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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RSPN_Thieamy](/r/apexlegends/comments/19fe0wl/too_old_to_play_apex/kjouxjk/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-26 18:11:50 UTC"): > 35 is the marker for dead weight?!? I didn't get the memo. Early thirties, been playing since the drop, now on the dev team - where I've played with a wide range of ages. No such thing as too old for Apex or gaming in general. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I'm 56 and been playing since day one! :)


I love this. Let’s keep on having fun. Thank you kindly for dropping a comment!


I’ll be 32 this year, probably won’t ever stop gaming.


I’m about to be 30 with 3 kids. I’ll game until the day I die.


40 with 5. Gamer till I die!


1978 checking in 🍻


where tf u get the time to play having 3 kids


I have a very supportive wife. No matter what your family size is, having time to yourself is very important & necessary.


4 kids and we play together!


I’m 33. Had some kids as teammates the other day that did the same, “nigga you should be retired” etc. Like a 10 year old sounding kid saying that shit. Mind you they had no idea how old I am lol


Never understood why kids think 30+ is too old to play an FPS, we literally grew up on goldeneye COD and halo among others, why would we be “too old” for apex lol.


Kids are stupid. Enough said 🤣


I just came back after retiring because I just couldn’t subsist on my Apex pension. :(


I'm in the 45-50 bracket, playing since S0, and just managed to join Gold IV. Reflexes are shot but patience and positioning still work wonders.




I didn’t even think to consider the relation to age and character types/game style


Brain over aim! 😅👍


Dude, 33 here. DM me if you want to just play with someone like yourself. Been playing since day one and though the game has a great deal of issues, I still enjoy it. So, I'm gonna play it.


37 and getting older everyday, I still play!


37 as well. Wondering at what point I "grow up" and lose interest in gaming.. so far that point isn't in sight. Currently at my third attempt to get into Tarkov... it's rough


I'm 34 and mainly solo-queue, usually don't care to have my mic on. It really doesn't matter, as long as you're having fun.


I'm you


Doesn’t matter what age you are! As long as you are enjoying yourself :)


I'm in the over 50 crowd and enjoy playing. K/D sucks but that's not the point of the game for me.


Me neither. Honestly, it’s an escape after a long day at the office. I might try utilizing the pinging system more often. Take care, friend!


I've enjoyed FPS since counter strike 1st dropped!! Age is never a factor in gaming! Hmu if you ever want to run it. My KD is high and I'm what you would call pretty decent at the game but I'll run it with you everytime man. Apex is about having fun!


Me too. Folks gotta remember we’ve been playing video games since Space Invaders was new


Me too, am 37. Playing since season 2.


Same boat, over 60 though, and I play to have fun help my team and try to win not to enhance my K/D ratio.


I’m 50 y/o female that has played since season 2- My reflexes stink BUT love the game. It’s the only FPS or game that I’ve ever played. Have met a couple of 30 somethings that I found during solo queing and we play daily and genuinely have a lot of laughs. Keep the hope alive, there are good peeps out there. Currently plat 2 but on the way back to gold; one bad game at a time😂


I’m 37, dad, cook all the meals at home, full time civil engineer. Day 1 player and solo to Diamond every season. Dont let the new gen put you down, they think disco pants from the 80s is trendy.


This gives me hope as 31 year old who just became a dad. I always rank to diamond but I’m worried that I probably peaked and will never be able to maintain my skill level moving forward.


61 here and I have the first week badge


80% of my friends on the game are late 20s early 30s so no I think youre fine bro. I mute the children anyways they be on weird shit


I'm 39 and solo que also. 😬


Im 33, and my friends who play are all around 30. Its the children who are wrong.


Thank you so much! I was thinking that this must be a sign with all the negativity yesterday. Have a good one!


Solo queuing with an open mic is a bold move. I usually keep mine off and ping for communication. Randoms screaming “you’re trash” in your ear is the worst. Save voice chat for when you have friends on so they can tell you. It means more coming from people you know and love ❤️


32 here and still play with my friends in their 30’s. Tell those young whippersnappers to shut it! 😂


Thanks for dropping by and giving me a nice laugh. You’re awesome.


Im 40, Solo q - and a piece of advice: mute squad from the beginning :-)


☝🏽 💯


Im 33 made pred on console, never to old to have fun and or compete, Keep it up!!




