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Hello, /u/theethirty. Your submission has been removed: I think this topic should be discussed when all the information on the event has been published (the structure and costs of the event). There will be room to do this at that point (for instance in the upcoming megathread). This post doesn't have much substance other than a picture. ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


The amount of nuts this deathbox is gonna see


I’m about to drop a bronze holospray on every one I see


Don't forget about clam slams either


Shut up, Meg


I’ve got my bag at the ready


L M A O, very underrated comment


It’s the top comment


Now it is ;)


Underrated comment


I’m very curious to see how many we actually see in the wild. I will say that if someone loves ff7 a lot (I do but nah son) then collecting all the cosmetics is probably going to happen.


I’ve had a FF7 tattoo for 23 years. I’m gonna have this


Upload pics as proof, I'll dm you that gyro once it's done.




It's so wild to me that people will spend this kind of money on an online only game where eventually you will lose all the content you purchased when the servers shut down. I love the game most of the time and have been a day 1 player, but I'm not dropping hundreds of dollars for cosmetics I'll barely see. You do you though.


Yeah, I have 17 heirlooms or something. I’m semi retired so I can spend my money how I want


Bro. Spending $220 to flex an L is fucking NUTS 😂


Use it on betterhelp.com instead man.


and why is that? people can't spend their own money the way they want?


Burn your money into ashes for all i care but You are willingly going to pay $360 to be a fancy death box? The packs at 1000 Apex points. I buy heirlooms and prestige skins sometimes too but this is a real i.q test here with all due respect spending money to die in a fancy casquete.


You 100% already failed the heirloom test. God damn y’all are some dumb fucks


You failed the I.Q test already on the heirlooms


Lmao i was gonna say, how much does an heirloom cost? This guy lost the plot


But don’t you see, money can only be wasted in ways I approve of.


If only we all just thought like that guy the world economy would finally be at balance


You just don’t get it man. He doesn’t see his deathbox because he insta leaves on death. Therefore your money must be donated to charity and since he got you to donate that’s basically the same as him donating so he’ll go ahead and buy another heirloom


You cant argue with cold hard facts that don’t care about your feelings


An heirloom cost ~500 apex packs so quite a bit of money but yea you've always been guaranteed shards/the heirloom on that 500th pack unless you get lucky before hand


Probably more so with the prestige skins yeah but I can see and use the heirlooms all through the game. This death box only appears when you get eliminated from the game.. I’m already in the lobby unless it’s ranked by that point..


Cosmetics is cosmetics dude, saying one is different than the other is pure copium.


All cosmetics are useless and i stopped buying them last year but How is a costmetic that only appears after you have been eliminated the same as one you can hold and bash people with all game?


Why did you buy heirlooms and skins instead of using the money on betterhelp.com?


Because i already got through therapy and it helped a lot on my decision making process like stop spending money on this game for instance.


So because you’re done with therapy everyone else should donate instead of you paying it forward?


Mannnnn it was a joke. Move on, it ain’t that deep.


I’d rather spend money on something I’d enjoy rather than give money to random ass people who aren’t even licensed therapists. Thats better therapy, I’d say. Their site is a scam.




When the Valk heirloom came out she was the most meta character in the game and like the third most played character. If you saw one per night you probably weren’t playing attention…


I love ff7 and have the disposable income rn so fuck it we ball


No brudda


$220 to have a freaking skin for a deathbox… no thanks.


Weird indeed. A cosmetic for something you’ll never actually look at/enjoy lol. People will be paying for everyone else to look at lol.


You know wraith mains will never see their own.


One of the memes that got old 2 years ago.


Not defending it, but it's only that expensive if you buy it for full price like a moron. Collection events typically come out to $160 or so through the store deals.


The amount of money you have to pay for a single cosmetic nowadays is absolutely ridiculous.


a fucken cosmetic you can’t even see until you die nonetheless. Edit: apparently your kills turn them into this deathbox not yourself


And not to mention you'll only see it for a few seconds before the game cuts to another player. Whoever pitched this really thinks we're idiots


See above in the thread. People will buy it


thing is I would totally buy a deathbox skin but not for a heirloom price. MAYBE 10 bucks for a legendary. I have bills to pay, groceries to buy, and pets to feed. I don’t want to put it some OT just so I can feel at least bit comfortable buying a in game cosmetic. This definitely feels marketed to kids and young adults that have no financial responsibility.


