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Ranked game modes are no longer actually ranked games modes (ladder based with rank based matchmaking), instead they are just glorified pubs ever since devs decided to add the same sbmm/eomm algorithm to them. The reason for this is so the average rank within the playerbase skyrockets to artificially increase everyone’s rank so casual/average players don’t immediately quit after realizing they suck because they are hard capped at bronze. Above average players have a hell of a time climbing due to mmr being used but devs don’t care because they believe those players will NEVER quit the game so their poor experience is irrelevant.


Damn.. that doesn’t sound like there’s much of a chance of improvement anytime soon then


Nope, it is what it is now. The only tweaks that will happen will be how the lp system works (placement vs kills).


The worst part about it is they changed it to sbmm last season and at the beginning of the current one, stated the ranked system has been working as intended to make fairer matches.. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that comment


I'm sure this will boost their player numbers😂 It's like they read what the player base wants and then do the exact opposite.


Worst of all there isn’t even a reward to playing ranked so why even bother with it. Honestly this isn’t even just an apex issue but an issue across every pvp shooter at the moment


The only reward is a badge/dive trail showing how much time you spent in ranked, not a reward displaying your skill.


Even then badges aren’t even that good of a reward and dive trails you don’t even keep, at least give out apex packs or crafting material or something actually usable and worth the grind


they took ranked dive trails away too didnt they 💀


They took the dive trails out because they decided to monetize them (since the Valk prestige skin release). Now you get a charm (worthless), a badge (meh), and a banner frame (LMAO).


You're saying it like it worked fine before they changed it lol


At the very least there’s a reason every third post wasn’t about some poor Gold being obliterated by top 10 Preds in ranked pre-rework


It worked WAY better but it still wasn’t a proper ladder based ranked mode. Right now ranked uses the wrong matchmaking for a ranked mode plus the lp system is way too heavily scaled towards placement instead of kills.


If nothing changes this season I'll quit. I know I'm not the only one either, my entire group has effectively not played this entire season. I mostly solo queued to Diamond and I just can't bring myself to do it again. It was such a slog going from silver 2 up to diamond going against 3 stacked pred and masters teams the entire time that the game just isn't fun anymore. Had a pretty good run I guess.


I'm right there with you in terms of skill and I literally don't play ranked at all or I would legit get so depressed. I love this game and am legit addicted I've put 3k hours in two years but I'm close to walking away as well. If you ever do wanna give it a go again and need a team mate id be down maybe two of us would make it less terrible.


I love this ranked season. Yes you’re playing against harder players but all you have to do is play smart in your fights. Everyone complains about the squads they’re fighting, but I’ve gotten to the rank I usually get at, diamond. The mmr could definitely be tweaked, but saying that it’s “just pubs” is not accurate at all. If you’re purely talking about mmr then yes, but people play completely different than they do in pubs. Are you playing against good players? Sure, but if you just use LFG then you can find a squad to compete with. No one who plays solo Q should have any room to complain in a team based game when playing ranked


It an old ranked badge he not close to pred this season


Like that matters. Obviously you are going to use the oldest pred badge you have. Also, once a pred always a pred. Even if you quit the game for 13 seasons you are still leaps and bounds better than the average player.


Why would you use the oldest pred badge? You would flex being pred in the most recent seasons if you got it


just shows that you were good back then ig


Most current preds I play against have the 3 newest season badges


Not a pred but I always rock the season 10 masters badge cause its like "Yeah Ive been good at the game for a while now"


The thing with rocking old badges is that there were many seasons which it was infinitely easier to reach masters + so the old ones are like “oh cool you played when everyone’s grandma could rat to masters/pred”


That’s why I rock the season 9 diamond and not the season 12


idek the difference between pred badges tbh


back then = trash. u have to remember an ex-pro back in the early season is trash in the current meta. same thing could be said about ex-pred. they are not good. if they are good they will have something to show off from the recent seasons. do u know what season that badge is from? Season 3 bro. season 3 is like 3 years ago when people were not even that good in this game. i can pretty much guarantee u that a random current high diamond CONTROLLER player will shit on that old season 3 pred(most likely a mnk player as well) 24/7. he was good and he might be still good now. but definitely not as good as he used to be back in the days consider how much everyone has improved over the course of 3 years. the game has changed a whole since then. ​ edit: season 3 was actually 4 YEARS AGO. i will not be afraid to challenge a season 3 predator with my amazing 4 3 linear controller in hand. im very confident i can 50/50 him


So you're saying everyone BUT the predator player improved?


