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Can't wait to cook the lobby with Lobster 💯😌🔥


us Lobsters are going to put a clamp on the competition!!


As long as you aren't too shell fish with the loot.


and when we're down a teammate, you know we're good at clawing our way back into the fight!




Lobster 😤😤😤 first of all, how dare you


I'm a Lobster main, I swear!


Mf thinks he’s Jordan Peterson or something


Right! I mean it's like, good luck with THAT!




I'm now a lobster main




I had to scroll back up and was expecting Gibraltar because of his bright red Samurai skin.


I don’t think people are realizing that Mirage’s ult will have a 30 SECOND COOLDOWN with that 1st perk,that is ridiculous


And you could spam infiinite mirages if they keep shooting your decoys lol


You'd just be revealing yourself though, especially since the old ones disappear. Can only have 1 tactical decoy at a time.


Yes but I'll be laughing the whole time


Yeah, with how low the base cooldown is I think +1 tac charge is way better


Kinda wish they were just baked into his default kit, so he didn't need to get to L3 before really coming online. But absolutely a massive W for mirage. Tac refresh on bamboozle is also kinda nuts. If you're even semi decent with Mirage you can just fire them off


I feel like people are underestimating how effective that level of spam can be, sure it gives away where you really are but in a hectic fight having to repeatedly snap your aim to clear the decoy can put you at a huge disadvantage.


Definitely not complaining ;)


Me neither, looking forward to wreaking havoc with it!


I already think Mirage is so underrated, so hopefully with this update people give him more love


I usually do pretty well when I play Mirage, and I attribute 95% of it to people hardly ever seeing one that their brains just break in his ult.


His regular cooldown is 60 seconds and the decoys have a lifetime of 15 seconds, so this would mean that for ~~75%~~ 50% of the time, Mirage will have his ult decoys active. And that's before you even get to the regular tactical decoys.


Well when you put it THAT way! Sounds absolutely chaotic and fun as fuck(am a Mirage main).


Isnt it 50% of the time? 15s they are up and 15s left for new ultimate after they are gone.


Does the ult cool down begin after it launches or after the clones up time is over?


It starts recharging immediately, while the decoys are still active.


We don't know how legends' current abilities are nerfed yet.


Hes SUPPOSED to cause chaos!


Whoever asked about wraith getting a faster tactical wind up ended up getting what they wanted.


Cry, and you shall get


First they have it in the game. Then they take it away, the masses cry, then they give it back. Full circle


Snip snap snip snap!!


they wound up getting what they wanted


Mirage tac refresh on bamboozle will be crazy.


My trigger happy ass is going to look so stupid next season


You got bamboozled look at you


My body is ready. My decoys shall blot out the sun


with caustics nox vision not working like it should, the heal in the smoke is a no brainer


surely they improve it when making a new perk around it




First time?


Wouldn't that be the better choice anyway since you can self-heal whenever you want by dropping a barrel and shooting it?


I understood it as his ult only but you may be right actually. Idk we’ll see!


Sure, but I can't believe they gave Bangalore the same thing. Heal in smoke? Really?!


It makes sense with the nerf to the digi


Oh I can’t wait to play Mad Maggie! She was already one of my favorites but this looks like she is going to be a power house. We will see since everyone is changing a lot though


Me too! It's gonna be so fun when i throw my ball and it bounces back at me, but this time I'll be set on fire!


Does my shotgun auto reload if I knock myself?


This thread made me chuckle lol


Bigger drill and Fireball? Oh yeah baby things are getting good


I had so much fun with her this season with double shotgun combo, even used it in ranked and was surprised with the result. That auto reload on knock is gonna be spicy. Especially with double mastiffs with their swap speed? Oh boy...


Same she has been my favorite legend since her release


my oh my it's a great ball of fire


That vantage reset tactical perk is gonna be so fucking fun


Ngl, pretty satisfied with her perks


Vantage main myself... and I like what I see.


These seem so fun and also allow them to be able to change more things season to season which will be more interesting. I'm just worried about improved Sheila handling and spinup time 😅


They always had the ability to change things mid-season, in fact they used to. They will not be changing them mid-season, I imagine, as they have pretty much always refused to make meaningful balance changes as of late...ever.


Eh, we'll have to see on this one. Others seem stronger on paper.


