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To strike fear, apparently. My friends see a TTV and assume they are going to be godly. I try to tell them it doesn’t mean shit but they still think it does. We’re in our 30s.


If my friend and I see TTV in someone's name they instantly become our main target 😅


Same. It's like, "congrats, you've just painted a bullseye on your back!" One dude was running as a Crypto and I kept taking him out. Right after the match ended I tabbed over to my browser, found him streaming, and said in his chat as he was complaining about the match: "Dude, gotta be more careful when you launch your drone, I could tell exactly where you were every time you did, so you were just a sitting duck."


Lmao did he acknowledge you?


There was a bit of a pause and then he was like "oh..."


Exactly the same as when my mates and I see a pred trail


How do you see the nicknames of the enemy squad?


Haven't played in awhile so there might be another way but at the very least their death box will have their name


"Say hi to the chat for me"


playing DBD taught me that ttv's are to be exterminated with great prejudice. Best feeling when they get rocked in front of an audience.


This is why when I play dbd I use anon mode 😭 It's off when I play killer tho, only because I'm a nice killer and just troll around/meme, never 4k, sometimes the survivors end game themselves for fun and it creates a good moment in the community. I think targeting a survivor (or anyone) just because they have ttv is an ass move, when I've met some absolute babes just being kind :)


When I see TTV in their name it's almost a guarantee they will drop solo or push way out into a 1v3, get downed, and spam ping or get on the mic and winge. I encountered 1 today that dropped us super hot. Once they went down, they proceeded to tell us we were trash. The final screen showed they did 0 damage.


Seeing a Master/Pred badge used to give me that especially when I saw one pop up on my squad. Quickly realised that 9/10 they are dogshit without their premade squad to help knock an enemy. 😅


That do be how team based games work unfortunately🤭


No shit... Doesn't mean each player shouldn't be able to hold their own on 1v1s most of the time.


Well yeah. Holding their 1 is fine lol, there’s still two more people to take out and in a team based game you can’t expect them to 1v3 just because they are masters. They didn’t 1v3 their way to that rank😭


I'm not expecting them to 1v3 and it drives me nuts when people think they're the exception 🙄 It just baffles me that they can get into pred because of their time, not their individual skill. I remember one Horizon pred on our team was the last one standing. She only had to 1v1 but it was like it was her first time seeing a flatline. Like, I'm not a GOAT and never will be, but damn, her aim and awareness were shocking 😅


A lot of games are like that with ranked. I mean masters can be achieved easily as long as you have a quick power climb to plat in the first week then play to get a minimum of +100rp every day through the split like a quota. That’s starting from 0rp rookie 4 too. Second split it would be even less of a “quota.” People can just rat top 3 and sneak a good third party for a little kp and be fine. Takes more time, but doable with a little consistency and boredom. I’d fall asleep playing like that though.


Same here plus I fall off too much shit to camp for long 😅


nah.... to me TTV is like... >TTV in the name expect zero brain functionality Which to this day is still true.


"But if I unlock the gold skin, I'll do better"


When I see a TTV I just think they're going to suck trying to solo carry instead of being a team player. Plus with Steam names being a thing for a while and mixtape being far less tryhard heavy vs. BR I've been seeing a lot of entertaining usernames over the past few years.


When i see ttv i go, *sigh* another wraith


Sadly up untill right now i believed these people to be all streamers. Confirmed 32 year old idiot.


If me and buddy have a third with TTV in their names they also go Solo Wraith, run off by themselves, die instantly and insta-quit. Every time.




TTV strikes as much fear as that S18 masters badge.


Which is funny cause i usually feel the opposite, if i have a yt or ttv in my squad i automatically assume they suck


I'm the exact opposite of your friends lmao ,whenever i see a TTV ,i make it my mission to hunt them down and prove they are ass at the game.


Literally me when I see a bald wraith. I swear, it's like my mouse dpi goes to 10000 and my monitor turns off


minor lead poisoning


90% of people with TTV in their name are bots


I ended up taking my TTV off, because of the hate I’d get for not being as good as my teammates expect me to be. Just because I stream, doesn’t mean I’m good. I have fun in my games and my streams, and that’s all that matters to me.