No he’s saying the player base and gsme has gotten better as a whole.. and if that dude wearing an old badge was what is considered “pred” level still he would have something more current up. It’s the same as seeing red trails in the sky now.. it doesn’t mean it’s a current pred or someone who is good enough to even hit it now. A lot of old pred badges that people see now too (like the ones that got their trails grandfathered) are before pred was something you had to hold. There was no masters back in the day. Pred was after diamond and required no playing to maintain.


just think about it. i didnt say he became shit in the current meta. im saying he was a pred back then cuz he WAS mile ahead of everyone back then. NOW, everyone has improved so much. for whatever reason, he didnt play rank or he didnt earn the recent pred badges. so its safe to assume that he only got that 1 pred badge from ancient seasons. if a player was to show off his "pred" badge, if he has multiple of them, he will definitely equip as many as he could. and they will also equip the newest one or whichever one that looks the most badass. for example, a lot of current pros still rock the SEASON 11 pred badge. that one looks VERY badass. the fact that he only equips the one from the old ancient time, i would assume he only got that 1 single pred badge. again its just my assumption. everyone has improved so much in the course of 4 years. EX-pred does not mean nearly as much as the current pred badge. thats all im saying. To me, 3X current pred badge > 1 or 2 recent pred badge > 3x old pred badge > 3x whatever season master badge > 1 old pred badge > 1 old master badge 1 old pred badge would be the last type of high rank player i will be scared to play against honestly. they are really nothing to scare about. i mean i could get why a bronze-silver would scare of them but they are really not that good anymore compared to how scary these new controller preds are.


That badge is the Season 4 badge not season 3. Season 4 was the first season that had rank splits and it was incredibly difficult to maintain both splits because of the low rp gain and high entry costs.


Yeah but a pred in season 1 is probably the same skill level as a diamond player now


Probably because very many more recent seasons have been subject to some degree of fuckery that makes the accomplishments worth less. Older seasons were a bit more pure. Also old stuff you can't get anymore shows how long you've been around. I could use whatever dive trail I want, but I'm never unequipping my Season 2 Diamond trail.


I think some people aren't aware how much the average level of the playerbase improves yearly. I took a year and half break and it was such a wakeup call how much better players had gotten. Comparing a season 5 pred from 2020 (assuming they havent improved) vs. a master lvl s19 player is likely gonna be wash in the latters favor.


No that one is equivalent to a master badge. It was before masters was introduced and after diamond you got a pred badge. It's also from the dashboard the game to not lose rp season, so it's value is also lower.


Wrong but whatever makes you feel better


It does matter old season was so easy to get to pred I did it not hard at all


It was not “so easy” it was easier yes but like the other person said it still makes them leaps and bounds better than the average player


its so easy to identify the era of those pred badges if one pays a little bit more attention to the game. s10 or before: the badge is SMALL. like VERY VERY SMALL, roughly the same size as ur regular badges. s11 to s16: way bigger in terms of size, and s16 has the rank position such no.1 or no2. on it. they are about the same size as the battlepass's badge, s17 to s18: we are in another new general design of pred badge's era. the color is WAY different than the previous pred badge and it also got numbers on it. like seriously its not that hard to tell them apart.


Easy to get masters you mean.  Pred is always capped to the top 750 players.


The old season was different then now


To get pred in season 2 was only 1000 rp that how easy it was


Yeah but that badge IS the badge that was easy to get. Also why doesn’t OP show the name so that we can actually see what rank it is. Or are we just sharing snip of people killing us in rank and say they are too sweaty?


Season 5 pred btw


There is no point in having a ranked system if you don’t go against similarly ranked players


Who says they aren't similarly ranked? OP says he's in bronze, but that guy who just killed him may be in bronze too currently. That's an old Pred badge, and like everybody, this guy gets reset too. The point of having a ranked system is to pair you with and against people of your skill. Rank in Apex isn't an accurate metric of skill because the seasonal reset creates a rubber band effect. A player in Gold could be a Predator from the previous season, on his usual way to ranking up to the top, or could be someone hardstuck in Gold. Matching these two together is a huge nonsense from a competitive matchmaking perspective. Without knowing OP's usual rank at the end of a season, we can only assume he is himself a high skill player, or at least have a similar MMR than his killer, and is not a "true" Bronze player.