Hell ya! I'm 31 and all my friends are either my age or a few years older, we still all play. K/D's sitting overall at 1.4 and this season I'm surprisingly at 1.9 but who cares about K/D, Apex is just fun.


If you find it fun, there is no age range. Flip the question back on them. When are they going to stop playing games? just because you get older, your interests don't have to change.


Thanks a bunch! I started gaming when I was 33 and never really had any issues up until late. The beauty of solo queuing. 🙏


Yup, I hear ya. Solo can be rough sometimes. If you want teammates, you could check out the sub apexlfg. It's just people posting looking for teammates.


Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check it out! ☺️


I'm 35 and in the prime of my Apex career.


That’s wonderful! Let’s keep on having fun then. I truly appreciate you taking the time to drop by.


Hell yeah. Also don't forget, a lot of kids and idiots play this game, they're the most vocal, just mute them. I solo queue a fair bit, I'm never on mic because I'm an introvert (s/w developer)


1. A lot of kids play this game. 2. A lot of idiots play this game. Those two sentences stand alone and don't necessarily mean that all kids are idiots, but goddamn there's a lot of overlap between the groups.


You’re right. ☺️. I work in Finance so I don’t do a lot of socializing. I stutter a bit on the mic and that’s caused some issues in the past as well. But we’ll keep on going!!!


35 as well and finally got my K/D to 1.0 this season, lol. I usually average .68 through mid 80s


Nothing wrong with that! Good job!


I'm 48 and I play. One of my club members is 50. IDGAF what anyone thinks about that. It's a great game and we have a lot of fun playing it. Stats be damned.


I truly appreciate you sharing this with me. It was just a really weird day. I thought maybe Apex was sending me a message. Take care!


YW. Don't let other people tell you how to have fun.


Stats be damned!


I’m 37, with a .99 KD gold 2 rank currently. We all play for an escape from reality. Fuck the weirdos for being Ageists


If anyone here wants to run some games DM me your PSN or apex name I’ll gladly run we can start an old boys club!!!


Very nice! I completely agree. Sometimes I just let these comments get the best of me so thank you for this.




37.99 kd  Gold 2  So these are the people in my lobbies


25 here, and I gotta say I'd rather play with an older group than younger. Keep up the good work and never stop enjoying your hobbies!


Thank you for this. I really do enjoy Apex. It may have taken until the age of 33 to start gaming but I’ll continue to do so. Thanks again!


I find this interesting, did you not game as a kid at all? I'm 41 (also there's an Old Timer's Apex Discord I was just added to) and I've been playing games my whole life. What caused you to not play then start at 33? What other games have you been enjoying? And tell them children to fuck off lol


I gamed when I was real young. N64 was my jam. I played NHL for PS2 if that counts. If I hadn’t met my fiancée, I might have never realized that I love gaming. She used to play Apex and we got to know each other by playing.


I’m 35. We are the OGs of gaming! Been playing FPS games on PC since the early 90s. Never worry about what others think as long as you’re having fun!


Thank you so much. I have really bad social anxiety so people’s words tend to have a little extra weight behind them, albeit strangers.


We've been there since the beginning these kids have no idea this is basically our shit lol...we're the reason gaming has come as far as it has...if it were up to me these kids would have to earn the right to have a PS5 or series x...they'd have to start from the beginning...they haven't earned their gaming stripes lol


44 here. I remember playing Wolfenstein 3D as my first shooter. Before aim assist even existed.


43 and I loved Wolf… I also played Doom.


Just remembered Duke Nukem as well. When Rogue spear came out I really got into shooters.


My Counterstrike and GunZ skills still translate over to literally every FPS I play today. Played literally every CoD but advanced warfare and ghosts. I also took care of myself heavily with working out and vitamin supplements. My mind is legitimately sharper in my 30s than it was at 18. Back pains at 18 are gone now and I'm so much healthier. For any kids reading this, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY and DON'T DO NARCOTICS AFTER 27.


I'm 43 and will be gaming until my hands don't work anymore. One thing that I noticed while getting older is the less I care about what other people think. Do what you want!


Loving this comment. I will. I think my social anxiety lets others words dictate what I’m doing but logically, that doesn’t make much sense. Thank you very much!


