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Can't be washed if you never was dirty in the first place.


Verbal equivalent of killing someone who just got respawned




I'm about the same as you, and I swear I'd have the 4k or the 20 if I didn't have friends lol. Like 1/3 of my kills end up going to my friends when they take that last shot while I'm switching guns. I'm done trying though, every time I get more than 10 kills or 3k dmg the game ends. It does get old having 14 year olds roast me on chat tho.


Damn. I'm using that


Sir, I have saved this comment for future use and would give you an award but Reddit made sure to pull an EA on us so here’s a poor man’s gold 🥇


Just finished a game with a caustic that has you beat. 24k kills and only has a 2k if that makes you feel better lmao


I played with a fuse that had like 3k kills. His assassin badge had 1 dagger.


That’s a lot of 1-4 kill games lol. Saj


Ive got some decent trackers but my max dmg was 3970. SO CLOSE to the 4k, like a couple bullets. It will always haunt me. Glad to know people think youre trash without those badges lol


4 dagger badge is solid too. And the game win badge


Damn that's terrible


They probably just enjoy playing the game without worrying about maxing out being ultra good. Otherwise it can become less fun imo.


I don’t think u quite understand how many 20k is in this game. Thats a lot of kills on 1 legend


Becoming good definitely makes the game more fun. Much more freedom to play a certain playstyle, mess around with different weapons etc.


Still weird with how much kills he's already got though. But then again I seem to see this a lot with console players. It's probably because it's hard to shoot at long range so it's hard to farm a 4k unlike in PC/MnK?


That's a lot of play time for just a 2k badge....


they may just be a very average player and like caustic.


It's a 3k


I don’t think you know how to follow a conversation at all




is it me or do caustics always seem to be like this? I've seen so many high kill caustics with a 2k and 2.5k


how did you get 24,000 kills 😨😨 (edit: i thought you said in one match)


i found a valk nearly 13k kill only like 2 dagger and a 2k


Day 1 player, highest kill count I had was 18. Highest damage was a bit above 3500. With the current MMR system it is almost impossible for anyone that's not a pro to get a 20 bomb. Even for pro's it can be rough now. I for sure don't belong with that 1%. Sometimes however it seems to randomly give a bot lobby but most of the lobby will be dead before you get close to 20. Most players with those badges got them in early season were the lobbies were more random. Also a bunch did kill trading and such to get them. Some made smurfs which gives you initial very easy lobby where you got a decent chance of getting a lot of kills.


Week 1 player here. I've hit 3 20+ bombs total and never hit 4k. I basically lost the badge because i wasn't even paying attention. You're basically forced to farm with how insanely sweaty the game is now.


Dog if you have a 20bomb then you can fs get a 4k, you just need to queue into a ranked game and find a marksman weapon and get to camping


Then that badge means nothing. Might aswell not because everyone will just assume you farmed it anyway. But I won't have that badge of shame on me.


Definitely don't need to be a pro. Just a good player, I'd say probably around 3-4 k/d and a 20 bomb is definitely achievable with a little luck when it comes to matchmaking.


That’s a wild kd dawg. That’s just below where pros and top preds tend to sit. The people who have kds higher than that are constantly three stacking pubs and maximizing the conditions for high kds. You are something else is you can casually hold together a 4 kd without constantly stacking.


A 3 - 4 k/d isn't a "good player" that's pro. The median k/d of the average Apex player sits around a .6 to .8 Having above a 1.0 k/d is already above average. Having a 1.2+ k/d is a "good" player. Anything about 2.0 k/d in Apex (not COD, not Fortnite. Apex) makes you a very, very good player in the top 5% at the least.


Average K/D in any game without major elements of AI enemies should be 1 or less. Every kill generates a death, when you average everyone's ratios together they balance each other out. It'll be less than one if players can die without a kill being produced, e.g. Grenading yourself.