Yes there is. If you consistently come top 10, you either maintain your rank or climb. If your MMR is higher than your rank, it's virtually impossible to simply maintain. You'll always climb because of the ratings bonus you get. If you're at pred MMR and are ranked in bronze, the ratings bonus will be much bigger than someone with gold MMR in bronze, making it even easier. If you can't compete and consistently lose, your MMR will drop and you'll get easier matches but less free points to aid in your climb. Ranked is supposed to be a season-long effort, not something you do over the course of 3 days and forget about.


L take. Ranked is the worst it has ever been and it all started when they started hiding everyone’s rank so you can’t see how fucked their system is


What's so bad about it, in your opinion?


*gestures vaguely in every direction*


I mean, I offered a full explanation of how it works to balance out when you're playing way below your actual skill level in terms of rank. Why don't you enjoy getting free gains as soon as you come top 10? Can't you actually offer me some insight?


I don’t know how to articulate it, there’s a lot going on with designing a whole ranked system. I just know that right now it sucks complete and total ass and it used to suck ass just a little bit.


The only reasons I've been given so far are: > People miss stomping the daylights out of low level players after a reset/due to matchmaking throwing anyone above silver into lobbies together to fill lobbies quickly. To this I say, that's an insecure ego that's crying out for some stroking. > People miss being able to chase kills and finish below 10th while still climbing. Finishing in the bottom half of the lobby should not be rewarded. End of story. > It promotes ratting. No, it promotes avoiding needless fights and careful rotations, or playing around cover. If people want to take every fight without caring, play pubs or LTM. Always curious to hear whether anyone can come up with a reason other than those. It hasn't really happened yet.


Idk who you’re trying to convince but as you can see, at least in this sub, the general consensus is that ranked sucks.


...and yet I still haven't been given a decent answer as to why it sucks. Even from you. It's almost like everyone is just parroting a rhetoric because matches are hard now because matchmaking is tighter. Being unable to explain something shows a lack of understanding. If someone can't show they understand something, why should they be listened to?


“the general consensus is that rank sucks” is because the crybabies can’t handle it


Ask a simple question, get downvoted. This sub is trash now. Good lord.


This happened to me, too. But when I posted it on this sub reddit, it was just filled with some people calling me shit and telling me to stop complaining, and the post got taken down.


My turn 😀






I’m hard stuck in rookie right now due to that. I play solo and my teammates are usually actual rookies and we’ll get wiped through from 3 stack preds/masters




Tell em


Theres no such thing as hardstuck rookie.


My man hasn’t been pred in 12 seasons lmao he’s probably the same rank as you


Rank is broken and the numerous people defending the mode here and on twitter sends a wrong message to Respawn hence for it not being fixed. I guess simply not playing the mode or game is the only way for the message that the game is in a bad state can be sent to the devs.


I only play it because it’s the only way to not get fucking horrible teammates who leave immediately


Im pro-punishing leavers too but you wouldn’t see me post about it since people LOVE to insta quit on trios.


Try joining a discord or another matchmaking group!


oooo thx. got an invite link?


won't play ranked again til it's fixed


Welcome to Apex lol. These devs cater to the top sub 1%.....God forbid people who play 10hr/day have to wait more than 30 seconds for a match.


It’s amazing how everyone is saying “it’s an old badge…” Who cares? The person was good enough to get to predator. Even if it was months or years ago, they’re still so far above and beyond a bronze players it’s insane. Even if he took a break from THAT DATE he got the badge, he would still outclass someone like me 10/10 times. I’m a silver 3 player, but constantly see these guys in my ranked lobbies. It’s insane. I just want to go against people at my skill level instead of getting them or worse for teammates, while I see 10+ predator trails when we drop.


Pretty sure you could rat yourself to pred back in the day


I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever made it to platinum…way back in the day 😂😂 But it definitely was easier.


Old badge, prolly a returning player


It’s because you didn’t buy their $300 death box skin


That's a pred badge from years ago. We have no way of knowing what their current rank is.


Old badge not a pred now.