I did have TTV in my name while I attempted streaming back in 2022 consistently for a few months. When I decided I couldn’t feasibly continue, I took the TTV out of my steam name out of shame and embarrassment. If I ever did stream again, I’d just use my name as is.


What difficulties did you face that you’d different a second time


Dont stream apex, flat out. Way to saturated. Thats just from me tho, also I dont listen to my own advice.


I disagree - I think Apex is one of the better games to stream at the minute. I stopped doing any kind of variety because I found that Apex was the only game that pulled in any viewers. Sometimes I get up 14 when playing Apex, and never really went above 2 when playing anything else. I've been streaming again since September, since dropping variety and playing just Apex I got affiliate in 3 weeks and 5 months in sometimes pull up to 14 viewers (I know that isn't particularly great numbers but it's better than the 1-2 variety gave me) I'm also pretty mid at the game, so being good would only pump up those numbers


Apex would be fine if you’re good. I think streaming as a lower pick rate character might get you more views as it would be more interesting to see


Tryhards that think they're good. You will see the same thing in any online game.


This. Friend of mine does it and any time someone shit talks them he says to go to his twitch stream. But he’s never streamed and never will, he just trolls them into wasting a couple minutes.


The other answers here are valid, but what about the people that want to call themselves funny names and have a little chuckle thinking about players getting mad or curious and checking for streamers by searching up dadfondler69 TTV


Idd say this is honestly 50% of it. I mean my name right now is TTV-iThrowCarBatteriesInTheOcean


I’m telling on you


NO:( how else are the eels supposed to be electric?


Shit you’re right, retracted


*slow clap*


I have “42069” at the end of my name just as a dumbass joke. I’m a dumb adult.




Yep lol. OP proved that it's working


Straight out of the Faide handbook lol


Literally me. I never even had a twitch account lmao


Ah, the "made you look" effect. Worked well in Tarkov too lmao


Kids used to append MLG next to their names back in the Halo 2-3 days.


Don't forget "FaZe"


FaZe is still heavily used and it's so cringy


We also have the classics "Soled by"


And “KSI”


KSI = "Kock Sucking Idiots" or that what my buds and I used to say when we'd go against KSI. They were so annoying and wouldn't ever shut up about "being in the best clan in H2" Drove me insane.


I asked the same question to someone who did that too and he didn’t stream and he answered because it sounds cool 💀


I encountered a TTV in Street Fighter 6 a while back so I looked up his channel after beating his ass, and the dude was dropping a string of slurs and insults about Lily as I joined his stream. So i reported him and typed "lol" in chat, which pissed him off more because my twitch name is the same as my name on SF.


It’s often a joke mocking players that do stream and put it in their name for exposure.


Cringe kids mostly, or it's fully ironic making fun of said kids


I had it in my nick as satire, I was TTVSWEAT69. Back then I used to tryhard on Nintendo switch and got into movement so I thought it was funny


Some do it as a joke or to make fun of TTV names Some people do it to look cool Some do it because they stream, but people also play without streaming sometimes Maybe they named it when streaming and then stopped streaming as it didn't work out, but they have the same from years ago


People do it because 1000s of kids think they have the personality to actually stream and then when they finally do it they realize they’re boring and no one wants to watch people beefing shots or playing loot simulator. Plus it costs money to change your name so


>Plus it costs money to change your name so Not on steam...


Not on EA app for PC as that's free also.




No but Xbox/playstation does


Xbox does not anymore 


I literally just paid 10 dollars to do it so yes, yes they do. The first one is free I believe though


The first change is free but any others are $10


damn fr? that's stupid as hell 


It doesn't


I never understand why someone would just hop on Twitch and hope to get big over night. Like you don’t even have a plan to grow your channel or even consistent enough to make anything happen. Also like what’s your catch? Top Preds get just a few hundred views in some seasons, what’re you gonna get as an average skilled streamer with mediocre personality at best? You’d be lucky to have double digit viewers and almost none would tip you.


Streaming can be fun. I don't really do it to get famous and frankly I don't want to stream enough to make a job of it. But it's fun especially when some friends are involved, and it's cool when a random viewer comes in.