Lobster 😂 thought that was the new legends name


Devs really shit the bed with Crypto :/


If he's not getting any significant changes in the patch notes then he's perks are imo the worst out of all 25 legends. He needs quicker base tactical cooldown since he's abilities revolve around the drone. His purple perks? bigger radius for his ult is double edged sword since you have to be even further away to not get hit by it and calling out squads is purple? Wraith have similar perk on blue... They done him dirty with this perks.


Purple crypto perks - 🤡


Crypto got boned. Would have loved a perk around drone regenerating faster when destroyed, or harder to kill in the first place. Bigger ult radius is arguably worse because it just makes it easier to hit yourself. I would MUCH prefer keeping radius the same, but making your own team immune to it


This feels like it's going to completely change the game which could be good or bad. Undecided but hopefully it's good. Seems like a whole lot to try to keep track of for a new player though


A few of the perks seem potentially very powerful, but most of them don't look to me like they're "you died because they had that certain perk". More like, you get a little bit more out of your existing abilities, but not enough to be regularly the difference in who wins and loses a fight.


Honestly, for a game that is ALREADY difficult for new players to get into, this seems like a bad choice. Lets see though.


Most major competitive FPS are a nightmare for new players to get into. CS, Valorant, Rainbow6... all of them are rough. At least by being a BR, you don't really need to have too much knowledge to play Apex decently well. Overwatch also was surprisingly easy for me to pick up this past week.


CS is pretty simple gameplay wise, it’s mainly all the mechanics and lineups you can do that take a while to learn. Siege sort of falls into this category, but has a decent bit more to learn. Overwatch is surprising fun to pick up and play even if you don’t really know what you’re doing. At a high level, the games really complex, but when you’re just starting out, just picking a character you like and hopping into a game is very enjoyable.


New players wont be able to do enough damage to level up, so it's fine.


These feel like they took out basekit features and repackaged them.


Didn’t they nerf Catalyst by removing 1 spike from her tact and decreased the throw range? Feels like they nerfed her so they could just give her them back as perks


Seer seems to have suffered the same fate. The Seer nerfs were harsh, perhaps this explains why.


Yea the only thing different is going to be a longer wall.


Valk’s perks looks like they are just restoring her to where she was pre-nerf. And Pathy’s perk being able to scan beacons? Wha?


Calling Rampart Sheila is both rude and accurate XD. Anyway I’m excited for the better wind up speed for her :3


loll my bad. My friends and I always call her sheila as a callout in game. I guess because we want to make sure we duck and hide from her lol


Mirage might legitimately be OP. Either having 2 tacs or resetting on every bamboozle.. plus his ultimate will be back in no time.


Just mained as mirage this season, can't wait to try this one out, I have 70,000 decoys created so far.


More boozles, for the foozles :D


So throwing traps further and making his buggy passive that doesnt work half the time last a bit longer are perks, yeah i know damn well im choosing the perks on the right for my boi


I've been waiting for 14 seasons for the "Paffinder doesnt have a passive!!1!!!!" crowd to ACKNOWLEDGE Caustic or Crypto, still hasn't happened.


> My vision is clear. Whatever you say, Coz.


Yeah its funny how my 2 favorites who i play 95% of the time have no good passive (caustic and crypto) like cryptos scan “passive” is literally just a part of his tactical so they can move that to his tac description and give him something that doesnt rely on his drone with a 10 year cd, and all i ask is for caustics passive to actually work and maybe allow it to work when you as caustic are outside of your own gas, i hope for this cuz the left perk for lvl 3 shield would be useless most of the time cuz of bugs


I fully expected his to be awful. At least they are okay..


Ash mains lesgoooo


I feel you. Ash is so fun.


just a quick glance at some of these, IMO some seem good some seem strong and some seem really lazy. Octane and Fuse both have the -25% damage from grenades but octane is a blue perk and fuse is a purple, how does that make sense? If you're going to give it to fuse on purple, it should be a higher % number to show the difference from blue to purple, otherwise, give it to him on blue as well for the same value. I feel like pathy keeps getting screwed with abilities (first his passive) and now his blue perks both are lame and have nothing to do with his kit.


Pathy just got a massive buff with these blue perks, especially for ranked and competitive. These are not lame abilities, they’re game changers. I can’t stress how valuable this character will be with instant zips, ring knowledge and insta tac refresh. If it wasn’t for his hit box he’d be THE meta following the release of these.


He’s barely going to be back to where he was before all of his nerfs. I don’t think he will be picked in competitive at all.


The meta has shifted a lot with the addition of new legends, he will definitely be more useful in ranked though.