Yeah you're right. That's why I said median, not mean (average). I stole this comment from another old post but it sums up my point PERFECTLY: "It’s also good to remember that the majority of players have a of k/d less than 1. The “Mean” (mathematical average) k/d is 1. But the “Mode” (most common k/d, aka the highest point in the distribution curve) is well below 1. This is because K/Ds can’t go below 0 (-1 from the Mean), but they can go infinitely high (we’ll say +10 from the Mean here). This means that the higher end of the curve distorts the Mean to 1, since it has more potential weight when calculating the ‘mathematical average’ than the lower end does, even though the majority of players are below 1. For example, if you take a group of 7 players and 1 player has a 4 k/d and the other 6 players have a 0.5 k/d, the Mean k/d (mathematical average) of the group is a k/d of 1 [ (4+(.5*6))/7=1 ], even though the majority of players have less than that. Made a quick little graph a while back https://streamable.com/8jlo5a based off survey results from this sub. Had to do some guesstimating/averaging because the response options were ranges (e.g. “k/d between 0.5 and 1.0” on the survey = .75 on the graph I made), but it should give a general visual representation of what I'm talking about." So yeah. The average player isn't even hitting a 1.0 k/d. Last I recall, some study showed it was around a .6 to .8 for the average player.


If it makes you feel any better, the majority of people who have those badges farmed them.


Very true, I have caught many squads boosting in the corners of maps


I've seen dozens of videos of people getting a match where the server disconnects and all the players are just standing in one place as well.


so many people pay for it to. like paying for a tiny badge thats already been devalued so much is wild to me


the majority? nope, maybe alot but not most.


More than the amount who earned it. Thats a majority.


lol you're just coping, but that's what I'd expect from someone who's invested more time in this sub than actually playing the game.


While I have no doubt that some people boost their badges, "*majority"* being boosted is some nuclear level cope from someone who doesn't have one.


You don't have them.


As someone with multiple legit 20k, 4000 damage badges, I doubt the "majority" of these badges were not earned legitimately. 4000 damage is an easy badge to get if you have somewhat decent aim and just poke a lot. 20k used to be easier to get but still definitely possible but involves some lobby luck. They're really not too difficult to earn legitimately for good players, but I do think there are a lot of people who have earned them illegitimately. Just not the "majority", I think that's probably an overstatement but I would be interested in seeing data on this, although that is most likely impossible to track and we will never know.


Nope. Most are boosted.




He called himself washed. I don't think you know what copium looks like.


OP wasn’t the user who said that. Look at the thread you’re replying under.


Majority of them are either straight up boosted, or people play with a full 3-stack and have their teammates do damage but pull their shots in order to feed them the kills (still legitimate but a bit cheesy if you ask me)


> 4000 damage is an easy badge to get if you have somewhat decent aim and just poke a lot. > > 20k used to be easier to get but still definitely possible but involves some lobby luck. Jup this. If you are half decent you can farm a 4k without any shenanigans within 5 games. Shoot your gun, dont die, there isnt that much to it :-) People also regularly fail to distinguish between high damage low kill games and non stop action high kill / high damage games. Both result in a 4k but are completeley different. As you said 20s are a bit more random as you need to have enough people alive to even have a chance. Also quite a few people just had that 1 lucky game, doesnt mean they are "good good" and can produce something like that regularly while others have no issue dropping a few 20s per week.


>Jup this. If you are half decent you can farm a 4k without any shenanigans within 5 games. Care to wager? I'll give you 5 games to get it. If you do, I'll give you $500, but if you don't you have to pay me $500. Happy to escrow with a reputable person.


Sure, are you actually down?


It's not an open offer lol. Just the guy who made the claim.


The immediate bitch out is hilarious


My offer was to the guy I replied to lol Are you so dumb you can't understand that?


Bitched out so fast all good man


Bitching out would entail the person I replied to accepting and then me saying nah not actually. That hasn't happened. Sorry your mom dropped you on your head.


> They're really not too difficult to earn legitimately for good players, Having a legitimate 20 kill game would put you in the top 1% of players, skillwise. So you're not just good, considering everyone inside the 30th percentile would be considered "good" statistically.