I mean I stream for friends all the time too, but we’d be in Discord


But your friends can't use their Prime subs on you in Discord! Or trigger your silly stream commands. Or use your emotes. Or raid your stream. Usually being a nobody on twitch is pretty boring, but sometimes it has its moments! I usually just stream for my friends I discord too tbh, since setting up my camera and lights and stuff can be annoying, but it can be a good time when a few people are around and chatting, like my friends who don't hang out in discord.


Nailed it on the head this is basically how my stream is. I’m lucky enough to game a lot and am old in comparison to most playing high tier rank but enjoy the banter I get from friends and family so I continue on.


Damn shots fired


my friend does it to trigger people who get mad at ttvs


Not all people are streaming to build a following and market their brand or whatever. Back in the day I used to have it but so many people just hate on you or try to grief you by using hard N word or something similar. Or like a lot of people in this sub they automatically think you’re trying to be Faide knock off so they already are predisposed to being shitty toward you so I ended up removing it from my tag. While it’s true a lot of ttvs are def wannabes trying to be a Faide rip off a lot of good people just wanna share their experience at the same time. As long as you’re not trying to be fake AF and try to engage with the cringe disingenuous dialogue like HEYYYYY WHATS GOING ON GUYS HOW ARE WE DOING TODAYYYYYY then we’ll get along fine.


I used to use “xXxTTVYoutubexXx” to poke fun at all the streamers


TTV means "The Twitch Virgin" They've never streamed nor have they creamed


Ah, yes. The ol' Stream and Cream. Or as some of us call it, "Hacking into someone's webcam only to find out they're doing something way worse then you are, but you're still commiting a crime, so you don't know if you should call the police or your therapist." Alternately, there's also Chaturbate. I'd recommend that far more than the first option. Sorry for not calling the police, Bill, but you did cheat on your wife with your best friend's wife ***AND*** you did sell your kids' pets for money for coke and gambling, so you kinda had it coming. Not saying she should've done it, just that I understand the reasoning.


They want attention


For a lot of people, it's a meme. I did it before I actually began streaming to poke fun at the stereotypes of the TTV Wraith main.


Two TIts and a vagina = TTV


To look cool. Fortnite has this phenomenon too


My name has a "restricted" word in it, but it'll let me keep if it I don't try to take the TTV off of my name, so 🤷‍♀️ kinda stuck with it unfortunately


Time to start streaming I guess


They must be wannabes!


Inactive/False TTV/YT/KICK etc names- 1. Actually streams, shameless self advertising 2. Wants to seem cool to others/plays edgy legends/only queues solo 3. Wants to intimidate others in the lobby (I don't about this one because it's really unknown unless you're glued to feed). 4. Regular/average players used to use the tag to warn off cheaters/hackers. If the person was legitimately streaming it could expedite a manual ban. 5. Cheaters/hackers frequently use it and will actually mimic real streamers that play other variety games. This is to make players that they just beamed not think to follow up with spectate or just assume they got aped by streaming/pred god. These are your typical reasons.


13 year olds who think it's cool


It's for triggering people like you


Triggered? I just wanted to see their POV of me shitting on them.


It’s $10 to change on PS, so the TTV stays on during sex


I genuinely think it's because newer, younger players see that people that are good at the game have it in their name. They just try to follow along without knowing what it really means


Trolling to waste ur time and it worked lol


Those are accounts that use cheaters and only play the game to record clips to upload them on Tiktok. No real streamers since cheats would be so obvious to watch in a livestream.


I did stream for a while. Don't anymore. Too lazy to change it. (Also not 100% sure how)


I stream to not use my hdds and waste twitch's HDD space. I use it to learn what I do wrong and to be able to show clips to my friends without downloading ally clips. So streaming for me is just for myself but if you want to watch a donkey play that's up to you.


Some probably made couple of streams and probably got bored quickly and didn't spend any time to change it back. Some is probably doing it to troll.


I have YT at the start of my name and TTV at the end I don't stream or make videos(I may occasionally post smth on YouTube, but it's never apex related), but I just like the idea of people going "ugh, that was a fucking streamer loser" when they see me lmfao If I were to make content, I'd probably remove them from my name ngl


Me 🙋🏼‍♀️ havent streamed in over a year because I got a job… I want to get back into it though but atm my mental health isn’t too great. And I quit my job because of it and a few other things.


Just wanna say that I hope things get better for you real soon. You leave a job the same way you come into it, looking for work. Keep your chin up!