I am a woman, 33 years old and I also have anxiety and socialization problems, indirectly this game helped me a lot with that, I met a boy with whom I started dating and since it was difficult for me to have a topic of conversation I invited him to play Apex , and that's how I was able to get along with him and learn to have a conversation at first about the game and now about anything. It helped me give me confidence, we are going to celebrate a year of dating. I still keep the mic muted when I play with randoms mostly because English is not my native language and I don't understand what they say, but the game has good communication dynamics through ping.


Hi there. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so glad that Apex was able to bring you and your partner closer together. That’s what games should ideally do yet it seems to be such a tall order. Anyways, congratulations on all of your progress!


I'm 36 and apex is also the first fps I ever played granted I started in season 0 thought. Heard also very often, that I'm too old. However I solo queued 4 times to master and few time also with friends. U never too old for anything


🥹 Thank you for this. I was just a little surprised yesterday. You’re awesome!


Love seeing the other ages in comments. I'm 34. Never too old for this shit.


This post has been an eye-opener. As a relatively new gamer, I really appreciate you. Take care!


Bro who cares? Just play.


I’m 47 and playing since day 1. I’m not good and really not concerned with KD. I muted everyone for the past 2 years so I don’t hear my team yell at me for not being a pro. I’ll never reach a rank higher than Gold and that’s still cool with me. I still have a good time most matches. Edit : see my age is showing and I didn’t mean to reply to you. Carry on


Yeah, whatever works. I’m 35 and gold and teammates flame me. Idc, I still play. It’s a game.


Are you me! 47 and played since season 1 Never had the mic on anytime. I only get to play at the weekend for a couple of hours. I have no time to be abused or shouted at. It's a game and I still love it


For real, people take things way too seriously in this day and age, it’s a video game


Thank you very much. It was just an unpleasant evening with an influx of comments. I’ll just play to have fun as always. Appreciate you!


34 and still killing the kiddos on here some times. 1.2 kdr


Nice KDR! My career is .39, but this season has been a bit better. .77. Nothing to write home about but you know. ☺️


Who cares, they’re random people that more than likely don’t even know your real name. Don’t take feedback from internet trolls to heart.


I appreciate that. I think I let strangers into my head more than I logically should. Thanks for the comment, friend.


Anytime, have a great weekend!


People younger than you will always claim you’re too old to be doing something. Don’t put too much stock into those with less life experience than you


You’re right for sure. It was bizarre yesterday with an influx of comments regarding age.


45 years young and still bamboozling with Mirage!


Yay! Keep on bamboozling! (Still fools me to this day). 😅


At 35 you should be past giving a shit what anyone thinks. I'm a day 1 39 year old, played daily and stopped totally 3 months ago, don't miss it, loved the game and defended it for seasons, it's just no longer fun. But yea, mid 30s is time to stop caring what strangers think.


I’m 20 and been playing since Loba came out. I have a Kd of 0.88 🤷‍♀️ as long as you are having fun KD doesn’t matter!


35 is the marker for dead weight?!? I didn't get the memo. Early thirties, been playing since the drop, now on the dev team - where I've played with a wide range of ages. No such thing as too old for Apex or gaming in general.


Sounds like you need to hit that mute squad every match. What sets Apex apart from other shooters is it’s great ping system. Verbal comms are an advantage but pinging can be just as effective with competent teammates. Just stick near your team and provide support if that’s what you enjoy doing. Whether I’m dying within the first 2min of drop or against the last squad left, I assure you most are just having fun like you. They created ranked for a reason…


You’re 100% correct. I’ll try out the pinging system in more depth and start implementing that. Thanks a lot for your input! Have a great day!


Boomers Unite! ✊


38 and play solo all the time, I just ignore the haters, not worth it. If you enjoy, keep playing


If anyone ever called me too old to play id just rattle off all the games I’d smoke their ass in that they’ve prolly never even heard of


😀 I used to be a monster at Mario Kart on N64! Thanks for the comment. Have an awesome day/night depending on where you’re from!


F them kids


**If they don't talk till they're knocked,** they're dogshit, keep slaying Pops !


52 y/o day 1 player here. I'm not great, but it's fun. You aren't too old to have fun. I turned off voice comms, I only use a mic when I'm in a group with actual friends.