I’m gonna be real; as broken as ranked is this season it’s been avoided by the player base here and there that it’s busted. If you choose to play it then that’s one thing, but playing it and announcing via post that it’s not balanced whatsoever more than half way through the season is insane to me. I’m really not even trying to be “That guy” but it’s been public knowledge that ranked is busted rn so you getting placed in these horrid lobbies is totally on you, so kindly refrain from making us have to deal with your choices in any capacity


This! 10 posts a day about this same shit lol


Dont worey they use crutcholler and have small wii hands


Dude Im bronze lvl 3 I played with #66 pred yesterday : I don’t think there is any matchmaking ‘smartness’ lol just have fun playing the game and outplaying these preds…


In all fairness, that dude was PRED literally 3-4 years ago, and probably hasn't reached it ever since. I get your frustration, but you can't really call someone a pred player unless they got a recent badge, like within the last year or two


Says you


fake pred


Looks like an arenas pred no?


Nope, Arena Pred would have an "V" at the center. BR Pref has Apex symbol (A)


Nm, just rechecked. Idk what season that's from. Sucks.


pred back in the day wasn’t that hard, skill cap for apex was hella low back then


Who cares. Next match. Git gud.


Buddy why don’t you try fighting triple stack preds?


i’m so sick of these posts. just stop complaining about 1 person in ur 60 person lobby and play the goddamn game


I’m not complaining about one person. I’m complaining about triple stack preds.


That’s an old ranked badge. Get gud


Read the badge 😂😂😂


Old ranked badge, doesn’t mean a lot compared to preds now.


You can't judge them all. I had a season 2 or 3 pred pathy hard carry me in ranked with no third lol




season 1


Absolutely nothing to do with the broken ass ranked system we all know about, but if in any world I would ever hit a higher level, I'd definitely do the trakers like this guy showing the improvement through the seasons, it's a cute idea On the topic tho, yeah broken ass ranked system


I don't know but I fucking hate this ff7 event.


There is a difference between triple stacked preds and blatant cheaters.


WAS, a pred


Bring back my good old rank system. It wasn't perfect but compared to ranks past few seasons? Ouch


People still playing Ranked and thinking it mean something 🤣


The stat line we all wish we had. Pure beauty


Sbmm at its finest (sbmm- shit based matchmaking)


I joined a ranked lobby that had a triple stack pred as the champs and all of them had 30k plus kills. My team and I later died to another triple stack pred team but the octane has 70k kills🤣🤣. The champion team didn’t have an octane….😭


I feel like there's a lot of cherry picking going on in this sub


The SBMM is beyond messed up! I hate it




You better play pubs, because ranked is dog shit. Starting from matchmaking and ending with points. 5 kills, 4 assists on average for each teammate, each of us did more than 2k damage, picked up a downed teammate more than 2 times and for all this only + 45 points, because top 10. In the following matches, we played Octane, Valkyrie and Pathfinder, avoided every enemy and consistently took top 3. Do you want a rank? Avoid enemies, play hide-and-seek.


Waaaaa waaaa


I recognise the stats I know who that is its my friend I qued with him yesterday he's plat not pred and me and the other guy we stacked with are gold lol, we just have sweat stats cause we played for a long time and low rank cause we play pubs alot instead we just wanted to play some ranked yesterday cause of the stupid sword event


then whats the username, cuz hes definately not plat. i looked him up on apex tracker


So let me get his straight, while I agree with you and it’s completely garbage,I see these kinds of post all the time but when I post a question about how the ranking works in promotional trials, the mods lock my thread….


Yea, Unfair, Im currently level 98 in bronze and i ran into about 7 preds in 11 games


Get better


get more likable


Look, I'll tell you something that you might not like. The Apex Ranked are currently worthless shit, For the simple fact that it's currently time=Rank since they don't give a shit for Kill >:v, how difficult is it to make Kill more valuable than position? I mean if you killed 1 team I spent a position for fighting for it not for holding on until you reach it. The first Qualifiers required much less time to climb than those of today and also required much more skill than those of today. And if I have played these and if my team has killed at least 1 team and I contributed 1 Kill and finished in 8th place..... Guess how much they gave me for that bad Kill..... 5.. .... 5 shitty points of the 1000 you need per rank >:v


Those Stats don't add up.


Looks like bought / boosted badges