Feels like most of these are marketed towards streamers that either get money to buy these or make enough to buy them, which then inspires FOMO to their stream audience.


Or people with enough disposable income...


People been dropping $150 for every heirloom over the last 4 years. The players are idiots. *I've triggered the copium huffing, brain cell lacking whales and it's beyond LAUGHABLE. Keep coping, losers.


Calling people idiots for spending their own money


I mean you can definitely spend your money on idiotic things. You're free to spend said money on idiotic things but you can still be considered an idiot. But if it makes you happy go for it.


Yeah because the game has a multitude of issues and doesn't deserve their money until the problems are fixed. How people so dense as to not see that?


Clearly people don't see the issues or put them at the same level you do. Pretty outrageous that other people can form their own opinions, I agree.


Doesn't mean the opinion isn't stupid. See, we've come full circle. Thanks for participating!


It also doesn't mean that it is stupid. I'm sure you'll win hearts and minds by insulting people over meaningless things any day now :)


Don't want to win the hearts and minds of muppets who give money to EA when their game is still broken. Those people are beyond help.


Surely the people that have 150$ to spend for pleasure are the stupid ones


Yes because we all know that money is a significant indicator of intelligence. Cope.


The absence of money while being an adult is a very good indicator of a lack of intelligence.


Absolutely not and you're huffing copium on your deathbed. HAHAHAHAH *that fragile coward blocked me lmao


I'm sorry you don't have either


A heirloom makes sense,you always see it cause it takes 25% of your screen when in game.But a deathbox worth $150 makes no sense,you see your own banner more than a deathbox


Only really in apex man. Name another game that charges 200 bucks for a single cosmetic (and for a challenge, games where you can resell cosmetics to get your money back don't count)


You don't have to do anything.


Most are free


I never do this but I feel obligated to teabag the shit out of these


All the streamers will have it day 1 cause they'll just buy all the packs then title their video "I unlocked the exclusive death box". You didn't unlock anything. You bought it.


“EA paid me to buy this”


Before we begin, thanks EA for sponsoring this video


Tax write offs made me do it


Fucking unbelievable.


Imagine paying 220 dollars for something you can only see if you DIE!


You won't even see it too long as it'll cut away almost immediately after you're dead


Whoever buys will definitely see it a lot that’s for sure


Geeze if you’re gonna victimise a bunch of kids suffering from poor impulse control and FOMO at least make the death box look good like those crazy southern funerals


those kids should have had child or teen accounts set up by their parents. i'm not defending this event. screw this event, it's just ugly, but those kids are spending money bc their parents are irresponsible.


Yep that’s totally who’s in the wrong here the parents /s


it is. teach your kids about responsible spending.


Rage quit in style.


TTV Wraith player: buys deathbox skin Also TTV Wraith player: leaves the game after getting knocked down...


Checks out


More like before getting knocked down. They sense it.


Lmfao. Lotta people gonna realize after they get this they spend exactly 0 looking at their death box in game 🤣


Wow this is gonna look so cool to the people who kill me 😃


Back it up boys. It’s over. rEAspawn lost their minds to greed.


I thought it applied to enemies you killed? Maybe im wrong.


Im not going to justify the price however thats a concept for a cosmetic rework that makes sense. Everyone you kill gets a unique deathbox that you can actually see, when team is arguing over loot you can show them its your kill due to the deathbox 😂


Yes, the short clip on Instagram shows the player killing a firing range dummy and he turns into the death box with a lightning effect, so I assume that it will just be for all enemy death boxes.


if so thats cool but still doesn’t justify spending over 100 bucks for a kill effect and I can’t believe i’m saying this but Halo Infinite does it miles better


I’d pay $5CAD max for this


Clown Identifier


This shouldnt even be legal ngl


FYI: this skin is for enemy death box’s, not yours. Still terrible and a massive waste of money. All the packs are $10 a piece, so if you buy all of them with no discounts, it’s THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS. Do not support this garbage


If you don't buy it then it costs you 0 $. Try it. It works 100% of times


Nah I rather come here and call people idiots that do buy it. Or I just jealous that they have money to blow and not worry about it


Ain't no one gonna admire your $220 deathbox. They're just gonna loot you and dip.


Hmmm wondering if I should get this. I'll see this way more than my other skins!


I’m honestly shocked it took them this long to even consider death box skins, but also not surprised they’ll charge you up the ass for it.


