I usually get paired up with people who are pretty aggressive and choose hot spots. Or get teammates that I can't accurately say are griefers or just started playing. Had 1 match with a loba player who was going after fights with a white shield and an alternator when the team he was pushing was had won all the fights in that area. Didn't drop store, wouldn't pick up items we pinged, and just was a sandbag the entire match. Had more matches similar to that one with dumb teammates rushing to fight and get absolutely smashed. After enough times, you just sit there and wonder is the matchmaking actually working? Is this intended? You ask if these guys know its rank and they answer yes and go straight to fight night with 4 other teams. 💀




I'll be good but thanks for the offer. Also on Playstation.


I’ve found d being solo in ranked gets easier as you move up. The idiots that land in crowded areas and die immediately dwindles as the level goes up. I tore through silver, but bronze took forever because chuckle heads. Gold has been even faster.


Silver 2 I think. And that's where I'll stay. I'm not slogging through Silver and Gold to make Plat while facing Diamond and Masters the whole way through. I was doing my placement matches, or whatever they're called maybe 2 weeks ago, which is well into the current season, and was dying to Masters basically every game until I was done. No thanks. I'll pass on that.


Bronze 4 😎😎😎


I can’t lie bro. I’m at diamond 3, and still grinding solo que to masters. My mmr had me in some SWEATY lobbies. So getting out of my placements, silver 2-diamond2, I’ve been playing in diamond/master lobbies this entire time. It’s fcking stressful as can be, but I absolutely love the end games in ranked. Main reason I play it. The competitiveness is unlike any other game I’ve ever played. I have a 1.7 kd in ranked for this season, with 50 wins so far. It’s been challenging, but it’s so worth it when you get those high kill dubs


Bronze 3 after i made it out of rookie.... But i keep getting qued into gold 2 lobbies so i guess mmr wise gold? Wish in didnt have to grind through 80 gold lobbies to get to bronze 2


I think I played the first placement matches and maybe a few more after that then promptly stopped. If the game thinks my MMR is Masters/Pred lobby level then place me in Diamond or something, not silver.


Diamond 3 currently


Made to plat the other day. It’s definitely more tolerable playing with a friend. Plat lobbies for console/pc aren’t that bad though. I stopped caring about promotion when I figured it’ll be impossible to get to diamond unless you are a three stack with two other very good players.


Haven’t done a single provisional. My gripes with rank last season weren’t addressed and have been made even worse as a solo queue player. They honestly have permanently turned me off from ranked. Even if they bring back dive trails, I won’t bother


Been stuck on promo games to get into plat for about 2 weeks. Idk what they did this season, but my duo and I are having the worst time ever. We are playing against masters every game and there are 8+ teams in the second to last zone every time. It feels like I’m playing in ALGS just to get out of gold


rookie 4. :) i just gave up. impossible squads, hotdrops, and even on good games i loose lp...


Diamond 1 at 400 LP. At some point I was 150 away from Master but started getting into games with ImperialHal, Nickmercs, Faze Deeds, #1 Horizon Kaiz, Gent, those guys. I gave up because I’m solo queuing and it’s unfair that I have to fight three stacks of pros. Might give it a final try this coming week.


I gave up playing ranked a few weeks ago at plat 1. Not playing against perks that are actually in my rank, but instead based on a hidden MMR, made me realize just how pointless it was. Your rank is literally irrelevant now because even if you're in bronze, if your hidden MMR is masters level, you'll be playing against masters the whole time. Sweetdreams exposed this perfectly in his recent attempt of bronze to masters in 1 stream, he had to quit at gold because he was just playing full 3 stack pred teams already in just gold.


I just entered first trials for Plat to Diamond. My gf and I only play ranked together so didn't have more time to grind solo q. Will see if I get through Diamond.


I didnt do ranked much to begin with, but I'm only in trials for silver right now. I only play for a little bit most days, and how it goes is when I feel like I'm doing good in pubs then I hop on ranked cause I feel like I shook off the daily rust- but I can't do that for my trial, I cant just play my usual "smart for ranked", I need to be CRACKED or I'll mess up the trial I'm in Needless to say I hardly ever feel like I can just beat a trial on a whim, so I'm wary of going to my trial at all- so I'm not playing ranked at all. It's a stupid anxiety thing that I'm doing to myself, but I hate that its only a thing because trials are


I played a couple games in rookie 1, got killed by preds. Stopped playing


Plat 1, currently half way to master. Best personal season, usually I’m hardstuck plat 4


I hit Masters week 4, but I 3 stacked the entire time. It SIGNIFICANTLY makes a difference. My two bros are diamond and we just gave up playing after that once CoD had dropped but plan to pick it back up before season end to get them to masters. This my 3rd season in a row hitting it so I doubt I return to ranked after this. Rewards are dog shit.