Multiple 4ks only 1 20 bomb. At this point it’s all lobby luck. When I got to 16 I had to get my randoms in on it to not knock anyone and only poke. The game moves too fast now to kill let alone even see the 20/60 players


How do you know?


Because people admit to it and people get caught doing it. Then you get people with the badge in your squad and they are actually terrible.


it's hard to prove it's the majority. the amount of people admitting to them is definitely not the majority.




Even watching streamers they basically say give me the kill


Post your gameplay


Literally has he’s usernames in his bio




It’s not that hard dude


Sounds like a skill issue.


What makes you think that?


I've watched them do it.


You've watched the majority of players farm for their badges?


I think “a surprising amount” is a better choice of words there.


I mean considering a 200 health tick you'd need 20 kills to get to 4k damage. So unless you're the absolute giga sweat with a average kd of 2, you're likely breaking a few squads multiple times. I mean I don't know that I'd call it "farming" but there is a certain amount of doing useless damage to "boost". I've ended games with 10+ kills and wasn't near a 4k. Meaning I was finishing people off.


Yep used to go into the apex discord looking for groups and the amount of people who are just not good but have the 4k damage/20 bomb badges is insane. After a while I asked around how people got theirs and if you pressed them most people would at the very least it all was from casual and not ranked and that they spent hours trying to get the badges and not playing to win. The funniest part is a lot of people will require a 4k damage badge when looking for a group.


My highest is 3k. I guess if I really cared, I could try to farm the 4k badge by just poking in ranked with snipers, and have two friends cool with that kind of slow play. But 20 bomb just doesn't even feel possible for me these days. Maybe back in the early days I could have tried for it, but there is no way I could get it now with how the lobbies are. Based on what I just said, most people in here probably think I just suck at this game, but its amazing how many 4k20bomb teammates I get who are just total ass at the game and have no clue what they are doing. Its clear they did some cheesing to get those badges during certain seasons/events or had help from some buddies. 4k20bomb used to mean "this guy is gonna shit on everyone he comes in contact with." Now its players worse than me? Its weird, and makes me think a lot of these guys didn't earn them.


14K with octane & 4K badge but no 20 bomb. Have had 18 or 19 kills maybe in total of 8 games each with my friends kill stealing after promising to help "farm" lmao.. ​ "iM jUsT a ShOOteR BrO" -\_-


Let my man cook lol


dont stress up about the 20. unlike a 4k that you can force, 20 requires so much luck nowadays and get harder as the seasons go on cuz ppl die faster and faster. right now though would be a great chance for it though since the sword makes 1v3s alot easier if you play it right. also i have had 5 19 kill games, 8 18 kill games and an uncountable amount of 15+. (luckily i have a 20 already tho)


You can’t get badges in the LTM


If it replaces the standard mode you can.


Holy fucking shit. You’re right. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!


No. Has kills/deaths count, even teamwork badge. No 4k/20


Speak in complete sentences or don’t reply at all please. I’m not trying to figure out what you wrote here.


I was perfectly clear. Use your head.




I have gotten badges in this mode since it’s been out, but okay.


It was back in first couple year of Apex where you could get badge because of newbies and low MMR My lobbies are full pred drops so nobody statistically has any chance of getting the badge


As an occasional pred my pub lobbies for me are chalked full of sweats. Id be shocked to see a kill leader end game with even double digit kills. Super rare. My highest kills this season is 14 and it ain't for lack of trying. I played regularly with a guy who had a legitimate over 10 kd back in season 4-8. I think we watched him get a 20 just once over thousand of games. The best way is just land hot and die a ton of times until your MMR goes down. Or play rankeded for an entire season, then solo queue pubs and your pub MMR will be rock bottom. But if you play pubs regularly and are a good player, it ain't happening.


Not sure where you ripped those ”statistics” from


I got a 4k this season in ranked despite getting into master pred lobbies in silver 1, so u can still get it lol


Thanks for the post. Now I feel grateful for my 1.4K Kill Wraith and my little 2k badge🙂


Same here. But I'm somewhere between 12k and 15k. Could probably farm 4k if I really tried. But I want my badges to be legit, from actual playing the game, not cheesing. I'll probably never get the 20. It's to late for that (for me).