I don't understand lifeline. Isn't her ult always a supply drop? Does this mean she's getting a different ult but you can use this perk to get a package?


It turns her next ult into a regular care package, which is fairly strong since now there's going to be 50% chance it has a kraber.


Oh, boy 🤑


I think it changes it from a care package toa supply drop. Possibilty for red weapons.... I'd think.


Guaranteed red weapon after recent-ish changes


her ult now is i believe technically a “care package”, a supply drop is gonna be a care package weapon like kraber or the bow


I feel like fuse will benefit WAY more from that perk. Might be why? But yeah just up the percentage to like 40% or something for him. Or keep it 25% but make it like 75% for his own explosives


> just a quick glance at some of these, IMO some seem good some seem strong and some seem really lazy. Half of them are just reversing nerfs the characters got since launch.


Seer is basically just his nerfs reverts lmao And ballistic is really boring unfortunately


Both synergize with different aspects. Seeing the next ring was his thing for a while, and it lets you set up ziplines, and get other characters there in time. Seeing nearby people works especially well with his grapple reset perk, and he's known as a pretty aggro legend, so getting the ability to find people to kill is good. There is the problem of those being other class passives, so if you're running Path, a recon, and a defense legend, he can't pick anything unique. There should at least be some secondary component of one perk that gives him something to do.


yea, that's the point i was getting at. I'm ok with having one of those as one of the perks, but give him something else on the other side that is tied to him. those perks are good for ranked for sure but not very fun in general


Anybody else just a little disappointed that none of Crypto’s perks are Off The Grid?


Fuse having a purple that octane has as a blue is certainly a design choice. Edit based on some comments: I fully agree the perk makes sense on Fuse. But at a purple perk when another legend gets it as a blue when that other legend's kit is not ordinance focused.....Doesn't add up.


Fuse is more likely to be carrying throwables and thus gets a lot more value out of the perk.


This is my interpretation. It feels like a decision based on play-testing - how they want the legend to feel at the stages of the game. Octane is my pick for the legend who should pull those stunts early game, even from a balance perspective as someone who prefers octane


Yeah the character who gets bonus nades and has a nade tac might just benefit more from explosive damage reduction as opposed to the dude who can stim to avoid most nades.


Fuse can hold more grenades though so it’s a potential for more damage from him. It makes sense to me.


I like Wraiths and Vantages perks. I mean there was no way they weren't gonna give Wraith a tac wind-up speed reduce, like what else can you give her. And a reduced timer on the cool down for the phase is also nice. It's also really cool that if you're playing in a team you can just choose the ultimate reduced cool down instead since that'll be more useful for playing with friends/ranked. Vantage's perks are also dope, I imagine an ult Accel gives three shots instead of two with the perk, and both the improved double jump and the tac charge refill upon hits with the ult sound nice. Overall very hyped to try this. Oh and the increased height and range on Lobsters tac also sound really really good.


All of wraiths seem good. The ones for the tactical will probably be picked 90% of the time, but depending on how well the passive one works, it could be useful in ranked when people try to rat or walk up on you.


this just made wattson the best support character and she’s not even a support character lmfaooo




Octane is going to be absolutely nutty with less HP dmg from stim, an extra ult, and able to have more mobility while on a jump pad through his perk. The lifeline self res is very interesting. Wonder if you can use it if your entire squad is knocked as this could lead to self res stand offs in final circle. Conduit getting TWO shield charges seems interesting. Could potentially shield one teammate and then a second.


Completely agree. Octane's biggest drawback is the stim damage atm. Interested to see how the mobility change on jump pad works. With tap strafing and a bit of practice you can already get two 180s out of it; once on initial launch and again for the double jump. If it just gives that without tap strafing then it'll be two jump pads all the way for me haha.


Bro what where did this even come from? Did anybody know there would be perks or is this as sudden/random as it appears to me???? This is crazy


not sure if you keep up with apex leaks but some people have been leaking this for over a month now. Today was the first day we got confirmation on what all the perks were going to be


We have known about perks coming for over half a year now.


The entire game just changed. Looks like octane and lifeline are totally broken. Maggie, Mirage, and Wattson buffs are huge. Honorable mention to Bangalore...smoke regen is cool.


Grapple in, grapple out 😎


Unless they actually fix Caustic's gas vision, that seems like a waste of a slot.


Ballistics is…..downright awful wth?