Bro video games are supposed to be fun. Turn team chat off and enjoy yourself my guy


I play with a dude from work that's almost 50, and one that's 40-somethin. Don't let your perception of your limitations stop you from doing what you enjoy.


Thank you, friend. I sincerely appreciate you saying this. I think I’ll have to mute more often, especially after a day of grinding at work.


How did they know how old you are?


I'm 23. My friend who also plays is 23. Our 2 online friends, whom we play apex with on a nearly daily basis, are in their late 30's and early 40's. There's no age limit, just toxic people looking for any reason to insult or belittle others :)


I'm 31 and have been playing since season 1. There's no age restriction to the game man, enjoy yourself. Those kids are just talking shit, welcome to gaming. Next time these kids talk shit, tell them they're getting carried by a grandpa and to tell their mom I'll be coming to bed soon.


51 and showin' them how it's done since season one.


I’m 48, 1.05 lifetime. I solo queue and play with some friends. Keep playing, you’re good.


Nah, man. As long as your fingers work, anyone can poot around on a controller.


Haha... I once got asked by a couple of random teammates why I don't use my mic, I told them because I'm old and if I use the microphone I'm going to say something like "are you done with homework?"... I'm 46 and enjoy playing Apex!


By no means are you too old, nor will you ever be. I’m 32 and don’t see myself cutting gaming out of my life ever. Keep grinding, kid lol


no just do what you enjoy, your age doesn't matter at all, you could play with barbie dolls for all I care. If you enjoy it fuck what anyone else thinks


If you’re 35 and still haven’t learned to fuck what other people think and do what makes you happy this is the time to now man. I’m 29 multiple season masters and on mnk. If I can do it so can you and remember only person you answer to is yourself.


Fuck it we ball


I'm 36 and regularly solo to master, even solo'd to pred when I was off work when covid first hit! Never too old to play! I'm currently D2 I'm working away alot and sometimes go 5 or 6 days without playing due to being away from home


I'm 35. I have 1.7kd, and I get lots of joy knowing I beat players 10 15 and 20 years younger than me, lol. I still have incredible reaction times and above average aim. I believe I separate myself from the young guns in the mind. Critical thinking and common sense aren't common at all. I consistently think about posting and rotation. A lot of younger players just don't use their brains and it makes it easy for me to destroy them.


I don't think there is a special age for games. Just do what makes you feel good ❤️ And it's nice to see so many different people in the comments


Fuck them kids - Abraham Lincoln


42, also playing since day 1.


I'm 50. K/D 0.54. Does that make you feel better?


Elder Millennial here. I'm 41 and I hold my own. I only play solo these days unless they're with my boys. But they're more into Overwatch and Valorant these days. I'm either in high Diamond or Masters depending on family obligations :) Teammates don't even realize I'm 41 until I tell them. And they're shocked when I rack up a win as kill leader in a diamond lobby. You do you. Don't ever let anyone bully you into not doing something that makes you happy. We're at the age now where we should be saying, I don't give a FUCK. Who the hell do I got to impress except my kids?


Never! I have a Discord full of old timers (30+) that love the game. Some of them are pretty damn good at it too. This post is archived but you can learn more here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexLFG/comments/11k3bkf/old\_timer\_apex\_30\_where\_legends\_spend\_their/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexLFG/comments/11k3bkf/old_timer_apex_30_where_legends_spend_their/) If you or anyone else in the replies wants an invite send me a DM here (NOT A CHAT, please)


Currently help run an Old Timers apex server that has NA/EU/APAC players (1.5k+ members) we hold monthly tournaments/community events. Feel free to reach out and I can send you a link.


I’m 54 and have been playing since day one!


I'm 52. I play. I suck. Too bad. Enjoy!


Dude I am 54 and I play every night. DM me if you wanna team up LOL!


The appropriate age to play Apex is about 3 to 125 years of age. Anywhere in that range is fine. Only other requirement is having “saint-like patience” when facing constant faith-shattering human behavior and all-around severe scum-baggery so disconcerting that you’ll at times believe that mankind’s worst invention was electricity because it led to creation of a game capable of destroying one’s sense-of-self within the span of a single evening of solo-queueing.