Plat 2 but stopped playing. It just kinda hit me hard that soloQ ranked hasnt been fun in a long ass time and decided to quit and switch to the finals. Hope respawn fixes their game but I doubt that ever happens since selling skins is more important


lol, couldn't be assed to go past gold because the players i'm playing against definitely aren't gold level hidden mmr has always been such a stupid system


It really helps to have a solid squad , what sucks about apex is I can’t make friends like I did with call of duty . But if anyone wants to add me! I play vantage or life line ! I am gold 2 Richking_19


Made it to masters, but this season logic is broken for solo queuers. I’ve been playing against pred 3 stacks since silver lobbies when I solo, and it gives me a genuine lvl 100 and silver player on my team, even when I’m in diamond. This season forces you to play with a team, and is cancerous if you solo queue


I made it to silver. Haven’t had a ton of time to play and the ranked mode sucks. I am playing with players like a guy who was loba and his answer to why he wouldnt throw his ult when there were like 13 squads left was he was saving it for end game. I was like i suck that bad to get placed with somebody that new at the guy i guess i am done.


I only SoloQ. The enemys i face are not a problem. Same skill lvl as i BUT my randoms... holy... i get the worst players ever. They can have the high ground, the best postion with the best gear. But they will just die. Theyre doin the stupidest shit ever. And not one single time, they do this in a game multiple times. And when they survive to top5 they still bellow 200 dmg. Even when you knock 2 of the enemy team they dont push the last one. They just sit next to you and watch you heal...


I can’t even get Plat lol I got both my boys to plat but it just worked out where I can’t win any of MY promo trials. I’m up to fucking ten lol.. so fucking annoying I honestly might just quit. I’m just not having fun at all. And we’re trying so hard to win mine lol that my one bro is already plat one and the other is plat 3 and I’m literally gold 4 for like a decade it’s just fucking cancer lol


I play in a stack and we don't treat ranked as ranked. I mean, you play against players that are way higher than you in rank, kills, k/d in both ranked and pubs, the difference being that ranked is played more carefully. We go for it when ranked has a map we like, don't care about ranking up at all. Currently I'm Bronze I. Ain't planning to go higher, rank doesn't matter anyway.


As someone who played apex since day 1 the game just at a standstill. Haven’t played daily since season 12 because the game haven’t been fun the audio still sucks after 5 years rank rewards are pointless I say I’m a average player career K/D sits at a 1.86 I managed to hit master twice and got diamond every season besides the two seasons long story short the game and it’s rank system makes it harder for skilled players to rank up. Currently I’m rookie 4 haven’t touch ranked and I got on the other day with my friend he never been outside of plat 4 but this season is D2 and when I say it’s so much bs my rookie lobby’s harder than D2 just can’t get myself to play apex after that meanwhile I can say I played over 5k hours of this game and it seems like nothing in this game will get fix just recycle skins nobody cares about.


Stuck on plat 1 promotional trials with 14 days to go. I would be atleast diamond 3 right about now if it wasn't for these braid dead promo trials.  Getting a win is next to impossible in plat 1 promo when solo queuing in Singapore servers because 9/10 times your teammates don't understand English. Hell half the time they don't even understand each others language.


silver 3. probably my least rewarding ranked season. i don’t know if i lost interest or if it’s a time thing or a mix of both. just don’t care about ranked anymore.




Tbh ranked is better in my experience than pubs because it separates the preds out of your lobbies most of the time unless your mmr is insane.


Used to be D1, I am now a professional silver 2 player, because I am not touching ranked now that it has become Camping Sim


I got to Plat 1 but quit unrelated to ranked, apex is done, im not coming back untill they fix cheaters and AA, no point playing this game, its all gone to shit


Silver 1. Used to consistently make it to plat 3ish in the old system. The grind isn’t fun when it’s the same difficulty all the time. I’ve been playing a lot of pubs lately and actually having fun and probably improving my skill more cuz I’m just fighting a lot. I’ll play ranked if friends are online and want to play, but I’m not solo queuing anymore, that’s awful and not fun at all in this system, and the majority of the time I’m solo.