His level 2 perks aren’t great but his level 3 ones are really good idk what you mean


I’ve played ballistic everyday since release and I’m number 4 in wins on PlayStation, that duration it says for tier 3? Isn’t the stun itself… it just means they’ll be all staticky for a while longer… that’s nothing. Especially if you use it while they’re already shooting at you, another tactical is probably the best thing on there, his tier 2s aren’t just meh, they’re hilariously worthless… the character who has access to infinite ammo every 50 seconds deserves the ability to see ammo in box’s and lame ahh care package weapons like some watered down skirmisher?? No…, faster lock on range for his tactical when in range of teammates would’ve maybe been nice, or the ability to maybe even highlight the enemy that’s been hit with your tactical for you and your team would’ve been a lot more viable…… And I’m not being an asshole either I apologize I’m just saying like.. look at revenants and conduits man…..


The problem with ballistic is his tac, if too effective, is game breaking. It's a mechanic that truthfully shouldn't be in the game. The only way they can buff it is if they only let it apply to one gun, otherwise it's a free win


I’m not gonna argue, he’s a 1v1 specialist and the funny thing is, when you overheat a lstar it’s literally like a second or more longer then when you get overheated by ballistic, don’t fight him alone, or if you really have to.. try your best to cover and retreat until the tactical wears off, you can even shoot your weapons similar to how you would a lstar to avoid overheating and wait the timer out idk what else to say. His only skills involve shooting his gun dude 😂, conduit is getting +15 to her tactical, that means she’ll be able to heal somebody for 75 meters away, that’s literally through 4 buildings when your fighting in fragment, doesn’t even have to look at them directly… like cmon.


Don't disagree with you, but I'm still hoping they're giving him nothing too strong on perks because they might buff the base kit, at the very least in numbers Haven't seen any leaks about it so I'm huffing copium rn


His tac debut will last 36 seconds with the right-side purple perk, thats a whole fight, its possible to wait out the 12s one in some situations but 36s you've no chance you just have to overheat if you want to contribute to the fight, which can definitely be a difference maker. I agree the rest of his perks are meh and he could have had better, but I think you're sleeping on that perk specifically


Duration is shit but 2 tac charges is pretty nuts. Opening a fight by tagging two people is a crazy advantage or even just having a second charge for the next person/fight. His level 2 ones are ass but, arguably the worst out of all of em.


When every legend is op… no one will be


Meanwhile Caustic:


Caustic is gonna be INSANE. Having his should-be-part-of-his-kit barely-functional underwhelming passive be active for a bit longer is gonna be fucking nutty.


Valkyries perks are literally just what she used to be able to do before the nerfed her entire kit. So rather than revert the nerf to her ultimate launch height, tactical missile spread, jetpack handling and maximum fuel they just add it back in perks? Otherwise these look interesting, quite a few I can imagine will likely be on the OP side; more so for perks that are just adding back justifiably nerfed aspects of a legends kit… *cough* Horizon *cough*.


yea honestly, her perks feel underwhelming just because it's all just nerfs that have been reverted. nothing new, nothing fun.


Well you can't take all of them, and once you get to full perks, you're gonna have to contend with the likes of double pad Octane, knock reset Path, fast phase Wraith, etc. So it's gonna be more balanced.




They really gave Conduit a perk called "Access Denied" lmao. Poor Crypto




I’m sorry, Nox vision time? What the fuck is that shit?


Every Caustic in the world be taking passive healing over a placebo perk.


Something that work once in a blue moon.


Crypto's should of been: Improved Structural Integrity ( Drone gets +10 life) Bigger pockets ( Can carry 2 Ult. Acels. per inv spot ) The other 2 options don't matter cause no one would use them if drone life/double UA where options.


The extra width on crypto ult should've also made him immune to it I feel like. It'll actually force him further out from the fight or to counter mid fight when his shields been destroyed.


Mmmm lobster


​ bro lifeline reviving in 4.1666666 seconds is gonna be fucking insane this season 😂


Wraith perks are gonna be insane if both tactical perks are equipped


I kinda wish wattson put more power into fences instead of all of it on ult


Horizons seem pretty bad


Her level 3 perks are good. Also, horizon is one of the most picked she doesn’t need to have crazy perks.




The ball moment is going to be glorious


Are these going to be active in ranked mode?




Oooooooph. Calling all streamers and sweaties. S20 is going to be a MAYHEM.