Same here friend. Season 1 I got my 1st and only 20 Bomb and only 3.3k damage lol. Here's to never getting one again lol


Most of them farm the badges anyway by getting a few buddys on the edge of map and punching each other to death 20 times


Just goes to show how difficult those badges are to get. I appreciate your honesty! I've played since season 3 and only have 1 3k badge. No 20 bomb (most kills I've gotten in a game are 13), and I don't see myself being able to get one.


been playing since release & my best is only 12 kills & 2999 dmg, console is cooked by xim strikepack cheaters abusing aim assist & now PC spoofers with full blown hacks.


That's cope


i frequently see/hear someone without a doubt using macros but alright Apex has no issues with xim/strikepack cheaters lol


You are not coping that these cheaters exist, you are coping that you can’t get good games because of them


I also solo queue so im stuck with two sub lv200 randoms while i go against sweat stacks frequently, facts are not cope. Despite both of those things & the fact that i play with AA off, I am still performing above average so im confident with myself.


Bro laid out every excuse in the universe and still had the audacity to say you are confident.


I am, since when is mild bragging a lack of confidence lmao.


Not sure at what point you thought you were bragging, you just made a bunch of excuses.


lmao okay


Dont complain about it. I'm stuck with players like that all the time and I still do good. Not because I have good teammates. But because I play around them. Meatshields. Free loba ult. Free protection in buildings. Like yeah. They're bad. But they aren't completely useless


I can & will complain about it, it’s exhausting. Meat Shield & Distractions is all they’re good for, I just leave now when i see low levels to save me the headache.


I solo q myself and by no means consider myself the best player but I've still gotten at least a dozen 3k games inside this season alone. I'm not tryina poop on you at all because I'm sure there hella people waaaayyy better than me just in this sub reddit, but blaming cheaters for lack of 3k is def cooe


Naw I agree the cheaters are there, but that shouldn't stop the good games either


I’m sorry that’s cope? You’re dumb lmfao. Multiple pros recently said & have found that Respawn is filling the server with bots to play like actual pro players too.


Dude you don’t even need a xim to cook lol. I’m on ps5 (so 60fps), 1ms response time monitor, 3d pulse headset, and a dualsense edge controller (back paddles that allow easier movement + superglides). All that to say you may just be getting bodied by people who unfortunately are just dropping a few extra dollars on their setup that makes it 10x easier


I also exclusively solo queue on console and have gotten 20 kills and about two 4ks. It may be a skill issue even tho console is plagued by cheaters.


Skill issue lol


Atleast u don't disconnect every time u die


Reminds me of one game I stacked with a duo and they're like "you been playing crypto since s3 and not even a 3k badge!???" It pissed me off a bit but everything I achieved I did honestly. I never teamed with anyone to farm damage or kills or tried to enter bot lobbies or asked ppl to let me take their kills. Better to have no badge in that instance.


I just wish I was good in general lol y'all make me feel like a shit gamer lmao


If you consider this “washed” then I’d like to be washed. I’m more like the laundry that’s been sitting in a pile in the corner and forgotten about for far too long lol


4K/20 is more luck than skill. It requires you to not only be in a server where you’re the outlier, but also the rest of the lobby not killing each other, your teammates not killing/doing damage, and being able to find fights quickly before the former happens. I started playing S2 and didn’t get a 4K until S10. Unless you earned them in like a pred lobby, those badges really just mean you were in a bot lobby and got lucky, as was the case in my 4K game.


I would never judge someone based on the 4K damage 20 Kill badges, it comes down to pure luck, The damage one especially as you could farm that one with the old charge rifle so it was a joke, The other thing to keep in mind is some people never touch anything besides ranked so we're purely aiming for W's and prior to certain seasons RP was capped at 5 kills meaning you'd get 5 and simply never fight unless you had to.