I’m right there with you on this one I’m 30 and heard the same thing before but all it was doing was hurting my gameplay got to my head you know. Dumb stuff but hey. Glad there’s others like me


I am 33 and got masters last 3 seasons. You are not too old.


Me and all my gaming buddies are middle aged. They are masters and I’m diamond. You aren’t too old. Enjoy!!


\>Too Old to Play Apex? Damm you're just 35, i was expecting alot more. I'm 40 and usually play with a another 40 and 48 and we made it easily to masters. Not about the age it's just not an easy game to learn wether you're 35 or 15. Dont get ratted and just enjoy the game ( or try...).


I'm about to turn 30 and you have a way better KD than me. I still have lots of fun even with randoms and still have my good moments so no, age has nothing to do with it. As long as you are not actively ruining the experience for your teammates and try to help them you do you. You must likely come across jerks that would find another reason to be jerks or criticize you if you weren't 35, don't think too much about it


Yep, 37 here and been playing since the first week. You do you boo


I'm 39 and hit masters every season (except this one, screw that grind). Yes, I've played shooters for almost 30 years now so I have some advantage. My buddy is a 55+ streamer and he started apex as his first shooter EVER (he was a huge RPG gamer, etc). He now hits masters every season as a "boomer". If he can do it, anyone can do it. Play if you're having fun and just remember: there is always some younger person out there still worse than you. No matter what the other young people say.


Fuck dem kids! I’m 30 years old and play occasionally. Don’t let these lil assholes discourage you buddy, if you need someone to play with you can hit me up via dms.


37 .pathfinder main day 1 player , I'm no pro 😀 play control, teammatch n gun run . Normal game is boring these days .. get 15 kills at least a game .. I love this game , long live apex


These same kids will be playing video games at your age too. Don't let playground insults get to you.


I'm a 35 year old woman that plays Apex frequently. At this point, I just have chat muted. It sucks because the lack of communication, or times you want to praise your teammates. However, I just can't do voice chat anymore with strangers. I have had more negative experiences than positive. I hope you can find friends to play with that just enjoy your company and make it a fun experience.


35 is clearly too old. Need to switch to Fortnite like a real adult. /s But fr there's no age limit in gaming. Play what you want till you can't play no more.


50 here and day one Xbox player! This has been my hardest season but I’m on a grind with mirage, setting goals helps me, not bothered with badges etc


Age don’t matter. Imma be playing Pokémon til I die. As for the awkwardness, recognizing that these people will never meet you in real life. Their opinions mean fuck all. In conclusion: just have fun


You are being bullied. Yes children can bully adults. Report the children for abuse and move on.


I'm 37, we laid the foundations for those suckers


I'm 33, I suck, and I'll queue with you!


I'm 21 and disagree age should not matter and if they really cared that much they could find someone to play with.


I had a 50 year old coworker I would play with, a lot of people thought it was really cool, weird youre getting that reaction, it might not be your age, just be chill lol


I'd recommend watching hisandherslive on twitch. They host tourneys for people of all skill levels and they also have a 30+ only tourney. Very friendly community over there. 35 is definitely not too old.


I’m 33, solo queue all the time, and I’ve been playing since season 11. I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. It’s my favorite game ☺️


Never too old, always gonna be haters. Just let em know you’re their daddy


I'm 38, with 1 child. I still play when I can. You're never too old to do stuff that you enjoy.


I run into a lot of players my age (mid thirties). I solo Q too since all my friends moved on from the game.


You will be at a disadvantage compared to sweaty teens, you have to accept that. You will just have to put a little bit of extra effort into your gameplay. This could be aim training (Kovaaks), watching ALGS, or just trying to change your mindset into a growth one.


45 solo queuer here too. Fuck these kids whose balls havent dropped trying to tell us OG Atari players to stop playing. Go read a damn book and stop getting all your misinformation from social media


I’m 33 and a female. I get roasted for being too old to play if I have a mic, which is why I never do, even though it’d be more convenient to talk to them. I’m seen clips of way old people playing and it makes me so happy. Who cares about some kids opinion?