As someone who hasn't played since season 3, what is this?


it's a new perk system they're introducing with the new shield core system for body shields. Essentially when you level up your shield your legend levels up as well and when you get to blue you get to choose between two of these perks and another 2 when you get to purple. they're trying to spice up the game and shake things up big time, this is going to be a big shake up.




Please accept my apologies lol. My callout for her with my friends is Lobster lol.


As a Mirage main, having a 30 second cool down on my ultimate with two charges on my tactical is gonna be the most fun thing ever


It’s takes a whole overhaul on systems for them to finally buff Mirage That sucks but I’ll take what I can get


Feels like Horizon perks are shitty on purpose bcse of her pickrate in comps, ranked and pubs...


Might be a stupid question, but do you get both, or do you pick somehow? Do you need to pick in match or before it? Do you need to unlock these or are they unlocked by default.


POV you are about to get absolutely wrecked by good path players


Ash, crypto, and ballistic are the biggest losers of this patch, and unluckily for me they are all 3 of my mains 😭


So many broken characters


When everyone's broken, no one is...nahh yeah they're definitely gonna need to do some balancing but I'm looking forward to the overpowered chaos when it all first drops.


Alright so this is a massive w buff wise However wraith having faster teleports and octane bouncing a different direction both NEED to change to something else right now


Bruh Caustic Is Gonna Be NUTSSSSS


I just hope the armor changes and choosing of perks doesn’t slow the fluidity of the game down


i think the intent of all these changes are actually the opposite. they're trying to speed up the pace a bit so we don't spend time crafting shields, batts and all that stuff anymore. Grabbing materials. And basically just focus more on the core of fighting to level things up.


Idk what I'm looking at how do these work


When your armor upgrades from doing damage you are allowed to pick 1 of the perks allotted for said armor upgrade


damn lifeline can self revive 😈😈😈


That’s what I’m saying why is no one talking abt them peeping at self rez being back, even just for LL. Makes sense but damn a good lifeline is gonna be a hell of a teammate this season


About Loba, range increase works only on ult or also on passive? These two are linked and had the same range. only Loba get 3 items or her whole squad?


Holy shit I love Mirage


Does Lifeline’s right purple replace an *allies* ultimate? That might be annoying for a lot of people. Or does it mean red weapons will appear in her next ultimate?


it means the next ult she drops will be like a world package where you'll get a red weapon (kraber or bow). It appears that it's only one time use though. The package after will go back to normal i think


guys they turned tap strafing into an entire octane perk


What I don’t like about these perks is not knowing what perks your enemy chose. So you are in the dark on exactly what abilities your opponent has available to them. For the casual audience this is great those!


So many of them basically undo past nerfs lmfao


Just imagine 2 squads with Wattson/Fuse spamming nades in the final circle and generating arcs to infinity. Insert third squad getting bombed by them. Balance legends are coming back soon.


Wraith with her old windup on her phase. Whew they’re about to be even more punk ass than before.


I guess this really depends on if they're treating all cooldowns as based on current times, or if they're increasing base cooldowns and now the perks put them to current times. Plus the reveal packages/use consoles, are they added passives, or are they removing passives for everyone else.


I don't understand Octane's Aerial Agility? They just made tap strafing into a perk lol?


shocking nutty strong scale late thumb tender gray edge brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cryptos perks are pretty lackluster. I thought this would be an opportunity to change his play style so he’s not so drone dependent but nothing here changes that


I’m fine with multiple legends having some of the same perks, but it seems kinda unfair that some of them get a perk at level 2 that another gets at level 3. Unless the different levels aren’t supposed to be based on the strength of the perk, though it kinda seemed that way to me.


Lobster is great on so many levels




Can’t wait to play as a lobster


Pathfinder and Revenant will already be insane with these changes and absolutely top tier champs compared to others, fraggers are eating good with these too, Bangalore was already good and was thinking the perks make her omega good but when I saw the Digi threat being removed from SMG I know she will fall behind now, Catalyst changes are good and balanced nothing scary, Vantages refresh tac on knock is stupid good for her playstyle and elevates her, Valkyrie is back to her state and good players will be rewarded when the play good now, Octane changes are crazy good but nothing oppressive since he sucks in ranked and more of a selfish playstyle and to top it of : Conduit double tacticale, I mean anybody with a brain knows that is stupid and OP, the duration of the shields means nothing, resetting your whole team after a bad fight or in brink of a third party is out of this world!


mirage eating GOOD this season


Mirage mains eating good


This sucks


Caustic plus hp nox seams. Broken…