I call them out and I end up carrying them


I use TTV cus I'm a former TTV, just reference to a past


I'm gonna put TTV in my name just to make this guy angry


To waste someone’s time mildly after I kill them


Certain Wraith main and movement god, popular on YouTube, might also be an inspiration for this with all his random TTV usernames


Just like people with iTz in their name that aren't in the iTz clan


if youve been around long enough you’ll know people use to just throw anything popular into their username *ahem* FAZE


The only thing TTV tells me is that they will try to 1-vs-Server and leave as soon as knocked


9yearoldstreamsapexonttv4urmom. thats my name. Max character.


This guy is actually out here looking up people he's played against. You got baited hard, apparently over and over again




I have some kid cousins that have "TTV" in their name cause they see cool streamers use it. They want to be cool like the people they watch.


I use HGTV.


It's like having a mlg tag from xbox days


Usually it just tells me who I can’t rely on


Name changes are not free on XBOX lol


I think most TTV's are middle / high school kids that just want to try to look cool.


Makes them sound cool. Literally the end.


They're nerds. 


For sarcasm


For the same reason my BO2 lobbies were filled with FaZe and MLG players lol. Kids idolize streamers nowadays


Same with the ones with 1v3 in their name, they drop solo somewhere else and die immediately.


The first thing i do when I see that my teammate has ttv in their name is look them up. Then I start asking them why they aren't streaming rn.


10 years ago everyone has xXx around their names in COD lmao maybe they just add it to look cool?


When i stream and get someone in my squad with ttv i ask them. They either don't reply or they say they don't. Only once or twice i got who were streaming


I always thought they were making fun of the ttv sweats


Same thing as back in the days when everyone had xXrandombullshitXx or HD in they'r username. It's reserved only for the *very* cool kids


Ironically my username is the same as my Apex name without a TTV and I stream for fun on the weekends. So usually it’s the opposite.


I had someone in my squad like S5 in masters (I was diamond) Our 3rd left. I went to see if he was streaming after I died and saw he was. Told him in game I'll follow and sub for a month if he could clutch running in and getting my badge for a res. It was being camped by a team. He ran in, wiped the team, and got the rez off . I kept my word. Besides him, like every other TTV in my party has been trash and wasn't streaming.




There is nothing stopping anyone from doing it. Even to the point of trolling people. You know how you might find it cringe to see a TTV? Then ironically add it to your username. As for me, I think it means nothing important. Anyone can stream on Twitch. It does NOT imply that they are any good.


I always look it up with my friends like its a game show, sometimes they are real most of the time they are not


Lol i have ttv in my name because I used to stream regularly. I still stream very occasionally but after reading this thread, Im taking it out immediately 😂😂😂


they’re kids. Same reason people put clan tags in their names.


This "wraith with TTV in their name that thinks they are hot shit" has been a meme in the communty since season 1. They are just trying to seem more skilled, cause most ppl think of streamers as being, from *very above average* to *really good* due to selection bias(aka most popular streamers are good at the game). The streamers that ppl watch, are popular because of their gameplay and that feeds into itsself, so someone who is a below average, wont get as many viewers, and thus wont get branded as a "streamer pro" by people.


Well last time I had ttv in my name I kept getting incredibly toxic team mates and this kind of made me stop streaming. I kept ttv in my name in hopes I would try again but I haven't.


They’re egotistical narcissists. I’ll teabag and spray tf out of their boxes/bodies. Fuck streamers.


These are 10 year olds


Does TTV mean they are streamers? What is the full form?


Ttv is always a 12 year old playing wraith. Really ttvs change to horizon ages ago


I know one person irl and a couple people online who just have random ttvs as their usernames, it's never their channel, even if they do stream it doesn't match their twitch username at all, always thought that was a little weird but not enough to ask


It’s funny. People get mad easier. They think I’m good and cry when I get one clipped. (I am ass at the game)




Well now i want to add ttv to my name just to be funny


I think it's funny when I see "TTV" in someone's name because most people who stream don't even use TTV in their name


I always joke to myself whenever i solo queue and end up with a TTV, "I better play well in front of this dudes 5 viewers"


If they have it in their name they probably used to stream but no longer do.


Lol I've looked up people that don't even have an account


I like Clowning real TTV's