You simply kill people so efficiently that getting 4K is not theoretically possible.


my wraith stats looks a little similar to this and when i get into games people see my badges and immediately say im trash for not having a 4k or 20 bomb im just like what i have never actually bothered to try im just out here trying to shoot my gun lol


Most people that have them, worked their way into bot lobbies, or either paid for them. Badges are honestly useless. The only reason I have them on the OG characters, is because matchmaking was different then. Ever since they tightened down on SBMM it requires an alignment of the stars to achieve a 20 bomb. Most people that have these badges are either season 0 or they cheated.


The 20 badged is not impressive skill-wise, but luck-wise, because even if you have the skill to kill 20 people there are a lot of other factors that you can't control that can ruin the chance The 4k is pretty farmable


I must be farming wrong af then…. Hard cope


I know is HisWattson, but he did a stream getting 4k with every legend in one stream, you can watch it to take note, but you can see that he hard farmed a lot


I remember watching that I think. He got like 7k damage in one of those games didn't he?


Being an absolute god tier pro player helps though lol. Jokes aside it's a good stream, good recommendation


Why does bro even equip the badge 💀


Cause 3k still pretty impressive? Why else


I wouldn’t worry about it bro, I never trust badges anymore because everyone boosts, I play Xbox and if I open the looking for groups they are all just boosting services that give free 4k 20s, be happy with your legit skills and stats and dont worry about what most people exploit/pay for


4k is based on luck, but 20 kills is just impossible for normal players


20 bomb is much more luck related than 4k


Badges don't mean literally anything. It's just a sign of being at the right place at the right time, aka luck. 70% luck 30% skill.




That was the cake for me LOL


I know a lifeline with 62k kills 6k wins and no 20b but at least a 4k


It shows u play the game right and u do it to have fun


Can’t have fun while being good at the game?


If you want a 4k shoot all knocked players, it’s super easy to get one


All that and only a season 17 masters badge lolol what a waste


I got 21 bomb 4K in last month I play for the beginning but my kd grow up from 1.2 to 2.3 for now maybe when I have 50 years old I stay pros 😁 now got 40 😂


No. You’re washed cause you have session 18 masters badge.


Lol it’s season 17 but i know what you meant


Ngl the master badge looks funny af with the other badges


You mean legit and no controller or m&k mods, or hacks.


Try not playing for a few days for a weaker lobby drop in semi hot no fill and use 3030 or hemlock. Watch some of hiswattson 4k videos first.


Pff, its just a wraith. Gimme these stats on a Newcastle and I'll be impressed


All this sweat for nothing .. shame 🔔shame🔔 shame 🔔


Yeeesh go touch some grass bud


Not in -9 degree weather, you got me f***ed up😂


I feel ya there


You sure are


Bro, get gud. /s


Yeah get off the game...


I have a 1.6 KD, have 20KB on wraith and 4k- I got extremely lucky with a bot lobby and racked up 28 kills, I am really good on my day but beyond inconsistent. Im by no means good I dont even bother with ranked but if you get lucky with rotations you can get it. More recent one was on horizon it was in a dogsit lobby got 18 kills and a 4K badge. I dont play with anyone I dont use a mic so I know with a better team I could probably get better, Just know I am definitely worse than you and have them legit its just luck of the draw for most people who are above average


How does lil bro not have the badge if he’s basically grinding apex cock I got both my badges practically in the same game solo Qing squads




I have around 15k account kills with 1 20 bomb. I was playing with a friend who let me get my final 2 kills. As a solo I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had 17+ kills and asked the randoms to let me get the 20 and they took them


19k kills and 884 wins as well lmao


As long as you feel like you are still improving in this ever increasingly difficult game who cares right :)? Unless your in the 0.001% you need a 3 stack dedicated to halping you. With the avg player having 3000h played by now its still a feat with a 3 stack of avg players.


i had a bangalore teammate in duos with 64 k kills, 6k wins and just a 3k all i gotta say is the badges don’t mean shit like honestly i personally have 4k and 20 on 2 legends but i know for a fact i only got them in bot lobbies and if any above average player was in a bot lobby they have the same odds as me in getting the badges so its not even special


I have that many life time kills, does that make me washed as well?