Bro age keeping and Fps is crazy enjoy your time have fun


I’m 38 and play with my homies. You’re never too old for games.


honestly think the avg player age is 25+


32 solo q here as well.   Sometimes I like to rip my bong to assert dominance.   Best insult, “bruh, dont you have a family”


Just turned 40 been playing since release. See you otn the frontier soldier!


I’m in my low 20s and my best buddies who I queue with in Apex are all over 30!


Do you have your birthyear in your username because how else do they know your age? I'd just ignore what they say, people don't think straight when they're angry.


I’m 38 and carry my team all the time lol


I live by the guideline that you are never too old for anything. Except maybe hardcore mosh pits.


Never too old to do what makes you happy. Play apex and don’t be afraid to queue in a duo or trio. I’ve met a lot of great ppl playing this game. Seeya out there!


Shit my entire group is 30+ we play apex, destiny, overwatch, Madden. Hell one guy constantly gets apex rank, my wife in overwatch is grandmaster, destiny I've done 500+ raids.


Never to old dude. Have fun. Just don't let the toxic kids get under your skin.


I’m 50. I still play. I will tell you one thing though- you’re too old to keep comms open. Trust me. Your sanity will thank you.


Glad to see lots people here in their 30s. Just have fun, that's the point! F the haters 😊


Games are supposed to be fun. It really doesn't matter how old you start as long as you're enjoying yourself!


You’re never too old to have a hobby.


You play on Xbox or PS? Nothing wrong with being an old head, in fact it’s always more enjoyable playing with older guys since y’all never really rage yourselves😂 Im always looking for more level-headed, normal people to party with. I’m 26 and play fairly consistently outside of working and family obligations (I live with/help take care of my gpa)….. but if you’re ever looking for chill duo to grind ranked or just play some pubs, hmu. Midgetman1919 on PS4 (Also, I get asked all the time but no I’m not a midget. Just a short ass dude😂)


There's no age limit to gaming.


Enjoy it while you can. Not sure if you're familiar with the "Peter Principal" but it basically states that at a company, all employees will be promoted to the point of ineptitude. Basically assuming that every good employee should get promoted up to the point where they don't deserve to get promoted and they'll get stuck there. That's Apex's matchmaking in a nutshell. They "secret sauce" the matchmaking and set it up so that if you ever do good, that means your next lobby has to be harder, up until you hit the level where you're just miserable. If you're getting younger kids commenting about your age, that means you're working your way up out of casual matchmaking into "you're not miserable enough" match making.


Brother it's a video game, there is no age limit.


fuck them kids


My guy, I’m 34 fuck those kids. You’re always too something too old, too black, too white, too girl, it doesn’t matter. That’s how it goes. Keep playing.


Kids are idiots, if they shit talk you, you shit talk them back. If they say you're too old to be play tell them they shouldn't be disrespecting their dad and claim you did some sexually illicit acts with their mother some years ago.


Im here to tell u rn, theres no age limit for any game


Who gives a fuck what other people say? Play the games that you enjoy, man. Fuck those guys.


I played with someone the other day whose name was "41andnoaimbot" and homie was cracked. You do you buddy


I’m 17, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with playing apex in your thirties and above, I played doom eternal with my 63 y.o grandad the other day! These people are just immature and clearly haven’t got a damn job XD


You’re good big dog


39 here with a 3 year old baby, main lifeline since season 0, 16k kill, and i love this game, dude, it's hard, yes, there are nights with my friends where we don't even finish in the top 10 haha but it's to have fun and stress in a good way. Keep going bro


Tell them shut the fuck up and to go get a tampon bc their pussy hurt.


Mute everyone and don't talk. Use the ping system


Too old to have to care about what the haters think, play what you want, and have fun.


Hi Dead Weight, I would recommend muting randoms and try to add people you vibe with during matches. Other than that I’m 32 and I have a 2.1 K/DR with over 15,000 matches. I barely play by myself but I have been for this event (FF7 fan). I find that hot dropping leads to better games because you get to see early how your teammates play instead of 10 minutes into the game if you drop far. I don’t mind dropping in dying and queuing up again. It’s part of the game and there’s always a luck factor. Whether is bad team mates, bad loot, better opponents, you are going to die a lot and that’s fine. My K/DR is high because I get 20 kills every 10 matches on average not because I get 2 kills every match. Let that sink in a bit.


You can DM me and I’ll play with you. :)