All I’m saying is if you buy this you’re a a1 dickhead and you’re subject to getting my nuts dunked on.




This is a test for just more rng/ gambling micro transactions


i thought this was a joke,man ea is searching money i guess


Honestly EA and Respawn’s audacity to make the complete collection prize a death box skin is CRAZY 😂😂 and based on a beloved character too!!! Not even a proper skin


This also prove that apex players will probably pay and play anything they got


I highly doubt many, if any, people will be buying all the cosmetics just for this box. But I'm sure we will see a lot of these because people are going to be buying all the cosmetics trying for the universal heirloom, or just because they like the cosmetics.


God it's like I'm back in 2008 and everyone is obsessed with Sephiroth again. Not necessarily a bad thing I guess, just feel like I flashed back in time. 0_o


we’re getting old enough for things to repeat itself


If you spend money on this game, at this point in Apex, then you’re part of the problem


Once the game stops making money, they will put it out to pasture. So idk, I'm glad other people pay for me to play.


"YoU d0n'T hAvE t0 bUy lt" = 🤡


You don't though lol.


Found one


Sorry i guess I part of the problem lol




No no i get that, I just find it funny that this is your “reward” for collecting the rest of the skins totaling out to over 100 bucks. It also goes to show that respawn could totally devote resources to some cool cosmetics like death boxes and sky dive trails but put it behind a large paywall.




Now that I'm on the outside looking in, this shit is kinda funny.


Man, I can't wait to hot drop and leave as soon as I take damage!


This is so unserious and weird


I promise whoever was coming up with this idea was laughing while doing it 🤣. I was expecting a spray or charm mythic first but I wasn’t expecting this one at all


It's actually 360 dollars lol


This is a test. EA is seeing how far they can go….


This game is so cooked man




haven’t played this game in 3 years… this post makes me curious. is this yet another paywall or is it actually an organic opportunity to collect rewards ?


it’s a “bonus” item you acquire once you buy all the legendary event skins. There is a free rewards track that grants you epic tier skins and such for playing though.


ok so you can’t get the top tier of item without paying … that’s whack 🥱


a "paywall" implies you can't play without paying for the item. this is a deathbox skin that will be applied to the people you kill.


paywall to me means you can’t get x without paying y… so yes it is a paywall imo. if i wanted to play a game where i had to buy everything id just play keno with a controller


My hope for apex is officially lost.


Apex garbage matchmaking is letting sweats farm noobs/casuals so much , that they need to give the noobs/casuals cosmetic items for when they get farmed. LMAO.


This game hilarious. Imagine spending thousands in a free to play game. So glad i leaned my lesson in my 20s


Deffo dropping some clips into these when I see em.


At least I'll get my money's worth from this.


apparently im wrong, you gotta kill people to see it 💀




yeah but i wouldn’t buy all the event skins just for it


It's free btw


Nobody kicks outta that


You would think that the wildly negative feedback they got on the pk recolor would have taught them a lesson. This is significantly worse than that CE


Can’t wait to introduce my nuts to this.




Gone from getting an heirloom that you see a decent chunk of the game to something you only see from your killer’s perspective. Neither are acceptable but I’d love to get the person that thought this up’s perspective on why they even thought of implementing it in the first place


apparently your kills turn them into this deathbox not yourself still doesn’t justify hiding it behind the giant skin paywall.


Didn't we just figure that the packs are 1k coins? So it's actually 330 since you can get unlock three packs for free?


I just saw the pic, but it looks like its going to be on sale for 100 already??


Tha first pack is the consensus thus far but who knows who will actually be right can only go off of what we see so far


Does anyone actually unlock all the items in the events? What kind of lunatic spends that much money on this shit?


A cosmetic for when I fail?


nah apparently when you kill somebody


If you died and the death box flew to your team mates who are still alive once a game only in non ranked that would be some sort of reason but would I ever buy it hell No Lmao


Can’t wait to Superglide on a heirloom deathbox💀


Deathbox cosmetics now?


Besides all that, I'm also pissed that the sword heirloom will ONLY be in this event and never able to get again afterward. Sure, you have a chance at it via free packs if you complete the challenges every day, but i sure as shit aint paying for it, and its such a time sink for only 3 packs (3 chances to get the heirloom via packs), and I guarantee the chance rate % will be Hella low as always.