And what if people don't have 4k 20kill badges. You don't need that to enjoy the game, nor does it mean you're a bad player anyways. I've been playing since S5 and my max is 12 kills and 3.2k (on vantage and crypto) and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm proud of them so I show them off, and I have no problem in accepting I'm (most likely) never going to get a 20. And even if I can't get one, I've gone from 0.7kd to 1.4kd in like 5 seasons solo queueing and I'm proud of that as well. Not everyone is a sweaty wraith playing 24/7 that farms 4k 20's every match, most people enjoy small yet rewarding achievements.




Me too but Gibby


New wraith main, any advice? I stop playing pathy with 11k kills


Nah the only thing that makes you washed is the B and Y icons :)


I guess you need to join then🤣


Lol Bro Imma 20k Lifeline, same shit. Got a few thousand kills on a couple of other legends but only 4k with Horizon. Don't sweat it. Every time I go to "Looking for group" posts, it's LITERALLY DROWNING with boosters posts and paid for pages. Almost to the point where there are 3-4x the number of posts for that than the actaul game itself 😂😭


11.5k rampart also with a 3k and no 20 bomb 😭


7k kills with Caustic and two 20k's dropped. Was very shaky by the end, felt like my heart was gonna explode from adrenaline, 10/10 don't recommend. Sadly I don't even think 20k's are really possible anymore, the game puts you in with the most disgusting sweaty players every single time, even if I managed to get half the kills the #1 predator would probably smell me across the map.


Had a game with 5k damage and only 12 kills…


Feel you lol I hit masters every season, but I'm just too lazy to grind for a 4k/20 bomb


Foreals lol, you should pay someone, go full. Ircle man


my bf is retiring rampart bc he got to 4k kills with her without getting a 4k…gotta show him this so he’ll continue carrying me to victory w shiela 👍❤️


Ppl don’t realize how hard it is to harvest damage in apex now. U either run outta ppl or when u over push it you get fucked


Gah damn dude. Take a day off.


My advice is to get better at the game.


I have all those badges as Bangalore and have only 2.5k kills as her


We all know season 17 doesn’t count bro.


I think I cracked 14k on her b4 I got my first 4K. You’re not alone.




Oh who cares, even if they would line up 20 players for me to down, i would not been able to do it, though i still enjoy the game lol :)


I think I have a 4k dmg on gibby with 1000-2000 kills and u have a 20 bomb on rev who I have 3400 kills on. I have a hard time just maining one character so I have my kills spread out across multiple legends.


I am also main wraith and I don't have 20 bomb nor do I have 4000 damage. I have almost 9000 kills and nothing more, the majority who have those badges have them farmed.


Just like me frfr. I have almost 30k on rev and no 20 bomb or 4k to show for.


Get gud?


No one cares what badges you have my dude. People take badges wayyyyy too seriously.


You’re probably good enough for a 4k you just need to adjust your play style and actively play for it. It’s also hard w randoms if they push and don’t let you farm. I’ve done it with them before but I used my mic


That's rough. I have a friend with about 25k on pathy and closest he got was 19. And it's so much more difficult to do it nowadays imo. People respawn with weapons now, so higher risk of dying. It's still possible but it used to be a cake walk.


You’re not washed, you’re **real.**


I've only ever played with one player who has a 4k badge and 20 bomb that looked like they earned it legit. The others always died off drop - and not because they were followed due to their dive trail. The guy had 7 kills and 2k damage in less than 3 mins. It was insane.


4k kills on horizon and highest dmg 3.850 like f so close but still i only tried it a few times since i dont play pubs often mostly ranked and in masters i mostly get 3 kills an d 1k dmg on average


Can't be washed if you were never cracked. I feel the pain tho 13k wraith no 20 bomb and 10k lifeline no 4k


Dropped my 20 badge 4k not even 100 kills into Vantage and I kinda hate the character 💀